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AE(U21ME806) Syllabus Comparison Sheet


1 Types of automobiles: Normal, Types of automobiles: Normal, Introduction: Overview of the course, Introduction: Layout of Introduction Beginnings; Growth and
Hybrid and Hydrogen fuel Hybrid and Hydrogen fuel Examination and Evaluation patterns, automobile – introduction chassis Refinement; Modern Development;
vehicles. Engine location and vehicles. Engine location and its History of Automobiles, and body components . types of Overview Thermodynamics of Prime
its components, chassis layout, components, chassis layout, Classification of Automobiles. Automobile engines. – power unit Movers Introduction; Two and Four
crank shaft proportion, firing crank shaft proportion, firing – Introduction to engine Stroke Engines; Indicator Diagrams and
order, piston and piston rings, order, piston and piston rings, lubrication – engine servicing Fuel Internal Combustion Engine
cylinder liners, valves and cylinder liners, valves and System :S.I. Engine : Fuel supply Performance Parameters; Otto and Diesel
operation mechanism, inlet and operation mechanism, inlet and systems, Mechanical and electrical Cycle Analyses - The Ideal Air Standard
exhaust manifolds, carburetion exhaust manifolds, carburetion fuel pump – filters – carburettor – Otto Cycle, The Ideal Air Standard
and fuel injection system, and fuel injection system, types – air filters – petrol Diesel Cycle, and Efficiencies of Real
mechanical fuel injection mechanical fuel injection system injection. Introduction to MPFI Engines; Ignition and Combustion in
system & electronic fuel & electronic fuel injection and GDI Systems. C.I. Engines: Spark Ignition and Diesel Engines;
injection system. system. Requirements of diesel injection Sources of Emissions - Simple
systems, types of injection Combustion Equilibrium, Unburned
systems, DI Systems IDI systems. Hydrocarbons (HC) and Nitrogen Oxides
fuel pump, nozzle, spray (NOx) in Spark Ignition Engines, Un
formation, injection timing, bumed Hydrocarbons (HC), Nitrogen
testing of fuel pumps. Introduction Oxides (NOx), and Particulates in
CRDI and TDI Systems Compression Ignition Engines; Fuel and
Additive Requirements - Abnormal
Combustion in Spark Ignition Engines,
and Gasoline and Diesel Additives; Gas
Exchange Processes - Valve Flow and
Volumetric Efficiency, Valve Timing,
Valve Operating Systems, and Dynamic
Behaviour of Valve Gear; Engine
Configuration - Choosing the Number of
Cylinders, and Balancing of the Primary
and Secondary Forces and Moments;
Fuel Cells - Solid Polymer Fuel
Cells(SPFC), Solid Polymer Fuel Cell
(SPFC) Efficiency (activation Losses;
fuel Crossover and Internal Currents;
Ohmic Losses; Mass Transfer Losses;
Overall Response), and Sources of
Hydrogen for Solid Polymer Fuel Cells
(SPFC) (Steam Reforming(SR); Partial
Oxidation (POX) Reforming; Auto
thermal Reforming(AR); Carbon
Monoxide Cleanup and Solid Polymer
Fuel Cell (SPFC) Operation on
Reformed Fuel; Hydrogen Storage), and
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Systems.
Remarks No Deviation from OU Syllabus
Spark Ignition Engines
Introduction; Engine parts –
classification, function, and
Cooling System : Cooling materials; Spark Ignition and
Requirements, Air Cooling, Ignition Timing - Ignition System
Liquid Cooling, Thermo, water Overview, The Ignition Process,
and Forced Circulation System – and Ignition Timing Selection and
Radiators – Types – Cooling Fan - Control; Mixture Preparation;
water pump, thermostat, Combustion System Design - Port
evaporative cooling – pressure Injection Combustion Systems,
sealed cooling – antifreeze and Direct Injection Spark Ignition
Lubricating systems: Wet
Lubricating systems: Wet sump, solutions. Ignition (DISI) Combustion Systems;
sump, dry sump and petrol Ignition, Lubricating and cooling systems:
dry sump and petrol systems, and System :Function of an ignition Emissions Control - Development
systems, and Cooling systems: Types of ignition system, electronic ignition
Cooling systems: Water pumps, system, battery ignition system, of the Three-Way Catalyst,
Water pumps, radiators, system, components of ignition system,
radiators, thermostat control anti constructional features of storage, Durability, Catalyst Light-Off, and
thermostat control anti freezing starting system, Functions & properties of
freezing compounds. Types of battery, auto transformer, contact Lean-Bum NOx-Reducing
compounds. Types of Ignition lubricants, methods of lubrication-splash
Ignition systems, modern breaker points, condenser and Catalysts, "DENOx"; Power
2 systems, modern ignition type, pressure type, dry sump, and wet sump
ignition systems, types of spark plug – Magneto coil Boosting - Variable Valve Timing
systems, types of batteries and & mist lubrication. Oil filters, oil pumps, oil
batteries and charging systems, ignition system, electronic and Induction Tuning, and
charging systems, starting coolers. Characteristics of an effective
starting motors, lighting and ignition system using contact Supercharging; Engine
motors, lighting and electrical cooling system, types of cooling system,
electrical accessories, automobile breaker, electronic ignition using Management Systems –
accessories, automobile air- radiator, thermostat, air cooling & water
air-conditioning. contact triggers – spark advance Introduction, and Sensor Types
conditioning. cooling.
and retard mechanism. Electrical (Crankshaft Speed/Position and
System : Charging circuit, Camshaft Position; Throttle
generator, current – voltage Position; Air Flow Rate; Inlet
regulator – starting system, Manifold Absolute Pressure; Air
bendix drive mechanism solenoid Temperature and Coolant
switch, lighting systems, Horn, Temperature; Air-Fuel Ratio;
wiper, fuel gauge – oil pressure Knock Detector); Engine
gauge, engine temperature Management System Functions –
indicator etc. Ignition Timing, Air-Fuel Ratio
Control, Exhaust Gas
Recirculation (EGR) Control, and
Additional Functions.
Remarks No Deviation from OU Syllabus
3 Steering systems: Linkage Steering systems: Linkage Automotive air conditioning: ventilation, Transmission System: Clutches, Diesel Engines Introduction;
arrangements and its arrangements and its components heating, air condition, refrigerant, principle, types, cone clutch, Engine parts; Direct and Indirect
components modified modified Ackerman linkage, compressor and evaporator. single plate clutch, multi plate Injection Combustion Chambers;
clutch, magnetic and centrifugal Fuel Injection Equipment - Pump-
clutches, fluid fly wheel – gear Line-Injector (PLI) Systems,
Ackerman linkage, wheel
boxes, types, sliding mesh, Electronic Unit Injectors (EUI),
alignment, caster and camber. wheel alignment, caster and
constant mesh, synchro mesh gear and Common Rail (CR) Fuel
Rack and pinion assembly – camber. Rack and pinion
boxes, epicyclic gear box , over Injection Systems; Diesel Engine
recent trends Wheel and tyres: assembly – recent trends Wheel
drive torque converter. Propeller Emissions and Their Control -
Tyre construction, and tyres: Tyre construction,
shaft – Hotch – Kiss drive, Diesel Engine Emissions, Diesel
specification. Tyre wear and specification. Tyre wear and
Torque tube drive, universal joint, Engine Emissions Control
causes, wheel balancing, types causes, wheel balancing, types of
differential rear axles – types – (Exhaust Gas Recirculation
of suspension system, suspension system, independent
wheels and tyres. Suspension (EGR); Particulate Traps); Turbo
independent suspension coil suspension coil and leaf springs,
System: Objects of suspension charging – Introduction,
and leaf springs, torsion bar, torsion bar, shock absorbers.
systems – rigid axle suspension Turbocharger Performance, and
shock absorbers.
system, torsion bar, shock Turbocharged Engine
absorber, Independent suspension Performance; Diesel Engine
system. Management Systems.
Remarks No Deviation from OU Syllabus
Ancillaries Introduction;
Lubrication System – Bearings
Power Train: Clutches, gear Braking System: Mechanical (Anti-Friction Bearings; Guide
Power Train: Clutches, gear and
and gearbox manual, semi- brake system, Hydraulic brake Bearings; Thrust Bearings; Journal
gearbox manual, semi-automatic
automatic and automatic system, Mastercylinder, wheel Bearings), Engine Lubricants, and
and automatic gearboxes. Torque Clutch: Function, operation, types, relative
gearboxes. Torque converter, cylinder tandem master cylinder Lubrication of Journal Bearings;
converter, propeller shaft, merits, clutch linkages, design problems,
propeller shaft, universal Requirement of brake fluid, Vehicle Cooling Systems–Coolant;
universal coupling differential, Transmission (gear box)- function, working,
coupling differential, four- Pneumatic and vacuum brakes. Drive Belts - Flat Belt Drives, and
four-wheel drive system. Brake types, gear shift mechanism, limitation of
wheel drive system.Brake Steering System: Steering V-Belts); Air Conditioning
4 systems: Description and manual transmission, epicyclic gear train,
systems: Description and geometry – camber, castor, king Systems – Overview,
operation of hydraulic brake, automatic transmission, design problems,
operation of hydraulic brake, pin rake, combined angle toe in, Thermodynamic Performance and
leading and trailing shoe layout, propeller shafts, drive line types,
leading and trailing shoe center point steering. Types of Operation, Coefficient of
disc brakes, master cylinder, differential, front and rear axles, rear axle
layout, disc brakes, master steering mechanism – Ackerman Performance (CoP), and Air
hand brake linkage, recent mountings.
cylinder, hand brake linkage, steering mechanism, Davis Conditioning System
recent trends. steering mechanism, steering Performance; Generators, Motors,
gears – types, steering linkages. and Alternators – Fundamentals,
Practical Alternators, and Practical
Starter Motors).

Remarks No Deviation from OU Syllabus

5 Maintenance: Pollution control, Maintenance: Pollution control, Steering System: wheel geometry, functions Emissions from Automobiles – Overview of alternative vehicles
troubleshooting and servicing troubleshooting and servicing of steering mechanism, steering gear box Pollution standards National and Case Study Introduction; The
procedure overhauling, engine procedure overhauling, engine types, power steering systems. Braking and international – Pollution Control – Vauxhall – Introduction,
tune up, tools and equipment tune up, tools and equipment for suspension system: functions and Techniques – Multipoint fuel Specifications, Engine Design
for repair and overhaul, testing repair and overhaul, testing classification of brakes, operation of brake injection for SI Engines. Common and Performance, and Engine
equipment, pollution control equipment, pollution control actuation mechanism, disc brakes, rail diesel injection Energy Performance.
alternatives – Solar, Photo-voltaic,
technologies used for petrol technologies used for petrol and
hydrogen, Biomass, alcohols,
and diesel engines, types and diesel engines, types and study of constructional and operation of ABS, Types
LPG,CNG, liquid Fuels and gaseous
study of catalytic converters, catalytic converters, Euro norms of springs shock observers, objectives and
fuels, Hydrogen as a fuel for IC
Euro norms 2 & 3 and Bharat 2 & 3 and Bharat Norms – recent types of suspension system, rear axles
Engines. - their merits and demerits.
Norms – recent trends. trends. suspension, independent suspension system.
Standard Vehicle maintenance
Remarks No Deviation from OU Syllabus

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