Airway Pressure Release Ventilation For Lung.143
Airway Pressure Release Ventilation For Lung.143
Airway Pressure Release Ventilation For Lung.143
MCC 300106
OPINION Airway pressure release ventilation for lung
protection in acute respiratory distress syndrome:
an alternative way to recruit the lungs
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Luigi Camporota a,b, Louise Rose a,c, Penny L. Andrews d, Gary F. Nieman e
and Nader M. Habashi d
Purpose of review
Airway pressure release ventilation (APRV) is a modality of ventilation in which high inspiratory continuous
positive airway pressure (CPAP) alternates with brief releases. In this review, we will discuss the rationale
for APRV as a lung protective strategy and then provide a practical introduction to initiating APRV using the
time-controlled adaptive ventilation (TCAV) method.
Recent findings
APRV using the TCAV method uses an extended inspiratory time and brief expiratory release to first
stabilize and then gradually recruit collapsed lung (over hours/days), by progressively ‘ratcheting’ open a
small volume of collapsed tissue with each breath. The brief expiratory release acts as a ‘brake’ preventing
newly recruited units from re-collapsing, reversing the main drivers of ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI).
The precise timing of each release is based on analysis of expiratory flow and is set to achieve termination
of expiratory flow at 75% of the peak expiratory flow. Optimization of the release time reflects the changes
in elastance and, therefore, is personalized (i.e. conforms to individual patient pathophysiology), and
adaptive (i.e. responds to changes in elastance over time).
APRV using the TCAV method is a paradigm shift in protective lung ventilation, which primarily aims to
stabilize the lung and gradually reopen collapsed tissue to achieve lung homogeneity eliminating the main
mechanistic drivers of VILI.
acute respiratory distress syndrome, airway pressure release ventilation, mechanical ventilation, ventilator-i-
nduced lung injury
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) devel- [3 ]. During this process, however, mechanical ven-
ops in response to various pulmonary or extrapul- tilation can cause ‘ventilation-induced’ lung injury
monary insults. It is characterized by disruption of (VILI), thereby worsening patient outcomes [4].
the lung endothelium and epithelium with pulmo-
nary microvascular permeability, resulting in alveo-
lar flooding and inflammatory pulmonary oedema a
Department of Critical Care, Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation
[1]. Consequently, the ARDS lung becomes small, Trust, bCentre for Human & Applied Physiological Sciences, School of
unstable, and inhomogeneous. Regional volumes Basic & Medical Biosciences, cFlorence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing,
decrease heterogeneously following the gravita- Midwifery, and Palliative Care, King’s College London, London, UK,
Department of Critical Care, R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center,
tional gradient that is, from the inflated lung mainly University of Maryland Medical Center, Baltimore, Maryland and eDepart-
located in the nondependent regions, to the gasless ment of Surgery, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, New York, USA
atelectatic or consolidated lung tissue found in the Correspondence to Luigi Camporota, Department of Critical Care,
most dependent regions [2]. Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.
The primary management option currently E-mail:
available for ARDS is supportive mechanical venti- Curr Opin Crit Care 2023, 30:000–000
lation to preserve life and buy time to enable the DOI:10.1097/MCC.0000000000001123
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Respiratory system
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FIGURE 1. Flow chart illustrating setting airway pressure release ventilation using the time-controlled adaptive ventilation
method during different phases of ventilation: transition from a conventional mode to APRV (transition), optimisation of settings
in the hours that follow application of APRV; and stabilisation in the hours to days and finally weaning and liberation. PEF,
peak expiratory flow; Phigh, inspiratory pressure; Plow, expiratory pressure; PPLAT, plateau pressure; RR, respiratory rate; TEF,
termination of expiratory flow; Thigh, inspiratory time; Tlow, expiratory time; VT, tidal volume.
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Respiratory system
aerated lung regions and higher elastance (i.e. fast The brief duration of the Release Phase using the
recoil). TCAV method acts as a ‘brake’ to prevent newly
Although the ARDSNet recommendations fol- recruited tissue from re-collapsing. Furthermore,
low the logic of protecting the small baby lung, the the brief Release Phase is sufficiently short so that
combination of a relatively short inspiratory time the lung does not fully depressurize maintaining a
and longer expiratory time is incongruous with a ‘time-controlled’ PEEP (TC-PEEP). This dual method
strategy that stabilizes the alveoli and over time of time [brief release phase and pressure (TC-PEEP)]
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achieves recruitment, re-inflation, and homogene- is effective for stabilizing the lung and obtaining
ity [36]. This is particularly incongruous given that
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optimal end-expiratory lung volume [29–31,45,47]. controlled and time-cycled mode, in which sponta-
This method may be superior to traditionally neous breathing can (although does not have to)
applied PEEP [48], provided that Tlow is appropri- occur throughout the breathing cycle (i.e. both the
ately set (see below) to prevent deflation [49], and is inspiratory and expiratory phases). APRV has essen-
adapted according to changes in elastance as the tially four settings. Two determine the inspiratory
lungs recover or deteriorate. cycle: inspiratory pressure (i.e. high pressure –
Phigh), and inspiratory time (i.e. time at high pres-
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RELEASE VENTILATION WITH THE TIME- tory pressure (i.e. Plow), and expiratory time (i.e.
CONTROLLED ADAPTIVE VENTILATION time at low pressure – Tlow) and make up the expir-
METHOD AIRWAY PRESSURE RELEASE atory or Release Phase (Fig. 2a and b). Once set, these
VENTILATION SETTINGS settings should be reviewed periodically, minimum
Setting APRV based on the TCAV method (Fig. 1) once very 12 h, when clinical conditions change, or
requires an understanding that APRV is a pressure- when certain events (e.g. disconnection from
FIGURE 3. Ventilator screen of a patient ventilated using airway pressure release ventilation using the time-controlled adaptive
ventilation method. The criterion for setting Tlow expiratory flow-time waveform. The Tlow is set to achieve a termination of
expiratory flow (TEF) 75% of peak expiratory flow (PEF). For example, if the PEF is 80 l/min, the Tlow should be set to achieve
an end-expiratory flow (TEF) of 60 l/min (i.e. 80 0.75 ¼ 60).
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Respiratory system
ventilator, transfer outside ICU, bronchoscopy or PEF. The Tlow can then be adjusted so that the TEF is
physiotherapy) occur. 75% of the PEF (Fig. 3). A Tlow that is too long may
decrease the end-expiratory pressure leading to der-
ecruitment and atelectrauma. A Tlow that is too brief
Setting of Phigh may cause overinflation and volutrauma. As lung
The initial Phigh is generally set to match the plateau mechanics change, the expiratory flow character-
pressure achieved by the conventional mode prior istics change and importantly the Tlow will need
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to transition. For patients who receive APRV imme- titration to maintain the same expiratory flow %
diately following intubation, Phigh is set starting at and, therefore, end-expiratory lung volume (Fig. 4).
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Setting of Tlow
The setting of Tlow is one of the most important and
distinctive features of the TCAV method. This sep-
arates it from pressure control ventilation using an
inverse ratio or other methods to set APRV [50]. In
APRV using the TCAV method, Tlow is set based on
lung mechanics and the patient’s expiratory flow
rate. The Tlow should be set to correspond to a
termination expiratory flow (TEF; i.e., the point at
which expiration is terminated) that is 75% of the
initial peak expiratory flow (PEF) (Fig. 3). Lastly, lung
volume may be more precisely controlled with the
brief Tlow as flow and time are integrals of volume.
Using time control of flow directly regulates end-
expiratory lung volume (EELV) as opposed to setting
a pressure (i.e. PEEP) to indirectly control EELV,
avoiding volume loss from differences between FIGURE 4. An expiratory flow wave and how changes in
the minimum and maximum closing volume [51]. compliance lead to a different recoil of the respiratory
We recommend first setting the Phigh as system (faster in patients with worse compliance, and more
described above, then using an initial Tlow of 0.5 s acute expiratory flow) are shown. Changes in compliance
for one to three breaths. Using the ventilator ‘freeze require a change in the Tlow to maintain termination of
waveform’ function, it is possible to quantify the expiratory flow (TEF) 75% of peak expiratory flow (PEF).
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FIGURE 5. Electrical impedance tomograms showing regional ventilation during conventional lung protective ventilation (a);
after a short recruitment manoeuvre (b) and on airway pressure release ventilation (APRV) after 5 min (c), 45 min (d), and
90 min (e) from transitioning. The figure shows progressive recruitment following airway pressure release ventilation (APRV).
respiratory rate then subtract the set Tlow. Once the neural time and Thigh will represent the time spent
patient is fully transitioned to APRV, the Thigh is at CPAP.
generally titrated between 4.0 and 6.0 s as the lung
fully reopens. It is important to highlight that the
setting of Thigh is one of the main determinants of TRANSITION CHALLENGES
mean airway pressure and minute ventilation – and Transitioning from a conventional ventilation
therefore, CO2 clearance – when APRV is used as a mode may result in a decrease in mean arterial
mandatory mode. Later, when patients are able to pressure (MAP). This may be because of unrecog-
breathe spontaneously, Thigh determines the time nized hypovolemia despite an acceptable blood
the patient spends breathing at higher CPAP. There- pressure prior to transition. Ensuring optimal vol-
fore, while during mandatory ventilation, Thigh is ume status and a cautious Phigh up-titration is gen-
the inspiratory time, during spontaneous breathing, erally sufficient to blunt the magnitude and
the true inspiratory time will be the patient’s own duration of hypotension.
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and no signs of increased work of breathing, a fast authors have no conflicts of interest.
track wean to CPAP can be used without the need for
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