Analysis of Customer'S Perception On Marketing of Milma Products

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Kerala Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation (KCMMF) popularly known as MILMA was established in April 1980, for the successful implementation of operation flood project in Kerala under the control of National Dairy Development Board (NDDB). NDDB launched this operation flood project in 1970 which was based on Anand pattern which lead to a success of Amul Co-operative in Anand, Kaira district, Gujarat. The mission of KCMMF is Farmers prosperity through customer satisfaction. Which include the activities of collecting the surplus milk from rural and marketing it in urban and semi urban areas; NDDB, which is situated at Anand is the controlling authority of this project in India. The present study aims at evaluating the views of customers on the various dairy products and marketing techniques followed by TRCMPU, which handles Milmas operations at Thiruvanathapuram.
Keywords:- Milk,Customers perception, customers satisfaction


Dr. A.S Dileep* T.Rajesh**

Milk production in India has come a long way over the years from a low volume of 17million tons in 1951 to 110 million tones in 2009 which is projected to reach 115 million tons in 2010. Today, India is the world leader in milk production and the Indian dairy industry stands at a mammoth size of US$ 70 billion. The Indian dairy industry presently contributes about 15 % to the total milk production of the world. The laurels of this numerous no position emanates from a huge base of around 11 million farmers organized into about 1 lakh Village Dairy Cooperative Societies. The Indian dairy market is currently growing at an annual growth rate of 7% at current prices. In todays context, a demand supply gap has become imminent in the dairy industry because of the dynamic demographic pattern, changing food consumption habits and the rapid urbanization of rural India. This requires an inclusive growth of the dairy sector along with rapidly growing Indian economy. Kerala Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation (KCMMF) popularly known as MILMA was established in April 1980, for the successful implementation of operation flood project in Kerala under the control of National Dairy Development Board (NDDB). NDDB launched this operation flood project in 1970 which was based on Anand pattern which lead to a success of Amul Co-operative in Anand, Kaira district, Gujarat. The objective of this project was to build Anand pattern model milk co-operative societies (APCOS) in all villages that are capable to produce milk. Anand pattern is a three tier system structure which includes:i. Primary Milk Co-Operative Societies. ii. iii. District Milk Producers Union and State Federation

*Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, N.S.S College, Pandalam **Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Mannaniya College of arts and science, Pangode

Kerala was included in the second phase of operation flood (1980-1987). NDDB under Dr. Varghese Kurian's Guidance setup KCMMF in April, 1980 as a part of operation flood programme-II in Kerala and the head office was established in Thiruvananthapuram. KCMMF was registered under the Co-operative Societies Act on 21-02-1980. NDDB has been the funding agent for the operation flood projects in Kerala. The mission of KCMMF is Farmers prosperity through customer satisfaction. Which include the activities of collecting the surplus milk from rural and marketing it in urban and semi urban areas; NDDB, which is situated at Anand is the controlling authority of this project in India.

TRCMPU The Thiruvananthapuram Regional Co-operative Milk Producer's Union was established in the year 1985 as part of the implementation of the Flood Programme in the State of Kerala. This union covers the southern region of Kerala. The area of operation of the union covers the districts of Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, Pathanamthitta, and Alappuzha.

Objectives of the study The present study aims at evaluating the views of customers on the various dairy products and marketing techniques followed by TRCMPU. The specific objectives being;

1. 2.

To examine the opinion of Customers towards marketing of Dairy product To provide major findings of the study and offer suggestions there on.

Methodology The study is mainly based on primary data; however secondary data are also made use of for the purpose of the study. The primary data are collected from customers with the help of interview schedule. The secondary data were collected from the records and annual reports of TRCMPU and Articles, Newspapers and books related to the area of study. The customers opinion was obtained on the usage of MILMA products and the number of since it is being used; awareness of other branded products, reasons for using

MILMA products; their level of satisfaction with the brand image of milk, butter, ghee and curd; their level of satisfaction with the factors like quality, concentration, price and flavour with respect to milk, butter, ghee, curd; their opinion about the availability of MILMA products; opinion on their ranking of the products milk, butter, ghee and curd with respect to attributes like taste, flavour, quality, thickness and packing; the important factors considered while buying MILMA products; opinion on the overall performance of MILMA products; source of information about the product; opinion on the effect of advertisement in creating image of the products; their level of importance with respect to the most effective media of advertising; opinion on the service of MILMA staff and finally their suggestions for improving the market of MILMA products. Sampling Frame Data were collected from Customers, wholesalers and retailers of the TRCMPU. Since the number of Customers of the TRCMPU is not known, the sample sizes of customer have been fixed at 200 and these customers are selected on the basis of convenient sampling method DATA ANALYSIS Data analysis is presented on the following section. Number of Years Usage of MILMA Products The customers opinion was obtained regarding the number of years of usage of MILMA products. In this respect 9 per cent of the customers have opinioned that they are using MILMA for a period of less than one year; 32 per cent of the customers are using MILMA products for a period of in between 1-5 years and 59 per cent are using the products for more than 5 years. This clearly shows that majority of the customers are using the MILMA products more than 5 years. This further indicates that the customers are using the same brand for the 5 years. The following Table depicts the respondent's opinion regarding the same.

Table 1 Number of years Usage of MILMA Products Options Less than 1 yr 1 5 yrs More than 5 yrs T o t al Source: - Primary data Awareness of other branded products other than MILMA Regarding the awareness of the other branded products of MILMA, the respondents opinion shows that 85 per cent of them are aware of other branded products other than MILMA while 15 per cent of the customers opined that they are not aware of the other branded products. This shows that majority of the customers in the sample are aware of other branded products. This further shows that the brand awareness of products other than MILMA among the consumers is good. Table 2 shows the awareness of other branded products other than MILMA. Table 2 Awareness of other branded products other than MILMA Options Y es No T o t al Source: - Primary data Frequency 1 70 30 2 00 Frequency in % 85 15 100 Frequency 18 64 1 18 2 00 Frequency in % 9 32 59 100

4. Reasons for using MILMA products The respondent's opinion was obtained regarding the reasons for using MILMA products. Here the major reasons for using MILMA products were good quality, price competitive, good flavour/taste and available everywhere. In this regard, out of 200 respondents, 4 per cent of them are using MILMA products considering its good quality; 26 per cent of them considering the price factor; 6 per cent considers good flavour/taste while rest of them are using MILMA products due to its availability in everywhere. From the above analysis it is clear that majority of the customersare using MILMA products considering the fact that which is available every where. This further pin points that the availability of MILMA products everywhere is the reason behind its preference over the other products. The following Table 3.3 bring out the views of the respondent's regarding the reasons for using MILMA products. Table 3 Reasons for using MILMA products Reasons Good quality Competitive price Good flavour/taste Available every where T o t al Source: - Primary data Frequency 7 51 14 1 28 2 00 Frequency in % 4 26 6 64 100

3.5. Level of satisfaction with the brand image of MILMA products Brand image of the product is an important criterion for improving sales accordingly good brand image enhances the satisfaction of consumers. This shows the need of maintaining good brand image for the products.

The respondent's level of satisfaction on the brand image of MILMA products milk, butter, ghee and curd shows that with respect to milk more of the customers are partly satisfied (92); in the case of butter majority of the customers are satisfied (104); in the case of ghee and curd majority of the of the customers are partly satisfied (106) (108). From the above analysis it is clear that the customers are partly satisfied with the brand image with respect to milk, ghee and curd and they are satisfied with respect to butter. This further indicates that the consumers are satisfied with the brand image of butter and partly satisfied with milk, ghee and curd. The following Table 4 depicts the respondent's level of satisfaction with the brand image of the above products. Table 4 Level of satisfaction with the brand image of MILMA products Products Milk Butter Ghee Curd HS 10 18 8 14 S 88 104 80 66 PS 92 70 106 108 DS 10 8 6 12

HS Highly Satisfied; S Satisfied; PS Partly Satisfied; DS Dissatisfied; Source: - Primary data Level of satisfaction with the quality of MILMA products The respondent's level of satisfaction on the quality of MILMA products milk, butter, ghee and curd shows that with respect to milk majority of the customers are partly satisfied (136); in the case of butter majority of the customers are partly satisfied (100); in the case of ghee majority are partly satisfied (98) and in the case of curd majority of the of the customers are satisfied (116). From the above analysis it is clear that the customers are partly satisfied with the quality with respect to milk and butter and customers are partly satisfied with ghee and satisfied with curd. This further shows that the consumers are partly satisfied with the

quality of milk, butter and ghee and satisfied with the quality of curd. The following Table 5 highlights the respondent's level of satisfaction with the quality of the above products.

Table 5 Level of satisfaction with the quality of MILMA products HS Products Milk Butter Ghee Curd 4 20 16 56 44 76 78 116 136 100 98 24 16 4 8 4 S PS DS

HS Highly Satisfied; S Satisfied; PS Partly Satisfied; DS Dissatisfied; Source: - Primary data Level of satisfaction with the concentration of MILMA products The respondent's level of satisfaction with the concentration of MILMA products milk, butter, ghee and curd shows that with respect to milk, majority of the customers are partly satisfied (136); in the case of butter, ghee and curd majority of the customers are satisfied (108), (112), (106). From the above analysis it is clear that the customers are partly satisfied with concentration of milk and are satisfied with butter, ghee and curd. This further shows that with respect to concentration the consumers are only partly satisfied with milk but satisfied with butter, ghee and curd. The following Table 6 highlights the respondent's level of satisfaction with the concentration of the above products.

Table 6 Level of satisfaction with the Concentration of MILMA products Products Milk Butter Ghee Curd HS 12 24 28 32 S 28 108 112 106 PS 136 62 56 44 DS 24 6 4 18

HS Highly Satisfied; S Satisfied; PS Partly Satisfied; DS Dissatisfied Source: - Primary data Level of satisfaction with the price of MILMA products The respondent's level of satisfaction with the price of MILMA products milk, butter, ghee and curd shows that with respect to milk, majority of the customers are partly satisfied (118) with price; in the case of butter, ghee and curd majority of the customers are satisfied (116), (112), (128). From the above analysis it is clear that the customers are partly satisfied with price of milk and are satisfied with the price of butter, ghee and curd. This further shows that with respect to price, the consumers are only partly satisfied with milk and satisfied with butter, ghee and curd. The following Table 7 highlights the respondent's level of satisfaction with the price of the above MILMA products.

Table 7 Level of satisfaction with the price of MILMA products Products Milk Butter Ghee Curd HS 12 22 28 32 S 60 116 122 128 PS 118 56 42 36 DS 10 6 8 4

HS Highly Satisfied; S Satisfied; PS Partly Satisfied; DS Dissatisfied Source: - Primary data Opinion on the overall performance of the MILMA products The respondent's opinion was obtained about the over all performance of the MILMA products. In this respect, 7 per cent of the respondents have the opinion that the performance is very good; 38 per cent have the opinion that the performance is good; 26 per cent of customers opinioned that the overall performance is average; 12 per cent of customers opinioned that the overall performance is poor and 3 per cent of them have the view that the overall performance is very poor. This clearly shows that majority of the customers in the sample have the opinion that the overall performance of MILMA products are average only. This further indicates that the consumers are just satisfied with the overall performance of MILMA products. The following Table 8 the respondent's opinion on the overall performance of MILMA products.

Table 8 Opinion on the overall performance of the MILMA products Opinion Very good Good Average Poor Very Poor T o t al Source: - Primary dat STATISTICAL TESTS a) ANNOVA Table Test
1. To find the relationship between the level of satisfaction and the quality of MILMA products using ANOVA Table

Frequency 14 52 1 04 24 6 2 00

Frequency in % 7 26 52 12 3 100

Table 9 Level of satisfaction with the quality of MILMA products Products Milk Butter Ghee Curd HS 4 20 16 56 S 44 76 78 116 PS 136 100 98 24 DS 16 4 8 4 Total 200 200 200 200

HS Highly Satisfied; S Satisfied; PS Partly Satisfied; DS Dissatisfied

Null Hypothesis: The consumers level of satisfaction remains the same with the quality of MILMA products

Table 10 ANOVA Table Sources of Variation Between the samples Within the samples Total Sum of squares 19,565 10523 30,088 Degrees of Freedom 3 12 15 Mean square S 6,522 (S1)2 877 (S2)2

Table 11 ANOVA Table Degree of freedom Significance level calculated value Table value




Here the Table value of F at 5% level of significance at Degrees of Freedom (3; 12) is 3.49. Thus the calculated value of F is greater than the Table value, therefore the null hypothesis is rejected. Hence the consumers level of satisfaction changes with the quality of different products of MILMA like Milk, Butter, Ghee and Curd.


Likerts Score Table 12 Opinion on the overall performance of the MILMA products N o. of Respondents 14 52 104 24 6 200 Weightage given 05 04 03 02 01 15 Weighted Score 70 2 08 3 12 48 06 6 44


Very good Good Average Poor Very Poor T o t al Source: - Primary data

Total weighted score Likerts Score = Total number of respondents

64 4 = 20 0

= 3.22

The Likerts score of 3.22 is above the weighted average score of 3, which indicates that the overall performance of the MILMA products are average; i.e. the products are satisfactory. FINDINGS 1. Majority of the respondent's are using the MILMA products for more than 5 years. 2. The majority of the customersare aware of other branded products other than MILMA. Most of the Customersare using MILMA products considering the fact that it is available everywhere. 3. Majority of the consumers are opined that they are satisfied with the brand image of butter and partly satisfied with milk, ghee and curd 4. Most of the consumers are partly satisfied with the quality of milk, butter and ghee and satisfied with the quality of curd. The 5. The consumers level of satisfaction changes with the quality different products of MILMA like Milk, Butter, Ghee and Curd 6. With respect to the concentration of milma products, most of the consumers are partly satisfied with milk but satisfied with butter, ghee and curd. 7. With respect to price, the majorities of the consumers are partly satisfied with milk and satisfied with butter, ghee and curd. 8. Majority of the consumers are just satisfied with the overall performance of MILMA products and this is also confirmed by Likerts Score. 9. CONCLUSION

The objective of the company is to transform the dreams of the consumers into reality. This necessitates a sound product strategy, which simplifies the process of generating the impulse for buying. The various product offered to target market should satisfy the consumer in the mounting competition in and around, it is essential that the company should adopt a product strategy which suit the need, preference, habit, attitude, taste and flavour of the potential consumers. At the outset it is essential that the product management process should be managed properly, so that the pruning and adding operations can be optimized.

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