Mausritter Adventure Chapel of Peace

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Treasure Promises of clarity, wisdom, and eternal peace are attracting mice

d6 Treasure from all over to the ruins of the Old Chapel, occupied by a small sect
1 Random spell
of clerical mice with a mysterious philosophy.
2 Medicinal herbs (Cures Diseased Condition,
but makes you very drowsy, 150p) Lead by Reverend Goldenfur, the sect travels the countryside in search
3 Small golden holy symbol (Keep ghosts at of mice to convert, directing them to their sacred Chapel. Those who
bay, 450p)
join, they promise, shall finally see the Truth, preparing them for
4 Dry wafer (Heal full HP in Short Rest; 200p)
Eternal Peace.
5 Golden letter opener (Heavy, d10, 800p).
6 Cloak of enlightenment (Advantage to WIL Of course, those that go must part ways with all their earthly belong-
Saves while worn, makes you haughty) ings, donating it all to the Chapel of Eternal Peace, who will only use
it to further the reach of their philosophy.
The truth is, however, much darker.
Goldenfur is an accomplice of the Cat Witch Sabrina, who gifted him
Spells with a magical amulet he uses to influence others. All in exchange for
Blinding Touch
Give the Blind Condition to touched
Hold the spell for a day, in a dangerous
some mice to power the Cat’s rituals. Goldenfur is now a well-known,
respected, and sometimes feared figure in the nearby mouse settle- The
2 Shadow Tendrils
creature. Clears after [DICE] turns.
[DICE] creatures are entangled and
cannot move. STR Save to break free.
place, without opening your eyes.
Bind the spell with a rope and leave it in
complete darkness for three days.
ments, but few know of his shady alliance.
3 Strength
Advantage on STR saves, +[DICE] to
Damage for [DICE] Turns.
Soak in the sweat of a creature that has
exercised heavily. Adventure hooks
Makes [DICE] individuals treat you as a Cover the spell in honey. Refresh each d6 Hook
4 Sweet Words
trusted friend for [SUM] turns. morning for three days.
1 Heloise, daughter of farming mice, has gone missing. Her brother Milaster has
gone to find her, but their parents fear for both of them.

2 It is said that Goldenfur holds many ancient tomes of forbidden knowledge.
3 The son of Festus, a notable Burghermouse has become a convert. He is dis-
Conditions pleased, and will pay well if you can convince his son to return.
4 A former monk speaks of riches hidden in the Chapel of Eternal Peace.
Blind Mellow 5 A rare medicinal flower is grown in the Chapel’s gardens, but Goldenfur is
Cannot see. Disadvantage on WIL Saves. refusing to trade it to non-believers.
Must pass WIL Save to take
All attacks Impaired.
aggressive actions. 6 The mouse wizard Murrelet is owed a great number of pips for magical Diogo Nogueira
ingredients, but Goldenfur is refusing to pay. Collect the debt.
Clear: Clear:
Tears of a faerie After long rest
Gained from the Blinding Gained from drinking or
Touch spell. bathing in the Writing & illustration: Diogo Nogueira | Design: Isaac Williams
Purification Bucket. Editing: Andre Novoa & Isaac Williams | Proofreading: Matthew Pook
© Copyright 2021 Losing Games | Licensed to Games Omnivorous
d6 Encounter 1. Vegetable Garden 7. Hands of God
Narrow plots of turned soil. Overgrown with weeds. Serenity and intrigue, nestled amongst the stone.
1 2d6 Converts, wandering in a daze, serenely repeating Goldenfur’s praises.
• Sliced tubers drying in the sun. • Reverend Goldenfur and d6 Monks, meditating
2 1d6+3 Guards, hired to keep prying eyes away from the chapel’s interior. • 2d6 Converts, peacefully toiling in the garden. or meeting prized converts.
3 1d6+3 Guards, carrying an unconscious mouse to the bushes outside of the chapel. • In a fenced plot: A carefully tended catnip plant. • A wealthy merchant mouse, offering their riches
4 Milaster the Rebel, searching for his sister. (an emerald worth 500p) to finally find peace.
2. Front Entrance
1d6+2 Monks in trance, ordered to look for intruders.
Reverend Goldenfur conducting a tour for 2d6 recently arrived Converts.
8 Heavy door, swollen with time and water damage.
• d6 Monks welcoming pilgrims, praising Goldenfur.
• Hidden between the fingers: Two spell tablets.

8. Roof Lair
• Opening or closing the door requires several mice. Musty rafters, dust swirling in the darkness.
• Goldenfur’s stash of valuables and gifts from
3. Community Benches Converts. 2d6 x 100p worth of pips, jewelry, and art.
Convert Corrupted Rose Dozens of tents strung under wooden pews. • Two random Treasures.
2hp, STR 8, DEX 10, WIL 8 6hp, STR 12, DEX 12, WIL 12 • First row: 2d10 Pilgrims camping. Waiting to make
Attacks: None
Always under Mellow Condition.
Attacks: d6 brambles or,
d4 pollen burst (Damages WIL, bypass HP)
10 donations and bathe in the Purification Bucket.
• Second row: 20-odd Converts live here, some
• Notes on the construction of a new spell to en-
slave a cat. A letter from Murrelet (The Wizard of
Arms and Armour) detailing ingredients required,
with their families in tow. They have given away including catnip infused with mouse blood.
Wants to find meaning in an empty life

Wants to be free of their corruption (but drinking blood
will do in the meantime) 5 7 most of their belongings.
• d6 Guards looking for valuables to “confiscate”. 9. Back Entrance
Reverend Goldenfur • In a hollow under a pew leg: Hidden Treasure. Collapsed stones, muddy floor.
4hp, STR 12, DEX 10, WIL 8 • In the dirt, cat paw prints leading towards the
Attacks: d8 spear or d6 javelin 10hp, STR 11, DEX 12, WIL 14 4. Altar of Conversion Rose Bushes.
Attacks: d8 ornate staff Golden chalice atop a weathered wooden platform. • Milaster is here, investigating missing mice.
Wants to get paid, or find a better deal

Spells: Sweet Words, Blinding touch, Shadow Tendrils
Can only cast spells while wearing Sabrina’s Amulet. 4 6
• Rickety wooden ladder: To top of platform.
• d6 Pilgrims, bearing offerings and making their 10. Rose Bushes
While wearing Amulet, can influence any mice with way to the Purification Bucket. Tangled and dense. Smell of fear.
3hp, STR 10, DEX 11, WIL 12 Mellow Condition. • d6 Guards, waiting for a chance to pocket some loot. • At night, Goldenfur brings Converts here to be
Attacks: d6 staff
Spells: Heal or Strength Wants power and influence, no matter how he gets it
9 • Miscellany of valuables worth 3d6 x 10p. taken by Sabrina the Cat Sorcerer.
• Brass bell. If rung, Sabrina will arrive in 2d6 Turns.
5. Purification Bucket • Trail of blood. Scraps of mouse clothes caught
Wants to find purpose and peace through Goldenfur Leaky wooden bucket. Dark, stale-smelling water. on a branch. At the end of the trail, d6 Corrupted
Milaster, the Rebel • d6 oddly-serene Converts and Monks, soaking in Roses, lapping at a pool of blood.
the murky water. • Treasure hidden amongst rotting leaves.
4hp, STR 12, DEX 8, WIL 11
Attacks: d8 sword, d6 short bow
2 3 • Each Turn in the bucket, gain a Mellow Condition.
• If a mouse gains three Mellow Conditions, they
Wants to find his sister Heloise, and the truth of the Chapel become a Convert. All carried items are donated
to the Chapel.

6. Statue
1 Towering, covered in moss and lichen. A sense of calm.
• d6+1 Monks, meditating.
• Climbing the statue requires appropriate equipment
or a STR Save. On Failure, take Exhausted Condition.
• Aura of passivity: Make a WIL Save to take any
aggressive action here.

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