Final DLP in SC English 2 .

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College Of Teacher Education

Department of Elementary Education
Puerto Princesa City


School Palawan State University-Main Platform Face-to-face class


Name of Teacher Rodriguez, Juliane Time 50 minutes

Silva, Kyla Lea
Rivera, Eschi
Adion, Patrick

Learning Area English Literature Date May 10, 2024

Grade Level 3 No. of Learners 38


A. Content The learner demonstrates an understanding of paragraph

Standards development to identify text type

B. Performance The learner uses information derived from texts in presenting

Standards varied oral and written activities.

C. learning
/ Objectives Identify cause and effect. (EN3RC-Ia-b-213)
(Indicate the LC
Code for each)

At the end of the 50-minute discussion, 75% of the pupils will be able to:

a. identify the cause and effect of the situation;

b. construct sentences showing cause and effect relationships,


c. express the importance of taking care of the environment

through role-playing.

II. CONTENT Subject matter: Cause and Effect


A. References
1. Teacher’s K to 12 Curriculum Guide for English 3
Guide (pages)

2. Learner’s NONE
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
5. Integration Environmental Education

B. Other Learning Instructional materials, Dice, Speaker, Worksheets, PPT.

IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

Preliminary Activities May I request everyone to please stand up for (The pupil will stand
our prayer? to pray)

Kim, please lead our prayer. (Kim leads the

Good morning, Grade 3! prayer)

Good morning,
teacher! It’s nice to
see you today.

It’s nice to see you too. (The student will look

Before we proceed, can you please look around and pick up
around? Look under or beside your chair if the trash then put it
there’s trash. And if it has, go pick it up and put in the garbage.)
it in the garbage, and then you can take your (The student will take
seat. their seats.)

Let us check your attendance. Are there any

absences today? No one is absent,
All right! I am glad that all of you are here
Before we start, I want to remind everyone that (The students will
we have our classroom rules that we need to read the classroom
follow until the end of your class. Can you rules together.)
please read it all together?


1. Come to class in
2. Raise your hand to
3. Listen to your
4. Follow directions
5. Be nice to each

Yes, teacher!

Is it clear to everyone?

Very good!
Before the Lesson Now before we begin with our lesson, do you (Student raised their
still remember our lesson yesterday? hands)
A. Review the
previous lesson
What it is all about?
or present the
Teacher, it is all
new lesson
about News reporting

Yes, that’s right! The lesson we had yesterday

was all about News Reporting.

Who can still remember the definition of News (Students raised their
Reporting? hands)

Teacher, News
reporting is when
people tell others
about important
things that are
happening around
the world, like
events, discoveries,
or changes.

Correct! What is the difference between News (Students raised their

Reporting from a Short story?
News tells us real
things happening,
like in the world.
Short stories are
pretend adventures,
like fairy tales.
I'm happy to know that all of you can still
remember our topic yesterday.

Did you know class that our topic yesterday

had something to do with our topic today?

I have here a short video clip about the news


I want you to observe what will happen in the

news report.

(Video about the news)

What did the people do?

(Students raised their
They use fireworks
and firecrackers to
celebrate the New

Then what happened? (Students raised their

Many houses were
burned because of
the fireworks and
Very good!

Based on the video that you’ve watched, what (Student raised their
do you think is our topic for today? hands)

I think it is all about

"Cause and Effect".
Very Good! That’s right!

Our topic for today is all about “Cause and

B. Establishing a But before we start with our new lesson, here
purpose for the are the learning objectives that I want you to
lesson accomplish at the end of our discussion.

All girls, please read the first objective.

All boys, please read the second objective.

For the last one, Let’s read it all together!

At the end of the 50-minute discussion, 75% of

the pupils will be able to:

a. identify the cause and effect of the situation; (All girl's pupils will
read the first
(All boys pupils will
b. construct sentences showing cause and read the last
effect relationship; and objective.)
(In the last objective
all pupils will read it)

c. express the importance of taking care of the

environment through differentiated activities.

C. Presenting Before we proceed with our new discussion,

examples/insta let’s have a short activity first!
nces of the new
lesson I will show you three doors, each containing an
envelope. Each envelope contains a picture.
Then, I have here a dice, which will serve as
the choice of the student. We will roll the dice,
and the number that appears will correspond to
the student who will pick a door and explain
what they've observed.
(Student will raise
their hands)
Who wants to try to roll the dice? (roll the dice)

Okay, Kate!
We have six. 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6. (Picks the middle

Kim! Pick one door.

The children are
planting trees.
Okay, the one in the middle. Kim, what did you
observe in the picture that you chose?

Very good observation Kim.

(Student will raise
Thank you. You may now take your sit. their hands)
Let's give her 3 claps.
(roll the dice)
Who wants to try to roll the dice?
Okay, Regine! (Picks the door at the
We have three. 1,2, 3. Lance! Pick one door. right)

Okay, the one on the right side.

Open the door and show the picture inside of it

to your classmates
A child who throws
trash everywhere.
Now, Lance what did you observe in the
Very good observation Lance!

Thank you! Lance, you may take your seat.

Let's give him 3 claps. (Student will raise
their hands)

Who wants to try to roll the dice? (roll the dice)

(Picks the left door)

Okay, Ben!
We have 4. 1,2, 3, 4, Anna! There is only one
door left and it is a pink door on the left side.
Please open it Anna and show the picture
inside of it to your classmates.

Children washing
Now, Anna, what did you observe in the
their hands.

Very good observation Anna. (Students give three

Thank you. You may now take your sit.
Let's give her 3 claps.

I think it's all about

Now what do you think those pictures are all how we should take
about? good care of our
environment and that
we should not throw
trash everywhere.

That is a very good observation. But let's see if

that's correct, so you should listen to our
discussion very well.
During the Lesson Today, I prepared a story, the story is all about
the “Emma the Enchantress and the Three
D. Discussing new
concepts and Rascals”.
practicing new
Are you excited to hear what is this story all
skills #1
Yes ma'am
I am happy that you are excited.

Now before we start our story, I want you to

sing a song that we usually sing before our
story begins.

Are you ready?

Yes ma’am

“Roll your hands” (Sing a song with

Roll your hands,
Roll your hands, roll
Roll your hands as slowly as slowly as slowly your hands as slowly
as can be and fold your hands like me, like me, as slowly as slowly
and fold your hands like me. as can be, and fold
your hands like me,
Clap your hands, like me, and fold your
Clap your hands as slowly as slowly as slowly hands like me.
as can be and fold your hands like me, like me, Clap your hands,
and fold your hands like me. clap your hands as
slowly as slowly as
slowly as can be,
and fold your hands
like me, like me, and
fold your hands like

Now, I hope that all of you fold your hands

before our story begins and until our story
ends. Those who are noisy and don't fold their
hands will be asked a question about what will
happen to the story and if they didn't answer it
correctly, they will continue our story here in

Are we clear?
Yes ma'am.

Good to hear that.

In our story today we will encounter these


The first word for today is Enchantress

(Insert picture of enchantress)

So what do you think is the Enchantress?

A. It is a woman who uses magic or sorcery.

B. It is a woman who loves to eat sweet


C. It is a woman who loves to sing and dance.

It's letter A, Teacher!
Yes, Jay!
A woman who uses
magic and sorcery.

Very good! That is correct!

The second word for today is Conservation

So what does Conservation mean?

A. It means taking care of your brother.

B. It means buying foods that you don't usually


C. It means taking care of our planet by using

resources wisely and not wasting them. Teacher, I think it's
letter C. Taking care
Yes, Brenda!
of our planet by
using resources
wisely and not
wasting them.

Very good! That is correct!

And the last word for today is Consequences

What do you think is Consequences?

A. It is the absence of oxygen.

B. It is a result or effect of an action or


C. It is the feeling you get when you eat too

much candy.
I think it's letter B,
Yes, Nicole! Teacher! It is a result
or effect of an action
or condition.

Very good! That is correct!

Now, I request everyone to listen carefully

because after the lesson I want all of you to
know what realization each character has after
they face the consequences of their action. Yes, Teacher!

Am I clear?


Once upon a time, there lived a magical

enchantress named Emma, who tended to a
beautiful garden filled with fruits, vegetables,
birds, and animals. However, nearby, there
were three rascal children known as Paul
Putol, Pat Kalat, and Paz Waldas.

Pat Kalat, the king of trash, had a habit of

throwing trash everywhere.
Paul Putol is the enemy of all plants. He

destroying branches and breaking twigs.

Paz Waldas is the queen of waste. She likes to

waste water and electricity. She leaves the
water faucet running even if she doesn't need
to use the water. She turns on all the lights and
electricity and does not turn them off even
during the daytime.

"You are such a naughty children! You never

do any good!"

People were angry at the three Rascals, they

ran after them.
As the three rascals ran away from the angry
people in town, they raced through the busy
streets, laughing loudly. They kept running until
they found themselves at the entrance of
Emma's beautiful garden. Even though they
saw the lovely plants and trees, they still
decided to wreak havoc in Emma's garden.

"It would be fun to ruin this garden," Paul said


"Come on, let's wreck it," Pat agreed, tossing

some trash onto the ground.

"Let's destroy everything," Paz shouted,

turning on the water faucet unnecessarily.

Emma the enchantress arrived. She scolded

the three rascals but they only laughed.

"If you don't stop right now, I will punish you."

Despite Emma's warnings, they continued their

destructive behavior until Emma, angered by
their actions, decided to teach them a lesson.

" Everyone should be taught a lesson."

With a wave of her hand, Emma transformed

the children's surroundings:

Paul Putol found himself in a desert, realizing

the importance of plants and water.

"What happened? Where are the trees? It's so

hot here." Paul exclaimed while trying to find a
tree for shelter.

As he wandered around he became thirsty, he

looked for water but there was no water to be
found in a desert.
"So this is how it is without plants and trees,
There's no water too." Paul realized.

" I need water, I need trees. Have pity on me,"

Paul cried.

Pat Kalat ended up in a smelly garbage dump,

experiencing the consequences of his littering

"Eww, what's that smell? And why are there so

many cockroaches and rats, and why are they
so big" Pat cried out, as he was running away
because the big rats chased after him.

Pat was very sacred,

" So this is how it is when everything is dirty,"

Said Pat.

" I don't want to be eaten by rats, I don't want

to get sick. Please save me," Pat cried.

Paz Waldas found herself in a dark, polluted

city, understanding the value of light and clean

"Why is it so dark? And why is the air so

thick?" Paz gasped, coughing as she looked

" Why are the people so thin? There's a faucet

but no there's no water." Said Paz

"I will die from all the smoke, and it's so dark. I
will die with light and water. Have pity on me,"
Paz cried.

Frightened and remorseful, the children

pleaded for mercy and promised to change
their ways.

"We're sorry! We'll do better, we promise!" they

cried out together.

Emma, moved by their sincerity, offered them

a chance to redeem themselves by helping her
restore the garden.

"You should learn to clean your surroundings.

You should all learn to plant and learn to save
your resources," said Emma, the enchantress.

"I'll stop littering," Pat promised earnestly,

picking up pieces of trash.

"I'll stop cutting down plants," Paul vowed and

helped her plant some trees.

"I'll stop wasting water and electricity," Paz

pledged, turning off unnecessary lights and
Through their newfound efforts, the children
learned valuable lessons about cleanliness,
conservation, and responsibility.

In the end, the garden flourished once again, (The pupils will raise
symbolizing the positive change brought about their hands)
by understanding and cooperation.
Teacher, it is Pat
Kalat, Paul Putol,
and Paz Waldas

(The pupils will raise

their hands)
Questions: Teacher, the
Who are the Characters of the story?
punishes the three
Yes, Nilo! rascals.

(The pupils will raise

their hands)
Very good! Let’s give him three claps.
Teacher, the
What did the enchantress do to the Three enchantress
Rascals? punishes them
Yes, Mark? because they destroy
her garden by
throwing trash
destroying the plants,
Very good! Let’s give him three claps. and wasting water.
Why did the enchantress punish them?

Yes, Abby?

(The pupils will raise

their hands)

Teacher, Paul Putol

learned that plants
and trees are
important for
providing shade.

Very good! Let’s give her three claps. (The pupils will raise
their hands)

Pat Kalat learned

What did the three rascals learn after being
that if he throws
punished by the enchantress?
garbage everywhere
Give one. Anika? is harmful to the
environment and will
make the place dirty
and smelly.

(The pupils will raise

their hands)
Very good! What about Pat Kalat?
Paz Waldas learned
Yes, Regine? to conserve
electricity and water.
She realized that
wasting water and
electricity harms the
environment. She
also learned to use it

Well said! What about Paz Waldas?

Yes, Abby?
(The pupils will raise
their hands)
After watching TV, I
should always turn it
off and turn off the
lights when not in
Very good! Let’s give them three claps.

What activities you are doing that are similar to

You will pay a higher
those characters, and what changes could you
electricity bill.
make to stop it?

Yes, Cheery!

Well said! Because one decision can affect

what happens next. Like what Cheery said. If
you left your TV and lights turned on even if it's
not in use, what do you think will happen?

That's right, the electricity bill will increase.

I have here a simple representation of the

relationship between the cause and effect.
(The pupils will raise
their hands)

Pat Kalat throws

trash everywhere.

In our graphic organizer, the bowling ball (The pupils will raise
represents the cause, which is the action or their hands)
event that sets things in motion. Just like when
someone rolls a bowling ball, it starts a chain
of events. He was sent to a
place full of garbage.
The pins, on the other hand, represent the
effect, which is the result or consequence of
the cause. When the bowling ball hits the pins,
they scatter and fall down, just like how an
action can lead to various outcomes or

For example in our story, Pat Kalat throws

trash everywhere, That's why he was sent to a
place full of garbage.

What do you think is the cause?

(The pupils will raise
Yes, Princess! their hands)

Paul Putol loves to

destroy plants,
so/that's why he was
sent to a desert
without trees and
And what is the effect?
Yes, Fie!

The cause is Paul

Putol loves to
That's right! destroy plants and
the effect is that he
So, in our example with Pat Kalat, throwing
was sent to a desert
trash everywhere is the cause. This action without trees and
leads to the effect that he was sent to a place water.
full of trash.

Now, I want you to try it with Paul Putol's

situation. Do you still remember what
happened to Paul Putol?

Who wants to try it on the board?

Yes, Beverly! (The pupils will raise

their hands)

Paz Waldas wasted

water and electricity,
so/that's why she
was sent to a dark
and polluted city
without access to
Very good!
clean water.
What do you think is the cause and what is the
effect, Beverly?

The cause is Paz

Waldas wasted water
and electricity and
the effect is that he
was sent to a dark
and polluted city
Very good! That is correct. without clean water.

So the cause is that Paul Putol loves to destroy

plants, and the effect is he was sent to a desert
without trees and water.

Let’s give Beverly 5 claps.

Now, who wants to try in Paz Waldas?

Yes, Freya! Yes, Teacher.

None, Teacher.

Very good! That’s correct. What is the cause?

And what is the effect?

Let’s give Freya 5 Claps.

Remember class that cause is an action or

event that happened, while the effect is the
result or consequences of what happened.

Is it clear to everyone?

Or do you have any questions? Clarifications?

If none, then let’s proceed to our group activity.

E. Discussing new I am happy and I can tell that you listen well to
concepts and our discussion. Now I prepared a group
practicing new activity, I will group you according to what you
skill #2

So I want everyone to please close your eyes.

If you are interested or you like what I will
mention please stand up without opening your
eyes if it’s not what you like, please remain
sited and your eyes closed. Is it clear?

Yes! Teacher.
So, who among you likes to create a
poem? Please stand up without opening your
(Some students will
Okay, Thank you, Now those who stand up stand)
you can open your eyes, then come here to the
left corner of the room. Please move quietly.

Now, who among you want to become a news

reporter? (Some students will
Okay, Thank you, Now those who want to be a stand)
reporter please stand up and open your eyes,
then come here to the right corner of our room.

Now the last group will be those who want to


(Some students will

All right, Now those who want to draw please
stand up open your eyes, and go to the back of
our room.

Now that everyone has a group, please sit

down and listen carefully to the directions for
our activity today.

All right, everyone, let's clarify the rules for

each group. Here I have a prepared situation
for everyone. Group 1, you'll be crafting a
poem, Group 2, you're the reporters, And
Group 3, you'll be drawing.

Now, each group needs to brainstorm and

come up with a good idea on how to present
your assigned task to the class. Is it clear?

Yes, Teacher!
Great. You'll have five minutes to collaborate
with your groupmates. Once you're done, each
group will perform and present their work.

Ready? Then, Let's get started! Group 1.

Group 1 (Poem):
They will write a
simple poem about
sea creatures
affected by plastic
pollution. They can
explore how animals
mistake plastic for
food and how it
harms them,
highlighting the
cause (plastic waste)
Very Good Group 1! Let's give them 3 claps.
and effect (harm to
Now Let's proceed to Group 2.
marine life).

Group 2 (News
Reporting): Pretend
to be news reporters
and create a news
segment discussing
the causes and
effects of plastic
pollution in oceans.
They could talk about
where the plastic
comes from (e.g.,
littering, improper
waste disposal) and
how it harms marine
Very Good Group 2! Let's give them 3 claps. animals and
Now Let's go to the last but not least, Group 3. ecosystems.

Group 3 (Drawing):
Create a poster
illustrating the
causes and effects of
plastic pollution in
oceans. They could
draw pictures of sea
creatures tangled in
plastic or eating it by
mistake, alongside
images of plastic
waste on beaches
Very Good Group 3! Let's give them 3 claps. and in the water.

I am amazed that everyone did their best to

showcase their different performance and
presentation. I appreciate that everyone
participates in our group activity. Give
yourselves a round of applause.

F. Developing As we finished the group activity, I could tell

mastery that every one of you understood our topic for

Now, I prepared a short individual activity. I

have here pictures of cause and effect and I
want all of you to construct a sentence
according to what you observe. Answer it in
your notebook. Is that clear?
Yes, teacher.
Is everyone finished answering their
worksheet? Pencil up to those who are done
answering. (Student will raise
their pencil)

Thank you, everyone, you can put your pencil


Who wants to answer number 1 on the board?

Yes, Imma!

The boy is jumping

on the couch, that's
why he fell.

How about number 2?

Yes, Annette!

The boy is playing

with matches, that's
why the Christmas
tree catches fire.
How about number 3?

Yes, Nicka!

The boy pulls the

cat's tail, that's why
the cat scratches
How about number 4?

Yes, Tesa!

She put the plastic

on her head, that's
why she can't
How about number 5?

Yes, Abby!

She wants to steal

the bone from the
dog, and that's why
the dog bit her.

Very good everyone, Thank you for your

participation. Now let's check if your answers
are correct. Check your own paper, be honest
Number 1 is correct.

Number 2 is correct.

Number 3 is correct.

Number 4 is correct.

Number 5 is correct.

Who among you got 5 correct answers?

Wow! Very good!

(Some students will
How about 4? raise their hands)

(Some students will

Very good! raise their hands)
How about 3?
(Some students will
Very good!
raise their hands)
How about 2?

How about 1? Zero?

(No one raises their
Amazing everyone! I don't see someone who hands)
got 2 as their score. So let's give yourselves a
round of applause.

Now please pass your paper in front.

G. Finding So, did you enjoy your lesson today?

applications of Yes, Teacher!
concepts and
skills in daily Very good, I am glad that you've enjoyed our
living lesson a lot today.

So now we are having an activity and this is

called PASS ME.

Activity: PASS ME!

Instruction: The dice need to be passed to your

seatmate when the song is playing, the one
who holds the dice when the music stops will
answer the question.
1. You are playing with your toy blocks and
you forget to put them back in the box,
then you step on one of the blocks, what
do you think will happen to your foot?

Yes, Rica!

Very good! You will hurt your foot if you step

on your building blocks, so that's why you need I will hurt my foot,
to clean it, and put it where it should be after Teacher!
you use it.

2. You were eating too much chocolate and

you forgot to brush your teeth, what do
you think will happen to your teeth?

Yes, Andrea!

Teacher, I think my
Very good, That's right. It might cause your teeth will hurt and
teeth to decay, that’s why we need to brush they will decay
our teeth after we eat something

3. Can you recall something you did that had

an immediate effect? I will share first okay

I have an experience where my Mom warned

me about the hot surface of the frying pan, but
I still touched it so after I touched it I was

How about you, class?

Who wants to share their story?

Yes, Cara?

When I was running

in the hallway I
So who wants to share another experience? accidentally tripped
and fell.
Yes, Bella!
Teacher, when I
didn't study for our
Very good for those who share their quiz that's why I got
experiences! Those experiences are the best a low score.
examples of cause and effect.

H. Making What have you learned today?

and Yes, Haina!
abstractions About Cause and
about the Effect, Teacher!
Very good!

Again, what is the cause?

Yes, Yujin!
Teacher, Cause is an
action or event that

Very good!

How about the effect?

Yes, Myra!
Teacher, effect is
the result or
consequences of
what happened.
Very good! That's correct!

Here I prepared a short activity. For the first

two numbers you will fill in the blank box and
the last one is construct your sentence based
on what you observed in the picture.
So number one, who wants to try and answer
number 1?

Yes, Anna!
Gina always eats
candy, that's why she
got stomach ache.
Excellent! How about number 2?

Yes, Angie!
Ben studied well for
their upcoming quiz,
that's why Ben got a
perfect score on their
Very good! And for our last number? quiz.

Yes, Krizia?

The boy throws his

garbage on the
ground, that's why it
pillows up and
Magnificent! Thank you! Everyone of you really becomes smelly.
did your best to listen and participate carefully
in our discussion today.

So is everything clear? Do you have any

questions? Clarification?
If none, let's proceed to our assessment for

I. Evaluating In our assessment, I prepared a 2 items

learning multiple choice and 3 items for constructing a
sentence. In the multiple-choice, you will
encircle the letter of the correct answer. For
test two construct a sentence about cause and
effect based on the given picture.

Am I clear?
Yes, Teacher!

You may now start to answer your worksheet. I

will give you 5 minutes to answer it.

Is everyone done? Pencil up if you're done.

Okay, time is up.

Who wants to answer number 1?

Yes, Mika!
Its letter B. Teacher!

Very good!

Number 2. Judy!
It's letter B. too, Teacher!
Very good!

Number 3, Yes, Abee! The boy throws trash into

the sea, that’s why the
dolphin eats the trash.

Very good!

Number 4, Jona!
The boy brushes his
teeth, that’s why his teeth
are clean.

Very good!

And number 5, Yes Mila! The girl kicks the cat,

that’s why the cat bites

Very good!

J. Additional Assignment: Draw a picture or write a short

activities for story about a cause and its effect.
application or

For example:

Cause: Forgetting to water a plant.

Effect: The plant wilts and turns brown.


Prepared by:

Rodriguez, Juliane

Silva, Kyla Lea

Adion, John Patrick

Rivera, Eschi Approved

SC-ENGLISH 2 Professor
Date: ____________

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