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Quest Journals

Journal of Research in Business and Management

Volume 8 ~ Issue 1 (2020) pp: 18-24

A Study on Customer Awareness and Satisfaction of Milma

Products with Special Reference to Thiruvanathapuram City
Melsa C Thomas
Guest faculty, Department of Commerce Catholicate college, Pathanamthitta

ABSTRACT: Customer satisfaction is a fundamental marketing construct in the last three decades. In the past,
it was unpopular and unaccepted concept because companies thought it was more important to gain new
customers than retain the existing ones. However, in this present decade, companies have gained better
understanding of the importance of customer satisfaction and adopted it as a high priority operational goal.
This study entitled on consumer awareness and satisfaction of Milma products with reference to
Thiruvananthapuram city was carried out in lines of the objectives; to know the purchase behaviour and factors
considered by customers before purchase of selected dairy products also to find out the perceived importance of
attributes responsible for satisfaction and performance after use and to know the process of problem redresses
adopted by consumers and feedback mechanism from dairy. From the study, it is found that most of the
customers are satisfied of the milma products. The study is based on primary data from hundred and fifty
customers collected through questionnaires and personal interview and secondary data collected from journals,
company reports, magazines etc.

Received 28 Feb., 2020; Accepted 07 Mar., 2020 © the Author(S) 2020.

Published With Open Access At www.Questjournals.Org

Milk is an essential commodity and we can‟t choose any market segment because all people are our
targeted customers. Now a days there is a neck to neck competition between different brands of milk producers.
Each brand has its own significance and is available with some difference in price, quality and fat content
compared to competing brand.
Customer satisfaction and trust are two important factors which influence any market. In this modern
age it is very difficult to find a customer who is loyal to a single brand. But still there exist some cooperative
companies which can create undivided demand in the market creating a natural monopoly. It is mainly because
of the trust the customers put into it. The main objective of this project is to study the performance of MILMA
in terms of its market share, satisfaction level of customers and dealers, customer loyalty, and awareness of
customers about the homogenization technique.
The brand MILMA stands for milk and a whole variety of milk products which enjoys the confidence
of every Keralites for their unmatched quality and taste. The name also signifies the vast organization Kerala
Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation (KCMMF) whose units are spread across the villages and towns of the
Kerala. It was initially set-up for the successful implementation of the diary program „Operation Flood‟ under
the direction of NDDB (National Diary Development Board). Over the years, KCMMF has developed a long
term health perspective for the people of the state, people who suffer from lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and
obesity. So MILMA products are ensured balanced nutrition as well as reduced cost of healthcare. Apart from
Milk, they also launched a variety of other beverages. Founded on the basis of the great democratic principle
„Of the People, By the People and For the People‟. The primary concern of MILMA is to provide true and
hassle services.


Even after being a government organization, MILMA is still struggling to find undivided demand in
the milk market. Almost 30 other players have entered the market in the last 2 decades and are given a rough
time for MILMA‟s milk supply. This can be either because of the low commission policy provided to the
dealers or the absence of a proper promotion channel. Another reason that can be hindering MILMA‟s total
market share would be customer dissatisfaction. Also unawareness of homogenization technique and its benefits

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could also be another reason why customers might prefer other brands. Hence divided market share and
customer loyalty are the major problems that the company is facing right now.

Significance Of The Study

Milma has a great market share in our market. Acceptability is the hall mark of Milma products. This
study is to analyse the customer satisfaction of Milma products and suggest the company to improve the quality
of the products. The impact was so wider spread that close to about 83% of the adult cattle of the state got
converted to the new breed Sunandini , the milk production increased by over ten times and the per capital
availability of milk increased by over seven times with over a million families dependent on milk production.
The project has succeeded in integrating better technology and management to the traditional small holder
production system. It also demonstrated how the high productive , semi stall fed cows led to spontaneous
decline in the total bovine population of the state from 34.6 lakh in 1997 to 21.86 lakh in 2003 , when the total
bovine population of India went through an upsurge.

Objectives Of The Study

 To find the acceptability of the product.
 To know the reasons for the consumers switching over to competitors product.
 To know the level of consumers satisfaction of the product.
 To find out the factors influencing purchase decision.
 To identify the major issues that are affecting MILMA‟s market share.


 Rakesh (1997) has found that the share of consumer expenditure on milk is increasing in both urban and
rural areas, while that on cereal is decreasing. All this reflects on the increasing consumption of milk which
would gain further momentum in years to come (Rakesh Saxena – "Demand for Milk and Milk Products" –
Dairy India, 1997).
 Amit Saha (2003) in his article on "Role of patenting in Indian Dairy Industry in the era of Globalisation"
observed that if we now make proper planning for the future and take account of implications in respect of
product patenting, then Indian share in the International Dairy Market will definitely increase. The increase in
the exports of dairy products would speed up the economic development of the country, as a result of which
India could easily reach its dream GDP growth rate (Indian Dairyman, September, 2003).
 Jawad Saleem, (2007): Dairy is not a dedicated profession of the people, farmers is associated with dairy
and agriculture at the same time, Profitability for the farmers is very less. Infrastructure is not developed,
cooling tanks and other facilities are not available, and the large part of milk production is wasted. All these
factors are making this industry unattractive for the farmers and the industry is no developing up to the mark.
Only 4% of the total milk production is processed and used in urban areas of the country. According to Pakistan
Dairy Development Authority.
 Boddu Divya, (2009): A study on the competitive analysis with reference to AMUL. AMUL is the
cooperative sector. It is the institution of the farmer, for the farmer and from the farmer. The AMUL gives
pleasure to the farmer to change the own price, which was not possible in earlier years. The marketing work is
handling by GCMMF. The production department produces the product the product with the help of latest
technologies. The production is done according to ISO marks requirement. The milk procurement department
gets the milk every day two times from 92 routes and 1084 societies. For the maintenance of qualities of milk
there are 167 chilling units.
 CHUA, VANINA & FONG (2008): For the six years, all sectors in the milk industry have seen a positive
trend in value. The Powdered Milk sector is the highest among all the other sectors. Second to this is the Milk
sector followed by the Flavoured Powdered Milk sector, after which is the Flavoured Milk sector. This trend
continued and still persisted by 2007.


A detailed descriptive study was conducted among the customers to extract the details. The data are
collected from hundred and fifty respondents. The sources of primary data were direct observation and personal
interview with customers. The tools used for collecting primary data are questionnaire and personal interview.
The main source of secondary data are journals, magazines, company reports etc.

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Table 1 Awareness of milma products
Opinion No. of respondents Percentage
Yes 135 90%
No 15 10%
Source: Primary data
Interpretation: As per the above table, 90% of the respondents are aware of the products of milma

Graph 1

Awareness of milma products

Table 2 Source of information about milma products

Source No. of respondents Percentage
Television advertisements 11 7%
Newspaper 6 5%
Family/friends 75 50%
Salesmen 23 15%
Agents 12 8%
Others 23 15%
Source: Primary data

Interpretation: As per the above table, 50% of the respondents came to know about the milma products from
friends and family and 15% from salesmen and others.

Graph 2

Source of information about milma products

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Table 3 Regular customers of milma products

Opinion No. of respondents Percentage
Yes 120 80%
No 30 20%
Source: Primary data

Interpretation: As per the above table, 80% of the respondents are regular customers of milma products.

Graph 3

Regular customers of milma products

Table 4 Awareness of different milma products

Products No. of respondents aware of Percentage No. of respondents unaware of Percentage
products (aware) products (unaware)
Milk 135 90% 15 10%
Curd 120 80% 30 20%
Ice cream 113 75% 37 25%
Ghee 115 77% 35 23%
Mango drink 100 67% 50 33%
Source: Primary data

Interpretation: As per the above table, 90% of the respondents are aware of milk, 80% of the respondents are
aware of curd, 75% of the respondents are aware of ice cream, 77% of the respondents are aware of ghee and
67% of the respondents are aware of mango drink.

Graph 4

Awareness of different milma products

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Table 5
Usage of different milma products
Products No. of respondents Percentage
Milk 135 90%
Curd 105 70%
Ice cream 98 65%
Ghee 105 70%
Mango drink 90 60%
Source: Primary data

Interpretation: As per the above table, 90% of the respondents use milk, 70% of the respondents use curd, 65%
of the respondents use ice cream, 70% of the customers use ghee and 60% of the customers use mango drink.

Graph 5

Table 6 Change in consumption pattern with price changes

Opinion No. of respondents Percentage
Yes 33 22%
No 102 68%
Source: Primary data

Interpretation: As per the above table, 68% of the customers are of the opinion that they won‟t change the
consumption of milma products with price changes.

Graph 6

Change in consumption pattern with price change

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Table 7 Recommendation of milma products to others

Opinion No. of respondents Percentage
Yes 113 75%
No 22 15%
Source: Primary data

Interpretation: As per the above table, 75% of the customers opined that they would recommend milma
products to others.

Graph 7

Recommendation of milma products to others

Table 8 Overall opinion about milma products

Opinion No. of respondents Percentage
Satisfied 135 90%
Not satisfied 15 10%
Source: Primary data
Interpretation: As per the above table, 90% of the customers are satisfied of various milma products.

Graph 8

Overall opinion about milma products


 Most of the respondents are aware of various products provided by milma.
 Most of the respondents use various products of milma.
 More than 80% of the respondents are regular users of various milma products.
 Most of the consumers are satisfied with the products of milma.
 Most of the consumers will recommend products of milma to others.
 Most of the respondents came to know about the milma products from their friends, family and salesmen.

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 Most of the consumers are not willing to change the consumption pattern with any change in price of milma
 Most of the consumers feel satisfied with the quality, price and other features of milma products.

 A more extensive marketing strategy should be adopted by Milma.
 The company should use more aggressive advertisement techniques.
 Make the primary packing more attractive.
 Should establish an online selling system as well as telephone ordering
 Attractive brochures showing the products should be circulated.
 Direct contact with customers should be adopted.
 Customers must be let known that quality and hygiene would never be compromised.
 The MILMA products should be available to the ultimate consumers at the same quality at which they are
 Make provisions to improve the services of middlemen which will ultimately result in more consumer
 As consumer preference and taste fluctuate from time to time, a market analysis should be carried out at
regular intervals to monitor the changing needs and taste of the consumers.

MILMA is the first product and inimitable organisation, which created a revolution in the procurement,
processing, marketing and distribution of pure milk in the state. „Your health our concern‟ has now become a
synonym for assured quality. The name “milma” is familiar with each and every house in Kerala.
From the study conducted it is observed that the company has a good market share. From this study
conducted the following conclusions can be drawn. In order the dreams to be converted into reality and for
turning liabilities into assets one must have to meet the needs of the customers.
The factors considered by the customers before purchasing dairy products are freshness, quality,
adulteration, packing, hygiene, taste, availability, dealings, price, brand, and ingredients.
Finally, the conclusion of the project is that, majority of the customers are satisfied with milma
products because of its good quality, reputation, easy availability etc. Some are not satisfied due to high price of
products, lack of services, spoilage and low shelf life etc. Therefore, if slight modification in the marketing
programmes such as dealers and outlets, promotion programmes, product lines etc. are increased definitely
company can be as a monopoly and string market leaders and also for retaining potential consumers, it is
necessary to identify those factors which motivate consumers in purchase of products. The company must be
careful of its competitors and more importantly its customers before making any move.

[1]. C. R Kothari, research methodology, new age international publishers, New Delhi 2004.
[2]. M. N. Brose, Research Methodology, Share Niwas Publications, Jaipur, 2004.
[3]. Malhotra Dash, Marketing Research and Applied Orientation.
[4]. Philip Kotler, Marketing Management, Pearson Publication.
[5]. www.milma.com
[6]. Indian Journal of Marketing

Melsa C Thomas "A Study on Customer Awareness and Satisfaction of Milma Products with
Special Reference to Thiruvanathapuram City" Quest Journals Journal of Research in Business
and Management, vol. 08, no. 01, 2020, pp 18-24.

Corresponding Author Melsa C Thomas 24 | Page

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