Copenhagen Guide
Copenhagen Guide
Copenhagen Guide
Transportation Country Statistics
Food Weather
Culture & Humor Sightseeing
Alcohol & Drugs Money & Prices
Sex & Tolerance Hotels & Hostels
Electricity & Internet Copenhagen Map
Biking Trains
Most Danes own a bicycle, and more Trains stop at major stations in
than a third use it daily to get to work. Copenhagen and connect
There are dedicated bicycle lanes on Copenhagen to the rest of Denmark.
most roads, making it a safe and Trains from the Central Station also
easy way to get around, especially if connect Copenhagen to Sweden and
you are sightseeing. You can rent a Germany.
bike for about USD $15 / EUR €10
per day or use one of the clunky, but Tickets
free community bikes (if you can find
A two zone ticket (USD $4 / EUR €3)
is valid for 1 hour and will get you
almost anywhere in Copenhagen.
Public buses Save money by getting a ten trip card
The yellow public buses leave every 5 (USD $24 / EUR €18) from a vending
or 10 minutes. You can jump on and machine at any station. Tickets are
off as you please, as long as you valid for all types of public
Geography have a valid ticket. Public buses
Denmark is the southernmost of transportation, the only exception
number 5A, 33 or 250S stop close to being bicycle tickets.
the Scandinavian countries and
consists of the peninsula Jutland
my studio.
and 406 islands. Taxis
The metro Taxis are easy to recognize since
The capital Copenhagen is located The metro runs every 3 minutes. You most are Mercedes-Benz and have a
on the biggest island, Zealand. can bring your bike in the metro as TAXI sign on the roof. The average
long as you buy a ticket for it and fare within central Copenhagen is
Population avoid peak hours. The metro goes USD $30 / EUR €25.
5.5 million straight from the airport to various
locations in central Copenhagen in
1 million people live in Copenhagen
exactly 15 minutes. From the airport
you need to buy a three zone ticket
Language (USD $6 / EUR €4.50). My studio is More than a
The native language is Danish third of all Danes
right next to the Islands Brygge metro
English is mandatory in school for a station. bike to work or
minimum of seven years, so most school
Danes speak it fluently.
Parliamentary democracy
Danish krone (DKK)
Restaurants Fast food
There are many excellent restaurants There are pizza parlors all over
in Copenhagen, including 13 with Copenhagen. A regular pizza costs
Michelin stars. Copenhagen is also about USD $8 / EUR €6. McDonald’s,
home to Noma, the best restaurant in Burger King and Kentucky Fried
the world according to the San Chicken are mostly located near the
Pellegrino Awards. central shopping street. A small size
Big Mac menu is USD $8 / EUR €6.
Prices start at USD $25 / EUR €20
per course in most restaurants. A The cheapest take-out food is middle
bottle of coke costs USD $5 / EUR €4 eastern or Turkish food such as
and a beer is USD $8 / EUR €6. shawarma (grilled meat in a roll), Seasons
available in cheap pizza parlors or Spring: April - May
Summer: June - August
Tipping dedicated shawarma places. Prices
Autumn: September - November
Tipping is not the norm and is not start at USD $5 / EUR €4.
Winter: December - March
expected anywhere. If you decide to
tip anyway, anything from USD $4 / When to visit
EUR €3 and up will be considered The weather is pleasant from the
polite. beginning of May to the end of
September. Temperatures peak at
23℃ (73 ℉) in the summer.
What to wear
Even during the summer you
Traditional Danish should bring some warm clothing
lunch is open faced for the occasional windy day. All
other seasons require layering, a
rye bread sandwiches winter coat, a hat and a scarf.
called Smørrebrød
The longest pedestrian/shopping
street in the world. Shops are open
from 10 AM to 17.30 PM.
The oldest amusement park in the
An experimental freetown in
Dinner Breakfast Copenhagen.
A three course meal for dinner is not Breakfast consists of white bread
uncommon. The starter is a light dish with cheese and jam, fruit yoghurt or DR Koncerthuset
such as a piece of smoked salmon or milk with cereal, oatmeal, pastry, The award winning USD $300
a soup, the main course is some type coffee and a glass of orange juice. million Copenhagen Concert Hall.
of meat with potatoes and gravy, and
dessert is typically ice cream or a Tap water Rosenborg Slot
piece of chocolate cake. A beautiful and charming palace,
The tap water in Denmark is among also displaying the crown jewels.
the cleanest in the world, so you can
Lunch safely drink it. It is even cleaner than Cisternerne
Danes traditionally eat open faced rye bottled mineral water - believe it or A centuries old underground water
bread sandwiches for lunch. The not. reservoir with amazing acoustics.
bread is topped with slices of meat,
sausage, fish, cheese or spreads. Organic food Nyhavn
Beer is the beverage of choice. Try Organic food is available in all An idyllic harbor area with sailboats
Schønnemann, near Nørreport, but supermarkets. and restaurants.
remember to reserve a table.
Quality of life Sense of humor
Copenhagen was recently voted the Danes generally have a dry sense of
best city in the world for its quality of humor. The language is full of irony,
life by Wallpaper Magazine. And as sometimes bordering sarcasm.
reported by Oprah during her visit in
Denmark, the OECD surveyed the Many Danes use the same kind of
Danes as the happiest people in the irony when they speak with
world. foreigners, which is sometimes
misunderstood as insulting or as
Free education and medical care verbal jabbing. If you feel offended by
One of the reasons for this happiness something a Dane said, there is a
are the many social benefits such as good chance he was making a
free education (including college and deadpan joke with you.
university), free medical care and
paid maternity leave. Greeting
From home When meeting someone for the first
Exchange USD $100 / EUR €75 Tourists get free medical care in the time you shake his or her hand, smile
into Danish kroner (DKK) before case of emergencies. Pre-existing and say your name. Polite phrases
leaving for Denmark, in order to conditions are not covered, so make such as “nice to meet you” are not
have some cash when you arrive at sure you have travel insurance.
the airport.
commonly used in Denmark, so do
not feel offended if you are not
Getting cash
Community always getting the expected verbal
In Denmark you can use Because Denmark is a small country response.
MasterCard, American Express or and the population is quite
preferably a VISA enabled debit homogenous there is a strong sense
card to withdraw money from any of community and solidarity. Wallpaper
ATM, located all over Copenhagen Magazine voted
and at the airport. Copenhagen is in the top 20 of safest Copenhagen the
cities in the world.
Most banks use a slightly higher best city in the
currency exchange rate than the world
offical one to cover their expenses.
Price index
Bottled mineral water
USD $2 / EUR €1.50
Cup of coffee
USD $5 / EUR €4
Drinking Smoking
Danes are fond of drinking socially, Smoking is not allowed inside public
especially beer. During the weekend buildings, restaurants, bars and
it is not uncommon to see very drunk clubs.
people partying in the street -
including teenagers. This is tolerated
with an indulgent smile by everyone, Marijuana
including parents and the police, as Possession of marijuana has been
there is no legal drinking age. illegal since 2004 and can be subject
to a fine. However, it is sold openly in
Since the ancient Vikings ruled Christiania, an experimental freetown
Denmark, binge drinking has been in Copenhagen. A majority of the
used to bond with friends and Copenhagen city council voted to
strangers alike. legalize marijuana, but it is currently
up to the Department of Justice.
Danish exports
LEGO (toys)
Skype (Internet communication)
Vikings (ancient berserkers)
Carlsberg (beer)
Ecco (comfort shoes)
Royal Copenhagen (porcelain)
IO Interactive (video games)
Danish Bacon
Danish Pastry
Blue Cheese
Voltage Laptop power supplies
Denmark uses 230 volts, 50 Hz.
Wakeup Copenhagen Hotel** Laptop power supplies such as the
Location: Near the Central Station one for the MacBook will
Standard Economy Room Plug type automatically switch voltage. There
Per night: USD $93 / EUR €69 The standard is an ungrounded two- are several Apple stores in pronged plug called the Europlug, Copenhagen where you can buy the
used in all of continental Europe. necessary plug (USD $14 / EUR €11),
Cab Inn City Hotel** There is a round variation for larger if you do not bring your own.
Location: Near the Central Station devices, which carries the same
Standard Economy Room voltage. Variations of the round plug
Per night: USD $95 / EUR €73 Music gear
have a third prong for the grounding Some devices have a voltage switch
and require a matching socket. on the back. Make sure you have the
Cab Inn Express Hotel** right type of fuse inserted.
Location: Frederiksberg Small appliances
Standard Economy Room Small 120 volts appliances such as Internet
Per night: USD $87 / EUR €65 shavers and battery chargers will Wireless broadband connections are automatically switch to the correct available free of charge in many cafés
voltage. If you do not have a and in all hotels.
Tivoli Hotel*** matching cable with a Europlug at the
Location: Near the Central Station end, you can buy one in Denmark for
Standard Room
My studio has a wireless 20/2 Mbit
about USD $10 / EUR €8.
Per night: USD $178 / EUR €138 connection.
Includes free entrance to Tivoli
Sleep In Heaven
Location: Nørrebro
Dormitory bed Copenhagen
Per night: USD $25 / EUR €19 Hotel
Holger Lagerfeldt studio Kongens Nytorv Metro station Cisternerne
Islands Brygge Metro station Nørreport Station (Metro and trains) Zoo
Central Station (trains and buses) Skt. Petri Hotel Humac Apple Store
Wakeup Copenhagen Hotel Cab Inn City Hotel Christianshavn Metro station
Strøget walking street and central Danhostel Copenhagen City Glyptoteket museum
shopping area (Indre By)
F Tivoli Hotel Forum Metro station
Tivoli amusement park
P Not pictured
G Rosenborg Slot DR Koncerthuset concert hall is right by
Red light district the DR Byen Metro station.
H Cab Inn Express Hotel Other sights
Christiania freetown Botanical Garden, Gammel Kongevej
R (specialist shopping), Christianshavn
I Sleep In Heaven (artifical island neighborhood), The
Nyhavn Opera.
From Copenhagen Airport Wakeup Copenhagen Hotel
Take the M2 metro from Copenhagen Cab Inn City Hotel
Airport (Lufthavnen). One direction
Tivoli Hotel
Danhostel Copenhagen City
The metro is at the far end of Get off at Nørreport Station. At the
Terminal 3. Terminal 3 is where you street level you can take a taxi
exit from the baggage claim and directly to your hotel (approx. USD
customs, so simply walk straight $23 / EUR €17).
ahead and take the elevator up to the
metro platform. Another option is to take the elevator
from the metro to the train platform,
This metro leaves every four minutes and take any train towards the
during the daytime and every six Central Station (two stops). From
minutes in the evening. It is nine there it is ten minutes on foot for any
stops to Nørreport Station and takes of the above hotel.
15 minutes.
Cheapest drinks
If you stay at the Danhostel Mexibar (near Skt. Hans Torv)
Kitsch decor and crammed with
You will need to buy a 3 zone ticket in Copenhagen City it is a 15 minutes people. Try the Strawberry
a vending machine (USD $6 / EUR walk. Walk to the town square near Margarita.
€4.50). the shopping street, continue ahead
after turning right on the corner. The The (almost) traditional
hostel is located near the waterfront,
Skt. Petri Hotel The Moose (near Strøget)
just before the bridge. Reasonable prices and down to
Get off at Nørreport Station. Walk
down Nørregade and turn left. It is earth bartenders. Tagging is
five minutes on foot. The studio allowed on the walls.
Take the M1 metro towards
Vestamager and get off at Islands Party with the stars
Cab Inn Express Hotel Zen (near Nørreport)
Brygge station.
Sleep In Heaven Dress sharp and act posh if you
Do not get off at Nørreport Station, want to get into this night club. Ask
At the street level go to the
but one stop later at Forum Station. It me to be put on the guest list.
intersection. A hundred meters on
is ten minutes on foot for the Cab Inn your left there is a 7-Eleven on the
Express Hotel. It is 15 minutes for Concerts
corner. Walk towards the 7-Eleven Vega (on Vesterbro)
Sleep In Heaven, since you will need and continue straight ahead down
to cross the Åboulevarden street. Good acoustics and musical
Njalsgade. Soon there is a Super diversity. The most popular place to
Brugsen convenience store on the experience music.
right side of Njalsgade. Follow the
The instructions on my website: Best party in town
Copenhagen Jazzhouse (near Strøget)
contact.html Despite the focus on jazz, the place
Metro was voted is transformed into a DJ club at
best in the midnight.
I Like To Move It
Culture Box (near Strøget)
Danish and international DJs play
electronic club music to the early
Last chance
Hong Kong (in Nyhavn)
This is where you have your last
drink and pick up someone equally