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March 11-15-DLP

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GRADES 1 to 12 San Pascual National

School Grade Level Grade 10

High School
Daily Lesson Log Karissa Amor J.
Practice Teacher Learning Area MAPEH

March 11, 2024

Teaching Date and Ruby (8:00-9:00)
Third Quarter PE
Time Topaz (9:30-10:30)
Amber (1:10-2:10)

A. Content Standards  The learner demonstrates understanding of lifestyle and weight management to
promote societal fitness
B. Performance  The learner maintains an active lifestyle to influence the physical activity
Standards participation of the community and society
C. Learning  Expresses a sense of purpose and belongingness by participating in physical
Competencies / activity-related community services and programs (PE10PF-IIIc-h-48)
Objectives 1. Discuss dance steps and identifies key transitions between movements.
Write the LC code 2. Create dance steps with different hip-hop dance styles.
for each 3. Develop skills in doing recreational activity such as dancing.
II. CONTENT Street and Hip-hop Dance
A. References
1. Teacher's Guide n/a
2. Learner's Materials n/a
3. Textbook Pages n/a
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
B. Other Learning
IV. PROCEDURES Constructivism Approach – Direct Instruction (TGA Activity)


Routinary Activities A. Prayer

Let us all stand and seek the presence of

the Lord.

______, kindly lead the prayer. In the name of the father…


B. Greetings

Good morning class! Good morning, ma’am!

Kindly pick up all the pieces of paper and

arrange your chairs properly.

You may now be seated. Thank you, ma’am!

How are you today? We’re okay ma’am!

C. Checking of Attendance

Class Secretary, is there any absentees Nobody is absent today, ma’am!

for today?

D. Simple Reminders
Let us be guided with following reminders:

Motivate yourself
Always listen
Participate in doing activities
Enhance your skills
Help each other

Are you ready? Yes, ma’am!

Safety precaution and reminders before going

outside of the classroom

You will create a hip-hop dance and practice it

outside, but before we go, here are some
reminders for you to follow:

Respect: Respect fellow students and instructors.

A. Reviewing
Safety First: Always prioritize safety during the
previous lesson or
dance practice. Bring your class first aid kit.
presenting new
Listen and Follow Instructions: Pay attention to
instructions and follow them promptly.

Stay in Designated Areas: Remain in the

assigned practice areas and avoid wandering off.

Use Equipment Properly: Handle equipment

with care and follow usage guidelines.

Are my instructions clear? Yes, ma’am.

B. Establishing a
purpose of the The class will have their class made-warm up
lesson dance exercise.

C. Presenting
examples / You will create 5 minutes hip-hop dance and you
instances of the will present it after the given time.
new lesson
D. Discussing new
concepts and practicing
new skills #1

The teacher will divide the class into 2 groups and

lead them to their assigned practice areas.

E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing
new skills #2

F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Students will practice with their
Assessment 3) groupmates.

G. Finding practical
applications of
concepts and skills in The teacher will visit them and ask for students’
daily living. concerns.

H. Making How do you feel after dancing? (Students’ answer may vary)
generalizations and
abstractions about the After dancing, I feel energized,
lesson excited, and refreshed. It’s a great
stress reliever and leaves me feeling
accomplished and connected to the

I’m glad you enjoy dancing hip-hop. It’s important

to prioritize activities that boost your mood and
well-being. Keep enjoying the joy of movement!
I. Evaluating Learning Group Presentation

Execute the dance 10
correctly with
Timing and 10
Foster a positive 10
attitude towards the
Total: 30
J. Additional activities
for application or That’s all for today!
remediation Goodbye class! Goodbye Ma’am!

Prepared by:

Karissa Amor J. Trangia


GRADES 1 to 12 San Pascual National

School Grade Level Grade 10
High School
Daily Lesson Log Karissa Amor J.
Practice Teacher Learning Area MAPEH

March 12, 2024

Teaching Date and Topaz (9:30-10:30) Third
Time Amber (1:10-2:10) Quarter
March 13, 2024
Ruby (8:00-9:00)

A. Content Standards  Art elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge
and skills
B. Performance Standards  Create artworks using available media and natural resources on local
topics, issues, and concerns such as environmental advocacies
ecotourism, and economic and livelihood projects
 Evaluates works of art in terms of artistic concepts and ideas using criteria
C. Learning Competencies / appropriate for the style or form of media-based arts and design (A10PR-
Objectives IIIf-4)
Write the LC code for each

II. CONTENT Quarter 3: Health Trends, Issues and Concerns (Global Level)
A. References
1. Teacher's Guide Pages
2. Learner's Materials Pages

3. Textbook Pages n/a

4. Additional Materials from
B. Other Learning Resource n/a
IV. PROCEDURES Constructivism Approach – Direct Instruction (TGA Activity)


Routinary Activities A. Prayer

Let us all stand and seek the presence of

the Lord.

______, kindly lead the prayer. In the name of the father…


Kindly pick up all the pieces of paper and

arrange your chairs properly.

B. Greetings Good morning, Ma’am!

Good morning class!

You may now be seated. Thank you, ma’am.

C. Checking of Attendance

Secretary, is there any absentee for today? Nobody is absent today, ma’am!

Very Good!

D. Simple Reminders

Let us be guided with following reminders: Okay, ma’am!

Motivate yourself
Always listen
Participate in doing activities
Enjoy learning
Help as much as you can

How are you today? Were okay ma’am!

I know that you are eager to learn and to

have a fun-filled and enjoyable class today. Yes, ma’am!

A. Reviewing previous The teacher will give the students 5
lesson or presenting minutes to review the previews lesson
new lesson about Media-based arts in the Philippines.

B. Establishing a purpose The teacher will give instructions for taking

of the lesson the quiz.

1. Analyze each question or statement and

answer it on a ½ sheet of paper (length-
2. You will be given 20 minutes to answer
the quiz.
3. Cheating is not allowed. If you are
caught, I will get your answer sheet, and
automatically, your score will be zero.

Are we clear? Yes, ma’am!

C. Presenting examples /
The teacher will disseminate the test
instances of the new

D. Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new skills #1

E. Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new skills #2

F. Developing mastery CHECKING OF ANSWERS:

(Leads to Formative
Assessment 3) The teacher will let the students give the
answer of each question.

G. Finding practical The teacher will let the student practice

applications of their hip-hop dance.
concepts and skills in
daily living.

H. Making generalizations Students will practice with their group

and abstractions about mates.
the lesson

I. Evaluating Learning n/a

J. Additional activities for

application or Goodbye class! Goodbye ma’am!

Prepared by:


GRADES 1 to 12 San Pascual National
School Grade Level Grade 10
High School
Daily Lesson Log Karissa Amor J.
Practice Teacher Learning Area MAPEH

March 14, 2024

Teaching Date and Ruby (8:00-9:00) Third
Time Amber (1:10-2:10) Quarter
March 15, 2024
Topaz (10:30-11:30)

A. Content Standards  Demonstrates awareness of global health initiatives.
B. Performance Standards  Demonstrates competence in applying knowledge of global health to local
or national context global initiatives.
C. Learning Competencies /  Recommends ways of adopting global health initiatives to local or national
Objectives context (H10HC-IIId-e-4)
Write the LC code for each
II. CONTENT Global Health Initia
A. References
1. Teacher's Guide Pages
2. Learner's Materials Pages

3. Textbook Pages n/a

4. Additional Materials from
B. Other Learning Resource n/a
IV. PROCEDURES Constructivism Approach – Direct Instruction (TGA Activity)


Routinary Activities A. Prayer

Let us all stand and seek the presence of

the Lord.

______, kindly lead the prayer. In the name of the father…


Kindly pick up all the pieces of paper and

arrange your chairs properly.

B. Greetings Good morning, Ma’am!

Good morning class!

You may now be seated. Thank you, ma’am.

C. Checking of Attendance
Secretary, is there any absentee for today? Nobody is absent today, ma’am!

Very Good!

D. Simple Reminders

Let us be guided with following reminders: Okay, ma’am!

Motivate yourself
Always listen
Participate in doing activities
Enjoy learning
Help as much as you can

How are you today? Were okay ma’am!

I know that you are eager to learn and to

have a fun-filled and enjoyable class today. Yes, ma’am!

A. Reviewing previous The teacher will give the students 5
lesson or presenting new minutes to review the previews lesson
lesson about health trends, issues, and concerns
(Global level)

B. Establishing a purpose of The teacher will give instructions for taking

the lesson the quiz.

1. Analyze each question or statement and

answer it on a ½ sheet of paper (length-
2. You will be given 20 minutes to answer
the quiz.
3. Cheating is not allowed. If you are
caught, I will get your answer sheet, and
automatically, your score will be zero.

Are we clear? Yes, ma’am!

C. Presenting examples /
The teacher will disseminate the test
instances of the new


D. Discussing new concepts

practicing new skills #1

E. Discussing new concepts

and practicing new skills

F. Developing mastery CHECKING OF ANSWERS:

(Leads to Formative
Assessment 3) The teacher will let the students give the
answer of each question.

G. Finding practical The teacher will let the student practice

applications of concepts their hip-hop dance.
and skills in daily living.

H. Making generalizations Students will practice with their group

and abstractions about mates.
the lesson

I. Evaluating Learning n/a

J. Additional activities for

application or Goodbye class! Goodbye ma’am!

Prepared by:



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