Assignment 2 FIN
Assignment 2 FIN
Assignment 2 FIN
This is an open-book assessment for individuals.
Assignments must be submitted on 27 September 2023 before 23:59.
Read the instructions carefully and do the assignment.
Do all the sections and please remember to leave time to give to a peer in your class
before you submit! This means you need to use the next week to complete and then sent
to your peer before you submit. No excuses on peer assessment that is not completed will
be accepted. This is about planning ahead and being entrepreneurial.
There are two sections in this assignment. Read the instructions carefully in each section.
In learning unit 3 you learned about the problem domains (see reading on Black Board as well
as the PowerPoint on the workshop –the slide on problem domains below).
Section 1 40 marks
Write a one minute Pitch for a STUDENT BUSINESS that may be launched in a lean way and
solves a current problem that you as a student identified (no or very little start-up capital, thus
you need to be creative). This implies that you need an idea on a business for students that can
be launched within a few days and grand ideas that require large sums of start-up capital has no
place here.
However, you are expected to get the buy-in of fellow students and for that reason you need to
present the pitch in visual, audio or video format to a peer (choose one format).
Use the guidelines on a pitch to compile your written pitch first. See Blackboard or the slides
The assessment of section 1 is as follows:
Excellent Very good Good Mediocre Poor
9-10 7-8 5-6 3-4 1-2
The problem domain
is provided and
justified in a few
Story is clear and
understandable for
the student market
The solution to the
problem is clear and
The way that money
will be made is clear
Section 2
Make an aid to communicate your idea: PowerPoint presentation (no more than 4 slides-may
include sound or not), or a video (on You Tube or channel where the link can be shared) or a
poster (one page) or a podcast to assist the communication of your pitch. Choose the format
that you are best at (play to your strengths).
Give the aid to a fellow student in the class to assess according to the rubric
The assessment of section 2 is as follows: (10 Marks)
Criterion 5 4 3 2 1
“Look and Looks Nice visual Most of the Little effort to Not
feel” of the professional, interest and aspects look promote interesting
pitch and there is a clear and all interesting interest visually,
lot of visual aspects are and kids
or the aspects
interest, yet all clear and will
are not clear
the aspects consistent probably
are clear and not “get
consistent this”
The All the Most There are two The visual aid Really,
elements are elements of elements of elements and what is this is
evident the pitch are the pitch is missing communicated supposed
communicated there but and/or the do not link well to be a
in a nice way one is visual aid is visual aid
solution and
(looks well missing or not assisting for a
how you will
integrated) one does not understanding pitch?
make sense
money) It is clear it
is a last
At least 2
by peer
only please)
Section 1:
In which problem domain do you place your idea, and why? (one paragraph only)
Write your one minute pitch (refer to the three points in the rubric for the elements: 1)
story, 2) solution, 3) how will you make money)
Section 2:
Paste the link of your video/ the poster/the PowerPoint slides/podcast (one of the four)
Criterion 5 4 3 2 1
“Look and Looks Nice visual Most of the Little effort to Not
feel” of the professional, interest and aspects look promote interesting
pitch and there is a clear and all interesting interest visually,
lot of visual aspects are and kids
or the aspects
interest, yet all clear and will
are not clear
the aspects consistent probably
are clear and not “get
consistent this”
The ideas All the Most There are two The visual aid Really, this
are evident elements of elements of elements and what is is
the pitch are the pitch is missing communicated supposed
communicated there but one and/or the do not link well to be a
in a nice way is missing or visual aid is visual aid
(looks well one does not not assisting for a pitch?
integrated) make sense understanding
It is clear it
is a last
At least 2
by peer
Signature of peer:_______________________________________________________
Student number of peer: _________________________________________________