Entrep-Wk5 2
Entrep-Wk5 2
Entrep-Wk5 2
I. LESSON TITLE Screen the proposed solution based in viability, profitability and customer
II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING Recognize a potential market (TLE_ICTAN11/12PC-Ia-1)
COMPETENCIES (MELCs) • Select the best product or services that will meet the market need.
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT The learner demonstrates understanding of concepts, underlying, principles, and
processes of developing a business plan.
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
A. Introduction 120 mins In the previous lesson we learned about the proposed solution through
Panimula different kinds of environment and force based on viability, profitability and
customer's requirements. For this lesson, we analyze the propositions and the S3 of
entrepreneurship to make a business plan.
Value Proposition (VP) is a business or marketing statement that summarizes
why a consumer should buy a company's product or use its service. This statement
is often used to convince a customer to purchase a particular product or service
to add a form of value to their lives. In creating Value Proposition, entrepreneurs
will consider the basic elements:
⮚ Target Customer
⮚ Needs/opportunity
⮚ Name of the product
⮚ Name of the enterprise/company
There are many competitors in the market to establish superiority to them.
Entrepreneurs should think of some alternative and how it works better. An
important aspect in Value Proposition must be truthful that will establish credibility
to the consumers.
Example: Potential value proposition is most common in small businesses of
your locality.
Aling Charing Sari-sari Store is open only from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm, but Aling
Charing noticed that there are customers who go nearby town to look for a
convenience store at around 10:00 pm to 6:00 am. She believes that this is a great
opportunity for her store to operate 24/7. In this example, proposed value
proposition: “Charing Sari-sari Store, opens 24/7”.
The business describes a sari-sari store – a basic retail store. The assurance
from this value proposition is because of the phrase “opens 24/7”, Aling Charing
Sari- sari Store opens 24/7, which make it different from other competitors.
Unique selling proposition (USP) refers to how you sell your product or services
to your customer. You will address the wants and desires of your customers. As an
entrepreneur, you think of marketing concepts that persuade your target
customers. The following questions you may ask in doing this, What the customers
want? What brand does well? What does your competitor do well?
Some tips for the entrepreneur on how to create an effective unique selling
proposition to the target customers:
⮚ Identify and rank the uniqueness of the product or services character
⮚ Very Specific
⮚ Keep it short and simple (KISS)
As an entrepreneur, present the best feature of your product or services that
are different from other competitors. Identifying the unique selling proposition
requires marketing research that you will learn from the other modules. In
promoting your products or services, make sure that it is very specific and put
details that emphasize the differentiator against the competitors. Keep it short and
simple and think of a tagline that is easy to remember. Right now, the proposed
unique selling proposition: “Charing Sari-sari Store, opens 24/7”.
Readers get confused between value propositions and unique selling
propositions. The two propositions are used to differentiate the products from
competitors. For example, Jollibee is known to have a Filipino taste burger. This
brand has a unique selling point because of its tagline “Langhap Sarap”.
Unique Value Proposition and Value Proposition are two most famous tools
used to explain why prospect customers buy each
product and service. Based on each definition, we
learn that USP and VP are frameworks of each
business industry. The two propositions are valuable
for the entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurial Process – a step-by-step
Figure 1.http://bitly.ws/cdRD
procedure in establishing any kind of business
that an entrepreneur has to undergo.