Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs

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Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs

Course Introduction
Fall 2017
Instructor Information:
Petroleum Engineering 620 Instructor: Dr. Tom BLASINGAME TA: Mr. Alex VALDES-PEREZ
Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs Office: Richardson 821A Office: Richardson 821
Texas A&M University T: +1.979.845.2292 T: N/A
MW 07:55 pm-09:10 pm RICH 319 E: t-blasingame@tamu.edu E: arvaldesp1987@tamu.edu
(in-class lectures) (Please always use e-mail to contact me) (Please always use e-mail to contact the TA)
Goals of PETE 620:
In simple terms, the goal of PETE 620 (Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs) is to take the student from "sand grains to the classic solutions used
in reservoir engineering." The path begins with a review of mathematics because many of us need to re-familiarize ourselves with algebra,
calculus, differential equations, numerical methods, special functions, and other related topics/subjects. This review is intended to address most
of the skills/topics which will be required in the course.
We then proceed to study the (mostly) empirical aspects of geology and petrophysics (rock properties), and then on to the fundamental building
blocks of reservoir engineering: permeability, capillary pressure, relative permeability, and the electrical properties of reservoir rocks. After this
we work through the "flow relations" — steady-state Darcy and non-Darcy flow, Material Balance (needed for conservation of mass),
pseudosteady-state flow, and finally the "diffusion" (or diffusivity) equations. At this point it is worth noting that we will have addressed the
"fundamental" aspects of these building blocks — the assumptions, the limitations, and the need for advances in concepts for flow in porous
media; and perhaps most importantly, the inherent non-linearities that exist for the "flow equations" used in Petroleum Reservoir Engineering.
In the last (and most important) portion of the course we consider the classic reservoir solutions for radial and linear flow, flow in fractured wells,
flow in naturally-fractured (or dual porosity) systems, and the definition and use of convolution in reservoir engineering applications.
Assignments for PETE 620:
The assignments in this course vary from fundamental developments to solutions which could be used in reservoir engineering practice. Students
are expected to demonstrate mastery of all fundamental concepts covered in the course. In addition, the instructor wishes to provide students with
concepts, problems, and/or applications which will be useful for research.
The tentative assignment topics for the Fall 2017 are given as follows:
● (Math) Laplace Transforms ● Material Balance (liquid or gas) ● Solutions for Fractured Wells
● (Math) Special Functions ● Pseudosteady-State Flow (liquid or gas) ● Dual Porosity Reservoirs
● Correlation of Petrophysical Data ● Radial Flow Solutions ● Convolution/Deconvolution
● Capillary Pressure/Relative Permeability ● Linear Flow Solutions ● Wellbore Storage
Philosophy about Life:
● Most Appropriate Quote:
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work... (hard work is the only path…)
Thomas A. Edison, American Inventor (1847-1931)
● Important Rules for Life:
— Never own anything that eats while you sleep… — Always work harder than those you work for…
— Never own anything that needs repainting… — If you have to herd cats, then be a rat…
— Never own anything that you can't drive a nail in... — Never say no, and there's no limit to where you can go…
Brief Bio: Thomas A. Blasingame, Ph.D., P.E.
● Professor, Department of Petroleum Engineering at Texas A&M University in College Station Texas
● Holds a joint appointment in the Department of Geology and Geophysics at Texas A&M University
● Holder of the Robert L. Whiting Professorship in Petroleum Engineering
● B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Petroleum Engineering from Texas A&M University.
● Teaching/Research activities: ● Technical Contributions:
— Petrophysics — Pressure transient test analysis
— Reservoir engineering — Analysis of production data
— Analysis/interpretation of well performance — Reservoir management
— Exploitation of unconventional reservoirs — Diagnostic characterization of reservoir performance
— Technical mathematics. — General reservoir engineering
● Student counts to date (Aug 2016): 64 M.S. (thesis), 34 M.Eng. (report, non-thesis), and 13 Ph.D. students.
● Orientation — This is graduate school, the (only) person you are competing against is in the mirror.
● Work Quality — My highest commandment is that you submit your best work; and ONLY your best work.
● Focus — This is an essential course in reservoir engineering, results are used throughout the discipline.
● Timeliness — This material is very "dense" — do not underestimate your workload and timing.
● Course Materials — The material will teach itself, but you must put your energy and enthusiasm into the course.
● Connections — I am here to help; I will answer any/all relevant correspondence within 24 hours (if not totally offline).

(Page 1 of 33) Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs

Syllabus and Administrative Procedures
Fall 2017 (version: 20171126)
Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs
Syllabus and Administrative Procedures
Fall 2017
Instructor Information:
Petroleum Engineering 620 Instructor: Dr. Tom BLASINGAME TA: Mr. Alex VALDES-PEREZ
Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs Office: Richardson 821A Office: Richardson 821
Texas A&M University T: +1.979.845.2292 T: N/A
MW 07:55 pm-09:10 pm RICH 319 E: t-blasingame@tamu.edu E: arvaldesp1987@tamu.edu
(in-class lectures) (Please always use e-mail to contact me) (Please always use e-mail to contact the TA)
Required Texts/Resources: (a. Book must be purchased. b. Out of Print/Public Domain.)
1.a Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists, M.R. Spiegel, Schaum's Series (1971). [The 1st edition, the 1971 text.]
2.a Conduction of Heat in Solids, 2nd edition, H. Carslaw and J. Jaeger, Oxford Science Publications (1959).
3.b Handbook of Mathematical Functions, M. Abramowitz and I. Stegun, Dover Pub. (1972).
4.b Table of Laplace Transforms, G.E. Roberts and H. Kaufman, W.B. Saunder, Co. (1964).
5.b Numerical Methods, R.W. Hornbeck, Quantum Publishers, Inc., New York (1975).
6.b Approximations for Digital Computers: Hastings, C., Jr., et al, Princeton U. Press, Princeton, New Jersey (1955).
7.b Handbook for Computing Elementary Functions: L.A. Lyusternik, et al, Pergamon Press (1965).
8.b The Flow of Homogeneous Fluids Through Porous Media: M. Muskat, McGraw-Hill, New York (1937).
9.b Advanced Calculus for Applications: F. B. Hildebrand, Prentice-Hall (1962).
10.b Reservoir Sandstones: R.R. Berg, Prentice Hall (1985).
Optional Texts/Resources: (a. Local bookstores. b. Special order or TAMU library.)
1.a Calculus, 4th edition: Frank Ayres and Elliot Mendelson, Schaum's Outline Series (1999) (Remedial text)
2.a Differential Equations, 2nd edition: Richard Bronson, Schaum's Outline Series (1994) (Remedial text)
3.a Laplace Transforms, M.R. Spiegel, Schaum's Outline Series (1965) (Remedial text)
4.a Numerical Analysis, F. Scheid, Schaum's Outline Series, McGraw-Hill Book Co, New York (1968). (Remedial text)
5.b The Mathematics of Diffusion, 2nd edition, J. Crank, Oxford Science Publications (1975). (important/historical)
6.b Table of Integrals, Series, and Products, I.S. Gradshteyn and I.M. Ryzhik, Academic Press (1980). (very important/historical)
7.b Methods of Numerical Integration, P.F. Davis and P. Rabinowitz, Academic Press, New York (1989). (perhaps useful for research)
8.b An Atlas of Functions, J. Spanier and K. Oldham, Hemisphere Publishing (1987). (perhaps useful for research)
9.b Adv. Math. Methods for Eng. and Scientists, 2nd edition, C.M. Bender and S.A. Orsag, McGraw-Hill (1978). (excellent text)
10.b Asymptotic Approximations of Integrals, R. Wong, Academic Press (1989). (perhaps useful for research)
11.b Asymptotics and Special Functions, F.W.J. Olver, Academic Press (1974). (perhaps useful for research)
Course and Reference Materials:
The course materials for this course are located at:
Basis for Grade: [Grade Cutoffs (Percentages) → A: > 90 B: 89.99 to 80 C: 79.99 to 70 D: 69.99 to 60 F: < 59.99]
(Due 20 Nov 2017) Reading Portfolio [30 paper reviews for assigned publications] ............................................................ 15 percent
(Due 04 Dec 2017) Homework Portfolio [11 problems from texts, journal articles, etc.] .......................................................... 60 percent
(Due 11 Dec 2017) Final Examination [specialized problems taken from the literature and/or texts] ................................... 25 percent
Total = 100 percent
Policies and Procedures:
1. Students are expected to attend class every session. Resident (not Distance Learning students) are REQUIRED to attend class every
session. Distance Learning students are expected review lecture materials within 24 hours of the lecture being given. This is not a
casual requirement, penalties can and will be assigned for missing class.
2. Policy on Grading
a. All work in this course is graded on the basis of answers only — any partial credit is at the discretion of the instructor.
b. All work requiring calculations shall be properly and completely documented for credit.
c. All grading shall be done by the instructor, or under his direction and supervision, and the decision of the instructor is final.
3. Policy on Regrading
a. Only in very rare cases will exams be considered for re-grading — partial credit (if any) is not subject to appeal.
b. Work which, while possibly correct, but cannot be followed, will be considered incorrect.
c. Grades assigned to homework problems will not be considered for regrading.
d. If regrading is necessary, the student is to submit a letter to the instructor explaining the situation that requires consideration
for regrading, the material to be regraded must be attached to this letter. The letter and attached material must be received
within one week from the date returned by the instructor.
4. The grade for a late assignment is zero. Homework will be considered late if it is not turned in at the start of class on the due date. If
a student comes to class after homework has been turned in and after class has begun, the student's homework will be considered late
and given a grade of zero. Late or not, all assignments must be turned in. A course grade of Incomplete will be given if any
assignment is missing, and this grade will be changed only after all required work has been submitted.
5. Each student should review the University Regulations concerning attendance, grades, and scholastic dishonesty. In particular,
anyone caught cheating on an examination or collaborating on an assignment where collaboration is not specifically authorized by the
instructor will be removed from the class roster and given an F (failure grade) in the course.

(Page 2 of 33) Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs

Syllabus and Administrative Procedures
Fall 2017 (version: 20171126)
Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs
Syllabus and Administrative Procedures
Fall 2017
Work Requirements: (layout/format/etc.)
 You must show ALL work — as appropriate, YOU MUST:
— WORK: You must show all details in your calculations (no skipped steps) — all portions of all analysis relations must be shown.
— UNITS: You must show all units in all calculations.
 Work layout: (as appropriate for a given problem)
— NEATNESS: You will be graded on the neatness of your work.
— LABELS: All work, trends, and features on every plot MUST be appropriately labeled — no exceptions.
■ Work: All work must be fully labeled and documented — equations, relations, calculations, etc.
■ Trends: This includes the slope, intercept, and the information used to construct a given trend.
■ Features: Any description of features/points of interest on a given trend (times, pressures, etc.).
— LINES: Use appropriate drafting care in construction of lines, trends, arrows, etc.
— SKETCHING: Take great care in any sketches you create/use in your work.
 Plots/Plotting: (as required)
— SYMBOLS: Use symbols for "data" (if "data" are presented — e.g., reference solutions given as discrete data points).
— LINES: Use lines to represent models.
— COLORS: Use black for all axes and gridlines. Use primary colors (red, green, blue), avoid pastel colors.
— etc: Please do NOT use a border or "frame" around your plots.
Scholastic Dishonesty:
ASSIGNMENTS IN THIS COURSE. As a definition, "scholastic dishonesty" will include any or all of the following acts:
 Unauthorized collaborations — you are explicitly forbidden from working together.
 Using work of others — you are explicitly forbidden from using the work of others — "others" is defined as students in this course, as well
as any other person. You are specifically required to perform your own work.
Work Standard:
Simply put, the expectation of the instructor (Blasingame) is that "perfection is the standard" — in other words, your work will be judged
against a perfect standard. If your submission is not your very best work, then don't submit it. You have an OBLIGATION to submit only your
very best work.
Student Obligation:
You must prepare your work as instructed above, or you will be assessed SEVERE grading penalties.
e-mail Protocols
In order to manage your correspondence, I require that you use the following protocol.
Subject Line: [YYYYMMDD] (YOURLASTNAME) Subject
(date) (your last name) (Subject of your e-mail)
I would like to enquire about the following:
* Question 1 ... (be clear and concise)
* Question 2 ... (be clear and concise)
* Question 3 ... (be clear and concise)
I thank you for your assistance.
(contact information)
E: (personal)
T: (a phone contact) (I will NEVER call you without first sending an e-mail or text)
 The subject line is used to file e-mail (this is why this specific subject line is required).
 Every effort will be made to answer every e-mail, but PLEASE avoid trivial enquiries (consult the syllabus for "administrative" issues).
 I am more than happy to address questions by e-mail — i.e., issues/errors/etc. and/or need help with something relevant to the course.
 Courier New 10pt Bold font is required.

Computational Tools:
In this course you are NOT required to work in a particular computational environment. However; you should be/must be proficient at
whatever computational tool(s) you use for work in this course. Example products/computational environments include
 Visual Basic (VB) via MS Excel.
 MATLAB (http://www.mathworks.com/products/matlab/).
 Mathematica (https://www.wolfram.com/mathematica/).
 Programming Languages: C++, FORTRAN, Pascal, machine language, the Univac, an abacus, etc.
Please note that YOU are RESPONSIBLE for your computer-aided solutions. Depending on the assignment you may be asked for a copy of
your source code and should provide relevant commentary/documentation in your source code sufficient for your work to be traced. You will
also be asked for an outline/workflow for any/all computational solutions.

(Page 3 of 33) Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs

Syllabus and Administrative Procedures
Fall 2017 (version: 20171126)
Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs
Course Outline/Topics
Fall 2017
Course Description:
Graduate Catalog: Analysis of fluid flow in bounded and unbounded reservoirs, wellbore storage, phase redistribution, finite and infinite
conductivity vertical fractures, dual-porosity systems.
Translation: Development of skills required to derive "classic" problems in reservoir engineering and well testing from the fundamental
principles of mathematics and physics. Emphasis is placed on a mastery of fundamental calculus, analytical and numerical solutions of 1st and
2nd order ordinary and partial differential equations, as well as extensions to non-linear partial differential equations that arise for the flow of
fluids in porous media.
Course Outline/Topics:
Advanced Mathematics Relevant to Problems in Engineering: (used throughout assignments)
 Approximation of Functions
 Taylor Series Expansions and Chebyshev Economizations
 Numerical Differentiation and Integration of Analytic Functions and Applications
 Least Squares
 First-Order Ordinary Differential Equations
 Second-Order Ordinary Differential Equations
 The Laplace Transform
 Fundamentals of the Laplace Transform
 Properties of the Laplace Transform
 Applications of the Laplace Transform to Solve Linear Ordinary Differential Equations
 Numerical Laplace Transform and Inversion
 Special Functions
Petrophysical Properties:
 Porosity and Permeability Concepts
 Correlation of Petrophysical Data
 Concept of Permeability — Darcy's Law
 Capillary Pressure
 Relative Permeability
 Electrical Properties of Reservoir Rocks
Fundamentals of Flow in Porous Media:
 Steady-State Flow Concepts: Laminar Flow
 Steady-State Flow Concepts: Non-Laminar Flow
 Material Balance Concepts
 Pseudosteady-State Flow in a Circular Reservoir
 Development of the Diffusivity Equation for Liquid Flow
 Development of the Diffusivity Equations for Gas Flow
 Development of the Diffusivity Equation for Multiphase Flow
Classical Reservoir Flow Solutions:
 Dimensionless Variables and the Dimensionless Radial Flow Diffusivity Equation
 Solutions of the Radial Flow Diffusivity Equation — Infinite-Acting Reservoir Case
 Laplace Transform (Radial Flow) Solutions — Bounded Circular Reservoir Cases
 Real Domain (Radial Flow) Solutions — Bounded Circular Reservoir Cases
 Linear Flow Solutions: Infinite and Finite-Acting Reservoir Cases
 Solutions for a Fractured Well — High Fracture Conductivity Cases
 Dual Porosity Reservoirs — Pseudosteady-State Interporosity Flow Behavior
 Direct Solution of the Gas Diffusivity Equation Using Laplace Transform Methods
 Convolution and Concepts and Applications in Wellbore Storage Distortion
Advanced Reservoir Flow Solutions: (Possible Coverage)
 Multilayered Reservoir Solutions
 Dual Permeability Reservoir Solutions
 Horizontal Well Solutions
 Radial Composite Reservoir Solutions
 Models for Flow Impediment (Skin Factor)
Applications/Extensions of Reservoir Flow Solutions: (Possible Coverage)
 Oil and Gas Well Flow Solutions for Analysis, Interpretation, and Prediction of Well Performance
 Low Permeability/Heterogeneous Reservoir Behavior
 Macro-Level Thermodynamics (coupling PVT behavior with Reservoir Flow Solutions)
 External Drive Mechanisms (Water Influx/Water Drive, Well Interference, etc.).
 Hydraulic Fracturing/Solutions for Fractured Well Behavior
 Analytical/Numerical Solutions of Various Reservoir Flow Problems.
 Applied Reservoir Engineering Solutions — Material Balance, Flow Solutions, etc.

(Page 4 of 33) Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs

Syllabus and Administrative Procedures
Fall 2017 (version: 20171126)
Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs
Tentative Course Schedule
Fall 2017
Course Schedule:
Month Date Day Topic Lecture or Potential Assignment Topic
Aug 28 M Course Introduction Syllabus

Aug 30 W Review of Functions Lec_01_Mod1_ML_01_Rev_of_Fcns.pdf

Sep 04 M Approximation of Functions Lec_02_Mod1_ML_02_Fcn_Approx.pdf

Sep 06 W 1st Order Ordinary Differential Equations Lec_03_Mod1_ML_03_1st_Order_ode.pdf

Sep 11 M 2nd Order Ordinary Differential Equations Lec_04_Mod1_ML_04_2nd_Order_ode.pdf

Sep 13 W The Laplace Transform Lec_05_Mod1_ML_05_LaplaceTrans.pdf

Sep 18 M Introduction to Special Functions Lec_06_Mod1_ML_06_SpecialFcns.pdf

Sep 20 W Porosity and Permeability Concepts Lec_07_Mod2_PtrPhy_01_PorPerm.pdf

Sep 25 M Correlation of Petrophysical Data Lec_08_Mod2_PtrPhy_02_DataCorel.pdf

Sep 27 W Development of Permeability/Darcy's Law Lec_09_Mod2_PtrPhy_03_Perm_Dev.pdf

Oct 02 M Capillary Pressure Lec_10_Mod2_PtrPhy_04_Cap_Pres.pdf

Oct 04 W Relative Permeability Lec_11_Mod2_PtrPhy_05_Rel_Perm.pdf

Oct 09 M Electrical Properties of Reservoir Rocks Lec_12_Mod2_PtrPhy_06_Elec_Prop.pdf

Oct 11 W Single-Phase, Steady-State Flow Lec_13_Mod3_FunFld_01_SSDarcy.pdf

Oct 16 M Non-Laminar Flow in Porous Media Lec_14_Mod3_FunFld_02_SSNonDarcy.pdf

Oct 18 W Material Balance Concepts Lec_15_Mod3_FunFld_03_MatBal.pdf

Oct 23 M Pseudosteady-State Flow (Circular Res.) Lec_16_Mod3_FunFld_04_PSS_Flow.pdf

Oct 25 W Liquid Flow Diffusivity Equation Lec_17_Mod3_FunFld_05_DifEq_Liq.pdf

Oct 30 M Gas Flow Diffusivity Equation Lec_18_Mod3_FunFld_06_DifEq_Gas.pdf

Nov 01 W Multiphase Flow Diffusivity Equation Lec_19_Mod3_FunFld_07_DifEq_MlPhs.pdf

Nov 06 M Dimensionless Variables/Radial Flow Lec_20_Mod4_ResFlw_01_DimLssVar.pdf

Nov 08 W Solutions — Radial Flow Diffusivity Eq. Lec_21_Mod4_ResFlw_02_RadFlwSln.pdf

Nov 13 M Solutions — Radial Flow Diffusivity Eq. Lec_21_Mod4_ResFlw_02_RadFlwSln.pdf

Nov 15 W Solutions — Linear Flow Diffusivity Eq. Lec_22_Mod4_ResFlw_03_LinFlwSln.pdf

Nov 20 M Solutions — Fractured Well (High FcD) Lec_23_Mod4_ResFlw_04_FracWellSln.pdf

Nov 22 W Solutions — Dual Porosity Reservoirs Lec_24_Mod4_ResFlw_05_NatFrcResSln.pdf

Nov 23 Th Thanksgiving Holiday (no class) —

Nov 27 M Direct Solution — Gas Diffusivity Equation Lec_25_Mod4_ResFlw_06_DrtSlnGas.pdf

Nov 29 W Convolution Lec_26_Mod4_ResFlw_07_Convolution.pdf

Dec 04 M Wellbore Storage Lec_27_Mod4_ResFlw_08_WellboreStrg.pdf

Dec 06 W Extra Class —

Dec 11 M Any/all remaining assignments due.

Dec 14 R Final grades due GRADUATING students.
Dec 18 M Final grades for ALL students Fall 2017 term
1. All class sessions will also be recorded and put on the eCampus system as well as the instructor's website.
2. Friday class sessions will also be used from time-to-time (substitute lecture dates, math recitations, etc.).
3. This lecture schedule is tentative and is subject to change (as a legal disclaimer).

(Page 5 of 33) Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs

Syllabus and Administrative Procedures
Fall 2017 (version: 20171126)
(Include this page in your submission
of the Reading Portfolio)

Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs

Reading Portfolio Assignment
Monday 20 November 2017 [by 5:00 p.m. (i.e., 16:59:59 US CST)]

Assignment Coversheet
[This sheet (or the sheet provided for a given assignment) must be included with EACH work submission]

Required Academic Integrity Statement: (Texas A&M University Policy Statement)

Academic Integrity Statement
All syllabi shall contain a section that states the Aggie Honor Code and refers the student to the Honor Council
Rules and Procedures on the web.
Aggie Honor Code
"An Aggie does not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those who do."
Upon accepting admission to Texas A&M University, a student immediately assumes a commitment to uphold
the Honor Code, to accept responsibility for learning and to follow the philosophy and rules of the Honor
System. Students will be required to state their commitment on examinations, research papers, and other
academic work. Ignorance of the rules does not exclude any member of the Texas A&M University community
from the requirements or the processes of the Honor System. For additional information please visit:
On all course work, assignments, and examinations at Texas A&M University, the following Honor Pledge
shall be preprinted and signed by the student:
"On my honor, as an Aggie, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this academic work."

Aggie Code of Honor:

An Aggie does not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those who do.
Required Academic Integrity Statement:
"On my honor, as an Aggie, I have neither given nor received
unauthorized aid on this academic work."

_______________________________ (Print your name)

_______________________________ (Your signature)


(Page 6 of 33) Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs

Syllabus and Administrative Procedures
Fall 2017 (version: 20171126)
(Include this page in your submission
of the Reading Portfolio)

Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs

Reading Portfolio Assignment (15 points/30 papers for review)
Fall 2017
Reading Portfolio: Orientation
Based on the "Reading Portfolio Inventory" given on the next page, you are to create a "Reading Portfolio." The Reading Portfolio is
assigned as follows:
● Due date: Monday 20 November 2017 [by 5:00 p.m. (i.e., 16:59:59 US CST)]
● Submission: Submit as a SINGLE .pdf file named: P620_17C_ReadPort_YOURLASTNAME.pdf
● Recipient: Send to t-blasingame@tamu.edu
It is suggested that the student create an MS Word document as the working document for their Reading Portfolio — however; ONLY a
single .pdf file will be accepted as the Reading Portfolio submission. Students ARE permitted to communicate — HOWEVER, students
are not permitted to submit shared or copied work. Shared or copied work will result in a zero (0) score for the Reading Portfolio
Failure to submit the Reading Portfolio will result a zero (0) score for this portion of the student's grade.

Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs

Reading Portfolio — 1-Page Review
Fall 2017
(Students must use EXACTLY this template format and 9-point "Times New Roman" font must be used for text)

Article Being Reviewed: (give full reference citation)

Al-Hussainy, R., Ramey, H. J., and Crawford, P. B. (1966) The Flow of Real Gases Through Porous Media. Society of
Petroleum Engineers. doi:10.2118/1243-A-PA (https://doi.org/10.2118/1243-A-PA).
Review Questions: (All questions must be answered) (… at least 2 bullet points are required for each question)
● What is/are the problem(s) solved?
— Bullet Point 1
— Bullet Point 2
— …
● What are the assumptions and limitations of the solutions/results?
— Bullet Point 1
— Bullet Point 2
— …
● What are the practical applications of the solutions/results?
— Bullet Point 1
— Bullet Point 2
— …
● (optional) How could the solutions/results be extended or improved?
— Bullet Point 1
— Bullet Point 2
— …
● (optional) Are there applications other than those given by the author(s) where the solution(s) could be applied?
— Bullet Point 1
— Bullet Point 2
— …

Guidance on Reading Portfolio Assignment: Submit a SINGLE .pdf file to t-blasingame@tamu.edu by 16:59:59 US CST on 20 November 2017.
● It is suggested that you use MS Word to create your Reading Portfolio, then create a .pdf from this file.
● The purpose of this assignment is to prepare you for the "homework portfolio" as well as possible questions for the final exam.
● Poor/fair quality work submissions will NOT be accepted.
● Your submission file must be named: P620_17C_ReadPort_YOURLASTNAME.pdf
● Students ARE permitted to communicate — HOWEVER, students ARE NOT permitted to submit shared or copied work.
● Sharing or copying work will result in a zero (0) score for the Reading Portfolio assignment.

(Page 7 of 33) Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs

Syllabus and Administrative Procedures
Fall 2017 (version: 20171126)
(Include this page in your submission
of the Reading Portfolio)

Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs

Reading Portfolio Inventory — Inventory
Fall 2017
Reading Portfolio: Inventory
The "Reading Portfolio Inventory" is assigned as follows:
1 Al-Hussainy, R., Ramey, H. J., and Crawford, P. B. (1966) The Flow of Real Gases Through Porous Media. Society of Petroleum
Engineers. doi:10.2118/1243-A-PA (https://doi.org/10.2118/1243-A-PA)
2 Archie, G.E. (1950) "Introduction to Petrophysics of Reservoir Rocks," Bull., AAPG, 34, 943-961.
3 Bentsen, R. G. (1984) "A Functional Relationship for Macroscopic Capillary Pressure," Society of Petroleum Engineers.
4 Blasingame, T.A., Johnston, J.L., and Lee, W.J. (1991) "Advances in the Use of Convolution Methods in Well Test Analysis," paper
SPE 21826 presented at the 1991 Joint Rocky Mountain Regional/Low Permeability Reservoirs Symposium, Denver, CO, 15-17
April 1991.
5 Boe, A., Skjaeveland, S. M., and Whitson, C. H. (1989) "Two-Phase Pressure Test Analysis," Society of Petroleum Engineers.
doi:10.2118/10224-PA. (https://doi.org/10.2118/10224-PA)
6 Byrnes P.A., Cluff R.M., Webb J.C. (2009) "Analysis of Critical Permeability, Capillary and Electrical Properties for Mesaverde
Tight Gas Sandstones from Western US Basins," DOE Technical report (DE-FC26-05NT42660) submitted to DOE and NETL (355
7 Byrnes, A. P., and Castle, J. W. (2000) Comparison of Core Petrophysical Properties between Low-Permeability Sandstone Reser-
voirs: Eastern U.S. Medina Group and Western U.S. Mesaverde Group and Frontier Formation. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
doi:10.2118/60304-MS (https://doi.org/10.2118/60304-MS)
8 Camacho-V, R. G. (1987) Well Performance under Solution Gas Drive, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Tulsa.
9 Cost, T.L. (1964) "Approximate Laplace Transform Inversion in Viscoelastic Stress Analysis," AIAA Journal, 2157-2166.
10 Davies, B. and Martin, B. (1979) "Numerical Inversion of the Laplace Transform: a Survey and Comparison of Methods," Journal of
Computational Physics, 33, 1-32.
11 Fancher, G. H., Lewis, J. A., and Barnes, K. B. (1933) Some physical characteristics of oil sands: Pa. State College, Min. Ind. Exp.
Sta. Bull. 12, p. 141.
12 Gates, J.I. and Templaar-Lietz, W. (1950) "Relative Permeabilities of California Cores by the Capillary Pressure Method," API
Drilling and Production Practices, 285-302.
13 Gaver, D.P., Jr. (1966) "Observing Stochastic Processes and Approximate Transform Inversion," Operations Research, vol. 14, No.
3, 444-459.
14 Geertsma, J. (1974) Estimating the Coefficient of Inertial Resistance in Fluid Flow through Porous Media. Society of Petroleum
Engineers. doi:10.2118/4706-PA (https://doi.org/10.2118/4706-PA)
15 Gomez, C.T., Dvorkin, J. and Vanorio, T. (2010) "Laboratory measurements of porosity, permeability, resistivity, and velocity on
Fontainebleau sandstones." GEOPHYSICS, 75(6), E191-E204. (https://doi.org/10.1190/1.3493633)
16 Gringarten, A. C., Ramey, H. J., and Raghavan, R. (1974) Unsteady-State Pressure Distributions Created by a Well With a Single
Infinite-Conductivity Vertical Fracture. Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi:10.2118/4051-PA (https://doi.org/10.2118/4051-PA)
17 Klinkenberg, L.J.: (1941) "The Permeability of Porous Media to Liquids and Gases," API Drilling and Production Practices, 200-
18 Lee, S.-T. and Brockenbrough, J. (1983) A New Analytic Solution for Finite Conductivity Vertical Fractures With Real Time and
Laplace Space Parameter Estimation. Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi:10.2118/12013-MS (https://doi.org/10.2118/12013-MS)
19 Martin, J. C. (1959) Simplified Equations of Flow in Gas Drive Reservoirs and the Theoretical Foundation of Multiphase Pressure
Buildup Analyses. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
20 Nelson, P.H. (1994) "Permeability-Porosity Relationships in Porous Rocks," The Log Analyst (May-June 1994), 38-62.
21 Nelson, P.H. (2009) Pore throat sizes in sandstone, tight gas sandstones and shales: AAPG Bulletin, v. 93/3, p. 329-340.
22 Odeh, A. S. (1965) Unsteady-State Behavior of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs. Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi:10.2118/966-
PA (https://doi.org/10.2118/966-PA)
23 Ozkan, E.: Performance of Horizontal Wells, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Tulsa, (1988).
24 Russell, D. G., Goodrich, J. H., Perry, G. E., and Bruskotter, J. F. (1966) Methods for Predicting Gas Well Performance. Society of
Petroleum Engineers. doi:10.2118/1242-PA (https://doi.org/10.2118/1242-PA)
25 Standing, M.B.: "Notes on Relative Permeability Relationships," Course Notes, Trondheim, Norway (1975).
26 Thomas, L. K., Katz, D. L., and Tek, M. R. (1968) Threshold Pressure Phenomena in Porous Media. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
doi:10.2118/1816-PA (https://doi.org/10.2118/1816-PA)
27 Van Everdingen, A. F., and Hurst, W. (1949) The Application of the Laplace Transformation to Flow Problems in Reservoirs.
Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi:10.2118/949305-G (https://doi.org/10.2118/949305-G)
28 ver Wiebe, W.A. (1951) "How Oil is Found," Edwards, Ann Arbor, MI.
29 Warren, J. E. and Root, P. J. (1963) The Behavior of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
doi:10.2118/426-PA (https://doi.org/10.2118/426-PA)
30 Waxman, M. H., and Smits, L. J. M. (1968) Electrical Conductivities in Oil-Bearing Shaly Sands. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
doi:10.2118/1863-A (https://doi.org/10.2118/1863-A)

(Page 8 of 33) Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs

Syllabus and Administrative Procedures
Fall 2017 (version: 20171126)
(Include this page in your submission
of the Reading Portfolio)

Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs

Reading Portfolio Inventory — Topics Table
Fall 2017
Reading Portfolio: Topics Table
The "Reading Portfolio Topics Table" is provided below — the student is free to complete the reading portfolio at their own pace, this
table is provided for guidance purposes only.
Topic Reference Article
Course Introduction 28_Ver_Wiebe_(Text_How_Oil_is_Found_1953).pdf

Review of Functions —

Approximation of Functions —

1st Order Ordinary Differential Equations —

2nd Order Ordinary Differential Equations —

The Laplace Transform 09_AIAA_1964_(Cost).pdf

Introduction to Special Functions —

Porosity and Permeability Concepts 02_AAPG_Bull_34_1950_(Archie).pdf

Correlation of Petrophysical Data 06_DOE_2009_(Byrnes).pdf
Development of Permeability/Darcy's Law 11_Penn_State_(1933)_(Fancher).pdf
Capillary Pressure 25_Standing_(UTrondheim_1975).pdf
Relative Permeability 03_SPE_013831_(Bentsen).pdf
Electrical Properties of Reservoir Rocks 30_SPE_001863_(Waxman_y_Smits).pdf

Single-Phase, Steady-State Flow —

Non-Laminar Flow in Porous Media 14_SPE_004706_(Geertsma).pdf

Material Balance Concepts —

Pseudosteady-State Flow (Circular Res.) 08_Camacho_(Dissertation_UTulsa_1987).pdf

Liquid Flow Diffusivity Equation —

Gas Flow Diffusivity Equation 01_SPE_001243_(Al-Hussainy).pdf

Multiphase Flow Diffusivity Equation 05_SPE_010224_(Boe).pdf
Dimensionless Variables/Radial Flow —

Solutions — Radial Flow Diffusivity Eq. 27_SPE_949305-G_(van_Everdingen_y_Hurst).pdf

Solutions — Radial Flow Diffusivity Eq. —

Solutions — Linear Flow Diffusivity Eq. —

Solutions — Fractured Well (High FcD) 16_SPE_004051_(Gringarten).pdf

Solutions — Dual Porosity Reservoirs 22_SPE_000966_(Odeh).pdf
Direct Solution — Gas Diffusivity Equation —

Convolution —

Wellbore Storage 04_SPE_021826_(Blasingame).pdf

(Page 9 of 33) Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs

Syllabus and Administrative Procedures
Fall 2017 (version: 20171126)
(Include this page in your submission
of the Homework Portfolio)

Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs

Homework Portfolio Assignment
Monday 04 December 2017 [by 5:00 p.m. (i.e., 16:59:59 US CST)]

Assignment Coversheet
[This sheet (or the sheet provided for a given assignment) must be included with EACH work submission]

Required Academic Integrity Statement: (Texas A&M University Policy Statement)

Academic Integrity Statement
All syllabi shall contain a section that states the Aggie Honor Code and refers the student to the Honor Council
Rules and Procedures on the web.
Aggie Honor Code
"An Aggie does not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those who do."
Upon accepting admission to Texas A&M University, a student immediately assumes a commitment to uphold
the Honor Code, to accept responsibility for learning and to follow the philosophy and rules of the Honor
System. Students will be required to state their commitment on examinations, research papers, and other
academic work. Ignorance of the rules does not exclude any member of the Texas A&M University community
from the requirements or the processes of the Honor System. For additional information please visit:
On all course work, assignments, and examinations at Texas A&M University, the following Honor Pledge
shall be preprinted and signed by the student:
"On my honor, as an Aggie, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this academic work."

Aggie Code of Honor:

An Aggie does not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those who do.
Required Academic Integrity Statement:
"On my honor, as an Aggie, I have neither given nor received
unauthorized aid on this academic work."

_______________________________ (Print your name)

_______________________________ (Your signature)


(Page 10 of 33) Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs

Syllabus and Administrative Procedures
Fall 2017 (version: 20171126)
(Include this page in your submission
of the Homework Portfolio)
Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs
Homework Portfolio Assignment (60 points/11 problems)
Fall 2017
Homework Portfolio: Orientation
The purpose of a "homework portfolio" is to ensure that the student has developed competent skills in the course objectives. The portfolio
MUST be submitted, and will be assigned a numeric grade (0 to 100) at the discretion of the instructor. Each student must work each problem
completely and independently (i.e., each student will create their own solution work showing all solutions steps — no detail(s) should be
omitted). Students ARE permitted to communicate — HOWEVER, students are not permitted to submit shared or copied work. Shared or
copied work will result in a zero (0) score for the Homework Portfolio assignment.
The Homework Portfolio is assigned as follows:
● Due date: Monday 04 December 2017 [by 5:00 p.m. (i.e., 16:59:59 US CST)]
● Submission: Submit as a SINGLE .pdf file named: P620_17C_HwkPort_YOURLASTNAME.pdf
● Recipient: Send to t-blasingame@tamu.edu (use TAMU "FILEX" system for very large files)
Failure to submit the Homework Portfolio will result a zero (0) score for this portion of the student's grade.
Homework Portfolio: Inventory of Problems
Problem 1 — Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists, M.R. Spiegel, Schaum's Series (1971)
(1 pt) 1.1 Solved Problem 1.13 Definition of Derivatives
(1 pt) 1.2 Solved Problem 1.15 Derivative of a Power Law Function
(1 pt) 1.3 Solved Problem 1.18 Derivative of Logarithms
(1 pt) 1.4 Solved Problem 1.23 Integral of a Power Law Function
(1 pt) 1.5 Solved Problem 1.26 Integrals of Functions
Problem 2 — Numerical Methods, R.W. Hornbeck, Quantum Publishers, Inc., New York (1975)
(1 pt) 2.1 Illustrative Problem 5.1 Roots of Equations (you must provide a solution sketch)
(1 pt) 2.2 Illustrative Problem 5.4 Roots of Equations (you must provide a solution sketch)
(1 pt) 2.3 Section 7.1 Derivation of Normal Equations (Eqs: 7.1-7.9) (you must provide all details)
(1 pt) 2.4 Illustrative Problem 7.2 Least Squares Fitting of a Polynomial (you must provide all details and a solution sketch)
(1 pt) 2.5 Illustrative Problem 7.2 Least Squares Fitting of a Sine Wave (you must provide all details and a solution sketch)
Problem 3 — Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists, M.R. Spiegel, Schaum's Series (1971)
(1 pt) 3.1 Solved Problem 2.11 Solution of Boundary-Value Problem
(1 pt) 3.2 Solved Problem 2.18 Derivation of the Integrating Factor
(1 pt) 3.3 Solved Problem 2.46 Solution of Solved Problem 2.44 by the Taylor series method
(1 pt) 3.4 Solved Problem 2.47 Solution of Solved Problem 2.44 by Picard's method
(1 pt) 3.5 Solved Problem 2.48 Solution of Solved Problem 2.44 by the Runge-Kutta method
Problem 4 — Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists, M.R. Spiegel, Schaum's Series (1971)
(1 pt) 4.1 Solved Problem 4.2 Laplace Transform of a Power Law Relation
(1 pt) 4.2 Solved Problem 4.14 Laplace Transform of a Time-Dependent Derivative
(1 pt) 4.3 Solved Problem 4.39 Inverse Laplace Transform of a Rational Function (using Partial Fractions)
(1 pt) 4.4 Solved Problem 10.1 Method of Frobenius — Series Solutions of Bessel's Differential Equation)
(1 pt) 4.5 Solved Problem 12.24 Solution of the Radial Flow Equation using Separation of Variables
Problem 5 — Capillary Pressure, Permeability, and Relative Permeability (from the course notes)
(1 pt) 5.1 Derive the capillary pressure relation for a single tube.
(1 pt) 5.2 Derive the permeability relation for porous media using the "bundle of capillary tubes" model (from PETE 428 Course Notes).
(1 pt) 5.3 Derive the "field units" form of the Purcell-Burdine permeability equation.
(1 pt) 5.4 Derive the Brooks-Corey-Burdine equation for absolute permeability.
(1 pt) 5.5 Derive the Brooks-Corey-Burdine equation for relative permeability.
Problem 6 — Steady-State and Pseudosteady-State Flow Solutions (from the course notes)
(1 pt) 6.1 Derive the steady-state laminar flow relation for the horizontal, radial flow of a liquid in porous media.
(1 pt) 6.2 Derive the steady-state laminar flow relation for the horizontal, radial flow of a gas in porous media (pseudopressure form).
(1 pt) 6.3 Derive the steady-state laminar flow relation for the horizontal, radial flow of a gas in porous media (p2 form).
(1 pt) 6.4 Derive the steady-state, Forchheimer flow relation for the horizontal, linear flow of a gas in porous media (pseudopressure form).
(1 pt) 6.5 Derive the pseudosteady-state flow relation for (pr-pwf) (liquid case).
(1 pt) 6.6 Derive the pseudosteady-state flow relation for ( p  p wf ) (liquid case).
(1 pt) 6.7 Derive the pseudosteady-state flow relation for p(r,t) (liquid case).
(1 pt) 6.8 Derive the constant pressure flow relation for "boundary-dominated" flow conditions (liquid case). (not in course notes)
(2 pts) 6.9 Derive the linear pressure flow relation for "boundary-dominated" flow conditions (liquid case). (not in course notes)

Guidance on Homework Portfolio Assignment: Submit a SINGLE .pdf file to t-blasingame@tamu.edu by 16:59:59 US CST on 04 December 2017.
● You are to write clearly on 8.5" x 11" lined paper or you may type your portfolio. (typing is strongly preferred)
● Your work may include output from computer programs such as MS Excel, but this work must be clearly shown and documented.
● It is suggested that you create a "work file" in MS Word or MS PowerPoint to capture your work, then create a .pdf from this file.
● The standard of submission must be near "publication quality," poor/fair quality work submissions will NOT be accepted.
● Your submission file must be named P620_17C_HwkPort_YOURLASTNAME.pdf.
● Students ARE permitted to communicate — HOWEVER, students ARE NOT permitted to submit shared or copied work.
● Unless otherwise stated, students ARE NOT permitted to use symbolic/numeric software (e.g., Mathematica, Theorist, MATLAB).
● Using software (unless specifically permitted), and/or sharing or copying work will result in a zero (0) score for the Homework Portfolio.

(Page 11 of 33) Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs

Syllabus and Administrative Procedures
Fall 2017 (version: 20171126)
(Include this page in your submission
of the Homework Portfolio)
Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs
Homework Portfolio Assignment (60 points/10 problems)
Fall 2017
Homework Portfolio: Inventory of Problems (continued)
Problem 7 — Diffusivity Equations (from the course notes)
(1 pt) 7.1 Derive the "diffusivity" equation for the flow of a slightly compressible liquid in porous media — "pressure" form.
(1 pt) 7.2 Derive the "diffusivity" equation for the flow of a gas in porous media — "p2" form.
(1 pt) 7.3 Derive the "diffusivity" equation for the flow of a gas in porous media — "pressure" form.
(2 pts) 7.4 Derive the "diffusivity" equations (and compressibility and saturation relations) for multiphase flow in porous media (cf ≠ 0).
Problem 8 — Solutions for Radial Flow (from the course notes)
(1 pt) 8.1 Derive the dimensionless form of the "diffusivity" equation as shown in the course notes.
(1 pt) 8.2 State the dimensionless initial and boundary conditions as shown in the course notes.
(1 pt) 8.3 Derive the Boltzmann transform solution for the infinite-acting reservoir case.
(1 pt) 8.4 Derive the Laplace transform solutions for the infinite-acting reservoir case ("cylindrical source" and "line source" solutions).
Derive the Laplace transform solutions for the finite-acting reservoir case using the following outer boundary conditions:
(1 pt) 8.5 ● Bounded circular reservoir — "no-flow" at the outer boundary
(1 pt) 8.6 ● Bounded circular reservoir — "constant pressure" at the outer boundary
(1 pt) 8.7 ● Bounded circular reservoir — "prescribed flux" at the outer boundary
Derive the "real domain" solutions for the finite-acting reservoir case using the following outer boundary conditions:
(1 pt) 8.8 ● Bounded circular reservoir — "no-flow" at the outer boundary
(1 pt) 8.9 ● Bounded circular reservoir — "constant pressure" at the outer boundary
(1 pt) 8.10 ● Bounded circular reservoir — "prescribed flux" at the outer boundary
Problem 9 — Solutions for Fractured Wells (from the course notes)
(1 pt) 9.1 Derive the Laplace domain solutions for linear flow in an "infinite-acting" reservoir. (from "Linear Flow Solutions" lecture)
(1 pt) 9.2 Derive the Laplace domain solution for a well with a vertical fracture in an "infinite-acting" reservoir as given by Ozkan.
(2 pts) 9.3 Using the real domain solution (Eq. 19 in the notes), derive the Gringarten-Ramey-Raghavan solution given by Eq. 36.
Problem 10 — Solutions for Naturally-Fractured Reservoirs (from the course notes)
(2 pts) 10.1 Derive Eq. 46 [ pDf (rD , u )] (course notes) (you must provide all details)
(1 pt) 10.2 Derive Eq. 53 [ pDf (rD  1, t D )] and Eq. 55 [ p Df ' (rD  1, t D )] (course notes) (you must provide all details)
Problem 11 — Convolution (from the course notes)
(1 pt) 11.1 Derive Eq. 11 (course notes), dimensionless convolution result, discrete step variable-rate case (in the real domain).
(1 pt) 11.2 Derive Eq. 25 (course notes), dimensionless convolution result, discrete step variable-pressure drop case (in the real domain).
(1 pt) 11.3 Derive Eq. 45 (course notes), dimensionless constant rate-constant pressure convolution identity (in the Laplace domain).

Guidance on Homework Portfolio Assignment: Submit a SINGLE .pdf file to t-blasingame@tamu.edu by 16:59:59 US CST on 04 December 2017.
● You are to write clearly on 8.5" x 11" lined paper or you may type your portfolio. (typing is strongly preferred)
● Your work may include output from computer programs such as MS Excel, but this work must be clearly shown and documented.
● It is suggested that you create a "work file" in MS Word or MS PowerPoint to capture your work, then create a .pdf from this file.
● The standard of submission must be near "publication quality," poor/fair quality work submissions will NOT be accepted.
● Your submission file must be named P620_17C_HwkPort_YOURLASTNAME.pdf.
● Students ARE permitted to communicate — HOWEVER, students ARE NOT permitted to submit shared or copied work.
● Unless otherwise stated, students ARE NOT permitted to use symbolic/numeric software (e.g., Mathematica, Theorist, MATLAB).
● Using software (unless specifically permitted), and/or sharing or copying work will result in a zero (0) score for the Homework Portfolio.

(Page 12 of 33) Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs

Syllabus and Administrative Procedures
Fall 2017 (version: 20171126)
(Include this page in your submission
of the Final Examination)

Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs

Final Examination
Monday 11 December 2017 [by 5:00 p.m. (i.e., 16:59:59 US CST)]

Assignment Coversheet
[This sheet (or the sheet provided for a given assignment) must be included with EACH work submission]

Required Academic Integrity Statement: (Texas A&M University Policy Statement)

Academic Integrity Statement
All syllabi shall contain a section that states the Aggie Honor Code and refers the student to the Honor Council
Rules and Procedures on the web.
Aggie Honor Code
"An Aggie does not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those who do."
Upon accepting admission to Texas A&M University, a student immediately assumes a commitment to uphold
the Honor Code, to accept responsibility for learning and to follow the philosophy and rules of the Honor
System. Students will be required to state their commitment on examinations, research papers, and other
academic work. Ignorance of the rules does not exclude any member of the Texas A&M University community
from the requirements or the processes of the Honor System. For additional information please visit:
On all course work, assignments, and examinations at Texas A&M University, the following Honor Pledge
shall be preprinted and signed by the student:
"On my honor, as an Aggie, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this academic work."

Aggie Code of Honor:

An Aggie does not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those who do.
Required Academic Integrity Statement:
"On my honor, as an Aggie, I have neither given nor received
unauthorized aid on this academic work."

_______________________________ (Print your name)

_______________________________ (Your signature)


(Page 13 of 33) Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs

Syllabus and Administrative Procedures
Fall 2017 (version: 20171126)
(Include this page in your submission
of the Final Examination)

Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs

(Orientation) Final Examination (25 points)
Fall 2017
Final Examination: Orientation
Students ARE NOT permitted to communicate or collaborate — this is an Exam, any sharing/copying will result in a zero score. Students ARE
NOT permitted to use symbolic/numeric software (e.g., Mathematica, Theorist, MATLAB).
The Final Examination is assigned as follows:
● Due date: Monday 11 Dec 2017 [by 5:00 p.m. (i.e., 16:59:59 US CST)]
● Submission: Submit as a SINGLE .pdf file named: P620_17C_Exam_YOURLASTNAME.pdf
● Recipient: Send to t-blasingame@tamu.edu (use TAMU "FILEX" system for very large files)
● References: http://www.pe.tamu.edu/blasingame/data/P620_17C/P620_17C_Exam_(references)/
Failure to submit the Final Exam will result a zero (0) score for this portion of the student's grade.
The inventory of examination problems is given below:
(5 pts) Exam Problem 1 — Carslaw and Jaeger — Constant Temperature Case (analog to constant pressure case)
You are to re-derive Carslaw and Jaeger Problem 13.5.I (The region bounded internally by the circular cylinder (r = a)), Case I: Initial
Temperature Zero (the surface r = a at constant temperature V). Specifically, you are to derive the final result Eq. 13.5.10. This is a
very difficult problem, you are asked to give this problem your very best effort.
(5 pts) Exam Problem 2 — Wyllie and Gardner Relation for Relative Permeability-Capillary Pressure — Combined with Bentsen's pc Model
You are to use the Wyllie and Gardner formulations for relative permeability as a function of capillary pressure:
(2.1) (2.2) (2.3)
Sw 1
0 S
1 * 1 *
dS w dS w
2(1 b) * 2(1 b)
o ( S * ) 2(1 a )
k rw  k rw
pc o (1  S * ) 2(1 a )
k rn  k rn
w pc *  S w  S wi
w w
1 1 1  S wi
0 p 0 p
1 * 1 *
dS w dS w
2(1 b) 2(1 b)
c c
You are to substitute the "Bentsen" capillary pressure relation (below) into Eqs. 2.1 and 2.2 to obtain the final algebraic results.
 *
pc  pd  (1  S w ) (a, b, and pd are constants) ................................................................................................... (2.4)

(5 pts) Exam Problem 3 — Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists, M.R. Spiegel, Schaum's Series (1971)
You are to solve Spiegel Problem 12.24 using the Laplace transform approach (originally solved using separation of variables). You
are to compare these solutions (i.e., the Laplace transform and separation of variables solutions).
(5 pts) Exam Problem 4 — Derivation of the Rectangular Hyperbola Method (or RHM) (Hasan and Kabir, 1983)
You are to re-derive the so-called "Rectangular Hyperbola Method" or (RHM) which is given as:
p ws  a  (where a  p , and is called the " hyperbolic asymptote" ) .................................................................................. (4.1)
The goal of this work is to prove (or disprove) the hyperbolic part of this relation [c/(b+t)], you are not simply expected to re-derive this
result, but to provide analytical evidence which either supports or disproves this relation. Significant effort is required. In full
disclosure, the instructor (Blasingame) has provided a derivation that he attempted in 1995 — while this provides a plausible validation
of the RHM approach, students are NOT permitted to submit the instructor's work as their solution for this problem.
Reference: Hasan, A. R. and Kabir, C. S. (1983) Pressure Buildup Analysis: A Simplified Approach (includes associated papers 11862
and 11867 and 11925 and 11926 and 13676 ). SPE. doi:10.2118/10542-PA (https://doi.org/10.2118/10542-PA)
(5 pts) Exam Problem 5 — Radius of Investigation
   r2 
1  4 tD  1
p D (rD , t D )  ln (  0.577216 ... Euler' s Constant) ..... (5.1) p D (rD , t D )  E1  D  ............................... (5.2)
2  e r 2  2 4 t D 
 D  
a. You are to solve the log approximation relation for pD(rD,tD)=0 to obtain an expression for rD(tD).
b. You are to solve the Exponential Integral solution for the location of the maximum pressure change — that is, (dpD/dtD)max at some
rD(tD). (Hint: Solve for rD(tD) using (dpD2/dtD2) = 0)

Guidance on Final Examination: Submit a SINGLE .pdf file to t-blasingame@tamu.edu by 16:59:59 US CST on 11 December 2017.
● You are to write clearly on 8.5" x 11" lined paper or you may type your portfolio. (typing is strongly preferred)
● Your work may include output from computer programs such as MS Excel, but this work must be clearly shown and documented.
● It is suggested that you create a "work file" in MS Word or MS PowerPoint to capture your work, then create a .pdf from this file.
● The standard of submission must be near "publication quality," poor/fair quality work submissions will NOT be accepted.
● Your submission file must be named P620_17C_Exam_YOURLASTNAME.pdf.
● Students ARE NOT permitted to communicate or collaborate — this is an Exam, any sharing/copying will result in a zero score.
● Students ARE NOT permitted to use symbolic/numeric software (e.g., Mathematica, Theorist, MATLAB).
● Last warning — this is an Exam — sharing or copying work will result in a zero (0) score for this Exam.

(Page 14 of 33) Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs

Syllabus and Administrative Procedures
Fall 2017 (version: 20171126)
Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs
Required University Statements — Required by Texas A&M University
Fall 2017

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement: (Last Revision: 05 November 2015)
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive
civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students
with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their
disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact Disability Services,
currently located in the Disability Services building at the Student Services at White Creek complex on west campus
or call 979-845-1637. For additional information, visit http://disability.tamu.edu.
Aggie Honor Code: (http://student-rules.tamu.edu/aggiecode)
"An Aggie does not lie, cheat or steal, or tolerate those who do."
Definitions of Academic Misconduct:
1. CHEATING: Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, notes, study aids
or other devices or materials in any academic exercise.
2. FABRICATION: Making up data or results, and recording or reporting them; submitting fabricated docu-
3. FALSIFICATION: Manipulating research materials, equipment or processes, or changing or omitting data or
results such that the research is not accurately represented in the research record.
4. MULTIPLE SUBMISSION: Submitting substantial portions of the same work (including oral reports) for
credit more than once without authorization from the instructor of the class for which the student submits the
5. PLAGIARISM: The appropriation of another person's ideas, processes, results, or words without giving ap-
propriate credit.
6. COMPLICITY: Intentionally or knowingly helping, or attempting to help, another to commit an act of aca-
demic dishonesty.
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9. UNIVERSITY RULES ON RESEARCH: Students involved in conducting research and/or scholarly
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For additional information please see:
Coursework Copyright Statement: (Texas A&M University Policy Statement)
The handouts used in this course are copyrighted. By "handouts," this means all materials generated for this
class, which include but are not limited to syllabi, quizzes, exams, lab problems, in-class materials, review
sheets, and additional problem sets. Because these materials are copyrighted, you do not have the right to
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If you have any questions about plagiarism and/or copying, please consult the latest issue of the Texas A&M
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Syllabus and Administrative Procedures
Fall 2017 (version: 20171126)
Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs
Appendix — Extended Description of Course Objectives
Fall 2017
Learning Objectives
The student should be able to demonstrate mastery of objectives in the following areas:
 Module 1 — Advanced Mathematics Relevant to Problems in Engineering
 Module 2 — Petrophysical Properties
 Module 3 — Fundamentals of Flow in Porous Media
 Module 4 — Reservoir Flow Solutions
 Module 5 — Applications/Extensions of Reservoir Flow Solutions
Considering these modular topics, we have the following catalog of course objectives:
Module 1: Advanced Mathematics Relevant to Problems in Engineering
 Fundamental Topics in Mathematics:
 Work fundamental problems in algebra and trigonometry, including partial fractions and the factoring of
 Perform elementary and advanced calculus: analytical integration and differentiation of elementary functions
(polynomials, exponentials, and logarithms), trigonometric functions (sin, cos, tan, sinh, cosh, tanh, and
combinations), and special functions (Error, Gamma, Exponential Integral, and Bessel functions).
 Derive the Taylor series expansions and Chebyshev economizations for a given function.
 Derive and apply formulas for the numerical differentiation and integration of a function using Taylor series
expansions. Specifically, be able to derive the forward, backward, and central "finite-difference" relations
for differentiation, as well as the "Trapezoidal" and "Simpson's" Rules for integration.
 Apply the Gaussian and Laguerre quadrature formulas for numerical integration.
 Numerical Differentiation and Integration of Analytic Functions:
 Be able to recognize, develop, and apply the Taylor series (finite-difference) formulas for numerical
differentiation of an analytic function.
— The O(x)4 derivatives are expressed as:
First Derivative, f'(x):
f ' ( x)  ( f ( x  2x)  8 f ( x  x)  8 f ( x  x )  f ( x  2x))  (x) 4
Second Derivative, f''(x):
f ' ' ( x)  ( f ( x  2x)  16 f ( x  x)  30 f ( x)  16 f ( x  x)  f ( x  2x))  (x) 4
12(x) 2
Third Derivative, f'''(x):
f ' ' ' ( x)  ( f ( x  3x)  8 f ( x  2x)  13 f ( x  x)  13 f ( x  x)  8 f ( x  2x)
8(x) 3
 f ( x  3x))  (x) 4
Fourth Derivative, fiv(x):
f iv ( x)  ( f ( x  3x)  12 f ( x  2x)  39 f ( x  x)
6(x) 4
 56 f ( x)  39 f ( x  x)  12 f ( x  2x)  f ( x  3x))  (x) 4

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Syllabus and Administrative Procedures
Fall 2017 (version: 20171126)
Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs
Appendix — Extended Description of Course Objectives
Fall 2017
Course Objectives (Continued)
Module 1: Advanced Mathematics Relevant to Problems in Engineering (continued)
 Be able to recognize and apply the following formulas and methodologies for numerical integration.
— Trapezoidal rule: (with correction) (be able to develop — see Hornbeck):
xn n 1
x (x) 2
I ( x)   f ( x)dx 
[ f ( x0 )  f ( xn )]  x  f ( xi ) 
[ f ' ( xn )  f ' ( x0 )]
x0 i 1

x  x0
where x  n
— Simpson's rule: (with correction) (be able to develop — see Hornbeck):
xn n 1 n2
x (x) 4
I ( x)   f ( x)dx 
[ f ( x0 )  f ( xn )  4  f ( xi )  2  f ( xi )] 
( xn  x0 ) f iv ( x)
x0 i 1 i2
i odd i even
x  x0 x  x0
where n must be even. Also x  n and x  n .
n 2
— Gaussian quadrature: (weights and abscissas from Abramowitz and Stegun: Handbook of Mathematical
Functions, Table 25.4, pgs. 916-919):
xn n
x  x0 x n  x0 x  x0
 f ( x) dx  n
2  wi f ( zi ) where z i ( 2
) xi  ( n
x0 i 1
— Laguerre quadrature: (weights and abscissas from Abramowitz and Stegun: Handbook of Mathematical
Functions, Table 25.9, pgs. 923):
 n  n
 e x
f ( x) dx   wi f ( xi ) or  g ( x) dx   wi e x ig ( xi )
0 i 1 0 i 1
 Solution of First and Second Order Ordinary Differential Equations:
 First Order Ordinary Differential Equations:
— Classify the order of a differential equation (order of the highest derivative).
— Verify a given solution of a differential equation via substitution of a given solution into the original
differential equation.
— Solve first order ordinary differential equations using the method of separation of variables (or separable
— Derive the method of integrating factors for a first order ordinary differential equation.
— Apply the Euler and Runge-Kutta methods to numerically solve first order ordinary differential equations.
 Solution of First Order Ordinary Differential Equations:
— Be able to derive the method of integrating factors for a first order ordinary differential equation.
— Be able to determine the solution of a first order ordinary differential equation using the method of
integrating factors.
 Second Order Ordinary Differential Equations:
— Develop the homogeneous (or complementary) solution of a 2nd order ordinary differential equation
(ODE) using y=emx as a trial solution.
— Develop the particular solution of a 2nd order ordinary differential equation (ODE) using the method of
undetermined coefficients.

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Syllabus and Administrative Procedures
Fall 2017 (version: 20171126)
Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs
Appendix — Extended Description of Course Objectives
Fall 2017
Course Objectives (Continued)
Module 1: Advanced Mathematics Relevant to Problems in Engineering (continued)
 Application of the Runge-Kutta Method:
— Be able to apply the Runge-Kutta methods to numerically solve 1st order ordinary differential equations
given a general 1st order relation of the form:
1. Given a 0  a1 y  r (t ) , we must rearrange to yield the following form:
dy 1
 [r (t )  a1 y ]
dt a 0
2. We also require the "initial" conditions: ti and yi=y(ti), where ti is usually set equal to zero (but does not
have to be set to zero).
— Be able to apply the Runge-Kutta methods to numerically solve 2nd order ordinary differential equations
given a general 2nd order relation of the form:
d2y dy
1. Given a 0  a1  a 2 y  r (t ) , we must rearrange to yield the following form:
dt 2 dt

d2y1 dy d2y 1 dy

[r (t )  a1  a 2 y ] or  [r (t )  a1v  a 2 y ] , where v 
dt 2 a 0 dt dt 2 a 0 dt
2. For 2nd order equations, we again require "initial" conditions, but now we include a first derivative term.
In this case we require: ti, yi=y(ti), and vi=v(ti) where again, ti is usually set equal to zero (but does not
have to be set to zero).
 The Laplace Transform:
 Fundamentals of the Laplace Transform:
— Be able to state the definition of the Laplace transformation and its inverse.
Definition of the Laplace Transform:
 
1 x x
f ( s )  L( f (t ))  e  st f (t )dt or
 
e f ( )dx (using x=st)
s s
0 0
Definition of the Inverse Laplace Transform: (Mellin Inversion Integral)
y  i
1 1
f (t )  L ( f ( s ))  f ( s )ds
y  i
— Be able to prove that the Laplace transform is a linear operator.
— Be able to derive the Laplace transforms given on page 98 of the Spiegel text.
— Be familiar with, and be able to derive, the operational theorems for the Laplace transform as given on
pages 101-102 of the Spiegel text.
 Properties of the Laplace Transform:
— Be familiar with the "unit step" function shown below
The unit step function is given by:
u (t  a)  0 ta

0 u (t  a)  1 ta
And its Laplace transform is:
-1 1  as
f (u )  e
a s
t 

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Syllabus and Administrative Procedures
Fall 2017 (version: 20171126)
Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs
Appendix — Extended Description of Course Objectives
Fall 2017
Course Objectives (Continued)
Module 1: Advanced Mathematics Relevant to Problems in Engineering (continued)
— Be able to develop and apply the Laplace transform formulas for the discrete data functions shown below.
+ Step Data Function:
f (s) 
s  ( fi  fi 1)e  sti 1 where (t0=0 and f0=0)
i 1
+ Piecewise Linear Data Function: (Roumboutsos and Stewart Method)
n 1
1 1 1
f (u ) 
m1 (1  e  st1 ) 
 mi (e sti 1  e sti )  s 2 mne  stn 1
where the slope terms (mi's) are taken as backward differences given by
f  f i 1
mi  i
ti  ti 1
+ Piecewise Log-Linear Data Function: (Blasingame Method)
a a a
f ( s )  1  (v1, st1 )  2  (v2 , st 2 )  2  (v2 , st1 )
v1 v2
s s s v2
a a a a
 ...  n 1  (vn 1, st n 1 )  n 1  (vn 1, st n  2 )  n (vn )  n  (vn , st n 1 )
vn 1 vn 1 vn
s s s s vn
The slope and intercept terms ('s and 's) are shown graphically in the attached notes. Also, Γ(x) is
the Gamma function and γ(a,x) is the first incomplete Gamma function.
 Applications of the Laplace Transform to Solve Linear Ordinary Differential Equations:
— Be able to develop the Laplace transform of a given differential equation and its initial condition(s). This
requires the Laplace transform of each time-derivative, then substitution into the differential form, the
result is an algebraic expression in terms of s and f (s ) .
+ Laplace Transform of a Generic Time Dependent Derivative:
L( f (t ))  s n f ( s )  s n1 f (t  0)  s n 2 f ' (t  0)  ...  sf n 2 (t  0)  f n 1 (t  0)
dt n
c 0  f (t  0), c1  f ' (t  0), c 2  f ' ' (t  0)...c n  2  f n 2 (t  0), c n 1  f n 1 (t  0)
— Be able to resolve the algebra resulting from the Laplace transform of a given differential equation and its
initial condition(s) into a closed and hopefully, invertible form.
— Be able to invert the closed form Laplace transform solution of a given differential equation using the
fundamental properties of Laplace transforms, Laplace transform tables, partial fractions.
 Numerical Laplace Transform and Inversion:
— Be able to use the Gauss-Laguerre integration formula for numerical Laplace transformation. The
Laguerre quadrature weights, wk, and abscissas, xk, can be obtained from Abramowitz and Stegun.
 n
1 x
f ( s )  e  st f (t )dt 
 s  wk f ( sk )
0 k 1

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Syllabus and Administrative Procedures
Fall 2017 (version: 20171126)
Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs
Appendix — Extended Description of Course Objectives
Fall 2017
Course Objectives (Continued)
Module 1: Advanced Mathematics Relevant to Problems in Engineering (continued)
— Be familiar with the development of the Gaver formula for numerical Laplace transformation, and note its
similarity to the Widder inversion formula given in the Cost (AIAA Journal) paper.
 n
1 x
f ( s )  e  st f (t )dt 
 s  wk f ( sk )
0 k 1
— Be able to use the Gaver and Gaver-Stehfest numerical inversion algorithms for the inversion of Laplace
+ The Gaver formula for numerical Laplace transform inversion is
ln(2) (2n)! (1) k ln(2)
f Gaver (t ) 
t (n  1)!  (n  k )!k! f ( t
[n  k ])
k 0
The Gaver-Stehfest formula for numerical Laplace transform inversion is
ln(2) ln(2)
f Gaver  Stehfest (t ) 
t Vi f ( t
i 1
and the Stehfest extrapolation coefficients are given
n Min(i, 2 ) n
i k (2k )!
Vi  (1) 2  n
i 1 (  k )! k!(k  1)!(i  k )!(2k  i )!
k [ ] 2
 Introduction to Special Functions:
 Special Functions in Petroleum Engineering Applications
— Be familiar with and be able to compute the following special functions which have applications in
petroleum engineering:
+ Exponential Integral (Ei (x) and E1 (x)= -Ei (-x))
+ Gamma and Incomplete Gamma Functions ((x), and (a,x), (a,x) and B(z,w))
+ Error and Complimentary Error Functions (erf(x) and erfc(x))
+ Bessel Functions: J0(x), J1(x), Y0(x), and Y1(x)
+ Modified Bessel Functions: I0(x), I1(x), K0(x), and K1(x), as well as the integrals of I0(x) and K0(x).
 Bessel Functions
— Be familiar with the following Bessel functions:
+ Bessel Functions: Jn(x) and Yn(x), where Bessel's differential equation is given as: (Abramowitz and
Stegun; Chapter 9, Eq. 9.1.1)
d2y dy
z2 z  ( z 2  n 2 ) y  0 and has the solution y  c1J n ( z )  c2Yn ( z )
dz 2 dz
+ Modified Bessel Functions: In(x) and Kn(x), where Bessel's "modified" differential equation is given
as: (Abramowitz and Stegun; Chapter 9, Eq. 9.6.1)
d2y dy
z2 z  ( z 2  n 2 ) y  0 and has the solution y  c1I n ( z )  c2 K n ( z )
dz 2 dz
 Be able to use the Bessel functions in numerical problem solving efforts and theoretical developments;
especially recurrence relations, integral definitions, and Laplace transforms.

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Syllabus and Administrative Procedures
Fall 2017 (version: 20171126)
Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs
Appendix — Extended Description of Course Objectives
Fall 2017
Course Objectives (Continued)
Module 2: Petrophysical Properties
 Introduction to Porosity and Permeability Concepts:
 Be able to recognize and classify rock types as clastics (sandstones) and carbonates (limestones, chalks,
dolstones) and be familiar with the characteristics of porosity that these rocks exhibit.
 Be able to distinguish between effective and total porosity and be familiar with the meanings of primary (or
depositional) porosity and secondary (or post-depositional) porosity.
 Be familiar with factors which affect porosity. In particular, the shapes, arrangements, and distributions of
grain particles and the effect of cementation, vugs, and fractures on porosity.
 Be familiar with the concept of permeability for porous rocks and be aware of the correlative relations for
porosity and permeability.
 Be familiar with "friction factor"-"Reynolds Number" plotting concept put forth by Cornell and Katz for flow
through porous media. Be aware that this plotting concept validates Darcy's law empirically (the unit slope
line on the left portion of the plot, laminar flow).
 Development of a Semi-Empirical Concept of Permeability: Darcy's Law:
 Be able to develop a velocity/pressure gradient relation for modeling the flow of fluids in pipes (i.e., the
Poiseuille equation).
q 1 p r2
vavg   kp where k p  is considered to be a "geometry" factor.
Ax  x 8
 Be familiar with the general assumptions and limitations of the Poiseuille equation.
 Be able to derive the "units" of a Darcy (1 Darcy = 9.86923x10-9 cm2).
 Be able to derive the field units form of Darcy's law.
 Be familiar with "friction factor"-"Reynolds Number" plotting concept put forth by Cornell and Katz for flow
through porous media. Be aware that this plotting concept validates Darcy's law empirically (the unit slope
line on the left portion of the plot, laminar flow).
 Be able to recognize, develop, and apply the Taylor series (finite-difference) formulas for numerical
differentiation of an analytic function.
 Introduction to Capillary Pressure and Relative Permeability:
 Be familiar with the concept of "capillary pressure" for tubes as well as for porous media--and be able to
derive the capillary pressure relation for fluid rise in a tube:
pc  2 ow cos( )
 Be familiar with and be able to derive the permeability and relative permeability relations for porous media
using the "bundle of capillary tubes" model as provided by Nakornthap and Evans. The permeability result is
given by:
 2ow  1
k   *3
2 n  pc2 dSw *
 Be familiar with the concept of "relative permeability" and the factors which should and should not affect this
function. Also, be familiar with the laboratory techniques for measuring relative permeability.

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Syllabus and Administrative Procedures
Fall 2017 (version: 20171126)
Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs
Appendix — Extended Description of Course Objectives
Fall 2017
Course Objectives (Continued)
Module 2: Petrophysical Properties (continued)
 Development of the Brooks-Corey-Burdine Equation for Permeability and the Development of a Type
Curve Analysis Approach for Capillary Pressure Data:
 Be able to derive the "field units" form of the Purcell-Burdine permeability equation (k in md, ow in dyne/cm
and, pc in psia). The Purcell-Burdine permeability equation as provided by Nakornthap and Evans is given in
terms of absolute (i.e., metric) units. The "field units" result is given by:
2  1
k  10.66 *3 ow
2 n  pc2 dSw * where *   (1  S wi )
 Be familiar with and be able to derive the Brooks-Corey-Burdine equation for permeability based on the
Purcell-Burdine permeability equation (as given above). This result is given by:
 2 1   2 1 
k   *3  ow [ ] or k  10.66 *3  ow [ ] (field units)
n p 2   2 n p 2  2
d d
 Be able to discuss the possible applications for the Brooks-Corey-Burdine permeability equation.
 Be familiar with and be able to derive a type curve matching approach for capillary pressure data based on
the Brooks-Corey model for capillary pressure and saturation given below.
1 p 1  Sw
p D  (1  S wD ) where p D  c and S wD   1  Sw*
 pd 1  S wi
 Electrical Properties of Reservoir Rocks:
 Be familiar with the definition of the formation resistivity factor, F, as well as the effects of reservoir and
fluid properties on this parameter.
 Be familiar with and be able to use the Archie and Humble equations to estimate porosity given the formation
resistivity factor, F.
 Be familiar with the definition of the resistivity index, I, as well as the effects of reservoir and fluid properties
on this parameter and also be familiar with the Archie result for water saturation, Sw.
 Be familiar with the "shaly sand" models given by Waxman and Smits for relating the resistivity index with
saturation and for relating formation factor with porosity.
 Development of a Type Curve Analysis Approach for Relative Permeability Data
 Be familiar with and be able to derive the Burdine relative permeability equations (this derivation is provided
in detail by Nakornthap and Evans). These relations are
Sw* 1

dS w *  p2
dS w *
Sw* c
k rw  ( S w *) 2 0 and k rn  (1  S w *) 2
1 1
1 1
 pc2 dS w *  pc2 dS w *
0 0
 Be familiar with and be able to derive the Brooks-Corey-Burdine equations for relative permeability based on
the combination of the Burdine relative permeability equations (shown above) and the Brooks and Corey
capillary pressure model. These results are given by:
o S * (3 2 /  ) and k  k o (1  S *) 2 [1  S * (1 2 /  ) ]
k rw  k rw w rn rn w w
where the Brooks and Corey capillary pressure model is given by pc  pd S w * 

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Syllabus and Administrative Procedures
Fall 2017 (version: 20171126)
Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs
Appendix — Extended Description of Course Objectives
Fall 2017
Course Objectives (Continued)
Module 2: Petrophysical Properties (continued)
o and k o are the "endpoint" relative permeability values.
and k rw rn
 Be familiar with and be able to derive a type curve matching approach for relative permeability data based on
the Brooks-Corey-Burdine relative permeability models. The "dimensionless" variables for this development
are given below.
— Dimensionless wetting phase relative permeability:
k rwD  (1  S wD ) (3 2 /  )
— Dimensionless non-wetting phase relative permeability:
k  S 2 [1  (1  S ) (1 2 /  ) ]
rnD wD wD
— Dimensionless relative permeability ratio function:
k rnD S wD 2
 [(1  S wD )  (1 2 /  )  1]
k rwD (1  S wD ) 2

— Dimensionless saturation functions:

1  Sw * and S *  S w  S wi  1  S
S wD   1  Sw w wD
1  S wi 1  S wi
Module 3: Fundamentals of Flow in Porous Media
 Steady-State Flow Concepts: Laminar Flow
 Derive the concept of permeability (Darcy's Law) using the analogy of the Poiseuille equation for the flow of
fluids in capillaries. Be able to derive the "units" of a "Darcy" (1 Darcy = 9.86923x10-9 cm2), and be able to
derive Darcy's Law in "field" and "SI" units.
 Derive the single-phase, steady-state flow relations for the laminar flow of gases and compressible liquids
using Darcy's Law — in terms of pressure, pressure-squared, and pseudopressure, as appropriate.
 Derive the steady-state "skin factor" relations for radial flow.
 Steady-State Flow Concepts: Non-Laminar Flow
 Demonstrate familiarity with the concept of "gas slippage" as defined by Klinkenberg.
 Derive the single-phase, steady-state flow relations for the non-laminar flow of gases and compressible
liquids using the Forchheimer equation (quadratic in velocity) — in terms of pressure, pressure-squared, and
pseudopressure, as appropriate.
 Material Balance Concepts:
 Be able to identify/apply material balance relations for gas and compressible liquid systems.
 Be familiar with and be able to apply the "Havlena-Odeh" formulations of the oil and gas material balance
 Pseudosteady-State Flow Concepts:
 Demonstrate familiarity with and be able to derive the single-phase, pseudosteady-state flow relations for the
laminar flow of compressible liquids in a radial flow system (given the radial diffusivity equation as a
starting point).
 Sketch the pressure distributions during steady-state and pseudosteady-state flow conditions in a radial

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Fall 2017 (version: 20171126)
Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs
Appendix — Extended Description of Course Objectives
Fall 2017
Course Objectives (Continued)
Module 3: Fundamentals of Flow in Porous Media (continued)
 Development of Diffusivity Equation: Pressure and Pseudopressure Forms, General and Radial Flow
 Be able to describe in words and in terms of mathematical expressions the mass continuity relation for flow
through porous media.
 Be able to develop the "diffusivity" equations for the flow of a slightly compressible liquid in porous media--
"pressure" form, general flow geometry.
— "Gradient-Squared" Case: General form for a slightly compressible liquid.
  ct p
c(p ) 2   2 p 
k t
— "Small and Constant Compressibility" Case: Base relation for all developments in reservoir engineering
and well testing.
  ct p
2 p 
k t
 Be able to derive the pseudopressure/pseudotime forms of the diffusivity equation for cases where fluid
density and viscosity are functions of pressure for a general flow geometry.
"Pseudopressure-Time" Form "Pseudopressure-Pseudotime" Form
  ct p p  p p
2 p p   2 p p  ( ct ) n
k t k t a
where the "pseudopressure" function, pp, is given by:
p p
B k 1
pp  (
)n  B
dp or p p  ( B) n  B
pbase pbase
and the "pseudotime" function, ta, is given by:
t a  ( ct ) n   ( p)ct ( p)dt
 Development of Diffusivity Equations for the Flow of a Real Gas: Pressure and Pressure-Squared and
Pseudopressure Forms:
 Be familiar with and be able to derive the single-phase diffusivity equations in terms of formation volume
factors (Bo or Bg) for both the oil and gas cases. These results are given as:
Single-Phase Oil Equation: Single-Phase Gas Equation:
k   kg  
 [ o  p]  ( )  [  p]  ( )
 o Bo t Bo  g Bg t B g

 Be able to develop the general form of the diffusivity equation for single-phase gas flow in terms of pressure
(and p/z) — starting from the density formulation. These relations are given by:
Density Formulation: General Form: Single-Phase Gas Equation:
k  ( )  c p 
  [ p ]    [ p ]  t
 t z k z t
 Be able to develop the diffusivity equation for single-phase gas flow in terms of the following:
pseudopressure, pressure-squared, and pressure.

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Appendix — Extended Description of Course Objectives
Fall 2017
Course Objectives (Continued)
Module 3: Fundamentals of Flow in Porous Media (continued)
— "Pseudopressure" Formulation:
 ct  p pg z p
2 p pg 
k t
where p pg  (
)n  z
— "Pressure-Squared" Formulation:
  ct   ct 
2 ( p2 )  [ln( z )]( p 2 ) 2  ( p 2 ) if  z  constant then  2 ( p 2 )  ( p2 )
2 k t k t
— "Pressure" Formulation:
 z  ct p p  ct p
2 p  [ln( )](p) 2  if  constant then  2 p 
p p k t z k t
 Development of Diffusivity Equations for the Multiphase Flow:
 Be able to develop the continuity relations for the oil, gas, and water phases in terms of the fluid densities.
Assume that the gas phase includes gas liberated from the oil and water phases.
Oil Continuity Equation: Water Continuity Equation:
 
  (  o vo )   (o )   (  wv w )   ( w )
t t
Gas Continuity Equation:
v v 
  (  g v g ) tot    [ p g v g  o R so  gsc  w R sw  gsc ]   [( g ) tot ]
Bo Bw t
 Be able to write Darcy's law velocity relations for each phase. The general form is given by:
vi   i pi where i = oil, gas, and water.
 Be able to develop the mass flux relations for the oil, gas, and water phases in terms of the fluid formation
volume factors. Again, assume that the gas phase includes gas liberated from the oil and water phases.
Oil Flux Equation: Water Flux Equation:
k k
 o vo    osc o po  wvw    wsc w p w
 o Bo  w Bw
Gas Flux Equation:
kg ko kw
(  g v g ) tot    gsc [ p g  Rso po  Rsw p ]
 g Bg  o Bo  w Bw w
 Be able to develop the mass relations for the oil, gas, and water phases in terms of the fluid formation volume
factors. As before, assume that the gas phase includes gas liberated from the oil and water phases.
Oil Mass Equation: Water Mass Equation:
(o )  o S o  osc o ( w )   w S w   wsc w
Bo Bw

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Fall 2017 (version: 20171126)
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Appendix — Extended Description of Course Objectives
Fall 2017
Course Objectives (Continued)
Module 3: Fundamentals of Flow in Porous Media (continued)
Gas Mass Equation:
Rso R Sg S S
( g )tot    g S g   So  gsc   S w sw  gsc    gsc [  Rso o  Rsw w ]
Bo Bw Bg Bo Bw

 Assuming no capillary pressure forces (p  po  p g  p w ) , be able to develop the generalized
diffusivity relations for each phase. (Martin Eqs. 1-3)
"Oil" Equation: "Water" Equation:
ko  S kw  S
 [ p ]  ( o )  [ p ]  ( w )
o Bo t Bo  w Bw t Bw
"Gas" Equation:
kg k kw  Sg S S
  [(  Rso o  Rsw )p]  [ (  Rso o  Rsw w )]
 g Bg o Bo  w Bw t Bg Bo Bw

 NEGLECTING the S o p, S wp, and pp  p 2 terms — be able to develop the diffusivity relations
for each phase as shown by Martin (Eqs. 7-9)
"Oil" Equation: "Water" Equation:
ko  S kw  S
 2 p  ( o )  2 p  ( w )
 o Bo t Bo  w Bw t B w
"Gas" Equation:
kg k kw  Sg S S
(  Rso o  Rsw ) 2 p  [ (  Rso o  Rsw w )]
 g Bg o Bo  w Bw t Bg Bo Bw

 Development of Diffusivity Equations for the Multiphase Flow — Martin's Saturation Equations and the
Concept of Total Compressibility:
 Be familiar with and be able to derive the Martin relations for total compressibility and the associated
saturation-pressure relations (Eqs. 10 and 11).
Oil Saturation Equation: Water Saturation Equation:
dS o S o dBo o dS w S w dBw w
  c   c
dp Bo dp t t dp Bw dp t t
Total Compressibility:
S dBo S o B g dR so S w dB w S w B g dR sw S g dB g
ct   o    
Bo dp Bo dp B w dp Bw dp B g dp
1 dBo B g dR so 1 dB w B g dR sw 1 dB g
ct  [  ]S o  [  ]S w  [ ]S g
Bo dp Bo dp B w dp B w dp B g dp
or finally,
ct  c o S o  c w S w  c g S g

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Appendix — Extended Description of Course Objectives
Fall 2017
Course Objectives (Continued)
Module 4: Reservoir Flow Solutions
1 dBo Bg dRso 1 dBw Bg dRsw 1 dBg
co    , cw    , and c g  
Bo dp Bo dp Bw dp Bw dp B g dp
Total Pressure Equation:
c  k k g kw
2 p   t where t  o  
t t o  g  w
 Dimensionless Variables and the Dimensionless Radial Flow Diffusivity Equation:
 Be able to develop the dimensionless form of the single-phase radial flow diffusivity equation as well as the
appropriate dimensionless forms of the initial and boundary conditions, including the developments of
dimensionless radius, pressure, and time.
— The Dimensionless Diffusivity Equation:
 2 pD 1 p D p D
 
rD2 rD rD t D

— Dimensionless Initial and Boundary Conditions:

+ Dimensionless Initial Condition
p D (rD , t D  0)  0 (uniform pressure in reservoir)
+ Dimensionless Inner Boundary Condition
p D
[rD ] r 1  1 (constant rate at the well)
rD D
+ Dimensionless Outer Boundary Conditions
a. "Infinite-Acting" Reservoir
p D ( rD   , t D )  0
b. "No-Flow" Boundary
[rD D ]rD  reD  0 (No flux across the reservoir boundary)
c. Constant Pressure Boundary
p D (reD , t D )  0 (Constant pressure at the reservoir boundary)
 Be able to derive the conversion factors for dimensionless pressure and time, for both SI and "field" units.
 Solutions of the Radial Flow Diffusivity Equation Using the Laplace Transform:
 Be able to recognize that the Laplace transform of the dimensionless form of the single-phase radial flow
diffusivity equation is the modified Bessel differential equation. Also, be able to write the general solution
for this transformed differential equation.
Dimensionless Diffusivity Equation: Laplace Transform of Diffusivity Equation:
1  p  2 pD 1 p D p D 1 d dp
[rD D ]    [rD D ]  up D
rD rD rD rD2 rD rD t D rD drD drD

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Fall 2017 (version: 20171126)
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Appendix — Extended Description of Course Objectives
Fall 2017
Course Objectives (Continued)
Module 4: Reservoir Flow Solutions (continued)
General Solution:
p D (rD , u )  Al0 ( u rD )  BK 0 ( u rD )
Derivative of the General Solution:
dp D
 A u l1 ( u rD )  B u K1 ( u rD )
 Be able to develop the particular solution (in Laplace domain) for the constant rate and constant pressure
inner boundary conditions and the infinite-acting reservoir outer boundary condition. Also, be able to use the
van Everdingen and Hurst result to convert the constant rate case to the constant wellbore pressure case.
Constant Rate Solution: (infinite-acting reservoir)
1 K 0 ( u rD ) 1
p D (rD , u )   K 0 ( u rD )
u u K1( u ) u
Constant Rate-Constant Pressure Relation: (from van Everdingen and Hurst)
1 1
q D (u ) 
2 p
u D (u )
 Be able to develop the real domain (time) solution for the constant rate inner boundary condition and the
infinite-acting reservoir outer boundary condition using both the Laplace transform and the Boltzmann
transform approaches. Also be able to develop the "log-approximation" for this solution.
Boltzmann Transform of the Diffusivity Equation:
d 2 pD 1 p D
 [1  ] 0 (infinite-acting reservoir case only)
d D D  D
"Log Approximation" Solution for the Diffusivity Equation:
1 1 4 1 1
p D (rD , u )  K 0 ( u rD )  ln[ ] (=0.577216…Euler's constant)
u 2u e r 2 u
 Laplace Transform Solutions of the Radial Flow Diffusivity Equation for a Bounded Circular Reservoir:
 Be able to derive the particular solutions (in Laplace domain) for a well produced at a constant flow rate in a
homogeneous reservoir for the following initial condition, subject to the following initial and outer boundary
— Dimensionless Initial and Boundary Conditions:
+ Dimensionless Initial Condition
p D (rD , t D  0)  0 (uniform pressure in reservoir)
+ Dimensionless Inner Boundary Condition
[rD D ]rD 1  1 (constant rate at the well)
+ Dimensionless Outer Boundary Conditions
a. Prescribed Flux at the Boundary
[rD D ]rD  reD  q Dext (t D )

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Fall 2017 (version: 20171126)
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Appendix — Extended Description of Course Objectives
Fall 2017
Course Objectives (Continued)
Module 4: Reservoir Flow Solutions (continued)
b. Constant Pressure at the Boundary
p D (rD  reD , t D )  0 (No flux across the reservoir boundary)
— Particular Solutions in the Laplace Domain:
+ "Infinite-acting" reservoir behavior
1 K 0 ( u rD )
p D (rD , u ) 
u u K1( u )
Or the line source approximation
p D (rD , u )  K 0 ( u rD ) (where u K1 ( u )  1 , for u  0 )
+ Bounded circular reservoir — "no-flow" at the outer boundary (i.e., q Dext (t D )  0 )
1 K 0 ( u rD )l1 ( u reD )  K1 ( u reD )l0 ( u rD )
p D (rD , u )  (constant rate at the well)
u u K1 ( u )l1 ( u reD )  u l1 ( u ) K1 ( u reD )
+ Bounded circular reservoir — "constant-pressure" at the outer boundary
1 K 0 ( u rD )l0 ( u reD )  K 0 ( u reD )l0 ( u rD )
p D (rD , u )  (constant rate at the well)
u u K1( u )l0 ( u reD )  u l1 ( u ) K 0 ( u reD )
+ Bounded circular reservoir — "prescribed flux" at the outer boundary
1 K 0 ( u rD )l1 ( u reD )  K1( u reD )l0 ( u rD )
p D (rD , u ) 
u u K1( u )l1 ( u reD )  u l1 ( u ) K1 ( u reD )
1 u K ( u rD ) u l1 ( u )  l0 ( u rD ) u K1 ( u )
 q (u )[ ] 0
u Dext u reD u K1 ( u )l1 ( u reD )  u l1 ( u ) K1 ( u reD )
 Real Domain Solutions of the Radial Flow Diffusivity Equation for a Bounded Circular Reservoir:
 Be able to derive the following particular solutions in the real domain from the appropriate Laplace transform
solutions for an unfractured well produced at a constant flow rate in a homogeneous reservoir for the
following outer boundary conditions:
— "Infinite-acting" reservoir behavior (line source solution)

1 r2
p D (t D , rD )  E1 ( D )
2 4t D
or the so-called "log approximation"
1 4 tD
p D (t D , rD )  ln( )
2 e r 2
— Bounded circular reservoir — "no-flow" at the outer boundary

1 r2 1 r2 2t  r2 r2 1  r2
p D (t D , rD )  E1 ( D )  E1( eD )  D exp( eD )  ( D  ) exp( eD )
2 4t D 2 4t D r2 eD
4t D 2r 2 4 4t D
and its "well testing" derivative function, pD'=d/dtD[pD(rD,tD)] is given by

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Appendix — Extended Description of Course Objectives
Fall 2017
Course Objectives (Continued)
Module 4: Reservoir Flow Solutions (continued)

1  r2 2t  r2 2
1 rD reD
2  r2
p' D (t D , rD )  exp( D )  D exp( eD )  (  ) exp( eD )
2 4t D 2
reD 4t D 2t D 4 8 4t D

— Bounded circular reservoir — "constant pressure" at the outer boundary

1 r2 1 r2 1 2  r2
p D (t D , rD )  E1 ( D )  E1 ( eD )  (reD  rD2 ) exp( eD )
2 4t D 2 4t D 8t D 4t D
and its "well testing" derivative function, pD'=d/dtD[pD(rD,tD)] is given by

1  r2 1  r2 1 2 r2  r2
p' D (t D , rD )  exp( D )  exp( eD )  (reD  rD2 )( eD  1) exp( eD )
2 4t D 2 4t D 8t D 4t D 4t D
 Solutions for the Behavior of a Fractured Well in a Bounded Circular Reservoir: Infinite and Finite-
Acting Reservoir Cases:
 Be familiar with the concept of a well with a uniform flux or infinite conductivity vertical fracture in a
homogeneous reservoir. Note that the uniform flux condition implies that the rate of fluid entering the
fracture is constant at any point along the fracture. On the other hand, for the infinite conductivity case, we
assume that there is no pressure drop in the fracture as fluid flows from the fracture tip to the well.
 Be able to derive the following real and Laplace domain (line source) solutions for a well with a uniform flux
or infinite conductivity vertical fracture in a homogeneous reservoir.
— General Result: (cfracs subscript means Continuous Fracture Source)
p D, cfracs (| x D | 1, y D  0, u ) 
2  p D,cls [( xD  x'wD ), u]dx'wD
where the cls subscript means Continuous Line Source
— "Infinite-acting" reservoir behavior (line source solution)
u (1 x D ) u (1 x D )
1 1
p D, cfracs,inf (| x D | 1, y D  0, u ) 
2u u
[  K 0 ( z)dz   K 0 ( z)dz]
0 0
— Bounded circular reservoir — "no-flow" at the outer boundary
p D, cfracs, nfb (| x D | 1, y D  0, u )  p D, cfracs,inf (| x D | 1, y D  0, u )
u (1 x D ) u (1 x D )
1 1 K1 ( u reD )

2u u I1 ( u reD )
[  I 0 ( z)dz   I 0 ( z)dz]
0 0
— Bounded circular reservoir — "constant pressure" at the outer boundary
p D, cfracs, cpb (| x D | 1, y D  0, u )  p D, cfracs,inf (| x D | 1, y D  0, u )
u (1 x D ) u (1 x D )
1 1 K 0 ( u reD )

2u u I 0 ( u reD )
[  I 0 ( z )dz   I 0 ( z)dz]
0 0

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Fall 2017 (version: 20171126)
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Appendix — Extended Description of Course Objectives
Fall 2017
Course Objectives (Continued)
Module 4: Reservoir Flow Solutions (continued)
 Dual Porosity Reservoirs — Warren and Root Approach — Pseudosteady-State Matrix Behavior:
 Be familiar with the "fracture" and "matrix" models developed by Warren and Root.
 Be able to develop the Laplace and real domain results given by Warren and Root for pseudosteady-state
matrix flow. These relations are
— Laplace domain results:
+ Warren and Root "Interporosity Flow Function":
   (1   )u
f (u ) 
  (1   )u
Solutions in the Laplace domain:
1 K 0 ( uf (u ) rD ) 1 1 4 1 1
p D (rD , u )   K 0 ( uf (u ) rD )  ln( )
u uf (u ) K1 ( uf (u ) ) u 2u e  r 2 uf (u )
— Line source solution in the real domain:
1 4 tD 1  1 
p D (t D , rD )  ln( )  E1 ( t D )  E1 ( tD )  S
2 e r 2 2  (1   ) 2 (1   )
 Be able to develop the Laplace and real domain results given by Warren and Root for pseudosteady-state
matrix flow. These relations are
1 1  1 
p' D (t D , rD )   exp( t )  exp( tD )
2 2  (1   ) D 2 (1   )
 Direct Solution of the Gas Diffusivity Equation Using Laplace Transform Methods:
 Be familiar with the convolution form of a non-linear partial differential equation (with a non-linear right-
hand-side term), as shown below.
Where we assume that the β(y) function can be re-cast as
t a unique function of time (i.e., β(y) can be written as β(t)).
y y
 2 y   ( y)
   g (t   )d Using β(t) requires assumptions as to flow regimes--we
will demonstrate this assuming pseudosteady-state flow.
Taking the Laplace transform of this relation gives
 2 y (u )  [u y (u )  y (t  0)]g (u )
 Be able to develop the generalized Laplace domain formulation of the non-linear radial gas diffusivity
equation using the β(t) approach.
— The real gas diffusivity equation (in radial coordinates) is given in dimensionless form by:
 2 p pD 1 p pD ct p pD p pD ct
    (t D ) [  (t D )  ]
rD2 rD rD i cti t D t D i cti
1 kh k r
p pD  ( p pi  p p ) t D  0.0002637 t rD 
141.2 qB i cti rw2 rw

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Appendix — Extended Description of Course Objectives
Fall 2017
Course Objectives (Continued)
Module 4: Reservoir Flow Solutions (continued)
and the pseudopressure function is given by:
p p
1 z p
p p   i B gi  B g
dp  i i
pi  z
pbase pbase
— Substituting the convolution formulation into the right-hand-side of the real gas diffusivity equation gives
1  p pD  2 p pD 1 p pD p pD
rD rD

rD rD

g (t D   )d 

1 d dp pD (u ) d2p pD (u ) 1 dp pD (u )
[rD ]   ug (u ) p pD (u ) (Laplace domain relation)
rD drD drD 2
drD rD drD

 Be familiar with and be able to develop the g(u) term. The g(tD) term is defined by:
p pD p pD
 (t D )
t D
  
g (t D   )d
 Convolution:
 Be familiar with and be able to derive the convolution sums and integrals for the variable-rate and variable
pressure drop cases.
— Variable-Rate Case:
p wD (t D )   (qDj  qDj 1) psD,cr (t D  t Dj 1) (discrete rate changes)
j 1
p wD (t D )   q' D ( ) psD,cr (t D   )d (continuous rate changes)
— Variable-Pressure Drop Case:
n (p  p
wf , j )
qtD (t D )   i
( pi  pr )
q Dcp (t D  t Dj 1) (discrete rate changes)
j 1
 Be able to derive the general convolution identity in the Laplace domain from the integral form of the
variable-rate convolution identity.
p wD (u )  q qD (u ) p sD, cr (u )
 Be able to derive the real and Laplace domain identities for relating the constant pressure and constant rate
cases: (from van Everdingen and Hurst)
— Laplace domain result:
1 1
q D, cp (u ) 
u 2 p sD, cr (u )
— Real domain result:
tD tD

 qD,cp ( ) psD,cr (t D   )d  t D or  psD,cr ( )q D,cp (t D   )d  t D

0 0

(Page 32 of 33) Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs

Syllabus and Administrative Procedures
Fall 2017 (version: 20171126)
Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs
Appendix — Extended Description of Course Objectives
Fall 2017
Course Objectives (Continued)
Module 4: Reservoir Flow Solutions (continued)
 Concepts and Applications in Wellbore Storage Distortion:
 Be familiar with and, based on physical principles, be able to derive the relations to model the phenomena of
"wellbore storage." In particular, you should be able to derive the following:
— General Rate Relation:
dp wf dptf
(q sf  q ) B  24C s [  ]
dt dt
— Pressure Relations (for small times/wellbore storage domination):
p wf  pi  t (for small times, i.e., wellbore storage domination)
24C s
p wD  D (for small times, i.e., wellbore storage domination)
— Laplace Domain Identity:
pwD (u )  (valid for all times)
 u 2C D
psD (u )

Module 4: Reservoir Flow Solutions — Under Consideration

 Multilayered Reservoir Solutions
 Dual Permeability Reservoir Solutions
 Horizontal Well Solutions
 Radial Composite Reservoir Solutions
 Various Models for Flow Impediment (Skin Factor)

Module 5: Applications/Extensions of Reservoir Flow Solutions — Under Consideration

 Oil and Gas Well Flow Solutions for Analysis, Interpretation, and Prediction of Well Performance.
 Low Permeability/Heterogeneous Reservoir Behavior.
 Macro-Level Thermodynamics (coupling PVT behavior with Reservoir Flow Solutions).
 External Drive Mechanisms (Water Influx/Water Drive, Well Interference, etc.).
 Hydraulic Fracturing/Solutions for Fractured Well Behavior.
 Analytical/Numerical Solutions of Various Reservoir Flow Problems.
 Applied Reservoir Engineering Solutions — Material Balance, Flow Solutions, etc.

(Page 33 of 33) Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs

Syllabus and Administrative Procedures
Fall 2017 (version: 20171126)

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