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Ÿ Double compliant.
Ÿ Enhances the natural wings of
ONE and TWO.
Ÿ Pairing that wants most focused
on teaching and guiding
Ÿ Naturally like to inform and
dispense information.
Ÿ May secretly cultivate a
superiority complex.
Ÿ Easily frustrated with laziness,
inattentive behavior.
Ÿ May need to show the example
and be a role-model at all times.
Ÿ Extremely sensitive to
Ÿ May push people too much to
Ÿ themselves.
Ÿ Want to bring structure and being
appreciated for it.
Ÿ Often want to be an agent of
change, especially if social
Ÿ Often feel morally obligated to
help people and will chose to
ignore their own need in favor of
helping people.
Ÿ They are very hard on
themselves and want to be
perceived as good people.
Ÿ Want to be seen as humble yet
crave compliments.
Ÿ Their lower side is that they
might think of themselves as
incorruptible and that they cannot
be flawed whatsoever.
Ÿ May be robotic and forceful in the
way they help since it’s expected
of them.
Ÿ Often hide their aggressive and
resentful nature through selective
Ÿ Can be abusive and arrogant
and think
Ÿ they have the right to be that way
since people are ungrateful and
don’t notice how hard they try to
be selfless.
Ÿ Their anger can erupt in rather
brusque and spectacular
accusations and name-calling.
Ÿ On very low levels of health, may
think of themselves as a martyr
and/or as a victim.
Ÿ The 2 fix helps the core 1 be
more aware of interpersonal
needs and how their worldview
affect people.
Ÿ The 1 fix helps the core 2
distance themselves from their
emotional need and focus on the
ethical quality in each situation.

Ÿ Double competent.
Ÿ Pairing that is the most focused
on working hard with high
Ÿ This is the carpenter ant, the
Energizer Bunny.
Ÿ Push for success by
implementing the rules.
Ÿ Often identify with their work and
what they do.
Ÿ Often have good managerial
skills and know how to organize
things for them to be successful.
Ÿ Probably the pairing that is most
susceptible to overwork and be a
Ÿ They can hold in tremendous
amounts of pressure and still be
successful at what they do.
Ÿ They are very hard on their work
ethics and can pressurize
themselves to
Ÿ accomplish more.
Ÿ Often have a lot of pent-up anger
that can erupt when people
expect it the least.
Ÿ Can be efficient yet humble
about the praise.
Ÿ It can be hard for this pairing to
stop what they are doing and
ponder why they are doing it in
the first place.
Ÿ Can drown their insecurities and
sadness through their workload.
Ÿ Don’t take criticism well,
especially if unexpected, from
underlings or from people that
don’t know what they are talking
Ÿ Very sensitive to social
recognition, even if not social
Ÿ They secretly fear being a let
down to their family, friends,
bosses and coworkers.
Ÿ May think their way of thinking is
the best way at first.
Ÿ The 3 fix helps the core 1 to get
out of their preconceived ideas
and be more goal oriented.
Ÿ The 1 fix helps the core 3 to
orient their actions through a set
of standards and be less
arrogant about their


Ÿ Double frustration.
Ÿ Enhances the natural line of
connection to ONE and FOUR.
Ÿ Pairing that is the most focused
on refining their ideals,
pursuing higher standards.
Ÿ Whatever the instinctual stacking
or the head type, there is a
strong push
Ÿ toward what is considered
tasteful, decent and grotesque,
Ÿ Want to bring its intuition and
imagination front and center but
with certain standards and
Ÿ This is a very persnickety and
particular pairing that needs to
do things a certain way, even
when it isn’t practical.
Ÿ Subtle (or not so subtle) disdain
for what is considered subpar,
plain, normal or mediocre.
Ÿ They are often hard to truly
please and are even very critical
of themselves.
Ÿ Conflictual relationship with their
emotions: refrain from feeling,
then let go.
Ÿ Wants to experience life in all its
depth and glory, but the ONE fix
wants to keep that within certain
rules and boundaries of decency.
Ÿ May cultivate spiritual and/or
religious outlook on life.
Ÿ Can bring out new standards of
excellence, unparalleled visions
of beauty.
Ÿ Can be attached to certain
aspects of art and/or culture.
Ÿ Often quite philosophical and
adamant about setting certain
Ÿ In very low levels of health may
run the risk of emotional and
mental exhaustion by restricting
themselves from continuously
harsh standards.
Ÿ May unintendedly castrate their
own emotional experience by
repeated superego blockage.
Ÿ Invertedly, may also sabotage
their ability to think critically and
rationally with their emotional
tidal waves.
Ÿ The 4 fix helps the core 1 to
experience life through a more
intuitive and spiritual way so to
search for meaning.
Ÿ The 1 fix helps the core 4 to
bring structure and order in its
Ÿ musings and bring out its internal
desires to fruition.


Ÿ Double competency.
Ÿ Pairing that is the most focused
on accuracy and scientific
methods of reasoning.
Ÿ Most cerebral combination.
Ÿ Usually display tastes for
intellectual pursuits and a deep
hunger for knowledge.
Ÿ Not easily satisfied with the
superficial answers; knows what
and how to search for them.
Ÿ Usually very focused mind that
Ÿ home in on what to extract from
books and sources of
Ÿ Can give extremely detailed and
structured information about a
subject that they have studied.
Ÿ Probably one of the most aloof
and emotionally distant pairing
there is. A TWO wing or fix can
help alleviate that tendency.
Ÿ Very curious mind. They want to
know everything that something
or someone has to offer.
Ÿ There is always an effort to be
exhaustive and precise in their
speech while avoiding rambling if
Ÿ Pairing that is the most
uncomfortable with superficial
chat and can be awkward in
social situations.
Ÿ It’s hard for them to let go of the
formalities and be more open-
minded for one.
Ÿ They can be stuck with their way
Ÿ thinking and not welcome new
situations because of this.
Ÿ Can be frustrated by the lack of
standards and in-depth
knowledge that others cannot
Ÿ Can be easily seen by others as
know-it-alls, since they like to
correct people on having
accurate information.
Ÿ This pairing can suffer from
mental exhaustion because of
the level of accuracy and
methodical search that they
abide by on a daily basis.
Ÿ The 5 fix helps the core 1 to
withhold judgment before
complete exhaustivity and having
a more objective outlook on a
Ÿ The 1 fix helps the core 5
weighing which information is
worthful or not and become more
structured in its analysis.


Ÿ Double compliant.
Ÿ Pairing that is the most focused
on fulfilling its duties, being
Ÿ This is the turtle in the rabbit race
or the ant in the Ant and the
Ÿ Most structured-oriented of all
Ÿ Want to plan ahead and a give
little space to surprise.
Ÿ Trust is not only a concept, but a
vital line of conduct.
Ÿ May be a bit intolerant of
innovative and counterculture
Ÿ Usually not a very creative
combination (unless with FOUR
fix and SEVEN wing).
Ÿ Want a secure and trustworthy
environment to implement rules
and regulations.
Ÿ Can take up a leadership
position and still be sensitive to
the underdog.
Ÿ May risk being too rigid and
intolerant of new ways of doing
Ÿ Can be overly procedural and
cautious in its approach to daily
Ÿ This SIX can oscillate between
periods of phobic and
counterphobic phases.
Ÿ Feel obligated to work and do
what’s needed to maintain order
in their lives.
Ÿ Too much pressure can make
them irritable and exhausted, so
they need to learn to take some
time off to relax.
Ÿ Don’t understand people who
don’t follow the rules and may
even have disdain for them.
Ÿ Work hard to gain acceptance
and recognition from the
authority (most apparent with
136, least with 146).
Ÿ Laziness and indolence are seen
as unacceptable. If people need
help then they should at least
work for it.
Ÿ The 6 fix helps the core 1 to be
less formal and make alliances
with people so they can share
their views and discuss what’s
important to them.
Ÿ The 1 fix helps the core 6 to
anchor their doubts and fear onto
an ideal and feel compelled to
orient its life according to its


Ÿ Double frustration.
Ÿ Enhances the natural line of
connection to ONE and SEVEN.
Ÿ Pairing that is the most focused
on joining order and chaos
Ÿ Pairing opposing two different
Ÿ polarities that can be difficult to
sustain harmoniously.
Ÿ People with this combination are
often idealistic and want to bring
structure with enjoyment.
Ÿ May let go of the pressure of the
internal critic more easily than
the other ONE combinations.
Ÿ Can look serious and
enthusiastic at the same time.
Ÿ Perfectionistic, even in their
creative side.
Ÿ May be hard to follow with their
high ideals.
Ÿ Often have an eye for detail and
see the big picture at the same
Ÿ Want to build something
interesting in an orderly fashion.
Ÿ Often pushes their innovative
side too much and end up
dissatisfied or burned out.
Ÿ Anger is managed by letting go
of the
Ÿ pressure through finding a new
way for doing tasks.
Ÿ Their creativity must be used
purposefully, and this dichotomy
can be incredibly frustrating.
Ÿ Can’t stop thinking how they can
improve their environment or
finding new ways of transmitting
information and achieving goals.
Ÿ Unpredictable emotional
demonstrations; mostly anger
and frustration (especially if
dominant sexual instinct).
Ÿ Often have a strong connection
to their intuitive function (MBTI)
regardless if intuitive dominant or
Ÿ The 7 fix helps the core 1 to
unwind and let go of the rigid
standards by thinking outside the
box and focusing of the
Ÿ The 1 fix helps the core 7 to
focus on putting their creative
side under some
Ÿ structural guidance and filter
through unnecessary chaos.


Ÿ Double rejection.
Ÿ Pairing that is the most
interested in learning about
why people do what they do.
Ÿ Appear emotionally guarded by
amiable at the same time.
Ÿ Pairing opposing two different
polarities that can be difficult to
sustain harmoniously.
Ÿ Oscillate between the need to
reach out to others and retreat
inside their minds.
Ÿ Often attentive and observant of
other’s many needs and
Ÿ Good listeners: want to
understand what people have to
say without being intrusive.
Ÿ Sociable, but they need a lot of
alone time.
Ÿ Deny their own needs and may
think that others might need
them and not the reverse.
Ÿ Less likely than other TWOs to
feel openly entitled and resentful
of others if they don’t show
immediate appreciation for
services and deeds.
Ÿ Often express anger and hostility
in an indirect manner, even if
core EIGHT.
Ÿ Can spend a long time of their
day observing and analyzing
Ÿ Often have hidden intentions, not
truly open with what they want.
Ÿ Learn early how they can be of
service and appreciated while
not being overwhelmed by their
Ÿ Help people by giving out
advices, tips
Ÿ and personal knowledge.
Ÿ Pride comes from being
knowledgeable and not feeling
the need to spend too much time
with people to be satisfied.
Ÿ Often provide help, then return to
the shadows when they are
Ÿ Some people with this
combination make very good
psychologists, advisors, etc.
Ÿ Often more comfortable with
one-on-one conversation than
with a crowd.
Ÿ Manage avarice by limiting and
controlling time and resources
allocated to people.
Ÿ The 5 fix helps the core 2 to pull
back from the action and be
more aware of the subtle
interactions and be interested in
Ÿ The 2 fix helps the core 5 to pitch
in and be part of the group and
understand that they can profit
emotionally from what they know.

Ÿ Double compliant.
Ÿ Pairing that is the most focused
on helping others.
Ÿ They are definitely service-
oriented, and their attention is
focused on others, even with
dominant self-preservation
Ÿ They want to be seen as
providing for others and watchful
of people’s needs.
Ÿ Manage their insecurities by
focusing their attention onto
others and helping them.
Ÿ Can be easily flustered if they
don’t know how to help and be of
Ÿ They take great pride in being
important in someone’s life.
Ÿ Often give out personalized help
depending on the person and the
Ÿ Their life feel fulfilled with a
service-oriented job, especially if
they know they’ve made a
Ÿ Indifference and ingratitude are
intolerable to them.
Ÿ This pairing definitely fear being
alone for long periods of time.
Ÿ They usually don’t mind doing
menial work as long as they are
acknowledged for it.
Ÿ Fear of being excluded, outside
of the social circle, even if not
dominant social instinct.
Ÿ Anxious to be of service, may
create opportunities to help.
Ÿ May be clingy and dependent to
the people they trust.
Ÿ May be sensitive to flattery and
compliments since they crave
them and that they can be great
indicators for who is kind and
trustworthy and who’s not.
Ÿ May turn their attention to others
so much that they forget to
nurture their own needs and feel
drained and frustrated all the
Ÿ This pairing isn’t focusing on its
inner world and can be totally out
of touch of what is truly important
to them.
Ÿ The 6 fix helps the core 2 to be
aware of potential shifts and
mishaps in their environment so
to better be of service to people.
Ÿ The 2 fix helps the core 6 to
understand emotional and
relational issues and how they
can benefit from it.


Ÿ Double positive outlook

Ÿ Pairing that is the most
hedonistic and focused on
Ÿ This is the fairy or the lovely
Ÿ Very social and gregarious.
Ÿ People with this pairing are born
entertainers that like to laugh.
Ÿ Most charming and humorous
Ÿ Bored and anxious when alone,
needs the crowd to be
Ÿ Can’t stand negativity and will
minimize problems if possible.
Ÿ Find innovative ways to include
people in their shenanigans.
Ÿ They need to inject a more
realistic approach to their daily
problems, otherwise they will
Ÿ themselves from others on the
long run.
Ÿ Please and manipulate people by
keeping things and themselves
Ÿ Very friendly demeanor. Often
wants to be friends with
Ÿ May think that everyone like
them and that they can be above
Ÿ Avoid criticism by being nice,
funny with a hint of cheekiness.
Ÿ Become miserable in an isolated
environment with repetitive
Ÿ Want to be of service in an
original and fun way.
Ÿ May adopt a likeable and upbeat
persona whatever the Gut type
or instinctual stacking.
Ÿ Want to be praised for being
interesting, witty and
Ÿ Core TWOs might be more likely
to assert their needs than other
TWOs because of need for
variety and
Ÿ avoidance of pain of SEVEN.
Ÿ Capricious about what they want
but still don’t want others to turn
their back on them, so they might
compromise and be likeable.
Ÿ The 7 fix helps the core 2 to
widen their scope and let them
get some of the enjoyment while
being with others.
Ÿ The 2 fix helps the core 7 to
focus more on others’ wellbeing
and share their experiences with


Ÿ Double rejection.
Ÿ Paring that is the most
protective and manipulative.
Ÿ Enhances the natural line of
connection to TWO and EIGHT.
Ÿ This is the mama/papa bear
Ÿ Manage their insecurities by
looking how they can shield
people from being harm or
Ÿ Help people in a forceful, direct
Ÿ Very wary of being ignored and
Ÿ Can get easily riled up, then
apology in fear of being rejected.
Ÿ May say that they don’t need
people and are independent, yet
still want others to like them and
be important.
Ÿ Pride comes from taking a stand
for others that can’t.
Ÿ Very emotionally guarded since
they don’t want to feel needy nor
Ÿ Can inadvertently control others
by telling them how to act for
their own
Ÿ good.
Ÿ Offended and hurt if people
reject their advice or help.
Ÿ May understand better than most
people how people can
manipulate others for their own
Ÿ May tie their worth on how their
protect, advice and prevent loved
one from being taken advantage
Ÿ Can become overly protective
and suspicious of strangers
trying to interact with people they
Ÿ Show they love by being upfront
and honest about what they think
and feel.
Ÿ Can be forceful and threatening
in the way they help.
Ÿ The 8 fix helps the core 2 to
assert their needs and be more
direct about what they covet.
Ÿ The 2 fix helps the core 8 soften
their aggressive demeanor and
understand the impact of
Ÿ connections.


Ÿ Double positive outlook.

Ÿ Pairing that is the most gentle
and non-threatening.
Ÿ Dreamy, yet also focused on
Ÿ Often disown anything that could
be perceived as negative or
Ÿ Want to be uplifting in a soft,
healing way.
Ÿ Unassertive, may not know how
to deal with conflict.
Ÿ Like to comfort people with
encouraging words.
Ÿ Want to be liked and be seen as
easygoing, comforting.
Ÿ May want to give general advice
that is non-specific yet helpful.
Ÿ Manage their anger and need by
forgetting themselves and by
merging with what others want.
Ÿ Can secretly feel unnoticed,
depreciated and lonely.
Ÿ Often genuinely care for others
even if not always apparent.
Ÿ Help people by easing out the
anxiety and soothing out the
emotional pain.
Ÿ It’s hard to see their pride since
the NINE part will even deny of
having any of it.
Ÿ Love seeing everyone they love
together in harmony, especially if
they’ve contributed to it.
Ÿ Usually quite humble and
unaware of their sense of pride.
Ÿ Often have a delicate and mellow
Ÿ This is the quietly positive person
Ÿ doesn’t mind doing menial tasks
to help people.
Ÿ The 9 fix helps the core 2 to see
all points of views and be of
assistance in a non-intrusive
Ÿ The 2 fix helps the core 9 be
more proactive in taking into
account the needs of others and
assert their need for

Ÿ Double competency.
Ÿ Paring that is the most focused
on appearing knowledgeable.
Ÿ Often want to dive deep into a
few subjects and become an
expert at them.
Ÿ Cultivate the image of a
specialist, especially when social
Ÿ Like to have a deep grasp on
one subject than dabbling in
multiple ones.
Ÿ They often have an intellectual
arrogance about what they know.
Ÿ Their identity can be wrapped
around being knowledgeable and
hide their vulnerable side behind
their academic pursuits.
Ÿ It’s often not enough to know
about a subject. They have to
know it well enough for them to
be held in great esteem and do
something with it.
Ÿ May have impressive credentials
or being above average
compared to its peers.
Ÿ Productive, yet want to work at
their own pace.
Ÿ They avoid failure by being
selective of what they show to
Ÿ Very hidden personality because
of the
Ÿ need for compartmentalization
and always showing off an image
of success.
Ÿ May risk throwing off the
relational and emotional aspect
of their life and become robotic in
their decision process.
Ÿ Very cold and distant personality
no matter the gut type.
Ÿ May appear more confident
about what they know than they
really are.
Ÿ Seek objectivity and exhaustivity
as well as a way to promote
themselves through information.
Ÿ Some people with this pairing
may want to dress conservatively
yet always look sharp.
Ÿ Often great at mastering
something and doing something
successful with it.
Ÿ The 5 fix helps the core 3 to
home in on some specific subject
and further understand all its
Ÿ The 3 fix helps the core 5 to put
Ÿ intellectual prowess out there
and be more polished in their
overall demeanor.


Ÿ Double attachment.
Ÿ Paring that is the most
hardworking and cooperating.
Ÿ Enhances the natural line of
connection to THREE and SIX.
Ÿ Think of any sport team and how
each player needs to be aware of
their role and be successful for
the group.
Ÿ Want to be praised for their
efforts and are extremely good at
fitting in the mold in any
Ÿ Want to maintain a competent
yet cooperative reputation
among their peers.
Ÿ Can be doubtful of the authority
yet still want to be praised by it.
Ÿ They are found on top the
hierarchy unless they lead with
Ÿ Make great managers, rule-
implementers, etc.
Ÿ They want to know the rules so
they can implement them to the
best of their capacity.
Ÿ Anxious if the authority questions
their value or their work.
Ÿ Like to show their loyalty and
love through concrete actions.
Ÿ May want to act for the greater
good of a community of a group,
especially if social subtype.
Ÿ Become very anxious when they
are singled-out or lose their jobs,
career, etc. since they put so
much emphasis on their
providing role.
Ÿ Failure to meet requirement can
be extremely disruptive
psychologically (as an employee,
parent, husband, wife, etc.)
Ÿ Can become competitive in order
to please the thing that gives
them security (bosses, parents,
partners, etc.)
Ÿ Can adapt their speech and
mannerism in order to conform
better to their surroundings.
Ÿ May question authority behind its
back but support and perform in
front of them.
Ÿ The 6 fix helps the core 3 to pay
attention to their environment,
who and what can give them
success through security.
Ÿ The 3 fix helps the core 6 to be
confident in their ability to
perform and execute tasks to
gain trust and security.


Ÿ Double assertive.
Ÿ Paring that is the most positive
and optimistic.
Ÿ This is the magician, the
salesperson, the opportunist
Ÿ Want to show a cool and
unfretted attitude.
Ÿ They know how to market
themselves, even if not social
Ÿ Need to constantly be on the
move, doing or building
Ÿ Their ambition is somewhat
smoothed out and less openly
asserted unless they have
EIGHT in their tritype.
Ÿ Know how to convince and
coerce people in a charming and
Ÿ way.
Ÿ Good at starting new trends and
seeing what’s in and what’s not.
Ÿ Can perform well in marketing,
business, trade, fashion, etc.
Ÿ Combine efficiency with
entertainment: life is a game.
Ÿ Competitiveness with an element
of fun and glee.
Ÿ Want to be seen as slick,
impressive and on top of their
Ÿ Solve problems efficiently with a
touch of originality.
Ÿ Can display lots of effort to hide
any weaknesses, signs of failure
or disappointment.
Ÿ Can cheat, lie, manipulate under
a pleasant disguise to get what
they want.
Ÿ They are characterized by their
opportunistic views.
Ÿ May come off too strongly in their
Ÿ happy-go-lucky stance and
appear fake to some people.
Ÿ There is a natural entertainer
quality to this pairing. May make
great show hosts or speakers in
Ÿ The 7 fix helps the core 3 to
lighten up and see all the
possible outcome to meet their
Ÿ The 3 fix helps the core 7 to stay
focused on their goals, be
anchored to reality and to
concretize their needs.


Ÿ Double assertive.
Ÿ Pairing that is the most
aggressive and assertive.
Ÿ Think of a steamroller or a tank:
fearsome, bulky, resistant, yet
difficult to steer and maneuver.
Ÿ They are often rivals or
opponents of some sort in fiction.
Ÿ Can use intimidating tactics in
order to win.
Ÿ They often have a determined
look on their face.
Ÿ Very committed to their goals
and don’t give up easily.
Ÿ They are made to spar and
combat in many different forms.
Ÿ Want to give off a fierce and
tough image as well as one of a
Ÿ May ridicule and/or belittle those
who are more sensitive and
emotionally expressive.
Ÿ May think that they are
invulnerable at times, that they
can take up anything.
Ÿ Often make themselves bigger
than they actually are; it’s hard to
not notice them in a crowd.
Ÿ Action-oriented person that may
skip the details to fast unless
they have a FIVE fix.
Ÿ Absolutely hate to lose; very
strong egotic stance.
Ÿ Loves a good challenge and can
be brash and impetuous.
Ÿ May not know their limits at first
and be prone to accidents or
Ÿ Know how to make an impact
and have it their way despite not
always following the rules.
Ÿ Are often disconnected to their
heart and more vulnerable side.
Ÿ Hard to deter form their goals
and can be too single-minded.
Ÿ See emotions as a burden and a
sign of weakness, not realizing
that it can be a powerful way of
communicating inner desires and
Ÿ The 8 fix helps the core 3 to rely
less on their image and be more
Ÿ The 3 fix helps the core 8 to
consider polishing their discourse
before standing their ground too


Ÿ Double attachment.
Ÿ Pairing that hides behind an
inoffensive and likeable
veneer the most.
Ÿ Enhances the natural line of
connection to THREE and NINE.
Ÿ Probably the least likely of all
pairings to display strong
emotions or go toward extremes.
Ÿ Consequently, there is rarely
something offensive, dramatic or
controversial about them, at least
on surface level.
Ÿ There is a natural mask of
pleasantness when those two
enneatypes come together.
Ÿ Hide their more edgy side with a
likeable but somewhat plain
Ÿ Can be a surprisingly tough nut
to crack in private, even when
they lead with the sexual instinct.
Ÿ Stick to the role that is assigned
to them.
Ÿ Very consistent behavior,
especially in public.
Ÿ Even when they lead with SIX or
is a feeling type in the MBTI,
there is a moderation in their
emotional display and they won’t
focus too much on amplifying
them, especially negative ones.
Ÿ Want to be seen as reliable and
successful without too much
Ÿ Can pride themselves in being
tolerant, uncomplicated and
Ÿ Very adaptable and
Ÿ Can agree with people on
surface but privately disagree.
Ÿ Masters of lazy but efficient work
practices, aka working smarter.
Ÿ Are efficient but don’t usually
push themselves further than
what’s expected of them.
Ÿ Hide their stubbornness by only
adapting in surface and doing
superficial changes.
Ÿ Unemotional and dry personality
for the most part.
Ÿ The 9 fix helps the core 3 mellow
their ambitious nature and go
more with the flow.
Ÿ The 3 fix helps the core 9 be
more assertive, dynamic and
goal oriented.


Ÿ Double withdrawn.
Ÿ Paring that is the most
introspective and focused on
its inner life.
Ÿ Enhances the natural wings of
Ÿ This is the deep divers of their
own personal abyss.
Ÿ People with this pairing are deep
thinkers and feelers.
Ÿ Often feel like a drop in the
ocean, like they could be easily
swallowed by the outside world.
Ÿ Feel tired very quickly when
interacting with people,
especially in new environment.
Ÿ Genuinely feel different and
separate from the crowd.
Ÿ Generally, prefer written
Ÿ communication over spoken one.
Ÿ Seek depth in everything and
often cannot tolerate daily
conversations because of this.
Ÿ Often engrossed in interests far
more than other pairings.
Ÿ They have a hard time
communicating their feelings if
they are caught up in them.
Ÿ Often have a capacity for forming
mental maps in which they can
intuitively navigate.
Ÿ Seek beauty and authenticity in
the pursuit of knowledge.
Ÿ Often have odd or unusual
Ÿ Can be shut ins and live in their
own fantasy realm.
Ÿ Can be emotionally moved and
not overtly showing it at all.
Ÿ Often have a hidden self that
very few people are aware of.
Ÿ Want to be known for their
artistic complexity and ingenuity.
Ÿ It can take them enormous
amount of time to produce
something because they always
prioritize quality over quantity.
Ÿ Feelings can be a source of
anxiety, but they still want to
experience them.
Ÿ Often amass vast amount of
knowledge and are often wise
beyond their years.
Ÿ The 5 fix helps the core 4 seek
out logical causes to their
feelings of inferiority and pursue
intellectual hobbies.
Ÿ The 4 fix helps the core 5 break
out of the cerebral mindset and
allow intuitive and emotional
depth to seep into the self.

Ÿ Double reactive.
Ÿ Pairing that is the most doubtful
and sensitive to experiences in
Ÿ Emotionally volatile but feelings
run deep.
Ÿ Take a great deal of time
analyzing and sorting out their
feelings and thoughts.
Ÿ See their identity as shifting and
molding itself through their
Ÿ Doubt themselves and others a
Ÿ Conflict between external
security and maintaining
personal integrity.
Ÿ Question life and the meaning
behind everything to the point of
being emotionally and mentally
exhausted at times.
Ÿ Emotionally volatile and verbally
aggressive if threatened.
Ÿ Always see new information in
Ÿ quest to find the truth, so it’s a
never-ending search.
Ÿ Creative, but need reassurance
in their abilities and support from
Ÿ It’s hard for them to hide their
emotional reactions to
Ÿ Feel their vulnerable side and
may reveal it more than other
Ÿ Often need to vent and talk about
what’s troubling them to
someone they trust.
Ÿ Often very empathetic of other’s
suffering when healthy.
Ÿ Often have a very good capacity
for psychological help because of
the emotional intuition of the
FOUR and the generosity of the
Ÿ Kids with this pairing often
possess emotional maturity
because they pause and
question the situation they are in
instead of simply interacting with
Ÿ They have the ability of be in
Ÿ people’s shoe and help them in a
deep way.
Ÿ The 6 fix helps the core 4 seek
meaning outside their emotional
realm and validate their findings
with trustworthy sources.
Ÿ The 4 fix helps the core 6 turn
inward toward their authentic self
to seek meaning without
reaching external assistance.


Ÿ Double frustration.
Ÿ Pairing that is the most
imaginative and fantastical.
Ÿ This is the enfant terrible with a
Ÿ imagination.
Ÿ See imaginative ways to practical
Ÿ Very idealistic but with unstable
and fickle energy.
Ÿ Want significance and
playfulness in their daily lives.
Ÿ May prefer their inner
imagination to the drearier side
of life.
Ÿ Capricious and bratty in behavior
since they want things done in a
fun, playful manner.
Ÿ They often hide their sadness
and disenchantment behind
impish or childlike behavior.
Ÿ Easily bored since they see
always see how life could be
better and more meaningful in
many ways.
Ÿ Bipolar/dysthymic mind; oscillate
between sadness and joy.
Ÿ See things that are missing in
order for the situation to be
magical and original.
Ÿ They feel miserable in
Ÿ workplace that doesn’t allow
creative thinking.
Ÿ Easily see how certain situations
can be stifling and boring and try
to avoid them.
Ÿ Can be impatient with their own
negative feelings and move on
too quickly instead of settling
down and rooting out the cause
of their anxiety.
Ÿ This paring amplifies the need to
be connected to our inner child
and the importance of self-
Ÿ Seek to validate and exteriorize
their magical inner world yet
often feel bummed up by realistic
Ÿ Feel conflicted with their need for
immediate mental satisfaction
clashing with their need for
manifesting their emotional truth.
Ÿ The 7 fix helps the core 4 find
enjoyable ways to deal with their
feelings of lacking and seek out
novel solutions to
Ÿ bring out their creative side.
Ÿ The 4 fix helps the core 7 stop
chasing down countless options
and be more sensitive to the
emotional quality and nuances
that each of them have.


Ÿ Double reactive.
Ÿ Pairing that has the most
difficulty with superficiality
and lying in general.
Ÿ Most intuitive pairing; see
possibilities long before most
Ÿ Intense reactivity to perceived
dishonesty, falsehood and
conventional thinking.
Ÿ Most creative and
Ÿ pairing.
Ÿ Out-of-the-box thinking and
Ÿ Like to dig deep into emotional
traumas, not afraid of defying
Ÿ Protect the vulnerable, the
rejected, the abandoned, the
Ÿ Wants to live life according to
their own musing, rejecting
external expectations.
Ÿ Are their own authority and can
easily delve into insubordination.
Ÿ Don’t have any problem going
against the grain and be
Ÿ If it doesn’t ring true to them, it’s
no gonna be validated.
Ÿ They don’t sugarcoat anything,
and they mean every word of it.
Ÿ They trust their gut and their
heart, so they are very instinctive
in everything they do.
Ÿ Often see right through others
and intuitively know what makes
Ÿ tick and how they manage
everyday problems.
Ÿ They often have piercing, intense
look in their face.
Ÿ This EIGHT is more conscious of
its emotional needs and less
fearful of its vulnerable side.
Ÿ This pairing brings out intensity
and emotional truthfulness.
Ÿ People with this combination are
extremely sensitive to insincerity
and deceit.
Ÿ Feel things strongly and express
them in a powerful and/or
eccentric way.
Ÿ Can say deep or unconventional
truths that few people might have
reflected on before.
Ÿ The 8 fix helps the core 4 assert
their creative side and make
something out of it.
Ÿ The 4 fix helps the core 8 get in
touch with their emotions and
vulnerable side
Ÿ as well as their intuition.


Ÿ Double withdrawn.
Ÿ Pairing that is the most
sensitive and sympathetic to
Ÿ This is the healer, the highly
sensitive person archetype.
Ÿ Can feel a bit estranged from the
group and expect others to
welcome them.
Ÿ They are often quite empathetic
and can understand where
people come from.
Ÿ Often have strong healing
presence as if people are drawn
to them.
Ÿ Often hide their sadness with a
Ÿ This is quite a passive
combination that doesn’t feel the
need to confront their problem
readily in order to feel better.
Ÿ Feel that something is missing in
their life but won’t necessarily go
all the way to find it.
Ÿ Often have a nostalgic and/or
romantic side.
Ÿ Often dream about their ideal life
instead of making it happen.
Ÿ They like to escape into their
feelings and thoughts for long
periods of time.
Ÿ Their behavior feels ghostly and
ethereal, as if they were half-
Ÿ Very sensitive but might not
show it in fear of being rejected.
Ÿ Envy is more private and quiet
with this combination.
Ÿ There is some sort of resigned
attitude with this pairing.
Ÿ Good listener but may focus too
much on the sad/emotional part
of the conversation.
Ÿ May often look aloof and hesitant
to engage.
Ÿ May suffer in silence instead of
looking for help or solve the
Ÿ If they aren’t careful, they can
take a lot of abuse and not do
anything about it.
Ÿ Like most NINE pairings,
manifest their anger in a passive-
aggressive fashion, but also to
Ÿ The 9 fix helps the core 4 smooth
out their penchant for protest and
ease out their harsher side.
Ÿ The 4 fix helps the core 9
introspect more and spending
more time with their emotional
Ÿ Double rejection.
Ÿ Pairing that is the most
strategic in their thinking.
Ÿ Enhances the natural line of
connection to FIVE and EIGHT.

Ÿ This is the chess master or the


Ÿ Very strong opinions about topic

they like or study.

Ÿ Knowledge is power to them.

Ÿ Never attack upfront first but can

be sneaky and never let its sight
away from their opponent.
Ÿ Often doesn’t rely on one course
of action and can change on a
whim according to the situation.
Ÿ May be underestimated by their
peers because of the FIVE’s low
energy giving the EIGHT are
more subdued presence.

Ÿ This FIVE is less intellectual in

the sense of bookworm and
more streetwise as this pairing
learns best by experience.

Ÿ They oscillate between action

and observation very quickly as
to never be truly in the moment
nor completely still.

Ÿ They often look calm and fixated

on something, as they are
waiting to strike on their prey at
the right time.

Ÿ Menacing or unfriendly presence

even if unintentional.
Ÿ Mix of hot and cold energy; may
be hard to follow and hard to
know deeply.

Ÿ Their heart is very well protected

and can be hard to access even
to them.

Ÿ Often have a razor-sharp mind

and are very good at problem-

Ÿ Have a difficult time connecting

with others in a casual,
superficial way.

Ÿ Can alternate between periods of

action and reflection.
Ÿ The 8 fix helps the core 5 putting
their ideas out there and assert

Ÿ The 5 fix helps the core 8

understand the need to
contemplate in order to better
grasp the situation.
5+9 The Observer

Ÿ Double withdrawn.

Ÿ Paring that is the most

introverted and removed from

Ÿ This is the invisible person or the

hermit archetype.

Ÿ They are wise in a quiet way and

don’t dispense their knowledge

Ÿ Probably one the least likely

pairing to fancy a lavish lifestyle.
Ÿ Like to take their time to
understand things their own way.

Ÿ Constantly aware of their energy

levels and want to preserve their
Ÿ Tend to be curious about a
plethora of subjects but may not
necessarily delve deep into all of

Ÿ Their shyness can put a damper

on their intelligence.

Ÿ May run the risk of disengaging

with the world as means of
protecting their integrity.

Ÿ Very passive and does not

appear proactive or full of energy
at first.

Ÿ May become argumentative if

they hold strong opinions but
don’t push them too much if
there is a possibility for conflict.

Ÿ Want to understand concepts

and information their own way.

Ÿ Can easily disappear in social

Ÿ It’s like they are not physically

Ÿ Avarice is managed through

limiting their interaction with the
outside world and making
themselves unimportant.

Ÿ Whenever they feel anxiety or

anger, they want to retreat into
their world to process the

Ÿ Hide their discomfort and their

identity to a certain extent.

Ÿ Feels overwhelmed very easily

by external stimulation and

Ÿ It’s quite easy for them be

disengaged with the present
situation and be in their own

Ÿ The 9 fix helps the core 5 have a

Ÿ broader and a non-judgmental

Ÿ The 5 fix helps the core 9 by

going deeper into their
understanding of people and
things, narrowing the scope.

6+8 The Confronter

Ÿ Double reactive.

Ÿ Pairing that wants to make

people state their intentions
openly the most.

Ÿ Most confrontational and

argumentative pairing (most
aggressive tritype is 368).

Ÿ Are usually good readers of

situations and people but can be
prone to projecting their fears
and coming off too strongly.
Ÿ May see problems where they
aren't, a bit paranoiac.

Ÿ Wants to get to the bottom of

sketchy businesses.

Ÿ Very loyal and protective to those

under their wings.

Ÿ Very sensitive to power dynamics

(personal and social).

Ÿ Each tritype with this pairing

want to be protective and shield
others from being misled or
taken advantage of.
Ÿ Often know that they are
vulnerable but almost always
protect themselves from being
hurt by others.

Ÿ Often deny that they are

Ÿ and think that they are
passionate or are trying to prove
their point.

Ÿ The SIX fix is almost always

counterphobic when paired with

Ÿ This pairing denies their fear and

may not identify with the most of
the SIX traits at first.

Ÿ Fearsome pairing that knows

how to argue and speak their
minds, appearing confident.

Ÿ Can be reactive and emotional

even when the subject isn’t
meant to be.
Ÿ Can sense imminent danger and
usually have quick reflexes.

Ÿ Want to see the truth in all

situations, but often end up
imposing theirs
Ÿ (especially with 368).

Ÿ May don’t know how to stop

being in attacking mode and may
make a fool of themselves.

Ÿ The 8 fix helps the core 6 garner

self-confidence and the drive to
act on their suspicions and
challenge what they see as

Ÿ The 6 fix helps the core 8 to trust

people and bond with like-
minded folk.

6+9 The Follower

Ÿ Double attachment.

Ÿ Enhances the natural line of

connection to SIX and NINE.

Ÿ Pairing that wants to be part of

a community the most, even if
not social
Ÿ subtype.

Ÿ Often unassuming or wavering

when alone, feel better in groups.

Ÿ Even when leading with FOUR or

with a sexual subtype, you won’t
see them alienating themselves
completely from their peers.

Ÿ Unsure about their capacity to

act alone, so they side with

Ÿ Can easily take too much time to

take a decision, especially with
TWO or FOUR in the tritype.
Ÿ Find security in being part of
something greater than them.

Ÿ Often look scared, preoccupied

and/or worried even if not.
Ÿ Unconsciously conforms and
bends to its environment.

Ÿ Can easily mimic or reflect

collective insecurities, wants or

Ÿ Abhor conflict; their first instinct

is usually to hide. A strong
EIGHT wing or THREE fix can
help alleviate the need for flight.

Ÿ It’s hard to think for themselves

and not to be swayed by others’

Ÿ Usually gentle and amiable but

can become secretive and
anxious if they feel threatened.

Ÿ Display their frustration in a

passive aggressive way, often
displacing it to something less
Ÿ The SIX here is usually phobic
but can become counterphobic if
pushed enough toward stress
and danger.

Ÿ Can easily be caught in

indecision and want others to
take the big decisions at first.

Ÿ At their worst, can blindly follow

the herd and act without thinking
for themselves.

Ÿ The 9 fix helps the core 6 relax

and being more tolerant and
accepting of difference.
Ÿ The 6 fix helps the core 9 being
less indolent and more proactive
when helping others.

7+8 The Conqueror

Ÿ Double assertive.

Ÿ Pairing that wants freedom and

assert their will the most.

Ÿ Enhances the natural wings of 7

and 8.

Ÿ Has the greatest difficulty of all

pairings will external or imposed
limits, often circumventing or
breaking them in order to get
what they want.

Ÿ Typically have a hard time to say

no to their desires.
Ÿ Life is a playground; "I take what
I want".

Ÿ A blend of hedonistic and

realistic approach to life.
Ÿ Feel the best when they get
things done their way.

Ÿ Always on the lookout to take

charge in a situation and having
fun while doing it.

Ÿ Love a good challenge and

usually succeed a overtaking

Ÿ When they are invested into

something, it’s hard for them to
slow down because they love the
intensity of the situation and
usually find ways renew its

Ÿ It’s hard for them to look for

potential pitfalls and be wary of
new endeavors.

Ÿ They want freedom to manifest

what they crave out of life.

Ÿ They might not see how

important it is
Ÿ to cultivate their inner lives and
understand why they do what
they do.

Ÿ May take for granted what others

find offensive and obnoxious.

Ÿ Good negotiator: Always find a

way to win something.

Ÿ Quick thinker and smooth talker;

direct speech but in a funny,
original way.

Ÿ They need to learn to slow down

and think about potential
Ÿ Most excessive and grandiose
viewpoint of all pairings.

Ÿ Have and unmistakable big

energy and dynamic presence.

Ÿ The 8 fix helps the core 7 to

anchor their attention on goals
and crave
Ÿ things more intensely.

Ÿ The 7 fix helps the core 8 divert

their lust for power in many
different viewpoints and help
broaden personal scope.

7+9 The Optimist

Ÿ Double positive outlook.

Ÿ Pairing that wants things to be

easy and stress-free the most.

Ÿ This is the dreamer or the

troubadour archetype.

Ÿ Don’t like to overcomplicate life

and avoid seeing problems.

Ÿ It doesn’t take them much to get

excited but also not much to get
Ÿ Wants variety in a comfortable
and unpretentious way.

Ÿ Child-like energy in this pairing;

very gentle and sunny

Ÿ There is nothing rough or uppity

with this pairing.

Ÿ People mostly feel welcome and

at ease with them.

Ÿ Soft, expansive energy, always

dreaming about what could be.

Ÿ Most unfocused and ungrounded

pairing of all.

Ÿ Keeping a focus is hard for them.

Ÿ They want to see the glass half

full and
Ÿ have a hard time with negativity.

Ÿ Can be secretly malcontent with

what they have and don’t display
their discomfort.

Ÿ Seek novelty without forcing the

events and are very adaptable.

Ÿ Often have a lazy side that don't

want to deal with boring or
serious tasks.

Ÿ Can seek excitement through

material cravings (eating,
gambling, spending, etc.) and not
realizing how problematic it is.
Ÿ Prone to compulsive but
comforting addictions.

Ÿ They don’t see how destructive

they can be to themselves and
others when
Ÿ they go into their unhealthy
stages and shut off any
negativity and responsibilities to
stratify their need to escape

Ÿ The 9 fix helps the core 7 soften

and temper their excitability in
addition to being less prickly and
overtly impatient.

Ÿ The 7 fix helps the core 9 bolster

their self-confidence and be
more proactive and relational.

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