Lame Constants

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Handout 4 - Dilation and Lam Constants e

Michael Raulli
The purpose of this handout is to show you an alternate way of writing the relationship between stresses and strains. This relationship is very edifying in terms of a developing a feel for how normal and shear stresses relate to strains and each other. First, we need to dene a term called dilation, which represents the relative change in the volume (or area) of a body. We will look at the denition in 2-d, because its easier, using gure 1. First, lets look at the change in area of the body: A0 A A A A = xy (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

= (x + u)(y + v) = A A0 = xy + uy + vx + uv xy = uy + vx + uv

Next, the dilation (e) is dened as follows, with the superscript indicating that this is specically for 2-d: e2d = uy + vx + uv A = A0 xy 1 1 0 >  7  v x uv 7  u y   +  =  + x y y  x  xy u v u v = lim = + + u,v,x,y0 x y x y = xx + yy (6)

e2d e2d e2d

(7) (8) (9)

The third term in equation (7) is zero because the multiplication of two small values is insignicant compared to the other terms. The same procedure can be followed in 3-d in order to obtain the dilation: e= V = xx + yy + zz Vo (10)

So why is the dilation important? Lets revisit the stress-strain relationship discussed in class: x = E [x (1 ) + y + z ] (1 + )(1 2) (11)

A0 x u

Figure 1: Deformed two-dimensional body

We can add a term (x x ) to this equation (11) and then simplify: E x x + x x +y + z x = (1 + )(1 2)

(12) (13) (14)

x x

= =

E E (x + y + z ) + (x 2x ) (1 + )(1 2) (1 + )(1 2) E E (x + y + z ) + x (1 2) (1 + )(1 2) (1 + )(1 2)


= e +

E x 1+
2(G or )


This procedure can be repeated for the other two equations. The three equations are written as follows: x = e + 2x y = e + 2y z = e + 2z (16) (17) (18)

The terms and are the rst and second Lam constants, respectively. The Lam constants are material e e properties that are related to the elastic modulus and Poisson ratio. The second Lam constant is identical to e the modulus of rigidity (G). The shear stresses can be written in terms of the second Lam constant: e xy xz yz = = = 2xy = xy 2xz = xz 2yz = yz (19) (20) (21)

Finally, these equations can again be written in matrix-vector form: + 2 0 x y + 2 0 z + 2 0 = xy 0 0 0 2 xz 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 yz

x 0 0 0 0 y 0 0 z 0 0 xy 2 0 xz yz 0 2


The importance of this form of the equations is that this is a much simpler form, from which we can learn a lot about what causes stresses. 1. Normal stresses in the three principal directions are all inuenced equally by a common term: the change in volume (e) and a unique term inuenced strains in the same direction as the stress and the rigidity of the body (2i ). 2. Any change in volume necessarily induces stresses in all three directions. 3. The shear and normal stress are both inuenced by an identical term, that is related to the rigidity modulus and the corresponding strain. Essentially, normal and shear stresses have the same relationship to strain, except that normal stresses include the eect of changes in volume. This validates the discussion in class about normal stresses leading to changes in volume and shear stresses leading only to changes in shape.

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