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Cathodic Protection

Technician Level 2 Theory

Exam Preparation Guide
Table of Contents

Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 2

Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 3

Target Audience............................................................................................................................................ 3

Requirements ............................................................................................................................................... 4

Next Level of Certification......................................................................................................................... 4

CP 2 – Knowledge and Skill Areas Tested ...................................................................................................... 5

Types of Questions...................................................................................................................................... 13

Description of Questions ........................................................................................................................ 13

Sample Questions ................................................................................................................................... 13

Answer Key ................................................................................................................................................. 14

Preparation ................................................................................................................................................. 14

Standards.............................................................................................................................................. 14

Calculators............................................................................................................................................ 15

Reference Sheet.....……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……….17

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The Cathodic Protection Technician (CP 2) Theory Exam is designed to assess whether a
candidate has the requisite knowledge and skills that a minimally qualified Cathodic Protection
Technician must possess. The exam consists of 89 multiple-choice questions covering
intermediate and basic areas of the Cathodic Protection Body of Knowledge (BOK). A candidate
should have intermediate-level knowledge of corrosion theory, CP concepts, types of CP
systems, and advanced field measurement techniques.

Test Name AMPP CP 2 – Cathodic Protection Technician – Theory Exam

Test Code NACE-CP2-001
Time 2 ½ hours*
Number of Questions 89
Format Computer Based Testing (CBT)
*Exam time includes 4 minutes for the non-disclosure agreement and 6 minutes for the system tutorial.
• A pass/fail grade is provided at the end of the exam.
• The course manual is NOT provided during the exam.
• Reference material is provided as a PDF for questions that require an equation, conversion chart, or other

Target Audience
Candidates for Cathodic Protection Technician (CP 2) should ideally have several years of CP
field experience and possess intermediate-level knowledge of corrosion theory, CP concepts,
the types of CP systems in common use, and be competent with basic rectifier diagnostics, as
well as intermediate field measurement techniques and equipment. CP Technician candidates
could also be practicing technicians or engineers with a more modest level of CP experience,
but with more significant relevant technical education.

Typically, Cathodic Protection Technicians are responsible for testing and maintaining the
effectiveness of operating CP systems and supervising or assisting with the installation of CP
systems. This includes troubleshooting, identifying interference conditions, performing over-
the-line surveys, and evaluating the results obtained.

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Cathodic Protection Technician (CP 2)
§ Prerequisite + Work Experience + 2 Core Exams + Application

The following prerequisite is required:

Successful completion of Cathodic Protection Tester (CP 1), or equivalent training

Work Experience
Choose one of the following work experience options:
3 years verifiable CP work experience
2 years verifiable CP work experience
2 years post high school training from approved math / science or technical / trade school
1 year verifiable CP work experience
4-year physical science or engineering degree
Core Exam Requirements:
The following exams are required: (2 core exams required)
Cathodic Protection Technician (CP 2) Practical Exam (hands-on)

Cathodic Protection Technician (CP 2) Theory Exam (multiple choice, closed-book, with
relevant references)
Application Requirement:

Approved Cathodic Protection Technician (CP 2) application

Upon successful completion of requirements, the candidate will be awarded a Cathodic
Protection Technician (CP 2) Certification.
• Completion of the course does not entitle the candidate to the certification.
• The Cathodic Protection Technician (CP 2) Practical Exam is given at the conclusion of the
Cathodic Protection Technician (CP 2) course.

Next Level of Certification:

Cathodic Protection Technologist (CP 3)

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CP 2 – Knowledge and Skill Areas Tested
NOTE: At the end of the CBT exam, the candidate will receive a bar chart of strengths and
weaknesses that correspond to these domains.

1. Corrosion Theory
1.1 Theory of Electrochemistry
1.1.1 Identify the parts of the corrosion cell and electrochemical reactions
1.1.2 Understand the electrochemical reaction leading to corrosion and the
primary reactions at the anode surface
1.1.3 Understand Evans' diagram
1.1.4 Understand different forms of corrosion
1.1.5 Understand electrolyte resistivity and pH, and how they affect the
corrosivity of an electrolyte
1.1.6 Understand the Nernst equation
1.1.7 Understand Faraday's Law and how it predicts corrosion weight loss
1.1.8 Understand the polarizing and depolarizing effects
1.1.9 Understand activation and concentration polarization
1.1.10 Understand polarization curves in aerated and deaerated solutions
1.1.11 Understand E log I relationship
1.1.12 Understand the effect of electrolyte/electrode movement on polarization
1.1.13 Understand the electrolyte concentration effect
1.1.14 Understand the effect of changing the concentration of cathodic
1.1.15 Understand the difference between passive-acting and nonpassive-acting
1.2 CP Theory & Application
1.2.1 Understand how to use reference electrodes to measure the potential of
a metal surface
1.2.2 Understand the economic benefits of CP
1.2.3 Understand the usage of portable and stationary reference electrodes
1.2.4 Apply cathodic protection current to reduce the potential difference
between anodic and cathodic sites
1.2.5 Understand series, parallel, and series-parallel electrical circuits
1.2.6 Restate the definition of structure-to-electrolyte potential

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1.2.7 Calculate reference cell conversions
1.2.8 Understand the relationship between CP current and corrosion rate
1.2.9 Understand the relationship between environmental polarization and
cathodic protection
1.2.10 Understand the environmental issues and concerns related to deep-
anode CP systems
1.2.11 Explain the components of galvanic cathodic protection
1.2.12 Recognize the effect of CP on amphoteric metals
1.2.13 Explain the components of impressed current cathodic protection
1.2.14 Explain the application of impressed current cathodic protection
1.2.15 Calculate corrosion rate using Faraday's Law
1.2.16 Explain different types of impressed current cathodic protection systems
1.2.17 Understand applications of different types of galvanic anodes
1.2.18 Understand the importance of anode configurations for cathodic
1.2.19 Understand the effect of cathodic protection on reinforced concrete
1.3 Influencing Factors
1.3.1 Recognize examples of depolarizers
1.3.2 Understand the effect of temperature on current required for cathodic
1.3.3 Understand the effect of oxygen on current required for cathodic
1.3.4 Understand the effect of relative movement on current required for
cathodic protection
1.3.5 Understand the effect of electrolyte resistivity
1.3.6 Describe stray current interference
1.3.7 Understand how stray current enters the pipe or other structure through
the soil
1.3.8 Understand static and dynamic interference current
1.3.9 Understand inductive, conductive, and capacitive coupling

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1.3.10 Compare and contrast AC voltage-to-ground with a DC structure-to-
electrolyte potential
1.3.11 Recognize the effect of shielding and how it affects cathodically
protected structures
2. Equipment and Equipment Management
2.1 Equipment and Equipment Management
2.1.1 Perform basic equipment maintenance and repair
2.1.2 Recognize meter impedance requirements and select the appropriate
2.1.3 Understand how to use an ammeter, a clamp-on ammeter, and a current
shunt in the field
2.1.4 Confirm proper operation and calibration of equipment, and
troubleshoot if necessary
2.1.5 Maintain portable reference electrodes
2.1.6 Understand the importance of equipment preparation, storage,
consumables, and equipment spares
2.1.7 Know how to use a digital multimeter (DMM) to measure voltage,
current, and resistance
2.1.8 Determine the appropriate tools and equipment for the project
2.1.9 Identify and correct IR drop errors in the measurement circuit
2.1.10 Consult with equipment and material manufacturers and/or
representatives on applications and technical issues
2.1.11 Select the appropriate reference cell for work conditions
2.1.12 Identify issues with polarity sensitive current interrupters
2.1.13 Assist in the evaluation of new equipment, products, and procedures
3. Field Measurements of CP Systems
3.1 Survey Methods
3.1.1 Understand the use of survey methods to measure the effectiveness of
cathodic protection
3.1.2 Measure current using an ammeter
3.1.3 Perform measurement of CP coupons and use ER probes
3.1.4 Understand how to minimize reference electrode contact resistance in
different types of electrolytes
3.1.5 Understand what causes a voltage drop in an electrically long structure

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3.1.6 Understand reference electrode placement relative to cathodic
protection current, and its effect on the potential measurement
3.1.7 Describe typical test methods to measure structure-to-electrolyte
3.1.8 Understand the purpose, limitations, and procedures of "on" and "on-off"
potential surveys.
3.1.9 Understand the purpose and limitations of a close-interval potential
survey (CIPS), and perform the technique
3.1.10 Understand the purpose and limitations of a direct-current voltage
gradient (DCVG) survey, and perform the technique
3.1.11 Understand the purpose and limitations of an alternating-current voltage
gradient (ACVG) survey, and perform the technique
3.1.12 Understand the purpose and limitations of an alternating-current-current
attenuation (ACCA) survey, and perform the technique
3.1.13 Understand the procedures used in offshore close-interval potential
surveys (CIPS) using contact measurements
3.1.14 Perform current requirement tests for cathodic protection
3.1.15 Understand the purpose and limitations of using the current response
3.1.16 Understand the purpose and limitations of the voltage-drop method
3.1.17 Understand the purpose and limitations of the current span test
3.1.18 Understand the purpose and limitations of coating conductance test
3.1.19 Perform multiple tests of soil resistivity such as the Wenner method
3.1.20 Recognize the methods used to locate an electrical isolating device and
test to determine if it is functioning properly
3.1.21 List different ways of measuring electrolyte pH
3.2 Casings
3.2.1 Understand the purposes of casings
3.2.2 Understand structure-to-electrolyte potentials at casings
3.2.3 Understand what isolated and shorted casings are as well as their pros
and cons
3.2.4 Understand the different environments that exist in the annular space
between the casing and the pipe
3.2.5 Demonstrate the protection methods to protect the pipe inside the

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3.3 Interference
3.3.1 Detect static interference current by using a combination of multiple test
3.3.2 Understand how to detect dynamic stray currents by measuring potential
3.3.3 Understand the difficulties related to finding the source of a stray current
3.3.4 List specific techniques to resolve interference problems
3.3.5 Understand how to control the direction of stray currents through the
3.3.6 Understand how to control stray current through cathodic protection
3.3.7 Understand methods to detect AC currents and voltage that appear on
metallic structures near AC power lines
3.3.8 Understand AC mitigation methods
4. ICCP Power Sources
4.1 ICCP Power Sources
4.1.1 Understand different types of DC power sources and rectifiers
4.1.2 Understand proper safety procedures for rectifiers
4.1.3 Understand how to read the schematic of DC power sources
4.1.4 Understand three common rectifier operation modes
4.1.5 Understand the purpose of transformers
4.1.6 Understand how the rectifier can convert AC to DC voltage
4.1.7 Identify different types of rectifying elements
4.1.8 Understand how different types of circuit breakers are used
4.1.9 Understand the different components of operational rectifiers, such as
surge/transient protection
4.1.10 Understand the basic structure of solar-power supply systems and how to
maintain them
4.1.11 Compute rectifier efficiency
4.1.12 Perform troubleshooting operations of internal components of
transformer rectifiers

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5. Field Data Interpretation and Documentation
5.1 Field Data Interpretation and Documentation
5.1.1 List information needed to be compiled before a field survey
5.1.2 Interpret alignment sheets, facility maps, and other system maps to
identify accurate testing locations
5.1.3 Evaluate different data collection methods for documentation
5.1.4 Demonstrate the importance of documentation, communication, and
procedures regarding equipment and troubleshooting.
5.1.5 Understand the importance of various monitoring requirements and data
components that need to be recorded regularly
5.1.6 Prepare adequate documentation/illustration depicting CP components
and completed fieldwork
5.1.7 Understand the importance of an appropriate inspection plan
5.1.8 Document name, model, and serial numbers of exact instruments used
for readings
5.1.9 Document site information (such as date, time, weather, sketch of site,
photos, location information) and conditions (such as ground moisture,
vegetation, hazards)
5.1.10 Demonstrate accurate representation of polarity, magnitude, significant
figures, and unit of measure on field data
5.1.11 Document key activities and findings in logbook, diary, and notes
5.1.12 Document and justify technical deviations from the procedures
5.1.13 Document non-standard test stations, and any other abnormal
conditions/factors that could affect CP systems
5.1.14 Understand the importance of indirect inspection documentation in
relation to the external-corrosion direct assessment (ECDA) process
5.1.15 Certify the accuracy of all data collected and recorded
5.1.16 Analyze ON/OFF potential measurements and polarity, and identify
reverse shifts
5.1.17 Calculate and analyze layer resistivity

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6. Field Supervision and Installation
6.1 Field Supervision and Installation
6.1.1 Provide CP-related support for scheduling, work plan/progress, and
6.1.2 Provide CP-related expertise during the installation and field operations
6.1.3 Coordinate with senior CP staff to ensure quality and resolve the on-site
6.1.4 Provide technical supervision during CP-related installation and field
6.1.5 Support company personnel and non-company personnel in aspects of
corrosion control
6.1.6 Inspect and verify received CP-related materials according to the Bill of
6.1.7 Maintain and manage stock of consumables and spares
6.1.8 Identify, evaluate, and select relevant components and installation
6.1.9 Perform installation of test stations, bonds, anodes, and CP components
according to the correct procedures
7. Industry Practices/Requirements
7.1 Industry Practices/Requirements
7.1.1 Identify and apply relevant company, local, domestic, and international
standard practices related to CP
7.1.2 Identify and apply relevant local, domestic, and international rules,
codes, and regulations related to CP
7.1.3 Understand cathodic protection criteria for different materials, such as
aluminum, copper, and concrete structures
7.1.4 Understand the technical importance of accurate and precision
7.1.5 Understand the purpose and which records shall be maintained for
technical, historical, and legal requirements
7.1.6 Understand the legal implication of accurate and ethical recordkeeping

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8. Safety
8.1 Safety
8.1.1 Demonstrate and enforce safe working practices
8.1.2 Perform job safety analysis (JSA)
8.1.3 Comply with the company's/client's safety procedures
8.1.4 Understand the role of the safety officer
8.1.5 Identify and mitigate hazards that can be encountered in cathodic
protection testing and inspection
8.1.6 Understand safety issues related to the CP field surveys
8.1.7 Recognize the importance of stop-work and apply protective measures
against severe weather and environmental hazards
8.1.8 Understand the importance of communicating personal medical
conditions (e.g., pacemaker)
8.1.9 Utilize appropriate PPE and site-specific safety equipment
8.1.10 Understand the importance of tasks per site-specific safety training (e.g.,
coal plants, H2S environments, gas production facilities, explosive
environments, radioactive environments, confined spaces/trenches,
heights/fall protection)
8.1.11 Acquire the permit and authorization to work
8.1.12 Identify hazardous materials
8.1.13 Follow SDS recommendations for handling disposals
8.1.14 Understand how lockout/tagout (LOTO) is used to ensure safety
8.1.15 Identify and mitigate workplace hazards encountered while working on
electrical equipment
8.1.16 Interpret pipe/soil for indications of high AC voltage which may lead to
corrosion or safety issues
8.1.17 Identify the risk associated with high voltage gradient with respect to
step and touch potential
8.1.18 Apply all safety guidelines when traveling in a vehicle (e.g., wearing a seat
belt in a car, wearing a seat belt and ear protection in a helicopter)
8.1.19 Understand the purpose of proper certification/training for all equipment
(e.g., ATV/UTV/winch, loading/unloading)
8.1.20 Recognize special equipment for protection from wildlife (e.g., signal
device, pepper spray), hazardous plants, and insects, and take
appropriate preventative measures

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Types of Questions
Description of Questions
This closed-book exam consists of multiple-choice questions where some questions may have
multiple answers that require more than one answer choice, as well as matching items. The
questions are based on the knowledge and skills required in the CP industry for a Cathodic
Protection Technician. While the training course is an excellent method of preparation, it is not
the only reference used in the development of the questions. Additional references can be
found in the Reference section.

Sample Questions
The sample questions are included to illustrate the formats and types of questions that will be
on the exam. Your performance on the sample questions should not be viewed as a predictor
of your performance on the actual test.
1. What is the current in a 91 m (300 ft) span of 762 mm (30 in) pipe weighing 176.65 kg/m
(118.7 lb/ft), if the voltage drop across that span is 0.62 mV?

A. 0.850 A
B. 1.176 A
C. 2.802 A
D. 2.585 A

2. What is the pipe-to-earth resistance of a 3 km (1.86 mi) section of 32 cm (12.75 in)

diameter pipe that has a 4-wire current span at each end with the following data?

Eon TS1 = -1320 mV Eon TS2 = -1240 mV

Eoff TS1 = -1000 mV Eoff TS2 = -1080 mV
Ion TS1 = 3.0 A Ion TS2 = 2.6 A
Ioff TS1 = 1.0 A Ioff TS2 = 1.0 A

A. 0.052 Ω
B. 0.076 Ω
C. 0.15 Ω
D. 0.60 Ω
3. When an ammeter with an internal resistance of 0.15 Ω is inserted into a circuit that
is normally operating at 5 V and 20 A, what will the ammeter current read?
A. 0.08 A
B. 10 A
C. 12.5 A
D. 50 A

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Answer Key
1. A
2. D
3. C

Training—None Required
AMPP Cathodic Protection Technician – CP 2 Course (Available)

AMPP Cathodic Protection Tester – CP 1 Course (Available)

Recommended Study Material


Peabody, A. W. (2001). Peabody's Control of Pipeline Corrosion (No. Ed. 2). NACE.

AMPP Cathodic Protection Technician – CP 2 course material


Latest editions should be used for all standards. Certain content from these standards is
incorporated in the AMPP Cathodic Protection Tester (CP 1) course materials and some of them
are included in the course manual.

• NACE SP 0169 (2013). “Control of External Corrosion on Underground of Submerged Metallic

Piping Systems.”

• NACE SP 0176 (2007) SG. “Corrosion Control of Submerged Areas of Permanently Installed Steel
Offshore Structures Associated with Petroleum Production.”

• NACE SP 0177 (2019). “Mitigation of Alternating Current and Lightning Effects on Metallic
Structures and Corrosion Control Systems.”

• NACE SP 0200 (2014). “Steel-Cased Pipeline Practices.”

• NACE SP 0207 (2007). “Performing Close-Interval Potential Surveys and DC Surface Potential
Gradient Surveys on Buried or Submerged Metallic Pipelines.”

• NACE SP 21424 (2018). “Alternating Current Corrosion on Cathodically Protected Pipelines: Risk
Assessment, Mitigation, and Monitoring.”

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Note: If you find this onscreen calculator difficult to use, raise your hand and ask the Test Administrator to provide
you with a hand-held calculator. If available, you will be provided with a scientific or non-scientific calculator.
Candidates are not permitted to bring their own calculator into the testing room.

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NOTE: All references, including equations, were taken from original sources and may differ from those used in course manuals
and presentations.


ρ = 2𝜋𝜋 𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴
𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅 𝜌𝜌𝜌𝜌 Where
𝜌𝜌 = OR 𝑅𝑅 =
𝐿𝐿 𝐿𝐿 ρ = soil resistivity in ohm-cm*
𝐴𝐴 = distance between probes in cm*
Where 𝑅𝑅 = soil resistance in ohms {instrument reading}
𝜌𝜌 = resistivity in ohm-cm*
R = resistance in ohms *pin spacing can be in any unit, as long as it is consistent with
A = cross-sectional area in cm2* resistivity
L = length in cm*
*length and area can be in any unit, as long as they are OR


A = πr2 Where
ρ = soil resistivity in ohm-cm
Where 𝐴𝐴 = distance between probes in feet
π = approximately 3.14 𝑅𝑅 = soil resistance in ohms {instrument reading}
r = radius of circle
A = area

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V = IR I= R= VT = V1 + V2 + V3 VT = V1 = V2 = V3

IT = I1 = I2 = I3 IT = I1 + I2 + I3

RT = R1 + R2 + R3 RT = _ _ __ 1 ____
1 1 1
+ +
R1 R2 R3

Wt = KIT
P = EI
P = I2 R Where:
Wt = weight loss in kg*
Where: K = electrochemical equivalent in kg / A-yr
P = power in watts I = current in amps
R = resistance in ohms T = time in years
E = voltage in volts
I = current in amps *weight can be in any unit, as long as they are consistent

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𝐾𝐾 ∗ 𝑁𝑁 ∗ 3600
K = meter constant (found on face of meter)
N = number of revolutions of the meter disc
T = time of measurement in seconds

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Shunt Rating Shunt Shunt
Metal kg / A-yr lb / A-yr Amps mV ohms A / mV
Carbon 1.3 2.86 Holloway Type
Aluminum 3.0 6.5 RS 5 50 0.01 0.1
Magnesium 4.0 8.8 SS 25 25 0.001 1
Iron / Steel 9.1 20.1 SO 50 50 0.001 1
High Silicon / Chromium Iron 0.5 1.0 SW or CP 1 50 0.05 0.02
Nickel 9.6 21.2 SW or CP 2 50 0.025 0.04
Copper (Monovalent) 20.8 45.8 SW or CP 3 50 0.017 0.06
Zinc 10.7 23.6 SW or CP 4 50 0.0125 0.08
Tin 19.4 42.8 SW or CP 5 50 0.01 0.1
Lead 33.9 74.7 SW or CP 10 50 0.005 0.2
SW 15 50 0.0033 0.3
SW 20 50 0.0025 0.4
SW 50 50 0.001 1
Electrode (Half-Cell) Potential (Volt) SW 60 50 0.0008 1.2
Copper–Copper Sulfate (Saturated) (CSE) 0.000 SW 75 50 0.00067 1.5
Silver–Silver Chloride (3.5%) (SSC) -0.060 SW 100 50 0.0005 2
Saturated Calomel (SCE) -0.072 J.B. Type
Hydrogen (SHE) -0.316 Agra-Mesa 5 50 0.01 0.1
Pure Zinc (ZN) -1.100 Cott or MCM
Based on seawater resistivity of 20 ohm-cm Red 2 200 0.1 0.01
Yellow 8 80 0.01 0.1
Orange 25 25 0.001 1

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Material Potential (V)* Itest

High Potential Magnesium -1.75 ΔVtest
Magnesium Alloy -1.60
Zinc -1.10 Where
Aluminum Alloy -1.05 K = calibration factor in amps / mV
Clean Carbon Steel -0.50 to -0.80 Itest = test current applied to pipe section in amps
Rusted Carbon Steel -0.20 to -0.50 ΔVtest = Vtest,current applied – Vtest, no current applied in mV
Cast / Ductile Iron -0.50
Lead -0.50
Steel in Concrete -0.20
Copper -0.20
High Silicon Iron -0.20 CURRENT IN PIPE
Carbon, Graphite +0.30
*Potentials with respect to saturated Cu–CuSO4 electrode I = KV
I = pipeline current in amps
K = calibration factor in amps / mV
V = voltage drop in pipeline section in mV

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Metallic Path


Cations - ions
Anode + ions Cathode

Electrolytic Path

Conventional Current

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EMF electromotive force – any voltage unit

E or e any voltage unit
V volts
mV millivolts
µV microvolts
I any amperage unit
mA milliamperes or milliamps
µA microamperes or microamps
R or Ω Resistance

1,000,000 volts = 1 megavolt

1,000 volts = 1 kilovolt
1.0 volt = 1000 millivolts
0.100 volt = 100 millivolts
0.010 volt = 10 millivolts
0.001 volt = 1 millivolt
0.000001 volt = 1 microvolt

1,000,000 amperes = 1 mega-ampere

1,000 amperes = 1 kiloampere
1.0 ampere = 1000 milliamperes
0.100 ampere = 100 milliamperes
0.010 ampere = 10 milliamperes
0.001 ampere = 1 milliampere
0.000001 ampere = 1 microampere

1,000,000 ohms = 1 mega-ohm

1,000 ohms = 1 kilo-ohm
1.0 ohms = 1000 milliohms
0.100 ohm = 100 milliohms
0.010 ohm = 10 milliohms
0.001 ohm = 1 milliohm
0.000001 ohm = 1 micro-ohm

1 meter = 100 cm
1 meter = 1000 mm
1 inch = 2.54 cm
1 foot = 30.48 cm

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Peabody's Control of Pipeline Corrosion (No. Ed 2). Peabody, NACE SP 0177 (2014). “Mitigation of Alternating Current and
A.W. (2001). Lightning Effects on Metallic Structures and Corrosion Control
Corrosion Tests and Standards: Application and
Interpretation–Second Edition. (2005). Baboian, R. ASTM. NACE SP 0200 (2014). “Steel-Cased Pipeline Practices.”
NACE SP 0207 (2007). “Performing Close-Interval Potential
NACE Corrosion Engineers Reference Handbook, Baboian, 3rd
Surveys and DC Surface Potential Gradient Surveys on Buried
Edition (2002).
or Submerged Metallic Pipelines.”
Electrical Engineering Principles and Applications—5th Edition.
Hambley, A. (2005). Prentice-Hall Publishing.
Core Engineering Concepts for Students and Professionals—1st
Edition. Lindeburg, M. (2010). Professional Publications, Inc.

“American National Standard for Use of the International

System of Units (SI): The Modern Metric System” ASTM SI 10.
(2002). ASTM.
Universal Rectifiers Website. www.universalrectifiers.com

NACE SP 0169 (2013). “Control of External Corrosion on

Underground of Submerged Metallic Piping Systems.”
NACE SP 0176 (2007) SG. “Corrosion Control of Submerged
Areas of Permanently Installed Steel Offshore Structures
Associated with Petroleum Production.”

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