Spillways Gates Outlet Works
Spillways Gates Outlet Works
Spillways Gates Outlet Works
A spillway is a hydraulic structure built at a dam site for diverting the surplus water from a
reservoir after it has been filled to its maximum capacity. Spillways are classified into
different types on the basis of the arrangement of the control structure, a conveyance channel
and a terminal structure. In this article, we will discuss in brief all the different types of
spillways with pictures.
A spillway is a structure used to provide the controlled release of flows from a dam or levee
into a downstream area, typically the riverbed of the dammed river itself. In the United
Kingdom, they may be known as overflow channels. Spillways ensure that the water does not
overflow and damage or destroy the dam.
Floodgates and fuse plugs may be designed into spillways to regulate water flow and
reservoir level. Such a spillway can be used to regulate downstream flows – by releasing
water in small amounts before the reservoir is full, operators can prevent sudden large
releases that would happen if the dam were overtopped.
Other uses of the term "spillway" include bypasses of dams or outlets of channels used during
high water, and outlet channels carved through natural dams such as moraines.
Water normally flows over a spillway only during flood periods – when the reservoir cannot
hold the excess of water entering the reservoir over the amount used. In contrast, an intake
tower is a structure used to release water on a regular basis for water supply, hydroelectricity
generation, etc.
Chute spillway of Llyn Brianne dam in Wales
A spillway is located at the top of the reservoir
pool. Dams may also have bottom outlets with
valves or gates which may be operated to release
flood flow, and a few dams lack overflow
spillways and rely entirely on bottom outlets.
The two main types of spillways are controlled and uncontrolled.
A controlled spillway has mechanical structures or gates to regulate the rate of flow. This
design allows nearly the full height of the dam to be used for water storage year-round, and
flood waters can be released as required by opening one or more gates.
An uncontrolled spillway, in contrast, does not have gates; when the water rises above the
lip or crest of the spillway, it begins to be released from the reservoir. The rate of discharge is
controlled only by the depth of water above the reservoir's spillway. Storage volume in the
reservoir above the spillway crest can only be used for the temporary storage of floodwater; it
cannot be used as water supply storage because it is normally empty.
Open channel spillways
are dam spillways that utilize the principles of open-channel flow to convey impounded water
in order to prevent dam failure. They can function as principal spillways, emergency
spillways, or both. They can be located on the dam itself or on a natural grade in the vicinity
of the dam.
Spillway Types
A chute spillway is a common and basic design that transfers excess water from behind the
dam down a smooth decline into the river below. These are usually designed following an
ogee curve. Most often, they are lined on the bottom and sides with concrete to protect the
dam and topography. They may have a controlling device and some are thinner and multiply-
lined if space and funding are tight. In addition, they are not always intended to dissipate
energy like stepped spillways. Chute spillways can be ingrained with a baffle of concrete
blocks but usually have a 'flip lip' and/or dissipator basin, which creates a hydraulic jump,
protecting the toe of the dam from erosion
Chute spillways carry supercritical flow through the steep slope of an open channel. There are
four main components of a chute spillway. The elements of a spillway are the inlet, the
vertical curve section (ogee curve), the steep-sloped channel and the outlet.
In order to avoid a hydraulic jump, the slope of the spillway must be steep enough for the
flow to remain supercritical.
Proper spillways help with flood control, prevent erosion at the ends of terraces, outlets, and
waterways, reduce runoff over drainage ditch banks and are simple to construct. however,
they can only be constructed at sites with natural drainage and moderate temperature
variation and have a shorter life expectancy than other spillways.
Chute Spillway, Tehri Dam, India
Stepped spillway
Stepped channels and spillways have been used for over 3,000 years. Despite being
superseded by more modern engineering techniques such as hydraulic jumps in the mid
twentieth century, since around 1985 interest in stepped spillways and chutes has been
renewed, partly due to the use of new construction materials (e.g. Roller-compacted concrete,
gabions) and design techniques (e.g. embankment overtopping protection).The steps produce
considerable energy dissipation along the chute and reduce the size of the required
downstream energy dissipation basin.
Research is still active on the topic, with newer developments on embankment dam overflow
protection systems, converging spillways and small weir design.
A stepped chute baffled spillway of the Yeoman Hey Reservoir
in the Peak District in England.
Stepped spillways are used to dissipate energy along the chute of the channel. The steps of the
spillway greatly reduce the kinetic energy of the flow and therefore reduce flow velocity.
Roller-compacted concrete (RCC) stepped spillways have become increasingly popular
because of their use in rehabilitating aged flood control dams.
Design guidelines for these spillways are limited. However, research attempts to assist
engineers. The two main design components are the inception point (where flow bulking first
occurs—increased flow depth) and the energy dissipation that occurs.
Stepped spillways are useful for flood control, increasing dissolved oxygen (DO) levels
downstream of a dam, aid wastewater treatment plants for air-water transfer of gases and for
volatile organic compound (VOC) removal and reduces the spillway length or eliminates
need for stilling basin.
However, few design guidelines are in place and stepped spillways have only been successful
for small unit discharges where step height can influence the flow.
Side channel spillways
Side channel spillways are typically used to discharge floods perpendicular to the general
direction of flow by placing the control weir parallel to the upper portion of the discharge
However, it can cause a sudden increase in reservoir level if the channel is submerged.
Side Channel Spillway of Hoover Dam, USA
Straight Drop Spillway
A Straight drop spillway consists of low height weir wall having its downstream face roughly
or perfectly vertical. When the water level in the reservoir rises above the normal pool level,
the surplus water falls freely from the crest of the weir and hence it is known as Straight drop
spillway or free overfall spillway.
To prevent the scouring of downstream bed from
falling water jet, an artificial pool with a concrete
apron and low secondary dam is constructed on the
downstream side. Proper ventilation should be
provided on the underside portion of a falling jet to
prevent pulsating and fluctuating effects.
Sometimes, an overhanging
projection is provided on the crest
of the weir to prevent the entrance
of small discharges onto the face of
the weir wall. Straight drop
spillways are most suitable for thin
arch dams, earthen dams or bunds.
Ogee Spillway
Ogee spillway, as the name says, represents the shape of the downstream face of the weir. It is
an improved form of a straight drop spillway. In this case, the downstream face of the weir is
constructed corresponding to the shape of lower nappe of freely falling water jet which is in
ogee shape.
The ogee shape of the downstream face is designed on the basis of the principle of a
projectile. In general, the shape of lower nappe of the water jet is not constant for all water
heads hence, the shape obtained for the maximum head is taken into account while designing
ogee spillway.
Whenever there is surplus water, it will be freely disposed of
through ogee spillway along its ogee shaped crest hence it can
also be called as an overflow spillway. Ogee spillways are most
commonly used in case of gravity dams, arch dams, buttress
dams, etc. For gravity dams, it is generally located within the
dam body.
In the case of large projects, the inlet hole of the vertical shaft is
specially shaped which is called as morning glory or glory hole
of the spillway. Hence, shaft spillway is also called as Morning
glory spillway or Bell Mouth spillway. Shaft spillway is
recommended when there is no space to provide for other types
of spillways such as ogee spillway, straight drop spillway, etc.
Siphon Spillway
In both types of siphon spillways, air vents are provided at the bent portion of the upper
passageway to prevent the entrance of water when the water level is below the normal poll
level. Whenever the level rises above normal pool level, water enters into the conduit and is
discharged to the downstream of the channel by siphonic action.
Labyrinth Spillway
A labyrinth spillway is a type of spillway in which the weir wall is constructed in a zigzag
manner in order to increase the effective length of the weir crest with respect to the channel
width. This increase in effective length raises the discharge capacity of the weir and hence
higher water flow at small heads can be conveyed to the downstream easily.
Labyrinth spillway of Lake Brazos Dam, United States
Design Of Spillway
Spillway are provided for storage and detention dams to release surplus or flood water which cannot be
contained in the allotted storage space and at diversion dams to by-pass flows exceeding those which are
turned into the diversion dam.
The primary function of spillway is to release surplus waters from the reservoir in order to prevent
overtopping and possible failure of the dam.
The water discharged over the spillway of a dam attains a very high velocity due to its static head, which is
generally much higher than the safe non-eroding velocity in the downstream. This high velocity flow may
cause serious scour and erosion of river bed downstream. To dissipate this excessive energy and to establish
safe flow conditions in the downstream of a dam spillway, energy dissipaters are used as remedial device.
Inflow design flood:
The criteria for inflow design flood is given in IS:11223-1985 "Guidelines for fixing spillway
capacity". The dams may be classified according to size by using the hydraulic head (from
normal or annual average flood level on the downstream to the maximum water level) and the
gross storage behind the dam as given below. The overall size classification for the dam
would be greater of the following two parameters
Classification Gross Storage Hydraulic Head
Size as determined
Inflow design flood for safety of dam
When site conditions are favorable, the possibility of gaining over all economy by utilizing an
auxiliary spillway in conjunction with a smaller service type structure should be considered.
In such cases, service spillways should be designed to pass floods likely to occur frequently
and the auxiliary spillway control set to operate only after such small floods are exceeded.
For this purpose a saddle or depression along the rim of the reservoir is a favorable condition.
C. Spillway components:
Spillway can be built as part of main dam or separately. Concrete or masonry overflow
spillway can be built in the river section where rock foundations are suitable even though
adjacent section of the dam may be embankment type. Separate spillways are required for all
types of embankment dams.
Major components of spillways are as follows
Entrance channel: It admits reservoir water to the spillway and controls the discharge.
A conduit, which carries the spillway discharge from the entrance structure to a low level
outlet downstream of the dam.
An outlet structure to dissipate the energy of the high velocity flow from the conduit and
conveys the water to the channel downstream
Flow Rates
Different agencies have different methods and formulas for quantifying flows and conveyance capacities for chute
spillways. The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) produced handbooks on dam design. In National
Engineering Handbook, Section 14, Chute Spillways (NEH14), flow equations are given for straight inlets and box
NEH14 provides the following discharge-head relationship for straight inlets of chute spillways, which is given by
the flow equation for a weir:
Q = 3.1W[H + va2/2g]3/2 = 3.1He3/2
Q = discharge of inlet (ft3/s)
W = width of the chute or inlet (ft)
H = depth of flow over the crest (or floor) of the inlet (ft)
He = specific energy head in reference to the crest of the inlet, or the head over the crest of the inlet (ft)
va = mean velocity of approach at which the depth H is measured (ft/s)
g = 32.16 ft/s2
Floodgates, also called stop gates, are adjustable gates used to control water flow in flood
barriers, reservoir, river, stream, or levee systems. They may be designed to set spillway crest
heights in dams, to adjust flow rates in sluices and canals, or they may be designed to stop
water flow entirely as part of a levee or storm surge system. Since most of these devices
operate by controlling the water surface elevation being stored or routed, they are also known
as crest gates. In the case of flood bypass systems, floodgates sometimes are also used to
lower the water levels in a main river or canal channels by allowing more water to flow into a
flood bypass or detention basin when the main river or canal is approaching a flood stage.
Bulkhead gates
are vertical walls with movable, or re-movable, sections. Movable sections can be lifted to
allow water to pass underneath (as in a sluice gate) and over the top of the structure.
Historically, these gates used stacked timbers known as stoplogs or wooden panels known as
flashboards to set the dam's crest height. Some floodgates known as coupures in large levee
systems slide sideways to open for various traffic. Bulkhead gates can also be made of other
materials and used as a single bulkhead unit. Miter gates are used in ship locks and usually
close at an 18° angle to approximate an arch.
Hinged crest gates
are wall sections that rotate from vertical to horizontal, thereby varying the height of the dam.
They are generally controlled with hydraulic power, although some are passive and are
powered by the water being impounded. Variations:
flap gate
fish-belly flap gates
Bascule gates
Pelican gates
Radial gates
are rotary gates consisting of cylindrical sections. They may rotate vertically or horizontally.
Tainted gates are a vertical design that rotates up to allow water to pass underneath. Low
friction trunnion bearings, along with a face shape that balances hydrostatic forces, allow this
design to close under its own weight as a safety feature.
Drum gates
are hollow gate sections that float on water. They are pinned to rotate up or down. Water is
allowed into or out of the flotation chamber to adjust the dam's crest height.
Roller gates are large cylinders that move in an angled slot. They are hoisted with a chain
and have a cogged design that interfaces with their slot.
Clamshell gates have an external clamshell leaf design.
Fuse Gates
are a mechanism designed to provide the controlled release of water in the event of
exceptionally large floods. The design consists of free standing blocks (the fuse gates) set side
by side on a flattened spillway sill. The Fuse gate blocks act as a fixed weir most of the time,
but in excessive flood conditions they are designed to topple forward, allowing the controlled
discharge of water. Multiple fuse gates are generally set up side by side, with each fuse gate
designed to release under progressively extreme flooding, thus minimizing the impact of the
floodwater on the river downstream.