Q3-DLL PE 8 - Wk1
Q3-DLL PE 8 - Wk1
Q3-DLL PE 8 - Wk1
A. Content
The learner demonstrates understanding of guidelines and principles in exercise program design to achieve fitness.
B. Performance
The learner modifies a physical activity program for the family/school peers to achieve fitness.
● Review goals based ● Undertakes physical ● Executes the skills ● Executes the skills
C. Learning
Competencies/ on assessment activity and physical involved in the sport involved in the
Objectives: results (PE8PF-IIIa- fitness assessments (PE8GS-IIId-h-4) sport (PE8GS-IIId-
34) (PE8PF- IIIa-h23) h-4)
Reviewing Fitness Results: Concept of Indoor Scrabble Basic Skills in Scrabble CATCH-UP FRIDAY
Creating S.M.A.R.T Goals Recreational Activities
A. References
1. Teacher’s
Guide Pages
2. Learner’s
Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing PRE-TEST Ask the learners about The teacher will post To recall the previous
previous lesson their participation in any three pictures again of lesson, ask the
or presenting The teacher will ask the sports activities/events. the previous indoor students to answer
the new lesson learners answer the games and will ask the the following
pretest to test their prior 1. Have you students to write at questions:
(ELICIT) knowledge about the participated in any least 3 benefits that can
new lesson in Physical sports activities? be get from engaging 1. How do you play
Education. them. scrabble?
2. What is your sport
played? Is it indoor A. SCRABBLE 2. What basic skills
or outdoor games and tactics do you
need to develop or
B. DOMINO master the
(see the attached (5 mins) C. CHESS
Pretest) (5 mins)
(5 mins)
(10 mins)
(5 mins)
(5 mins)
5. Generally, foreign
words can be used
as scrabble words.
(5 mins)
D. Discussing new The teacher will discuss The teacher will The teacher will briefly While playing, the
concepts and about “Reviewing discuss about the discuss about the observer and the
practicing new Fitness Results: nature and concept of “SCRABBLE” through a recordwer will write
skills #1 Creating S.M.A.R.T Indoor Recreational PowerPoint his/her observations
Goals” activities through a presentation. on the skills and
PowerPoint tactics applied by the
presentation. (see LMs pages 101- players.
(see SLM pages 7-9) (10 mins) (20 mins)
(10 mins)
E. Developing Review and list down Questions: Guide Questions: The game continued.
mastery (leads the goals of your
to formative personal, family, and 1. What is indoor 3. How do you play
assessment) community involvement recreational scrabble?
in physical activities in activities?
4. What basic skills
(EXPLAIN) general. 2. What is the and tactics do you
1. Personal Goals importance of need to develop or
indoor master the
2. Family Goals recreational scrabble?
3. Community 5. Do you think that
Goals (5 mins) your knowledge of
the rules and
(5 mins) regulation is an
edge for you to win?
6. Enumerate at least
5 health benefits
you can get out of
playing scrabble.
F. Making In your activity The teacher will post Watch and Learn: The The players,
generalizations notebook, write a word three pictures again of Basics observers and
and that can be associated the previous indoor recorder will share
abstractness to with goals to each letter games and will ask the The teacher will show a their experiences and
in the acronym students to write at video-aided observations in the
the lesson
S.M.A.R.T least 3 benefits that can instructional for you to game.
(ELABORATE) be get from engaging acquire skills in
Example them. scrabble. Afterwhich
answer the questions
S – simple D. SCRABBLE presented above.
M E. DOMINO www.youtube.com/watc
A F. CHESS h?v=62RxWIKEnqM
(10 mins)
5. Improves Physical
(5 mins)
6. Brings new experiences
7. A waste of time
8. Increases feeling of
depression and anxiety.
9. Enhances self-esteem
(5 mins)
H. Additional Plan, Prepare and Hit Make a descriptive Ask the students to To enhance skills in
activities for the Goal Directions: easy about the benefits bring scrabble board. playing scrabble, let
application and They say, “A goal of Indoor Recreational (at least 4) them visit online
remediation without a plan is just a activities. scrablle game at
wish.” This time, you www.games.com>Wo
(EXTEND) are going to set
SMART goals based on rdGames
your assessment
results on your previous
modules. Make or
design your own
weeklong indoor
recreational activity
plan including your
goals and assessment
Copy th template on
SLM page 12.
E. Which of my teaching
strategy/ies worked well?
Why did these work?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other