Performance Assessment of Hybrid Multiblock Copolymers
Performance Assessment of Hybrid Multiblock Copolymers
Performance Assessment of Hybrid Multiblock Copolymers
Keywords: To improve the proton conductivity and thermal stability of proton exchange membrane, hybrid poly (arylene
Multiblock copolymers ether) multiblock copolymers were synthesized by using 6F-bisphenol A monomer. The hydrophobic oligomers
Ionic liquid poly (arylene ether sulfone) containing 6F-bisphenol A with varying molecular weight were copolymerised with
hydrophilic oligomer disulfonated poly (arylene ether ketone) containing pendant carboxylic acid group to
Fuel cell performance
prepare multiblock copolymers. For further enhancing the proton conductivity, ionic liquid is embedded into the
synthesized multiblock copolymers to fabricate the hybrid multiblock membranes. The 1H NMR studies
confirmed the synthesis of oligomers and multiblock copolymers whereas the FT-IR spectra revealed the inter
action of ionic liquid with the multiblock copolymers. The proton conductivity of the membranes has also been
examined at different temperatures and the activation energy required for the proton transport was calculated by
using Arrhenius equation. At 30 ◦ C, the maximum proton conductivity of 0.14 S/cm were shown by hybrid
membrane (with 50% ionic liquid, 6FB1/I.L-50%), which is of 3.5 times greater than that of pristine 6FB1
membrane. Compared with pristine membranes, the hybrid membranes exhibit improved oxidative, thermal and
mechanical stability. Moreover, the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) investigation depicts better phase
separation in hybrid membranes than pristine membranes by forming ionic clusters. The membranes have been
tested in H2/O2 fuel cell and their performance is compared with the state-of-art Nafion 117 membrane.
1. Introduction stability along with high proton conductivity at higher operating tem
perature conditions [11–14].
The need for green alternative power sources is one of the major The recent years have seen the impetus of the research mainly on
concerns in today’s era. Since the past two decades, proton exchange multiblock copolymers because of the remarkable feature of nano-phase
membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) have been remarkably playing an separation depicted by the membranes based on such copolymers. The
important role as a green alternative power source for stationary and hydrophobic-hydrophilic domains in multiblock copolymers provide
portable applications [1–3]. The proton exchange membrane (PEMs), better pathway for proton transportation [15–17]. By choosing different
being a cardinal component of PEMFCs facilitates the transportation of monomer structure or varying the block length of multiblock copolymer,
protons from anode to the cathode and act as a barrier for fuel the fuel cell related properties of PEMs such as proton conductivity,
cross-over. The state-of-the-art PEMs based on perfluorosulfonic acid mechanical, thermal and morphological properties can be explored [18,
such as Nafion is the commercially available PEMs possessing excellent 19].
proton conductivity, chemical stability and high fuel cell efficiency. But However, a major issue concerning the commercialization of these
the high production costs, environmental incompatibility and decrease PEMs is that for acquiring maximum proton conductivity of multiblock
in proton conductivity at higher temperature, limits its use for industrial PEMs, the hydrophilic content should be high and this adversely causes
applications [4,5]. In order to overcome these drawbacks, several other reduction in dimensional, mechanical and thermal stability of the PEMs
PEMs like poly (arylene ether), polybenzimidazole, polyimides, etc. [20–22]. The incorporation of the ionic liquids in the main structure of
have been explored in the last two decades [6–10]. But to all of these, the membrane can provide a solution to this apprehension. It can result
poly (arylene ether) PEMs is evidencing more oxidative and mechanical into improved proton conductivity while retaining the dimensional
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (B. Gaur).
Received 7 January 2022; Received in revised form 17 February 2022; Accepted 1 March 2022
Available online 4 March 2022
0019-4522/© 2022 Indian Chemical Society. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Awasthi and B. Gaur Journal of the Indian Chemical Society 99 (2022) 100410
stability of the PEMs. Ionic liquids are being considered advantageous solvents, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO,99.9%, Sigma Aldrich, Germany),
not only because of their chemical and thermal stability, N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP, 99%, Loba Chemie, India), isopropyl
non-flammability, low volatility, high ionic conductivity at high tem alcohol (99.2%, Merck), toluene (99%, Alfa Aesar, England), acetone
peratures, but also for their "green" credentials [23,24]. (99%, Alfa Aesar, England) and hydrochloric acid (36.5–38.0%, Alfa
An experimental study was conducted for synthesis of multiblock Aesar, England) were purchased commercially and used as such.
copolymer embedded with the ionic liquid, wherein phenolphthalein
monomer was used and resulted in better mechanical stability of the 2.2. Synthesis of F-terminated hydrophobic oligomers (6FBPAS-F)
hybrid multiblock PEMs [25]. Now, an attempt has been made to syn
thesize thermally stable hybrid multiblock membranes with improved To tune the proton conductivity and thermal stability of the mem
proton conductivity and overall fuel cell performance by using brane, the series of hydrophobic oligomers 6FBPAS-F1, 6FBPAS-F2 and
6F-bisphenol A monomer. The incorporation of bulky –CF3 groups of 6FBPAS-F3 were synthesized via aromatic nucleophilic substitution re
6F-bisphenol A in the polymer chain can enhance the glass transition action with targeted molecular weight of 5, 8 and 10 kDa, respectively.
temperature and free volume of the polymer, thereby improve other The typical procedure for the synthesis of 6FBPAS-F2 was as follows:
PEMs related properties such as water uptake, ion exchange capacity, 6FBPA (40 mmol, 13.44 gm), FPS (46 mmol, 11.69 gm), K2CO3 (40.6
oxidative, and mechanical stability [26,27]. The impregnation of mmol, 5.61 gm), NMP (40 ml) and toluene (20 ml) were added into a
1-butyl-3-methyl imidazolium tetrafluoroborate (I.L) ionic liquid to the 250 ml three necked round bottom flask equipped with mechanical
multiblock PEMs is being considered to impart high conductivity and stirrer and Dean-Stark trap. The reaction mixture was firstly refluxed at
thermally stability to the hybrid multiblock PEMs and consequently 120 ◦ C for 4h in order to remove the water azeotropically. The reaction
good fuel cell performance even at higher temperatures. temperature was slowly raised to 150 ◦ C and the heating was continued
In the present article the influence of hydrophobic chain length and for the next 22h. Further, a small amount of FPS (0.5 gm) was also added
the content of I.L on PEMs related properties have been studied and to ensure the end-capping of 6FBPAS-F2 and the reaction was further
discussed in detail. Moreover to investigate the better proton conduc continued for another 3h. The resulting viscous mixture was cooled to
tivity and thermal stability, the fuel cell performance of 6F-Bisphenol A room temperature and then precipitated out in distilled water. The
based hybrid PEMs has been compared with the phenolphthalein based oligomer precipitated was obtained after washing the crude product for
hybrid PEMs. 3–4 times and dried at 70 ◦ C in a hot air oven for 48h. Fig. 1(a) displays
the reaction scheme for the synthesis of 6FBPAS-F2 oligomer.
2. Experimental
2.3. Synthesis of OH- terminated hydrophilic oligomer (DPA-OH)
2.1. Materials
The DPA-OH hydrophilic oligomer with target molecular weight 8
4,4’-difluorodiphenylsulfone (FPS, 99.9%, Sigma Aldrich, Ger
kDa was synthesized according to the method reported in our previous
many), 4,4’-difluorodiphenylketone (DFDPK, 99.9%, Sigma Aldrich,
research article [25]. However, the reaction scheme is given in Fig. 1(b).
Germany), 4,4’ – bis (4-hydroxyphenyl) valeric acid (DPA, 97%, Alfa
Aesar, England), 6F-bisphenol A (6FBPA, 97%, Alfa Aesar, England),
potassium carbonate (K2CO3, 99.9%, Loba Chemie, India), fuming sul 2.4. Synthesis of hydrophilic-hydrophobic multiblock copolymers 6FB1,
furic acid (30% SO3, Spectrochem, India), ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methyl 6FB2 and 6FB3
imidazolium tetrafluoroborate (I.L, 99%, SRL, India) were used. All the
The multiblock copolymers 6FB1, 6FB2 and 6FB3 were synthesized
S. Awasthi and B. Gaur Journal of the Indian Chemical Society 99 (2022) 100410
via coupling reaction between F- terminated 6FBPAS-F hydrophobic 2.7.1. Thermal stability
oligomers and OH- terminated DPA-OH hydrophilic oligomer. A typical The thermal stability of the membranes was examined with the help
reaction procedure was given as follows: 6FBPAS-F2 (50 mmol), DPA- of Thermogravimetric\Differential Thermal Analyzer EXSTAR TG/DTA
OH (50 mmol), K2CO3 (55 mmol), NMP (40 ml) and toluene (20 ml) 6300.
were added into a 250 ml three necked round bottom flask equipped For TGA, the sample (10 mg) was heated from 25 to 900 ◦ C in ni
with a mechanical stirrer and Fig. 1 Synthesis of 6FB2 Multiblock trogen atmosphere at a heating rate of 10 ◦ C min-1. The glass transition
Copolymer. temperature of the membrane was measured by preheating the sample
Dean-Stark trap. After refluxing the reaction mixture for 4h at from room temperature to 110 ◦ C to remove the moisture and then
120 ◦ C, the temperature was slowly raised to 150 ◦ C and maintained for cooled to 50 ◦ C and reheated from 50 ◦ C to 400 ◦ C at a scanning rate of
next 50h until it became highly viscous. The reaction mixture was cooled 10 ◦ C min-1 in nitrogen atmosphere.
down to room temperature and poured into 400 ml of isopropyl alcohol.
The obtained precipitates were filtered and dried in a hot air oven at 2.7.2. Mechanical properties
80 ◦ C for 48h. The reaction scheme is shown in Fig. 1. The other two For testing the mechanical properties of the membrane, the Universal
multiblock copolymers were synthesized by the same procedure and are Testing Machine Zdwick/Roell was used. The membrane samples of 5
listed in Table 1. mm × 25 mm dimension were tested at room temperature with a
stretching speed of 5 mm min-1. Each of the membrane was tested three
2.5. Preparation of pristine and hybrid membranes times and the average value was considered.
For pristine membrane, 1.0 gm of the multiblock copolymer was 2.7.3. Scanning Slectron Microscopy (SEM)
dissolved in 10 ml of DMSO and stirred for 4h at 50 ◦ C to obtain a ho SEM analysis of the membranes was performed by using Icon Quanta
mogenous mixture. For hybrid membranes, the I.L was added in 30%, FEG 450 field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM). The
40% and 50% to the homogenous copolymer solution and the mixture sample membranes were sputter coated with gold and the applied
was stirred for 12h. Further, the solution was casted onto a Petri dish and accelerating voltage during scanning was 20 kV.
allowed to dry at 80 ◦ C for 48h. The dried membrane was peeled off and
further acidified with 1 M HCl solution for 12h. The hybrid multiblock 2.7.4. X-ray Diffraction (XRD) study
membranes were denoted as 6FB1/I.L-XX, 6FB2/I.L-XX and 6FB3/I.L- The XRD diffraction patterns of the membrane samples were ob
XX, where XX refers to the percentage of ionic liquid added to the tained using Bruker D8-Avance diffractometer with Cu- Kα radiations
polymer mixture. Fig. 2(a) and (b) displays the photograph and sche source having wavelength of 0.154 nm. The data was collected at a
matic representation of the hybrid multiblock membrane 6FB2/I.L-40%. scanning rate of 2 ◦ min-1 with 2Ɵ varied from 10◦ to 50◦ .
2.7. Fuel cell related properties 3.1. Synthesis of F-terminated (6FBPAS-F) hydrophobic oligomers
The fundamental properties of PEMs like Water Uptake (WU), A series of hydrophobic oligomers 6FBPAS-F1, 6FBPAS-F2 and
swelling ratio, ion exchange capacity, proton conductivity, methanol 6FBPAS-F3 with targeted molecular weight 5, 8 and 10 kDa, respectively
permeability and oxidative stability were determined by following the were synthesized via step growth condensation reactions. The 1H NMR
same procedure as reported in our previous work [25–27]. spectrum of 6FBPAS-F2 is shown in Fig. 3(i). The most deshielded proton
The activation energy (Ea) of the membrane samples was calculated Hd signal appeared at 7.84 ppm, whereas the peak at 7.03 ppm can be
using Arrhenius equation as follows: assigned to proton Hc. The proton (Hb) adjacent to 6F-isopropylidene
group showed a signal at 7.34 ppm. The peaks of end-group protons
σ = σ0 exp(
− Ea
) (1) Hd′ and Hc′ at 7.88 ppm and 7.08 ppm, respectively, confirmed the end
RT capping of the 6FBPAS-F2 oligomer. The molecular weight of the olig
omer from the 1H NMR spectrum was determined by taking the integral
where σ is the proton conductivity, σ0 is the pre-exponential factor, R is
ratio of proton Hd in the repeating unit to the corresponding proton Hd′
universal gas constant and T is the absolute temperature.
in the end group. The calculated molecular weight was also compared
with that obtained from GPC analysis and are listed in Table 2. All the
Table 1
three hydrophobic oligomers showed a polydispersity index (PDI) from
List of Multiblock copolymers.
1.21 to 1.41.
Hydrophobic (kDa):Hydrophilic (kDa) 6FBPAS-F based multiblock copolymer
5:8 6FB1
8:8 6FB2
10:8 6FB3
S. Awasthi and B. Gaur Journal of the Indian Chemical Society 99 (2022) 100410
Fig. 2. (a) Photograph and (b) Schematic representation of the hybrid membrane.
Fig. 3. 1H NMR spectrum of (i) 6FBPAS-F2 and (ii) 6FB2 multiblock copolymer.
3.2. Hydrophilic-hydrophobic multiblock copolymers 6FB1, 6FB2 and Fig. 4 represents the FT-IR spectra of pristine 6FB2 and hybrid 6FB2/I.L
6FB3 multiblock membranes. The presence of characteristic peaks at 3161 cm-
and 3096 cm-1 confirmed the.
Fig. 3(ii) displayed the 1H NMR spectrum of 6FB2 multiblock -CH stretching vibrations of imidazole ring of cation in the hybrid
copolymer. The methyl protons (H1) of DPA appeared at 1.5 ppm and membranes. The pristine membrane 6FB2 showed a broad absorption
methylene protons (H2 and H3) of pentanoic group of DPA showed band at 3396 cm-1 indicating the –OH stretching vibrations due to car
resonating signals at 1.8 ppm and 2.1 ppm, respectively. The most boxylic and sulfonic acid groups. However, in case of hybrid mem
deshielded proton Ha present at the ortho position of the electron branes, the broadening and intensity of these bands get decreased,
withdrawing sodium sulfonate group appeared downfield at 8.1 ppm. which was ascribed to the electrostatic interactions between imidazo
However, the aromatic protons (Hd, He, Hf and Hg) of 6FBPA-F2 hy lium cation of I.L with the sulfonic/carboxylic acid groups of the
drophobic oligomer showed resonating signals from 7.2 to 7.9 ppm. copolymer.
S. Awasthi and B. Gaur Journal of the Indian Chemical Society 99 (2022) 100410
Table 2 channels and cationic mixtures such as H3O+, H5O2+, H9O4+, etc. in
Characteristics of oligomers. water medium. Therefore, the level of water absorption in the PEMs
Oligomer Target M.Wt. Mn, NMR Mn, GPC Mw, GPC PDIc depends upon the presence of hydrophilic moieties in the membrane. It
(kDa)a (kDa)b (kDa)c (kDa)c can be observed from Fig. 5(a) that pristine 6FB3 exhibited lower water
6FBPAS-F1 5 4.9 4.8 6.8 1.41 uptake (12%) than 6FB1 membrane (9.8%) due to smaller hydrophilic
6FBPAS-F2 8 7.6 7.8 10.3 1.32 block length. Therefore, 6FB3 with more hydrophobic character resists
6FBPAS-F3 10 9.5 11.6 14.1 1.21 the change in dimensional stability and showed minimum swelling ratio
DPA-OH 8 7.8 8.6 12.2 1.41 Fig. 5(b). In case of hybrid membranes, for example 6FB3/I.L, the water
uptake increases from (10.4 - 11.38) % with the addition of I.L as 30%,
Calculated by using Carothers equation. 40% and 50%. This can be attributed to the presence of hydrophilic
Determined from 1H NMR spectra and. imidazolium cation and [BF4]- of I.L. The anion of I.L [BF4]- might forms
Obtained from GPC. hydrogen bond with the absorbed water molecules or stimulate this type
of bonding within the hydrated membrane structure [29]. In the similar
The C–O bending peak of –COOH group in the pristine membrane pattern, all hybrid membranes exhibited slightly higher swelling ratio as
appeared at 1400 cm-1 which depicted decrease in intensity for I.L compared to corresponding pristine membranes Fig. 5(b). Although the
embedded hybrid membranes. Moreover, the broadening of the asym relative increase in water uptake and swelling ratio of hybrid mem
metric and symmetric peaks of sulfonated groups at 1105 cm-1 and 1014 branes are not so high, therefore they can be promising candidate as
cm-1, respectively, corroborate the complexation of I.L with the multi proton exchange membrane for fuel cells.
block copolymer.
3.4. Ion exchange capacity (IEC) and proton conductivity
3.3. Water uptake and swelling ratio
The IEC values and proton conductivity of the membranes are listed
Water uptake of the PEMs plays an important role in the proton in Table 3. The pristine 6FB1 membrane showed higher IEC than 6FB2
transport mechanism. Generally, protons are transported either via and 6FB3 membrane. The reason for this can be attributed to the fact
Grotthus or Vehicular mechanisms through the hydrogen-bonded ionic that the pristine membrane 6FB1 contains greater hydrophilic content
Fig. 4. FT-IR spectra of 6FB2 pristine and 6FB2/I.L hybrid multiblock membranes.
Fig. 5. (a) Water uptake and (b) swelling ratio of pristine and hybrid membranes with various content of I.L.
S. Awasthi and B. Gaur Journal of the Indian Chemical Society 99 (2022) 100410
Table 3
Properties of membranes.
Samples IEC σ (Scm- Ea (kJ mol- Methanol Selectivity
1 1
(meq ) ) permeability ( ratio ( × 106
gm-1) (30 ◦ C) × 10-7 cm2 s-1) Sscm-3)
than the other two pristine membranes and having larger numbers of
sulfonic/carboxylic acid groups which accordingly act as proton
exchangeable sites in the membrane. Thus, the membrane 6FB1 shows
higher capacity to exchange protons and hence show higher IEC [30].
The incorporation of I.L as 30%, 40% and 50% resulted into the
enhanced proton conductivity of the hybrid membranes. This may be
due to the electrostatic interaction between the ionic (sulfonic/carbox
ylic) groups of the multiblock copolymer and imidazolium cation of I.L.
This ionic synergism between the I.L and the acidic groups provides a
free pathway for the protons to travel.
The proton conductivity of the sample membranes was also
measured at different temperatures 40 ◦ C, 60 ◦ C and 80 ◦ C and the re
sults are shown in Fig. 6(a). However, the observed increase in the
proton conductivity at higher temperatures might be due to the decrease
in the viscosity of I.L which expedites the polymer chain mobility and
makes proton transport easy. The activation energy of all the mem
branes was calculated by plotting a graph between ln (proton conduc
tivity) v/s T-1 by using Arrhenius equation (Fig. 6(b)). All the
Fig. 6. (a) Proton conductivity as a function of temperature and (b) Arrhenius
membranes showed very low activation energy in the range of 3.9 - 5.48
plot of membranes.
kJ mol-1 as compare to Nafion 117 (9 kJ mol-1).
The interaction of polar and bulky –CF3 groups in the 6FB2 with the
[BF4]- anion of the I.L creates repulsive environment which easily influences the fuel cell performance of the membranes. With the addi
displace the protons from their acidic sites and hence causes faster tion of I.L, the proton conductivity increases and methanol permeability
proton transportation with low activation energy. According to Hasani- decreases causing higher selectivity ratio of hybrid membranes
Sadrabadi et al. [32], with such lower activation energy, the protons are (Table 3). The hybrid membranes showed selectivity ratio in the range of
assumed to be transported primarily through vehicular mechanism in 0.02 - 0.32 which was higher than state-of-art Nafion 117 membrane
the membranes. [33]. Therefore, these hybrid multiblock membranes could be consid
ered as promising PEMs for fuel cell applications.
S. Awasthi and B. Gaur Journal of the Indian Chemical Society 99 (2022) 100410
S. Awasthi and B. Gaur Journal of the Indian Chemical Society 99 (2022) 100410
Fig. 9. Comparison of thermal stabilities of pristine and hybrid multiblock copolymer membranes.
S. Awasthi and B. Gaur Journal of the Indian Chemical Society 99 (2022) 100410
Fig. 10. SEM micrographs of (a) 6FB1, (b) 6FB2, (c) 6FB3, (a1) 6FB1/I.L-30%, (b1) 6FB2/I.L-30%, (c1) 6FB3/I.L-30%, (a2) 6FB1/I.L-40%, (b2) 6FB2/I.L-40%, (c2)
6F B3/I.L-40%, (a3) 6FB1/I.L-50%, (b3) 6FB2/I.L-50%, (c3) 6FB3/I.L-50% membranes.
decrease in the intensity of the peaks suggests decrease in the crystal It is also apparent from the Fig. 11 that for the three pristine mem
linity, which may be caused by the incorporation of I.L in between the branes (a) 6FB1, (b) 6FB2 and (c) 6FB3, the increase in the hexafluoro
chains. moiety with the increase in the block length of the hydrophobic block
The appearance of the new small intensity peaks with the addition of gives rise to greater amorphous nature of the membranes. Since, the
I.L confirmed random dispersion of I.L into the multiblock copolymer peaks at 2θ = 30◦ , 31◦ and 38◦ either show decrease in intensity or
membranes. Addition of 50% I.L to the membranes caused plasticization completely disappear. However, the peaks have completely disappeared
effect and hence the membranes show greater amorphous character. The in case of 6FB2/I.L-50% hybrid membrane. These results indicate that
same trend is observed for other membrane samples of 6FB2 and 6FB3 in the crystalline behavior of multiblock copolymers has been decreased
Fig. 11(b) and (c), respectively. This results suggest that the amorphous with the increment in the content of I.L in the hybrid membranes.
nature of multiblock increases with the addition of I.L in the hybrid
S. Awasthi and B. Gaur Journal of the Indian Chemical Society 99 (2022) 100410
Fig. 11. XRD plots of (a) 6FB1, (b) 6FB2 and (c) 6FB3 pristine membranes and their hybrid counterparts.
The fuel cell performance of the fabricated PEMs was also carried out The nano-phase separated multiblock copolymers 6FB1, 6FB2 and
for its practical application as next generation PEMs. The 6FB2 pristine 6FB3 were successfully synthesized by varying the hydrophobic block
and its hybrid membranes were fabricated into MEAs and tested in fuel length containing 6F-bisphenol A monomer and further the block co
cells at 80 ◦ C. The polarisation curves and power densities for 6FB2 polymers were treated with ionic liquid to prepare hybrid multiblock
membranes are given in Fig. 12(a). At current density of 0.4 Acm-2, the membranes. All the hybrid membranes exhibit improved fuel cell related
pristine 6FB2 showed voltage 0.49 V and power densities of 0.19 Wcm-2. properties as summarized below:
For hybrid membranes, with the addition of I.L, the voltage and power
densities values increased up to 0.59 V and 0.23 Wcm-2, respectively i. The prepared hybrid membranes showed greater proton con
[36]. ductivity than their pristine counterparts and the maximum
This improved performance of hybrid membranes with the addition proton conductivity (0.14 Scm-1) was obtained with 50% of I.L in
of I.L is found to be in good agreement with the proton conductivity data the 6FB1/I.L hybrid membrane.
values. For 6FB2/I.L-40%, the maximum power density (0.212 Wcm-2) ii. The complexation of I.L with the sulfonic/carboxylic acidic
was found to be higher than Nafion 117 (0.190 Wcm-2) [36]. Moreover, groups of multiblock copolymer resulted into increased oxidative
the fuel cell testing of previously synthesized phenolphthalein based and mechanical stability of the hybrid membranes.
hybrid membranes [25] was also done and the results are compared with iii. The thermal stability of synthesized multiblock copolymers was
that of 6FB2 hybrid membranes (Fig. 12(b)). The voltage and power very high (>400 ◦ C), and further augmentation was observed on
densities of P2 hybrid membranes at 0.4 Acm-2 were found to be in the the addition of I.L in the hybrid membranes.
range of (0.15 -0.33) V and (0.06 – 0.13) Wcm-2. Therefore, the hybrid iv. SEM and XRD analysis was also found to be useful to reveal the
multiblock copolymers synthesized in the present study are comparably phase separation and amorphous nature of the membranes.
more suitable for use in PEMFC. v. Through comparison with previously synthesized hybrid mem
branes, the hybrid membranes of the present study i.e. 6FB2/I.L
showed fuel cell performance which was better than P2/I.L.
S. Awasthi and B. Gaur Journal of the Indian Chemical Society 99 (2022) 100410
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