MT Notes Unit I
MT Notes Unit I
MT Notes Unit I
The pattern is the primary tool during the casting process. It is the replica of the object to be made by the
casting process, with some modifications. The main modifications are the
addition of pattern allowances, and the provision of core prints. If the casting is to
be hollow, additional patterns called cores are used to create these cavities in the
finished product. The quality of the casting produced depends upon the material
of the pattern, its design, and construction. The costs of the pattern and the related
equipment are reflected in the cost of the casting.
Types of pattern
1. Single piece pattern (or) solid pattern
This is the simplest type of pattern, exactly like the desired casting.
For making a mould, the pattern is accommodated either in cope or drag. Used
for producing a few large castings, for example, stuffing box of steam engine.
Refer Figure 1.2
These patterns are split along the parting plane (which may be flat or irregular surface) to facilitate the
extraction of the pattern out of the mould before the
pouring operation. The two part of the pattern are joined together
with the help of dowel pins. For a more complex casting, the pattern
may be split in more than two parts. Refer Figure 1.3
match plate, so that very little hand work is required. This results in higher
productivity. This type of pattern is used for a large number of castings.
Several patterns are mounted on one match plate if the size of the casting is
small. Generally match plate pattern are used for moulding by moulding
machine. Piston rings of I.C. engines are produced by this process. Refer
Figure 1.4
5. Gated pattern
6. Sweep pattern
7. Skeleton pattern
For large castings having simple geometrical shapes, skeleton patterns are used. Just like sweep patterns,
these are simple wooden frames that outline the shape of the part to be
cast and are also used as guides by the molder in the hand shaping of
the mould. This type of pattern is also used in pit or floor molding
process. Refer Figure 1.8
8. Segmental pattern
9. Shell pattern
It is a hollow pattern. The outer shape is used as mould, the core is placed inside the pattern, and hence it is also
named as block pattern. This pattern is made of two half similar to split pattern but only for curved path, joined by
dowel pin (refer figure 1.10. Example of product: curved drainage fitting.
Pattern Material
Patterns may be constructed from the following materials. Each material has its own advantages,
limitations, and field of application. Some materials used for making patterns are: wood, metals and alloys, plastic,
plaster of Paris, plastic and rubbers, wax, and resins. To be suitable for use, the pattern material should be:
The usual pattern materials are wood, metal, and plastics. The most commonly used pattern material is
wood, since it is readily available and of low weight. Also, it can be easily shaped and is relatively cheap. The main
disadvantage of wood is its absorption of moisture, which can cause distortion and dimensional changes. Hence,
proper seasoning and upkeep of wood is almost a pre-requisite for large-scale use of wood as a pattern material.
Based on the above factor, we can choose the pattern material as follows:
Wood is a common material for the preparation for pattern and it should be dried and seasoned. It should
not contain more than 10% moisture to avoid warping and distortion during subsequent drying. It should be straight
grained and free from knots.
Merits: Demerits:
1. Light in weight 1. Non-uniform structure
2. Comparatively inexpensive 2. Possess poor wear and abrasion resistance
3. Good workability 3. Cannot withstand rough handling
4. Lends itself to gluing and joining 4. Absorbs and gives off moisture
5. Holds well varnishes and paints
6. Can be repaired easily.
Types of wood
Commonly used material are : White pine, Mahogany, Maple, Birch, Cherry
Others material like : teak kail, shisham, deodar
A metal pattern can be either cast from master wooden pattern or may be machined by using the usual
methods of machining. Metal pattern are widely used for machine moulding. These types of pattern mostly used for
large number of casting are to be manufactured.
Merits: Demerits:
1. More accuracy and durability than wooden 1. It cannot be easily modified
material 2. Costlier and heavier than wood
2. Having smooth surface 3. Possibility for corrosion
3. Mass production is possible 4. Not suitable for piece production
4. Possibility for rough handling
5. Resistance to wear, abrasion and swelling
Types of wood
Commonly used material are : cast iron, brass, aluminium, white metal
Gypsum pattern are capable of producing casting with intricate details and to very close tolerance. There
are two main types of gypsum (1) soft – plaster of paris and (2) hard – plaster
1. Easily formed
2. Good plasticity
3. Easy to repair
Types of plastics
Plastic pattern are composition with based on epoxy, phenol formaldehyde and polyester resin.
Commonly used material are : poly acrylates, polyethylene, polyvinylchloride
Wax pattern are generally used in investment casting. Common materials are paraffin wax, shellac wax and
microcrystalline wax.
Pattern Allowances
Pattern allowance is a vital feature as it affects the dimensional characteristics of the casting. Thus, when
the pattern is produced, certain allowances must be given on the sizes specified in the finished component drawing
so that a casting with the particular specification can be made. The selection of correct allowances greatly helps to
reduce machining costs and avoid rejections. The allowances usually considered on patterns and core boxes are as
Shrinkage or Contraction
All most all cast metals shrink or contract volumetrically on cooling. The metal shrinkage is of two types:
i. Liquid Shrinkage: it refers to the reduction in volume when the metal changes from liquid state to solid
state at the solidus temperature. To account for this shrinkage; riser, which feed the liquid metal to the
casting, are provided in the mold.
ii. Solid Shrinkage: it refers to the reduction in volume caused when metal loses temperature in solid state.
To account for this, shrinkage allowance is provided on the patterns.
The rate of contraction with temperature is dependent on the material. For example steel contracts to a higher degree
compared to aluminum. To compensate the solid shrinkage, a shrink rule must be used in laying out the
measurements for the pattern. A shrink rule for cast iron is 1/8 inch longer per foot than a standard rule. If a gear
blank of 4 inch in diameter was planned to produce out of cast iron, the shrink rule in measuring it 4 inch would
actually measure 4 -1/24 inch, thus compensating for the shrinkage. The various rate of contraction of various
materials are given below
Machining Allowance
In case the casting designed to be machined, they are cast over-sized in those dimensions shown in the
finished working drawings. Where machining is done, the machined part is made extra thick which is called
machining allowance.
1. Castings get oxidized inside mould and during heat treatment. Scale thus formed requires to be
2. For removing surface roughness, slag, dirt and other imperfections from the casting.
3. For obtaining exact dimensions on the casting.
4. To achieve desired surface finish on the casting.
The dimension of the pattern to be increased because of the extra metal required (i.e. finish or machining allowance)
depends upon the following factors:
1. Method of machining used (turning, grinding, boring, etc.). Grinding removes lesser metal than
2. Characteristics of metal (ferrous or non-ferrous, hard and easily machinable or soft). Ferrous metals get
oxidised, aluminium does not.
3. Method of casting used. Centrifugal casting requires more allowance on the inner side. Die castings
need little machining, sand castings require more.
4. Size and shape of the casting. For long castings, warpage is more and greater allowance is required.
Thicker sections solidify late and impurities tend to collect there. This necessitates more machining
5. Degree of finish required. A higher degree of finishing requires more machining allowance.
The standard machining allowances for different metals and alloys are shown below
The amount of draft needed depends upon (1) the shape of casting, (2) depth of casting, (3) moulding
method, and (4) moulding material.
Generally, the size of draft is 5 to 30 mm per metre, or average 20 mm per metre. But draft made sufficiently large,
if permissible, will make moulding easier. For precision castings, a draft of about 3 to 6 mm per metre is required.
Table shows different taper allowances used for different moulding methods.
Sand Moulding
Height of Pattern
Shell Moulding Metal Wood
Machine drawn Manual drawn Machine drawn
Up to 20 0° 45‟ 1° 30‟ 3° 3°
Moulding material
In foundry, various types of materials are playing a vital role in the manufacturing of casting product.
These are grouped in to two categories: (1) Basic and (2) Auxiliary
Basic moulding materials includes silica sands, which forms the base and the various binders
Auxiliary groups include various additives which impart desired properties to the moulding and core sand.
The essential constitutions of a moulding sand are: Silica sand, Binder, Additives and water
Silica sand is widely used moulding material it has 80 to 90 % of silicon dioxide also gives refractoriness to
the sand. A typical mixture by volume could be 89% sand, 4% water, 7% clay. Control of all aspects of the
properties of sand is crucial.
Binder: In sand casting, the sand must contain some type of binder that acts to hold the sand particles
together. Clay serves an essential purpose in the sand casting manufacturing process, as a binding agent to adhere
the molding sand together. In manufacturing industry other agents may be used to bond the molding sand together in
place of clay.
Additives: Additives impart to the moulding sand special properties (strength, thermal stability,
permeability, refractoriness, thermal expansion etc….)
Sand: based on the amount of clayey content, they contain. The moulding sands are classified as follows:
1. Natural sand
2. Synthetic sand
3. Chemically coated sand
Naturally Bonded- Naturally bonded sand is less expensive but it includes organic impurities that reduce
the fusion temperature of the sand mixture for the casting, lower the binding strength, and require higher moisture
Synthetic Sand- Synthetic sand is mixed in a manufacturing lab starting with a pure (SiO2) sand base. In
this case, the composition can be controlled more accurately, which imparts the casting sand mixture with higher
green strength, more permeability, and greater refractory strength. For these reasons, synthetic sand is mostly
preferred in sand casting manufacture.
Chemically coated sand: clean silica grains are sometimes coated with a non-thermosetting hydrocarbon
resin, which act as a binder. An additional binder in the form of clay can also be used. The advantage of this sand is
that the carbon in the resin which is an excellent refractory surrounds the sand grains and does not allow the molten
metal to reach the sand grains. This produces casting with clean surface as the sand does not get fused in them. The
moisture content in this sand is kept to above 3%
1. Olivine Sand : This sand is complex mix of ortho-silicates of Iron and Magnesium
(Mg2SiO4: Fosterite, Fe2SiO4:Fayalite). This is prepared from the
mineral Dunite. Olivine sand does not contain free-silica. And hence
does not react with basic metals.
Typical composition is: Cr2O3: 44%, Fe2O3: 28%, SiO2: 2.5%, CaO:
specific gravity is twice that of silica sand. It has a very high melting
point of 2600 °C and a low coefficient of thermal expansion: 0.25% at
900 °C. Due to excellent quality and limited availability, it costs six
times that of Silica sand. Supply is restricted by BARC due to the use of
zirconia in nuclear applications. In India it is available in the Quilon
beaches of Kerala and Gopalpur beaches of Odisha.
Zircon sand is used as wash and facing sand in casting. It is also used in
precision castings.
4. Chamotte Sand: : These are obtained by calcining Al2O3-SiO2 above 1100 °C. Chamotte
sand has a melting point of 1750 °C and a coefficient of thermal
expansion 0.5% at 900 °C. It has a very coarse grain size. Hence it is
used in heavy castings (especially steel).
Moulding sand has maximum strength at maximum moisture content of 4% for lean sands and of 6 to 7 %
for loam sands.
A typical green sand moulding sand for gray iron moulding are given as below
Clay = 10 to 20%
Water = 3 to 6%
Additives = 1 to 6%
In sand casting, binders are used to hold the sand particles together. There are two types‟ namely (1)
organic binder and (2) inorganic binder. Among these two organic binders are mainly used for core baking.
Clay binders are the most common inorganic binders. Clay are formed by the weathering and
decomposition of rocks. The common types of clay used in moulding sand are: Fireclay, Kaolinite, Illite and
Bentonite. Kaolinite and Bentonite clays are most popular, because they have high thermochemical stability.
Illite : It is formed from the weathering of mica rocks. Its particle size is
about the same as the kaolinite clay and has similar moulding
Its general composition is K2O Al2O3 SiO2 H2O
Bentonite : It is formed from the weathering of volcanic or igneous rocks. It is
creamy white powder. Its melting point is 1250 to 1300°C
Its general composition is MgO Al2O3 SiO2 H2O
The basic constituent which gives refractoriness to a clay is alumina, Al 2O3 of all clays, bentonite is the
most commonly used clay. It needs smaller amount of water to obtain a given degree of plasticity.
The percentage of binder in the moulding sand is of great importance. The bond must be strong enough to
with stand the pressure of and erosion by the melt; however the bond must not destroy the permeability of the sand
so that the gases present in the melt can be escape.
Organic binder: these binders are mostly used for making core. Cereals binders are obtained from wheat
corn or rye. Resin, drying oil for example linseed oil, fish oil, soyabean oil, and some mineral oils: pitch and
Additives are added to the moulding sand to improve the properties like refractoriness, permeability and strength of
the moulding sand. These are helps to give good surface finish. Additives are not for binding purpose. There are
various additives to meet the good surface finish. They are:
Sea coal: It is also named as coal dust. It tends to obtained smoother and cleaner surfaces of casting and also
reduces the adherence of sand particles to the casting. It also increases the strength of the moulding sand. It is added
upto 8% and also improves the permeability of the moulding sand.
Saw dust: It improves the permeability and deformability of the mould and cores. It must be dry. Instead of saw
dust, Peat (fertilizer) having 70-73% of volatile (i.e. explosive) substances, not over 5 - 6% ash and 25 - 30%
moisture can also be used.
Cereals: It is finely ground corn flour or corn starch. It increases the strength of the moulding sand by 0.25 - 2%. It
is added about 1% with the moulding sand.
Wood flour: About 1% is added. It is ground wood particles or other cellulose materials such as grain hulls. They
serve the same purpose as cereals except that they do not increase strength as like cereals
Silica flour: It is very fine powder. It is generally mixed with about twice as much conventional moulding sand to
make facing sand. It is applied around the pattern. Because of its purity, it improves the strength and surface finish.
It also resists metal penetration and minimizes sand expansion defects.
Special additives:
Dextrin : It increases the toughness and collapsibility and prevents sand from rapid
Molasses : It is the by - product of sugar industry. It imparts high dry strength and
collapsibility to mould and cores.
Moulding sand:
There are various types of moulding sand:
1. Green sand : It is composed of a mixture of silica sand (68 - 86%), clay (16 - 30%)
and water (5 - 8%). The word “green” is associated with the condition of
wetness or freshness. Hence in named as green sand
2. Dry sand : It is basically green sand. But mixed with 1 to 2% of cereals and 1 to 2 %
of peat are added additives with the green sand also dried at 110 to
260°C for several hours. It is used for making large casting. It has greater
strength and rigidity.
3. Facing sand : This sand is directly cover the surface of the pattern and provides a
smoother casting surface and should be of fine texture. It is made of
silica sand and clay. The layer of the facing sand in the mould usually
ranges from 25 to 50mm.
4. Backing sand : This is the sand which is used to back up the facing sand and to fill the
whole volume of the flask. The old sand may be repeatedly used for this
5. System sand : In mechanized foundries, where machine moulding is employed a so
called system sand is used to fill the whole flask. Because of this, the
system sand must have the higher strength, permeability and refractoriness
than the backing sand.
6. Parting sand : Parting sand is usually applied on the pattern surface, to avoid its sticking
and permit its easy withdrawal from the mould, when the pattern is made
of two half with cope and drag.
7. Loam sand It consists of fine sand plus finely ground refractories, clay, graphite and
fibrous reinforcements. In this sand percentage of clay is in the order of
50%. It is used in pit moulding process for making mould for very heavy
and large parts (engine body, machine tool bed and so on ….).
1. It should be able to retain and reproduce the details as imparted by the pattern.
2. It should be able to retain the bulk structure.
3. It should not be too much sticky either to the pattern or to the casting.
To achieve the above requirement, the moulding sand must have the following properties
1. Permeability or porosity
2. Plasticity or flowability
3. Adhesiveness
4. Cohesiveness or strength
5. Refractoriness
6. Collapsibility
Permeability: During pouring and subsequent solidification of a casting, a large amount of gases and steam is
generated. These gases are those that have been absorbed by the metal during melting, air absorbed from the
atmosphere and the steam generated by the molding and core sand. If these gases are not allowed to escape from the
mold, they would be entrapped inside the casting and cause casting defects. To overcome this problem the molding
material must be porous. Proper venting of the mold also helps in escaping the gases that are generated inside the
mold cavity.
Flowability: It is the measure of the moulding sand to flow around and over a pattern during ramming and to
uniform fill the flask. This property may be enhanced by adding clay and water to the silica sand.
Adhesiveness: This is the property of the sand mixture to adhere to another body. The moulding sand should cling
to the sides of the moulding boxes so that it does not fall out when the flasks are lifted and turned over. This
property depends on the type and amount of binder used in the sand mix.
Green Strength: The molding sand that contains moisture is termed as green sand. The green sand particles must
have the ability to cling to each other to impart sufficient strength to the mold. The green sand must have enough
strength so that the constructed mold retains its shape.
Dry Strength: When the molten metal is poured in the mold, the sand around the mold cavity is quickly converted
into dry sand as the moisture in the sand evaporates due to the heat of the molten metal. At this stage the molding
sand must possess the sufficient strength to retain the exact shape of the mold cavity and at the same time it must be
able to withstand the metallostatic pressure of the liquid material.
Hot Strength: As soon as the moisture is eliminated, the sand would reach at a high temperature when the metal in
the mold is still in liquid state. The strength of the sand that is required to hold the shape of the cavity is called hot
Refractoriness: It is the ability of the molding material to resist the temperature of the liquid metal to be poured so
that it does not get fused with the metal. The refractoriness of the silica sand is highest.
Collapsibility: The molding sand should also have collapsibility so that during the contraction of the solidified
casting it does not provide any resistance, which may result in cracks in the castings. Besides these specific
properties the molding material should be cheap, reusable and should have good thermal conductivity.
1. Molding sand and core sand depend upon shape, size composition and distribution of sand grains, amount
of clay, moisture and additives.
2. The increase in demand for good surface finish and higher accuracy in castings necessitates certainty in the
quality of mold and core sands.
3. Sand testing often allows the use of less expensive local sands. It also ensures reliable sand mixing and
enables a utilization of the inherent properties of molding sand.
4. Sand testing on delivery will immediately detect any variation from the standard quality, and adjustment of
the sand mixture to specific requirements so that the casting defects can be minimized.
Generally the following tests are performed to judge the molding and casting characteristics of foundry sands:
o This instrument is provided with a pressure gauge calibrated to read directly the percentage of
moisture present in the molding sand.
Refractoriness Test
The refractoriness of the molding sand is judged by heating the A.F.S standard sand specimen to very high
temperatures ranges depending upon the
type of sand.
The heated sand test pieces are cooled to
room temperature and examined under a
microscope for surface characteristics or by
scratching it with a steel needle.
If the silica sand grains remain sharply
defined and easily give way to the needle.
Sintering has not yet set in.
In the actual experiment the sand specimen
in a porcelain boat is placed into an electric
furnace. It is usual practice to start the test
from l000°C and raise the temperature in
steps of 100°C to 1300°C and in steps of 50°
above 1300°C till sintering of the silica sand
grains takes place.
At each temperature level, it is kept for at
least three minutes and then taken out from the oven for examination under a microscope for evaluating
surface characteristics or by scratching it with a steel needle.
6 12 20 30 40 50 70 100 140 200 270 Pan
3 5 10 20 30 40 50 70 100 140 200 300
Example: weight retained on each sieve is given as: 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 4.5, 10, 15, 7.5, 3.5, 1.5, and 0.5
3556. 5 7113
∴ 𝐺𝐹𝑁 = = 71. 13 (𝑜𝑟) = 71. 13
50 100
Strength Test
This is the strength of tempered sand expressed by its ability to hold a mold in shape. Sand molds are
subjected to compressive, tensile, shearing, and bending stresses.
The green compressive strength test and dry compressive strength is the most used test in the foundry.
Compression tests
a. A rammed specimen of tempered molding sand is produced that is 2 inches in diameter and 2
inches in height.
b. The rammed sample is then subjected to a
load which is gradually increased until the
sample breaks.
c. The point where the sample breaks is taken
as the compression strength.
Shear tests
a. The compressive loading system is modified
to provide offset loading of the specimen.
b. Under most conditions the results of shear
tests have been shown to be closely related to those of compression tests, although the latter
property increases proportionately more at high ramming densities.
Tensile test
a. A special waisted specimen is loaded in tension through a pair of grips.
Bending test
1. A plain rectangular specimen is supported on knife edges at the ends and centrally loaded to
Permeability Test
Permeability of the moulding sand is determined by measuring the rate of flow of air through a
compacted specimen under standard
conditions. It is measured in terms of
permeability number.
A sample of moulding sand is placed in a
tube. Time taken for 2000 CM3 of air at a
pressure of 10 g/cm2 to pass through the
specimen is noted
Permeability meter consisting of the
balanced tank, water tank, nozzle,
adjusting lever, nose piece for fixing sand
specimen and a manometer. The
permeability is directly measured.
Permeability number P is volume of air
(in cm3) passing through a sand specimen
of 1 cm2 cross-sectional area and 1 cm
height, at a pressure difference of 1 gm/cm2 in one minute.
P = permeability
v = volume of air passing through the specimen in c.c.
h = height of specimen in cm
p = pressure of air in gm/cm2
a = cross-sectional area of the specimen in cm2
t = time in minutes.
A core is a body made of refractory material, which is used for making cavity or a hole in casting. Its shape
is similar to the required cavity in the casting. It is also used for making recess, projections, undercuts and internal
Core Print is a projection provided on the casting product. It forms a seat in the mould.
Purpose of cores:
1. It may form a part of green sand mould
2. Cores may be employed to improve the mould surface.
3. It helps to strengthen the mould.
4. Cores may be used to form the gating system of large size mould.
5. It acts as an internal cavity for hollow casting.
Core binder:
1. To bind the sand grains together
2. To give strength and hardness
3. To prevent breaking
4. To give collapsibility to core
5. To prevent moisture absorption.
Other binders:
Oil binders : 1. It is commonly used binder.
2. Linseed is the example of this oil binder.
3. 0.5 to 3% is added depends on the hardness and other properties
Water soluble binder : 1. Dextrin starch are example of water soluble binder
2. It gets hardened at 180 . Its mixing ratio is 1:8.
3. It gives green strength and edge hardness to the core
Resin binder : 1. Phenol formaldehyde and urea are example for resin binder.
2. It gives hardness at 200 .
3. It gives good strength and short time to bake and less gas will be
Inorganic binder : 1. Fire clay, silica flour, kerosene etc…are the example;
2. They are used in the powder form.
3. It develops greater strength and gives smooth surface.
Half core box : It is used to form semicircular core (refer figure 1.18). After baking, if needed,
the two core pieces will pasted together to form the complete core
Dump core box : This type is helpful for making complete core in polygon size like square,
rectangle and so on.. (Refer figure 1.19)
Split core box : This is similar to half core box, but it has two half and it must connect by
dowel pin on either side of box. After preparation, box are separated (Refer
figure 1.20)
Gang core box : During manufacturing, sometimes, we need an „n‟ number of cores. In that
occasion, we can go for gang core box instead of any other single core box (Refer
figure 1.21).
Left and right : For the preparation of curved core, the manufacturer can opt for left and right
core box hand core box is best option for easiest preparation of core (Refer figure 1.22)
Strickle core : To make an irregular shaped core, the strickle core box will fulfill the need of the
box manufacturer. Here, box will fill with required sand and rammed properly by
using strickle board (Refer figure 1.23).
The core may be manufactured either by manual or machine based on needed. The chart shown here are the
important steps for making core.
Sand preparation
Sand preparation:
Sands are mixed properly to meet the requirement with the help of any one of the following mechanical
1. Roller mills
2. Core sand mixer
a. Vertical revolving arm type.
b. Horizontal paddle type.
In the case of roller mills, the rolling action of the mullers along with the turning over action caused by the
ploughs gives a uniform and homogeneous mixture.
The core blowing machines can be classified into two basic groups.
Small bench blowers
Large floor blowers
Core baking
Cores are baked to remove the moisture
and to develop the strength the strength of the
binder in care ovens. The cores are dried in ovens
equipped with drawers, shelves or other holding
devices. They are dried in batches or continuously
over moving shelves. The heat in oven is produced
by burning oil or core or by electric resistance. The
core drying time depends upon the quantity of
moisture and binder used in the sand size of the
core and temperature of the oven. According to the
type of production, the core drying ovens or core
baking ovens are classified as
Batch type
Continuous type
Dielectrically heated type
Core finishing
After baking, the cores are given certain finishing operations before they are finally set in the mould. The
fins, bumps or other sand projections are removed from the surface of the cores by rubbing or filing. The
dimensional inspection of the cores is very necessary. Cores are also coated with refractory or protective materials to
improve their refractoriness and surface finish.
Types of cores
There are many types of cores available. The selection of the correct type of core depends on production
quantity, production rate, required precision, required surface finish, and the type of metal being used.
For example, certain metals are sensitive to gases that are given off by certain types of core sands; other
metals have too low of a melting point to properly break down the binder for removal during the shakeout.
The horizontal and vertical cores are used in foundry work frequently. A horizontal core is placed horizontally in
the mould. The ends of the core rest in the seats provided by core prints on the pattern.
A vertical core is placed vertically in the mould. The upper end of the core is forced in the cope and the lower end in
the drag.
A balanced core is used when the casting has opening only on one side and only one core print is available on the
pattern. It extends horizontally in the mould cavity.
A cover core extends vertically downwards. It is suspended from the top of the mould
A hanging core hangs from the top and does not have any support at the bottom in the drag.
A ram-up core is set in the mould with the pattern before ramming. It is used when the cored detail is located in an
inaccessible position.
When the pattern is not provided with core prints and no seat is available for the core to rest, the core is
held in position between the cope and drag simply due to the pressure of the cope. Such a core is known as 'Kiss
core '.
Resin-bonded cores
It is the type of cores phenol resin bonded sand is rammed in a core box. The core is removed from the core
box-and baked in a core oven at 375 to 450°F to harden the core.
Sodium Silicate and CO2 cores
These cores use a core material consisting of clean, dry sand mixed with a solution of sodium silicate. The
sand mixture is rammed into the core box. The rammed core while it is in the core box is gassed for several seconds
with Carbon-di-Oxide gas. As a result a silica gel forms which binds sand grains into a strong, solid' form
Nishiyama process
Nishiyama process uses sodium silicate bonded sand, which is mixed with 2% finely powdered
ferrosilicon, Hardening occurs because of exothermic reaction of silicon with NaOH produced bydrolysis in the
solution of sodium silicate. Cores thus made possess short bench life.
Furan-no-bake system
The core sand mixture contains washed and dried sand with clay content less than 0.5% furan no-bake resin
2% and activator (phosphoric acid) 40%. The basic reaction between the furan resin and phosphoric acid results in
an acid dehydration of the resin. The core sand mixture has high flowability and needs reduced rodding (to handle
the core). Uniform core hardness, exact core dimensions, better fitting cores, lower machining and layout costs, and
reduction of oven baking are some of the good characteristics of cores made by Furan-No-Bake system.
Oil-no-bake process
The process employs a synthetic oil-binder which when mixed with basic sands and activated chemically,
produces cores that can be cured at room temperature.
Moulding process
The process of forming moulds is called moulding. It is an important operation involved in the casting.
After preparing moulds at the moulding shop and making cores at the core room of the foundry, the next important
operation is the assembly of moulds for pouring.
Moulding tools
It is just like rectangular pan fitted with a handle. It is used for mixing the moulding sand and for moving it
from one place to the other.
It is used for removing foreign materials like nails, shot metal splinters of wood, etc., from the moulding
It is a wooden tool used for ramming or packing the sand in the mould. Rammers are made in different
Strike-off bar
It is a cast iron or wrought iron bar with a true straight edge. It is used to remove the surplus sand from the
mould after the ramming has been completed.
Vent wire
It is a mild steel wire used for making vents or openings in the mould.
It is a metal piece used for patching deep section of the mould and removing loose sand from pockets of the
Different types of slicks are used for repairing and finishing moulds.
It contains of a flat and thick metal sheet with upwards projected handle at one end. It is used for making
joints and finishing flat surfaces of a mould.
It is made of flax or hemp. It is used for applying water to the mould around the edge of the pattern.
Draw spike
It is a metal rod with a pointed or screwed end. It is used for removing the pattern from the mould.
Rawhide mallet
It is a mallet to loosen the pattern in the mould by striking slightly, so that it can be withdrawn without
damaging the mould.
Gate cutter
It is a metal piece to the gate- the opening that connects tee sprue with the mould cavity.
Spirit level
It is used to check that the sand bed, moulding box or table of moulding machine is horizontal.
Clamps are used to hold the cope and drag of the complete mould together so that the cope may not float or
rise when the molten metal is poured into the mould.
Hand Moulding According to the method used According to the moulding materials used
Machine Moulding
1. Bench moulding
2. Floor moulding 1. Green sand moulding
3. Pit moulding 2. Dry sand moulding
4. Sweep moulding 3. Loam moulding
5. Plate moulding
Sand mould can be made either by manual or on moulding machine. Manual moulding is done for piece and for
small lot production, whereas machine moulding is employed in large lot and mass production.
Based on the nature of work place, the manual moulding can be classified as
Floor Moulding : This process is done on the foundry floor and is employed for
medium sized large casting
Pit Moulding : This method is used for very large casting and is done on the
foundry floor. However, a pit dug in the floor acts as the lower
flask(drag) and the upper flask (cope) is placed over the pit to
complete the assembly
Machine moulding: All the operations are done by machine, and then it is called as machine moulding. The
operations includes – compacting the sands, rolling the mould over and drawing the pattern from the mould and so
A green sand mould is composed of a mixture of sand (silica sand SiO 2), clay (act as binder), and water.
The word green is associated with the condition of wetness or freshness and because the mould is left in the damp
condition, hence the name “green sand mould”. This type of mould is the cheapest and has the advantage that used
sand is readily reclaimed. But the mould being in the damp condition, is weak and cannot be stored for a longer
period. Hence such moulds are used for small and medium sized casting.
o Open-sand method
o Bedded-in-method
o Turn-over method
Open-sand Method
It is simplest form of green sand moulding, particularly suitable for solid patterns. For convenience in
working and pouring, the entire mould is made in the foundry floor or in a bed of sand above floor level. Moulding
box is not necessary and the upper surface of the mould is open to air. After proper levelling the pattern is pressed in
the sand bed for making mould. Pouring basin is made at one end of the mould, and the overflow channel cut at the
exact height from the bottom face of the mould for giving necessary thickness.
Bedded-in method
In this method, the pattern is hammered down or pressed to bed it into the sand of the foundry floor or in a
drag filled partially with sand to form the mould cavity. The sand should be rammed close to the pattern sand; a
cope is placed over the pattern. The cope is rammed up, runners and risers are cut and the cope box is lifted. Now
the pattern is withdrawn, the surfaces of drag and cope replaced in its correct position for completing the mould.
One pattern-halfis placed with its flat side on a moulding board, a drag is rammed and rolled over. The
other pattern half and a cope box are placed in position. After ramming the cope is lifted off and the two pattern
halves shaken and withdrawn. Now the cope is replaced on the drag for assembling the mould.
Green sand moulds are softer than dry sand moulds. This allows greater freedom in construction when the
castings solidify and cool.
Green sand mou1ds are quite strong for small depths, as the gases escape from them.
Green sand moulds do not require any backing operations or equipment, but dry sand cores are to be used.
Dry sand moulds are basically green sand moulds with two essential differences: the sand used for dry sand
moulds contains 1 to 2% cereal flour and 1to 2% of pitch, whereas the sand mixture for green sand moulds may not
contain these additives. Also the prepared moulds are baked in an oven at 110° to 260°C for several hours. The
additives increase the hot strength due to evaporation of water as well as by the oxidation and polymerization of the
pitch. So, dry sand moulds can be used for large casting. This give better surface finish and also reduce the incidence
of the casting defects such as blow holes, porosity that may occur as a result of steam generation in the mould.
However, due to the greater strength of these moulds, tearing may occur in hot strength materials.
Moulding machine.
Moulding processes may be classified as hand moulding or machine moulding according to whether the
mould is prepared by hand tools or with the aid of some moulding machine. Hand moulding is generally found to be
ecoomical when the castings are required in a small number.
When the number of castings is substantial, the additional cost of metallic patterns and other equipment is
compensated by the high rate of production, and the overall cost per piece works out lower than in the case
of hand moulding.
It affords great saving in time, especially when a large number of similar castings in small sizes are
A semi-skilled worker can do the machine job whereas hand moulding requires skilled craftsmanship.
The castings obtained are more uniform in size and shape and more accurate than those obtained by hand
moulding due to steadier lift of the pattern.
Squeezing machine
d - Piston diameter
In jolt machine, the pattern and flask are
mounted in the mould plate and the flask is filled
with sand. The entire assembly is raised a small
amount by means of an air cylinder and is then
dropped against a fixed stop. The compacting of
sand is achieved by the decelerating forces acting
on it. The working of a jolt moulding machine is
shown in figure. The table with moulding sand is
lifted by plunger to a definite height, when
compressed air is admitted through pipe and
channel. Next the table drops since the air is
released through pipe. In falling, the table strikes
the stationary guiding cylinder and this impact
packs the moulding sand in the flask. Springs by
cushioning the table blows, reduced noise and
prevent destruction of the mechanism and the
foundation. About 20 to 50 drops are needed to
compact the sand and the average machine operates
at about 200 strokes per minute.
The sand slinger consists of a base, a sand bin, a bucket elevator, a swinging or movable arm, a belt
conveyor and the sand impeller.
Prepared sand lying in the sand
bin is picked up by the elevator
buckets and is dropped on to the
belt conveyor which takes the
same to the impeller head. Inside
the impeller head, rapidly rotating
cup shaped blade picks up the
sand and throws it downward into
the moulding box as a continuous
stream of sand with machine gun
rapidity and great force. The sand
is discharged into the moulding
box at a rate of300 to
Melting furnaces used in the foundry industry are of many diverse configurations. The selection of the
melting unit is one of the most important decisions foundries must make with due consideration to several important
factors including:
Cupola furnace
Blast furnace
Direct fuel-fired
Crucible furnaces
Electric-arc furnaces
Induction furnaces
Cupola Furnace
A cupola is a vertical cylindrical
furnace equipped with a tapping spout
neat its base. Cupolas are used only
for melting cast irons, and although
other furnaces are also used the
largest tonnage of cast iron is melted
in cupolas.
castings). Coke is the fuel used to heat the furnace. Forced air is introduced through openings near the bottom of the
shell for combustion of the coke. The flux is a basic compound such as limestone that reacts with coke ash and other
impurities to form slag. The slag serves to cover the melt, protecting it from reaction with the environment inside the
cupola and reducing heat loss. As the mixture is heated and melting of the iron occurs, the furnace is periodically
tapped to provide liquid metal for the pour.
Cupola zones
Various zones of the cupola are illustrated in figure 1.36.
It is the zone where combustion takes place. It extends from the top of the tuyers to a surface boundary
below which all the Oxygen of air is consumed by combustion.
Reducing zone
It extends from the top of the combustion zone to the top of the initial coke bed. The CO2 produced in the
combustion zone moves up and is reduced to CO. The temperature also drops to 1650°C.
CO2 + C2 ~ CO - Heat
Melting zone
It includes the first layer of pig iron above the initial coke bed. In this zone, the pig iron is melted. The
following reaction takes place.
3 Fe + 2 CO ~ Fe3C + CO2
It includes all the layers of cupola charges placed above the melting zone to the top of the last charge. The
layers of charges are heated by the out-going gases. The temperature in the zone may be upto 1050°C.
It is the zone beyond the pre-heating zone, through which the hot gases go to the atmosphere.
Cupola construction:
The cupola essentially consists of a cylindrical steel shell lined on the inside with refractory bricks.
The entire structure is supported on legs and is open at top and bottom when not in use.
At the bottom, doors are provided which can be closed and propped to prepare a hearth for burning
About 100 mm above the bottom of the shell is an opening called the tap hole with a projecting spout
for taking out the molten metal.
On the rear of the tap hole is a slag hole to drain out slag. It is about 50 to 150 mm above the level of
the tap hole.
This height decides the amount of metal that can be stored in the cupola between taps.
This height may be less if the cupola is fitted with a receiver and the metal IS continuously drained
form the cupola.
About 50 to 150 mm above the slag hole are openings through the shell into the cupola shaft called
These openings permit a blast of air from a wind box surrounding the cupola shell around the tuyers.
These tuyers are provided around the shell in one or more rows to provide a balanced supply of air.
Air is supplied into the wind box from a blower through pipes.
The cupola shaft extends further up from the wind box to a charging platform.
The height of the cupola from the tap hole to the charging platform is called the effective height.
It is about 4 to 6 times the internal diameter of the cupola for small and medium size cupolas and about
3 to 5 metre for larger ones.
At the height of the charging platform is a charging opening through which the cupola can be charged
in operation.
The cupola shaft extends further up by another 3 to 5 metre to give a chimney effect for natural draft.
The other dimensions of the cupola are empirically fixed based on melting area.
The total tuyers area is 15 to 25 percent of the cupola melting area. The wind belt section is about 30
percent of cupola melting area and so on.
Commercial cupola sizes vary from 450m m to over 2000mrri in inside diameter with melting
capacities ranging from 1.5 to 35 tonnes per hour.
The cupola furnace has several unique characteristics which are responsible for its widespread use as a
melting unit for cast iron. The cupolas is one of the only methods of melting which is continuous in its operation
In more recent times, the use of the cupola has declined in favour of electric induction melting, which
offers more precise control of melt chemistry and temperature, and much lower levels of emissions.
The construction of a conventional cupola consists of a vertical steel shell which is lined with a refractory
brick. The charge is introduced into the furnace body by means of an opening approximately half way up the vertical
shaft. The charge consists of alternate layers of the metal to be melted, coke fuel and limestone flux. The fuel is
burnt in air which is introduced through tuyeres positioned above the hearth. The hot gases generated in the lower
part of the shaft ascend and preheat the descending charge.
Most cupolas are of the drop bottom type with hinged doors under the hearth, which allows the bottom to
drop away at the end of melting to aid cleaning and repaired. At the bottom front is a tap hole for the molten iron at
the rear, positioned above the tap hole is a slag hole. The top of the stack is capped with a spark/fume arrester hood.
A typical operation cycle for a cupola would consist of closing and propping the bottom hinged doors and
preparing a hearth bottom. The bottom is usually made from low strength moulding sand and slopes towards a
tapping hole. A fire is started in the hearth using light weight timber; coke is charged on top of the fire and is burnt
by increasing the air draught from the tuyers. Once the coke bed is ignited and of the required height, alternate
layers of metal, flux and coke are added until the level reaches the charged doors. The metal charge would typically
consist of pig iron, scrap steel and domestic returns.
An air blast is introduced through the wind box and tuyers located near the bottom of the cupola. The air
reacts chemically with the carbonaceous fuel thus producing heat of combustion. Soon after the blast is turned on,
molten metal collects on the hearth bottom where it is eventually tapped out into a waiting ladle or receiver. As the
metal is melted and fuel consumed, additional charges are added to maintain a level at the charging door and provide
a continuous supply of molten iron. At the end of the melting campaign, charging is stopped but the air blast is
maintained until all of the metal is melted and tapped off. The air is then turned off and the bottom doors opened
allowing the residual charge material to be dumped.
The Charge
Iron Ore
Iron Ore
The Iron Ore is first mined and then brought to the Blast Furnace. It contains impurities which have to be
removed. Hematite and Magnetite are the most common ores. It takes about two tons of Iron Ore to produce one ton
of iron, but this varies with different types of ores.
Coke is made by heating soft coal in the absence of air. As Coke is burned in the Blast Furnace it raises the
temperature to about 2000°C which is enough to melt the Iron Ore. The Carbon in the Coke chemically reacts with
the Oxygen in the Iron Ore to form Carbon di oxide (CO 2, and Carbon Monoxide (CO), which escapes through the
Gas Outlet.
The Limestone is mined then crushed before being brought to the Blast Furnace. It combines with the
impurities in the Iron Ore to form Slag. A material which removes unwanted materials or cleans another material is
called a Flux.
The Exhaust Gas Outlet collects any gaseous emissions from the chemical reactions that are taking place in
the Furnace. As you know Carbon dioxide and Carbon monoxide are not exactly concussive towards healthy living
and so they cannot be let to escape into the atmosphere as they are. Firstly because these gases are hot they are
reused to save energy. They are piped to nearby Stoves in order to heat them. The gases are then 'cleaned' before
being let into the atmosphere.
Charging Bells
You may notice that the Charging Bell system in the above diagram looks more complicated than those you
see in books. The reason is that you are looking at a more accurate representation. You can understand that the
manufacturers of Iron want to conserve as much energy as possible, not to do so would cost money and be mad!
There are in fact two Bells in the system called, the Small Bell and the Large Bell. The Small Bell is filled directly
from the Conveyor System, and when it is close to being full it is opened to allow the Charge drop into the Large
Bell. The Large Bell is then opened when it is nearly full and the Charge can drop into the Furnace. Using this
system greatly reduces the amount of heat that is lost to the atmosphere.
Gas Outlet
The Gas Outlet is simply an array of holes in the Furnace that allows the escaping gases to get to the Exhaust Gas
At the top of the Furnace the Iron Ore, Coke and Limestone is at a temperature of about 200°C. At this
stage the materials are gone through the pre-heating stage. Close to the middle of the Furnace the temperature has
increased to approximately 480°C, where the raw materials have started to melt. The temperature increases rapidly
to about 2000°C at the bottom of the Furnace where the molten Iron is situated, waiting to be removed.
Strange word tuyers. (It's pronounced "2 ears"!). These are small pipes that permit hot air from the Bustle
Pipe to enter the furnace. The hot air is necessary to keep the temperature in the furnace high. The tuyers are located
all around the Furnace like spokes on the hub of a bicycle wheel. They also have valves so that nothing can escape
from the Furnace. The diagram below shows the relationship between the tuyers, the Bustle Pipe and the Furnace. It
is a view as if you were looking from the top of the Furnace.
Tap hole
The Tap hole is used to draw off the molten Iron at regular intervals of about 5 to 6 hours. You should
notice that the Tap hole is located below the Slag hole. This is because the Slag is lighter than the molten Iron and so
sits on top. The molten Iron leaves the Tap hole and is either poured into moulds called 'Pigs' or sent to other areas
for further refining.
Slag Hole
The Slag hole, which is situated above the Tap hole, because Slag is lighter than molten Iron, is used to
draw off the waste Slag. The Slag is scraped off every 3 or 4 hours and is then used for road beds, fertilizer or
Bustle Pipe
The Bustle Pipe is a large diameter pipe that circles the base of the Furnace. It carries the hot air from the
Stoves, where the air is heated, to the tuyers which allow the hot air to enter the Blast Furnace.
Refractory Lining
You might ask, that if the Blast Furnace is made from Steel and there is molten Iron inside the Furnace, how come
the Furnace does not melt? That would be a good question, and the answer is quite simple. Inside the Steel shell of
the Furnace there is a layer of Fire Brick called the Refractory Lining. This Refractory Lining reflects the heat back
into the Furnace. You have seen a Refractory Lining before. If you look at the back of a fireplace, (preferably one
that does not have a fire burning in it at the time), you will see a reddish cement. This is Fire Brick and causes the
heat generated by the fire to be reflected back into the room, rather than be absorbed by the wall at the back of the
Conveyor System
The Conveyor System takes the Charge from the area where it is maxed together to the top of the Blast Furnace. The
Charge is carried in Skip Cars which run on a rail track.
Shell moulding
Shell mould casting process also known as Croning or C-process makes use of moulds (and cores)
made of relatively thin shells about 6 mm thick for casting.
• The shells are made from clay free silica sand 60-140 AFS fineness mixed with 3 to 10 percent by
weight of phenolic thermosetting resins like phenol formaldehyde or urea formaldehyde.
• The resin may be used in the powder form in the mixture or may be mixed in liquid form and then
dried on the sand grains.
• The mixture should be dry and free flowing.
• Sometimes about 112percent kerosene is added in dry mixtures and mulled to avoid dusting and
loss of binder during operation.
The main steps in the process are the following: (Fig. 1.38)
1. The sand resin mixture is invested on the pattern heated to a temperature of 200 to 400°C for
a period of 15 to 45 seconds. During this period the sand mix around the pattern partially sets
to a thickness of 6 to 15 mm depending on the dwell period and the type of mixture.
2. The unset sand is removed and the partially set shell sticking onto the pattern is cured at a
temperature of 250° to 350°C for a period of 1 to 3 minutes depending on the pattern
intricacy and shell thickness.
3. The cured shell is ejected from the pattern plate using ejector pins on the pattern. To aid in
shell stripping a suitable releasing agent like silicon solution is applied on the heated pattern
before investing the mould mixture.
4. The ejected mould parts are assembled with cores and clamped together for pouring. The
assembled mould may be backed up by sand or shots if required.
5. The investment of the mould mixture is done either by blowing onto the pattern or by
dumping the mixture on the pattern.
6. Blowing is more often used in the manufacture of shell cores and the dumping method in the
manufacture of shell moulds.
7. In the dumping method, the heated pattern plate is placed inverted on a box" filled partially
with the mould mixture.
8. The entire assembly of the pattern plate and the box is inverted to dump the mixture on the
pattern plate.
9. After the dwell period, the box is brought back to the upright position to dump the unset
mixture back into the box.
10. The pattern plate along with the sticking partially set shell is sent in for curing.
11. The steps in the dump method can be easily adapted to mechanization.
12. Modern shell moulding machines have been designed to complete a cycle of investment,
dumping back of unset excess sand, curing and ejection automatically.
The process is used for manufacture of cams, pistons, piston rings, small pulleys, motor housings, fan
blades etc.
Mercast process:
In Mercast process or investment casting frozen mercury is used as a pattern material in place of wax.
• Mercury at room temperature is filled in the pattern dies which are then immersed in a bath maintained
at - 60 to - 80°C.
• After the pattern has solidified the parts are joined by contact in a cold air atmosphere at - 60 to 75°C.
• The mercury patterns are then dipped in a series of ceramic baths maintained well below the freezing
temperature of mercury.
• This produces a shell around the pattern.
• After the shell is built up and dried the mercury pattern is melted and flushed out at room temperature.
• The shell moulds are then fired at 1000°C for about 2 hours producing a porous mould resembling
unglazed porcelain with a smooth finish in the cavity.
• The moulds are backed up in a flask with sand or shots and poured under gravity or pressure.
Typical products include blades and, vanes, slides for cloth-cutting machines, camera and projector
components, fuel parts for aviation carburetors etc.
Centrifugal Casting:
In centrifugal casting process, the molten metal poured at the center of a rotating mold or die. Because of
the centrifugal force, the lighter impurities are crowded towards the center of the case. For producing a hollow part,
the axis of rotation is placed at the center of the desired casting. The speed of rotation is maintained high so as to
produce a centripetal acceleration of the order of 60g to 75g. The centrifuge action segregates the less dense
nonmetallic inclusions near to the center of rotation that can be removed by machining a thin layer. No cores are
therefore required in casting of hollow parts although solid parts can also be cast by this process.
The centrifugal casting is very suitable for axisymmetric parts. Very high strength of the casting can be
obtained. Since the molten metal is fed by the centrifugal action, the need for complex metal feeding system is
eliminated. Both horizontal and vertical centrifugal castings are widely used in the industry. Figure 1.40
schematically shows a set-up for horizontal centrifugal casting process.
Common products produced by true centrifugal casting include pipes, oil engine cylinders, piston ring
stock, gear blank stock, bearing bushes and the like.
• Centrifuging or centrifuge casting is
employed to force metal under pressure
into moulds of small castings or
castings not symmetrical about any axis
of rotation.
• The moulds are made around a central
axis of rotation, to balance each other.
• The metal is poured along this axis of
rotation through a central sprue and
made to flow into mould cavities
through radial ingates cut on the mould
• Centrifuging helps in proper feeding of
castings resulting in clean, close
grained castings.
• Stack moulds can be used to advantage
in centrifuging of castings required in
very large numbers.
• A schematic diagram of a centrifuge
casting set-up with stack moulds is
given in Fig. 1.42.
The method can be used for producing precision parts like dies for drawing, extrusion, casting, forging etc.,
pump impellers, components of nuclear reactors and air craft.
The main short comings of the process are its high cost and the difficulty in controlling dimensional
tolerances across the parting line.
The pressure die casting process is the most common for Al, Zn and Mg castings (low melting point). The
liquid metal is injected into the mold under high pressure and allowed to solidify at the high pressure. The solidified
cast is then taken out of the mold or the die which is ready for the next cast. Pressure die casting is suitable for large
batch size production.
Two types of pressure die casting are generally common in the industry –
High pressure die casting (Hot chamber die casting)
Hot-chamber die-casting
In hot chamber die-casting, the metal is
melted in a container attached to the machine, and a
piston is used to inject the liquid metal under high
pressure into the die.
1. High productivity (up to 500 parts per
2. Close tolerances
3. Good surface finish
1. The injection system is submerged in
the molten metal
2. Only simple shapes
Area of application:
Mass production of non-ferrous alloys with very low melting point (zinc, tin, lead)
Cold-chamber die-casting
In cold-chamber die-casting, molten metal is poured into the chamber from an external melting container,
and a piston is used to inject the metal under high pressure into the die cavity.
Same as in hot chamber die-casting, but less productivity.
Only simple shapes
Area of application:
Mass production of aluminium and magnesium alloys, and brass
Stir Casting:
Stir casting is a liquid state method of composite materials fabrication in which a dispersed phase (ceramic
particles, short fibers) is mixed with a molten matrix metal by means of mechanical stirring. Among the variety of
manufacturing processes available for discontinuous metal matrix composites, stir casting is generally accepted and
currently practiced commercially.
In general, the metal matrix composites of stir casting involves production of molten metal of selected
matrix material followed by the introduction of a reinforcing material in to the molten metal, obtaining a suitable
dispersion through stirring.
Solidification containing suspended particles to obtain the desired distribution of the dispersed phase in the
cast matrix. The schematic diagram of this process is shown in figure 1.46
Particle distribution changes significantly depending on process parameters during the melting and
solidification stages of the process.
The addition of particles to the melt drastically changes the viscosity of the molten metal and this has
implications for casting processes. It is important that solidification occurs before appreciable settling is allowed to
take place.
Simplicity, flexibility and applicability to large scale production.
Able to sustain high productivity due to liquid metallurgy technique.
Cheaper 1/3 to ½ than the other method of special casting process.
CO2 Molding
Introduction: CO2 Casting is a kind of sand casting process. In this process the sand molding mixture is
hardened by blowing gas over the mold. This process is favoured by hobby metal casters because a lot of cost
cutting can be done. In addition, one can be sure of getting dimensionally accurate castings with fine surface finish.
But, this process is not economical than green sand casting process.
CO2 casting process is ideal where speed and flexibility is the prime requirement. Molds and cores of a
varied sizes and shapes can be molded by this process.
This process has many advantages in comparison to other forms of castings some of them are as follows:
a. Compared to other casting methods cores and molds are strong
b. Reduces fuel cost since gas is used instead of to other costly heating generating elements
c. Reduces large requirement for number of mold boxes and core dryers
d. Provides great dimensional tolerance and accuracy in production
e. Moisture is completely eliminated from the molding sand
f. This process can be fully automated.
Casting Defects
Casting Defects
It is usually found on the flat casting surface. It is a shallow blow.
Blow is relatively large cavity produced by gases which displace molten metal from convex surface.
This is a scar covered by the thin layers of the metal.
Sometimes sand particles
dropping out of the cope get
embedded on the top surface of a
casting. When removed, these leave
small angular holes is known as dirts
This defect appears as an
uneven and rough external surface of
the casting. It may be caused when the
sand has too high permeability, large
grain size, and low strength. Soft
ramming may also cause metal
It refers to a long fairly shallow broad depression at the surface of a casting of a high temperature metal.
Due to very high temperature of the molten metal, expansion of the thin layered of the sand at the mold face takes
place. As this expansion is obstructed by the flux, the mold tends to bulge out forming a V shape..
Porosity occurs in materials, especially castings, as they change state from liquid to solid during the
manufacturing process. Casting porosity has the form of surface and core imperfections which either effects the
surface finish or as a leak path for gases and liquids.
The poring temperature should be maintained properly to reduce porosity.
Adequate fluxing of metal and controlling the amount of gas-producing materials in the molding and core
making sand mixes can help in minimizing this defect.
Blowholes are smooth round holes that are clearly perceptible on the surface of the casting. To prevent
blowholes, moisture content in sand must be well adjusted, sand of proper grain size should be used, ramming
should not be too hard and venting should be adequate.
The lighter impurities are appearing on the top of the cast surface is called the dross. It can be taken care of
at the pouring stage by using items such as a strainer and a skim bob.
Pin holes
Pin holes are tiny blow holes appearing just below the casting surface.
Inclusions are the non-metallic particles in the metal matrix,
Shrinkage of molten
metal as it solidifies is an
important issue in casting. It
can reduce the 5-10% volume
of the cast. Need to design part
and mold to take this amount
into consideration. Shrinkage
defect can be reduced by
decreasing the number of walls
and increasing the draft angle.
It is a low projection
on the drag surface of a casting
commencing near the gate. It is
caused by the erosion of sand
due to high velocity liquid
Rat tail
It is a long shallow angular depression found in a thin casting. The cause is similar to buckle.
Swell is the deformation of vertical mould surface due to hydrostatic pressure caused by moisture in the
Hot tear
Hot tears are internal or external ragged discontinuities or crack on the casting surface, caused by rapid
contraction occurring immediately after the metal solidified. Hot tear may be caused when the mold and core have
poor collapsibility or when the mold is too hard causing the casting to undergo severe strain during cooling.
Incorrect pouring temperature and improper placement of gates and risers can also create hot tears.
A shift results in a mismatch of the sections of a casting usually as a parting line. Misalignment is common
cause of shift. This defect can be prevented by ensuring proper alignment of the pattern for die parts, molding boxes,
and checking of pattern flux locating pins before use.
The process of joining takes place by means of welding, riveting or by fastening nut
and bolts. If a joint can be disassembled then joining method is called temporary
joining method. If the same, cannot be disassembled without breaking it then the
joint is called permanent joint. Normally in welding operation joining of metal pieces
is done by raising their temperature to the fusion point so that they form a sort of
pool of molten metal at the ends to the joined, sometimes, the pool is supplemented
with a filler metal (wire or rod) which normally has almost same compositions as that
of the work pieces. This way the pool forms a homogeneous mixture. It is allowed to
get solidify to have a permanent joint. There is wide diversity in welding technology
so its conventional definition can be modified as ―welding is a technique of joining
similar and dissimilar metals and plastics by adopting ways which do not include
adhesives and fasteners.‖
1. Labour cost is high as only skilled welder can produce sound and quality weld
2. It produces a permanent joint which in turn creates the problem in dissembling
if of sub-component required.
3. Hazardous fumes and vapours are generated during welding. This demands
proper ventilation of welding area.
4. Weld joint itself is considered as a discontinuity owing to variation in its
structure, composition and mechanical properties; therefore welding is not
commonly recommended for critical application where there is a danger of life.
Applications of welding
The welding is widely used for fabrication of pressure vessels, bridges,
building structures, aircraft and space crafts, railway coaches and general
applications besides shipbuilding, automobile, electrical, electronic and defense
industries, laying of pipe lines and railway tracks and nuclear installations.
Specific components need welding for fabrication includes
(a) Transport tankers for transporting oil, water, milk etc.
(b) Welding of tubes and pipes, chains, LPG cylinders and other items.
(c) Fabrication of Steel furniture, gates, doors and door frames, and body
2) Non-consumable electrodes.
Consumable electrodes
Consumable electrodes are the source of filler metal in case of arc welding.
Consumable electrodes can further be classified into two categories
a. Coated electrodes
Light coated electrode
Heavily coated electrode
b. Bare electrodes.
Light coated electrode
Light coated welding electrodes have a definite composition. A light coating
has been applied on the surface by washing, dipping, brushing, spraying, tumbling,
or wiping. The coatings improve the characteristics of the arc stream. They are listed
under the E45 series in the electrode identification system.
The coating generally serves the functions described below:
coated electrode forms a slag deposit. The shielded arc or heavy coated electrodes
are used for welding steels, cast iron, and hard surfacing.
Bare Electrodes
Bare welding electrodes are made of wire compositions required for specific
applications. These electrodes have no coatings other than those required in wire
drawing. These wire drawing coatings have some slight stabilizing effect on the arc
but are otherwise of no consequence. Bare electrodes are used for welding
manganese steel and other purposes where a coated electrode is not required or is
Non-consumable Electrodes
They are made of tungsten or carbon. These do not melt in the process of
welding and so called non-consumable electrodes. Their depletion rate is very low.
In case of non-consumable electrodes metal and flux is supplied additionally.
Generally non-consumable electrodes are used in MIG and TIG welding processes.
Electrode Coding
According to ISI coding system an electrode is specified six digits with a prefix
letter ‗M‗ which is indicative of its suitability for metal arc welding. Explanation of six
digits is given below.
E 70 1 8 -X
2 : Flat, Horizontal
1. Improve the electric conductivity in the arc region to improve the arc
ignition and stabilization of the arc.
2. Formation of slag, which;
(a) Influences size of droplet.
(b) Protects the droplet during transfer and molten weld pool from
atmospheric gases.
(c) Protects solidified hot metal from atmospheric gases.
(d) Reduces the cooling rate of weld seam.
3. Formation of shielding gas to protect molten metal.
4. Provide deoxidizers like Si and Mn in form of FeSi and FeMn.
5. Alloying with certain elements such as Cr, Ni, Mo to improve weld metal
6. Improve deposition rate with addition of iron powder in coating.
Electrode metallic core wire is the same but the coating constituents give the
different characteristics to the welds. Based on the coating constituents, structural
steel electrodes can be classified in the following classes;
Cellulosic Electrodes
Coating consists of high cellulosic content more than 30% and TiO2 up to
20%. These are all position electrodes and produce deep penetration because of
extra heat generated during burning of cellulosic materials. However, high spatter
losses are associated with these electrodes.
Rutile Electrodes
Coating consists of TiO2 up to 45% and SiO2 around 20%. These electrodes
are widely used for general work and are called general purpose electrodes.
Acidic Electrodes
Coating consists of iron oxide more than 20%. Sometimes it may be up to
40%, other constituents may be TiO2 10% and CaCO3 10%. Such electrodes
produce self-detaching slag and smooth weld finish and are used normally in flat
Basic Electrodes
Coating consist of CaCO3 around 40% and CaF2 15-20%. These electrodes
normally require baking at temperature of approximately 250°C for 1-2 hours or as
per manufacturer's instructions. Such electrodes produce high quality weld deposits
which has high resistance to cracking. This is because hydrogen is removed from
weld metal by the action of fluorine i.e. forming HF acid as CaF2 generates fluorine
on dissociation in the heat of arc.
Coating Constituent
Main Functions Other Functions
changed Negative to
It is a fusion welding in which strong gas flame is used to generate heat and
raise temperature of metal pieces localized at the place where joint is to be made. In
this welding metal pieces to be joined are heated. The metal thus melted starts
flowing along the edges where joint is to be made. A filler metal may also be added
to the flowing molten metal to fill up the cavity at the edges. The cavity filed with
molten metal is allowed to solidify to get the strong joint. Different combinations of
gases can be used to obtain a heating flame. The popular gas combinations are oxy-
hydrogen mixture, oxygen-acetylene, etc. different mixing proportion of two gases in
a mixture can generate different types of flames with different characteristics.
Oxy-Acetylene Welding
Oxy-acetylene welding can use for welding of wide range of metals and
alloys. Acetylene mixed with oxygen when burnt under a controlled environment
produces large amount of heat giving higher temperature rise. This burning also
produces carbon dioxide which helps in preventing oxidation of metals being welded.
Highest temperature that can be produced by this welding is 3200oC. The chemical
reaction involved in burning of acetylene is
The use dual oxygen and acetylene gases stored under pressure in
steel cylinders,
Its ability to switch quickly to a cutting process, by changing the
welding tip to a cutting tip,
The high temperature the gas mixture attains,
The use of regulators to control gas flow and reduce pressure on both
the oxygen and acetylene tanks,
The use of double line rubber hoses to conduct the gas from the tanks
to the torch,
Melting the materials to be welded together,
The ability to regulate temperature by adjusting gas flow.
1. Gas Cylinders
Oxygen and acetylene gases are stored in separate cylinders and used for
gas welding. The colour of oxygen cylinder is black and the acetylene gas is stored
in maroon cylinders. Oxygen is stored at a pressure of 125Kg/cm 2. Acetylene gas is
stored at a pressure of 16 Kg/cm2 in the cylinder.
2. Regulators
3. Pressure Gauges
Two pressure gauges are fitted each on the oxygen cylinder and on the
acetylene cylinder. One of the pressure gauges indicates the pressure of the cylinder
and the other gauge indicates the working pressure of the specific gas.
4. Hoses
Separate hoses are used to connect the two cylinders with the welding torch
through regulators. The colour of the hose from the oxygen cylinder is black and the
one from the acetylene cylinder is red. These hoses carry the gases to the welding
5. Welding Torch
Oxygen and acetylene reach the welding torch through the passages of hoses
from the respective cylinders. These gases are mixed in the mixing chamber of the
welding torch. Flame is produced at the tip of the torch when the gases are ignited.
There are two control valves present in the torch to control the quantity of oxygen
and acetylene. By this control, the grade of the flame can be altered. The size of the
flame is altered to suit the thickness of the metal parts.
6. Welding Gloves
Protective hand gloves are used by the operator to prevent possible damages
that may be caused by high temperatures and metal splashes during welding.
7. Spark Lighter
Spark lighter is used to ignite the oxy-acetylene gas at the tip of the welding
8. Wire Brush
Wire brushes are useful in cleaning the weld before and after the welding
The diameter of the filler rod depends upon the thickness of the parts to be
welded. The strength of the welding joint is increased by adding Nickel or Chromium
in filler rods. A thin coat of copper is provided on the filler rods to prevent the molten
metal from reacting with atmospheric oxygen. Flux may be applied either in
powdered form or liquid form.
Zone ‗1‗ is very near to the outlet of torch, where oxygen reacts with acetylene
and burning of two gases takes place.
Zone ‗3‗ is the outermost zone of the flame. Temperature of this zone is
comparatively low. This zone converts CO to CO2 and H2O vapours. On the basis of
supply proportion of acetylene and oxygen, flames can be divided into three
categories, neutral flame, carburizing flame and oxidizing flame. These are
described here.
Neutral Flame
A neutral flame is obtained when amount of O2 equal and C2H2 are mixed and
burnt at the outlet of welding torch. The flame consists of two sharply defined zones
inner white flame cone outer envelope of blue colour as shown in Figure 2.5. In this
flame none of two gasses is supplied in excess. This flame is of white cone and has
the maximum use for successful welding of many metals.
Carburizing Flame
neutral flame a systematic procedure is to make carburizing flame first and then
increase oxygen supply gradually till the excess acetylene zone disappears. The
resulting flame wills a carburizing flame. Its temperature generation range is 3100oC
to 3300oC. It is used for the welding of metals where risk of oxidation at elevated
temperature is more like aluminium, its alloys and lead and its alloys. The metals
which have tendency to absorb carbon should not be welded by carburizing flame as
they become brittle localized.
Oxidizing Flame
This flame as an excess of oxygen over that required for a neutral flame. The
ratio O2 : C2H2 = 1.15 to 1.50. To have this flame set carburizing flame first convert it
to neutral flame and then reduce the supply of acetylene to get oxidizing flame. Its
inner cone is relatively shorter and excess oxygen turns the flame to light blue
colour. It burns with a harsh sound. It is used for metals which are not oxidized
readily like brasses and bronzes.
5 Arc welded joints have very Gas welded joints have not
high strength. much strength.
9 The filler rod metal should be The filler rod metal can be
selected as the same metal as different from that of the parts
that of the parts of the joint. of the joint.
an inert gas normally argon and helium. Figures 2.6 show the principle of tungsten
inert gas welding process.
The tungsten arc process is being employed widely for the precision joining of
critical components which require controlled heat input. The small intense heat
source provided by the tungsten arc is ideally suited to the controlled melting of the
material. Since the electrode is not consumed during the process, welding without
filler material can be done without the need for continual compromise between the
heat input from the arc and the melting of the filler metal. As the filler metal, when
required, can be added directly to the weld pool from a separate wire feed system or
manually, all aspects of the process can be precisely and independently controlled
i.e. the degree of melting of the parent metal is determined by the welding current
with respect to the welding speed, whilst the degree of weld bead reinforcement is
determined by the rate at which the filler wire is added to the weld pool.
In TIG torch the electrode is extended beyond the shielding gas nozzle. The
arc is ignited by high voltage, high frequency (HF) pulses, or by touching the
electrode to the work piece and withdrawing to initiate the arc at a preset level of
Selection of Electrode
D.C.Welding : 1 or 2 % of thoria
Thoria helps to improve electron emission which facilitates easy
arc ignition
The capacity to limit the current to the set value is equally crucial when the
electrode is short circuited to the work piece, otherwise excessively high current shall
flow, damaging the electrode. Open circuit voltage of power source ranges from 60
to 80 V.
Shielding Gases
Argon + Hydrogen
Argon or helium may be used successfully for most applications, with the
possible exception of the welding of extremely thin material for which argon is
essential. Argon generally provides an arc which operates more smoothly and
quietly, is handled more easily and is less penetrating than the arc obtained by the
use of helium. For these reasons argon is usually preferred for most applications,
except where the higher heat and penetration characteristic of helium is required for
welding metals of high heat conductivity in larger thicknesses. Aluminum and copper
are metals of high heat conductivity and are examples of the type of material for
which helium is advantageous in welding relatively thick sections.
Pure argon can be used for welding of structural steels, low alloyed steels,
stainless steels, aluminum, copper, titanium and magnesium. Argon hydrogen
mixture is used for welding of some grades of stainless steels and nickel alloys. Pure
helium may be used for aluminum and copper. Helium argon mixtures may be used
for low alloy steels, aluminum and copper.
TIG welding can be used in all positions. It is normally used for root pass(es)
during welding of thick pipes but is widely being used for welding of thin walled pipes
and tubes. This process can be easily mechanised i.e. movement of torch and
feeding of filler wire, so it can be used for precision welding in nuclear, aircraft,
chemical, petroleum, automobile and space craft industries. Aircraft frames and its
skin, rocket body and engine casing are few examples where TIG welding is very
two characteristics of the welding arc namely stability of the welding arc and length
of arc besides other welding related parameters such as type of shielding gas, flow
rate of shielding gas, distance between nozzle and work-price. Consumption of the
electrode during welding slightly decreases the stability of the arc.
Metal inert gas process is similar to TIG welding except that it uses the
automatically fed consumable electrode therefore it offers high deposition rate and
so it suits for good quality weld joints required for industrial fabrication (Fig. 17.1).
Consumable electrode is fed automatically while torch is controlled either manual or
automatically. Therefore, this process is found more suitable for welding of
comparatively thicker plates of reactive metals (Al, Mg, Stainless steel). The quality
of weld joints of these metals otherwise is adversely affected by atmospheric gases
at high temperature.
Shielding Gas
The shielding gas, forms the arc plasma, stabilizes the arc on the metal being
welded, shields the arc and molten weld pool, and allows smooth transfer of metal
from the weld wire to the molten weld pool.
Argon - 1 to 5% Oxygen
Argon - 3 to 25% CO2
CO2 is also used in its pure form in some MIG welding processes. However,
in some applications the presence of CO2 in the shielding gas may adversely affect
the mechanical properties of the weld.
Burn back
Unstable arc
Difficult arc starting
flow through a nozzle. The thick layer of flux completely covers the molten metal.
The electrode wire is fed automatically from a coil into the arc. The flux is introduced
into the joint slightly ahead of the weld arc by gravity from a hopper, as shown in the
The blanket of granular flux completely submerges the arc welding operation,
preventing sparks, spatter and radiation that are so hazardous in other arc welding
processes. The portion of the flux closest to the arc is melted, mixing with the molten
weld metal to remove impurities and then solidifying on top of the weld joint to form a
glasslike slag. The slag and infused flux granules on top provide good protection
from the atmosphere and good thermal insulation for the weld area. This result in
relatively slow cooling and a high-quality weld joint. The infused flux remaining after
welding can be recovered and reused. The solid slag covering the weld must be
chipped away usually by manual means. This process is widely used for automated
welding of structural shapes, longitudinal and circumferential seams for large-
diameter pipes, tanks, and pressure vessels. Because of the gravity feed of the
granular flux, the parts must always be in a horizontal orientation.
The flux is fed into the weld zone from a hopper by gravity through a
Prevents spatter and sparks;
Suppresses the intense ultraviolet radiation and fumes characteristics
of the SMAW.
It acts as a thermal insulator by promoting deep penetration of heat into
the work piece.
The unused flux can be recovered, treated and reused.
The weld made by Submerged-arc welding have high strength and ductility
with low Hydrogen and Nitrogen content. It is suitable for welding low alloy steel,
high tensile steel, LC and MC steels, high resisting steel, corrosion resistant steel,
high strength steel and many of non-ferrous alloys.
During welding process arc is not visible, judging the welding progress
is difficult and so tools like jigs, fixtures and guides are required.
Pre-placing of flux may not always possible.
This welding process is limited to flat position.
Flux is subjected to contamination that may cause weld porosity.
Chlorine, Aluminium, Magnesium, Lead, Zinc cannot be welded.
Electro slag Welding is a welding process, in which the heat is generated by
an electric current passing between the consumable electrode (filler metal) and the
work piece through a molten slag covering the weld surface.
Prior to welding the gap between the two work pieces is filled with a welding
flux. Electroslag Welding is initiated by an arc between the electrode and the work
piece (or starting plate). Heat, generated by the arc, melts the fluxing powder and
forms molten slag. The slag, having low electric conductivity, is maintained in liquid
state due to heat produced by the electric current.
droplets fall to the weld pool and join the work pieces. The weld pool is contained
within this space and—due to contact with the copper blocks—it cools, solidifies, and
is shaped. Electro-Slag welds are started and finished on run-off plates. This is
known as starting or finishing tabs—they improve the quality of the weld metal.
An A.C. or D.C.
power source in the
range 300-800 amps is
suitable, as used for
automatic and MMA
welding is capable of
welding plates with
thicknesses ranging
from 50 mm to more
than 900 mm and
welding is done in one
pass. The current
required is about 600 A
at 40 to 50 Volts
although higher
currents are used for
thick plates. The travel
speed of the weld is in
the range from 12 to 36 mm/min. Weld quality is high. This process is used for large
structural-steel sections, such as heavy machinery, bridges, ships and nuclear-
reactor vessels.
Different metals and alloys such as low carbon steels, aluminium alloys, alloy
steels, medium carbon and high carbon steels can be welded by resistance welding.
However, for high carbon contained steels, the weld bed can be harder (less brittle).
Resistance Welding (RW) is used for joining vehicle body parts, fuel tanks,
and domestic radiators, pipes of gas oil and water pipelines, wire ends, turbine
blades, railway tracks.
𝐻 = i2𝑅𝑡
𝑅 = 𝑅𝑒𝑠i𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑜f j𝑢𝑛𝑐𝑡i𝑜𝑛
Heat produced by the current is sufficient for local melting of the work piece at
the contact point and formation of small weld pool (‖nugget‖). The molten metal is
then solidifies under a pressure and joins the pieces.
Butt welding
Spot welding
Seam welding
Projection welding
Stud welding
The process is used predominantly to make butt joints in wires and rods up to
about 16mm diameter, including small diameter chain. The faces of the pieces to be
joined may be flat and parallel or profiled in the case of larger sections. This reduces
the initial contact area and further concentrates the heating at the interface. The
components are clamped in opposing copper dies, with a small amount of stick-out,
and abutted under pressure. Current is passed between the dies causing resistance
heating of the weld area. The heat generated during welding depends on the current,
the duration of the current, and the resistance. As the resistance is highest at the
joint interface, heating is most intense in this area. When the material softens, it
deforms under the applied load, giving a solid phase forge weld. No melting occurs.
The current is terminated once a pre-set upset length has occurred, or the duration
of the current is pre-set.
The joint is then allowed to cool slightly under pressure, before the clamps are
opened to release the welded component. The weld upset may be left in place or
removed, by shearing while still hot or by grinding, depending on the requirements.
Spot welding is one of the oldest welding processes. It can be used on very
thin foils or thick sections but is rarely used above about 6mm thickness. It is used in
a wide range of industries but notably for the assembly of sheet steel vehicle bodies.
High quality welds can also be made in stainless steels, nickel alloys, aluminium
alloys and titanium for aerospace application.
The process is used for joining sheet materials and uses shaped copper alloy
electrodes to apply pressure and convey the electrical current through the work
pieces. Heat is developed mainly at the interface between two sheets, eventually
causing the material being welded to melt, forming a molten pool, the weld nugget.
The molten pool is contained by the pressure applied by the electrode tip and the
surrounding solid metal.
In Resistance Seam Welding (RSEW), the electrodes are two rotating wheels
as shown in the figure:
The spacing between the weld nuggets in resistance seam welding depends
on the motion of the electrode wheels relative to the application of the weld current.
In the usual method of operation, called continuous motion welding, the wheel is
rotated continuously at a constant velocity, and current is turned on at timing
intervals consistent with the desired spacing between spot welds along the seam so
that overlapping weld spots are produced. But if the frequency of current switching is
reduced sufficiently, there will be spacing between the weld spots, and this method is
termed roll spot welding. In another variation, the welding current remains on at a
constant level so that a truly continuous welding seam is produced. These variations
are depicted in the figure: Since the operation is usually carried out continuously,
rather than discretely, the seams should be along a straight or uniformly curved line.
Sharp comers and similar discontinuities should be avoided.
Applications of RSEW
pressed against the lower component by electrode force. The projection collapses
and a fused weld nugget are formed with the application of current. This technique is
of special value in mounting attachments to surfaces of which the back side is
inaccessible to a welding operator.
There are typically three types of projection designs which are used for
projection welding:
1) Embossed Projections
2) Stud-to-Plate Projections
3) Annular Projections
Simultaneous operation can be done i.e. more than one welds can be
Projection welding has this advantage that it can weld metals of
thickness which is not suitable for spot welding.
The short welding time and the high welding current allow the combination of
materials with high electrical and thermal conductivity. Also, large cross-section and
thickness differences in the work pieces to be welded are no problem.
1) The two materials to be welded are positioned with a preset air gap
between them
2) A burst of RF energy ionizes the air gap.
3) Capacitor banks discharge, creating an arc that heats the two materials
to a weldable temperature.
4) When the materials reach the proper welding state, electromagnetic
actuators accelerate them together. The molten masses combine,
metal to metal, and are forged together. As the weld cools, a complete
alloy bond is formed.
The components frequently used in power and high power switching devices
in the field of electrical engineering can be made without the use of solder, flux or
other welding and soldering consumables.
The short welding time results in a very narrow heat affected zone
A joint is created which is free from weld upset and nearly free from
Since the parts do not distort during the welding process and since
there is nearly no material loss, minimum post weld machining or
dressing is required, only.
The Drawn arc method is generally used for heavier studs and plates. The
Capacitor discharge method is for light gauge sheets. The operation depends upon
the size, shape, and material of the stud and the composition and thickness of the
metal parts.
Drawn arc process is used in both engineering and heavy construction work.
The equipment consists of a D.C. power source controller and a hand-operated gun
or holder. The hand-operated gun has an operating solenoid and return-spring within
the gun-body which carries the operating adjustment switch. Studs are fluxed on the
contact end, which is slightly pointed, and are supplied with ferrules. To operate the
equipment, the welding current and time for the diameter of the stud are selected,
the stud is loaded into the proper chuck, the legs adjusted for length and the stud
positioned on the plate. When the gun switch is pressed a low current flows between
the pointed stud end and the work-piece and immediately the stud is raised, drawing
an arc and ionizing the gap.
Studs from 3.3-20 mm and above in diameter can be used on the plate thicker
than 1.6 mm and above. The rate of welding varies with the type of work, jigging,
location, etc. In circular and rectangular cross-section for engineering and
construction industries the weld can be made in mild steel, austenitic stainless steel,
aluminium, and its alloys, etc.
In the capacitor process, a small projection on the end of the stud makes
contact with the work-piece and the energy from a bank of charged capacitors is
discharged across the contact. This melts the stud projection and produces a molten
end of the stud and a shallow molten pool in the base metal. This completes the
work-piece under controlled spring pressure.
Fast attachment.
No reverse marking.
The welded joint is stronger than the parent material or the stud.
Access is only required from one side.
No holes hence no leaking or weakening of the sheet.
Tamper proof.
Pre-coated or painted material can be welded
It lacks the near-instant speed that the CD stud welding process offers.
This factor could serve as a drawback for arc stud welding, resulting in
a slight effect on productivity in certain fast-paced projects.
Arc stud welds aren‗t ideal for use on thin metals,
The amount of heat and current could leave behind discoloration on
thinner work pieces.
It is not suitable for smaller length of fasteners
Principles of Operation:
In the PAW process, the work piece is cleaned and edges are prepared. An
arc is established between a non-consumable tungsten electrode and work piece or
between a non-consumable electrode and constricted nozzle. An inert gas is passed
through the inner orifice surrounding the tungsten electrode and subsequently the
gas is ionized and conducts electricity. This state of ionized gas is known as plasma.
The plasma arc is allowed to pass through the constricted nozzle causing high
energy and current density. Subsequently high concentrate heat and very high
temperatures are reached. The low flow rate (0.25 to 5 l/min) of the orifice gas is
maintained as excessive flow rate may cause turbulence in the weld pool. However
the orifice gas at this flow rate is insufficient to shield the weld pool effectively.
Therefore inert gas at higher flow rate (10- 30 l/min) is required to pass through outer
gas nozzle surrounding the inner gas nozzle to protect the weld pool. A typical
manual torch used in PAW is as shown in Fig. 4.5.2.
In the former, the arc is established between the electrode and the nozzle and
in the latter process the arc is established between the electrode and the work piece.
The differences between these two processes are presented in the Table 2.1.
In the key hole technique, due to constricted arc, high temperature and high
gas flow, small weld pool with high penetration (up to 100%) width is obtained,
resulting in complete melting of the base material beneath the arc. As the arc move
forward, the material is melted and fills the hole produced due to arc force. The
power supply and gas flow rate are turned off once the key hole is filled appropriately
in the end of welding. The work piece is suitably cleaned after cooling
Table 2.1: Difference between the transferred and non-transferred arc welding
2 The work piece is part of the The work piece is not part of the
electrical circuit and heat is electrical circuit and heat is
obtained from the anode spot and obtained from the plasma jet.
the plasma jet. Therefore, higher Therefore, less energy is
amount of energy is transferred to transferred to work. This is useful
work. This is useful for welding. in cutting.
Filler material and shielding gases: Filler material used in this process is
the same as those used in the TIG and MIG welding processes. The selection of the
gases depends upon the martial to be welded. The orifice gas must be an inert gas
to avoid contamination of the electrode material. Active gas can be used for shielding
provided it does not affect the weld quality. In general, the orifice gas is the same as
the shielding gas.
Applications of PAW:
This process is comparatively new and hence the potential of the process is
yet to be understood/ accepted. This process can be used to join all the materials
those can be welded by welding TIG process. Present applications of the process
Advantages of PAW:
Disadvantages of PAW:
Higher radiations.
Noise during welding.
Process is complicated and requires skilled manpower.
Gas consumption is high.
Higher equipment and running cost.
Higher open circuit voltage requiring higher safety measures to
1) Electron gun,
2) Power supply,
3) Vacuum Chamber, and
4) Work piece handling device
Electron Gun: An electron gun generates, accelerates and aligns the electron beam
in required direction and spots on the work piece. The gun is of two types:
(1) Self-accelerated
(2) Work accelerated.
Emitter / Filament:
It is a positively charged element near cathode, across which the high voltage
is applied to accelerate the electrons. The potential difference for high voltage
equipment ranges from 70-150 kV and for low voltage equipment from 15-30kV.
Grid cup:
Grid cup is a part of triode type electron gun. A negative voltage with respect
to cathode is applied to the grid. The grid controls the beam.
Focusing unit:
It has two parts: Electron focusing lens and deflection coil. Electron focusing
lens focuses the beam into work area. The focusing of the electrons can be carried
out by deflection of beams. The electromagnetic lens contains a coil encased in iron.
As the electrons enter into the magnetic field, the electron beam path is rotated and
refracted into a convergent beam. The extent of spread of the beam can be
controlled by controlling the amount of DC voltage applied across the deflection
It consists of mainly the high voltage DC power supply source, emitter power
supply source, electromagnetic lens and deflection coil source. In the high voltage
DC power supply source the required load varies within 3-100 kW. It provides power
supply for acceleration of the electrons. The current level ranges from 50-1000 mA.
power to the electromagnetic lens and deflection coil is supplied through a solid state
Vacuum Chamber:
Quality and precision of the weld profile depends upon the accuracy of the
movement of work piece. There is also provision for the movement of the work piece
to control the welding speed. The movements of the work piece are easily adaptable
to computer numerical control.
Advantages of EBW:
Disadvantages of EBW:
Applications of EBW:
The energy in the form of heat is liberated by a chemical reaction the reaction
is called ―Exothermic‖ — which is the chemical reaction of Thermit welding.
The Thermit consists of about five parts of aluminium to eight parts of iron
oxide. If this mixture is placed in a fireclay crucible and ignited by means of a special
powder, the action starts and continues throughout the mass of the mixture, giving
out great heat.
The intense heat that results due to the chemical action not only melts the iron
but raises the temperature to about 3,000°C. The high temperature of the iron results
in excellent fusion of the parts to be welded. Good steel scrap, or a small percentage
of manganese or other alloying elements may be added, thereby producing a good
quality Thermit steel.
Fe2O3 + 2 Al 2 Fe + Al2O3
3Cu2O + 2 Al 6 Cu + Al2O3
1. The edges of the work piece are cut flat and cleaned to remove dirt, grease
and other impurities to obtain a sound weld. A gap of about 1.5-6mm is left
between the edges of the two work pieces.
2. A wax heated to its plastic state is poured in the gap between the work pieces
to be joined and allowed to solidify. Excess wax solidified around the joint is
3. A mould box is placed around the joint and packed with sand providing
necessary gates and risers. A hole or heating gate is made in the mould
connecting to the joint.
4. The wax material is melted out by means of flame directed into the heating
gate, so that it leaves a cavity at the joint which will later be occupied by the
molten metal. The heating gate is then closed with a sand core or iron plug.
5. Exothermic reaction occurs to form molten iron and slag which floats at the
top. The temperature resulting from this reaction is approximately 3000°C.
The plug at the bottom of the crucible is opened and the molten metal is
poured into the cavity. The molten metal acts as a filler metal, melts the edges
of the joint and fuses to form a weld.
6. After the weld joint cools and solidifies, the mould is broken, risers are cut and
the joint is finished by machining and grinding.
1. Wabbler Thermit
2. Plain Thermit
3. Cast iron Thermit
4. Forging Thermit
Wabbler Thermit
Plain Thermit
Plain Thermit is a combination of Aluminium with Iron Oxide and is the base
for every other Thermits
Forging Thermit
Beside by Nickel, Manganese, Plain Thermit with mild steel are other as a
mixture and is use for welding iron works.
Friction Welding (FRW) is a solid state welding process which produces welds
due to the compressive force contact of work pieces which are either rotating or
moving relative to one another. Heat is produced due to the friction which displaces
material plastically from the faying surfaces. The basic steps explaining the friction
welding process are shown in Fig.4.4.1. In friction welding the heat required to
produce the joint is generated by friction heating at the interface. The components to
be joined are first prepared to have smooth, square cut surfaces. One piece is held
stationary while the other is mounted in a motor driven chuck or collet and rotated
against it at high speed. A low contact pressure may be applied initially to permit
cleaning of the surfaces by a burnishing action. This pressure is then increased and
contacting friction quickly generates enough heat to raise the abutting surfaces to the
welding temperature.
converted in to frictional heat. The weld is formed, when the flywheel stop its motion
and the pieces remain pressed together. Since the conditions of the inertia welding
are easily duplicated, welds of consistent quality can be produce and the process
can be easily automated. The heat affected zones are usually narrow, since the time
period is very short for heating and cooling. The radial and orbital FRW are shown in
then mechanically intermixes the two pieces of metal at the place of the joint, then
the softened metal (due to the elevated temperature) can be joined using mechanical
pressure (which is applied by the tool), much like joining clay, or dough. It is primarily
used on aluminium, and most often on extruded aluminium (non-heat treatable
alloys), and on structures which need superior weld strength without a post weld
heat treatment.
This process of the tool traversing along the weld line in a plasticized tubular
shaft of metal results in severe solid state deformation involving dynamic
recrystallization of the base material.
The filler material cools down and solidifies forming a strong metallurgical
joint, which is usually stronger than the parent (work piece) materials. The parent
materials are not fused in the process.
Copper-zinc (brass)
Copper-tin (bronze)
Nickel alloy
Amorphous brazing foil using nickel, iron, copper, silicon, boron,
phosphorus, etc.
Brazing methods
Torch brazing utilizes a heat of the flame from a torch. The torch mixes a fuel
gas with Oxygen or air in the proper ratio and flow rate, providing combustion
process at a required temperature.
The torch flame is directed to the work pieces with a flux applied on their
surfaces. When the work pieces are heated to a required temperature, filler alloy is
fed into the flame. The filler material melts and flows to the gap between the joined
Torch brazing is the most popular brazing method.
Advantages of brazing
Disadvantages of brazing
The function of fluxes is to remove the non-metallic oxide film from the metal
surface during the heating and soldering operations, so that clean metals may make
mutual metallic contact.
The flux does not constitute a part of the soldered joint. Commonly used
fluxes in soldering joining process are Zinc chloride (Zncl2), ammonium chloride
(NH4cl and hydrochloric acid (Hcl).
Soldering Methods
Hand soldering
Torch soldering utilizes a heat of the flame from a torch. The torch mixes a
fuel gas with oxygen or air in the proper ratio and flow rate, providing combustion
process at a required temperature.
The torch flame is directed to the work pieces with a flux applied on their
surfaces. When the work pieces are heated to a required temperature, solder is fed
into the joint region. The solder melts and flows to the gap between the joined parts.
Hand soldering is used in repair works and for low volume production.
Wave soldering
The method uses a tank full with a molten solder. The solder is pumped, and
its flow forms a wave of a predetermined height. The printed circuit boards pass over
the wave touching it with their lower sides. The method is used for soldering through-
hole components on printed circuit boards.
Reflow soldering
In this method a solder paste (a mix of solder and flux particles) is applied
onto the surface of the parts to be joined and then are heated to a temperature
above the melting point of the solder. The process is conducted in a continuous
furnace, having different zones: preheating, soaking, reflow and cooling. The joint
forms when the solder cools down and solidifies in the cooling zone of the furnace.
Advantages of soldering
Disadvantages of soldering
Hot working and cold working of metals – Forging processes – Open, impression
and closed die forging – forging operations. Rolling of metals– Types of Rolling –
Flat strip rolling – shape rolling operations – Defects in rolled parts. Principle of rod
and wire drawing – Tube drawing – Principles of Extrusion – Types – Hot and Cold
Cold Working:
Warm Working:
Hot Working:
Plastic deformation of
metal carried out at temperature
above the recrystallization
temperature, is called hot working.
Under the action of heat and force,
when the atoms of metal reach a
certain higher energy level, the new
crystals start forming. This is called
recrystallization. When this
happens, the old grain structure
deformed by previously carried out
mechanical working no longer exist,
instead new crystals which are strain-free are formed.
In hot working, the temperature at which the working is completed is critical
since any extra heat left in the material after working will promote grain growth, leading
to poor mechanical properties of material.
1. No strain hardening
2. Lesser forces are required for deformation
3. Greater ductility of material is available, and therefore more deformation is
Recrystallization temperature
Recrystallization temperature can be defined as the process, the temperature in
which grains of a crystal structure are come in new structure or new crystal shape.
Recrystallization is usually accompanied by a reduction in the strength and hardness of
a material and a simultaneously increase in the ductility.
5 Internal and residual stresses are Internal and residual stresses are
not developing in the metal. developed.
8 Cracks and blow holes are Possibility of crack formation and its
welded up. propagation is great.
Forging is a manufacturing process involving the shaping of metal using localized
compressive force. The blows are delivered with a hammer (often a power hammer) or
a die. Forging is often classified according to the temperature at which it is performed:
Cold forging (performed at room temperature)
Warm forging (performed at elevated room temperature)
Hot forging (a type of hot working)
Benefits of forging:
Drawbacks of forging:
Hand Forging
Classification of forging
Drop forging
Press forging
Open – die forging
Closed – die forging
Impression die forging
Flashless forging
Upset forging
Roll forging
Hand forging
Hand Forging
Drop forging
Press forging, which is
mostly used for forging of large
sections of metal, uses hydraulic
press to obtain slow and
squeezing action instead of a
series of blows as in drop forging.
The continuous action of the
hydraulic press helps to obtain
uniform deformation throughout
the entire depth of the work
piece. Therefore, the impressions
obtained in press forging are cleaner.
Press forgings generally need smaller draft than drop
forgings and have greater dimensional accuracy. Dies are
generally heated during press forging to reduce heat loss,
promote more uniform metal flow and production of finer
Hydraulic presses are available in the capacity range
of 5 MN to 500 MN but 10 MN to 100MN capacity presses
are more common.
Upset Forging
Upset forging involves increasing the cross – section of a material at the expense
of its corresponding length. Upset – forging was initially
developed for making bolt heads in a continuous manner, but
presently it is the most widely used of all forging processes.
Parts can be upset – forged from bars or rods upto 200 mm
in diameter in both hot and cold condition. Examples of upset
forged parts are fasteners, valves, nails, and couplings.
The process uses split dies with one or several cavities
in the die. Upon separation of split die, the heated bar is
moved from one cavity to the next. The split dies are then
forced together to grip the and a heading tool (or ram)
advances axially against the bar, upsetting it to completely fill the die cavity. Upon
completion of upsetting process the heading tool comes back and the movable split die
releases the stock.
Upsetting machines, called up setters, are generally horizontal acting.
When designing parts for upset – forging, the following three rules must be
The length of unsupported bar that can be upset in one blow of heading tool
should not exceed 3 times the diameter of bar. Otherwise bucking will occur.
For upsetting length of stock greater than 3 times the diameter the cavity
diameter must not exceed 1.5 times the diameter of bar.
For upsetting length of stock greater than 3 times the diameter and when the
diameter of the upset is less than 1.5 times the diameter of the bar, the length of
un – supported stock beyond the face of die must not exceed diameter of the
Roll Forging
This process is used to reduce the
thickness of round or flat bar with the
corresponding increase in length. Examples of
products produced by this process include leaf
springs, axles, and levers.
The process is carried out on a rolling
mill that has two semi cylindrical rolls that are
slightly eccentric to the axis of rotation. Each
roll has a series of shaped grooves on it.
When the rolls are in open position, the
heated bar stock is placed between the rolls.
With the rotation of rolls through half a
revolution, the bar is progressively squeezed
and shaped. The bar is then inserted between the next set of smaller grooves and the
process is repeated till the desired shape and size are achieved.
Forging operation
Drawing down
The process of shortening the length of the work piece or increasing the
thickness and width (if the work piece is circular, then its diameter) on either side is
named as upsetting
Heading operation is similar to upsetting operation, but the stock dimension is
increased only on one end of the stock.
It is the operation of reducing the stock between the two ends of the stock at a
central place, so as to increase its length. The inclined surface of the die prevents
material movement in the width direction, because there is a pressure component acting
in the direction of material flow. Repeated strokes with the stock rotated around its axis
between strokes, allow substantial material redistribution.
The process (edging or rolling operation) of distribute the metal longitudinally by
moving the metal from the portion of the stock where it is in excess to the portion which
is deficient in metal.
Drawing down or cogging
It is an operation similar to fullering with the difference that the stock is reduced
at only one end (and its length increased) instead of at a central place as in fullering.
operation makes the
longitudinal axis of the
stock in two or more
places. This operation
is done after the stock
has been edged or
fullered, so that the
stock is brought into a
proper relation with the
shape of the finishing
This operation is
used to flatten the
stock so that it fits
properly into the
finishing impression of
a closed die.
This operation
which imparts to the
forging its general but not exact or final shape. This is done just prior to finishing
A pair of blade, either milled in the corner of a pair of forging dies, or inserted in
the dies, used to cut away a forging from the bar after the finishing blow.
It is the operation done with the help of a punch to obtain blind or through holes
in the metal. The pierced billet is further processed.
This is the operation of shearing out a slug in a forging to produce a hole.
It is the operation of reducing or changing the cross-section area of diameter by
revolving the stock under fast impact blows.
It is a cold closed die forging operation (no flash) to obtain closer tolerances and
smoother surfaces.
Hot forging and cold forging are two different metal forming processes that
deliver similar results. Forging is the process of deforming metal into a predetermined
shape using certain tools and equipment—deformation is accomplished using hot, cold,
or even warm forging processes. Ultimately, the manufacturer will look at a number of
criteria before choosing which type of forging is best for a particular application.
When a piece of metal is hot forged it must be heated significantly. The average
temperatures necessary for hot forging are:
Up to 1150 degrees Celsius for Steel
360 to 520 degrees Celsius for Al-Alloys
700 to 800 degrees Celsius for Cu-Alloys
During hot forging, the temperature reaches above the recrystallization point of
the metal. This kind of extreme heat is necessary in avoiding strain hardening of the
metal during deformation. In order to prevent the oxidation of certain metals, like super
alloys, a type of hot forging called isothermal forging is a good choice. In isothermal
forging, the metal deformation occurs within a highly controlled atmosphere, similar to
that of a vacuum.
Cold Forging
Cold forging deforms metal while it is below its recrystallization point. Cold
forging is generally preferred when the metal is already a soft metal, like aluminum. This
process is usually less expensive than hot forging and the end product requires little, if
any, finishing work. Sometimes, when aluminum is cold forged into a desired shape, it is
heat treated to strengthen the piece. This is called "tempering."
Cold Forging Process
Despite the word "cold," cold forging actually occurs at or near room
temperature. The most common metals in cold forging applications are usually standard
or carbon alloy steels. One of the most common types of cold forging is a process called
impression-die forging, where the metal is placed into a die that is attached to an anvil.
The metal is then hit by a descending hammer and forced into the die. Depending on
the product, the hammer may actually be dropped on the metal numerous times in a
very rapid sequence.
Forging press
Mechanical Press
Crank press:
Knuckle press:
Eccentric press
Screw Press
The rack and pinion press delivers the motors energy from a gear directly
connected to the drive shaft. The rack is actually a round gear of infinite radius. A
Hydraulic presses
Pneumatic press
Pneumatic presses are used to forge small parts. In this press, the weight of anvil
is equal to 15 to 20 times of falling
weight. The operating principle is
similar to hydraulic press. There are
two cylinder namely; compressor
cylinder and ram cylinder. The air is
compressed in a compressor cylinder
for the upward stroke and downward
stroke and is delivering to the ram
cylinder, where it actuates the ram,
delivering the forging blow to the work.
The reciprocation of the compressor
piston is obtained from a crank drive
which is powered from an electric
motor through reducing gear. The
distribution of air between compressor
cylinder and ram cylinder is controlled
by means of two valves with port through which air passes in to the ram cylinder, up and
down the ram alternately. The valves are actuated by depressing foot treadle or
operating by a hand lever.
By controlling the air
distribution, the required
ram movement can be
attained: either continuous
blow or to hold the ram in
upper or lower position.
The size of
pneumatic press varies
from 0.5 to 10KN. The
operating speed is 80 to
200 blows per minute.
Steam hammer
In this type of hammer, there is no in-built air compressor. Separate high pressure
steam is required. There are two types of steam hammer are employed namely (1)
single acting (2) double acting.
In single acting steam hammer, the high pressure steam enters in to the cylinder port
employed at lower portion of the cylinder. Due to this, the ram fitted with upper die allow
to move up, meanwhile the steam or air present in the upper portion of the cylinder is
exhaust through port provided at top most portion of the cylinder. The ram will move
downward by self-weight of ram and also due to gravitational force. Now the
compressive action is happen and the forging process is completed.
Similarly, the double acting steam hammer also have same working principle, but the
lowering movement of ram is occurred due to steam inlet through the port provided in
the upper portion of the cylinder. The capacity of this type of hammer is in the range of
400Kg to 8000Kg.
Forging defects
Rolling is a forming operation where cylindrical rolls are used to reduce the cross
sectional area of a bar or plate with a corresponding increase in the length. Rolling
process is widely used because of high productivity. Figure 3.3.2 depicts schematic
set-up of rolling process. Rolling processes are broadly classified by the geometry of
the final rolled shape of the work piece material such as flat rolling that is used to
reduce thickness of a
rectangular cross-section,
and shape rolling that is
used to produce shaped
sections such as I-Beam
from a square or
rectangular cross-section
Rolling processes
are performed both at high
temperature (above the
temperature), which is referred to as Hot Rolling, as well as at room temperature that is
referred to as Cold Rolling. Hot Rolling is usually performed when large amount of
deformation is required while Cold Rolling is performed for finished sheet and plate
stock. Various structural members, plates and sheets as well as pipes are produced by
rolling at very high productivity although due to high tooling cost, it is economical for
large batch size only
In general rolled metal does not The metal shows the working
show work hardening effect. hardening effect after being cold rolled.
Long product mills – These mills rolls rounds, rods and shapes.
3. based on products
Blooming, cogging and slabbing mills – These are the preparatory mills to
roll blooms and slabs from ingots. With the wide spread acceptance of
slab and bloom continuous castings these mills are no more required.
Beam mills – These mills are used for the production of heavy beams and
large channels.
Rail mills – As the name suggest rails mills are used for rolling of rails from
the blooms.
Merchant bar mills – These mills rolls merchant grades of rounds and
reinforcement bars.
SBQ mills – These mills are used for rolling special bar quality rounds.
Wire rod mills – These mills produces wire rods from billets. Usually these
mills are provided with no twist rolling in the blocks and controlled cooling
of the rods after rolling.
Hot strip mill – These are also flat mills and rolls hot strips from slabs.
Cold strip mills – These mills rolls cold strips from hot strips by cold rolling.
Universal mills – These mills are for the production of various wide flanged
shapes by a system of vertical and horizontal rolls.
Reversing mills – In this type of mills the rolling direction changes after each
pass. In these mills the rolls are stopped, reversed, and then brought back up to rolling
speed after each pass. In these materials the material being rolled moves in to and fro
Continuous mills – In this type of mills the material to be rolled moves only in one
direction and all the mill rolls rotates only in single direction. There are number of stands
provided in the mill for giving total reduction to the material being rolled and for giving
final shape to the rolled product.
Semi continuous mills – In this type of mills some roll stands (usually roughing
stands) are reversing type while other rolling stands (usually finishing stands)
constitutes continuous rolling.
Tandem mills – A tandem mill is a type of rolling mill where rolling is done in one
pass. In a traditional rolling mill rolling is done in several passes, but in tandem mill
there are several stands (>/=2 stands) and reductions take place successively. The
number of stands ranges from 2 to 18. Tandem mills can be either of hot or cold rolling
mill types.
Straight line mills – In these mills all the roll stands have a common centre line
and material being rolled moves only in forward or forward/backward direction.
Rolling mills are also classified based on the roll configurations. The types of
mills based on roll configurations are given below.
Reversing mill
Non reversing mill
It consists of a roll stand with three parallel rolls one above the other. Adjacent
rolls rotates in opposite direction. So that the material may be passed between the top
and the middle roll in one direction and the bottom and middle rolls in opposite one.In
three high rolling mills the work piece is rolled on both the forward and return passes.
First of all the work piece passes through the bottom and middle rolls and the returning
between the middle and the top rolls.
Cluster Mill
Planetary mill
The inlet and outlet volume rates of material flow must be the same
The entering and exiting velocities of the work. The point where roll velocity equals work
velocity is known as the no-slip point or the neutral point.
𝐹 = 𝐿 𝑤 𝑌𝑎𝑣𝑔
𝑤 = 𝑊𝑖𝑑𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑝
The power P required to drive each roll is 𝑃 = 𝑘𝑊
60 ×1000
Shape rolling is a broad term for a range of metal rolling operations that involve
forming the work with rolls of certain geometry. The rolls form the part to a specific
shape. Most shape rolling involves passing the material through several steps. Two very
common examples of continuous shape rolled product are the I beam for structural
purposes and the rail for railroad track.
Many different shapes can be shape rolled in metal rolling industry today. Here is
an example of a possible roll pass design for the production of a H- section roll shape
Ring rolling
A significant advantage of parts produced by this metal rolling process is that the
forming of the material will impart the ring with a grain orientation that gives it enhanced
strength relative to most applications. Common items produced by this process in
manufacturing industry today include rings for machinery, aerospace applications,
turbines, pipes, pressure vessels, roller and ball bearing races. The following shows the
sequence of events of the ring rolling process, the part is commonly started as a metal
bar cut to a certain length.
Thread rolling
the shape and the force of the action forms the threads into the material. A similar metal
forming process has been developed for the production of gears.
Rolling defects
There are two types of defects which can be observed in rolled products.
1) Surface defects
2) Internal surface defects.
a) Wavy edges
b) Zipper cracks
c) Edge cracks
d) Alligatoring
e) Folds
f) Laminations.
a) Wavy edges
b) Zipper cracks
Zipper crack also occur due to poor material ductility at the rolling temperature. The
remedy is to provide a camber to the rolls, (i.e.) their diameter is made slightly larger at
the centre than at the edges.
During rolling process, the thickness of metal is reduced and the length is increase, due
to this the elements near the edges will be under tension and the element near the
centre will be under compression. Such a situation can lead to edge cracks (fig. (c)).
Another interesting defect that can occur in flat rolling is alligatoring, where the work
being rolled actually splits in two during the process. The two parts of the work material
travel in opposite directions relative to their respective rolls.
Folds: these defects are encountered during plate rolling if the reduction per pass is
very small.
Laminations: during rolling process, due to incomplete welding, defects like longitudinal
strings of non-metallic inclusions are introduced at the time of ingot productions. Under
severe reduction, these defects can results in to small crack called laminations along
the thickness direction. Due to this the strength along the thickness direction can get
drastically reduced.
Roll diameter
Angel of bite
Strength of work material
Speed of rolling roll gap
Coefficient of friction
Dimensions of sheet
Metal Drawing
Rod or bar
drawing is a term used to
denote one of two categories of
metal drawing. Rod or bar
drawing refers to the drawing
of work of larger cross
sections, while wire drawing
refers to the forming of work of
a relatively smaller profile. Due
to the size of the work, rod and
bar drawing involves much
more finite lengths of material than wire drawing. This type of process is carried out as a
discrete manufacturing operation.
Wire drawing
Wire drawing is the second major category of metal drawing operations. While rod and
bar drawing refer to the drawing of larger cross sections, wire drawing refers to the
drawing of relatively smaller cross sections. The enormous amount of electrical wire and
cable produced by this manufacturing method makes wire drawing a major modern
Tubes and pipes are required in large quantities by industries all over the world.
Tubes are basically of two types. They are either seamless (i.e., without any joint) or
with joint all along the length of the tube. Seamless tubes are made by processes such
as casting, extrusion or rolling. Tubes with joint are made by welding. Usually, the weld
joint is made by electric resistance welding process; such tubes are referred to as ERW
tubes. The size of a tube or pipe is indicated by the size of its bore in mm.
Since the requirement of tubes is so large, a special rolling process called Mannesmann
rotary piercing process has been developed. In this process, a heated round billet with
its leading end, in the centre of which a short guide hole has been punched or drilled, is
pushed longitudinally between two large tapered rolls as shown in Fig. 3.33.
The rolls revolve in the same direction and their axes are inclined at opposite
angles of approx 6°from the axis of the billet. As the billet is caught by the rolls and is
rotated, their inclination causes the material to be drawn forward. The small clearance
between the rolls forces the material to deform into an elliptical shape. Due to
compressive forces, secondary tensile stresses start acting in a direction perpendicular
to the direction of the compressive stresses. The guide hole drilled/punched at centre of
billet tears open. This action is assisted by a suitably placed mandrel.
As the billet mores forward and keeps rotating the tearing action is propagated
throughout the length
of the billet. End result
is a roughly formed
seamless tube of
elliptical cross-
section. This roughly
formed seamless tube
is further rolled in a
―plug rolling mill‖. The
final operations of
―reeling‖ and ―sizing‖
are further conducted
on cooled tube to
improves size and
finish of tube.
The ‗drawing‘ process can also be used for tube drawing. Tube drawing does not
mean manufacturing a tube from solid raw material. It means lengthening a tube
reducing its diameter. Various arrangements used for tube drawing are shown in Fig.
The method shown in Fig. 3.33 (a) is the most common method used for tube
drawing. A conventional tube drawing bench is used. Method shown in Fig. 3.33 (b)
employs a floating mandrel. Method shown in Fig. 3.33 (c) uses a long circular rod to
control the size of tube-bore. Method shown inFig.3.33 (d) uses neither a mandrel nor a
bar and controlling size of bore is difficult.
The process of extrusion is most commonly used for the manufacture of solid
and hollow sections of nonferrous metals and alloys. Aluminum is an extremely good
material for metal extrusion. Copper, magnesium, zinc, tin and some softer low carbon
steels, can also be extruded with little complication due to the material. High carbon
steels, titanium and various refractory alloys, can be difficult to extrude.
Type of extrusion
Hot extrusion
Cold extrusion
Direct extrusion
Indirect extrusion
Hydrostatic extrusion
Impact extrusion
Hot Extrusion
Typical parts produced by extrusions are trim parts used in automotive and
construction applications, window frame members, railings, aircraft structural parts.
Results in a layer of oxide scale build up on the external surfaces of the work
Scale can affect surface finish
Affect the accuracy of the part
Cold Extrusion
During direct extrusion, metal flow and forces required are affected by the friction
between the work piece and the chamber walls. Particularly in hot working, oxide scale
build up on the outer surfaces of the work piece can negatively influence the operation.
Indirect extrusion is a particular type of metal extrusion process in which the work
piece is located in a chamber that is completely closed off at one side. The metal
extrusion die are located on the ram, which exerts force from the open end of the
chamber. As the manufacturing process
proceeds, the extruded product flows in
the opposite direction that the ram is
moving. For this purpose the ram is made
hollow, so that the extruded section
travels through the ram itself. This
manufacturing process is advantageous
in that there are no frictional forces
between the work piece and the chamber
walls. Indirect extrusion does present
limitations. Tooling and machine set up
are more complicated, hollow rams are
not as strong and less ridged and support
of the length of the metal extrusion's profile, as it travels out of the mold, is more
Indirect extrusion can also be used to produce hollow parts. In this process, a
ram is forced into the work material. The ram gives the internal geometry to the tubular
part, while the material is formed around it. Difficulties in supporting the ram limit this
process and the length of tubular metal extrusions that may be manufactured.
This process is best suited for softer metals, aluminum is a great material for forming by
A critical aspect of manufacturing by this process is setup. The metal work billet
must first be tapered to fit through the die opening, thus creating a seal. This is done
before adding the liquid, in order to prevent leaking. Since the liquid is under great
pressure, this taper must be precise to create a robust bond. Many different shapes
may be manufactured by this process, using a variety of materials.
Liquid pressure from all directions also greatly decreases the chances of buckling
of the work.
Hydrostatic extrusion
may be performed at room or
elevated temperatures,
depending upon the
manufacturing process. When
performed hot, the liquid will
insulate the work from thermal
gradients between the
container and work material.
An advanced variation of this
process is called fluid to fluid
extrusion. This process is
basically the same, except
that the part is extruded into a
second chamber also
containing pressurized liquid. The liquid in the second chamber is of a lower pressure
than the first. Several different kinds of liquids are used when manufacturing by
hydrostatic extrusion, including oils, waxes, melted polymers and molten glass.
Hydrostatic extrusion has not had much use in manufacturing industry, due to the
complicated equipment and procedures, work preparation, long cycle times and
dangers of working with hot, high pressure liquid.
No friction amidst the container and billet. This minimizes the force
requirements, allowing higher reduction ratios, faster speeds, & lower billet
Friction of the die can be largely reduced by a film of pressurized lubricant
amidst the die surface and deforming metal.
On applying high pressures, the ductility of material increases.
Even flow of material.
Large billets & large cross-sections are extruded.
Uniform hydrostatic pressure inside the container eliminates the requirement
of billets being straightened and extrusion of coiled wire.
No billet residue is left on the walls of container.
Increased handling for the injection and removal of the fluid for every
extrusion cycle
Decreased control of speed of the billet & stopping because of potential stick-
slip and enormous stored energy in the compressed fluid
Decreased process efficiency in terms of billet-to-container volume ratio
Enhanced complications, when extrusion is done at elevated temperatures
Defects in Extrusion
Surface cracking
Surface cracking occurs when the surface of an extrusion splits, which is often
caused by the extrusion temperature, friction, or speed being too high. It can also
happen at lower temperatures if the extruded product temporarily sticks to the die.
Internal cracking
Internal cracking occurs when the centre of the extrusion develops cracks or
voids. These cracks are attributed to a state of hydrostatic tensile stress at the center
line in the deformation zone in the die.
It is the flow pattern that draws the surface oxides and impurities to the centre of
the product. Such a pattern is often caused by high friction or cooling of the outer
regions of the billet.
Surface lines
These are the lines visible on the surface of the extruded profile. This depends
heavily on the quality of the die production and how well the die is maintained, as some
residues of the material extruded can stick to the die surface and produce the
embossed lines.
Sheet metal is metal formed by an industrial process into thin, flat pieces. It is one of the
fundamental forms used in metalworking and it can be cut and bent into a variety of
shapes. Countless everyday objects are constructed with sheet metal. Thicknesses can
vary significantly; extremely thin thicknesses are considered foil or leaf, and pieces
thicker than 6 mm (0.25 in) are considered plate.
Sheet metal is available in flat pieces or coiled strips. The coils are formed by running a
continuous sheet of metal through a roll slitter.
There are many different metals that can be made into sheet metal, such
as aluminum, brass, copper, steel, tin, nickel and titanium. For decorative uses,
important sheet metals include silver, gold, and platinum (platinum sheet metal is also
utilized as a catalyst.)
Sheet metal is used for car bodies, airplane wings, medical tables, roofs for buildings
(architecture) and many other applications. Sheet metal of iron and other materials with
high magnetic permeability, also known as laminated steel cores, has applications
in transformersand electric machines. Historically, an important use of sheet metal was
in plate armor worn by cavalry, and sheet metal continues to have many decorative
uses, including in horse tack. Sheet metal workers are also known as "tin bashers" (or
"tin knockers")
Characteristic Description
Elongation : The capability of the sheet metal to stretch without
necking and failure are determined; high strain-
hardening exponent (n) and strain-rate sensitivity
exponent (m) desirable.
Quality of sheared edges : Depends on process used; edges can be rough, not
square, and contain cracks, residual stresses, and a
work-hardened layer, which are all detrimental to the
formability of the sheet; quality can be improved by
control of clearance, tool and die design, fine blanking,
shaving, and lubrication.
Sheet metal
The term "shearing or cutting process" is refers to a specific cutting process that
produces straight line cuts to separate a piece of sheet metal. Most commonly, shearing
is used to cut a sheet parallel to an existing edge which is held square, but angled cuts
can be made as well. For this reason, shearing is primarily used to cut sheet stock into
smaller sizes in preparation for other processes. Shearing has the following capabilities:
A variety of cutting processes that utilize shearing forces exist to separate or remove
material from a piece of sheet stock in different ways. Each process is capable of
forming a specific type of cut, some with an open path to separate a portion of material
and some with a closed path to cutout and remove that material. By using many of
these processes together, sheet metal parts can be fabricated with cutouts and profiles
of any 2D geometry. Such cutting processes include the following:
The hydraulic press drives the punch downward at high speed into the sheet. A
small clearance, typically 10-20% of the material thickness, exists between the punch
and die. When the punch impacts the sheet, the metal in this clearance quickly bends
and then fractures. The blank which has been sheared from the stock now falls freely
into the gap in the die. This process is extremely fast, with some blanking presses
capable of performing over 1000 strokes per minute.
Fine blanking
Fine blanking is a specialized type of blanking in which the blank is sheared from the
sheet stock by applying 3 separate forces. This technique produces a part with better
flatness, a smoother edge with minimal burrs, and tolerances as tight as ±0.0003. As a
result, high quality parts can be blanked that do not require any secondary operations.
However, the additional equipment and tooling does add to the initial cost and makes
fine blanking better suited to high volume production. Parts made with fine blanking
include automotive parts, electronic components, cutlery, and power tools.
In fine blanking, the clearance between the punch and the die is smaller, around
0.01 inches, and the blanking is performed at slower speeds. As a result, instead of
the material fracturing to free the blank, the blank flows and is extruded from the sheet,
providing a smoother edge.
drives the punch downward at high speed through the sheet and into the die below.
There is a small clearance between the edge of the punch and the die, causing the
material to quickly bend and fracture. The slug that is punched out of the sheet falls
freely through the tapered opening in the die. This process can be performed on a
manual punch press, the punch press can be hydraulically, pneumatically, or electrically
powered and deliver around 600 punches per minute.
Typical punching operation is one in which a cylindrical punch tool pierces the sheet
metal, forming a single hole. However, a variety of operations are possible to form
different features. These operations include the following:
A typical die and punch set used for blanking operation is shown in Figure. The
sheet metal used is called strip or stock. The punch which is held in the punch holder is
bolted to the press ram while die is bolted on the press table. During the working stroke,
the punch penetrates the strip, and on the return stroke of the press ram the strip is
lifted with the punch, but it is removed from the punch by the stripper plate. The stop pin
is a gage and it sets the advance of the strip stock within the punch and die. The strip
stock is butted against the back stop acting as a datum location for the centre of the
The die opening is given angular clearance to permit escape of good part (blank).
The waste skeleton of stock strip, from which blanks have been cut, is recovered as
salvaged material.
In blanking operation, the die size is taken as the blank size and the punch is
made smaller giving the necessary clearance between the die and the punch.
Clearance = k .t . 𝑟
Clearance = k .t . 𝑟
Types of dies
Simple die
Bed : The bed is lower part of press frame that serves as a table on
which a bolster plate is mounted.
Bolster Plate : Bolster plate is a thick plate secured to the press bed, which is
used for locating and supporting the die assembly. Its thickness is
usually 5 to 12.5 cm.
Die set : Die set is unit assembly which incorporates a lower and upper
shoe, two or more guide posts and guide post bushings.
Die : Die is the female part of a complete tool for producing work in a
press. It is also referred to a complete tool consisting of pair of
mating members for producing work in press.
Die Block : It is the block or a plate which contains the die cavity.
Lower Shoe : The lower shoe of a die set is generally mounted on the upper
plate of a press. The die block is mounted on the lower shoe. The
guide posts are also mounted in it.
Punch : Punch is the male component of the die assembly which is directly
or indirectly moved by or fastened to the press ram or slide.
Upper Shoe : It is the upper part of the die set which contain die post bushings
Punch Plate : The punch plate or punch retainer fits closely over the body of the
punch and holds it in proper relative position.
Back Up Plate : It is also called pressure plate. It is placed so that the intensity of
pressure does not become excessive on punch holder. The plate
distributes the pressure over a wide area and intensity of pressure
on the punch holder is reduced to avoid crushing.
Stripper : Stripper is a plate which is used to strip the metal strip from a
cutting or non-cutting punch or die. It may also guide the strip.
Knock Out : Knock out mechanism is used to remove the workpiece from a die.
It is connected to and operated by the press ram.
Compound die
More expensive to construct and repair
Slower in operation as compared with progressive die
Heaviest construction.
Complicated design.
Progressive die
During the next stroke, the pilot on blanking punch enters the previously pierced
hole which ensures the exact alignment of the strip to be blanked next. The die stop
activation pin pushes the die stop pin below the edge of the blank. Hence the strip is
transferred to next station on return stroke of the ram. The button die stop pin returns to
its normal position and holds the strip on the inside wall of the blanked hole. During the
third stroke, another complete part is produced and thereafter parts are produced at
each stroke of the ram. In a progressive die, force required is reduced to a large extent
due to the staggering of punches. The disadvantage of progressive die is that it makes
balancing of the punches difficult.
Transfer die
Transfers dies are same as progressive dies, the only difference being that the
already cut blanks are fed manually or automatically from station to station. First
operation is blanking, which is followed by piercing.
Combination Dies
In a combination die, cutting action is combined with non-cutting actions, i.e.
forming. Non-cutting actions may be bending, drawing, extrusion or embossing. More
than one operation is possible in one stroke at a single stage, but the die is more useful
for two operations only.
The principle of working of
a combination dies is
shown in Figure
comes down. Then the drawing punch contacts and forces the blank into the drawing
die which is made into the blanking punch.
Bending induces plastic deformation in the material, so the part retains its shape after
the bending force is released.
Figure (a) shows a simple bend on a rectangular blank. The top profile of the blank
undergoes extension – a thin element along the top surface will be longer after the
bending than the initial length; likewise, the bottom portion experiences compression.
Thus, as we travel from the bottom to the top, there is some layer in the middle which
retains its original length – this forms the neutral axis. The location of the neutral axis,
and therefore its length, determines the length of the blank we must begin with, in order
to get the final part with the correct geometry.
Types of bending
V – Bending
Edge bending is another very common sheet metal process and is performed
with a wiping die. Edge bending gives a good mechanical advantage when
forming a bend. However, angles greater than 90 degrees will require more
complex equipment, capable of some horizontal force delivery.
Rotary bending
Spring Back
At the end of the bending operation, when the pressure on the metal is released, there
is an elastic recovery of the material. This cause a decrease in the bend angle and this
phenomenon is called as spring back.
Œ Over bending—the punch angle and radius are smaller than the final ones.
• Bottoming—squeezing the part at the end of the stroke.
Air Bending
BA = 𝛼 (R + kt)
k = constant,
whose value may be taken as 1/3 when R < 2t, and as 1/2 when R ³ 2t.
𝛼 = 2𝜋 ×
Since R > 2t, k = 0.5
Bend allowance
= (2 × 𝜋 × ) (10 + 0.5 × 4) = 12.56 𝑚𝑚
Bending Force :
F = Bending force
Bending Operation
o Straight
o Stretch
o Shrink
o Flat
o Open
Deep drawing is a sheet metal forming process in which a sheet metal blank is radially
drawn into a forming die by the mechanical action of a punch. The process is
considered "deep"
drawing when the
depth of the drawn
part exceeds its
diameter. This is
achieved by
redrawing the part
through a series of
dies. The flange
region (sheet metal
in the die shoulder
area) experiences a radial drawing stress and a tangential compressive stress due to
the material retention property. These compressive stresses (hoop stresses) result in
flange wrinkles (wrinkles of the first order). Wrinkles can be prevented by using a blank
holder, the function of which is to facilitate controlled material flow into the die radius.
Deep drawing is always accompanied by other forming techniques within the press.
These other forming methods include:
Formability may be defined as the ease with which material may be forced into a
permanent change of shape.
Cup drawing test uses a circular blank from the metal to be tested. It is inserted in
a die, and the severity of the draw it is able to withstand without tearing called the
drawing ratio, is noted. The drawing ratio is the ratio of the cup diameter to the blank
D = blank diameter
d = punch diameter
Strain-Hardening Coefficient:
Strain hardening refers to the fact that as a metal deforms in some area,
dislocations occur in the microstructure. As these dislocations pile up, they tend to
strengthen the metal against further deformation in that area. Thus the strain is spread
throughout the sheet. However, at some point in the deformations, the strain suddenly
localizes and necking, or localized thinning, develops. When this occurs, little further
overall deformation of the sheet can be obtained without it fracturing in the necked
The strain – hardening coefficient therefore reflects how well the metal distributes
the strain throughout the sheet, avoiding or delaying localized necking. The higher the
strain – hardening coefficient, the move the material will harden as it is being stretched
and the greater will be the resistance to localized necking. Necks in the metal harm
surface appearance and affect structural integrity.
For many stamping operations, stretching of the metal is the critical factor and is
dependent on the strain – hardening coefficient. Therefore, stampings that need much
drawing should be made from metal having high average strain – hardening
coefficients. Yield strength should be low to avoid wrinkles or buckling
The forming – limit curve is a good index of determining the formability of sheet
metal. Essentially, it requires to draw a curve that shows a boundary line between
acceptable strain levels in forming and those that may cause failure, Fig 4.2.
The curve indicates the relation between major and minor strains that are
perpendicular to the plane of the sheet. To determine these strains, a grid of circles is
marked on the sheet metal, say by an electrolytic stencil – etching process. After the
metal is deformed, the circles are measured to obtain the major strain e1 and the minor
strain e2 , as shown in Fig 4.2 Typically, ten to fifteen data points are obtained from a
test specimen in the region of fracture. Ellipses lying both in the failed region and just
outside of it are measured. The forming – limit curve is then drawn to fall below the
strains in the necked and fractured zones, and above the strains found just outside
these zones (Fig 4.3)
Stretch forming
Stretch forming is a very accurate and precise method for forming metal shapes,
economically. The level of precision is so high that even intricate multi-components and
snap-together curtainwall components can be formed without loss of section properties
or original design function. Stretch forming capabilities include portions of circles,
ellipses, parabolas and arched shapes. These shapes can be formed with straight leg
sections at one or both ends of the curve. This eliminates several conventional
fabrication steps and welding.
The stretch forming process involves stretch forming a metal piece over a male
stretch form block (STFB) using a pneumatic and hydraulic stretch press. Stretch
forming is widely used in producing automotive body panels. Unlike deep drawing, the
sheet is gripped by a blank holder to prevent it from being drawn into the die. It is
important that the sheet can deform by elongation and uniform thinning.
The variety of shapes and cross sections that can be stretch formed is almost
unlimited. Window systems, skylights, store fronts, signs, flashings, curtainwalls,
walkway enclosures, and hand railings can be accurately and precisely formed to the
desired profiles.
This process is ideally suited for the manufacture of large parts made from aluminum,
but does just as well with stainless steel and commercially pure titanium. It is quick,
efficient, and has a high degree of repeatability.
Hydroforming, sometimes referred to as fluid forming or rubber diaphragm forming, was
developed during the late 1940's and early 1950's in response to a need for a lower cost
method of producing relatively small quantities of deep drawn parts.
Hydroforming, in simple terms, replaces the punch in traditional stamping with liquid--
usually water--to provide shaping force. Hydroforming refers to the manufacture, via
fluid pressure, of hollow parts with complex geometries. Hydroforming can be used to
shape tubes or extrusions—where it finds its greatest use--or to shape sheet blanks.
In tube and extrusion hydroforming, the workpiece is inflated by introducing fluid into the
cavity while the tube undergoes axial or radial compression. The tube then expands
where permitted by the tooling to the die wall. Such hydroforming in many cases is
preceded by forming steps such as bending the tube to distribute where it‘s needed—
corner radii, usually--for final hydroforming, or bent in order to fit into the die.
Hydroforming dies used for tubes or extrusions consist of upper and lower blocks and
plates as well as axial units used for sealing and end-feeding of the part.
A sheet blank can be formed via fluid applied directly or through a bladder system to
force the sheet to assume the shape of the die wall or punch end. Here, the punch may
provide additional pressure to assist in the process.
Competitive processes
Applications -
In automotive, the process delivers hollow parts such as radiator frames, engine
cradles, exhaust manifolds, roof and frame rails and instrument-panel supports. Various
rails, manifolds and supports find use in aircraft and appliance applications. Parts made
through sheet hydroforming, currently a low-volume specialty process, include
automotive deep-drawn fuel-tank trays and body panels as well as appliance parts such
as panels and sink basins. The process also works well with smaller parts such as
fittings and fuel filler necks
Benefits -
Part size is dependent on press size. Currently, the largest hydroforming press
available can churn out parts to nearly 20 ft. long, but typical parts are less than half that
size, and can be produced in sizes down to a few inches. Cycle times are slower than
traditional stamping methods.
Electrohydraulic Forming
The potential
forming capabilities
of submerged arc
processes were
recognized as early
as the middle of
1940s. During the
1950s and early
1960s, the basic
process was
developed into
production systems.
This work principally
was by and for the aerospace industries. By 1970, forming machines based on
submerged arc discharge, were available from machine tool builders. A few of the larger
aerospace fabricators built machines of their own design to meet specific part
fabrication requirements.
Very large capacitor banks are needed to produce the same amount of energy as
a modest mass of high explosives. This makes electrohydraulic forming very capital
intensive for large parts. On the other hand, the electrohydraulic method was seen as
better suited to automation because of the fine control of multiple, sequential energy
discharges and the relative compactness of the electrode-media containment system.
The name of
rubber pad forming
is also called as
Guerin Process.
Rubber pad
forming (RPF) is
a metalworking proc
ess where sheet
metal is pressed
between a die and
a rubber block,
of polyurethane.
Under pressure, the
rubber and sheet
metal are driven into
the die and conform
to its shape, forming the part. The
rubber pads can have a general
purpose shape, like a membrane.
Alternatively, they can be machined
in the shape of die or punch.
Metal spinning yields pots and pans, vases, lamp shades, musical-instrument
parts and trophies. Automotive parts include wheel discs, rims, hubcaps and clutch
drums. Other examples include radar reflectors, parabolic dishes, hoppers, concrete-
mixer bodies, drums, pressure bottles, tank ends, compensator and centrifuge parts,
pulleys, hydraulic cylinders, engine inlet rings and a variety of jet-engine and missile
Low capital-investment
Low tooling and energy costs
Short setup times
Quick and inexpensive adaptation of tooling and methods to accommodate
design changes
Ability to carry out other operations such as beading, profiling, trimming and
turning in the same production cycle with one setup.
Explosive Forming
Explosive forming has evolved as one of the most dramatic of the new
metalworking techniques. Explosive forming is employed in aerospace and aircraft
industries and has been successfully employed in the production of automotive-related
components. Explosive Forming or HERF (High Energy Rate Forming) can be utilized to
form a wide variety of metals, from aluminum to high strength alloys. In this process the
punch is replaced by an explosive charge. The process derives its name from the fact
that the energy liberated due to the detonation of an explosive is used to form the
desired configuration. The charge used is very small, but is capable of exerting
tremendous forces on the workpiece. In Explosive Forming chemical energy from the
explosives is used to generate shock waves through a medium (mostly water), which
are directed to deform the workpiece at very high velocities.
Explosive Forming Operations can be divided into two groups, depending on the
position of the explosive charge relative to the workpiece.
Standoff Method
Contact Method
In this method, the explosive charge is held in direct contact with the workpiece
while the detonation is initiated. The detonation produces interface pressures on the
surface of the metal up to several million psi (35000 MPa).
1) An explosive charge
2) An energy transmitted medium
3) A die assembly
4) The workpiece.
The die assembly is put together on the bottom of a tank. Workpiece is placed on
the die and blankholder placed above. A vacuum is then created in the die cavity. The
explosive charge is placed in position over the centre of the workpiece. The explosive
charge is suspended over the blank at a predetermined distance. The complete
assembly is immersed in a tank of water.
Explosives are substances that undergo rapid chemical reaction during which
heat and large quantities of gaseous products are evolved. Explosives can be solid
(TNT-trinitro toluene), liquid (Nitroglycerine), or Gaseous (oxygen and acetylene
mixtures). Explosives are divide into two classes; Low Explosives in which the
ammunition burns rapidly rather than exploding, hence pressure build up is not large,
and High Explosive which have a high rate of reaction with a large pressure build up.
Low explosives are generally used as propellants in guns and in rockets for the
propelling of missiles.
Die Materials
Different materials are used for the manufacture of dies for explosive working, for
instance high strength tool steels, plastics, concrete. Relatively low strength dies are
used for short run items and for parts where close tolerances are not critical, while for
longer runs higher strength die materials are required. Kirksite and plastic faced dies
are employed for light forming operations; tool steels, cast steels, and ductile iron for
medium requirements.
Very large sheets with relatively complex shapes, although usually axisymmetric.
Low tooling costs, but high labor cost.
Suitable for low-quantity production.
Long cycle times.
Transmission Medium
Energy released by the explosive is transmitted through medium like air, water, oil,
gelatin, liquid salts. Water is one of the best media for explosive forming since it is
available readily, inexpensive and produces excellent results. The transmission medium
is important regarding pressure magnitude at the workpiece. Water is more desirable
medium than air for producing high peak pressures to the workpiece.
The process is also called magnetic pulse forming and is mainly used for
swaging type operations, such as fastening fittings on the ends of tubes and crimping
terminal ends of cables. Other applications are blanking, forming, embossing, and
drawing. The work coils needed for different applications vary although the same power
source may be used.
Either permanent or
expandable coils may be
used. Since the repelling
force acts on the coil as well
the work, the coil itself and
the insulation on it must be
capable of withstanding the
force, or else they will be
destroyed. The expandable
coils are less costly and are
also preferred when high
energy level is needed.
Coil surrounding work piece. When a tube – like part x is to fit over another
part y (shown as insert in Fig. (a)), coil is designed to surround x so that when
energized, would force the material of x tightly around y to obtain necessary
Coil inside work piece. Consider fixing of a collar on a tube – like part, as
shown in Fig. (b). The magnetic coil is placed inside the tube – like part, so
that when energized would expand the material of the part into the collar.
In electromagnetic forming, the initial gap between the work piece and the die
surface, called the fly distance, must be sufficient to permit the material to deform
plastically. From energy considerations, the ideal pressure pulse should be of just
enough magnitude that accelerates the part material to some maximum velocity and
then let the part come to zero velocity by the time it covers the full fly distance. All
forming coils fail, expendable coils fail sooner than durable coils, and because
extremely high voltages and currents are involved, it is essential that proper safety
precautions are observed by the production and maintenance personnel.
sealed pressure joints, and swaging to apply compression bands or shrink rings for
fastening components together. Flat coils have been used on flat sheets to produce
stretch (internal) and shrink (external) flanges on ring and disc – shaped work pieces.
Electromagnetic forming has also been used to perform shearing, piercing, and
Peen Forming
curvatures than rolling, stretching or twisting of metal. Saddle-back shapes also are
achievable. Because it is a dieless process, shot peen forming reduces material
allowance from trimming and eliminates costly development and manufacturing time to
fabricate hard dies. The shot peen forming process also is flexible to design changes,
which may occur after initial design. Metal Improvement Company can make curvature
changes by adjusting the shot peen forming process.
Shot peening of parts that have been cold formed by other processes overcomes
the harmful surface tensile stresses set up by these other forming processes.
The superplastic forming (SPF) operation is based on the fact that some alloys
can be slowly stretched well beyond their normal limitations at elevated temperatures.
The higher temperatures mean the flow stress of the sheet material is much lower than
at normal temps. This characteristic allows very deep forming methods to be used that
would normally rupture parts. Superplastic alloys can be stretched at higher
temperatures by several times of their initial length without breaking. Superplastic
forming can produce complex shapes with stiffening rims and other structural features
as well.
The process begins by placing the sheet to be formed in an appropriate SPF die,
which can have a simple to complex geometry, representative of the final part to be
produced. The sheet and tooling are heated and then a gas pressure is applied, which
plastically deforms the sheet into the shape of the die cavity.
Process Advantages --
Materials used -
1) Titanium alloys
2) Aluminum alloys
3) Bismuth-tin alloys
4) Zinc-aluminum alloys
5) Stainless steel
6) Aluminum-lithium alloys