KOLKATA – 700 016
प्रे ष क / F r o m , से वा में / T o ,
Sanjay Kumar Ram, Shri Vivekanand Chattopadhyay,
Administrative Officer & Stores Officer, Dharitri Building,
Preliminary Enquiry Officer, Saltlake Sector-5,
Geological Survey of India, CHQ, Geological Survey of India,
27, Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Kolkata-700091
Kolkata – 700 016. .
म हो द य / S i r ,
2. In this regard, you are required to be present before the undersigned for the
purpose of recording your statement in connection with the subject allegations
mentioned in the reference at Room No.15,Documents Section, 4 th Floor, 27 J L
Nehru Road. CHQ, Kolkata on 05.01.2024 at 02:00PM. with relevant documents in
original/copies pertaining to the issue, if any. In case you fail to appear before the
PEO at the appointed date and time the enquiry proceedings will be taken ex-parte.
आ प का वि श् वा सी / Y o u r s f a i t h f u l l y ,
प्रे ष क / F r o m , से वा में / T o ,
Sanjay Kumar Ram, Shri Debasis Dutta, Label Writer
Administrative Officer & Dharitri Building,
Preliminary Enquiry Officer, Saltlake Sector-5,
Geological Survey of India, CHQ, Geological Survey of India,
27, Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Kolkata-700091
Kolkata – 700 016. .
म हो द य / S i r ,
2. In this regard, you are required to be present before the undersigned for the
purpose of recording your statement in connection with the subject allegations
mentioned in the reference at Room No.15,Documents Section, 4 th Floor, 27 J L
Nehru Road. CHQ, Kolkata on 05.01.2024 at 04:00PM. with relevant documents in
original/copies pertaining to the issue, if any. In case you fail to appear before the
PEO at the appointed date and time the enquiry proceedings will be taken ex-parte.
आ प का वि श् वा सी / Y o u r s f a i t h f u l l y ,
Minutes of the Preliminary Enquiry in the matter of allegations of unauthorised absence in r/o
Shri Partha Ghatak, MTS, (Employee ID-100959), CoS Cell, GSI, CHQ, Kol-16 on 09.05.2023
The undersigned has been appointed as Preliminary Enquiry Officer vide D D G ( P & A ) ’ s O f f i c e
O r d e r N o . 3 5 0 / C - 1 3 0 1 3 / 1 1 7 8 / P G / A d m n . V i g / C H Q / 2 0 2 3 d a t e d 2 6 . 0 4 . 2 0 2 3 to
conduct a Preliminary Enquiry in the matter of unauthorised absence from duty, the habit of taking
frequent leave from duty without prior intimation/permission of the competent authority, as intimated
by the Controller of Stores, Geological Survey of India, Central Headquarters, Kolkata.
The undersigned has communicated Shri Partha Ghatak vide letter no. 08/PE/SK/CHQ/2022 dated
02.05.2023 to appear for recording his statement in connection with the subject allegations in the
office of the undersigned on 09.05.2023.
Shri Partha Ghatak has appeared in person on the specified date. The undersigned has briefed Shri
Partha Ghatak about the reported matter. Shri Partha Ghatak has acknowledged that he has understood
the allegations made against his name & represented his submission in the said allegations.
Shri Partha Ghatak submitted that he is a bronchitis patient and is regularly on breathing aid. He has
cited his medical condition and his posting at central headquarters post consideration of his medical
condition. The undersigned has questioned Shri Partha Ghatak whether he is in the habit of taking
unauthorised leaves. Shri Partha Ghatak has responded that he has regularly applied for all the leaves
availed in OCBIS portal.
The undersigned has counter asked Shri Partha Ghatak whether he has any documentary proof to
substantiate his statement. He has also been given the liberty to furnish any documents or material on
record to represent his side. Shri Partha Ghatak has responded in negative. There is nothing on record
to establish his claim.
The undersigned has informed Shri Partha Ghatak that his attendance records from AEBAS cell & his
leave application records from OCBIS helpdesk shall be requested and referred in the said matter. The
undersigned has further informed that he shall be cross verifying the statement furnished by Shri
Partha Ghatak from his reporting officer, S h r i J . R . R e d d y , S t o r e s O f f i c e r , G e o l o g i c a l
Survey Of India, Central Headquarters, Dharitri, Salt Lake City,Kolkata-70009.
S h r i P a r t h a G h a t a k h a s r e s p o n d e d i n a f f i r m a t i v e . The enquiry proceeding is thus
concluded for the day.
1. Are you aware of the Complain/allegations made against you regarding on the issue of
vehicle Parking in front of HR-SIMS Laboratory Gate?
3. What representation or statement you have to submit in response to the allegations against
6. The meeting shall be concluded for the day. The report will be submitted post cross
verification of facts & records. Is it OK?
Answer –
1. Are you aware of the Complain/allegations made against you regarding on the issue of
vehicle Parking in front of HR-SIMS Laboratory Gate?
3. What representation or statement you have to submit in response to the allegations against
6. The meeting shall be concluded for the day. The report will be submitted post cross
verification of facts & records. Is it OK?
Answer –
2. What representation or statement you have to submit in response to the allegations against
5. The meeting shall be concluded for the day. The report will be submitted post cross
verification of facts & records. Is it OK?
Answer –
(Sri Susobhan Neogi) (Sanjay Kumar Ram)
Sr. Geologist, GSI, CHQ, Saltlake, ,Kolkata Administrative officer &
Inquiry Officer
2. What representation or statement you have to submit in response to the allegations against
5. The meeting shall be concluded for the day. The report will be submitted post cross
verification of facts & records. Is it OK?
Answer –
(Dr. Rajeev Kumar) (Sanjay Kumar Ram)
Supri. Geologist, GSI, NCGER Faridabad Administrative officer &
Inquiry Officer
1. Are you aware of the allegations made against Shri Partha Ghatak, regarding unauthorised
absence from duty, the habit of taking frequent leave from duty without prior
intimation/permission of the competent authority?
2. What information do you wish to present on your part in the said matter?
3. What information you wish to provide regarding the unauthorised absence reported for the
period from 28.02.2022 till 13.01.2023 in various spells (list attached) by the CoS, CHQ,
4. What submission you have to make regarding the regular tendency of Shri Partha Ghatak
being on leave without prior permission or intimation to the competent authority?
5. Whether Shri Partha Ghatak has submitted any physical application and/or OCBIS leave
application for the said period. Please specify date wise, if any data is available?
6. Do you have any documentary proof to submit regarding alleged unauthorised absence of Shri
Partha Ghatak for the said period from 28.02.2022 till 13.01.2023 in this regard?
The CoS, Central Headquarters, GSI, CHQ has referred the matter
of alleged unauthorised absence from duty without availing proper
leaves or taking prior approval from the competent authority in the
said matter to the Deputy Director General, (P&A), GSI, CHQ,
Kolkata vide his letter dated 20.02.2023.
e) Shri J.R. Reddy further stated that it was very difficult for him
to monitor the attendance of Shri Partha Ghatak, since the place
of posting of them were at different places.
f) It is stated by Shri J.R. Reddy, Stores Officer that the Shri
Partha Ghatak is in habit of taking unauthorised absence from
From the inquiry of facts from Shri Partha Ghatak, MTS, GSI &
based on the statements furnished by the reporting officer
concerned, as well as facts and records available with the
undersigned, it is evident that the reported allegations of
unauthorised absence from duty without availing proper leaves or
taking prior approval from the competent authority in respect of
Shri Partha Ghatak are convincing and stand ground. It is however
submitted that the detailed lapses and/or the total quantum of leaves
unaccounted for by Shri Partha Ghatak may be verified by a full-
fledged disciplinary enquiry.
( Rahul Ranjan)
Administrative Officer & P.E.O.
KOLKATA – 700 016
सं . / N o . _ _ / P E / P G / C H Q / 2 0 2 3 दि नां क / D a t e d : __/05/2023
प्रे ष क / F r o m , से वा में / T o ,
Rahul Ranjan, The Deputy Director General (P&A)
Administrative Officer & PEO, Geological Survey of India,
Geological Survey of India, CHQ, Central Headquarters
27, Jawaharlal Nehru Road, 27, Jawaharlal Nehru Road,
Kolkata – 700 016. Kolkata – 700 016.
म हो द य / S i r ,
2. In this regard, on the basis of the preliminary enquiry, a report has been
prepared by the undersigned and the same is submitted herewith for kind perusal.
आ प का वि श् वा सी / Y o u r s f a i t h f u l l y ,
( राहुल रंजन /
Rahul Ranjan)
अधिकारी/ A d m i n i s t r a t i v e O f f i c e r &
ए वं म प्रा रं भि क
पू छ ता छ अ धि का री /