Ansi Ashrae Standard 94.2-2010

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ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 94.

(Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 94.2-1981 [RA 2006])

Method of Testing
Thermal Storage Devices
with Electrical Input and
Thermal Output Based
on Thermal Performance
Approved by the ASHRAE Standards Committee on January 23, 2010; by the ASHRAE Board of Directors on January 27, 2010; and
by the American National Standards Institute on January 28, 2010.

ASHRAE Standards are scheduled to be updated on a five-year cycle; the date following the standard number is the year of
ASHRAE Board of Directors approval. The latest edition of an ASHRAE Standard may be purchased on the ASHRAE website
( or from ASHRAE Customer Service, 1791 Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta, GA 30329-2305. E-mail: Fax: 404-321-5478. Telephone: 404-636-8400 (worldwide) or toll free 1-800-527-4723 (for orders in US and
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© 2010 ASHRAE ISSN 1041-2336

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ASHRAE Standard Project Committee 94.2

Cognizant TC: TC 6.9, Thermal Storage

Harold G. Lorsch, Chair Stanley Mumma Robert J. Evans

William R. Coleman Byron W. Engen, Secretary Jerry Lawson
Edwin S. Douglass Robert Cook Charles Mellor
James Hill Richard Rice
William P. Mangan Ronald M. Wolosewicz


Steven T. Bushby, Chair Merle F. McBride
H. Michael Newman, Vice-Chair Frank Myers
Robert G. Baker Janice C. Peterson
Michael F. Beda Douglas T. Reindl
Hoy R. Bohanon, Jr. Lawrence J. Schoen
Kenneth W. Cooper Boggarm S. Setty
K. William Dean Bodh R. Subherwal
Martin Dieryckx James R. Tauby
Allan B. Fraser James K. Vallort
Katherine G. Hammack William F. Walter
Nadar R. Jayaraman Michael W. Woodford
Byron W. Jones Craig P. Wray
Jay A. Kohler Wayne R. Reedy, BOD ExO
Carol E. Marriott Thomas E. Watson, CO
Stephanie Reiniche, Manager of Standards

This American National Standard (ANS) is a national voluntary consensus standard developed under the auspices of ASHRAE.
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ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 94.2-2010,

Method of Testing Thermal Storage Devices with Electrical Input
and Thermal Output Based on Thermal Performance

Foreword ................................................................................................................................................................... 2

1 Purpose .......................................................................................................................................................... 2

2 Scope ............................................................................................................................................................. 2

3 Definitions....................................................................................................................................................... 2

4 Classifications................................................................................................................................................. 2

5 Requirements ................................................................................................................................................. 3

6 Instrumentation............................................................................................................................................... 3

7 Apparatus and Method of Testing .................................................................................................................. 3

8 Central Thermal Storage Device Testing ....................................................................................................... 7

9 Room Thermal Storage Device Testing ......................................................................................................... 9

10 Data to Be Recorded and Test Report ......................................................................................................... 10

11 Nomenclature ............................................................................................................................................... 11

12 References ................................................................................................................................................... 11

13 Informative Annex A ..................................................................................................................................... 11


When addenda, interpretations, or errata to this standard have been approved, they can be downloaded
free of charge from the ASHRAE Web site at

© 2010 ASHRAE
1791 Tullie Circle NE · Atlanta, GA 30329 · · All rights reserved.
ASHRAE is a registered trademark of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.
ANSI is a registered trademark of the American National Standards Institute.
© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution, or
transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE’s prior written permission.

(This foreword is not a part of this standard. It is merely 3. DEFINITIONS

informative and does not contain requirements necessary
The following definitions are stipulated for this docu-
for conformance to the standard. It has not been
processed according to the ANSI requirements for a
standard and may contain material that has not been ambient air: the air in the space surrounding the central ther-
subject to public review or a consensus process.) mal energy storage device or calorimeter.
cycling (latent heat-type storage device): a process in which
heat is supplied to and removed from the storage device in a
This is a revision of Standard 94.2-1981 (RA 2006). This cyclic manner, and the phase of the storage medium is changed
standard was prepared under the auspices of the American twice in each cycle.
Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engi- discharge capacity: the amount of heat that can be removed
neers (ASHRAE). It may be used, in whole or in part, by an from the storage device during a period of time and for a
association or government agency with due credit to specific set of charging conditions.
ASHRAE. Adherence is strictly on a voluntary basis and
merely in the interests of obtaining uniform standards standard air: air weighing 1.2 kg/m3 (0.075 lb/ft3), which
throughout the industry. approximates dry air at a temperature of 21.1°C (70°F) and a
The changes made or the 2009 revision were: barometric pressure of 101.3 kPa (29.92 in. of Hg).
standard barometric pressure: the barometric pressure of
• References were updated 101.3 kPa (29.92 in. of Hg) at 0°C (32°F).
• Adding an Informative Annex storage device: the container(s) plus all contents of the
• Standards referenced in the body of the standard were container(s) used for storing thermal energy. The transfer
updated to be consistent with the references section. fluid, electrical input elements, and accessories such as heat
exchangers, flow-switching devices, valves, and baffles that
1. PURPOSE are integral with the thermal storage container(s) are consid-
ered a part of the storage device.
The purpose of this standard is to provide a standard
storage medium: the material in the storage device, indepen-
procedure for determining the energy performance of electri-
dent of the containing structure, in which the major portion of
cally charged thermal energy storage devices used in heating
the energy is stored.
transfer fluid: the fluid that carries energy out of the storage
2. SCOPE device.

2.1 This standard applies to thermal storage devices that are 4. CLASSIFICATIONS
charged electrically and discharged thermally. The energy
may be stored as latent heat or as sensible heat or as a combi- In this standard, thermal energy storage devices are clas-
nation of the two. sified according to the method they use to store energy, the
type of transfer fluid they employ, and the usage of the unit.
2.2 The device is charged by electric-resistance heating, and
the electric-resistance mechanism is an integral part of, or is 4.1 Sensible heat-type storage devices are those in which
located inside, the storage device. the heat absorbed by or removed from the system results in an
increase or decrease in the temperature of the storage
2.3 The device is discharged by a heat transfer fluid that medium, and there is no change of phase of any portion of the
enters the device through a single inlet and leaves the device storage medium. Typical sensible heat-type storage devices
through a single outlet. Storage devices having more than one employ water, water glycol, natural or artificial stone, and
inlet and/or outlet may be tested according to this standard, other materials singly or in combination.
but each flow configuration involving a single inlet and single
outlet must be tested separately. This standard is not applica- 4.2 Latent heat-type storage devices are those involving a
ble to those configurations in which there is simultaneous change of phase of the storage medium. In this type of storage
flow into the storage device through more than one inlet and/ device, most of the heat added to or removed from the system
or simultaneous flow out of the storage device through more goes into changing the enthalpy of the storage medium during
than one outlet. The transfer fluid may be either a gas or a liq- a change of phase process. Some heat is also stored as sensible
uid or a mixture of the two. heat, since charging and discharging of the storage involves a
finite change in the temperature of the system.
2.4 This standard does not include factors relating to cost,
life, reliability, or the consideration of requirements for inter- 4.3 Central thermal storage devices are those in which the
facing with specific heating and cooling systems. output is ducted or piped from the device in a “central” loca-
tion to the space or to heat transfer devices.
2.5 The test procedure and equipment outlined in this stan-
dard are most easily adaptable to devices used to store thermal 4.4 Room thermal storage devices are those in which the
energy on the order of l011 J (108 Btu) or less. storage device is installed within a space or room. The output

2 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 94.2-2010

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transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE’s prior written permission.

from the device may be by radiation from the cabinet, by nat- 6.1.6 When thermopiles are used, they shall be con-
ural convection through the device, by forced convection structed in accordance with ANSI Standard MC96.1.2
through the device, or by a combination of radiation and con-
6.2 Liquid Flow Measurements. The accuracy of the flow-
measuring and associated readout devices shall be equal to or
better than ±1.0% of the measured value.
6.3 Airflow Measurements. When air is used as the trans-
5.1 Latent heat-type storage devices evaluated under this fer fluid, airflow rate shall be determined as described in
standard shall have been completely cycled (see definition of Section 7 using instrumentation described in ANSI/ASHRAE
cycling) through their change of phase at least 30 times prior Standard 373 and ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70.4
to being tested.
6.4 Pressure Measurements
5.2 The transfer fluid used in evaluating the performance of 6.4.1 Nozzle Throat Pressure. The pressure measure-
a thermal energy storage device shall have a known specific ment at the nozzle throat shall be made with instruments that
heat that varies by less than ±0.5% over the temperature range shall permit measurements of pressure to within ±2.0%
encountered during a test. absolute and whose smallest scale division shall not exceed
5.3 The room where the testing of the storage device is per- two times the specified accuracy, see ANSI/ASHRAE Stan-
formed shall have its temperature controlled to the extent that dard 37.3
the average ambient air temperature, ta, determined by the 6.4.2 Airflow Measurements. The static pressure differ-
average of the four temperatures measured as specified in ences across the nozzle and the velocity pressure at the nozzle
Section 8.6, varies between extremes by less than ±2.0°C throat shall be measured with instruments that have been cal-
(±3.6°F) during a test. ibrated and are to within ±1.0% of the reading.
6.4.3 Pressure Drop Across the Thermal Storage
6. INSTRUMENTATION Device. The static pressure drop across the thermal storage
device shall be measured with a differential pressure-measur-
6.1 Temperature Measurements ing device having an accuracy of ±25 Pa (±0.1 in. of water).
6.1.1 Temperature measurements shall be made in accor-
6.5 Time and Mass Measurements. Time measurements
dance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 41.1.1
and mass measurements shall be made to an accuracy of
6.1.2 The temperature difference of the transfer fluid +0.20% for calibration purposes, see ANSI/ASHRAE Stan-
across the thermal storage device may be measured with: dard 37.3

a. thermopiles 6.6 Electrical Measurements. Electrical measurements

b. calibrated resistance thermometers connected in two arms shall be made with indicating instruments whose accuracy is
of a bridge circuit (recommended only when a liquid is within ±1.0% of the value being observed.
the transfer fluid)
c. precision thermometers
d. thermistors 7.1 Air as the Transfer Fluid (Central Devices)
7.1.1 Test Configuration. The relative positions of the
6.1.3 The accuracy and precision of the instruments and thermal energy storage device, the temperature-measuring
their associated readout devices shall be within the following instrumentation, the airflow-measuring apparatus, and the
limits. differential pressure-measuring apparatus are shown in Fig-
ure 1. The figure shows a representative testing configuration
Instrument Accuracy* Instrument Precision† using rectangular inlet and outlet ducts of cross section a  b,
and a  b respectively. Circular cross sections are also
Temperature ± 0.5°C (± 0.9°F) ± 0.2°C (± 0.4°F)
acceptable. A closed-loop test configuration is recommended,
Temperature ± 0.1°C (± 0.2°F) although an open loop is acceptable. If a closed loop is used,
± 0.1°C (± 0.2°F)
Difference an air-reconditioning apparatus must be included in the loop
* The ability of the instrument to indicate the true value of the measured quantity. in order to maintain the required constant inlet temperature.
† Closeness of the agreement among repeated measurements of the same physical
quantity. 7.1.2 Test Ducts. The inlet duct between the airflow-
For definitions of instrument errors see ASHRAE Guideline 2.5 measuring apparatus and the thermal energy storage device
shall have the same cross-sectional dimensions as the inlet to
6.1.4 In no case shall the smallest scale division of the the storage device. The outlet test duct between the thermal
instrument or instrument system exceed two times the speci- energy storage device and the temperature-sensing locations
fied precision. For example, if the specified precision is shall have the same cross-sectional dimensions as the outlet of
±0.1°C (±0.2°F), the smallest scale division shall not exceed the storage device.
0.2°C (0.4°F). 7.1.3 Measurement of Temperature Difference Across
6.1.5 The instruments shall be configured and used in the Storage Device. The difference between the inlet air tem-
accordance with Section 7. perature and the outlet air temperature of the thermal storage

ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 94.2-2010 3

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Figure 1 Representative test configuration for a central thermal storage device using air as the transfer fluid.

device shall be measured by means of the apparatus specified 7.1.5 Airflow-Measuring Apparatus. The airflow shall
in Section 6.1.2. When thermopiles are used, they shall be be measured with the nozzle apparatus described in Section 5.1
constructed in their entirety from calibrated thermocouple of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 704 or in Section 7 of ANSI/
wire taken from a single spool of wire. No extension wires are ASHRAE Standard 37.3 As shown in Figure 3, this apparatus
to be used in either their fabrication or installation. There shall consists basically of a receiving chamber, a discharge chamber,
be an even number of junctions in the air inlet test duct and the and an airflow-measuring nozzle. The distance from the center
same number of junctions in the air outlet test duct as shown of the nozzle to the side walls shall be less than 1.5 times the
in Figure 2. These junctions shall be located at the center of nozzle throat diameter, and diffusers shall be installed in the
equal cross-sectional areas. receiving chamber at least 1.5 nozzle throat diameters upstream
When other methods are used to measure the temperature of the nozzle and 2.5 nozzle throat diameters downstream of the
difference, the applicable procedures of ANSI/ASHRAE Stan- nozzle. The apparatus shall be designed so that the nozzle can
dard 41.11 shall be followed. be easily changed, and the nozzle used on each test shall be
During all tests, the variation in temperature across the air selected so that the throat velocity is between 15 m/s (2690
inlet and air outlet test ducts shall be less than ±0.8°C fpm) and 35 m/s (6900 fpm). Details on nozzle construction
(±1.5°F). The variation shall be checked prior to testing utiliz- and discharge coefficients are described in Section 5.1.1 of
ing instrumentation and procedures outlined in ANSI/ ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70.4
ASHRAE Standard 41.1.1 If the variation exceeds the limits The dry-bulb and the wet-bulb temperatures of the air
above, mixing devices shall be installed to achieve this degree entering the nozzle shall be measured in accordance with
of temperature uniformity. Suitable mixing devices are ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 41.1.1 The velocity of the air passing
described in ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 41.1.1 Combination through the nozzle shall be determined by either measuring the
mixing and sampling devices specified in that reference are velocity head with a commercially available pitot tube or by
acceptable. measuring the static drop across the nozzle with a differential
All temperature sensors shall be located as near as possi- pressure-measuring device. If the latter method is used, one
ble to the inlet and outlet of the thermal storage device. The air end of the device shall be connected to a static pressure tap
inlet and air outlet ducts shall be insulated in such a manner located flush with the inner wall of the receiving chamber and
that the calculated heat loss from these ducts to the ambient air the other end to a static pressure tap located flush with the
would not result in a temperature change for any test of more inner wall of the discharge chamber or, preferably, several taps
than 0.1°C (0.2°F) between the temperature-measuring loca- in each chamber shall be connected through a manifold to a
tions and the storage device. single differential pressure-measuring device. A means shall
7.1.4 Dry-Bulb Temperature Measurements. Dry- bulb also be provided for measuring the absolute pressure of the air
temperature measurements shall be made at the locations in in the nozzle throat.
the air inlet and the air outlet shown in Figure 1 in accordance 7.1.6 Air Leakage. Air leakage through the airflow-mea-
with Section 4.1 of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 41.1.1 suring apparatus, the air inlet test duct, the thermal storage

4 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 94.2-2010

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Figure 2 Nozzle apparatus for measuring airflow rate.

Figure 3 Schematic of the thermopile arrangement used to measure the temperature difference across the thermal
storage device.

device, and the air outlet test duct shall be minimized by care- 7.2 Liquid as the Transfer Fluid (Central Type Devices)
fully sealing and taping all joints.
7.2.1 Test Configuration. The relative positions of the
7.1.7 Air-Reconditioning Apparatus. The dry-bulb tem- thermal energy storage device, the temperature-measuring
perature of the air entering the storage device shall be main- instrumentation, the liquid flow-measuring apparatus, and the
tained within ±1.0°C (±1.8°F) of the desired test values at all differential pressure-measuring apparatus are shown in Fig-
times during the tests. If necessary, an air-reconditioning ure 4. A closed-loop test configuration is recommended,
apparatus shall be installed in an open-loop test configuration although an open loop is acceptable. If a closed loop is used,
to achieve this. An air-reconditioning apparatus is required in a liquid-reconditioning apparatus must be included in the
a closed-loop test configuration. loop.

ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 94.2-2010 5

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Figure 4 Representative test configuration for a thermal storage device using a liquid as the thermal transfer fluid.

7.2.2 Test Sections. The inlet test section between the liq- All surfaces of the calorimeter chamber shall be
uid flow-measuring apparatus and the thermal energy storage insulated to a conductance value of 0.4 W/m2·°C (0.07 Btu/
device shall have the same cross-sectional dimensions as the h·ft2·°F).
inlet to the storage device. The outlet test section between the All joints shall be sealed so that the calorimeter
thermal energy storage device and the temperature-sensing
is essentially airtight except for inlet and outlet.
locations shall have the same cross-sectional dimensions as
the outlet of the storage device. The bottom of the calorimeter shall be rein-
forced to withstand the weight of the device being tested.
7.2.3 Measurement of Temperature Difference Across
the Storage Device. The difference between the inlet liquid Thermal breaks shall be provided to minimize heat loss
temperature and the outlet liquid temperature shall be mea- through the support section and the base of the calorimeter.
sured by means of the apparatus specified in Section 6.1.2. A safety device to prevent overheating shall be
When thermopiles are used, they shall be constructed as spec- provided in the top of the calorimeter. A temperature sensor
ified in Section 7.1.3. When other methods are used, the appli- set at 70°C (160°F) shall cause the safety device to open and
cable procedures of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 41.11 shall be the power supply to the device under test to deactivate.
7.3.2 A variable-speed fan shall be provided in the outlet
To minimize temperature measurement error, the temper- of the calorimeter to allow adjustment of the airflow rate.
ature-sensing stations shall be located as close as possible to Variation of airflow over the range of approximately 0-1200
the inlet or outlet of the storage device. In addition, the piping
L/s (0-2500 ft3/min) should be provided.
shall be insulated in such a manner that the calculated heat loss
from this piping to the ambient air would not cause a temper- Fan speed measurements shall be made with instruments
ature change for any test of more than 0.05°C (0.09°F) whose accuracy is within ±2.5% of the value being observed.
between each sensor and the storage system. 7.3.3 A thermopile shall be provided in the inlet and outlet
7.2.4 Measurement of Temperature Levels of the consisting of at least 20 thermocouples at each location as
Transfer Fluid. The temperature of the transfer fluid at the shown in Figures 6 and 7. The thermocouples shall be inter-
two locations cited in 7.2.3 shall also be measured by appro- connected as shown in Figure 8 to provide direct reading of
priate sensors. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 41.11 shall be fol- the temperature difference from inlet to outlet. The supports
lowed in making these measurements. for thermocouples shall not penetrate the insulation.
7.2.5 Transfer Fluid-Reconditioning Apparatus. The 7.4 Calibration. The calorimeter shall be calibrated so that
temperature of the transfer fluid entering the storage system the capacity of room-type devices can be determined from
shall be maintained within ±1.0°C (±1.8°F) of the desired test temperature and fan speed measurements.6
values at all times during the tests. If necessary, a liquid- 7.4.1 A direct-type electrical heating element(s) with low
reconditioning apparatus shall be installed in an open-loop thermal inertia and radiation shielding shall be placed within
test configuration to achieve this. A liquid-reconditioning the calorimeter. The heating element(s) shall be capable of
apparatus is required in a closed-loop test configuration. The operating at various input ratings so that at least three different
heating and cooling capacity of this apparatus shall be
inputs may be selected for each calibration point.
selected so that the temperature of the liquid entering the
reconditioning apparatus may be raised or lowered as required 7.4.2 The calibration heater shall be energized, and the
in accordance with Section 8. calorimeter fan shall be operated at a constant speed. For each
calibration point, the calorimeter shall be allowed to stabilize,
7.3 Calorimeter (Room Type Devices) and temperature and speed measurements shall be made every
7.3.1 The calorimeter chamber shall be constructed as 5 minutes. When three consecutive readings are the same,
shown in Figure 5.6 indicating stable conditions, the calibration point is reached.

6 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 94.2-2010

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Figure 5 Calorimeter chamber.

7.4.3 A minimum of three calibration points for each fan 1. preconditioning (this test need not be performed in the test
speed shall be used to plot the calibration curve. A minimum room; Section 8.1)
of three fan speeds shall be selected for a minimum of nine 2. initial charge (Section 8.2)
calibration points. Fan speeds shall be selected so that the 3. maximum standby emission (Section 8.3)
temperature difference is less than 15°C (27°F). 4. discharge (Section 8.4)
7.4.4 During the calibration test, the electrical power
input to the calibration heater, P, and the temperature differ- 8.1 Preconditioning Test
ence across the calorimetertc, shall be recorded. 8.1.1 Purpose. The purpose of the preconditioning test is
7.4.5 The temperature difference, the electrical power to to stabilize the storage device for later tests and to verify con-
the calibration heater, and the fan speed shall be plotted on a trol system performance.
calibration curve (Figure 9). 8.1.2 Performance. The storage device control system
shall be set to the maximum charge condition. If control sys-
8. CENTRAL THERMAL STORAGE DEVICE TESTING tem modifications are required to achieve the maximum
The central thermal storage device shall be installed in charge condition, the manufacturer’s instructions shall be fol-
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions in a test room lowed. The device shall be brought to the maximum charge
as specified in Section 5.3. Prior to testing, any heating condition, and this condition shall be maintained for 24 hours
elements in the thermal storage device that are not used to by the built-in control system.
charge the storage medium shall be disconnected. The tests to After the maximum charge condition has been reached
be performed are: and the 24-hour preconditioning period is completed, the

ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 94.2-2010 7

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Figure 6 Thermopile in air inlet. Figure 8 Thermopile interconnection.

Figure 7 Thermopile in air outlet. Figure 9 Calorimeter calibration curve.

device shall be discharged until all portions of the thermal stor-

age device are at ambient temperature. charge controller, and the minimum test period shall be eight
hours. If, toward the end of the eight-hour period, the charge
8.1.3 Measurements. No measurements need be made
controller has initiated another charge, the test shall be con-
during the preconditioning test.
tinued until that cycle is completed.
8.2 Initial Charge Test 8.3.3 Measurements. The electrical input energy, E2,
8.2.1 Purpose. The purpose of this test is to determine the required to maintain steady-state conditions and the total test
amount of energy required to bring the device to the maxi- period, 2, shall be measured.
mum charge conditions.
8.4 Discharge Test (Device with Integral Fan or Pump)
8.2.2 Performance. Before the initial charge test is
8.4.1 Purpose. The purpose of this test is to determine the
begun, the storage device shall be at the test room ambient
quantity of useful heat that can be extracted from the thermal
temperature. The storage device control system shall be set to
storage device with integral fan or pump without recharging.
the maximum charge condition. If control system modifica-
tions are required to achieve the maximum charge condition, 8.4.2 Performance. Immediately after the conclusion of
the manufacturer’s instructions shall be followed. the maximum standby emission test (see Section 8.3), the dis-
charge test shall be performed in the following sequence.
8.2.3 Measurements. The total electrical input energy,
E1, required to reach the first controller cutoff shall be Discharge. The device fan or pump shall be
recorded. energized, and the device shall be discharged for a period of
time, 3, until the outlet temperature drops by t/4 below the
8.3 Maximum Standby Emission Test outlet setpoint temperature, where t is the difference
8.3.1 Purpose. The purpose of this test is to determine the between outlet setpoint temperature and inlet temperature.
standby emission (heat loss) from the storage device under The energy remaining in the storage device after this dis-
maximum charge conditions. charge period shall be defined as the residual energy.
8.3.2 Performance. Immediately after conclusion of the Recharge. When the previously specified tem-
initial charge test (see Section 8.2), the maximum standby perature difference has been reached, the device fan or pump
emission test shall be performed. During this test, the device
shall remain in the non-discharge mode. The steady-state con- *
A cycle is defined as the period of time from the shutoff to shutoff
dition shall be maintained for not less than three cycles*of the of the change controller.

8 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 94.2-2010

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shall be shut off, and immediately the device shall be 8.5.3 Residual Capacity. The residual capacity in the
recharged for the manufacturer’s specified charge period, 4. device after the test in Section 8.4 shall be computed as fol-
If the manufacturer does not specify a charge period, the lows:
device shall be charged until the charge controller shuts off.
The electrical input energy for this recharge is defined as E4. E 4 + E 6
Q r =  E 1 – ------------------
 2  Measured Discharge. Immediately after the (3)
device has been recharged (Section, the device fan or E4 + E6 
=  3.413 E 1 – ------------------
pump shall be energized, and the device shall be discharged  2 
for a time, 5, until the outlet temperature drops by t/4
below the outlet setpoint temperature, where t is the differ- 8.5.4 Effectiveness. The device effectiveness shall be
ence between outlet setpoint temperature and inlet tempera- computed as follows:
ture. During this discharge period, the initial average time
100Q d
interval for recording of measurements shall not be greater  = ----------------------------------------
than 5% of the discharge period, 3, measured in Section  E 4 + E 6 /2 + E 5
(4) Toward the end of the measured discharge test, the 100Q d
=  -----------------------------------------------------------
time interval for recording of measurements shall be on the  3.413   E + E /2 + E 
4 6 5
order of 2.5% of the discharge period, 3. The electrical
energy required for the device fan or pump during the dis- 8.6 Measurement of Ambient Air Temperature. The
charge period,5, is defined as E5. The heat transfer fluid mass ambient air temperature, ta, shall be the arithmetic average
flow rate is defined as w. temperature of the test area, determined by four calibrated Recharge. After the measured discharge test temperature sensors. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 41.11 shall be
(Section, is completed, the device fan or pump shall followed in making these measurements. The sensors shall lie
be shut off, and immediately the device shall be recharged as in a horizontal plane approximately at the vertical midpoint of
specified in Section The electrical input energy for the central storage device (calorimeter chamber for room stor-
this recharge is defined as E6. age devices) and shall be approximately 0.6 m (2 ft) from the
8.4.3 Measurements. During the discharge test, the fol- sides of the central-type storage device (calorimeter chamber
lowing measurements shall be made. for room storage devices).


Definitions Units
Section Quantities
The room thermal storage device shall be installed in 3 Initial discharge period s (h) accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions in a calorim- 4 Charge period s (h) eter chamber specified in Section 7.3. Prior to testing, any
heating elements in the thermal storage device that are not
E4 Recharge electrical input energy J (W·h)
used to charge the storage medium shall be disconnected. The E5 Fan or pump energy J (W·h) tests to be performed are:
Heat transfer fluid mass flow kg/s(lb/
w a. Preconditioning (this test need not be performed in the
rate h)
calorimeter chamber; Section 9.1)
5 Discharge period
b. Static discharge (Section 9.2)
Temperature difference between c. Dynamic discharge (Section 9.3)
t1 °C (°F)
outlet and inlet E6 Recharge electrical input energy J (W·h) 9.1 Preconditioning Test. The purpose, performance, and
measurements for this test are specified in Section 8.1.
8.5 Calculations. To evaluate the device performance, the 9.2 Static Discharge Test
following calculations shall be made.
9.2.1 Purpose. The purpose of this test is to determine the
8.5.1 Maximum Standby Emission. The maximum quantity of heat given off by the device under static condi-
standby emission rate shall be computed as follows: tions, i.e., when the built-in fan, if any, is not operating.
9.2.2 Performance. At the start of this test the device
q e,max = E / shall be at the calorimeter room ambient temperature.
2 2
=  3.413 E 2 / 2  Because some room-type storage devices are designed to sup-
ply heat during the charging cycle, the calorimeter chamber
8.5.2 Discharge Capacity. The heat delivered from the shall be operating throughout this test.
storage device shall be computed as follows: The storage device control system shall be set to the maxi-
mum charge conditions. If control system modifications are
 required to achieve the maximum charge conditions, the
Q d = c p  5 t 1 d (2)
0 manufacture’s instructions shall be followed.

ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 94.2-2010 9

© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution, or
transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE’s prior written permission.

The device shall be brought to the maximum charge 9.4 Calculations. The electrical power, P, shall be deter-
condition, and this condition shall be maintained for not less mined for each test condition from the calorimeter calibration
than three cycles* of the charge controller, and the minimum curve developed in accordance with Section 7.4. By entering
charging time shall be eight hours. If, toward the end of the the curve with the measured temperature difference across the
eight-hour charging period, the charge controller has initiated calorimeter and the measured fan speed, the electrical power,
another charge, the test shall continue until that cycle is P, is determined.
completed. To evaluate the device performance, the following calcu-
After the charging is completed, all electrical inputs to the lations shall be made.
storage device shall be disconnected immediately, and the 9.4.1 Case Emission (Static). The case emission during
device shall discharge statically (built-in fan, if any, not oper- charging of room devices without fans (or with integral fans
ating) for 16 hours. Any manually adjustable discharge damp- not operating) shall be computed as follows:
ers within the unit shall be set for maximum discharge.
9.2.3 Measurements. The total electrical input energy, Q c = P  
E7, and the total charging period, 7, shall be measured. =  3.413   
The temperature differential across the calorimeter cham-
ber and the calorimeter chamber fan speed shall be measured 9.4.2 Discharge Capacity (Static). The total heat emitted
with a time interval between measurements of 15 minutes or during static discharge shall be computed as follows:
less. The time intervals between all measurements shall be Q d = P  
recorded. The device discharge period, 8, shall be measured. (6)
=  3.413P   
9.3 Dynamic Discharge Test
9.4.3 Residual Capacity (Static). The residual capacity
9.3.1 Purpose. The purpose of this test is to determine the
of room devices without fans (or with integral fans not oper-
quantity of useful heat that can be extracted from the thermal
ating) shall be computed as follows:
storage device without recharging. This test applies only to
those room thermal storage devices that have a built-in fan. Qr = E7 – Qd – Qe
9.3.2 Performance. At the start of this test, the device (7)
=  3.413   E 7 – Q d – Q e  
shall be at the calorimeter room ambient temperature.
Because some room storage devices are designed to supply 9.4.4 Case Emission (Dynamic). The case emission dur-
heat during the charging cycle, the calorimeter chamber shall ing charging of room devices with integral fans operating
be operational throughout this test. shall be computed as follows:
The storage device control system shall be set to the maxi-
mum charge condition. If control system modifications are Q c = P  
required to achieve the maximum charge conditions, the (8)
=   3.413P   
manufacturer’s instructions shall be followed.
The device shall be brought to the maximum charge 9.4.5 Discharge Capacity (Dynamic). The total stored
condition, and this condition shall be maintained for not less heat emitted during dynamic discharge shall be computed as
than three cycles‡ of the charge controller, and the minimum follows:
charging time shall be eight hours. If, toward the end of the
Q c = P   – E 10
eight-hour charging period, the charge controller has initiated
another charge, the test shall continue until that cycle is =  3.413  P   – E 10   (9)
Immediately after the charging cycle is completed, the 9.4.6 Residual Capacity (Dynamic). The residual capac-
built-in fan shall be energized. The device shall be dynami- ity of room devices with integral fans operating shall be com-
cally discharged for either 16 hours or until the temperature puted as follows:
differential across the calorimeter has dropped to 5% of the
Qr = E9 – Qd – Qc
temperature differential measured 30 minutes after the start of (10)
the discharge test, whichever occurs first. =  3.413   E 9 – Q d – Q e  
9.3.3 Measurements. The total electrical input energy,
E9, and the total charging period, 9, shall be measured. 10. DATA TO BE RECORDED AND TEST REPORT
The temperature differential across the calorimeter cham-
ber and the calorimeter fan speed shall be measured with a 10.1 Central Thermal Storage Devices
time interval between measurements of 15 minutes or less 10.1.1 Test Data. Table 1 1ists the measurements to be
(during charging and discharging). The time intervals between recorded during the various tests.
all measurements shall be recorded. The device discharge 10.1.2 Test Report. Table 2 specifies the data to be
period, 10, shall be measured. The electrical input to the stor- reported in testing a central-type thermal storage device.
age device fan, E10, shall be measured.
10.2 Room Thermal Storage Devices
* 10.2.1 Test Data. Table 3 lists the measurements to be
A cycle is defined as the period of time from the shutoff to shutoff
of the change controller. made during the various tests.

10 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 94.2-2010

© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution, or
transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE’s prior written permission.

10.2.2 Test Report. Table 4 specifies the data to be  = time interval between measurements,
reported in testing a room thermal storage device. calorimeter, s (h)


cp = specific heat of transfer fluid at test temperature, 1 ASHRAE. 1991. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 41.1-1986 (RA
J/(kg·°C) (Btu/lb·°F) 2006), Standard Method for Temperature Measurement.
E1 = electrical input energy (initial charge test), J(W·h) Atlanta: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating
E2 = electrical input energy (maximum standby and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.
2 ANSI Standard MC96.1-82, Temperature Measurement
emission test), J(W·h)
E4 = recharge electrical input energy (discharge test), Thermocouples. 1982. Reprinted in: ISA Handbook of
J(W·h) Standards, Instrument Society of America, P.O. Box
12277, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709.
E5 = fan or pump electrical input energy, J(W·h) 3 ASHRAE. 1991. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 37-2009, Meth-
E6 = recharge electrical input energy (measured
ods of Testing for Rating Unitary Air-Conditioning and
discharge test), J(W·h)
Heat Pump Equipment. Atlanta: American Society of
E7 = electrical input energy (static discharge test), Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers,
J(W·h) Inc.
E9 = electrical input energy (dynamic discharge test), 4 ASHRAE. 1991. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006,
J(W·h) Method of Testing for Rating the Air Performance of
E10 = fan electrical input energy (dynamic units), Outlets and Inlets. Atlanta: American Society of Heat-
J(W·h) ing, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.
5 ASHRAE. 1996. Guideline 2-2005, Engineering Analysis
P = power removed by calorimeter, W(W)
qe,max = maximum standby emission rate, W(Btu/h) of Experimental Data. Atlanta: American Society of
Qd = discharge capacity, J(Btu) Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers,
Qe = case emission, J(Btu)
Qr = residual capacity, J(Btu) (This annex is not part of this standard. It is merely
w = mass flow rate, kg/s (lb/h) informative and does not contain requirements necessary
tc = temperature differential across calorimeter for conformance to the standard. It has not been
(calibration), °C (°F) processed according to the ANSI requirements for a
standard and may contain material that has not been
t1 = temperature differential across thermal storage
device, °C (°F) subject to public review or a consensus process.
Unresolved objectors on informative material are not
t' = difference between outlet setpoint temperature
offered the right to appeal at ASHRAE or ANSI.)
and inlet temperature,°C (°F)
 = device effectiveness, % (%) INFORMATIVE ANNEX A
 = time, s (h) 1 Ray W. Herrick Laboratories. 1980. Development of per-
2 = standby emission test period, s (h) formance testing procedures for evaluation of room-size
3 = initial discharge period, s (h) electrically heated thermal energy storage units (Task
4 = charge period, s (h) IV), HL 80-5. Lafayette, Ind.: Purdue University.
5 = discharge period, s (h) Deutsche Elektrotechnische Kommission. 1972. Elek-
trische raumheizgerate, speicherheizgerate mit steuer-
7 = total static charge period, s (h)
barer warmeabgabe, DIN 44572, Blatt 5. (Electric
8 = static discharge period, s (h) heating appliances, storage heaters with controlled out-
9 = total dynamic charge period, s (h) put; test method to determine the heat.) Berlin: Deutsche
10 = dynamic discharge period, s (h) Elektrotechnische Kommission.

ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 94.2-2010 11

© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution, or
transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE’s prior written permission.

TABLE 1 Test Data to Be Recorded (Central-Type Devices)

Tests Involving Air Tests Involving a Liquid

Item (Specify All Units)
as the Transfer Medium as the Transfer Medium

Date X X
Observer X X
Equipment Name Plate Data X X
Temperature Difference Across Storage Device X X
Inlet Temperature, tin X X
Outlet Temperature, tout X X
Liquid Flow Rate X
Barometric Pressure X X
Gauge Pressure at Inlet X
Gauge Pressure at Nozzle Throat X
Nozzle Throat Diameter X
Velocity Pressure at Nozzle Throat or Static Pressure Difference
Across Nozzle
Dry-Bulb Temperature a Nozzle Throat X
Wet-Bulb Temperature at Nozzle Throat X
Ambient Air Temperature, ta X X
Electrical Input Energy
E1 (8.2.3) X X
E2 (8.3.3) X X
E4 ( X X
E5 ( X X
E6 ( X X
2 (8.3.3) X X
3 (8.4.2) X X
4 ( X X
5 ( X X

12 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 94.2-2010

© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution, or
transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE’s prior written permission.

TABLE 2 Data to Be Reported (Central-Type Devices) (SI units recommended)

General Information
Model Number ________________________________________________________________________________
Serial Number _________________________________________________________________________________
Storage Medium _______________________________________________________________________________
Transfer Fluid _________________________________________________________________________________
Container Material _____________________________________________________________________________
Length _______________________________________________________________________________________
Height _______________________________________________________________________________________
Weight of Storage Device ________________________________________________________________________
Volume of Storage Device _______________________________________________________________________
Rating of Electrical Elements
(Watts, Voltage, Phase) _____________________________________________________________________
Minimum Transfer Fluid Flow Rate ________________________________________________________________
Maximum Transfer Fluid Flow Rate________________________________________________________________
Maximum Operating Pressure_____________________________________________________________________
Flow Configuration Tested _____________________________________________________ (picture or diagram)
Electrical Input Energy, El _______________________________________________________________________
Maximum Standby Emission Rate, Qe ______________________________________________________________
Electrical Input Energy, E2 _______________________________________________________________________
Test Period, 2 ________________________________________________________________________________
Discharge Test
Discharge Capacity, Qd __________________________________________________________________________
Residual Capacity, Qr ___________________________________________________________________________
Effectiveness, 
Electrical Input Energy,
E4 ____________________________________________________________________________________
E5 ____________________________________________________________________________________
E6 ____________________________________________________________________________________
Test Period
3 ____________________________________________________________________________________
4 ____________________________________________________________________________________
5 ____________________________________________________________________________________
Mass Flow Rate, w _____________________________________________________________________________
Ambient Temperature, t2_________________________________________________________________________

ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 94.2-2010 13

© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution, or
transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE’s prior written permission.

TABLE 3 Test Data to Be Recorded

(Room-Type Devices)

Without With
Item (Specify All Units)
Fans Fans
Date X X
Observer X X
Equipment Name Plate Data X X
Temperature Difference Across
Calorimeter, t2 X X
Inlet Temperature, tin X X
Outlet Temperature, tout X X
Dry-Bulb Temperature at Nozzle Throat X
Wet-Bulb Temperature at Nozzle Throat X
Ambient Air Temperature, ta X X
Electrical Input Energy
E7 X X
E9 X
E10 X
7 X X
8 X X
9 X
10 X
 X X

14 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 94.2-2010

© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution, or
transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE’s prior written permission.

TABLE 4 Data to Be Reported (Room-Type Devices) (SI units recommended)

General Information


Model Number________________________________________________________________________________________________

Serial Number_________________________________________________________________________________________________

Storage Medium_______________________________________________________________________________________________

Transfer Fluid_________________________________________________________________________________________________

Container Material_____________________________________________________________________________________________




Weight of Storage Device________________________________________________________________________________________

Volume of Storage Device_______________________________________________________________________________________

Rating of Electrical Elements (Watts, Voltage, Phase)__________________________________________________________________

Flow Configuration Tested______________________________________________________________________ (picture or diagram)


Discharge Capacity (Static), Qd ___________________________________________________________________________________

Case Emission (Static), Qe _______________________________________________________________________________________

Residual Capacity (Static), Qr ____________________________________________________________________________________

Electrical Input Energy, E7 ______________________________________________________________________________________

Charging Period,7 ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Discharge Period, 8 ___________________________________________________________________________________________

DYNAMIC DISCHARGE (Room-Type Devices with Integral Fans Only)

Discharge Capacity (Dynamic), Qd ________________________________________________________________________________

Case Emission (Dynamic), Qe ____________________________________________________________________________________

Residual Capacity (Dynamic), Qr _________________________________________________________________________________

Electrical Input Energy, E9 _______________________________________________________________________________________

Charging Period, 9 ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Discharge Period, 10 ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Fan Electrical Input Energy, E10 __________________________________________________________________________________.

ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 94.2-2010 15

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transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE’s prior written permission.
© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution, or
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ASHRAE is concerned with the impact of its members’ activities on both the indoor and outdoor environment. ASHRAE’s
members will strive to minimize any possible deleterious effect on the indoor and outdoor environment of the systems and
components in their responsibility while maximizing the beneficial effects these systems provide, consistent with accepted
standards and the practical state of the art.
ASHRAE’s short-range goal is to ensure that the systems and components within its scope do not impact the indoor and
outdoor environment to a greater extent than specified by the standards and guidelines as established by itself and other
responsible bodies.
As an ongoing goal, ASHRAE will, through its Standards Committee and extensive technical committee structure,
continue to generate up-to-date standards and guidelines where appropriate and adopt, recommend, and promote those new
and revised standards developed by other responsible organizations.
Through its Handbook, appropriate chapters will contain up-to-date standards and design considerations as the material is
systematically revised.
ASHRAE will take the lead with respect to dissemination of environmental information of its primary interest and will seek
out and disseminate information from other responsible organizations that is pertinent, as guides to updating standards and
The effects of the design and selection of equipment and systems will be considered within the scope of the system’s
intended use and expected misuse. The disposal of hazardous materials, if any, will also be considered.
ASHRAE’s primary concern for environmental impact will be at the site where equipment within ASHRAE’s scope
operates. However, energy source selection and the possible environmental impact due to the energy source and energy
transportation will be considered where possible. Recommendations concerning energy source selection should be made by
its members.
ASHRAE · 1791 Tullie Circle NE · Atlanta, GA 30329 ·


ASHRAE, founded in 1894, is an international organization of some 50,000 members. ASHRAE fulfills its mission of
advancing heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration to serve humanity and promote a sustainable world
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