Earth Honey - Spiritual Journeys

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Earth Honey
Document 4
Annex written in addition to the series

Talking to God

Publication date: February 14, 2024


Phone: +40 720 897 250

Copyright © 2024 Alberto Bacoi

All rights reserved.
Opening Word

It has always bothered me that loving truth is not revealed to

the man with influence in society who could change the commu-
nity for the better by implementing it with his status and financial
power. Instead, it lets itself be revealed to simple people, lacking
in skill or training, like me and many voices that, however clearly
they shout, end up being laughed at. Why does pain defeat joy and
the negative suppress the positive?
Too late I understood that if one has learned to swim, it is not
right that God should make the lakes, seas and oceans disappear
so that others are deprived of the opportunity to learn. Although
many have met their end in the waves, experimentation remains
the most effective method of developing and gaining eternal in-
If they were all taught by a miracle that would deprive them
of the process humans would cease to be humans, then they would
represent only a superior breed of animal, devoid of freedom of
choice. That’s how things work in the world I’ve come to know,
and it’s good.
We need forgiveness and love from a higher and compassion-
ate Being. True human needs are identified quite late, especially
on the threshold of death or when a loved one leaves us and we
suffer. Outside of these precious moments we behave harshly and
coldly, but we are immature and blind and do not realize that arro-
gance and greed have contaminated the matter that subjugates us
by identifying with it.
Only One has the antidote, and He is merciful and wise, and
under His wing perfection is guaranteed. This is the good news
that I share with the world through my will.
I love light and I want you to know that no one forces me to
dedicate my life to spreading it, to be loved by a few but mocked
by most. Experience has taught me that I don’t have to explain
my inspired or wrong choices to anyone, and neither do you, my
traveling soul.
May all the sincere people you meet on your journey become
your family, so that you may get the fulfillment you long for and
your inner emptiness be filled. Let not prosperity, health or joy
elude you, for you have overcome your condition, you have ac-
cepted the past with which you have built your future.
I fondly remember my most uplifting moments, when Heaven
was pleased with me, for which it commissioned me to do a work.
The footsteps of my healing footsteps turned the barren ground to
joy, and the clouds gave way to the rainbow to radiate overhead;
and the world woke up. At the time, not knowing much, I felt that
all the blessings were simply mine, for He who is over all and in
all things was looking in the distance at the man I was becoming
and not at the man I was then.
Today, after many victories achieved by merging with the spir-
it of knowledge, I feel that I could have been better, more honest
and more dedicated to fly higher than this and manage to maintain
my altitude. But the man in me, who led me here, it’s time to re-
turn to the earth.
Happiness has been hidden in everything, but man is looking
for something specific and refuses to develop a vision that recog-
nizes the perfect primordial world and the splendid destination.
People of all times, together with the priests and pastors who
promoted the scripture, understood the word literally, never the
spiritual truth in depth, for this reason the world remained repeti-
tive and only at times did the incarnate angels ascend to the Father
as future commanders. But nothing that has been written in the
past, as well as in the present, is difficult for an awakened soul to
Life is gentle, the word is sweet, truth is a natural sense, and
the spiritual journey is wonderful. The pleasure of going through
the uplifting message is felt as your purification occurs over time.
Then your roots are cut and you become detached from people,
things and place, and from your image which is the product of the
people, things and place you live in. Your real identity is a spiri-
tual one, advanced in knowledge and power. This one I’m talking
about is waiting for you to get back to your essence so you can be
If you believe that the dawn is too late, you have never been
interested in gaining clarity about your life on Earth and the pur-
pose of your inner being, you have chased after ephemeral plea-
sures that do not benefit you. And nothing is given to you against
your will, this is the first rule implemented in the Kingdom above.
Spiritual Journeys

In life, it’s great to travel. Travel inspires you and gives you a
sense of freedom. Yet the fact that you need to move from place to
place to feel fulfilled says something about you that doesn’t let
you live in peace. What will happen to your well-being when your
financial situation no longer allows you to move, or when your
energy drops, or when you no longer find motivation?
Travel is another activity that takes away the freedom to see
creation in spirit and be present everywhere without having to
move your physical body.
I have never thought so deeply. In fact I thought a traveler is
always happy because he experiences new things and sees beauti-
ful and somewhat unique places.
That’s right, as you say, at the same time it’s also as I say.
Does that mean you approve of traveling?
This is not how things should be understood.
Do you affirm that a man who runs in an attempt to arouse in
himself one sensation or to hide from another is not free?
The ancient Egyptians knew what was happening on the plan-
et without having to travel or send their minions to reconnoitre,
even if they didn’t have today’s advanced technology.
Seen from a spiritual angle, the journey with the body is cost-
ly and useless, although for most of the living it is even indicated.
Travel opens up new horizons for ordinary people and inspires
them to a certain level, then it runs out of things to give them and
turns into an addiction. On Earth every good thing must be done
in moderation, otherwise it turns against you like food without
which you could not survive, and becomes a bad thing. For most
flesh diseases come from excess and not from abstinence.
For the higher man, travel has a spiritual rather than a physi-
cal role, like all other activities in life. Traveling, he enters the
collective spiritual field of the settlement it visits and can influ-
6 Alberto Bacoi
ence it or vice versa. The small soul particles that make up his
being are in opposition to those of the contaminated environment
he encounters, through which he passes unharmed, just as a drop
of oil floats in a glass of water without becoming one with the wa-
ter. Depending on your sensitivity you will convince yourself of
For example, if you have never had a homosexual thought, and
you are currently in a European city where there is a street demon-
stration whose participants support LGBT rights, but you know
nothing about it, you will think that thought and wonder.
You must know that God is not against what you decide for
yourselves. For man must first of all be free in order to remain hu-
man, regardless of his choices, otherwise he would only be an an-
imal and life lived in the body would be in vain.
You used the best example and I don’t think we need more.
Next I have the pleasure to share some news that will delight You,
then we will return to the subject:
Readers who have written to me after perusing the contents
have said they adore You for the word value and have acknowl-
edged, hand on heart, that they can’t read other books. We have
the best and truest God, Who is funny and brave, and above all is
loving as He has been from eternity.
One evening I was stopped on the street by some young peo-
ple, calling me by name, with serene faces, excited to have met
me. They embraced me and loved me without me knowing them,
a sign that love penetrated their hearts by reading and enlightened
and strengthened them. Despite their childish gaiety they knew
what they were talking about, they mastered wisdom. In the fall I
will revisit Israel with another group of readers. These beautiful
people mysteriously return the comfort I gave them when they
needed it most.
Thank you.
And I thank You towards my happiness.
I’ve never heard this one before, but it’s a nice and true state-
ment, you wouldn’t know it.
I know that whatever I do that is good for people and for You
is good for me at the same time.
Only now do you realize what it means to have a soul shine
after so long. The greatest soul takes the form of the smallest man,
who works for love and truth the most and does not glorify him-
self in any circumstance. A true hero leads his people to safety and
defeats the enemy with his own powers. He does not send forth
Earth Honey | Spiritual Journeys 7

the weak and powerless, while he sits hidden in caves and hangs
shameful badges on his chest.
A true hero passes through water and fire and returns to the
bosom of love and lies at My feet, glad to be of use to the divine
work. He rests beside Me and awaits his next mission; not to im-
press Me with his unwavering faith and will, but to prove to him-
self that he is the one I named at the beginning. This is the journey
of the angel whose deeds are of great significance in Heaven and
on Earth, who returns to My Kingdom triumphant and is content
with a nut, as you related in the previous document.
The struggling people whom I comfort through my writings
have not had the chance to know Your love. But they have been
taught to fear You as a dark tyrant whom they have worshipped
and pitied all their lives but to no avail. They attended all the ser-
vices, kissed all the icons and crosses and burned candles, but the
invisible tyrant did not speak to them, did not comfort them and
did not heal them. Then they encountered our material in which
they are addressed by that gracious God who does not hold them
accountable, does not punish them or ask anything in return for
salvation, but only guides them to the inner light by which they
acquire eternal life, each at his own pace and according to his own
Next I will relate a personal story that confirms Your theory
about the resistance of the collective spiritual field whose effect
we feel if we are more receptive.
Eight years ago, on my first visit to the United Kingdom, I hit
what I perceived to be an unseen wall built by a somewhat con-
scious force that felt threatened upon landing in London. Over the
next half day this manifested itself physically, as I shall describe.
Of course, at the root of my experience was the rich imagination
that accompanies me everywhere, but in the few hours of waiting
I realized that I was facing a truth of great proportions:
The first two strangers I came into contact with addressed me
in an unusually nasty tone. Their reaction came more as a reflex,
as they refused me without reason or justification. The driver of
the double-decker bus closed the doors just as I was about to step
on the ladder, I allowed a woman to get on before me and helped
her with her bag. On the second bus that came I had no room to
get on because it was crowded, and the third, although it was al-
most empty or I was waiting alone at the stop, did not stop.
Birmingham buses ran every forty-five minutes. After about
two hours I had to go into a local shop to buy water and the shop
8 Alberto Bacoi
assistant ignored me, and I went out...
Unfortunately my account is not a conspiracy but a fact that
took place. This bad energy created by humans and fed by them
through uncontrolled selfishness and wickedness can become to
some extent conscious. In need the entity manifests itself through
people without them ever becoming aware of what is happening.
All this time I felt sick in a different way. On the verge of los-
ing consciousness, I saw in my spirit the veil that was suffocating
my inner sky crack and the pain ceased. Over the next four days
I was able to enjoy the trip.
Sometimes I dream of traveling from Fairbanks to Anchorage,
driving through Denali National Park, admiring the wild land-
scapes. In the vision the morning rain trickles down the windows
of the sleeping car, and the reddish rays of the sun fill the land-
scape with effect. I want to stand on the roof of the moving train
and feel free for a moment, silently gazing into the distance at the
snowy mountain ridges, the clear lakes, the green trees.
I can imagine the cool breeze and fresh air. I hear the drops
settling on my cape and I sniff nature at the end of summer, in
love. I want to have breakfast before sunrise in Anchorage. Bene-
dict Eggs with salmon and shredded green onions, served with a
well-fried potato pie and a flavored coffee. After lunch I take my
backpack and walk along the lakeshore waiting for dawn to break,
then head to the station to catch my train.
I’m looking at snowy peaks that are more diffuse the further
away they are. Through the blue of the misty atmosphere, the ca-
ressing gold that is reflected in the waters of the mountain lakes
penetrates. A small plane flies at low altitude through the rays at
the same speed. Oh, how wonderful, it’s like I’m in a movie set
but I’m in nature and I feel the splendid creation!
Here I am at the end of the world, away from the soulless hu-
man beasts. Many have fled the dark cities in search of physical
freedom, poor in spirit, not realizing that in such a short time they
have enriched their spirit.
I have always imagined that man is a travelling soul, and the
body he has been given is a mobile home that serves him through-
out his terrestrial life. Even if it slows him down, it offers him a
temporary shelter and a chance to feel the matter he has heard so
many stories about all his life. Perhaps the charm lies in the sim-
plicity of the place and the complexity of nature that harmoniously
delivers my longing for the unknown. It makes me cry with hap-
piness and sadness at the same time.
Earth Honey | Spiritual Journeys 9

It truly is worth dying near Mount McKinley like Alexander,

with your face to the sky, freed from the desire for affirmation of
the world in which everyone seeks to be the best. There you watch
the aurora penetrating the Earth’s atmosphere and purifying the
world, and capture the pure spirits coming straight down from the
stars and manifesting in vegetation, far from the cold society, con-
demned to an existence it does not want.
Man defiles everything he touches. It pollutes the seen and un-
seen air and spoils the Earth. Where there are fewer people there
is more fondness, which if you are a sensitive person in the best
sense of the word you recognise in the atmosphere. The veil that
has been pulled over our eyes in an attempt to stop seeing the light
leaves us unable to enjoy anything. Loved ones, nature and love
fade away next to us.
Away from humans creation is more flourishing and takes its
course. Modern lifestyles are unnatural and unhealthy, even if at
first they seem beneficial and make us fight for them. Maybe it’s
because we rectify what is natural and pure that we end up over-
dosing on drugs and yet know all the types of depression. Because
we treat the symptoms of the condition and not its cause. Today
we no longer look for journeys, we only want destinations, we no
longer strive towards dreams that we consider naive or unattain-
able, we only expect results.
The truth is that all places on Earth are beautiful and worth
seeing, but few remain clean and respected by uncivilised tourists
or are not well promoted. If I ever got to Alaska in my human life
I would keep the ticket in a book as a souvenir until the end of my
days, and every time I saw it again I would remember Your pa-
I’m not ignoring the wonderful places I grew up in. I declare
myself a mountain lover and I am convinced that Făgăraș is the
most spectacular mountain range not only in Europe, but in the
whole world. The reddish ridges you admire in September on the
Transfăgărășan create in you a love you can never forget. What
stops me from praising the country I was born in, however, is the
limited thinking of the people who cloud it. Individualism, arro-
gance, unwillingness to learn and insensitivity are felt at every
turn and in every area. The seen and unseen misery of this heathen
people makes me turn my face away from them.
As a teenager I loved the Sinaia resort. There and around I
longed to take my love, to walk along the narrow lanes, dimly lit
by the yellowish bulbs of the lanterns at the foot of the mountains.
10 Alberto Bacoi
I wanted to enter all the restaurants and enjoy the traditional dish-
es of Prahova area. I imagined us sitting by the window cuddling
until dawn, then falling asleep by the stove, exhausted from too
much romance and a late-night lovemaking.
I got behind the wheel of my Peugeot 406 without a driving
license and drove the distance of one hundred and forty kilometers
between Bucharest and Sinaia on the first lane of the National
Road 1, with my heart in my throat, hoping not to make a mistake.
That’s how I used to visit the resort every weekend, with the blan-
ket in the trunk, dreaming.
Sometimes I would stop at a sheepfold and taste salted cheese
or brandy. Other times I would bring drinks and food from home
to save money and sleep on the back seat of the car. From there I
admired the misty trees and listened to the blizzard. Ice flowers
formed on the windows at such a speed that I could watch the en-
chanted process with my naked eye.
I spent a long time like that, enjoying my freedom, living more
in my imagination, until I lost all hope. From that moment on I
couldn’t enjoy the mountain anymore, because everything around
me reminded me of her, the addictive love for a girl.
I had turned nineteen, and with my separation from her came
the death of my earthly father, who left taking with him my child-
hood and everything I had built. At that time I did not know You
as I know You now and therefore I did not dare to imagine myself
far away.
That is why I love You as much as all the beings who shout
words of praise to Heaven and thank You for the mercy of showing
me the way to the inner light, despite my misunderstanding and
repeated resistance. I know that all this time my strong will has
been sustained, for not once have I questioned Your word and the
fact that You speak to me or that I hear You, but almost every day
for twelve years and more, but I have resisted. Perhaps my only
quality is that I clung to Your coat like a coward and a klutz. And
if in the eyes of the world I have failed, in Your eyes I have con-
quered, for life is a test of will that I have passed no matter how
many times I have fallen.
I don’t disregard myself in the way people are used to, far be
it from me to think any vile thoughts about not being loved. I was
and am a privileged man, but I have exhausted my energy with
thinking instead of taking life as it was given to me and practicing
pure love that draws God into my heart with unimaginable power.
In spite of my helplessness I have become so great that I do not
Earth Honey | Spiritual Journeys 11

feel comfortable telling of the deeds You have done through me,
the man pleasing to You I have become.
I’m sure many will be curious to find out. An awakened soul
does not feed on words alone, it needs actions above all.
To begin with, I would like to point out that a so called mir-
acle is as natural a process as growing a tree or ripening a fruit. Un-
usual is the rapid way the phenomenon happens. Every miracle
that has occurred that I have read or heard about has happened by
natural means and not by magic, which is an illusion.
What helped you to perform the miracle, assimilated knowl-
edge, faith in yourself or in God, a special prayer?
Nothing that can be explained and named.
At the time of the healing I was partially conscious, as a hu-
man, I did not even try to perform the miracle. I simply emptied
myself and allowed love to act.
Chance caused a child to step on a crooked foot and strain his
ankle. He immediately became unbalanced, panicked and started
crying. I walked over to him, sat him down on a soft couch, picked
up his slightly bruised leg and put my hands on it in sympathy.
The child was weak and had weak wrists, a sign that this was not
his first sprain, which he admitted. I asked him to sit on the couch
for two minutes, then go back to playing, but he wouldn’t listen.
He jumped to his feet and shouted “I have no more pain! I don’t
have any more!”
I quietly wept, acknowledging Your power and honor to come
down to me and work. However, this account raises a dangerous
question in the minds of those close to me, who are curious as to
why I am not healing myself, or rather seeking to test me.
A few friends know that sometimes I feel pressured and that
state almost succeed in destroying me. I rise as if by magic at the
last minute and go on my way weaker and weaker and more and
more sure that this is how I will live my life.
The power that comes over me in certain unforeseen moments
does not belong to me and is not subject to me, and a loving and
just Creator will not seek to bring out one, but rather will love all
Of course I would like to be healthy, energetic and light as I
was as a child. At the same time I want to do good and pleasing
things to You with my health. So please forgive the weakness of
my body that takes away my concentration and look directly into
my heart!
12 Alberto Bacoi
My thoughts are only a foolish fantasy, they are not yet a re-
ality as are Your thoughts, as an independent and perfect Being.
As for me, if I get an idea, a cause for which I develop a desire, I
have to fight with my human strength to bring it to fruition. But
I fail and waste my energy, then use even more energy to accept
defeat. Other times I do them much too late and I don’t enjoy them
anymore. In these difficult moments the only comfort is Your hon-
ey, but it too seems so foreign to me that it is as if someone else
were reading it.
Dear, even when I am late in showing you, I love you. When
you think I have forgotten you, I love you. When you feel matter
weighing you down and you lose your energy, I love you more. I
love you without deviation, that’s why you need to be left alone,
to develop through your own strengths and become independent
for eternity. So that you may share in the infinite gifts and comfort
you have been missing. Happiness springs from you. In your in-
nermost self you find strength, and there is no need to remove the
weaknesses of the body, but to use them to elevate your spirit.
The man who is visibly helped by God is judged by the world
who does not know Me and has a greater responsibility than one
who did not know, therefore I do not intervene and help you.
But You speak to me and inspire me, this is also a form of aid
that brings with it a great responsibility.
Even if this were so, realize that all men have been given the
gift of communicating with God through the mercy of Him who in-
tercedes for them. You need to know that the messages you write
could be fabrications fed by your imagination that create a milder
but hallucinatory reality. Because the hungry man dreams of rich
meals with his eyes open, and his visions are so real that he can
smell freshly cooked food. The one who is subjected to too much
grief will at some point find himself running through colourful
meadows with the loved one he has physically lost. He will smile
under the gaze of the astonished witnesses. This is why I say that
the dialogue “Talking to God” is not a proof that the Creator of
the worlds has spoken to you, although analyzed at a very deep
level it is.
But how was it possible for the baby’s healing to happen in an
instant? It took a few seconds for him and me to realize that the
phenomenon had occurred. We, humans, know from experience
that a pain lasts from a few tens of seconds to two or three min-
utes, depending on the force of the impact to which the flesh has
been subjected. The pain from a sprain is more serious and lasts
Earth Honey | Spiritual Journeys 13

longer than a finger caught in a door.

Healing, which was more than a cessation of pain, occurred
instantly because of the purity of the wounded child’s soul. In an
adult the situation is totally different. In most cases nothing can
be done for him.
Rather than living life in the present, man loses himself in the
past and the future. This is also a spiritual journey or a trap. When
this happens the creative man lets go of the reins of life, then ceas-
es to create consciously; which is why in his life events simply hap-
pen, because he is no longer the main cause of the existence he
has been given. And he no longer masters creation, but submits to
it and becomes its prisoner.
Unlike the new man, whose light can be compared to a water-
proof material that protects him from the mud of the world he lives
in, ordinary people soil their souls. They need to repeatedly leave
the collective field of the cities that weigh them down and cleanse
themselves. Once on the train or plane they feel relieved and start
to remember the freedom they forgot, they get excited and nostal-
gic. On their return they are warmer and more relaxed, at least
for a while.
As long as he is in power, man is seduced by worldly achieve-
ments and does not think about the existential purpose and the
fact that life in the body is a short journey of great importance. It
is only when old age or illness comes that he seeks to make up for
lost lessons to strengthen his heart. The heart is strengthened by
wise and true words spoken at the proper time, and the inner king-
dom is acquired in time with youthful zeal and a firm will.
It’s way beyond selfish to want to gain your eternal life when
you realize that you are about to lose your earthly one, since you
have never thought about death or believed in the afterlife. But
you have allowed yourself to be seduced by the thirty-something
uncertain years you had before the moment you realized you were
I am not the accuser, the judgement comes from your spirit
which has been left to its own devices or worse, has been poisoned
with the darkness of worldly values, which is why it now sends you
Feeding an altered feed causes greater harm than no feed at
all. If old age had not weakened you and you had not known sick-
ness you would not have been interested in the continuity of soul
life and the possibilities and variations of forms, but you would
have remained at the level of animal intelligence. But life’s cus-
14 Alberto Bacoi
toms lead you to seek the light.
What can You tell me about casual users of psychedelics like
LSD, psylocybin and mescaline who claim to have experienced
absolute healings and spiritual journeys as a result of administrat-
ing them? Can chemistry unlock the mind and activate the soul?
Enlightenment is not about matter, therefore it cannot be attain
through matter. Consumer journeys are simply mental journeys,
not spiritual ones. The images appearing in their visions repre-
sent their own thoughts projected in a chaotic way due to partial
brain relaxation. Instead, spirituality is clarity and not confusion.
Relaxing the brain has a beneficial effect on the health of the
body. That’s why used as medication in certain cases the method
can be effective.
A woman who was diagnosed with stomach cancer, a disease
that has increased her fear of death and caused multiple depres-
sions and anxiety, was treated with psylocybin, which is a sub-
stance extracted from a poisonous mushroom, and at first analysis
it seems to have helped.
The woman was an extremely religious old woman who used
to pray a lot to the Virgin Mary. During a psylocybin session the
maiden, whom the old woman used to think about all the time,
appeared in her vision alongside other apparitions and gave her
good advice.
The experience presented here is proof that consumers’ vi-
sions are simply mental projections freed from the constraints they
have acquired during their lives, and that they travel more freely
through their minds but cannot escape from them. Outside the
mind, only an awakened soul can guide you. The soul becoming
active will help you understand the things you are aware of and
discover the things you never thought of.
We have a wonderful world with a rich nature and phenomena
from which people with dark perceptions can draw inspiration.
Man, you can still enjoy, you can still feel the love. What you have
to do is leave the noise to those who create it and seek clarity.
You don’t have to strive to reach that state of comfort that ab-
solves you of any responsibility, where you wait for eternity fully
satisfied with your achievements and the recognition you have
received, acquired with hard work. Prolonged rest creates an illu-
sion of well-being that makes you physically and spiritually inac-
tive. An awakened soul longs for activity and seeks very complex
and varied journeys to prove itself to be the one whom the Father
named in the beginning.
Earth Honey | Spiritual Journeys 15

Soul journeys can be light or dark, depending on the aware-

ness of the soul. A strong and bright soul will take upon himself
a heroic, sacrificial mission that will bring him honor in the eyes
of the beginning Spirit and all awakened beings. He will dedicate
himself to human liberation by making the truth known. Instead
a weak and dark soul will embark on a journey of ego gratification
by trying to rule over the masses. In this way he will sink into the
bottomless abyss of blindness and will unknowingly draw shame
upon himself. For the father of manipulation is the lie, at the basis
of which lies interest. However, the lie will dissolve itself when
the number of redeemed saints is reached.
If it seems unfair to you, this is the way things have been de-
cided for a while. After the fall of the negative spiritual element
some souls followed their initiator, others converted and received
the light regardless of their deeds.
In the presence of enlightened souls warmth, gentleness and
simplicity persist. In the dark ones pride, greed and sinister are
felt. The homes of living souls are bright, and their windows, with
green plants on their windowsills, are generous, to facilitate the
connection with nature that they feel as part of themselves. These
souls have healthy activities that fulfill them, and their happiness
comes from giving and not from gaining.
The homes of condemned souls are dark. In them, souls keep
the shutters closed and put only their pleasures, their image, their
wealth in the light. The walls of their rooms are impregnated with
sensual perfumes and smoke, and the arrogance emanating from
every word and gesture makes you want to leave the room.
No plants or pets live in the dark. There love does not exist
and nature does not resist. These souls do not create anything, but
seek to conquer by legal, economic or military means everything
that can be conquered for fame and profit. This is the reason why
they study the white and hidden laws and devote themselves to
dirty functions.
White law is the knowing constitution to which the common
people have access and which every living person must respect
without deviation. Behind it there is another hidden law, which
insiders respect as something sacred and which overrides all other
laws for themselves, if necessary.
To an awakened soul, however, masonry is a mere worthless
superstition, by means of which condemned souls hold in captiv-
ity condemned souls weaker in spirit than themselves. In this way
they make hell persist on Earth.
16 Alberto Bacoi
I was recently sent to the house of a Romanian initiate in this
cult, a law graduate and secretly awarded by several well-known
institutions for various causes. He was a strange and economical
man, with a sharp and suspicious look in his eyes. He was material-
ly rich, but poor in freedom of mind and independence of spirit.
The shelves of his huge library, made of thick old wood, were
filled to the eye with manuals for masonry and freemasonry, bi-
ographies of established members, religious books for “connois-
seurs”, politics and law, and the bedroom walls were decorated
with diplomas of merit issued by well-known Orthodox monas-
teries in Romania and Bessarabia. In the middle of the night our
man was visited by ladies-in-waiting who delighted him in ex-
change for money, collected luxury cars...
If I knew less, I would say that I have all the evidence nec-
essary to strengthen my conviction that there live on Earth the off-
spring of devils fallen from the inner sky into the hell of perishable
matter. In reality they are just superstitious minds caught up in
the chain of penury and immature thinking.
New members of the cult believe in the mystical power of hu-
man symbols, which they report extends beyond the realm of the
material world to which they have access and beyond which they
know nothing else. The experienced people don’t believe in any-
thing, knowing that everything is a fabrication that benefits them.
They are not happy no matter how much they earn or how many
they subdue, and in their old age they spend their savings trying
to prolong their cursed lives through organ transplants and other
They consider they are acting against Your plan and hiding in
complacency, but they are lying to themselves. Man cannot act
outside the game with the intention of overstepping the boundaries
of the freedom he has been allowed. But Your game is a gentle one,
and freedom must benefit all beings, good or bad. God’s mercy
knocks at the door of all souls and seeks their divine seed to the
To the light will come each one if he gives up his mess right
now or in a million years. The Father is eternally alive, just and
good, and will not let any formal thought that belongs to Him and
that was created for a noble purpose perish. All the more He nev-
er forgets anything and allows judgment to be drawn upon the in-
destructible soul by the soul itself through the deeds committed.
Thus the soul pays a heavy price towards cleansing and purifica-
Earth Honey | Spiritual Journeys 17

All the deeds that people do during their lives, whether good
or bad, are at some point forgotten. However, there will come a
day when they will come to light for all to see and have a greater
impact than when they were made. Then they will be put in a pure
light to be seen and analyzed by all, not just those who witnessed
One set of archaic writings supports the confrontation of the
higher man with the negative spiritual element called Satan, which
was later removed from the context as follows:
The man called Enoch, who is actually Raphael the Archangel
and who lived in the flesh shortly before the destruction of the hu-
man generation occupying the earthly lands at that time, exchan-
ged a few words with life’s greatest enemy. The negative spiritual
element appeared to Enoch in the vision in a hideous appearance,
with red eyes, hair like snakes and a smoking head. Obviously, the
terrifying image was perceived with the eyes of the soul and not
with the physical ones, in the same way that angels of love appear
to people in vision, representing the positive spiritual element.
The worst composition of creation, being around a human be-
ing, gives him a disturbing sensation as few beings can imagine.
In this situation, as well as in the more comfortable ones, the soul
also seeks to form a representative image with the help of experi-
ence and thoughts already known. Therefore the terrifying image
of the negative spiritual element is a personal creation meant to
define its substance and intention.
At first glance it seems frightening only the description relat-
ed in the old book, in the aspect of a conscious person, besides
the cruelty and ugliness of the intention that I will not describe;
however, behind it hides self-destruction. In the same way tyrants
and oppressive peoples who by childish mistakes compromised
their empires were exterminated. Current dictators, presidents and
priests are in a similar situation. They are all working unwittingly
to destroy them with every brick they lay atop the crumbling in-
The fact that the negative spiritual element has been punished
by Enoch through divine power has effects that all matter feels.
The book claims that Satan was cast into the centre of the Earth
around 5580, reckoned from Adam onwards, which led to the con-
tamination of human matter and DNA.
This aspect is felt by beings living in form and by all elements
of nature. The degradation of matter is accelerating. Disease is
taking hold of the flesh, and connecting with the Spirit of primal
18 Alberto Bacoi
truth has become almost impossible. For this reason, Christic teach-
ing encourages detachment from material reality even in earthly
life and the union of the soul with the Spirit in order to attain eter-
nal independence.
But the negative spiritual element of creation has learned from
previous mistakes and has taken the soft form of the sweetest plea-
sures, which seduce you with the luxury and refinement of matter
and make you desire them above eternal spiritual independence.
Entrenchment in matter occurs gradually, and eventually causes
the soul to turn its attention away from the truth in exchange for
early comfort.
Man is the sum of his parts, the part that will take control and
dominate him depends only on his willpower. After liberation from
matter it has no power over the awakened soul. All the worries,
temptations and weaknesses that tormented him dissolve like dust
blown by the wind.
Your account is a historical and spiritual work of unparalleled
depth. The clarity with which you describe each aspect makes the
mystery of creation drop its veil at your feet. Congratulations to
you and your generation for your skill in deciphering the unseen
and putting it into words, shouts the worlds in one voice!
This is the power of truth that I have planted in every man, he
has only to make use of it of his own free will, minimizing the de-
sire for reward. Then the heavens will open to human heart and
the man will see the depths of creation as if he were watching a
documentary film. The effort is enormous and the price paid is
great, but the brilliance is eternal.
Superstitious people are so foolish that after you leave your
body they will examine it, if given the opportunity, in the hope of
obtaining proof that you are the one I sent to light My way; the
same one who walked, as in the past, before Me. Some will be cu-
rious to know if you are baptized or circumcised, others will wait
for something unusual to happen to your body before they start be-
lieving My words. On top of all this they will wonder how it can
be true that the evil part of matter has been removed as long as
hatred still persists between people, but the thought will not cross
their minds that the remaining evil is themselves, as sons of their
originator who has ceased to be.
If a thieving father who raises two sons, whom he initiates in-
to all the deceit and cruelty, is arrested and sentenced to life in
prison, and his sons who make a living at it remain on their own,
do you think they will look for work? Not at all, no. Those will do
Earth Honey | Spiritual Journeys 19

what they were taught by their father and so on. That is why I want
you to know that generations will be gradually cleansed and mat-
ter will be refreshed again and again. My desire is to fill the heav-
ens with beings like you. After I have prepared My leaders I will
open wide the gates to welcome the masses into the worlds I have
On Earth, the less knowledge man has, the louder and proud-
er he is. Arrogance is the root cause of all his misfortunes. Once
he detaches himself from his limited doctrine and opens his mind
he gives himself the chance to discover the deeper reality he has
refused to penetrate. Only true knowledge remains, doctrines must
fall one by one because of My light that has dawned among men.
This time the light shone from Romania, a country that has been
disregarded by Western Europe through the fact that nothing good
has come from it and that world leaders have not received any
signs that would indicate a possible transformation in the future.
In a former communist country, developing will and vision takes
However without the recognition of the deeper truth, which is
revealed in the present to the world and which brings with it the
death of superstition and the darkness that comes from it, the hu-
man race has no future. Your simple words are read by few and
understood by even fewer, but in the future the whole world will be
guided from this geographical point.
I have planted here the spiritual seed that irrigates the Earth.
You are My purest source, together with other independent and
unique guides through whom I do My work. Your results will be
seen in time, and the Inner Kingdom of which I speak will be felt
by all as it was revealed in the past through the prophets and the
most prominent scribes. They saw the continent of Europe shining
like a diamond whose light came from the direction of the Black
Sea and spread across the globe, despite the fact that the borders
were oriented differently at the time.
You shall not boast of the truth that you have now heard from
the mouth of the God of the worlds that are. The angel who will
take pride in the radiance I have given him will fall into the trap
and lose it. The purest spiritual springs whose waters come from
the Kingdom above are humble people who devote themselves to
good of their own free will and work the hardest.
I have arranged things in such a way that for material people
the light of truth remains invisible and many continue to worship
their illusions and sleep in their night, so that you are protected
20 Alberto Bacoi
from any temptation to dominate. If the crowd saw you in the light
of your deeds they would throw themselves on the ground and kiss
the ground you walk on. But then it would sink further into idol-
atry instead of being freed from it. And they would worship you,
and bow down and worship, and be afraid.
Condemned souls will be released one by one, each when its
time comes. And that’s the way it should be. I, God, know better
than anyone what is best for man, My most wonderful creation.
Everything around is perfect, but perfection can be seen with the
inner adjustment that occurs in stages throughout life.
I was saying that in the visions of the distant future the apos-
tles were shown the angel crowned with all power, rising out of
foul water. This symbolic account refers to the Black Sea, which
indicates the darkness of the mind or the spiritual night of souls.
In his hand the angel held a book written in a Latin language
that had been altered over time, which did not exist at the time
and therefore was not deciphered. Here the book written in the Ro-
manian language known today represents pure truth, from which
political-religious influence, fables and errors of human under-
standing have been removed.
Next the visionaries saw a humble man with grey hair and a
wise look, who was fighting the waves of the world and winning.
He took upon himself the weight of matter and cleansed it. At the
end of the work the divine man became a sun before which all be-
ings who have ever lived bowed their heads. And they glorified My
power as Lord, because I put it in a man the size of a speck of dust,
puny and powerless.
The victor that the disciples perceived in the dream is the man
who fights the lie today with the power of his spirit and rewrites
the mental structures for the generations of people who will be
born after him. To him who fights against the embellishment of
truth and ridicules the profiteering institutions I will give all pow-
er in Heaven and on Earth to destroy them. And if you still think
that God doesn’t care or that He isn’t working for human perfec-
tion, look for a documentary film that shows the lives of the savage
tribes of people still living on the planet. These are irrefutable
proof that man cannot evolve by himself in a million years. With-
out divine education you would all be like them.
If you have a friend or an acquaintance who has proven to be
faithful to truth and honesty, admire and support him according
to your will and strength. Not out of pity, but out of respect and
appreciation for dedication. The world needs as many truth-tellers
Earth Honey | Spiritual Journeys 21

as possible, in spite of the multitude of unprepared and profiteer-

ing worldly teachers.
Blessed are those to whom My will has been revealed and they
have written it down to offer it to the seekers of independent life
who will be born after them. Simple people, without wealth and
training, took the pen in hand and transcribed My precious words
while sitting in their freezing rooms with mouldy walls. These are
My feet on which the redeemed church weeps from the clutches of
the material beast and wipes them with the hair of her head.
Mankind never expected a light of such clarity to appear, de-
spite countless warnings from above. Those who gave the slightest
consideration to the appearance of a sun that would endanger their
institution thought they would succeed in extinguishing it by the
old human methods. Yet the happiness of My angels is unimagin-
able and their feeling takes shape even from earthly life.
I thought I had impressed You with my words, but reading the
last pages left me speechless. The truth echoes in my every cell,
and the promise is great. You give me the strength I need to move
forward on the path I have yet to travel. I think of what was only
with love and thus detach myself from any regret. I love the time
that passes over me and shapes me so beautifully!
Everything You told me I understood at the right time, so I
am grateful. You have taught me what to do with sadness, how to
channel the energy wasted in suffering into peace for myself and
medicine for others. You have sublimely directed me to develop a
relationship with the God who exists in spirit and who mysteri-
ously governs the world, not to kiss church objects and corpses
considered by the blind to be holy bones. For we humans are di-
vine beings, how did we come to kneel before the dead and wor-
ship them? Animals without intelligence do not do this.
I am not harsh in expression out of a hidden frustration that
sometimes comes out, I didn’t follow these filthy habits even in
my sleeping days, but I’m amazed at the madness of the man and
I want to say it to his face, so he will do something about it for
himself. Even if he hates me, his descendants who recognize his
stupidity will love me.
All the teaching that the priests and old emperors took up and
corrupted, and used for material advantage, was meant to educate
the animal man. Today the program has remained only a surface
canvas that lazy souls perceive as a divine demand. The dark rules
of the imaginary god they worship do not help them, instead they
satisfy the lust for mastery of the idol that has been built on the
22 Alberto Bacoi
model of the immature, jealous and outright insensitive parent. A
higher understanding of things exists, but man needs an ounce of
will and curiosity to gain unlimited access to precious truth.
The religious man who worships the exact moment he passes
a church is a gullible, lazy man without knowledge. He was never
curious about the depths of creation and how life is governed, in-
stead he was content with superficiality and superstition, attend-
ing a boring liturgy once a year, from which he got nothing.
The atheist stands up against the absurd and man-made god.
In himself he believes that there is an unknown Force that creat-
ed what exists and allows what was created to continue to exist.
About this imperceptible Force he has no information, the reason
being the lack of schools and enlightened teachers. On Earth there
are no soul schools, there are mental educational institutions and
training institutions in professional fields.
In reality it takes a hundred times more faith to think that life
came into being by chance and intelligence developed by accident
than to believe the story of the old divine man who carved two
human forms out of clay, upon which he uttered a silly incantation
and they came to life. Subsequently the newly vitalized forms be-
gan to talk to each other, questioning even the very existence of
the direct creator.
It is obvious that only a child’s mind would consider the for-
mer, more mature minds recognize the poorly expressed account
of those times and the symbolism. They explore spiritual science
and are grateful to the authors for the essence of truth found in the
content, which they extract and place in a new, this time clearer
An atheist should know that if he stops going to church and
makes a habit of poking fun at those who do go, the church will
not disappear. There will continue to be people who attend it with
reverence and train their descendants in the same doctrine. Even
though they will seemingly turn away from religion because it will
seem absurd and they will be mocked, the moment trouble strikes
they will return to it because religion is the root of their earthly
In order to remove superstition, every aspect must be brought
to light and analyzed, to understand what is true and what is not,
what has been partially or totally misunderstood, and to identify
the reason that has allowed divine light to be transformed into the
greatest darkness known to this human race.
But the atheist was raised in a ridiculously religious environ-
Earth Honey | Spiritual Journeys 23

ment, this is why he became an atheist, and today he rejects all

forms of teaching. The atheist is unable to assimilate the love that
accompanies every word of this writing, for he has religious roots
that he denies or is unaware of, and associates the divine liberat-
ing message with that of condemnation.
Every day I see how difficult it is for a man to discover his
inner self and let himself be guided to its benefit, to develop in a
healthy way and to acquire independent thinking. How many de-
tours there are! How many mundane motivations devoid of sub-
stance attract him in the beginning! He confuses the simplicity of
liberating truth with misinformation, for which he forms a repul-
sively sophisticated and therefore confused character.
Someone once told me that I will never be able to understand
the higher aspects of life, in all their depth, as long as I don’t get
by with the material trifles, such as finding a stable job, buying a
house. That by a miracle I did them all, but much later, after I had
balanced my soul and united it with the inner spirit from which
no one will ever separate me.
This is the foretold time when it is dawning on the planet men-
tally and spiritually. The understanding of the events experienced
becomes clear and the trials reveal their importance. The earthly
lessons have been assimilated, today the divine substance that is
extracted from man rises in consciousness and all creation cele-
brates the return of matter to essence.
If you read these precious words, do not read them out of a
desire to discover the secret of worldly success or quick salvation,
but go through the contents out of pure pleasure. Don’t expect to
receive divine help in the way people understand it, because peo-
ple want to receive it ready-made, without merit, and that is cheat-
ing. You fight with your powers to gain eternal independence just
as material men fight for the comfort of earthly life.
If I have provided you with all the tools necessary for the cre-
ation of your self, I will not force you to use them, but I will send
you many sublime signs that will indicate when and how it is right
to act.
In the wild, chicks that don’t huddle together to grab a piece
of the prey remain undeveloped and eventually die. Those who un-
derstand how things work on Earth, for nowhere else do, are the
first to strengthen their bodies and thus give themselves a chance
at life. So are those who take the inner kingdom by storm and de-
velop all their qualities. Many pass by the divine hunt I have laid
at your feet, yet they continue their journey in search of their car-
24 Alberto Bacoi
rion shrugging their shoulders. They do not recognize My word
now any more than they recognized it in the past. Along the way
they have drifted so far apart that the Father of all creatures, as
the most familiar Being in the Universe, is a stranger to them.
Sweetheart, if you don’t find a person to live contentedly with
you, don’t despair, you are a gentleman who does not buy pleasure
and does not beg for affection. How would it be like the night be-
fore you lay your head on your pillow to forgive everything and
gently fall asleep like a baby? Then you would be reborn every
morning and love until the end of days. Then you wouldn’t be af-
fected by any reproaches from people and you wouldn’t see any
imperfections. Next you’d grow old gracefully and get excited look-
ing in the mirror, thinking contentedly of your lovely journey.
Don’t brag about your achievements, but give people a chance
to admire you. Even if at critical moments I stepped in and helped
you, I did it out of love. I need nothing for Myself, for all is Mine,
and what you have you received first from Me. Seek instead to be
grateful in your heart and thank yourself for identifying truth and
attributing it to yourself.
All things are given to you at the right time, even if some came
to you later and you could not enjoy them. Too much joy distracts
you from what you are and what you came here to do. It gradually
absorbs you and connects you to the world. And you don’t want,
in your deepest self, to become a man of the world, lacking depth,
who has lost his inner light and all he has left is the useless outer
image. What is the use of a bottomless cup, how could anyone put
a drop of water in his mouth to quench his thirst with it?
Now I understand this aspect that has been bothering me for
more than twenty years, thanks to the indications You gave me.
That’s the way it is, and that’s good. The undying wellspring
of knowledge quenches your thirst forever and you no longer feel
the need to search for information related by others through other
I spend this autumn evening on the terrace. The rainy weather
outside reminds me that summer is gone. After half a year of toil
and a sweltering temperature it was time to harvest. Wheat repre-
sents the divine word that we have kneaded to create the spiritual
bread that strengthens our will. Grapes are my good deeds that
will become wine later. With it I will sweeten myself after the fer-
mentation process, which is nearing completion. And then there
are the vegetables, which symbolize my well-being and the qual-
ities I have developed through writing.
Earth Honey | Spiritual Journeys 25

Besides the light You have shown me You have pushed me

towards practice since my adolescence, and gradually I have shed
the childish dreams inspired by the world and have done what I
had to do, to earn my food and to be always sought after.
Waking up in the early morning requires an ounce of effort on
one’s part, but the satisfaction gained is commensurate and the
positive effect persists well into the evening.
Mornings are unique. Blue-gray clouds can be seen among the
raindrops. The light on the horizon, the thunder and the breeze,
all convey freedom to me. The yellowed hills rejoice, the forests
sway, I tear up with emotion and am grateful for the chance I have
been given.
Lovers come back to me melancholy and longing, thirsting
for knowledge, peace and comfort. Your wise work does not stop
with me though, the divine intention is to heal all exhausted souls
who let their ego guard down and beg for help. Today my heart is
bigger, as is my patience, courage and the opportunities I create
for myself. My desire to remain a righteous man no matter how
many trials I go through has been fulfilled. I also wanted to re-
main humble and not mislead people.
The hustle and bustle of the big cities stops as the temperature
drops, bringing discomfort, when people spend in heated, fully
equipped homes. The silence of the streets fills the atmosphere
with charm. Behind the pigs remains the dirt that love cleans up
with the snow that settles on it and wets it to degrade. And dried
branches, weeds and discarded rubbish all go back into the soil to
fertilise it. Fresh greenery is preparing to sprout next spring.
The streets and sidewalks are wet, my shoes are cleaner. I’m
up before dawn and on my way to work. I get off the bus at the
usual stop, called the Institute of Hydrology and Water Manage-
ment, and walk for thirteen minutes through the forest. The sky
can also be admired in the water on the pavement, in which it is
reflected. Fallen leaves float on the roadside like souls released
from the world, which return to the substance of Love that sent
them to Earth to oxygenate it and shelter the varieties of living
things from natural phenomena.
Sometimes when you give everything away on a plate, despite
your good intentions you deprive the other person of the oppor-
tunity to develop. The curiosity to learn and improve one’s spiri-
tual or material state arises from repeated failures. Truth, in its
purest state, is not available to everyone, although in a way it is.
This statement argues that the unprepared man cannot identify it
26 Alberto Bacoi
for the purpose of using it. This is My will and it is the best.
You go with a suitcase full of banknotes into the barn and give
them to the cattle who throw them in the dung and urine and step
on them with their hooves or sit on them. At the same time you
explain to them out of pure love that money is more valuable than
a handful of hay, with it the cattle could buy dozens of wagons of
fresh grass and water at their discretion or boulders of the best
salt to lick. But the cattle remain cattle, and you waste your time,
energy and money, then come back to Me disappointed saying you
So I did, I gave people who came my way everything I had
like a fool hypnotized by a naive love and from a too great joy of
having found the solution to all problems. But I gradually lost my
enthusiasm, because I had no way of knowing how God works.
For a long time I have believed that suffering should be removed
and people helped, but this does not particularly serve the devel-
opment of their souls, they have proven it.
I have participated in many online conferences at the request
of readers, in countries like Australia or Japan, to encourage them
to discover and enlighten themselves, but after Your wonderful
lesson they went back to their habits and false religious beliefs.
They did not intend to lift a finger for their own fulfillment, but
instead were looking for a mediator to solve their affairs.
He who has come this far with the reading sees quite clearly
that life circumstances have led him to the truth regardless of the
discomfort he has felt and the long spiritual journey. He accepts
the idea that life has set things up in such a way that he wakes up.
When the sea is calm and the boat rocks gently the soul’s sleep is
deep and nothing can make it wake up. The moment the waves
crash against the rotting wood and break the boat, it flinches and
looks for a way out. The solution appears in his mind instantly, for
the Mediator, whom he does not know, is merciful, present and as
real as possible.
Each example used is revealing and incredible, as are the two
about hallucinations. Both the hunger and emotional pain symp-
toms have been tested on my skin.
As a child, when I lived alone and had nothing to eat for a long
time, which was why my strength and concentration were waning
and I lay in bed three quarters of the day, I opened my eyes and
saw a whipped cream cake, garnished with fresh fruit and a plate
of oven-baked potatoes, steaming and smelling delicious. Some-
one had also left a bag full of banknotes next door, which was to
Earth Honey | Spiritual Journeys 27

relieve me of the plight I was experiencing, much to my bitterness.

After more than sixteen hours of sleep, lifting my head from the
pillow, I realized I had been daydreaming. Nevertheless I was full
and had partially regained my confidence and energy.
Recently, after some terrible emotional blows, I felt an inner
pain so great that the place where I was at that moment changed
in my vision, even though I was aware throughout the experience
that I was in Bucharest, Romania, in the northern part of the cap-
ital that I cross daily. In my dream, caused by that terrible pain, I
felt a familiar sense of peace and admiration coming from loving
souls who admired me for my work.
I was in a place that looked like a seaside resort, but certain
details made me realize that the place was not on Earth, although
it was similar. There, a group of good and beautiful people, among
whom many children played, filled with pure love, surrounded me
out of a desire to share their joy.
I’m talking about a huge love, with a continuous effect, a feel-
ing that I haven’t felt among people on Earth because nobody has
discovered it yet. As soon as the image disappeared and my as-
tonishment passed, my mood improved, smelling once again the
smell of the atmosphere of the place I visited, a scent similar to
strawberry but more discreet, which still remains on my clothes
as a souvenir.
How wonderful!
Truly this is a rare miracle that reveals the strength of the soul
that seeks to balance any critical situation.
Through a vision sprinkled with fanciful love the soul balance
the emotions?
The truth is contrary to what you have claimed. The material
reality in which chaos and suffering rule is an insignificant jour-
ney, while the reality of the soul is the aspect you would do well
to focus on. Which is more real, an earthly life lasting seventy earth
years, which in comparison with the age of the material and spir-
itual universe does not last as long as the blink of an eyelid, or the
spiritual life of the soul, which is eternal?
My dear, many of the life experiences you experience in the
body are the direct creation of your soul and not the happenings
of life (destiny) or reality in the sense you attribute to it. The ma-
terial world itself is the fruit of My imagination without which it
could not exist. The Heaven you will experience after leaving the
present body is the product of the conscious soul that has been
awakened during your lifetime. Hell, too. For they are states of
28 Alberto Bacoi
mind and not wonderful or terrible physical places.
How simple and beautiful it would be if things were like this,
think the lazy, along with the obedient who do not want to do any-
thing good for their soul by the power they have received. It would
be a wonderful thing if after leaving the body, the soul imagined
something good and that something good simply appeared, but I
have not advocated such a superstition. If you imagine on Earth
that the whole world is cheering you and showing deep respect for
you, but you are really a stranger and a lazy person, know that in
spirit you cannot lie to yourself. The soul does not have the ability
to change aspects of composition and self-consciousness outside
the material worlds, through which it is constantly tested for pu-
The blows he receives during his life are hard and the badness
comes from all sides, but the time allotted to the trials is short. In
the future people will be open to new psychological aspects and
will study spiritual science in order to regain their lost strength
when they feel the inner call. I won’t take their freedom away from
them even if they cause their own death a million times over. For
a time known only to Me the birds will fly and the caterpillars will
crawl. The butterfly is the middle path that connects their realms.
Transformation takes place gradually over a lifetime.

Don’t worship that god you were taught as living in monaster-

ies or mountains, or in the visible sky, who dislikes your behavior
and orders things to go wrong out of sheer selfish satisfaction. Be-
cause that god endowed with human character does not exist. But
seek to discover your inner spirit, then create a real connection
with it. Learn to listen to it and let it guide you to your and your
family’s well-being.
Rely also on your intuition, on what your cleansed heart tells
you is right and good and leave reality of society, human reason
blinded. Successful use of intuition will help you develop other
skills to become independent and fulfilled in everything.
To hear your inner spirit, the only God that exists and is not a
human fantasy, you need to become sensitive and therefore re-
ceptive. Start by spending as much time in solitude as possible to
overcome the initial discomfort and the sadness that follows.
Contemplate often, leave all habits behind, stop following the
world’s opinion, but be curious to know what the infinite Being
who created the world and who still sustains it with the unlimited
power of His will thinks. How does God see things, what is the
purpose of earthly life, or how can a soul be enriched by living it?
The souls who have known the truth but have been persuaded
to turn away from it, on the grounds that the truth is too great a
responsibility for such small people, will later return to Me. Then
they will stare at you with their eyes, ask you various questions
and beg for My presence. To these I will say that if they have re-
turned for the comfort of their bodies I am not here. And a deep
regret will pierce their hardened hearts, and the feeling will be
equal to that of children who have been abandoned by their par-
I gave you the light that you all recognized at first but gave up
because of the pressures of people for whom enlightenment was
not intended at the time. And they convinced you with their fear-
based theories, presenting you with limited ideas and lifestyles
that, however absurd they seemed at first, you finally accepted.
Since you have forsaken Me one is over you and will be until the
end of the age. And you won’t reach him in spirit no matter how
much you improve your attitude.
For you are chosen souls who come from noble families and
dwell in star worlds. You have been chosen for the work of remov-
ing the lie that destroys the Earth without remorse, but along the
way you have been engulfed by its darkness in which you will re-
main as long as I will.
The sleeping man is like the dog that barks through the boards
of the rotting fence every time a person passes on the road. He
has nothing to gain from this for his development, nor does he feel
any pleasure in barking. The dog does not bark in order to protect
its yard, because the yard is not threatened by peaceful passers-
by walking along the road with a purpose, and the dog’s owner
does not appreciate the nocturnal racket, which is why after a short
time it is put down; that is, if the neighbours do not rather poison
So the animal is barking out of stupidity and unjustified ha-
tred that hastens its end. So are those who strive to stop the man
of love from his spiritual journey.
Man, don’t wait for something bad to happen to you to come
back to contemplation and divine feeling, you come of your own
free will, out of an unspoken longing and deep love. Only the ani-
mal is whipped into shape, not the awakened man. The latter knows
when to stop a harmful habit, a repetitive thought, a useless mean-
Blessed are those who have remained faithful to the simple
truth they have come to know and follow by reading this docu-
ment. They have known Me as Lord of all time and have been pro-
pelled into the Kingdom above, at whose helm they will stand with
the angels. My gifts are meant for everyone, but it is everyone’s
responsibility to reach out and take them, not to sit on their butts
and curse God for not putting them in their mouths.
I have reminded those of you who have not found kindness in
the world, a word of encouragement, a shoulder to lean on. Much
of what you have achieved on Earth you have paid for with love
and so you have become impoverished. But in My heavens, which
are spiritual and physical inhabited worlds, love flows abundantly,
and comforts you.
End of Document 4

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