Cambridge English c1 Advanced Writing Overview
Cambridge English c1 Advanced Writing Overview
Cambridge English c1 Advanced Writing Overview
Aims of the lesson To familiarise students with the content of the Advanced
Writing Paper
1 Ask students to brainstorm in pairs/small groups what types of texts they usually
write for pleasure or for business/study (e.g. email, letter etc.), either in English or
their own language. Collect some feedback, writing the different text types on the
board as a spidergram.
Timing: 3 mins
2 Now ask students how often they write each different text type. Ask them, for
example, which they write most/least.
Timing: 2 mins
3 Divide students into pairs of student As and student Bs. Give out Classroom
Handout 1. Ask students to work in pairs and look at exercise one, with student
A asking student B questions. They may use a practice test or access to the
website to help them. These basic questions will give them useful information
about such things as timing, number of questions, how much to write and the
distribution of marks. Check the answers together as a group (see Answer Key).
Timing: 10 mins
4 Tell students that they are now going to focus on Part 1 of the writing paper,
which is a completely new task-type. Ask students to look at exercise two (in
pairs or small groups) and a sample task from the practice test book or website.
Give them five minutes to do this. Check the answers as a whole group (see
Answer Key).
Timing: 10 mins
5 Give Classroom Handout 2 to students. Look at the first type, which has been
done as an example and discuss with students. Students should then complete
the rest of the table in pairs. Allow them 15 minutes to do this. Check the answers
together (see Answer Key).
Timing: 20 mins
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Classroom Handout 1
Exercise 1
Student A Questions
Student B Questions
Exercise 2
Decide if these statements referring to Part 1 of the Writing paper are TRUE or FALSE.
1. Part 1 is a new type of task never seen before in the C1 Advanced exam.
2. There is always a discursive essay on a particular topic.
3. You will be given a set of notes in bullet point form on the topic.
4. You must only select two of the bullet points given.
5. You are given short opinions related to the bullet points. You are allowed to use
these opinions in your essay.
6. In Part 1 you must learn how to highlight the relevant issues on a particular topic
and support an argument by giving further points and reasons.
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Classroom Handout 2
Exercise 3
A proposal
A letter
An essay
A review
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Answers to Classroom Handout 1 and 2
Exercise 1 A Questions
1. Two
2. They must write their answers on the lined pages following each question. They
may use the blank pages in the question booklet to make notes.
Tell students the following: they should write within the grey borders to ensure that
all of their answers can be seen when papers are scanned before marking. Point
out that students need to write in pen, not pencil, so that their answers are visible
when scanned.
Exercise 1 B Questions
1. 1 hour 30 minutes
2. No, Part 1 is one compulsory task. However, in Part 2 you can choose.
3. Three: questions 2, 3, 4
5 If they write significantly fewer words, it is likely that they have not successfully
completed the task. Overlong pieces may involve irrelevancies, repetition of ideas,
poor organisation and have a negative effect on the target reader.
Exercise 2 Answers
ALL these statements referring to Part 1 of the Writing paper are TRUE.
1. Part 1 is a new type of task never seen before in the C1 Advanced exam.
2. There is always a discursive essay on a particular topic.
3. You will be given a set of notes in bullet point form on the topic.
4. You must only select two of the bullet points given.
5. You are given short opinions related to the bullet points. You are allowed to use
these opinions in your essay. Although you can use the opinions given, make
sure you highlight to your students that they must NOT copy the exact wording.
They can use the opinions given but must express them in their own words.
6. In Part 1 you must learn how to highlight the relevant issues on a particular topic
and to support an argument by giving further points and reasons.
© UCLES 2008. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made.
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Exercise 3 Answers
© UCLES 2008. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made.
For further information see our Terms and Conditions.