Earth Honey - Spiritual Journeys
Earth Honey - Spiritual Journeys
Earth Honey - Spiritual Journeys
Earth Honey
Document 4
Annex written in addition to the series
Talking to God
Phone: +40 720 897 250
In life, it’s great to travel. Travel inspires you and gives you a
sense of freedom. Yet the fact that you need to move from place to
place to feel fulfilled says something about you that doesn’t let
you live in peace. What will happen to your well-being when your
financial situation no longer allows you to move, or when your
energy drops, or when you no longer find motivation?
Travel is another activity that takes away the freedom to see
creation in spirit and be present everywhere without having to
move your physical body.
I have never thought so deeply. In fact I thought a traveler is
always happy because he experiences new things and sees beauti-
ful and somewhat unique places.
That’s right, as you say, at the same time it’s also as I say.
Does that mean you approve of traveling?
This is not how things should be understood.
Do you affirm that a man who runs in an attempt to arouse in
himself one sensation or to hide from another is not free?
The ancient Egyptians knew what was happening on the plan-
et without having to travel or send their minions to reconnoitre,
even if they didn’t have today’s advanced technology.
Seen from a spiritual angle, the journey with the body is cost-
ly and useless, although for most of the living it is even indicated.
Travel opens up new horizons for ordinary people and inspires
them to a certain level, then it runs out of things to give them and
turns into an addiction. On Earth every good thing must be done
in moderation, otherwise it turns against you like food without
which you could not survive, and becomes a bad thing. For most
flesh diseases come from excess and not from abstinence.
For the higher man, travel has a spiritual rather than a physi-
cal role, like all other activities in life. Traveling, he enters the
collective spiritual field of the settlement it visits and can influ-
6 Alberto Bacoi
ence it or vice versa. The small soul particles that make up his
being are in opposition to those of the contaminated environment
he encounters, through which he passes unharmed, just as a drop
of oil floats in a glass of water without becoming one with the wa-
ter. Depending on your sensitivity you will convince yourself of
For example, if you have never had a homosexual thought, and
you are currently in a European city where there is a street demon-
stration whose participants support LGBT rights, but you know
nothing about it, you will think that thought and wonder.
You must know that God is not against what you decide for
yourselves. For man must first of all be free in order to remain hu-
man, regardless of his choices, otherwise he would only be an an-
imal and life lived in the body would be in vain.
You used the best example and I don’t think we need more.
Next I have the pleasure to share some news that will delight You,
then we will return to the subject:
Readers who have written to me after perusing the contents
have said they adore You for the word value and have acknowl-
edged, hand on heart, that they can’t read other books. We have
the best and truest God, Who is funny and brave, and above all is
loving as He has been from eternity.
One evening I was stopped on the street by some young peo-
ple, calling me by name, with serene faces, excited to have met
me. They embraced me and loved me without me knowing them,
a sign that love penetrated their hearts by reading and enlightened
and strengthened them. Despite their childish gaiety they knew
what they were talking about, they mastered wisdom. In the fall I
will revisit Israel with another group of readers. These beautiful
people mysteriously return the comfort I gave them when they
needed it most.
Thank you.
And I thank You towards my happiness.
I’ve never heard this one before, but it’s a nice and true state-
ment, you wouldn’t know it.
I know that whatever I do that is good for people and for You
is good for me at the same time.
Only now do you realize what it means to have a soul shine
after so long. The greatest soul takes the form of the smallest man,
who works for love and truth the most and does not glorify him-
self in any circumstance. A true hero leads his people to safety and
defeats the enemy with his own powers. He does not send forth
Earth Honey | Spiritual Journeys 7
the weak and powerless, while he sits hidden in caves and hangs
shameful badges on his chest.
A true hero passes through water and fire and returns to the
bosom of love and lies at My feet, glad to be of use to the divine
work. He rests beside Me and awaits his next mission; not to im-
press Me with his unwavering faith and will, but to prove to him-
self that he is the one I named at the beginning. This is the journey
of the angel whose deeds are of great significance in Heaven and
on Earth, who returns to My Kingdom triumphant and is content
with a nut, as you related in the previous document.
The struggling people whom I comfort through my writings
have not had the chance to know Your love. But they have been
taught to fear You as a dark tyrant whom they have worshipped
and pitied all their lives but to no avail. They attended all the ser-
vices, kissed all the icons and crosses and burned candles, but the
invisible tyrant did not speak to them, did not comfort them and
did not heal them. Then they encountered our material in which
they are addressed by that gracious God who does not hold them
accountable, does not punish them or ask anything in return for
salvation, but only guides them to the inner light by which they
acquire eternal life, each at his own pace and according to his own
Next I will relate a personal story that confirms Your theory
about the resistance of the collective spiritual field whose effect
we feel if we are more receptive.
Eight years ago, on my first visit to the United Kingdom, I hit
what I perceived to be an unseen wall built by a somewhat con-
scious force that felt threatened upon landing in London. Over the
next half day this manifested itself physically, as I shall describe.
Of course, at the root of my experience was the rich imagination
that accompanies me everywhere, but in the few hours of waiting
I realized that I was facing a truth of great proportions:
The first two strangers I came into contact with addressed me
in an unusually nasty tone. Their reaction came more as a reflex,
as they refused me without reason or justification. The driver of
the double-decker bus closed the doors just as I was about to step
on the ladder, I allowed a woman to get on before me and helped
her with her bag. On the second bus that came I had no room to
get on because it was crowded, and the third, although it was al-
most empty or I was waiting alone at the stop, did not stop.
Birmingham buses ran every forty-five minutes. After about
two hours I had to go into a local shop to buy water and the shop
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assistant ignored me, and I went out...
Unfortunately my account is not a conspiracy but a fact that
took place. This bad energy created by humans and fed by them
through uncontrolled selfishness and wickedness can become to
some extent conscious. In need the entity manifests itself through
people without them ever becoming aware of what is happening.
All this time I felt sick in a different way. On the verge of los-
ing consciousness, I saw in my spirit the veil that was suffocating
my inner sky crack and the pain ceased. Over the next four days
I was able to enjoy the trip.
Sometimes I dream of traveling from Fairbanks to Anchorage,
driving through Denali National Park, admiring the wild land-
scapes. In the vision the morning rain trickles down the windows
of the sleeping car, and the reddish rays of the sun fill the land-
scape with effect. I want to stand on the roof of the moving train
and feel free for a moment, silently gazing into the distance at the
snowy mountain ridges, the clear lakes, the green trees.
I can imagine the cool breeze and fresh air. I hear the drops
settling on my cape and I sniff nature at the end of summer, in
love. I want to have breakfast before sunrise in Anchorage. Bene-
dict Eggs with salmon and shredded green onions, served with a
well-fried potato pie and a flavored coffee. After lunch I take my
backpack and walk along the lakeshore waiting for dawn to break,
then head to the station to catch my train.
I’m looking at snowy peaks that are more diffuse the further
away they are. Through the blue of the misty atmosphere, the ca-
ressing gold that is reflected in the waters of the mountain lakes
penetrates. A small plane flies at low altitude through the rays at
the same speed. Oh, how wonderful, it’s like I’m in a movie set
but I’m in nature and I feel the splendid creation!
Here I am at the end of the world, away from the soulless hu-
man beasts. Many have fled the dark cities in search of physical
freedom, poor in spirit, not realizing that in such a short time they
have enriched their spirit.
I have always imagined that man is a travelling soul, and the
body he has been given is a mobile home that serves him through-
out his terrestrial life. Even if it slows him down, it offers him a
temporary shelter and a chance to feel the matter he has heard so
many stories about all his life. Perhaps the charm lies in the sim-
plicity of the place and the complexity of nature that harmoniously
delivers my longing for the unknown. It makes me cry with hap-
piness and sadness at the same time.
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feel comfortable telling of the deeds You have done through me,
the man pleasing to You I have become.
I’m sure many will be curious to find out. An awakened soul
does not feed on words alone, it needs actions above all.
To begin with, I would like to point out that a so called mir-
acle is as natural a process as growing a tree or ripening a fruit. Un-
usual is the rapid way the phenomenon happens. Every miracle
that has occurred that I have read or heard about has happened by
natural means and not by magic, which is an illusion.
What helped you to perform the miracle, assimilated knowl-
edge, faith in yourself or in God, a special prayer?
Nothing that can be explained and named.
At the time of the healing I was partially conscious, as a hu-
man, I did not even try to perform the miracle. I simply emptied
myself and allowed love to act.
Chance caused a child to step on a crooked foot and strain his
ankle. He immediately became unbalanced, panicked and started
crying. I walked over to him, sat him down on a soft couch, picked
up his slightly bruised leg and put my hands on it in sympathy.
The child was weak and had weak wrists, a sign that this was not
his first sprain, which he admitted. I asked him to sit on the couch
for two minutes, then go back to playing, but he wouldn’t listen.
He jumped to his feet and shouted “I have no more pain! I don’t
have any more!”
I quietly wept, acknowledging Your power and honor to come
down to me and work. However, this account raises a dangerous
question in the minds of those close to me, who are curious as to
why I am not healing myself, or rather seeking to test me.
A few friends know that sometimes I feel pressured and that
state almost succeed in destroying me. I rise as if by magic at the
last minute and go on my way weaker and weaker and more and
more sure that this is how I will live my life.
The power that comes over me in certain unforeseen moments
does not belong to me and is not subject to me, and a loving and
just Creator will not seek to bring out one, but rather will love all
Of course I would like to be healthy, energetic and light as I
was as a child. At the same time I want to do good and pleasing
things to You with my health. So please forgive the weakness of
my body that takes away my concentration and look directly into
my heart!
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My thoughts are only a foolish fantasy, they are not yet a re-
ality as are Your thoughts, as an independent and perfect Being.
As for me, if I get an idea, a cause for which I develop a desire, I
have to fight with my human strength to bring it to fruition. But
I fail and waste my energy, then use even more energy to accept
defeat. Other times I do them much too late and I don’t enjoy them
anymore. In these difficult moments the only comfort is Your hon-
ey, but it too seems so foreign to me that it is as if someone else
were reading it.
Dear, even when I am late in showing you, I love you. When
you think I have forgotten you, I love you. When you feel matter
weighing you down and you lose your energy, I love you more. I
love you without deviation, that’s why you need to be left alone,
to develop through your own strengths and become independent
for eternity. So that you may share in the infinite gifts and comfort
you have been missing. Happiness springs from you. In your in-
nermost self you find strength, and there is no need to remove the
weaknesses of the body, but to use them to elevate your spirit.
The man who is visibly helped by God is judged by the world
who does not know Me and has a greater responsibility than one
who did not know, therefore I do not intervene and help you.
But You speak to me and inspire me, this is also a form of aid
that brings with it a great responsibility.
Even if this were so, realize that all men have been given the
gift of communicating with God through the mercy of Him who in-
tercedes for them. You need to know that the messages you write
could be fabrications fed by your imagination that create a milder
but hallucinatory reality. Because the hungry man dreams of rich
meals with his eyes open, and his visions are so real that he can
smell freshly cooked food. The one who is subjected to too much
grief will at some point find himself running through colourful
meadows with the loved one he has physically lost. He will smile
under the gaze of the astonished witnesses. This is why I say that
the dialogue “Talking to God” is not a proof that the Creator of
the worlds has spoken to you, although analyzed at a very deep
level it is.
But how was it possible for the baby’s healing to happen in an
instant? It took a few seconds for him and me to realize that the
phenomenon had occurred. We, humans, know from experience
that a pain lasts from a few tens of seconds to two or three min-
utes, depending on the force of the impact to which the flesh has
been subjected. The pain from a sprain is more serious and lasts
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All the deeds that people do during their lives, whether good
or bad, are at some point forgotten. However, there will come a
day when they will come to light for all to see and have a greater
impact than when they were made. Then they will be put in a pure
light to be seen and analyzed by all, not just those who witnessed
One set of archaic writings supports the confrontation of the
higher man with the negative spiritual element called Satan, which
was later removed from the context as follows:
The man called Enoch, who is actually Raphael the Archangel
and who lived in the flesh shortly before the destruction of the hu-
man generation occupying the earthly lands at that time, exchan-
ged a few words with life’s greatest enemy. The negative spiritual
element appeared to Enoch in the vision in a hideous appearance,
with red eyes, hair like snakes and a smoking head. Obviously, the
terrifying image was perceived with the eyes of the soul and not
with the physical ones, in the same way that angels of love appear
to people in vision, representing the positive spiritual element.
The worst composition of creation, being around a human be-
ing, gives him a disturbing sensation as few beings can imagine.
In this situation, as well as in the more comfortable ones, the soul
also seeks to form a representative image with the help of experi-
ence and thoughts already known. Therefore the terrifying image
of the negative spiritual element is a personal creation meant to
define its substance and intention.
At first glance it seems frightening only the description relat-
ed in the old book, in the aspect of a conscious person, besides
the cruelty and ugliness of the intention that I will not describe;
however, behind it hides self-destruction. In the same way tyrants
and oppressive peoples who by childish mistakes compromised
their empires were exterminated. Current dictators, presidents and
priests are in a similar situation. They are all working unwittingly
to destroy them with every brick they lay atop the crumbling in-
The fact that the negative spiritual element has been punished
by Enoch through divine power has effects that all matter feels.
The book claims that Satan was cast into the centre of the Earth
around 5580, reckoned from Adam onwards, which led to the con-
tamination of human matter and DNA.
This aspect is felt by beings living in form and by all elements
of nature. The degradation of matter is accelerating. Disease is
taking hold of the flesh, and connecting with the Spirit of primal
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truth has become almost impossible. For this reason, Christic teach-
ing encourages detachment from material reality even in earthly
life and the union of the soul with the Spirit in order to attain eter-
nal independence.
But the negative spiritual element of creation has learned from
previous mistakes and has taken the soft form of the sweetest plea-
sures, which seduce you with the luxury and refinement of matter
and make you desire them above eternal spiritual independence.
Entrenchment in matter occurs gradually, and eventually causes
the soul to turn its attention away from the truth in exchange for
early comfort.
Man is the sum of his parts, the part that will take control and
dominate him depends only on his willpower. After liberation from
matter it has no power over the awakened soul. All the worries,
temptations and weaknesses that tormented him dissolve like dust
blown by the wind.
Your account is a historical and spiritual work of unparalleled
depth. The clarity with which you describe each aspect makes the
mystery of creation drop its veil at your feet. Congratulations to
you and your generation for your skill in deciphering the unseen
and putting it into words, shouts the worlds in one voice!
This is the power of truth that I have planted in every man, he
has only to make use of it of his own free will, minimizing the de-
sire for reward. Then the heavens will open to human heart and
the man will see the depths of creation as if he were watching a
documentary film. The effort is enormous and the price paid is
great, but the brilliance is eternal.
Superstitious people are so foolish that after you leave your
body they will examine it, if given the opportunity, in the hope of
obtaining proof that you are the one I sent to light My way; the
same one who walked, as in the past, before Me. Some will be cu-
rious to know if you are baptized or circumcised, others will wait
for something unusual to happen to your body before they start be-
lieving My words. On top of all this they will wonder how it can
be true that the evil part of matter has been removed as long as
hatred still persists between people, but the thought will not cross
their minds that the remaining evil is themselves, as sons of their
originator who has ceased to be.
If a thieving father who raises two sons, whom he initiates in-
to all the deceit and cruelty, is arrested and sentenced to life in
prison, and his sons who make a living at it remain on their own,
do you think they will look for work? Not at all, no. Those will do
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what they were taught by their father and so on. That is why I want
you to know that generations will be gradually cleansed and mat-
ter will be refreshed again and again. My desire is to fill the heav-
ens with beings like you. After I have prepared My leaders I will
open wide the gates to welcome the masses into the worlds I have
On Earth, the less knowledge man has, the louder and proud-
er he is. Arrogance is the root cause of all his misfortunes. Once
he detaches himself from his limited doctrine and opens his mind
he gives himself the chance to discover the deeper reality he has
refused to penetrate. Only true knowledge remains, doctrines must
fall one by one because of My light that has dawned among men.
This time the light shone from Romania, a country that has been
disregarded by Western Europe through the fact that nothing good
has come from it and that world leaders have not received any
signs that would indicate a possible transformation in the future.
In a former communist country, developing will and vision takes
However without the recognition of the deeper truth, which is
revealed in the present to the world and which brings with it the
death of superstition and the darkness that comes from it, the hu-
man race has no future. Your simple words are read by few and
understood by even fewer, but in the future the whole world will be
guided from this geographical point.
I have planted here the spiritual seed that irrigates the Earth.
You are My purest source, together with other independent and
unique guides through whom I do My work. Your results will be
seen in time, and the Inner Kingdom of which I speak will be felt
by all as it was revealed in the past through the prophets and the
most prominent scribes. They saw the continent of Europe shining
like a diamond whose light came from the direction of the Black
Sea and spread across the globe, despite the fact that the borders
were oriented differently at the time.
You shall not boast of the truth that you have now heard from
the mouth of the God of the worlds that are. The angel who will
take pride in the radiance I have given him will fall into the trap
and lose it. The purest spiritual springs whose waters come from
the Kingdom above are humble people who devote themselves to
good of their own free will and work the hardest.
I have arranged things in such a way that for material people
the light of truth remains invisible and many continue to worship
their illusions and sleep in their night, so that you are protected
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from any temptation to dominate. If the crowd saw you in the light
of your deeds they would throw themselves on the ground and kiss
the ground you walk on. But then it would sink further into idol-
atry instead of being freed from it. And they would worship you,
and bow down and worship, and be afraid.
Condemned souls will be released one by one, each when its
time comes. And that’s the way it should be. I, God, know better
than anyone what is best for man, My most wonderful creation.
Everything around is perfect, but perfection can be seen with the
inner adjustment that occurs in stages throughout life.
I was saying that in the visions of the distant future the apos-
tles were shown the angel crowned with all power, rising out of
foul water. This symbolic account refers to the Black Sea, which
indicates the darkness of the mind or the spiritual night of souls.
In his hand the angel held a book written in a Latin language
that had been altered over time, which did not exist at the time
and therefore was not deciphered. Here the book written in the Ro-
manian language known today represents pure truth, from which
political-religious influence, fables and errors of human under-
standing have been removed.
Next the visionaries saw a humble man with grey hair and a
wise look, who was fighting the waves of the world and winning.
He took upon himself the weight of matter and cleansed it. At the
end of the work the divine man became a sun before which all be-
ings who have ever lived bowed their heads. And they glorified My
power as Lord, because I put it in a man the size of a speck of dust,
puny and powerless.
The victor that the disciples perceived in the dream is the man
who fights the lie today with the power of his spirit and rewrites
the mental structures for the generations of people who will be
born after him. To him who fights against the embellishment of
truth and ridicules the profiteering institutions I will give all pow-
er in Heaven and on Earth to destroy them. And if you still think
that God doesn’t care or that He isn’t working for human perfec-
tion, look for a documentary film that shows the lives of the savage
tribes of people still living on the planet. These are irrefutable
proof that man cannot evolve by himself in a million years. With-
out divine education you would all be like them.
If you have a friend or an acquaintance who has proven to be
faithful to truth and honesty, admire and support him according
to your will and strength. Not out of pity, but out of respect and
appreciation for dedication. The world needs as many truth-tellers
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