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Daily News

May 22/2006.

of Italian teams

our home teams out of five won their matches today: Italy «A» against Mo-
naco 3,5:0,5, Italy «B» composed of young talented players, all of them un-
der 20, did it even with perfect score against China Taipei and Italy «C»,
which is sponsored by local authorities from Torino Province, conceded
just half a point to Haiti. As for the women, Italy «A» took all three poin-
ts, while Italy «B» was not able to put some resistance against a very strong Dutch team.
Among the favorites, perfect scores for Russia, Netherlands, Bulgaria, Spain, England, Germany,
Romania and Georgia among others. The surprise of the day is the victory from Morocco – 3:1
against India. As for the actual champions from Ukraine, they were obliged to concede half a
point on bord number one, where Ivanchuk didn’t manage to outplay Sergey Krilov, the ac-
tual World Champion for blind players.

India shell shocked

in inaugural round
he much hype about being Onischuk Alexander drew IM Ker Anthony
second seed and the pos- while GM Ibragimov Ildar was held to a draw
sibility of challenging the by - IM Garbett Paul.
Russians and Ukrainians USA struggled and India were shocked
for the gold ended in a shell other seeded teams like england, Ukraine has
shock for Indians who were outplayed by Mo- dropped valuable half point. Success in Olym-
rocco by 3 1 margin in the opening round. In- piad is relied on the momentum gained in
dia had rested the top two tables and with the initial rounds and the winning margin again-
rookie D. P. Singh on table 4. This unexpected st inexperienced teams. British Grandmaster
move has led to trouble when the top 2 boar- Nigel short said It is a a long tournament with
ds ended in a draw Harikrishna was unable 13 rounds but now India has their task cut out.
to attain a breakthrough against GM hischem Referring back to the 1994 chess Olympiad at
Hamdochi while Surya sekar ganguly with Moscow Nigel said We had a poor start but in
white pieces was held to a draw by Elbilia the end managed to pull ourself through to
Jacques. Karim Ismael conducted a enterpri- the first table. If it was 11 rounds as proposed
sing attack against GM Sandipan Chanda and for next Olympiad at Dresden it would be an
won panache while FM Arbouche Muhamed uphill task for any team dropping off 3 points
put it across the rookie Singh D P. in the opening round.
35 teams started off with the perfect sco- The women’s section the seeds prevailed
re by sweeping on all four boards Russia winning all three boards except Ukraine who
Netherlands Bulgaria Spain Germany Roma- conceded a draw WIM Zsiltzova-Lisenko Lu-
nia Georgia Poland Greece Denmark Iceland bov held - WGM Zhukova Natalia to a draw
Croatia Turkey Philippines Slovakia Vietnam while china, India Hungary, USA, Italy, Ar-
Lithuania Latvia Bangladesh were among the menia and Bulgaria had facile wins. Germany
teams that had a good day. dropped a half a point when Cua Sherily drew
Ukraine and England dropped a valuable - WGM Juergens Vera in a crucial match.
half point against IBCA and UAE respectively The Russian teams made a brilliant start
GM Conquest Stuart conceded a draw again- and they have a formidable lineup in both
st Abdul majid while Krylov Sergey held on - men’s and women’s team India’s debacle in the
GM Ivanchuk Vasily to a draw. USA just ma- inaugural round is an costly mistake and only
naged to get the better of New Zea land when their performance in the next 3 rounds will
the top board grandmasters highly rated GM spell it out.
Olympiad review

rejunavated russian team starts the campaign today for reclaiming their “Every game is important and we cannot afford any let ups,” was grandmaster P. Hari Krish-
hold on the chess olympiad crown. Led by classical world champion Vladi- na put it . “Last time we were a bit tired towards the end and did not score as much as we
mir kramnik russians are top seed and the favourites for the championship should have,” he said.. The two rest days should be the key for the title aspirants where their
title. GM Svidler Peter 2743 3 GM Grischuk Alexander 2719 GM Moroze- starplayers can be wrested , the total rounds is 13.
vich Alexander 2730 GM Bareev Evgeny 2701and GM Rublevskiy Sergey Russia, dethroned by Ukraine in 2004, will have the services of Vladimir Kramnik, Peter
2687 mark the impressive lineup. The russians are in strength and their players are in form. Svidler, GM Grischuk Alexander 2719 GM Morozevich Alexander 2730 GM Bareev Evgeny
For years India has remained among the also-rans in the Chess Olympiad. The biennial event,. 2701 GM Rublevskiy Sergey 2687. The russians are back in strength and Ukraine, will have
However with emergence of Sasikiran and harikrishna at the pinnacle of chess world rankings an uphill task of defending their title in the absence of the 2001 World champion Ruslan Po-
this event promises to be different since the second seeded India is a firm favourite for a medal nomariov . Similarly, Bulgaria will be without World champion Veselin Topalov. Third seed
in the open section and boasts of the strongest lineup Armenia shows promise and will be headed by World Cup winner Levon Aronian, the second
Seeded second the Indian team is spearheaded by Viswanathan Anand with Sasikiran strongest player in the event that has attracted 1243 players from 140 nations including 253
, Pentala Harikrishna , Surya sekar Ganguly, Sandipan chanda and the surprise winner of Grandmasters and 179 International Masters. UAE will face England on the opening round
National Champèionship The chess olympiad is not decided by the teams individual result while Russia will face Kazakisthan and surprisingly Former world champion Kasimdzhanov
barring a 4-0 whitewash but by the winning margin against weaker teams Rustam.

The letter of Interview

apology with Mr. Izoria Zviad
Name: Izoria Zviad during his teenage years and resulted
To Date of Birth : 06.01.1984 in him winning several youth titles,
Rating: 2647 including the 2000 World Under-16
The Chinese chess Association Current ranking in the World 60 Championship and consecutive Euro-
Highest ranking in the World 52 pean Junior Championships in 2001
Nationality : Tbilisi Georgia and 2002. His greatest success to date
Mr. Wang Ruinan Chess performance: is his victory in the HB Global Chess
World Champion : Under 12, 14, 16 & Challenge (2005), scoring 7.5/9. On
20 the FIDE world ranking list of January
Dear Sir, E U Champion Under 12, 14 2006, Izoria was rated a career-high
Winner of Baku cup in the year 2000 2652, placing him joint 52nd.
We are extremely sorry about the incident which happened on the occasion of the ope- Moscow Kasparov Cup in the year Accomplishments
ning ceremony of the 37th chess Olympiad. The incorrect flag and incorrect name of the 2000 Grandmaster Zviad Izoria, Fide rating
Chinese Taipei Team was introduced and this is exclusively our fault. We assure you that Winner of HB Global Chess Challenge 2541 from Georgia. 19 years old. have
this happened as a pure technical mistake and without any bad intention. 2005 won many youth championships: Wor-
We hope that you & your people can accept our sincere and deepest apology. We assure Part of Olympiad team for Georgia in ld U16 Champion ? 2000 ;European
you that all the necessary steps will be taken to ensure correct display of flags and names 2001 that took 4th place. U18 Champion ? 2001 ; twice European
in future events. In a span of three years since 2000 he Junior (U20) Champion - 2001, 2002 ;
We appreciate that you have been very cooperative in resolving this problem from the increased his rating by more than 300 and have taken 4 more medals in dif-
very beginning. points. ferent categories. I’m Garry Kasparov
Favourite colour ? 71% of victory with Cup owner in Moscow - 2000. I’m a na-
The apology will be also published on the website and in the official bulletin. We would White tioanal olympic team member, we took
like to thank you once again for your understanding and we wish you all the best. 4th place in Bled Olympiad. Georgian
5 times champion in different catego-
Zviad Izoria was born January 6, 1984 ries. Many international tournaments’
Michele Cordara in Georgia. His chess career began winner.
General Manager
37th Chess Olympiad
Regulations of Turin Olympiad
Blu Area Tribunes
Is allowed only for teams (4 men, 3 women and 2 captains) with GREEN CREDITS linked Are allowed only for:
TOGHETHER with the BLACK CARD (board 1- board 2 – board 3 – board 4 – C) 1.Not-playing players (reserves)
2. Members of Olympiad’s family without number 4 parterre admission
3.Spectators with Silver ticket

Red Area The TEAM with BLACK CARD has to come inside should enter through the door which
Is allowed only for: leads to the playing area. In this area all players can find: Bar - Toilets.
1. Journalists and photographers A smoking area outside the building.
2. Credits whit parterre admission (n. 4) The members of Olympiad Family should enter the playing from the main entrance (Ticket’s
3. Spectators with Golden ticket and stands area).
Men section 4
Parligras Mircea
Dominican Republic
Mateo Ramon
½ - 3½
Bendana Guy Dr
Gyimesi Zoltan
2 FM Munoz Lisandro 0:1 GM Berkes Ferenc

Round 1 on 2006/05/21
3 IM Hernandez Gustavo 0:1 GM Balogh Csaba
4 Mazara Adan ½:½ GM Horvath Adam
1.16 17 Georgia 4-0 89 ICSC
1.1 1 Russia 4-0 73 Kazakhstan 1 GM Kacheishvili Giorgi 1:0 IM Georgiev Veselin
1 GM Grischuk Alexander 1:0 Kozlov Roman 2 GM Gagunashvili Merab 1:0 IM Salov Sergey
2 GM Morozevich Alexander 1:0 IM Kuderinov Kirill 3 GM Gelashvili Tamaz 1:0 Nauryzgaliev Amangeljdy
3 GM Bareev Evgeny 1:0 IM Ismagambetov An 4 GM Arutinian David 1:0 Kovalenko Vladimir
4 GM Rublevskiy Sergey 1:0 Issabayev D 1.17 90 Algeria 1½ - 2½ 18 Cuba
1.2 74 Morocco 3-1 2 India 1 IM Adlane Arab ½:½ GM Nogueira Santiago Jesus
1 GM Hamdouchi Hichem ½:½ GM Harikrishna P 2 IM Haddouche Mohamed ½:½ GM Arencibia Rodriguez Walter
2 FM Elbilia Jacques ½:½ GM Ganguly Surya Shekhar 3 Khelfallah Omar Badredine 0:1 GM Delgado Ramirez Neuris
3 Karim Ismael 1:0 GM Sandipan Chanda 4 Seba Kamel ½:½ GM Quezada Perez Yuniesky
4 FM Arbouche Muhamed 1:0 Singh D P 1.18 19 Belarus 2½ - 1½ 91 Wales
1.3 3 Armenia 3-1 75 Venezuela 1 GM Aleksandrov Aleksej 0:1 IM Williams Leighton
1 GM Asrian Karen 0:1 IM Prasca Rafael 2 GM Dydyshko Viacheslav ½:½ FM Jones Richard
2 GM Lputian Smbat 1:0 IM Iturrizaga Eduardo 3 GM Zhigalko Andrey 1:0 Kett Tim
3 GM Sargissian Gabriel 1:0 FM Soto Oliver 4 GM Tihonov Jurij 1:0 Spice Alan
4 GM Minasian Artashes 1:0 FM Hernandez Alexander 1.19 92 El Salvador 1½ - 2½ 20 Czech Republic
1.4 5 France 3½ - ½ 77 Bolivia 1 IM Leyva Paneque Hector 0:1 GM Navara David
1 GM Lautier Joel 1:0 IM Zambrana Oswaldo 2 FM Arias Lemnys Antonio ½:½ GM Babula Vlastimil
2 GM Sokolov Andrei 1:0 FM Berrocal Jorge 3 FM Martinez Orellana Nelson Robert 0:1 GM Laznicka Viktor
3 GM Vachier-Lagrave Maxime ½:½ IM Cueto Jhony 4 FM Chavez Monterrosa Ricardo Ernes 1:0 GM Kalod Radek
4 GM Bauer Christian 1:0 Ferrufino Boris 1.20 21 Poland 4-0 93 Yemen
1.5 7 USA 2½ - 1½ 79 New Zealand 1 GM Socko Bartosz 1:0 Al- Harazi Khaled Saleh Yahya
1 GM Onischuk Alexander ½:½ IM Ker Anthony 2 GM Bartel Mateusz 1:0 Abdul Moula Sabri
2 GM Ibragimov Ildar ½:½ IM Garbett Paul 3 GM Wojtaszek Radoslaw 1:0 FM Mufleh Fuad Ahmed Mohammed
3 GM Kaidanov Gregory 1:0 FM Nokes Roger 4 IM Czarnota Pawel 1:0 FM Al-Hadhrani Hatem Ebrahim Ahmed
4 GM Akobian Varuzhan ½:½ IM Dive Russell 1.21 94 Thailand 0-4 22 Greece
1.6 80 Faroe Islands 0-4 8 Netherlands 1 Thamthawatworn Thaweechai 0:1 GM Kotronias Vasilios
1 IM Nilssen John Arni 0:1 GM Tiviakov Sergey 2 Teerapabpaisit Wisuwat 0:1 GM Papaioannou Ioannis
2 Poulsen Martin 0:1 GM Nijboer Friso 3 FM Jiravorasuk Banjuab 0:1 GM Halkias Stelios
3 IM Rodgaard John 0:1 GM Van Den Doel Erik 4 Chinvasyawong Pravit 0:1 GM Nikolaidis Ioannis
4 Ziska Helgi D. 0:1 GM L’ami Erwin 1.22 23 Moldova 3-1 95 Barbados
1.7 43 Italy A 3½ - ½ 115 Monaco 1 GM Svetushkin Dmitry 1:0 IM Denny Kevin William Henderson
1 GM Godena Michele ½:½ FM Van Hoolandt Patrick 2 GM Sanduleac Vasile 1:0 Farley Terry Ricardo
2 IM Bellini Fabio 1:0 WIM Lebel-Arias Julia 3 IM Slovineanu Viacheslav 1:0 FM Warner Delisle
3 IM D’amore Carlo 1:0 Calabrese Antonino 4 IM Soltanici Ruslan 0:1 FM Corbin Philip Arnold
4 IM Arlandi Ennio 1:0 Rapaire Jean Michel 1.23 96 Angola 1-3 24 Norway
1.8 9 Azerbaijan 2-2 81 Mongolia 1 IM Pedro Aderito 0:1 GM Johannessen Leif Erlend
1 GM Guliyev Namig 0:1 FM Batchuluun Cegmed 2 IM Campos Eugenio 0:1 GM Lie Kjetil A.
2 GM Guseinov Gadir ½:½ Gundavaa Bayarsaihan 3 Domingos Catarino 0:1 GM Gausel Einar
3 GM Mamedov Rauf 1:0 FM Byambaa Zulzaga 4 IM Sousa Armindo 1:0 GM Djurhuus Rune
4 Durarbeyli Vasif ½:½ Bayarmandah Balgan 1.24 25 Denmark 4-0 97 Lebanon
1.9 82 Kyrgystan 0-4 10 Bulgaria 1 GM Hansen Sune Berg 1:0 IM Eid Fadi
1 Shukuraliev Algis 0:1 GM Delchev Aleksander 2 GM Hansen Lars Bo 1:0 FM Khairallah Faisal
2 Samakov Nurdin 0:1 GM Spasov Vasil 3 GM Palo Davor 1:0 Kassis Antoine
3 Davletbakov Saddam 0:1 IM Petkov Vladimir 4 GM Schandorff Lars 1:0 WIM Mouradian Knarik
4 FM Tologontegin Semetey 0:1 IM Iotov Valentin 1.25 98 Uruguay ½ - 3½ 26 Brazil
1.10 11 Spain 4-0 83 Malaysia 1 Carvalho Guillermo 0:1 GM Vescovi Giovanni
1 GM Vallejo Pons Francisco 1:0 IM Mas Hafizulhelmi 2 FM Curi Gabriel 0:1 GM Milos Junior Gilberto
2 GM Arizmendi Martinez Julen 1:0 FM Mok Tze Meng 3 Larrea Manuel 0:1 GM Leitao Rafael
3 GM San Segundo Carrillo Pablo 1:0 FM Lim Yee Weng 4 Saralegui Mario ½:½ IM Fier Alexander Hilario Takeda
4 GM Narciso Dublan Marc 1:0 Chuah Jin Hai Jonathan 1.26 27 Iceland 4-0 99 Guatemala
1.11 84 Syria ½ - 3½ 12 China 1 GM Stefansson Hannes Hlifar 1:0 IM Juarez Flores Carlos Armando
1 Hamad Ahmad 0:1 GM Zhang Pengxiang 2 GM Danielsen Henrik 1:0 FM Juarez Flores Gustavo Enrique
2 IM Hakki Imad 0:1 GM Wang Yue 3 IM Kristjansson Stefan 1:0 Galvez Datin Eduardo Francisco
3 FM Omearat Adel ½:½ GM Ni Hua 4 GM Thorhallsson Throstur 1:0 Figueroa Figueroa Marco Alexand
4 Elbaba Ezat 0:1 GM Zhao Jun 1.27 100 Brunei Darussalam 0-4 28 Croatia
1.12 13 England 3½ - ½ 85 UAE 1 Pg Md Omar Ak Hafizon 0:1 GM Dizdar Goran
1 GM Short Nigel 1:0 Saud Mohamed 2 Hj Azahari Md Aliuddin 0:1 GM Zelcic Robert
2 GM Gormally Daniel 1:0 Yahya Mohamed Saleh 3 Hj Emran Ahmad Bukhari 0:1 GM Cvitan Ognjen
3 GM Conquest Stuart ½:½ FM Abdul Majeed Mohamad 4 Sabli Mohd Arif Afifi 0:1 IM Brkic Ante
4 GM Pert Nicholas 1:0 FM Othman A Moussa 1.28 29 Switzerland 3½ - ½ 101 Puerto Rico
1.13 86 South Africa 0-4 14 Germany 1 GM Gallagher Joseph 1:0 Ovalle Ramon
1 IM Solomon Kenny 0:1 GM Jussupow Artur 2 GM Jenni Florian 1:0 Velasco Santiago
2 FM Van Der Nat Nicholas 0:1 GM Gustafsson Jan 3 IM Forster Richard 1:0 Lamastus Jean Paul
3 Cawdery Daniel 0:1 GM Luther Thomas 4 IM Zueger Beat ½:½ Berrios Gabriel
4 Ophoff Jacobus 0:1 GM Lutz Christopher 1.29 102 Jamaica ½ - 3½ 30 Uzbekistan
1.14 15 Romania 4-0 87 Nicaragua 1 Matthews Shane ½:½ GM Barsov Aleksey
1 GM Nevednichy Vladislav 1:0 IM Davila Carlos 2 Pitterson Jomo 0:1 GM Gareyev Timur
2 GM Marin Mihail 1:0 IM Canda Danilo 3 FM Elliott Warren 0:1 IM Filippov Anton
3 GM Vajda Levente 1:0 FM Sirias Danilo 4 Rowe Duane 0:1 GM Iuldachev Saidali
1.30 31 Sweden 3-1 103 Trinidad & Tobago 1.45 47 Canada 4-0 119 Japan
1 GM Hellsten Johan 1:0 FM Harper Ryan 1 GM Charbonneau Pascal 1:0 Nanjo Ryosuke
2 GM Hillarp-Persson Tiger 0:1 Cave Christo 2 GM Bluvshtein Mark 1:0 Kojima Shinya
3 GM Cicak Slavko 1:0 FM Merritt Mario 3 IM Roussel-Roozmon Thomas 1:0 Sano Tomu
4 IM Carlsson Pontus 1:0 Singh Ravishen 4 IM Livshits Ron 1:0 Iwasaki Yudai
1.31 104 Tajikistan 1½ - 2½ 32 Slovenia 1.46 120 Cyprus 1½ - 2½ 48 Portugal
1 GM Amonatov Farrukh 0:1 GM Beliavsky Alexander 1 Antoniou Antonis 0:1 IM Fernando Diogo
2 IM Isaev Jamshed ½:½ GM Sermek Drazen 2 Kassinopoullos Polydoros 0:1 GM Fernandes Antonio
3 Khusenkhodzhaev Mukhammad 1:0 IM Borisek Jure 3 Florentiades Michalis 1:0 IM Rocha Sergio
4 Yunusov Ilhom 0:1 IM Lenic Luka 4 Klerides Paris ½:½ FM Dias Paulo
1.32 33 Serbia & Montenegro 3½ - ½ 105 Botswana 1.47 49 Scotland 3½ - ½ 122 Jersey
1 GM Sedlak Nikola 1:0 Gaealafshwe Barileng 1 GM McNab Colin 1:0 Wojciechowski Paul
2 GM Kosic Dragan ½:½ Njobvu Ignatious 2 IM Shaw John Kerr 1:0 CM Simmons Matthew Edwin
3 GM Popovic Dusan 1:0 Pitlagano Tebogo 3 FM Gourlay Iain ½:½ Hawes Jonathan Richard
4 Krivokapic Marko 1:0 Molale Ofentse 4 FM Berry Neil 1:0 Fulton Anthony John
1.33 106 Panama 0-4 34 Turkey 1.48 123 Macau 0-4 50 Australia
1 Baules Jorge 0:1 GM Gurevich Mikhail 1 Silveirinha Jose 0:1 IM Smerdon David
2 Arosemena J 0:1 GM Atalik Suat 2 Celis Solomon Bernardino III 0:1 IM Lane Gary
3 Valdes Rances 0:1 IM Haznedaroglu Kivanc 3 Mak Keng Kei 0:1 IM Wohl Aleksandar
4 Diaz Hector 0:1 IM Atakisi Umut 4 Ho Cheng Fai 0:1 Speck Nick
1.34 35 Philippines 4-0 107 Mauritius 1.49 51 Iran 4-0 124 Bahrain
1 GM Antonio Rogelio 1:0 Phillips Roy 1 GM Ghaemmaghami Ehsan 1:0 Bukhalaf Ebrahim
2 Laylo Darwin 1:0 Li Ying Patrick 2 IM Mahjoob Zardast Morteza 1:0 Al Afoo Shaker
3 FM Dimakiling Oliver 1:0 Chinnasamy Deevarajan 3 FM Sharbaf Mohsen 1:0 Alghasra Ali Mohamed Hasan Ahme
4 FM So Wesley 1:0 Marie Patrick 4 GM Moradiabadi Elshan 1:0 Mohamed Sheer Mohamed
1.35 108 Nepal 0-4 36 Slovakia 1.50 125 Kenya 0-4 52 Qatar
1 Malla Digesh Shanker 0:1 GM Timoscenko Gennadij 1 Magana Benjamin Omondi 0:1 GM Al-Modiahki Mohammed
2 Shrestha Keshav 0:1 IM Markos Jan 2 Singe Phillip Mbawala 0:1 IM Al Sayed Mohammed
3 Shrestha Bilam Lal 0:1 IM Petrik Tomas 3 Makatia Alexander Pani 0:1 GM Zhu Chen
4 Nepali Badri Lal 0:1 GM Likavsky Tomas 4 Mukabi John Mukuna 0:1 Al-Tamimi Hamad
1.36 37 Vietnam 4-0 109 Palestine 1.51 53 Finland 4-0 126 Libya
1 GM Nguyen Ngoc Truong Son 1:0 Moussa Alaa-Eddine 1 IM Karttunen Mika 1:0 FM Chahrani Ibrahim
2 IM Le Quang Liem 1:0 Tamra Attallah 2 IM Sammalvuo Tapani 1:0 Darur Fathi
3 GM Tu Hoang Thong 1:0 Cocogne Ludovic 3 IM Mäki-Uuro Miikka 1:0 Homrana Mustafa
4 FM Dinh Duc Trong 1:0 Abahrah Fayed 4 GM Westerinen Heikki 1:0 Madi Emad
1.37 110 Malta 1-3 38 Argentina 1.52 127 San Marino 0-4 54 Ireland
1 Sorensen Torben 1:0 GM Peralta Fernando 1 Guidi Guido 0:1 GM Baburin Alexander
2 Pace Colin 0:1 IM Flores Diego 2 CM Volpinari Danilo 0:1 IM Collins Sam
3 Borg Andrew 0:1 GM Zarnicki Pablo 3 CM Grassi Enrico 0:1 IM Quinn Mark
4 Gauci Joe 0:1 IM Valerga Diego 4 Cecchetti Roberto 0:1 IM Heidenfeld Mark
1.38 39 Lithuania 4-0 111 Surinam 1.53 55 Mexico 3-1 128 Netherlands Antilles
1 GM Kveinys Aloyzas 1:0 Gajadin Dewperkash 1 IM Escobedo Tinajero Alberto 1:0 Cuellar Oscar
2 GM Malisauskas Vidmantas 1:0 Matoewi Roger 2 IM Espinosa Rafael 1:0 Mensing Fabio
3 IM Zagorskis Darius 1:0 Mungroo Franklin 3 FM Dominguez Aguilar Guillermo 1:0 Flanders Cander
4 FM Savickas Airidas 1:0 Siban Michael 4 FM Capo Vidal Uriel 0:1 Maduro Sherman
1.39 112 Sri Lanka ½ - 3½ 40 Bosnia Herzegovina 1.54 129 Iraq 1-3 56 Egypt
1 Russell Majuwana Kankanamge Ath 0:1 GM Predojevic Borki 1 FM Hussein N A 0:1 GM Adly Ahmed
2 FM Weeramantry Sunil Parackrama Ra ½:½ IM Stojanovic Dalibor 2 Aly Gaten Jomah 0:1 IM Abdelnabbi Imed
3 Anuruddha Gc 0:1 IM Saric Ibro 3 A.jawad Ahmed 1:0 IM Ezat Mohamed
4 Wijesuriya Godigamuwage Luxman 0:1 FM Bogut Zeljko 4 S. Mohommed Zozik 0:1 IM Frhat Ali
1.40 41 Macedonia 3-1 113 Hong Kong 1.55 76 IBCA ½ - 3½ 4 Ukraine
1 GM Georgiev Vladimir ½:½ WGM Corke Anya 1 IM Krylov Sergey ½:½ GM Ivanchuk Vasyl
2 GM Nedev Trajko 1:0 Tsang Hon Ki 2 IM Berlinsky Vladimir 0:1 GM Volokytin Andrei
3 GM Jacimovic Dragoljub ½:½ Chau Sau Ming 3 IM Dukaczewski Piotr 0:1 GM Karjakin Sergey
4 GM Stanojoski Zvonko 1:0 Yu Marco 4 Pribeanu Dacian 0:1 GM Efimenko Zahar
1.41 114 Uganda 0-4 42 Latvia 1.56 57 Turkmenistan 3½ - ½ 130 Afghanistan
1 Kawuma Steven 0:1 GM Miezis Normunds 1 IM Annaberdiev Meylis 1:0 Fidaeyee Habibullah
2 Kantinti Shadrack 0:1 GM Sveshnikov Evgeny 2 GM Odeev Handjar ½:½ Heyayat Suliman
3 Munanira Isaac 0:1 IM Neiksans Arturs 3 Amanov Mesgen 1:0 FM Asefi Zaheeruddeen
4 Kaamu Joseph 0:1 Samolins Vitalijs 4 IM Grigoryan Karen 1:0 Sarwary Hamidullah
1.42 116 Liechtenstein 0-4 44 Bangladesh 1.57 132 Aruba ½ - 3½ 58 Ecuador
1 Mannhart Marcel 0:1 GM Rahman Ziaur 1 Jacobusse Willem Adriaan 0:1 GM Matamoros Franco Carlos
2 Ferster Fabian 0:1 IM Hossain Enamul 2 Croes Octavio 0:1 Medina Miguel
3 Guller Andras 0:1 IM Mollah Abdullah Al-Rakib 3 Pesqueira Jose Andres ½:½ IM Pazos Plinio
4 Schadler Martin 0:1 IM Reefat Bin-Sattar 4 Howell Alvin Alfonso 0:1 Guerra Tulcan Lenin
1.43 45 Indonesia 4-0 117 Namibia 1.58 59 Chile 4-0 133 Guernsey
1 GM Adianto Utut 1:0 Eichab Charles Sidney 1 IM Castellanos Renier 1:0 Rowe Peter
2 IM Irwanto Sadikin 1:0 Nakapunda Otto Zandell 2 IM Rojas Luis 1:0 Kirby Peter
3 FM Hamdani Rudin 1:0 Nitzborn Josef 3 Arancibia Eduardo 1:0 Ozanne Mark
4 FM Wahono Awam 1:0 Silver Willem August 4 FM Flores Mauricio 1:0 Forbes Garry
1.44 118 Honduras 0-4 46 Estonia 1.59 134 British Virgin Islands ½ - 3½ 60 Belgium
1 Zamora Roberto -:+ IM Kanep Meelis 1 FM Vantilbury Craig ½:½ IM Dutreeuw Marc
2 CM Medina Javier -:+ IM Sepp Olav 2 Hook William 0:1 IM Van Der Stricht Geert
3 Medina Ricardo 0:1 IM Liiva Riho 3 Lettsome Maurice 0:1 FM Gulbas Cemil
4 Ustariz Carlos 0:1 IM Seeman Tarvo 4 Christopher Art 0:1 IM Cekro Ekrem
Women section
1.60 61 Colombia 4-0 135 Bermuda
1 GM Garcia Gildardo 1:0 Kovacova Zuzana
2 IM Cuartas Jaime Alexander 1:0 Faulks Nick
3 IM Escobar Forero Alder 1:0 Miller Bobby

Round 1 on 2006/05/21
4 FM Barrientos Sergio 1:0 Freeman Nigel
1.61 136 Seychelles 0-4 62 Albania
1 Meier Kurt 0:1 GM Dervishi Erald
2 Meier Peter 0:1 IM Shytaj Luca
3 Zialor Michel 0:1 FM Qendro Llambi 1.1 1 Russia 3-0 53 Portugal

4 Kimende Ralph 0:1 Mehmeti Dritan 1 GM Kosteniuk Alexandra 1:0 WIM Leite Catarina

1.62 63 Luxembourg 4-0 137 Mozambique 2 IM Kosintseva Tatiana 1:0 WFM Coimbra Margarida

1 GM David Alberto 1:0 Andrade Ivan Sales 3 IM Kosintseva Nadezhda 1:0 WFM Pintor Ariana

2 IM Bakalarz Mieczyslaw 1:0 Alice Mateus Felizardo Viageiro 1.2 54 IBCA ½ - 2½ 2 Ukraine

3 IM Berend Fred 1:0 Maia Mariano Tesoura De 1 Zsiltzova-Lisenko Lubov ½:½ WGM Zhukova Natalia

4 FM Brittner Serge 1:0 Brumo Marques Victor Brigida 2 Maeckelberg Mieke 0:1 IM Lahno Katerina

1.63 138 Papua New Guinea 0-4 64 Paraguay 3 Stolarczyk Anna 0:1 WGM Ushenina Anna

1 Fancy Stuart 0:1 GM Franco Ocampos Zenon 1.3 3 Georgia 3-0 55 Iceland

2 Press Shaun 0:1 IM Cubas Jose Fernando 1 IM Khurtsidze Nino 1:0 WGM Ptacknikova Lenka

3 Jones Rupert 0:1 IM Bachmann Axel 2 IM Dzagnidze Nana 1:0 WFM Thorsteinsdottir Gudlaug

4 Skehan Craig 0:1 FM Patriarca Luis Carlos 3 IM Javakhishvili Lela 1:0 WIM Gretarsdottir Lilja

1.64 65 Austria 3-1 139 Fiji 1.4 56 Austria 0-3 4 Hungary

1 IM Neubauer Martin 1:0 Arora Neel 1 Mira Helene 0:1 IM Hoang Thanh Trang

2 IM Pilaj Herwig 1:0 Kumar Manoj 2 Kopinits Anna Christina 0:1 IM Madl Ildiko

3 IM Danner Georg 0:1 Gautam Asheesh 3 Sommer Sonja 0:1 IM Vajda Szidonia

4 IM Alvir Aco 1:0 Prasad Calvin 1.5 5 USA 3-0 57 Bangladesh

1.65 140 South Korea ½ - 3½ 66 Peru 1 IM Krush Irina 1:0 WIM Hamid Mrs. Rani

1 Kim Youngsoo 0:1 GM Granda Julio 2 Goletiani Rusudan 1:0 WFM Sultana Zakia

2 Lee Sanghoon 0:1 IM Cordova Emilio 3 Baginskaite Camilla 1:0 Khan Nazrana

3 Baek Wongi 0:1 FM Pacheco Marco 1.6 58 Malaysia 0-3 6 China

4 Kim Yongtae ½:½ FM Cruz Cristhian 1 Siti Zulaikha 0:1 WGM Zhao Xue

1.66 78 IPCA ½ - 3½ 6 Israel 2 Wan Khye Theng 0:1 Shen Yang

1 IM Obodchuk Andrey 0:1 GM Sutovsky Emil 3 Nur Shazwani Zullkafli 0:1 WFM Hou Yifan

2 IM Mikheev Stanislav 0:1 GM Avrukh Boris 1.7 21 Italy A 3-0 73 South Africa

3 IM Yarmonov Igor ½:½ GM Huzman Alexander 1 IM Sedina Elena 1:0 WIM Frick Denise

4 Vodyasov Evgeny 0:1 GM Mikhalevski Victor 2 Zimina Olga 1:0 WIM Ellappen Jenine

1.67 67 Andorra 4-0 141 Us Virgin Islands 3 Ambrosi Eleonora 1:0 Moodliar Suvania

1 IM Oms Pallise Josep 1:0 Wilkinson Sinclair 1.8 7 Armenia 3-0 59 Denmark

2 FM Garcia Paolicchi Raul 1:0 Allen Darryl 1 IM Danielian Elina 1:0 WIM Vovk Oksana

3 Monell Camarasa David 1:0 Jackson Francis 2 Aginian Nelli 1:0 Trine Rasted

4 Jose Queralto Daniel 1:0 Mongiello Anthony 3 Andriasian Siranush 1:0 Bekker-Jensen Anne

1.68 142 Rwanda 0-4 68 Singapore 1.9 60 Philippines ½ - 2½ 8 Germany

1 Murara Maxence 0:1 GM Wong Meng Kong 1 Lomibao Sheerie Joy 0:1 IM Kachiani-Gersinska Ketino

2 Kabera Godfrey 0:1 IM Chan Peng Kong 2 Perena Catherine 0:1 WIM Nill Jessica

3 Ruteremara Thetime 0:1 FM Lo Kin Mun Dominic 3 Cua Sherily ½:½ WGM Juergens Vera

4 Nzamwitar Aciel 0:1 Tay Li-Jin Jeslin 1.10 9 India 3-0 61 Brazil

1.69 69 Tunisia 2-2 143 Ethiopia 1 GM Koneru Humpy 1:0 WIM Santos Ribeiro Regina Lucia

1 GM Belkhodja Slim 1:0 Woldeyes Mekitew Molla 2 Harika Dronavalli 1:0 WFM Delai Paula Fernanda

2 FM Doghri Nabil 0:1 FM Belachew Yimam Abera 3 Swathi Ghate 1:0 WIM Chaves Joara

3 GM Bouaziz Slim 1:0 Belachew Kebadu 1.11 62 Dominican Republic 0-3 10 Bulgaria

4 Laouini Sami 0:1 Gebregziabher Brehane Gebre Mic 1 Perez Eneida 0:1 WGM Voiska Margarita

1.70 144 Chinese Taipei 0-4 70 Italy B 2 De La Cruz Mercedes 0:1 WGM Djingarova Emilia

1 Yueh Wei Po 0:1 FM Ronchetti Niccolo 3 Jose Polanco Keyla 0:1 WGM Velcheva Maria

2 Hicks Robert Paul 0:1 FM Vocaturo Daniele 1.12 11 Romania 3-0 63 El Salvador

3 Yeh Tzu-Hao 0:1 FM Cacco Christian 1 IM Foisor Cristina Adela 1:0 WIM Zepeda Cortez Lorena Marisela

4 Ho Hou Meng 0:1 FM Genocchio Daniele 2 Bogza Adina Maria 1:0 WFM Castaneda Ada

1.71 71 Italy C 3½ - ½ 145 Haiti 3 Calotescu Ana Cristina 1:0 WFM Melendez Gabriela Maria

1 IM Sarno Spartaco 1:0 Lebrun Piersont 1.13 64 IPCA 0-3 12 Poland

2 FM Castaldo Folco 1:0 Velery Afriany 1 Melnik Galina 0:1 WGM Zawadzka Jolanta

3 FM Molina Fabrizio 1:0 Bazil Joslin 2 Dymshits Galina 0:1 WFM Przezdziecka Marta

4 Pulito Alberto ½:½ Sanon Mondoly 3 Kudrina Aliya 0:1 WIM Majdan Joanna

1.72 146 Malawi ½ - 3½ 72 Costa Rica 1.14 13 Lithuania 3-0 65 Albania

1 Chimthere Alfred Charles 0:1 IM Gonzalez Bernal 1 IM Cmilyte Viktorija 1:0 Shabanaj Eglantina

2 Kamowa James 0:1 IM Hernandez Francisco 2 IM Ciuksyte Dagne 1:0 Pasku Roela

3 Mwanza Malama ½:½ IM Murillo Alexis 3 Daulyte Deimante 1:0 Gjergji Rozana

4 Sharra Leonard Lawrence 0:1 FM Jimenez Juan Leon 1.15 66 Guatemala 0-3 14 Greece

1.73 131 Sudan ½ - 3½ 147 Nigeria 1 Martinez Porras Ingrid Lorena 0:1 IM Dembo Yelena

1 Samir Mosad Obeid Nadir 0:1 Adebayo Adegboyega Joel 2 Mazariegos Kummenfeld Silvia Ca 0:1 WGM Botsari Anna-Maria

2 Ali Elobeid Salih Asim ½:½ Aikhoje Odion 3 Castillo Melendez Dina Lissette 0:1 WGM Makropoulou Marina

3 Ahmed Holi Ali Moawia 0:1 Olape Olubunmi 1.16 15 France 3-0 67 ICSC

4 Gismalla Ali Yousif 0:1 Fola Akintola 1 Leconte Maria 1:0 WFM Ryvova Anna
2 Milliet Sophie 1:0 Rossinskaya Liudmila
3 Lallemand Roza 1:0 Gonchar Svitlana
1.17 68 Indonesia 1-2 16 Slovakia
1 Kharisma Sukandar Irine ½:½ WGM Repkova Eva
2 Lindiawati Evi 0:1 IM Hagarova Zuzana
3 Handayani Tri ½:½ WFM Borosova Zuzana
1.18 17 Slovenia 3-0 69 Wales 1.37 37 Iran 3-0 89 Kenya
1 Srebrnic Ana 1:0 WFM Cast Abigail 1 Pourkashiyan Atousa 1:0 Abur Lyndah Amollo
2 Krivec Jana 1:0 Wilson Julie 2 Paridar Shadi 1:0 Wambugu Jane Wanjiru
3 Novak Ksenija 1:0 Blackburn Suzy 3 Ghaderpour Taleghani Shayesteh 1:0 Gichuru Everlyn Wanjiru
1.19 70 Italy B 0-3 18 Netherlands 1.38 90 Libya 0-3 38 Australia
1 Arnetta Maria Teresa 0:1 GM Peng Zhao Qin 1 Eman Ali -:+ IM Berezina Irina
2 Chierici Marianna 0:1 IM Bosboom-Lanchava Tea 2 Elnami Safa 0:1 WIM Moylan Laura
3 Brunello Marina 0:1 WIM Muhren Bianca 3 Wafa Mohamed 0:1 WIM Caoili Arianne
1.20 19 Serbia & Montenegro 1-2 71 Venezuela 1.39 39 Uzbekistan 3-0 91 Fiji
1 IM Maric Alisa 0:1 WIM Sanchez Sarai 1 Sabirova Olga 1:0 WFM Lyons Keiran
2 Chelushkina Irina ½:½ WIM Han Irene 2 Hamrakulova Yulduz 1:0 Sukhu Gloria
3 Maksimovic Suzana ½:½ Hernandez Zaida 3 Khamrakulova Iroda 1:0 Frentina Andrea
1.21 72 Scotland ½ - 2½ 20 Israel 1.40 92 Honduras 0F - 3F 40 Sweden
1 Milligan Helen ½:½ IM Klinova Masha 1 Duron Sari -:+ WIM Johansson Viktoria
2 Guilian Rosemary 0:1 WGM Borsuk Angela 2 Sevilla Persis -:+ WFM Pavlovskaia Evgenia
3 Hughes Rhian 0:1 WGM Igla Bella 3 Barahona Besy -:+ Andersson Christin
1.22 74 Puerto Rico 0-3 22 Czech Republic 1.41 41 Turkey 3-0 93 Trinidad & Tobago
1 Basem-Hassan Miriam 0:1 IM Jackova Jana 1 Atalik-Polovnikova Ekaterina 1:0 Kennedy Jane
2 Oquendo Chrissy 0:1 WIM Cedikova Katerina 2 Topel Zehra 1:0 Blackman Arlene
3 Martinez Natiska 0:1 WIM Sikorova Olga 3 Cinar Corlulu Nilufer 1:0 Guiseppi Lyndy-Ann
1.23 23 Spain 2-1 75 Luxembourg 1.42 94 Us Virgin Islands 0-3 42 Norway
1 Delgado Crespo Mairelys 1:0 WFM Bakalarz Grazyna 1 Widmer-Babic Gail 0:1 WIM Hagesaether Ellen
2 Llaneza Vega Patricia 0:1 Steil-Antoni Fiona 2 Bansal Vibha 0:1 WIM Sahl Sheila Barth
3 Hernandez Estevez Yudania 1:0 Boyarchenko Marie 3 Mody Ila 0:1 Hagesaether Torill
1.24 76 Afghanistan 0F - 3F 24 Latvia 1.43 43 Turkmenistan 3F - 0F 95 Angola
1 Kim Irina -:+ WGM Reizniece Dana 1 Geldieva Mahri +:- Guimaraes Luzia
2 Kohi Camilla -:+ WGM Rogule Laura 2 Hallaeva Bahar +:- Oliveira Engracia
3 Turdialieva Tahmina -:+ WIM Berzina Ilze 3 Ovezova Maisa +:- Rocha Valquiria
1.25 25 Cuba 3-0 77 Bolivia 1.44 96 Chinese Taipei 0-3 44 Bosnia and Herzegovina
1 Pina Vega Sulennis 1:0 Luna Rayza 1 Chen I -Chen 0:1 WIM Titova-Boric Elena
2 Marrero Lopez Yaniet 1:0 Ramirez Maria Eugenia 2 Yueh Elsa Wei Chung 0:1 WFM Dengler Dijana
3 Perez Rodriguez Jennifer 1:0 Cordero Daniela 3 Lin Elaine Yu-Tong 0:1 Dedijer Sanja
1.26 78 Sri Lanka 0-3 26 Ecuador 1.45 45 Kyrgyzstan 2½ - ½ 97 Malta
1 Methmali Uluwitike Gamage Yashod 0:1 IM Fierro Baguero Martha 1 Tilenbaeva Janyl 1:0 Pulpan Oana
2 Wijayawardana Dangampolage M.C. 0:1 WIM Moncayo Romero Evelyn 2 Sabirova Sofia ½:½ Aguilar Filipina
3 Koswatte Chandrika Thilini 0:1 WIM Vasquez Ramirez Rocio 3 Samaganova Alexandra 1:0 Aguilar Jessieca
1.27 27 Argentina 2-1 79 Jamaica 1.46 98 Namibia 0-3 46 Colombia
1 Zuriel Marisa 0:1 Richards Deborah 1 Swartz Celeste 0:1 WIM Ortiz Nadya Karolina
2 Burijovich Liliana 1:0 Zhu Hui 2 Swartz Stephne 0:1 Franco Angela
3 Sarquis Maria Belen 1:0 Thomas Vanessa 3 Ndjoze Ngangane 0:1 WIM Palao Maricela
1.28 80 UAE 0-3 28 Mongolia 1.47 47 Mexico 3-0 99 Netherlands Antilles
1 Mansour Mariam 0:1 WGM Mongontuul Bathuyag 1 Guerrero Rodriguez Alejandra 1:0 Flanders Uclan
2 Ebtissam Mohamed 0:1 WFM Yanjindulam Dulamsuren 2 Carreras Mendiolea Paulina Adria 1:0 Salim-Moussa Seydi
3 Kholoud Essa 0:1 WFM Bayaraa Zorigt 3 Estrada Gaspar Nelly Massiel 1:0 Balentin Nishanti . I
1.29 29 Moldova 2½ - ½ 81 Ireland 1.48 101 Panama 1-2 48 Macedonia
1 Smokina Karolina 1:0 Connolly Suzanne 1 Barria Raisa ½:½ WFM Sekulovska Vesna
2 Partac Elena ½:½ Quinn Deborah 2 Gonzalez Yaribeth ½:½ Kizova Aleksandra
3 Agababean Naira 1:0 Shaughnessy Elizabeth 3 Arosemena Bethania 0:1 Jonoska Katerina
1.30 82 Tajikistan 0-3 30 Kazakhstan 1.49 49 Peru 3-0 102 Qatar
1 Nuretdinova Elena 0:1 WIM Aketayeva Dana 1 Zapata Karen 1:0 Al-Khelaifi Aisha
2 Umarova Shakhnoza 0:1 WIM Zigangirova Sofya 2 Morales Luciana 1:0 Safar Alshaymaa
3 Antonova Nadezhda 0:1 Dauletova Gulmira 3 Aliaga Ingrid 1:0 Al-Khelaifi Salama
1.31 31 Belarus 3-0 83 New Zealand 1.50 103 Rwanda 0F - 3F 50 Finland
1 Popova Natalija 1:0 WCM Smith Vivian 1 Mukabatsinda Marie Goretti -:+ WIM Sammalvuo Niina
2 Sharevich Anna 1:0 WCM Maroroa Sue 2 Rutera Lilian -:+ WIM Rantanen Tanja
3 Berlin Tatiana 1:0 Chen Eachen 3 Umuhoza Grace -:+ Savola Laura
1.32 84 Costa Rica 0-3 32 Switzerland 1.51 51 Canada 3-0 106 Surinam
1 Da Bosco Carla 0:1 WIM Seps Monika 1 Khoudgarian Natalia 1:0 Naipal Victoria
2 Garcia Veronica 0:1 WGM Hund Barbara 2 Starr Nava 1:0 Hardwarsing Jyoti
3 Ramirez Karla 0:1 Gavrilova Anastassia 3 Khaziyeva Dinara 1:0 Malgie Wasudha
1.33 33 Estonia 3-0 85 Algeria 1.52 107 Uganda 0F - 3F 52 Azerbaijan
1 Tsiganova Monika 1:0 WIM Toubal Wissam 1 Namaganda Christine -:+ Isgandarova Khayala
2 Bashkite Viktoria 1:0 Toubal Hayet 2 Namutebi Joy Catherine -:+ Umudova Nargiz
3 Gansvind Valeria 1:0 Boudechiche Maroua 3 Namwaje Robinah -:+ Agasiyeva Fidan
1.34 86 Botswana 0-3 34 England 1.53 100 Nigeria 3-0 108 Yemen
1 Lopang Tshepiso 0:1 WFM Gilbert Jessie 1 Amadasun Rosemary 1:0 Raweh Adeela Abdulwadood
2 Mudongo Boikhutso 0:1 WGM Bellin Jana 2 Edward-Dappa Rachael 1:0 Awat Amimah
3 Sabure Ontiretse 0:1 WFM Tidman Sophie 3 Ikpa-Glewis Pauline Tresa 1:0 Jalal Amani
1.35 35 Croatia 3-0 87 Japan
1 Medic Mirjana 1:0 Nakagawa Emiko
2 Stock Lara 1:0 Ishizuka Mirai
3 Macek Vlasta 1:0 Hishii Ayano
1.36 88 Iraq 0-3 36 Vietnam Program Swiss-Manager developed and copyright © by DI.Heinz Herzog,
1 I. Ibrahim Delbak 0:1 WGM Hoang Thi Bao Tram 1230 Vienna Joh.Teufelg.39-47/7/9, Mail:heinz.herzog@swiss-manager.at,
homepage http://swiss-manager.at, User:DIPL.ING.HEINZ HERZOG, 2006/05/02
2 M. Muhsin Dhuha 0:1 WFM Le Thanh Tu
You find all details of this tournament on the Chess-Pages of the Wiener-Zeitung
3 Basil .b. Ghazala Zena 0:1 WFM Pham Bich Ngoc
Chess Olympiad
37 Olimpiadi degli Scacchi e
Torino 2006
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