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Gateway 2 Unit 4: Women and power

a-Common vocabulary of the unit
• Stereotype: an exaggerated or wrong image of the characteristics of a particular group.
• Violence: actions or words which are intended to hurt people.
• Feminism: a movement which claims to advocate the right of women.
• Self-confidence: a belief in one’s own abilities and skills.
• International women’s day: an occasion celebrated by women’s groups around the world on march 8th.
• Emancipation: freeing someone socially and politically.
• Polygamy: having more than one spouse/wife.
• Gender: male or female.

b-Prefixes and Suffixes

1. Prefixes
A prefix is a group of letters at the beginning of a word which changes the word’s meaning.
Example: dis – pre – anti – re – post – out – co – mis
Disappear – prehistoric – antibiotic – re-elect – post-war – outnumbered – co-exist – misunderstand
2. Suffixes
A suffix is a group of letters at the end of a word which changes the word’s meaning and often its part of speech.
Example: -cy –al -ance -ence –ism -able, -ible

privacy refusal – maintenance – eminence – communism – presentable - edible

Common Prefixes
Prefix Meaning Example
a-, an- Without Amoral
ante- Before Antecedent
anti- Against Anti-climax
auto- Self Autopilot
co- With Co-pilot, co-work
com-, con- With Companion, contact
contra- Against Contradict
de- Off, away from Devalue
dis- Not Disappear
en- Put into Enclose
ex- Out of, former Extract, ex-president
extra- Beyond, more than Extracurricular
hetero- Different Heterogeneous
homo- Same Homonym
hyper- Over, more Hyperactive
il-, im-, in-, ir- Not, without Illegal, immoral, inconsiderate, irresponsible
in- Into Insert
inter- Between Intersect
intra- Between Intravenous
macro- Large Macroeconomics
micro- Small Microscope
mono- One Monocle
non- Not, without Non-violent
Omni- All, every Omniscient - omnipresent
post- After Post-war
pre-, pro- Before, forward Precede, project, prehistoric
sub- Under Submarine
syn- Same time Synchronize
trans- Across Transmit
tri- Three Tricycle

Common Suffixes
Noun Suffixes
Suffix Meaning Example
-acy State or quality Privacy
-al Act or process of Refusal
-ance, -ence State or quality of Maintenance, eminence
-dom Place or state of being Freedom, kingdom
-er, -or One who Trainer, protector
-ism Doctrine, belief Communism, feminism
-ist One who Chemist
-ity, -ty Quality of Veracity
-ment Condition of Argument
-ness State of being Heaviness
-ship Position held Fellowship, friendship
-sion, -tion State of being Concession, transition, education

Verb Suffixes
-ate Become Eradicate
-en Become Enlighten
-ify, -fy Make or become Terrify
-ize, -ise Become Civilize

Adjective Suffixes
-able, -ible Capable of being Edible, presentable
-al Pertaining to Regional, educational
-esque Reminiscent of Picturesque
-ful Notable for Fanciful
-ic, -ical Pertaining to Musical, mythic
-ious, -ous Characterized by Nutritious, portentous
-ish Having the quality of Fiendish, childish
-ive Having the nature of Creative
-less Without Endless, homeless
-y Characterized by Sleazy
2- Functions: Apology (Saying Sorry)
Making Apology Accepting apology
I do apologize for…
I must apologize for… That’s all right.
I apologize for… Never mind.
I’d like to apologize for… Don’t apologize.
I am so sorry for… It doesn’t matter.
I shouldn’t have… Don’t worry about it.
It’s all my fault. Don’t mention it.
I’m ashamed of… That’s OK.
Please, forgive me for… I quite understand.
Excuse me for … You couldn’t help
I’m terribly sorry for… it. Forget about it.
Pardon me for this… Don’t worry about it.
Please, forgive me for my…. No harm done.
Please, accept my apologies for…

Grammar: Passive Voice

The passive voice is an easy lesson if we understand two things:
Sentence order.
The rule of passive voice.

1. Sentence Order
Consider these changes in the table below:
Active Passive structure
Subject (1) Verb (2) Object (3) Object (3) Verb (2) Subject (1)
Tom speaks English English is spoken by Tom
The students wrote the lesson The lesson was written by students
My dad is reading a newspaper A newspaper is being read by my father
As you may have noticed that the structure of the active is different from the passive in this way:
1. Active: Subject + Verb + object
2. Passive: Object + verb + subject
you may also have noticed that the verbs form in the active is different from the passive, and this is our next
step in understanding this lesson.
2-The Rule of Passive Voice
the verb form in the passive sentence is written this way:
Be + Past Participle
Important: (Be) takes the tense/time of the verb in the active form.
The following table shows the different tenses in the active / passive forms:
Tenses Active Passive
Simple present Leila feeds an animal An animal is fed by Leila
Present continuous Leila is feeding an animal An animal is being fed by Leila
Present perfect Leila has fed an animal An animal has been fed by Leila
Simple past Leila fed an animal An animal was fed by Leila
Past continuous Leila was feeding an animal An animal was being fed by Leila
Past perfect Leila had fed an animal An animal had been fed by Leila
The simple future Leila will feed an animal An animal will be fed by Leila
Future perfect Leila will have fed an animal An animal will have been fed by Leila
Modal verbs Leila can feed an animal An animal can be fed by Leila

4 -WRITING : Argumentative / Opinion Essay

An Argumentative / opinion essay is an essay in which you agree or disagree with an issue. It is in this kind of
essays where you are whether For or Against an idea or matter. You need to convince the reader that your idea is
right. Of course, this is done by providing reasons to support our opinion.

The outline would be like that:

I. Introduction
Explanation of the issue

II. Body

Paragraph One:
A. Your first argument.
B. Your second argument.
C. Your Third argument.
Paragraph Two
D. First opposite argument.
E. Second opposite argument.
F. Third opposite argument.
III. Conclusion
State a summary of your point of view.

Usually the questions are like that: What is your opinion / give your opinion / what do you think of / do you think that
• Introduction (explanation of the issue)
Nowadays the issue of …………(name the subject matter you want to discus) .....................is a serious matter,
because (give a general reason, don’t rush into details now) ................................. Yet, a lot of people don’t think
so. The reason for this is........................................ (give a general reason, don’t rush into details now).

• Body

1. Paragraph 1 (your arguments)

There are several reasons behind the importance of ……………………(name the subject)……. To begin with, ………
(The 1st reason)..…. secondly, …….(The 2nd reason)………………………... Also, ………………….(the 3rd
reason)………(note here, you can use as much as you can of reasons).

2. Paragraph 2 (the opposite arguments)

On the other hand, there are people who don’t stand on the same ground for this matter. They think so because of
different arguments. First of all, ………… (The 1st reason)…….. Moreover, …….(The 2nd reason) ……. In
addition to this, ……. (The 3rd reason)……… (note here, you can use as much as you can of reasons too).

• Conclusion (Stating your point of view)

To sum up / in my opinion / as I see it / I think / I believe that the issue of ............... is of a paramount importance
because of (state some of the reasons you provided before in another way).

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