Final DLP in SC English 2 .
Final DLP in SC English 2 .
Final DLP in SC English 2 .
C. learning
/ Objectives Identify cause and effect. (EN3RC-Ia-b-213)
(Indicate the LC
Code for each)
At the end of the 50-minute discussion, 75% of the pupils will be able to:
A. References
1. Teacher’s K to 12 Curriculum Guide for English 3
Guide (pages)
2. Learner’s NONE
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
5. Integration Environmental Education
Preliminary Activities May I request everyone to please stand up for (The pupil will stand
our prayer? to pray)
Good morning,
teacher! It’s nice to
see you today.
1. Come to class in
2. Raise your hand to
3. Listen to your
4. Follow directions
5. Be nice to each
Yes, teacher!
Is it clear to everyone?
Very good!
Before the Lesson Now before we begin with our lesson, do you (Student raised their
still remember our lesson yesterday? hands)
A. Review the
previous lesson
What it is all about?
or present the
Teacher, it is all
new lesson
about News reporting
Who can still remember the definition of News (Students raised their
Reporting? hands)
Teacher, News
reporting is when
people tell others
about important
things that are
happening around
the world, like
events, discoveries,
or changes.
Based on the video that you’ve watched, what (Student raised their
do you think is our topic for today? hands)
a. identify the cause and effect of the situation; (All girl's pupils will
read the first
(All boys pupils will
b. construct sentences showing cause and read the last
effect relationship; and objective.)
(In the last objective
all pupils will read it)
Okay, Kate!
We have six. 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6. (Picks the middle
Children washing
Now, Anna, what did you observe in the
their hands.
Are we clear?
Yes ma'am.
Am I clear?
"I will die from all the smoke, and it's so dark. I
will die with light and water. Have pity on me,"
Paz cried.
In the end, the garden flourished once again, (The pupils will raise
symbolizing the positive change brought about their hands)
by understanding and cooperation.
Teacher, it is Pat
Kalat, Paul Putol,
and Paz Waldas
Yes, Abby?
Very good! Let’s give her three claps. (The pupils will raise
their hands)
Yes, Abby?
(The pupils will raise
their hands)
After watching TV, I
should always turn it
off and turn off the
lights when not in
Very good! Let’s give them three claps.
Yes, Cheery!
In our graphic organizer, the bowling ball (The pupils will raise
represents the cause, which is the action or their hands)
event that sets things in motion. Just like when
someone rolls a bowling ball, it starts a chain
of events. He was sent to a
place full of garbage.
The pins, on the other hand, represent the
effect, which is the result or consequence of
the cause. When the bowling ball hits the pins,
they scatter and fall down, just like how an
action can lead to various outcomes or
None, Teacher.
Is it clear to everyone?
E. Discussing new I am happy and I can tell that you listen well to
concepts and our discussion. Now I prepared a group
practicing new activity, I will group you according to what you
skill #2
Yes! Teacher.
So, who among you likes to create a
poem? Please stand up without opening your
(Some students will
Okay, Thank you, Now those who stand up stand)
you can open your eyes, then come here to the
left corner of the room. Please move quietly.
Yes, Teacher!
Great. You'll have five minutes to collaborate
with your groupmates. Once you're done, each
group will perform and present their work.
Group 2 (News
Reporting): Pretend
to be news reporters
and create a news
segment discussing
the causes and
effects of plastic
pollution in oceans.
They could talk about
where the plastic
comes from (e.g.,
littering, improper
waste disposal) and
how it harms marine
Very Good Group 2! Let's give them 3 claps. animals and
Now Let's go to the last but not least, Group 3. ecosystems.
Group 3 (Drawing):
Create a poster
illustrating the
causes and effects of
plastic pollution in
oceans. They could
draw pictures of sea
creatures tangled in
plastic or eating it by
mistake, alongside
images of plastic
waste on beaches
Very Good Group 3! Let's give them 3 claps. and in the water.
Yes, Imma!
Yes, Annette!
Yes, Nicka!
Yes, Tesa!
Yes, Abby!
Number 2 is correct.
Number 3 is correct.
Number 4 is correct.
Number 5 is correct.
Yes, Rica!
Yes, Andrea!
Teacher, I think my
Very good, That's right. It might cause your teeth will hurt and
teeth to decay, that’s why we need to brush they will decay
our teeth after we eat something
Yes, Cara?
Yes, Yujin!
Teacher, Cause is an
action or event that
Very good!
Yes, Myra!
Teacher, effect is
the result or
consequences of
what happened.
Very good! That's correct!
Yes, Anna!
Gina always eats
candy, that's why she
got stomach ache.
Excellent! How about number 2?
Yes, Angie!
Ben studied well for
their upcoming quiz,
that's why Ben got a
perfect score on their
Very good! And for our last number? quiz.
Yes, Krizia?
Am I clear?
Yes, Teacher!
Yes, Mika!
Its letter B. Teacher!
Very good!
Number 2. Judy!
It's letter B. too, Teacher!
Very good!
Very good!
Number 4, Jona!
The boy brushes his
teeth, that’s why his teeth
are clean.
Very good!
Very good!
For example:
Prepared by:
Rodriguez, Juliane
SC-ENGLISH 2 Professor
Date: ____________