The Algebra of The Equality On Complex Numbers

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The Algebra of the Equality on Complex

J. Rodrigo A. M. Dı́az
April 5, 2024

The manuscript establish the properties of Addmap (a1 , a2 ) = a1 +
a2 homomorphism over a monoid of Complex numbers to explain the
equivalence relation a1 =A a1 and the inequality −1 < 1; to define such
relation on the Universal Algebra through the Theorem A of Isomorphism.
Keyword: Complex; Homomorphism; Monoid; Algebra; Equivalence

1 Introduction

Argand´s Product establish next equality:

(a, b) · (c, d) = (ac − bd, ad + bc)

When the terms of both entries are sum we have:

(a, b) · (c, d) = ac − bd + ad + bc

Now suppose that ∃ a function Addmap : C → ℜ such that

Addmap (a, b) = a + b

On Argand´s product we have:

Addmap [(a, b) · (c, d)] =

Addmap (ac − bd, ad + bc) =

ac − bd + ad + bc < ac + bd + ad + bc
1 Independent Researcher- Non Affiliation; Mexico City;



ac = ac
ad = ad
bc = bc
−bd < bd

Lets note the next property about Cartesian plane and the unit squares form
on quadrants I and II.

Figure 1: Diagram 1. Cartesian plane with coordinates

Square quadrant I

Sides: (1, 0) and (0, 1)

p p
AreaQI = Sidex ·Sidey = (1)·(1) = (1 − 0)2 + (0 − 0)2 · (0 − 0)2 + (1 − 0)2
p p
= (1)2 · (1)2

Square quadrant II

Sides: (−1, 0) and (0, 1)

p p
AreaQII = Sidex ·Sidey = (−1)·(1) = (0 − 1)2 + (0 − 0)2 · (0 − 0)2 + (1 − 0)2
p p
= (−1)2 · (1)2

Intuitively we know that areas of squares must be equal hence next equality
must be proposed:

AreaQI = AreaQII


(1) · (1) = (−1) · (1)

cancelling from both sides equal terms we have:

1 = −1

This property is not very well discussed on bibliography, due to the use
of Euclidean distance to assign values to the sides of some polygon and the
incapacity to discuss next two problems:

1) equality between two quantities that are different; i.e. when a ̸= b; where
we can conclude intuitively that a = b like before.

2) The meaning of negative distances and values of areas (i.e. negative values
for geometrical properties).

On this work, this property could explain next fact about Add(a, b) function
and Argand´s product:


1 = −1

Multiplying from both sides for bd we have

bd = −bd ...(a)

and hence the four terms obtained on inequality of Addmap becomes equal-

Henceforth can be established that:

ac − bd + ad + bc = ac + bd + ad + bc

Developing right terms we will have:

ac + bd + ad + bc = (a + b) · (c + d)

= Addmap (a, b) · Addmap (c, d)


Addmap [(a, b) · (c, d)] = Addmap (a, b) · Addmap (c, d)

The distributive property about Add(a, b) function is established through

next property about homomorphism of groups:

f (g1 ∗ g2 ) = f (g1 ) · f (g2 ); ∀g1 , g2 ∈ G

when * and · binary operation are the Argand´s Product and the Cartesian
product respectively.

On this work the kind of equality established on (a) will be represented with
next sign:

=A := Abstract meaning

2 Homomorphism of Monoids for Addmap func-


First lets prove that (C,·) form a monoid.

a) (C,·) is associative

[(a, b) · (c, d)] · (e, f ) =

[ac − bd, ad + bc] · (e, f ) =

[(ac − bd)e − (ad + bc)f, (ac − bd)f + (ad + bc)e] =

[ace − bde − adf − bcf, acf − bdf + ade + bce] =

[ace − adf − cf b − deb, acf + ade + bce − bdf ] =

[a(ce − df ) − (cf + de)b, a(cf + de) + b(ce − df )] =

(a, b) · [ce − df, cf + de] =

(a, b) · [(c, d) · (e, f )]

hence · is associative

b) (C, · )

(e1 , e2 ) · (c, d) = (c, d) · (e1 , e2 ) = (e1 c − e2 d, e1 d + e2 c)


e1 = 1 and e2 = 0


(e1 c − e2 d, e1 d + e2 c) = (c, d)

Later we have on the right

(c, d) · (e1 , e2 ) = (ce1 − de2 , ce2 + de1 )

= (c, d)


(1, 0) = eC ∈ C is the identity element

To fulfilled whole properties about homomorphism is necessary to defined

next property:

c) Addmap (eC ) = eℜ

Addmap (1, 0) = (1 + 0) = 1 = eℜprod

being last the identity multiplicative in ℜ keeping any relationship with usual
sum operation defined for real numbers.

The characteristics of Cartesian plane and Addmap function establish next

axiom about abstract equality.

Property 1. −b =A b ∈ C iff −b < b ∈ ℜ with b ̸= 0

3 Congruence Relation =A and Addmap

Def. Any homomorphism f : X → Y defines a relation ∼ on X by a ∼ b

if and only if f (a) = f (b). The relation ∼ is called the kernel of f . It is a
compatible relation on X.

Def. A relation R on a given algebraic structure is called compatible if for
each n and each n-ary operation µ defined on the structure: whenever a1 R a′1
and ... and an R a′n , then µ(a1 , . . . , an ) R µ(a′1 , . . . , a′n ).

Proof. a) ⊃

With n = 2 and R :=<

a1 < a1

a2 < a2 ...(a)

By trichotomy a1 ≤ a2 ; a1 > a2 ; on monoid equality will be discarded


a1 Ra1 ; a2 Ra2

And we obtain (a1 , a1 ), (a2 , a2 ) by Cartesian product property define on

next property:

R = {(a1 , a1 ) : (a1 , a1 ) ∈ A1 × A2 ∧ R(a1 , a1 ) = T rue}

Applying Addmap function we have

Addmap (a1 , a2 ) = a1 + a2 < a1 + a2 = Addmap (a1 , a2 ); while last inequality

is due to (a).


a1 + a2 = αc − βd + αd + βc


a1 + a2 = αc + βd + αd + βc

and by

Area Square Quadrant I = Area Square Quadrant II next equalities fulfilled

Addmap (a1 , a2 ) =

Addmap [(αc − βd, αd + βc)] = Addmap [(α, β) · (c, d)]

=A Addmap (α, β) · Addmap (c, d) = (α + β) · (c + d)

= αc + βd + αd + βc = Addmap (a1 , a2 )


Addmap (a1 , a2 ) =A Addmap (a1 , a2 )

b) ⊂

Let be

Addmap (a1 , a2 ) =A Addmap (a1 , a2 )


Addmap (a1 , a2 ) < Addmap (a1 , a2 )


a1 + a2 < a1 + a2


a1 < a1


a2 < a2


Addmap homomorphism defines a relation =A on C through the relation <

4 References

Alejandro, J.R. (2004). A Real Approximation to Riemann Hypothesis. J.

Math Techniques Comput Math, 3(2), 01-12.

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