Lllyl: (T) : - LST L

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I ,'.-ill I ,o.Il-..!t FJ^ill 'o-,,;ljJ
l...rtrl1 .+IS - 4$l-"ll i*tJl
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, t i-r-- l-r-lr 4-lJDll) llElt il-lt
crtcrd{tn''-: jvtr 32'i (
O^J'il I); p) t.tv-zotg srr-llr -l-lJr-;rilrj-itr-*rk.ilor-Llr
lii e!-i i.,.,*i i,p lLlYl 4ir-o-xll u,.Jl J irr. JJrsIyr 4+-Lrrr ;,r,r':,rr cs+ .il+Jr 3l cr€L Jrr
Ci qb),r
Q1// Answer Two out of Three:- (20 Degrees totar)
a)Calculate the FFT for the signal x(n):( 1, 1,1 , 1,0,0,0,0) (10 Degrees)
b)Calculate the spectrum for the periodic function (t):e(*) in the period -l<tsl(ro Degrees)
c)Calculate Fourier Transform for the analog signal (t): A where the function exists
only in the period -lst<l (10 Degrees)

Q2l/ Answer Two out of Three:- (20 Degrees total)

a)Find Laplace Transform for x(t): 1* g(t)* g(t) * sin(V2)* cos(V2) (10 Degrees)

b)Find Laplace Inverse Transform for X(s) : Ln (10 Degrees)

c)calculate system response for the cct shown below if the x(t):p(t) (10 Degrees)
x (t)
Y (t)

Q3// Answer Two out of Three:- (20 Degrees total)

a)Find Z-Transform for x(n) (n)* U(n) * : .(n+3) (r0

b)Find Z't-Transform for X(z)

(Z : - +t)
\/ (Z' +22
-O.O4Z -0.04)'--
c)Find the response for the system shown in figure below:-
(10 Degrees)

Q4// Answer The following:- (20 Degrees total)

a) Find the convolution for X(n) & Y(n) Using FFT algorithm only where:- (10 Degrees)
X(n)=-1 2 -3 | & Y(n)=l 3 -2 I

b) find the correlation between X(n) & Y(n) where:- X(n)= (-l ,2, -3 , 1) & Y(n):(1 ,3,-2,1)
(10 Degrees)
Q5// Answer The following:- (20 Degrees total)

a)Calculate the Wavelet Packet Transform to the 3rd level for the signal:-
x(n):{ 1,2 ,3, I , -l , -2 , -3 , -l} (10 Degrees)

-!s .itj_!t .rlc elll.. r I


ullt .''-,tt r-..rirll
J .,IJl dlJl
:rltflliJl 6tS+.ill i*rlA 6."i
- ils - l5l-"lt i*Ul
(irr- lJl J i..!-- tr-lt {-l1rll) i.il-ill i.l-!l
..3Let. !:)t3 -; rJ.jl . I V-201g
drjlr JJJI -sJulr cl-ilt -,.itrjll 6t-:.!t

b)Design a BSF with the following specifications:- (I0 Degrees)

1- a -3.0103db upper & lower cutoff frequency of 50 Hz &20KHz

2- a stop band attenuation of -20 db at 20 Hz & 451(Itz
Q6// Solve Five from the following:- (20 Dcgrccs total)
a)Find FT for (t)=p(t) (4 Dcgrees)
b)Calculate WPT and the IWPT for the signal x(n) : { l, - I} (4 Dcgrces)
c)prove that the convolution and the correlation for the given signals is the same:- (4 Degrees)
x(n):(l,2,3,2,l) &. y(n):(-l,I,0,I,-l)
d)Find L-' 1X1s1;= cosh(s) (4 Degrees)
e)Find Z.T. for x(n) = cos (nw) (4 Degrees)
f) Design an analog HPF using butter worth with the following specifications:- (4 Degrees)
1-pass band coefficient is -3.03db with pass band frequency of 20 radlsec
2-stop band coefficient is -30 db with stop band frequency of 30 rad/sec

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