SAQA 91782
Learning Area 1
Prepare and plan for work
Learning Project 2
Investigate and analyse roles, responsibilities of a plumber,
structures and procedures of the company environment,
work ethical norms and values
Before starting with the actual Learning Project, please familiarise yourself with
the information on this page!
The workbooks focus on practical, workplace-driven aspects and contribute to personal growth and development of the
apprentice. The focus is the apprentice!
The workbooks are arranged under headings (viz. Introduction to the Learning Project, Preparation, Theory, Work
Assignments and Assessments, Further Development and Workplace Experience), using colours and icons to help the
apprentice navigate easily through the workbook and are designed to suit the level of the apprentice. The mentioned time
allocation is applicable to the knowledge and practical modules done at the TVET college only.
The next heading "Preparation" is one of the most important parts of the workbook and can be used at the
beginning of the Learning Project. The aim is to arouse the interest of the apprentices in the Learning Project by
challenging them with problems and questions varying in difficulty and presented in a fun, creative and mostly
scenario-based fashion. There is no pressure on the apprentices to have all the answers - this will encourage
them to participate.
The theoretical section entails the formal process of instruction as set out by the NOCC-A21. The facilitator is
aware as to the desired outcomes and range of topics and he/she plans the process in such a way that training
is effective and completed within the allocated time frame.
Use, handle and care of trade- specific Investigate and analyse roles, responsibilities of a
LA 2 hand- & power tools, measuring and tes- LP 2 plumber, structures and procedures of the compa-
ting devices, equipment and materials ny environment, work ethical norms and values
Install and test below ground (waterbor- Communicate professionally (internally and exter-
LA 4 ne) drainage systems LP 4 nally) and apply basic conflict solving techniques
Website to explore.
Apply fundamentals of plumbing, basic trade cal-
Department of Higher Eduction & Training LP 9 culations and engineering principles in plumbing
Quality Council for Trades and Occupations Apply fundamentals of electrical safety and basic LP 10 electrical requirements in relation to plumbing
Page 3
My progress in becoming a
Professional Plumber
The implication is that the profession is on the verge of huge changes, where traditional services and processes will
make way for more sophisticated and scientific undertakings. The plumbing profession is about to offer opportunities
like never before.
Consider it a privilege to be registered for this course. Remember, however, that you will only be able to fully utilise the
opportunities the profession offers if you are willing to work hard, and to continue your studies after the initial graduation.
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2. Preparation
What does the term “work ethic” mean?
The following five characteristics are said to lay the foundation for a strong work ethic. Explain your understanding of
the words.
• Integrity
• Sense of responsibility
• Emphasis on quality
• Discipline
• Sense of teamwork
Page 5
This basic business structure lists the various components
making up a company.
Give a short description of the roles of each of the departments in the structure.
If, at some time in the future, you are offered a promotion to one of the other departments in the company, would you
accept it? If so, what department would you perfer to be promoted to and why?
Which department, in your view, is the most important in the company? Why?
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How do very successful owners of plumbing businesses function?
Can you add any important pathways to business success? What does the term “work ethic” mean?
Page 7
Plumbing is a centuries old profession, and has had a
profound effect on the development of the human race.
In what way, do you imagine, did Mr Crapper’s invention change the way people lived after it was installed in their homes?
The Crapper above may seem very basic and low-tech, but can you explain exactly how it functions?
Page 8
Job title
Termination of employment
Either party can terminate this agreement by giving four weeks written notice. In the case where an employee is illiterate
notice may be given by that employee verbally.
The employees' wage shall be paid out in cash on the last working day of every week/month to the amount of:
R _______________
Hours of work
• Normal working hours will be from _____ a.m. to _____ p.m. on Mondays to Fridays and
from _____a.m. to _____ p.m. on Saturdays.
• The employee will be paid for overtime at the rate of one and a half times his/her total wage as set out above.
Meal intervals
The employee agrees to a lunch break of one hour/30 minutes (delete the one that is that not applicable). Lunchtime
will be taken from _____ to _____ daily.
Public holidays
If an employee does not work on a public holiday, he/she shall receive normal payment for that day.
Annual leave
The employee is entitled to _____ days paid leave after every 12 months of continuous service. Such leave is to be
taken at times convenient to the employer and the employer may require the employee to take his/her leave at such
times as coincide with that of the employer.
Sick leave
• During every sick leave cycle of 36 months the employee will be entitled to an amount of paid sick leave equal to
the number of days the employee would normally work during a period of six weeks.
• During the first six months of employment the employee will be entitled to one day’s paid sick leave for every 26
days worked.
• The employee is to notify the employer as soon as possible in case of his/her absence from work through illness.
Page 9
Your employment contract is a very important document that regulates the relationship between yourself and your
employer. On the previous page is an example of an employment contract as prescribed by the Department of Labour.
Much of the contract has been removed.
1. Go through the contract and complete the open spaces in a way you would deem to be fair and satisfactory.
2. The contract addresses various important issues. Can you think of other issues that should be contained in a contract
such as this?
What are they and what would be a fair agreement in terms of these issues?
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Questions I want to ask in class...
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3. Theory
Underpinning Knowledge
The Underpinning Knowledge section is made up of the detailed description of what you should know and be
able to do at the end of the Learning Project.
The facilitator will lead you through a process during which you will deal with these topics.
The Work Assignments and assessments are designed to test your understanding of the various topics.
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NOCC-A21 Learning Requirements
• Acknowledge the physical work environment of a plumber (locations, hazards, discomforts, working hours)
• Research and recognise possible career paths and employment opportunities for plumbers (also from success
stories) – manufacturer, suppliers and practising plumber
• Obtain an overview of applicable salary systems and average payment scales for plumbers (sectoral
professional body for built environment – see plumbing PIRB)
• Illustrate fundamental structures and functions of plumbing companies (e.g. procurement, maintenance,
service provision, distribution & marketing, administration)
• Comprehend the different levels of division of labour for plumbers in the work environment
• Identify and interpret requirements and key activities of the workplace, including various work schedules i.e.
part-time, overtime, shifts etc.
Understand the individual roles and responsibilities of a plumber, as well as work ethical norms and values
• Understand the individual roles and responsibilities of a plumber, as well as the importance of work ethics,
values and occupational pride
• Evaluate own job responsibilities and own contributions to service delivery as a plumber
• Interpret and comply with the range of organisational values and cultural norms
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Underpinning Knowledge Modules Content
Knowledge of:
• Work roles of plumbers in different industry sectors (job descriptions incl. work locations)
• Typical work schedules in industry (part time, full time, overtime, shift work, job sharing etc.)
• Job advertisements
• Average salary scales and basis for decisions relating to salary allocation
• Licencing, certification and registration requirements for plumbers (detailed in LA1 LP3)
• Required work attitudes, ethics and values for employment (incl. appropriate dress code and behaviour)
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4. Practical Work Assignments
The aim of the work Assignments is to determine whether you understand the information that was presented
to you during the previous sections and to determine whether you have mastered the necessary skills.
Individual assignments also assess your ability to Apart from everything else, group assignments measure your
function on your own, to think creatively and to solve ability to work in a team, to communicate effectively, to lead
problems - individual assignments are indicated with and manage when called upon, etc. Those assignments are
Page 15
Work Assignment 1
Your father, also a qualified and very experienced plumber, works for Waterboys Plumbing Pty Ltd in Port Elizabeth. The
owner of the company wants to retire and can't find a successor or a potential buyer for his company.
In a recent meeting he announced the closure of the company by the end of the year. As he has always been a very good
boss, he promises to help all employees find a new job, either at some of the competitors he has been collaborating with
over the past 35 years or through job advertisements in industry magazines.
He pins these job advertisements onto the info board in the workshop, giving all employees the same chance of applying
for the jobs.
Look at the two job advertisements below and answer the following questions.
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If you had to make a choice, which of the two offers would you consider? Why?
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Give your impression regarding the professionalism of the two job advertisements.
Write down, in order of importance, the main issues you consider when looking at a job offer.
Page 18
Do you consider it a good idea to start your own company directly after your graduation, or would you rather work for
another company first? Why?
Do you think most existing plumbing companies are aware of the new opportunities opening up in terms of, for example,
water conservation?
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Work Assignment 2
A few weeks before the closure of the company your father is working for, he has not yet been successful in finding a
suitable job in the industry. Your father therefore decides to register his own company.
For this, he needs to complete various processes. Some of these are listed below.
He intends to start with a small team at first, which will include two junior plumbers.
Draw an organisational chart illustrating all the functions within the company at the time of the launch. This organisational
chart should address all facets relating to the management of a company.
Page 20
Design an advertisement to be placed online for the selection and recruitment of the two junior plumbers your father
wants to hire. The advertisement should clearly indicate what the roles/functions of the employees would be, state salary
and other incentives, work hours, etc.
Design an advertisement that will motivate applicants to want to work for your father. Also think of a name for the company.
Page 21
Draw up a Code of Conduct for the new company. Explain the purpose and importance of such a code.
List the registrations and affiliations necessary to develop an operational plumbing company.
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PLUMBER Apprentice name
SAQA 91782
Learning Area 1, Learning Project 2
9 Apprentice number
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WORK ASSIGNMENT 2 (0 - 10 points per criteria)
QUESTION / Evaluation
2.4 Knowledge of South African laws and regulations regarding company registration and
Page 24
Total Score
Learning Area 1
Learning Project 2
General Comments
Sign (Facilitator)
Sign (Apprentice)
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6. Further Development
Get your own copy of "The Business Plan Book". In this exercise pay special attention to Parts 1 and 2 (Annexure A).
Complete the exercises in those two parts and keep the completed work and the book in a place where you can periodically
go through it. Try to develop an exciting vision for yourself at this stage.
Even if you do not start your own business directly after graduation, this exercise and the other parts of the book will,
during the coming three years of your apprenticeship, serve as an inspiration towards a good future.
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7. Workplace Experience
Arrange an appointment for a short meeting with each of the managers and departmental heads at work. Introduce
yourself, and clarify what you believe your responsibilities are in terms of that department.
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