Syllabus Booklet 2024-G10

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This Syllabus Booklet has been prepared exclusively for students

appearing in Board Exams, faculty and parents of GMIS Semarang to

know about the subjects offered, detailed syllabus & format of the
question papers etc. for the school year 2023-2024.

The information contained herein is complete and utmost care has

been taken to verify its accuracy. However, if there are any
amendments from Controller of Examinations, they will be shared
with all stakeholders at the earliest.
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These annual examinations are monitored and controlled by the BSEISI
which stands for the Board of Secondary Education Indian schools,
Indonesia. The BSEISI is an autonomous education body authorized to
conduct the board examinations at grade 10 (Matriculation) levels.
Matriculation Pass Certificate is awarded to the successful candidates
of this examination and is recognized as equivalent to the Indian
schools Grade 10 Certificate (10+2 scheme) from Association of Indian
Universities, New Delhi , India.

Board’s completion certificate has wide international acceptance and

acts as a stepping stone in getting admissions to prestigious
universities in Indonesia and abroad.

|Page 2
Matriculation – Grade 10
Subjects Offered – Academic Year 2023-24
English as Second Language (ESL) & General English

Bahasa Indonesia -Beg / Bahasa Indonesia –Reg /

Mandarin - Beg





Computer Science


Business Studies

Exam Time Table - 2024

|Page 3

Syllabus Details
Syllabus Component

Theme 1: Identity and culture 1. Me, my family and friends

2. Technology in everyday life
3. Free-time activities

Theme 2: Local, national, international and 4. Home, town, neighbourhood and region
global areas of interest 5. Social issues
6. Global issues
7. Travel and tourism

Theme 3: Current and future study and 8. My studies

employment 9. Life at school/college
10. Education post-16
11. Jobs, career choices and ambitions

|Page 4
Exam Format
Paper Questions type Duration Max. marks % Weightage Remarks (sections,
(MCQ/structured, optional/compulsory
Long answer, questions)
Analytical etc.)

1 Section A: 2 hour 30 120 100% Section A:

Comprehension minutes
(MCQ & structured) 3 Comprehension tasks

Section B: Writing
(Long answers)
Section B: 4 Writing

|Page 5
General English

Syllabus Details
Animal farm- by George Orwell (Short story)

Dulce et Decorum Est- by Wilfred Owen (Poem)

Exam Format
Paper Questions type Duration Max. marks Remarks

1 Section A: Animal 2 hours 60 Section A:

10 MCQ, 10 structured, 1 analytical
(MCQ, structured,

Section B: Dulce et Section B:

Decorum Est.
10 structured questions

|Page 6
Bahasa Indonesia -Beginner

Syllabus Details
No Topic Subtopic
1 Teks fungsional pendek lisan dan  Mengidentifikasi surat nonformal/pribadi
tulisan dalam ucapan selamat,  Menggunakan kata depan dan ungkapan
harapan dan doa. untuk menyampaikan harapan
 Menganalisa pokok pikiran suatu ungkapan
2 Mengenal peristiwa alam melalui  Mengidentifikasi teks eksposisi tentang
teks eskposisi peristiwa alam.
 Menggunakan artikel, klitik dan ungkapan
dalam berdiskusi
 Menulis teks eksposisi tentang peristiwa alam
3 Teks ragam tulisan dalam film  Mengidentifikasi teks tulis yang berbentuk
favorit synopsis film
 Menggunakan imbuhan dengan makna
kausatif dan lokatif
 Menulis sinopsis atau ringkasan sebuah film
4 Menciptakan teks eksplanasi  Mengidentifikasi teks eksplanasi tentang
tentang makanan sehat makanan sehat
 Menggunakan ungkapan menyatakan definisi
 Menggunakan kosakata yang berhubungan
dengan makanan sehat
 Menulis teks eksplanasi tentang makanan
5 Teks recount dalam ragam tulisan  Mengidentifikasi teks narasi menggunakan
mengenai aktivitas sehari hari kata sehari-hari yang berhubungan dengan
hal-hal umum.
 Menggunakan kata kerja transitif dan
intransitif dalam kalimat
 Menulis teks narasi berdasarkan pengalaman

|Page 7
Exam Format
Paper Questions type Duration Max. marks % Weightage Remarks

1 Text A 1 hour 30 55 55% Paper 1: Reading

 Fill in the blanks minutes and answer the
 Complete the questions;
sentence with words compulsory
based on the text questions)
Text B
 Long answer
 Answer the question
based on the text
Text C
 Analytical
 Long answer
Text D
 Short answer
 Word
based on the text

2 Section A Writing: compulsory

 Write a narrative text 20 writing
of 100-150 words 1 hour 30
Section B minutes Writing: choose one
 Write an essay of 200- 25 topic from three
250words topics options

|Page 8
Bahasa Indonesia - Regular

Syllabus Details
No Topic Sub Topic

1. Bentang Alam Indonesia dalam Teks  Mengidentifikasi isi teks LHO

Laporan Hasil Observasi  Isi Teks LHO
 Aspek Kebahasaan teks LHO

2. Peka Masalah Sosial melalui Teks  Mengidentifikasi isi teks eksposisi

Eksposisi  Menganalisis struktur dan kebahasaan teks
 Menulis teks eksposisi

3. Makna di Balik Teks Anekdot  Menganalisis isi teks anekdot

 Struktur dan kebahasaan teks anekdot
 Menyusun teks anekdot

4. Asah kecerdasan dengan Menulis Ikhtisar  Mengidentifikasi isi buku nonfiksi

 Struktur teks nonfiksi

5. Penjabaran Masalah melalui Debat  Menganalisis isi teks debat

 Mengembangkan teks debat

6. Taburan Nilai dan Keteladanan dalam  Mengungkapkan keteladanan tokoh dalam

Teks Biografi teks biografi
 Menganalisis strujtur dan kebahasaan teks
 Menceritakan kembali teks biografi

|Page 9
Exam Format
Paper Questions type Duration Max. % Remarks
marks Weightage

1 Text A 1 hours 50 50% Paper 1

 Long Answer 15 minutes Reading and
 Complete the Understanding
sentence by PART 1 (Text
word based on A) , PART 2
text (Text B) , PART
3 (Text
Text B C) , PART 4
 Answer the question (Text D)
based on the text B
 Choose the
Text C
 Write a short
nohte based on
text C
 True or false
Text D
 Long answer
 Choose the
correct sentences
 Matching words
2 Section A 1 hours 15 20 Writing
Write a summary minutes 50%
150-200 words
Section B 30
Writing 250-500 words

| P a g e 10
Mandarin - Beg

Syllabus Details
Topic Subtopic

- Expressions - Expressing feelings

- Showing empathy & respect

- Product information - Introducing a product

- The unique feature of a product
- The price of a product

- Experiences - Holiday
- Leisure
- Festivals and celebrations

- Social Organization - Schoolhood

- Education
- Social issues

- Writing - Letter
- Email
- Article
- Narrative text
- Descriptive text

| P a g e 11
Exam Format

Paper Questions type Duration Max. % Weightage Remarks (sections,

marks optional/compulsory questions)
1 Comprehension 1 hour 30 min 55 55% 35 questions

(MCQ, cloze question, true or false

question, structured question)
2 Writing 1 hour 45 45% Part 1
Complete the sentences

Part 2
Write descriptive text of 80-100

Part 3
Write a letter, article, or narrative
of 120-150 words

| P a g e 12

Syllabus Details

No Topics Contents
1 Calculations Place value and rounding
Adding and subtracting
Multiplying and dividing
2 Expressions Simplifying expressions
Expanding and factorizing
Algebraic expressions
3 Angles and polygons Angles and lines
Triangles and quadrilaterals
Congruence and similarity
Polygon angles
4 Handling data Representing data
Averages and spread
Frequency diagrams
5 Fractions, decimals, percentages Fractions and percentages
Calculations and fractions
Fractions, decimals, percentages
6 Formulae and functions Formulae
Equivalences in algebra
Expanding and factorizing
7 Working in 2D Measuring lengths and angles
Area of 2D shapes
8 Probability Probability experiments
| P a g e 13
Theoretical probability
Mutually exclusive events
9 Measures and accuracy Estimation and approximation
Calculator method
Measures and accuracy
10 Equations and inequalities Solving linear equations
Quadratic equations
Simultaneous equations
Approximate solutions
11 Circles and constructions Circle
Circle theorems
Constructions and loci
12 Ratio and proportion Proportion
Ratio and scale
Percentage change
13 Factors, powers and roots Factors and multiples
Powers and roots
14 Graphs 1 Equation of a straight line
Properties of quadratic functions
Kinematic graphs
Gradients and areas under graphs
Exponential and trigonometric functions
15 Working in 3D 3D shapes
Volume and surface area
16 Handling data Average and spread
Box plots and cumulative frequency graphs
Scatter graphs and correlation
Time series
17 Calculations 2 Calculating with roots and indices
Exact calculations
Standard form
18 Pythagoras, trigonometry, Pythagoras theorem
| P a g e 14
vectors and metrices Vectors
19 Probability of combined events Venn diagrams
Sample spaces
Tree diagrams
Conditional probability
20 Sequences Linear sequences
Quadratic sequences
Special sequences
21 Unit and probability Compound units
Converting between units
Direct and inverse proportion
Growth and decay
22 Differentiation Rates of change
Differentiating polynomials
Tangents to curves
Turning points

Exam Format

Paper Questions type Duration Max. marks % Weightage Remarks

1 Analytical 1h 30 min 70 35% 25 questions

2 Analytical 2h 30 min 130 65% 11 questions

| P a g e 15

Syllabus Details
Syllabus Component Content

Chapter 1 1.1 Forces between objects

Resultant Forces 1.2 Resultant Force
1.3 Force as a vector
1.4 Mass and weight
1.5 Forces and elasticity
Chapter 2 2.1 Speed
Forces and Motion 2.2 Velocity and acceleration
2.3 More about velocity – time graphs
2.4 Using graphs
2.5 Forces and acceleration
2.6 Forces and braking
2.7 Forces and terminal velocity
Chapter 3 3.1 Momentum
Momentum and Forces 3.2 Explosions
3.3 Impact forces
3.4 Safety first
Chapter 4 4.1 Centre of mass
Moments 4.2 Moments at work
4.3 Moments in balance
4.4 Stability
Chapter 5 5.1 Energy and work
Forces and Energy 5.2 Power
5.3 Gravitational potential energy
5.4 Conservation of energy
5.5 Kinetic energy
5.6 Useful energy
5.7 Energy and efficiency
Chapter 6 6.1 Energy demands
Energy Resources 6.2 Energy from wind and water
6.3 Power from the Sun and the Earth
6.4 Energy and environment
Chapter 7 7.1 The nature of wave
General Properties of Waves 7.2 Measuring waves
7.3 Reflection and refraction
7.4 Diffraction
Chapter 8 8.1 The electromagnetic spectrum
| P a g e 16
Electromagnetic waves 8.2 Light, infrared, microwaves, and radio waves
8.3 Communications
8.4 Ultraviolet rays, X rays, and gamma rays
8.5 X- rays in medicine
Chapter 9 9.1 Sound
Sound and Ultrasound 9.2 More about sound
9.3 Ultrasound
Chapter 10 10.1 Reflection of light
Reflection and refraction of light 10.2 Refraction of light
10.3 Refractive index
10.4 Total internal reflection
Chapter 11 11.1 Lenses
Lenses and the eye 11.2 Using Lenses
11.3 The eye
11.4 More about the eye
Chapter 12 12.1 State of matter
Kinetic Theory 12.2 Specific heat capacity
12.3 Change of state
12.4 Specific latent heat
Chapter 13 13.1 Conduction
Energy transfer by heating 13.2 Convection
13.3 Evaporation and condensation
13.4 Infrared radiation
13.5 Surfaces and radiation
13.6 Energy transfer by design
13.7 Expansion by heating
Chapter 14 14.1 Electrical charges
Electricity 14.2 Electric circuits
14.3 Potential difference and resistance
14.4 Component characteristics
14.5 Series circuits
14.6 Parallel circuits
14.7 Sensor circuits
Chapter 15 15.1 Magnetic fields
Motors, generators, and transformers 15.2 Electromagnets
15.3 The motor effect
15.4. The generator effect
15.5 Alternators and dynamos
15.6 Transformers
15.7 Transformers in action
Chapter 16 16.1 Alternating currents
Household electricity 16.2 Cables and plugs
16.3 Fuses
16.4 Electrical power and potential difference
16.5 Electrical energy and charge
| P a g e 17
16.6 Using electrical energy
16.7 Electrical issues
Chapter 17 17.1 Atoms and radiation
Nuclear physics 17.2 Discovery of the nucleus
17.3 Nuclear reactions
17.4 More about alpha, beta, and gamma radiation
17.5 Half life
17.6 Radioactivity at works
17.7 Nuclear fission
17.8 Nuclear fusion
17.9 Nuclear issues
Chapter 18 18.1 The solar system
Space 18.2 The life history of the star
18.3 Planets, satellites, and orbits
18.4 The expanding universe
18.5 The Big Bang

Exam Format
Paper Questions type Duration Max. marks % Weightage Remarks (sections,
(MCQ/structured, optional/compulsory
Long answer, questions)
Analytical etc.)

1 MCQ 1 hour 40 30%

40 Questions of MCQ

2 2 hours 80 50% 10 Structured

Students to attempt
one experiment from
the topics.
3 Practical 1 hour 30 20% 1.Mechanics
2. Light
3.Electricity and

| P a g e 18

Syllabus Details
Syllabus Component Content

Chapter 1 1.1 States of matter

1.2 Evidence for particles
Atomic structure 1.3 History of the atom
1.4 Atoms
1.5 Atomic structure
1.6 The arrangement of electrons in atoms
1.7 Atoms and isotopes
Chapter 2 2.1 Atoms into ions

Structure and bonding 2.2 Ionic bonding

2.3 Covalent bonding

2.4 Bonding in metals

2.5 Giant ionic structure

2.6 Simple molecules

2.7 Giant covalent structures

2.8 Giant metallic structures

2.9 Nanoscience

Chapter 3 3.1 The periodic table

The periodic table 3.2 Group I – the alkali metals

3.3 The transition elements

| P a g e 19
3.4 Group 7 – the halogens

3.5 Explaining trends

Chapter 4 4.1 Useful metals

Metals 4.2 Iron and steels

4.3 The reactivity series

4.4 Displacement reactions

4.5 Metal carbonates

Chapter 5 5.1 Electrolysis

Electrolysis 5.2 Changes at the electrodes

5.3 The extraction of aluminium

5.4 Electrolysis of brine

5.5 Electroplating

5.6 Electrolysing copper sulfate solution

Chapter 6 6.1 Separating mixtures

Chemical analysis 6.2 Paper chromatography

6.3 Testing for gases

6.4 Tests for positive ions

6.5 Tests for negative ions

Chapter 7 7.1 Acids and alkalis

| P a g e 20
Acids, bases, and salts 7.2 Making soluble salts from metals/insoluble bases

7.3 Making salts by neutralisation / precipitation

Chapter 8 8.1 Chemical equations

Quantitative chemistry 8.2 Relative masses & moles

8.3 Percentages by mass & empirical formulae

8.4 Equations & calculations

8.5 The yield of a chemical reaction

8.6 Titrations

8.7 Titration calculations

8.8 Volumes of gases

Chapter 9 9.1 Collision theory and surface area

Rates of reaction 9.2 The effect of temperature

9.3 The effect of concentration / pressure

9.4 The effect of catalysts

Chapter 10 10.1 Reversible reactions

Extent of reaction 10.2 Chemical equilibrium

10.3 Altering conditions

10.4 Making ammonia – the Haber process

10.5 The economics of the Haber process

| P a g e 21
10.6 The Contact process

Chapter 11 11.1 Exothermic and endothermic reactions

Energy changes in chemical 11.2 Using energy transfers from reactions

11.3 Energy and reversible reactions

11.4 Comparing the energy released by fuels

11.5 Energy transfers in solutions

11.6 Energy level diagrams

11.7 Bond dissociation energy calculations

11.8 Chemical cells and batteries

11.9 Fuel cells

Chapter 12 12.1 Hydrocarbons

Carbon compounds as fuels 12.2 Fractional distillation of crude oil

12.3 Burning fuels

12.4 Alternative fuels

Chapter 13 13.1 Cracking hydrocarbons

Other products from crude 13.2 Making polymers from alkenes

13.3 The properties of polymers

13.4 New and useful polymers

13.5 Plastic waste

Chapter 14 14.1 Structures of alcohols, carboxylic acids, and esters

| P a g e 22
Alcohols, carboxylic acids,
and esters
14.2 Properties & uses of alcohols

14.3 Carboxylic acids and esters

Exam Format
Paper Questions type Duration Max. marks % Weightage Remarks
(MCQ/structured, (sections,
Long answer, optional/compu
Analytical etc.) lsory questions)

1 MCQ 1 Hour 40 30% 40 MCQ

2 Theory 2 Hour 80 50% 5 Structured
3 Practical 1 Hour 20 20% 2 Compulsory

| P a g e 23

Syllabus Details
Candidates study the following topics:

Unit and Topic/s Content

1. Characteristics and classification of living 1.1 Characteristics of living organisms

organisms 1.2 Concept and use of a classification system

1.3 Features of organisms

2. Organization of the organism 2.1 Cell structure and organization

2.2 Levels of organization

3. Movement in and out of cells 3.1 Diffusion

3.2 Osmosis
4. Biological molecules Organic molecules
5. Enzymes Factors affecting Enzymes
6. Plant nutrition 6.1 Photosynthesis

6.2 Leaf structure

7. Human nutrition 7.1 Diet

7.2 Alimentary canal

7.3 Mechanical digestion

8. Transport in plants 8.1 Transport in plants

8.2 Water uptake

9. Transport in animals 9.1 Transport in animals

9.2 Heart

10. Diseases and immunity Pathogens, barriers of immune system and

11. Gas exchange in humans composition between inspired and expired air,

features of
| P a g e 24
12. Respiration 12.1 Respiration

12.2 Aerobic respiration

13. Excretion in humans Kidney and nephron
14. Coordination and response 14.1 Nervous control in humans

14.2 Sense organs

14.3 Hormones in humans

15. Drugs 15.1 Drugs

Exam Format
Paper Questions type Duration Max. marks % Weightage Remarks
(MCQ/structured, (sections,
Long answer, optional/comp
Analytical etc.) ulsory
1 MCQ 1 hour 40 30 40 MCQ

2 structured 2 hour 80 50 10 Structured

3 Analytical 1 hour 20 20 2 Compulsory

| P a g e 25
Computer Science

Syllabus Details
Section A : Topic Component
50 Marks

1.1 Data representation 1.1.1 Number systems

1.1.2 Text Sound and Images

1.1.3 Data Storage and Compression

1.2 Data Transmission 1.2.1 Methods and Types of Data Transmission

1.2.2 Methods of error detection

1.2.3 Encryption

1.3 Hardware 1.3.1 Network Hardware

1.3.2 Computer architecture and the fetch

execute cycle

1.3.3 Input devices

1.3.4 Output devices

1.3.5 Data Storage devices and media

1.4 Software 1.4.1 Operating Systems, Interrupt and Buffer

1.4.2 Types of Programming Language

and their translators.

1.4.3 IDEs

| P a g e 26
1.5 The Internet and its Uses 1.5.1 The internet and the world wide web

1.5.2 Digital currency

1.5.3 Cyber Security

1.6 Automation and Emerging 1.6.1 Automated systems

1.6.2 Robotics

1.6.3 Artificial intelligence

Section B : 2.1 Algorithm design and 2.1.1 Problem-solving and design

50 Marks problem-solving
2.1.2 Pseudocode and flowcharts

2.1.3 Program Development Life Cycle

2.2 Programming 2.2.1 Programming concepts

2.2.2 Data structures

2.3 Databases 2.3. Database

2.4 Boolean Logic 2.4.1 Digital Circuits and Truth Table

2,4,2 Identification of Logic Gates

Exam Format
| P a g e 27
Paper Questions type Duration Max. marks % Weightage Remarks (sections,
(MCQ/structured, optional/compulso
Long answer, ry questions)
Analytical etc.)

1 Structured 3 hours 100 100% Section A : (50

Questions Marks)
Section A 50%
Section B : (50
Section B 50% Marks)


| P a g e 28
Syllabus Details
Syllabus Component

Unit 1 : The basic economic problem 1.1 The nature of the economic problem
1.2 The factors of production
1.3 Opportunity cost
1.4 Production possibility curves (PPC)
Unit 2 : The allocation of resources 2.1 Microeconomics and macroeconomics

2.2 The role of markets in allocating


2.3 Demand

2.4 Supply

2.5 Price determination

2.6 Price changes

2.7 Price elasticity of demand (PED)

2.8 Price elasticity of supply (PES)

2.9 Market economic system

2.10 Market failure

2.11 Mixed economic system

Unit 3 : Macroeconomic decision makers 3.1 Money and banking

| P a g e 29
3.2 Household

3.3 Workers

3.4 Trade unions

3.5 Firms

3.6 Firms and production

3.7 Firms’ costs, revenues and objectives

3.8 Market structure

Unit 4 : Government and the macroeconomy 4.1 The role of government

4.2 The macroeconomic aims of government

4.3 Fiscal policy

4.4 Monetary policy

4.5 Supply-side policy

4.6 Economic growth

4.7 Employment and unemployment

4.8 Inflation and deflation

Unit 5 : Economic development 5.1 Differences in economic development

| P a g e 30
between countries

5.2 Living standards

5.3 Poverty

5.4 Population

* Unit 6 : International trade and 6.1 International trade and specialization

6.2 Globalization, free trade and protection

6.3 Foreign exchange rates

6.4 Current account of balance of payments

Exam Format
Paper Questions type Duration Max. marks % Weightage Remarks

1 MCQ 45 minutes 30 30% 30 Questions of MCQ

2 Structured 2 hours, 15 70 70% Section A : Case study

Questions minutes (25 Marks)

Section B : Structured
Questions (45 Marks)

Business Studies

| P a g e 31
Syllabus Details
Syllabus Component

Section 1: Understanding business activity 1. Business activity

2. Classification of businesses
3. Enterprise, business growth and size
4. Types of business organisation
5. Business objectives and stakeholder

Section 2: People in business 6. Motivating employees

7. Organisation and management
8. Recruitment, selection and training of
9. Internal and external communication

Section 3: Marketing 10. Marketing, competition and the

11. Market research
12. The marketing mix: product
13. The marketing mix: price
14. The marketing mix: place
15. The marketing mix: promotion
16. Technology and the marketing mix
17. Marketing strategy

Section 4: Operations management 18. Production of goods and services

19. Costs, scale of production and break-
even analysis
20. Achieving quality production

| P a g e 32
21. Location decisions

Section 5: Financial information and financial 22. Business finance: needs and sources
decisions 23. Cash flow forecasting and working
24. Income statements
25. Statement of financial position
26. Analysis of accounts

Section 6: External influences on business 27. Economic issues

issues 28. Environmental and ethical issues
29. Business and the international economy

Exam Format
Paper Questions type Duration Max. marks % Weightage Remarks (sections,
(MCQ/structured, optional/compulsory
Long answer, questions)
Analytical etc.)

1 Structured 1 hour 30 80 50% Short Answer and Data

Questions minutes Response

2 Structured 1 hour 30 80 50% Case Study

Questions minutes

| P a g e 33
End of the Booklet.
| P a g e 34

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