Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs
Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs
Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs
Course Introduction
Fall 2017
Instructor Information:
Petroleum Engineering 620 Instructor: Dr. Tom BLASINGAME TA: Mr. Alex VALDES-PEREZ
Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs Office: Richardson 821A Office: Richardson 821
Texas A&M University T: +1.979.845.2292 T: N/A
MW 07:55 pm-09:10 pm RICH 319 E: t-blasingame@tamu.edu E: arvaldesp1987@tamu.edu
(in-class lectures) (Please always use e-mail to contact me) (Please always use e-mail to contact the TA)
Goals of PETE 620:
In simple terms, the goal of PETE 620 (Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs) is to take the student from "sand grains to the classic solutions used
in reservoir engineering." The path begins with a review of mathematics because many of us need to re-familiarize ourselves with algebra,
calculus, differential equations, numerical methods, special functions, and other related topics/subjects. This review is intended to address most
of the skills/topics which will be required in the course.
We then proceed to study the (mostly) empirical aspects of geology and petrophysics (rock properties), and then on to the fundamental building
blocks of reservoir engineering: permeability, capillary pressure, relative permeability, and the electrical properties of reservoir rocks. After this
we work through the "flow relations" — steady-state Darcy and non-Darcy flow, Material Balance (needed for conservation of mass),
pseudosteady-state flow, and finally the "diffusion" (or diffusivity) equations. At this point it is worth noting that we will have addressed the
"fundamental" aspects of these building blocks — the assumptions, the limitations, and the need for advances in concepts for flow in porous
media; and perhaps most importantly, the inherent non-linearities that exist for the "flow equations" used in Petroleum Reservoir Engineering.
In the last (and most important) portion of the course we consider the classic reservoir solutions for radial and linear flow, flow in fractured wells,
flow in naturally-fractured (or dual porosity) systems, and the definition and use of convolution in reservoir engineering applications.
Assignments for PETE 620:
The assignments in this course vary from fundamental developments to solutions which could be used in reservoir engineering practice. Students
are expected to demonstrate mastery of all fundamental concepts covered in the course. In addition, the instructor wishes to provide students with
concepts, problems, and/or applications which will be useful for research.
The tentative assignment topics for the Fall 2017 are given as follows:
● (Math) Laplace Transforms ● Material Balance (liquid or gas) ● Solutions for Fractured Wells
● (Math) Special Functions ● Pseudosteady-State Flow (liquid or gas) ● Dual Porosity Reservoirs
● Correlation of Petrophysical Data ● Radial Flow Solutions ● Convolution/Deconvolution
● Capillary Pressure/Relative Permeability ● Linear Flow Solutions ● Wellbore Storage
Philosophy about Life:
● Most Appropriate Quote:
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work... (hard work is the only path…)
Thomas A. Edison, American Inventor (1847-1931)
● Important Rules for Life:
— Never own anything that eats while you sleep… — Always work harder than those you work for…
— Never own anything that needs repainting… — If you have to herd cats, then be a rat…
— Never own anything that you can't drive a nail in... — Never say no, and there's no limit to where you can go…
Brief Bio: Thomas A. Blasingame, Ph.D., P.E.
● Professor, Department of Petroleum Engineering at Texas A&M University in College Station Texas
● Holds a joint appointment in the Department of Geology and Geophysics at Texas A&M University
● Holder of the Robert L. Whiting Professorship in Petroleum Engineering
● B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Petroleum Engineering from Texas A&M University.
● Teaching/Research activities: ● Technical Contributions:
— Petrophysics — Pressure transient test analysis
— Reservoir engineering — Analysis of production data
— Analysis/interpretation of well performance — Reservoir management
— Exploitation of unconventional reservoirs — Diagnostic characterization of reservoir performance
— Technical mathematics. — General reservoir engineering
● Student counts to date (Aug 2016): 64 M.S. (thesis), 34 M.Eng. (report, non-thesis), and 13 Ph.D. students.
● Orientation — This is graduate school, the (only) person you are competing against is in the mirror.
● Work Quality — My highest commandment is that you submit your best work; and ONLY your best work.
● Focus — This is an essential course in reservoir engineering, results are used throughout the discipline.
● Timeliness — This material is very "dense" — do not underestimate your workload and timing.
● Course Materials — The material will teach itself, but you must put your energy and enthusiasm into the course.
● Connections — I am here to help; I will answer any/all relevant correspondence within 24 hours (if not totally offline).
Computational Tools:
In this course you are NOT required to work in a particular computational environment. However; you should be/must be proficient at
whatever computational tool(s) you use for work in this course. Example products/computational environments include
Visual Basic (VB) via MS Excel.
MATLAB (http://www.mathworks.com/products/matlab/).
Mathematica (https://www.wolfram.com/mathematica/).
Programming Languages: C++, FORTRAN, Pascal, machine language, the Univac, an abacus, etc.
Please note that YOU are RESPONSIBLE for your computer-aided solutions. Depending on the assignment you may be asked for a copy of
your source code and should provide relevant commentary/documentation in your source code sufficient for your work to be traced. You will
also be asked for an outline/workflow for any/all computational solutions.
Assignment Coversheet
[This sheet (or the sheet provided for a given assignment) must be included with EACH work submission]
Guidance on Reading Portfolio Assignment: Submit a SINGLE .pdf file to t-blasingame@tamu.edu by 16:59:59 US CST on 20 November 2017.
● It is suggested that you use MS Word to create your Reading Portfolio, then create a .pdf from this file.
● The purpose of this assignment is to prepare you for the "homework portfolio" as well as possible questions for the final exam.
● Poor/fair quality work submissions will NOT be accepted.
● Your submission file must be named: P620_17C_ReadPort_YOURLASTNAME.pdf
● Students ARE permitted to communicate — HOWEVER, students ARE NOT permitted to submit shared or copied work.
● Sharing or copying work will result in a zero (0) score for the Reading Portfolio assignment.
Review of Functions —
Approximation of Functions —
Convolution —
Assignment Coversheet
[This sheet (or the sheet provided for a given assignment) must be included with EACH work submission]
Guidance on Homework Portfolio Assignment: Submit a SINGLE .pdf file to t-blasingame@tamu.edu by 16:59:59 US CST on 04 December 2017.
● You are to write clearly on 8.5" x 11" lined paper or you may type your portfolio. (typing is strongly preferred)
● Your work may include output from computer programs such as MS Excel, but this work must be clearly shown and documented.
● It is suggested that you create a "work file" in MS Word or MS PowerPoint to capture your work, then create a .pdf from this file.
● The standard of submission must be near "publication quality," poor/fair quality work submissions will NOT be accepted.
● Your submission file must be named P620_17C_HwkPort_YOURLASTNAME.pdf.
● Students ARE permitted to communicate — HOWEVER, students ARE NOT permitted to submit shared or copied work.
● Unless otherwise stated, students ARE NOT permitted to use symbolic/numeric software (e.g., Mathematica, Theorist, MATLAB).
● Using software (unless specifically permitted), and/or sharing or copying work will result in a zero (0) score for the Homework Portfolio.
Guidance on Homework Portfolio Assignment: Submit a SINGLE .pdf file to t-blasingame@tamu.edu by 16:59:59 US CST on 04 December 2017.
● You are to write clearly on 8.5" x 11" lined paper or you may type your portfolio. (typing is strongly preferred)
● Your work may include output from computer programs such as MS Excel, but this work must be clearly shown and documented.
● It is suggested that you create a "work file" in MS Word or MS PowerPoint to capture your work, then create a .pdf from this file.
● The standard of submission must be near "publication quality," poor/fair quality work submissions will NOT be accepted.
● Your submission file must be named P620_17C_HwkPort_YOURLASTNAME.pdf.
● Students ARE permitted to communicate — HOWEVER, students ARE NOT permitted to submit shared or copied work.
● Unless otherwise stated, students ARE NOT permitted to use symbolic/numeric software (e.g., Mathematica, Theorist, MATLAB).
● Using software (unless specifically permitted), and/or sharing or copying work will result in a zero (0) score for the Homework Portfolio.
Assignment Coversheet
[This sheet (or the sheet provided for a given assignment) must be included with EACH work submission]
Guidance on Final Examination: Submit a SINGLE .pdf file to t-blasingame@tamu.edu by 16:59:59 US CST on 11 December 2017.
● You are to write clearly on 8.5" x 11" lined paper or you may type your portfolio. (typing is strongly preferred)
● Your work may include output from computer programs such as MS Excel, but this work must be clearly shown and documented.
● It is suggested that you create a "work file" in MS Word or MS PowerPoint to capture your work, then create a .pdf from this file.
● The standard of submission must be near "publication quality," poor/fair quality work submissions will NOT be accepted.
● Your submission file must be named P620_17C_Exam_YOURLASTNAME.pdf.
● Students ARE NOT permitted to communicate or collaborate — this is an Exam, any sharing/copying will result in a zero score.
● Students ARE NOT permitted to use symbolic/numeric software (e.g., Mathematica, Theorist, MATLAB).
● Last warning — this is an Exam — sharing or copying work will result in a zero (0) score for this Exam.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement: (Last Revision: 05 November 2015)
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive
civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students
with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their
disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact Disability Services,
currently located in the Disability Services building at the Student Services at White Creek complex on west campus
or call 979-845-1637. For additional information, visit http://disability.tamu.edu.
Aggie Honor Code: (http://student-rules.tamu.edu/aggiecode)
"An Aggie does not lie, cheat or steal, or tolerate those who do."
Definitions of Academic Misconduct:
1. CHEATING: Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, notes, study aids
or other devices or materials in any academic exercise.
2. FABRICATION: Making up data or results, and recording or reporting them; submitting fabricated docu-
3. FALSIFICATION: Manipulating research materials, equipment or processes, or changing or omitting data or
results such that the research is not accurately represented in the research record.
4. MULTIPLE SUBMISSION: Submitting substantial portions of the same work (including oral reports) for
credit more than once without authorization from the instructor of the class for which the student submits the
5. PLAGIARISM: The appropriation of another person's ideas, processes, results, or words without giving ap-
propriate credit.
6. COMPLICITY: Intentionally or knowingly helping, or attempting to help, another to commit an act of aca-
demic dishonesty.
computer access or gain unauthorized access to information in any academic exercise. See Student Rule 22:
8. VIOLATION OF DEPARTMENTAL OR COLLEGE RULES: Students may not violate any announced
departmental or college rule relating to academic matters.
9. UNIVERSITY RULES ON RESEARCH: Students involved in conducting research and/or scholarly
activities at Texas A&M University must also adhere to standards set forth in the University Rules.
For additional information please see:
Coursework Copyright Statement: (Texas A&M University Policy Statement)
The handouts used in this course are copyrighted. By "handouts," this means all materials generated for this
class, which include but are not limited to syllabi, quizzes, exams, lab problems, in-class materials, review
sheets, and additional problem sets. Because these materials are copyrighted, you do not have the right to
copy them, unless you are expressly granted permission.
As commonly defined, plagiarism consists of passing off as one's own the ideas, words, writings, etc., that
belong to another. In accordance with this definition, you are committing plagiarism if you copy the work
of another person and turn it in as your own, even if you should have the permission of that person.
Plagiarism is one of the worst academic sins, for the plagiarist destroys the trust among colleagues without
which research cannot be safely communicated.
If you have any questions about plagiarism and/or copying, please consult the latest issue of the Texas A&M
University Student Rules, under the section "Scholastic Dishonesty."
x x0
where x n
— Simpson's rule: (with correction) (be able to develop — see Hornbeck):
xn n 1 n2
x (x) 4
I ( x) f ( x)dx
[ f ( x0 ) f ( xn ) 4 f ( xi ) 2 f ( xi )]
( xn x0 ) f iv ( x)
x0 i 1 i2
i odd i even
x x0 x x0
where n must be even. Also x n and x n .
n 2
— Gaussian quadrature: (weights and abscissas from Abramowitz and Stegun: Handbook of Mathematical
Functions, Table 25.4, pgs. 916-919):
xn n
x x0 x n x0 x x0
f ( x) dx n
2 wi f ( zi ) where z i ( 2
) xi ( n
x0 i 1
— Laguerre quadrature: (weights and abscissas from Abramowitz and Stegun: Handbook of Mathematical
Functions, Table 25.9, pgs. 923):
n n
e x
f ( x) dx wi f ( xi ) or g ( x) dx wi e x ig ( xi )
0 i 1 0 i 1
Solution of First and Second Order Ordinary Differential Equations:
First Order Ordinary Differential Equations:
— Classify the order of a differential equation (order of the highest derivative).
— Verify a given solution of a differential equation via substitution of a given solution into the original
differential equation.
— Solve first order ordinary differential equations using the method of separation of variables (or separable
— Derive the method of integrating factors for a first order ordinary differential equation.
— Apply the Euler and Runge-Kutta methods to numerically solve first order ordinary differential equations.
Solution of First Order Ordinary Differential Equations:
— Be able to derive the method of integrating factors for a first order ordinary differential equation.
— Be able to determine the solution of a first order ordinary differential equation using the method of
integrating factors.
Second Order Ordinary Differential Equations:
— Develop the homogeneous (or complementary) solution of a 2nd order ordinary differential equation
(ODE) using y=emx as a trial solution.
— Develop the particular solution of a 2nd order ordinary differential equation (ODE) using the method of
undetermined coefficients.
d2y1 dy d2y 1 dy
[r (t ) a1 a 2 y ] or [r (t ) a1v a 2 y ] , where v
dt 2 a 0 dt dt 2 a 0 dt
2. For 2nd order equations, we again require "initial" conditions, but now we include a first derivative term.
In this case we require: ti, yi=y(ti), and vi=v(ti) where again, ti is usually set equal to zero (but does not
have to be set to zero).
The Laplace Transform:
Fundamentals of the Laplace Transform:
— Be able to state the definition of the Laplace transformation and its inverse.
Definition of the Laplace Transform:
1 x x
f ( s ) L( f (t )) e st f (t )dt or
e f ( )dx (using x=st)
s s
0 0
Definition of the Inverse Laplace Transform: (Mellin Inversion Integral)
y i
1 1
f (t ) L ( f ( s )) f ( s )ds
y i
— Be able to prove that the Laplace transform is a linear operator.
— Be able to derive the Laplace transforms given on page 98 of the Spiegel text.
— Be familiar with, and be able to derive, the operational theorems for the Laplace transform as given on
pages 101-102 of the Spiegel text.
Properties of the Laplace Transform:
— Be familiar with the "unit step" function shown below
The unit step function is given by:
u (t a) 0 ta
0 u (t a) 1 ta
And its Laplace transform is:
-1 1 as
f (u ) e
a s
Be able to develop the general form of the diffusivity equation for single-phase gas flow in terms of pressure
(and p/z) — starting from the density formulation. These relations are given by:
Density Formulation: General Form: Single-Phase Gas Equation:
k ( ) c p
[ p ] [ p ] t
t z k z t
Be able to develop the diffusivity equation for single-phase gas flow in terms of the following:
pseudopressure, pressure-squared, and pressure.
Assuming no capillary pressure forces (p po p g p w ) , be able to develop the generalized
diffusivity relations for each phase. (Martin Eqs. 1-3)
"Oil" Equation: "Water" Equation:
ko S kw S
[ p ] ( o ) [ p ] ( w )
o Bo t Bo w Bw t Bw
"Gas" Equation:
kg k kw Sg S S
[( Rso o Rsw )p] [ ( Rso o Rsw w )]
g Bg o Bo w Bw t Bg Bo Bw
NEGLECTING the S o p, S wp, and pp p 2 terms — be able to develop the diffusivity relations
for each phase as shown by Martin (Eqs. 7-9)
"Oil" Equation: "Water" Equation:
ko S kw S
2 p ( o ) 2 p ( w )
o Bo t Bo w Bw t B w
"Gas" Equation:
kg k kw Sg S S
( Rso o Rsw ) 2 p [ ( Rso o Rsw w )]
g Bg o Bo w Bw t Bg Bo Bw
Development of Diffusivity Equations for the Multiphase Flow — Martin's Saturation Equations and the
Concept of Total Compressibility:
Be familiar with and be able to derive the Martin relations for total compressibility and the associated
saturation-pressure relations (Eqs. 10 and 11).
Oil Saturation Equation: Water Saturation Equation:
dS o S o dBo o dS w S w dBw w
c c
dp Bo dp t t dp Bw dp t t
Total Compressibility:
S dBo S o B g dR so S w dB w S w B g dR sw S g dB g
ct o
Bo dp Bo dp B w dp Bw dp B g dp
1 dBo B g dR so 1 dB w B g dR sw 1 dB g
ct [ ]S o [ ]S w [ ]S g
Bo dp Bo dp B w dp B w dp B g dp
or finally,
ct c o S o c w S w c g S g
1 r2
p D (t D , rD ) E1 ( D )
2 4t D
or the so-called "log approximation"
1 4 tD
p D (t D , rD ) ln( )
2 e r 2
— Bounded circular reservoir — "no-flow" at the outer boundary
1 r2 1 r2 2t r2 r2 1 r2
p D (t D , rD ) E1 ( D ) E1( eD ) D exp( eD ) ( D ) exp( eD )
2 4t D 2 4t D r2 eD
4t D 2r 2 4 4t D
and its "well testing" derivative function, pD'=d/dtD[pD(rD,tD)] is given by
1 r2 2t r2 2
1 rD reD
2 r2
p' D (t D , rD ) exp( D ) D exp( eD ) ( ) exp( eD )
2 4t D 2
reD 4t D 2t D 4 8 4t D
1 r2 1 r2 1 2 r2
p D (t D , rD ) E1 ( D ) E1 ( eD ) (reD rD2 ) exp( eD )
2 4t D 2 4t D 8t D 4t D
and its "well testing" derivative function, pD'=d/dtD[pD(rD,tD)] is given by
1 r2 1 r2 1 2 r2 r2
p' D (t D , rD ) exp( D ) exp( eD ) (reD rD2 )( eD 1) exp( eD )
2 4t D 2 4t D 8t D 4t D 4t D
Solutions for the Behavior of a Fractured Well in a Bounded Circular Reservoir: Infinite and Finite-
Acting Reservoir Cases:
Be familiar with the concept of a well with a uniform flux or infinite conductivity vertical fracture in a
homogeneous reservoir. Note that the uniform flux condition implies that the rate of fluid entering the
fracture is constant at any point along the fracture. On the other hand, for the infinite conductivity case, we
assume that there is no pressure drop in the fracture as fluid flows from the fracture tip to the well.
Be able to derive the following real and Laplace domain (line source) solutions for a well with a uniform flux
or infinite conductivity vertical fracture in a homogeneous reservoir.
— General Result: (cfracs subscript means Continuous Fracture Source)
p D, cfracs (| x D | 1, y D 0, u )
2 p D,cls [( xD x'wD ), u]dx'wD
where the cls subscript means Continuous Line Source
— "Infinite-acting" reservoir behavior (line source solution)
u (1 x D ) u (1 x D )
1 1
p D, cfracs,inf (| x D | 1, y D 0, u )
2u u
[ K 0 ( z)dz K 0 ( z)dz]
0 0
— Bounded circular reservoir — "no-flow" at the outer boundary
p D, cfracs, nfb (| x D | 1, y D 0, u ) p D, cfracs,inf (| x D | 1, y D 0, u )
u (1 x D ) u (1 x D )
1 1 K1 ( u reD )
2u u I1 ( u reD )
[ I 0 ( z)dz I 0 ( z)dz]
0 0
— Bounded circular reservoir — "constant pressure" at the outer boundary
p D, cfracs, cpb (| x D | 1, y D 0, u ) p D, cfracs,inf (| x D | 1, y D 0, u )
u (1 x D ) u (1 x D )
1 1 K 0 ( u reD )
2u u I 0 ( u reD )
[ I 0 ( z )dz I 0 ( z)dz]
0 0
1 d dp pD (u ) d2p pD (u ) 1 dp pD (u )
[rD ] ug (u ) p pD (u ) (Laplace domain relation)
rD drD drD 2
drD rD drD
Be familiar with and be able to develop the g(u) term. The g(tD) term is defined by:
p pD p pD
(t D )
t D
g (t D )d
Be familiar with and be able to derive the convolution sums and integrals for the variable-rate and variable
pressure drop cases.
— Variable-Rate Case:
p wD (t D ) (qDj qDj 1) psD,cr (t D t Dj 1) (discrete rate changes)
j 1
p wD (t D ) q' D ( ) psD,cr (t D )d (continuous rate changes)
— Variable-Pressure Drop Case:
n (p p
wf , j )
qtD (t D ) i
( pi pr )
q Dcp (t D t Dj 1) (discrete rate changes)
j 1
Be able to derive the general convolution identity in the Laplace domain from the integral form of the
variable-rate convolution identity.
p wD (u ) q qD (u ) p sD, cr (u )
Be able to derive the real and Laplace domain identities for relating the constant pressure and constant rate
cases: (from van Everdingen and Hurst)
— Laplace domain result:
1 1
q D, cp (u )
u 2 p sD, cr (u )
— Real domain result:
tD tD