Hydraulic Spillway - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Hydraulic Spillway - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Hydraulic Spillway - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
hydraulic spillway
(Redirected from « Landfill (hydraulic) »)
The hydraulic spillway or spillway is a hydraulic structure designed to promote the free or
controlled passage of water in surface runoff , the spillway being exclusively for drainage and
not for measurement. There are various types depending on the form and use made of them,
sometimes in a controlled manner and other times as a safety measure in case of storms in
Faraday Dam Spillway,
dam element Clackamas River, Oregon .
Guarantee the safety of the hydraulic structure, by not allowing the rise of the level,
upstream, above the maximum level (NAME for its acronym Extraordinary Maximum Water
Level) (see: Reservoir )
Guarantee a level with little variation in an upstream irrigation canal. This type of landfill is
called "duckbill" because of its shape.
Become a part of a gauging section of the river or stream .
Dissipate the energy so that the return to the natural channel does not cause damage. This
is done using jumps, trampolines or bowls. In loose material dams the
spillway is arranged outside the
In a dam, the part of the structure that allows the evacuation of water is called a spillway , dam body for safety reasons. In
either on a regular basis or to control the level of the water reservoir. the photo the Guadalhorce dam,
Málaga ( Spain ).
Generally, the waters close to the free surface of the reservoir
are discharged, as opposed to the bottom discharge , which
allows the controlled exit of water from the deep strata of the reservoir.
Landfills are widely used in rivers to maintain the water level and be used as lakes, navigation
and recreation areas. Hydraulic mills usually use dams to raise the water level and take
advantage of the rise to move the turbines.
Because a weir increases the oxygen content of the water passing over the crest, it can have a
beneficial effect on the local ecology of the river. A dam artificially reduces the speed of water, The spillway at Coburg Lake in
which can increase sedimentation processes upstream; and an increase in downstream erosion Victoria ( Australia ) after a flood.
capacity. The dam where the spillway is located, by creating a gap, represents a barrier for
migratory fish, which cannot jump between levels.
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See Thin-walled weir
Landfills can be classified in several ways:
1. https://web.archive.org/web/20070421045540/http://www.watercontrol.org/tech/files/Long%20Crested%20Weir%20Design.pdf
(En español) Hidráulica de los Canales Abiertos. Ven Te Chow. Editorial Diana, México, 1983. ISBN 968-13-1327-5
(in Italian) Manuale dell'Ingegnere. Edition 81. Edited by Ulrico Hoepli, Milano, 1987. ISBN 88-203-1430-4
(in Portuguese) Water Resources Engineering. Ray K. Linsley & Joseph B. Franzini. Editora da Universidade de Sao Paulo
and Editora McGraw-Hill do Brasil, Ltda. 1978.
(in English) Handbook of Applied Hydraulics. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 67-25809.
(In English) Handbook of Applied Hydrology. A Compendium of Water-resources Technology. Ven Te Chow , Ph.D., Editor in
Chief. Publisher McGraw-Hill Book Company. 1964. ISBN 07-010774-2.
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