Should College Athletes Be Paid Essay Thesis
Should College Athletes Be Paid Essay Thesis
Should College Athletes Be Paid Essay Thesis
Crafting a thesis essay on the topic of whether college athletes should be paid is no small feat. This
controversial subject requires a nuanced approach that considers various perspectives, legal
implications, and the intricate details of the college sports landscape. As students delve into this
complex issue, they often find themselves grappling with the difficulty of presenting a well-
researched and balanced argument.
One of the primary challenges lies in the multifaceted nature of the debate. There are numerous
factors to consider, including the financial aspects of college sports programs, the potential impact on
student-athletes' amateur status, and the ethical considerations surrounding compensation for their
efforts. This intricate web of factors demands a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter
and the ability to synthesize diverse viewpoints into a coherent and persuasive argument.
Additionally, the evolving nature of the debate further complicates the task. As new information
emerges, students must stay abreast of the latest developments, legal decisions, and shifts in public
opinion. This dynamic landscape requires continuous research and adaptability to ensure that the
thesis remains relevant and up-to-date.
Given the challenges inherent in crafting a thesis on such a contentious topic, many students opt for
professional assistance. stands out as a reliable resource for those seeking expert
guidance. The platform provides a team of skilled writers who specialize in navigating complex
subjects like the compensation of college athletes. By leveraging their expertise, students can
enhance the quality of their essays and ensure a well-rounded exploration of the issue. offers a range of services designed to support students throughout the thesis-writing
process. From conducting in-depth research to structuring arguments coherently, their team of
experienced writers can provide invaluable assistance. By entrusting the task to professionals,
students can alleviate the stress associated with tackling this intricate subject while increasing the
likelihood of producing a compelling and well-reasoned essay.
In conclusion, crafting a thesis on the question of whether college athletes should be paid is
undoubtedly challenging. The complexity of the topic, combined with its evolving nature, requires
students to navigate a maze of perspectives and information. For those seeking support and
expertise, ⇒ ⇔ offers a reliable solution, ensuring that students can approach this
demanding task with confidence and produce an essay that stands out.
The problem with this is that the college athlete is in a way punished for being an athlete because he
or she will not be. Jay Bilas gives another example that if every studio colluded together and decided
to not pay the actors, but instead give them nice accommodations on set and pay for their expenses,
many people would not agree with this idea and say how the movie industry is a billion dollar
industry and that their kid is the star of the show making the movie studio so much money. Cash
payments should be made when the students play for an outside team or when hired by the
companies outside the scope of the school. Being paid is nothing new for students in other
extracurricular activities. All athletes of all sports would need to be paid equally, and this would
cause the institution millions of dollars in order to keep all of the sports programs running. Not only
do they devote a significant amount of time and energy to their sport, they also generate a
significant amount of revenue for their universities and the NCAA. On the contrary, college athletes
get financial reward in form of scholarship. If you want a unique paper, order it from our
professional writers. Students will be asked to make a claim and prove their claim with support and
reasoning from the information sources provided. Since they cannot have a job or get paid from their
sport, there is no spending money for them. These students often consider securing part-time jobs to
feed and clothe themselves. Student athletes are often unable to work part-time jobs, because in
addition to practicing and playing in games, they are full-time students who must earn passing
grades to stay in school. Athletes are put to work for endless amount of hours by their colleges, but
they have to pay their own hospital bill if they get injured. This paper is going to explain the pros
and cons that come with allowing student athletes the right to receive a salary. An individual can
manage their resource and to budget on what they think is relevant. Finally, paying college athletes
would provide them with some financial security and stability. Team sports like soccer or basketball,
as well as individual sports, are extremely popular worldwide. Roosevelt’s primary reason to form
this organization was to ensure safety of college athletes during games and practices. The NCAA
tradition cannot exist in the 21st century due to the associated economic and technological changes.
Besides, the successful schools get local, regional and national exposures that attract many student
applicants. A similar trend is seen in sports; athletes and coaches are paid highly to acknowledge
them and show appreciation. Also, state your stand so that the reader knows where your argument
bases and that's all there is to an argumentative essay on should college athletes be paid persuasive
essay. I feel like women should get the same amount of money that guys do. This essay can be
purchased here alone, OR as part of a comprehensive sports-themed unit. One article states, “Though
many athletic programs and scholarships provide health care services, student-athletes are not
afforded worker’s compensation protection if they are injured” (“Compensation for College
Athletes” par. 7 ). This just goes to show how corrupt college sports has become. I would like to
inform you about the life of a student-athlete attending a typical division I university. Will it be able
to broken or does the athlete have to stay all four years. For any other student it would be perfectly
fine for the booster to pay for his or her meal. Each paragraph in the body of the essay should
contain. They pay him so much money because he wins a lot of games.
Only athletes develop a tangible, visible and exciting base that is enough to make the alumni remain
connected with their respective alma mater. Julius Peppers was a college athlete for the University of
North Carolina he in his collegiate time at the university he was an athlete for the football and the
basketball team, but he just wasn’t any average player he was the star player of the football team
and one of the top players on the. When the late president helped organize this organization he never
would have believed the success and popularity over the years. Give us your email address and we’ll
send this sample there. College athletes should not be paid as, it will make the game unfair and just a
giant free agency. You cannot simply pay a football player more money than a rower or cross-
country runner because they might be more known. For example, they may have to adhere to strict
curfews, miss classes for games or practices, and face stricter consequences for breaking rules. Bilas
then brings up how people say the quality of the top teams would dramatically change because the
big-name programs have all the money. Then do you pay the upperclassmen only? ” (College). Julius
Peppers was a college athlete for the University of North Carolina he in his collegiate time at the
university he was an athlete for the football and the basketball team, but he just wasn’t any average
player he was the star player of the football team and one of the top players on the. Colleges have
prohibited the right of players to sell anything with their signed name on it to make a small some of
money to fill their pockets. Finally, it will offer a solution that should be satisfactory to all
stakeholders by allowing players to benefit while also ensuring the purity and integrity of the game.
What happens when college athletes decide to make themselves eligible for the professional league
before they graduate. Since college athletes are not allowed to work, even if they have the extra time
to do so, they have to sacrifice meals, new clothes, and other necessary items in order to save money
for they future. Balancing academics and sports is never a simple task and is especially challenging
in college. Athletes are simply but individuals performing duties for their teams and institutions.
Athletes in college are not yet professional; they are not playing at the highest level possible and
therefor should not be paid. Order all of your ideas into groups and write basic information to form
different categories and subcategories. This is a much needed first step in eliminating the moral
unsustainability of college athletics. International students will have the benefit of marketing student
globally. I was raised in Fayetteville, AR where the Razorbacks are located. Overall the NCAA is
allowing rules and regulations that benefit them to be left uninvestigated. This is one of the highest
levels any athlete would dream to compete in, therefore, it should not be taken for granted. Second,
the average NFL career lasts only 3.5 years while the average NBA career is 4.8 years. That is not
much time that these athletes are making this extravagant cash. Furthermore, college athletes
generate a significant amount of revenue for their universities and the NCAA. The scholarships in
most cases form the basis and only encouragement that takes many poor students to college. In the
article, Time Magazine discussed the debate on why athletes like Manziel should start being paid for
their efforts. They have made 10. Billion dollars in the past 14 years, yet they still don’t pay their
athletes. Secondly, college athletes not only deserve money because of their devotion, they also need
it for their everyday life. People in discussions of players that most important purpose.
Universities put in money through recruitment to find the right kind of athlete for their school. First
off, we must decide what qualifies under the pay to play category. So, if they want to get paid, all
they need to do is to get a job, and colleges even give them full scholarships to play for them. This
can make it difficult for them to fully participate in the college experience and may even negatively
impact their academic performance. Since the athletes are the primary source of athletics money, they
should then be paid. We tend to forget that college athletes also cover many non sports students at
their school. Being a college athlete has many challenges to it. He explains what athletes go through
every day during the week and how no pay affects them mentally and physically. This would include
ideas that the more successful a program is, the more money it brings in to the institution, and
therefore the more money its athletes should be paid. He then describes the luring effect that the
millions of dollars have on a pro-caliber player that is risking their career playing amateur sports.
Julius Peppers was a college athlete for the University of North Carolina he in his collegiate time at
the university he was an athlete for the football and the basketball team, but he just wasn’t any
average player he was the star player of the football team and one of the top players on the. Do they
deserve to be paid to play in the college’s band or as part of the art club. The athletes that provide
and make a ton of revenue for the colleges also spend a huge amount of their time practicing and
staying committed to sports, and have to maintain good grades in school which requires quite a bit of
overtime. Paying college athletes would make their lives less stressful for not only them but their
families and the people close to them. Next, I hope to discuss both sides in order to shed more light
on the debates that are taking place in the sporting world today. Most people look at players and just
say pay them cause they are good. College athletes own the sport and should be allowed to take part
in a decision that affects their well-being. That is a large subject in NCAA athleticss right now.
College athletes should not be paid as, it will make the game unfair and just a giant free agency. Up
until 1988, the Olympic Games were reserved exclusively for amateurs. If a student works 90 hours
a week at their unpaid “job,” and then spends 10 to 15 hours at a paid job. If academics was truly the
most important thing to the NCAA they would have had investigated UNC much more thoroughly
and given them a tougher punishment. According to Title IX, a federally mandated law, if
conferences and schools decide to increase the value of student-athlete scholarships to cover living
expenses, they have to do it for women’s programs as well. There are multiple reasons that this
should not be done, and it can have a cancerous effect on the rest of college life at an institution.
Instead, these costs have to come out of their pockets. Paying coaches and not including athletes in
the budget plan amounts to misappropriation of priorities. The next point Bilas brings up is the moral
side of the argument, The idea that these kids are generating billions of dollars in revenue for their
schools, but they never get to see any of that money for themselves. Colleges only need to
compensate students for their time in sports and should not ignore their personal sacrifices. Not only
do these athletes have to dodreadful workouts and practices 20 hours a week they also have to keep
up with their school work. The problem with this is that the college athlete is in a way punished for
being an athlete because he or she will not be.
It was believed that he accepted a sum of money from the university to transfer from Florida
University. Yet they are in no way compensated for this service they are providing for their college.
We use cookies to create the best experience for you. This is 100% legal. You may not submit
downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Since college athletes are not allowed to
work, even if they have the extra time to do so, they have to sacrifice meals, new clothes, and other
necessary items in order to save money for they future. I also state multiple facts about how the
coaches get bonuses for things the athletes accomplish so the coach can accomplish. These college
athletes go through many struggles during their time in college. There are multiple reasons that this
should not be done, and it can have a cancerous effect on the rest of college life at an institution.
While “the love of the game” feeling may have gotten an athlete to a Division I school to play and
the chance to display their. Recently, there has been a question running most of the minds of the
athletes as to whether students engaging in the sport should be paid since they represent the college
in athletics or not. Deciding upon paying athletes for playing may compel the college to pay all the
athletes for all the different kinds of sports in the college. It is essential to note that talented students
will most likely attend colleges that offer rewards for their efforts and thus most of management will
seek them immediately after high schools with enticing propositions such as scholarships awards.
However, after facing many of these incidents, the NCAA started making sure that their athletes had
some type of medical insurance to be able to play (“Compensation for College Athletes” par. 7). This
means that if an athlete cannot afford medical insurance then he is not allowed to play. Coaches try
to get players who they think have the talent to make them win and to persuade them to come to
their school they try to give them scholarships. They practice for hours each day, compete in games
and tournaments, and often have to maintain strict training and nutrition regimens. As the college
gets to profit from the team performance, it should provide compensation to the athletes who commit
their energies to the occasions. Will it make the universities more vulnerable to negotiations? “As the
have-nots compete with the haves, coaches would feel even more pressure to win, and recruiting
violations would only increase. As with all that money they can give players bigger contracts and the
other conferences and teams won’t have a chance to compete making games A lot less exciting.
Students will be required to write a formally structured argumentative essay. The article is mostly
ideas and reasons why the athletes should be paid. Schools such as Alabama-Birmingham and
Arkansas State are already unable to compete financially and physically with college football
powerhouses such as Alabama, Michigan, or Ohio State. What happens when college athletes decide
to make themselves eligible for the professional league before they graduate. They call it a
scholarship but he wanted to see the athletes to have some spendable money. This will further
promote admission in the well-reputed university. On the other hand, motivation also makes one
discover talent and use it for life benefits. So why not help the 53% out that don’t have money to
support themselves. If academics was truly the most important thing to the NCAA they would have
had investigated UNC much more thoroughly and given them a tougher punishment. With this
added publicity Boston College’s application numbers increased by 25% in the next year alone. The
scholarships that they receive cover school-related expenses. It brings in, as the authors argue, a lot
of money to all the colleges and universities.
After all, they are part of the reason for the revenue that the organization receives. “Those who
advocate payment argue that because colleges make lots of money through their football and
basketball programs, student athletes are being exploited if they don’t get a piece of the revenue pie.
We use cookies to create the best experience for you. The problem with this is that the college athlete
is in a way punished for being an athlete because he or she will not be. He completed it prior to its
deadline and was thorough and informative. ”. This paper is going to explain the pros and cons that
come with allowing student athletes the right to receive a salary. This idea reinforces free market
principles as well as an appreciation for student athletes’ hard work in the classroom and in their
respective sports (Reed, 2016). According to Title IX, a federally mandated law, if conferences and
schools decide to increase the value of student-athlete scholarships to cover living expenses, they
have to do it for women’s programs as well. Early morning workouts become a part of an athlete’s.
Ever since steroid use in competitive sports came to national attention in the professi. Paying college
athletes would give them some financial compensation for the sacrifices they make and the additional
responsibilities they bear. Shabazz Napier, a former college athlete from the University of
Connecticut sayed as follows, “There are nights that I go to bed and I’m starving” (Majerol par. 7).
With these struggles and limited amount of free time how can one expect them to attend all their
classes and let alone have time for a job. The sports events generate very large amounts of revenues
(Jerry). National Collegiate Athletic Association 2143 Words 9 Pages college athlete appears to be
outrageous to some. The author discusses the different reasons why they should get paid while
playing a sport in college. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. Nowadays, there are
many students who keep struggling and dreaming about getting a scholarship. Upon pressure by the
highlighted events through media coverage such as Euro sports and sports columnists, prominent
coaches think that this idea should be revived and have sought to have it implemented. More
students will talent will showcase their talent with the hope of receiving pay. Ever since my cousin
started playing college sports, college athletics have been a part of my life. College sports is a
lucrative business that seems to monetarily benefit all stakeholders except for the players. It is really
unfair that everyone gets their share except the ones responsible for it, the athletes. This notion that
universities and the NCAA are determined to keep education the highest priority is preposterous.
Paying coaches and not including athletes in the budget plan amounts to misappropriation of
priorities. It was founded for a place of higher education, with athletics there to support electives and
as hobby. Many people think that a student athlete is an employee of the school, however many
states and the NCAA have said that this is not the case. And even though many kids put 40 hours a
week or more into their playing, college students who follow the idea of putting 2-3 hours per class
hour into studying will put anywhere from 30 — 45 hours a week into their schooling. It dealt with
their football team and ultimately the quarterback Cam Newton. None of my college teachers and
administration considered visiting me. I believe that children should not be paid for good grades for
several reasons. As stated by” Only 18% of athletes that are pro come from
overseas” If college athletes want money so bad, why don’t they just go overseas and make 4-10
thousand dollars ( Washington post) a year and risk there draft stock as they play against weaker