Entrepreneur Magazine - January February 2023 2023-01-17
Entrepreneur Magazine - January February 2023 2023-01-17
Entrepreneur Magazine - January February 2023 2023-01-17
Blake Lively sipping
FEATURES something tasty,
nonalcoholic, and
very profitable.
Blake Lively
Sweats All
the Details.
She used to hide her
obsessiveness. Then she
learned to harness it—and
built a category-defining
business as a result.
Anything in
It may be a tough year
ahead. But there are still
many ways to grow.
Here, our guide to finding
the bright side, from
people who have had to.
January-February 2023 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / 1
January-February 2023
Before you buy an Urban
Air Adventure Park
location, you literally
test-drive the business.
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purchases. Amazon Business centralizes purchasing and data
insights to one system.
CREATIVE DIRECTOR Paul Scirecalabrisotto
PHOTO DIRECTOR Judith Puckett-Rinella
Vol. 51, No. 1. Entrepreneur (ISSN 0163-3341) is published monthly (except for combined issues in Jan/Feb, Apr/May, Jul/Aug, and Oct/Nov) by Entrepreneur Media Inc., 2 Executive Circle, Suite 150, Irvine, CA 92614. Periodical post-
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4 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023
Expand Your Portfolio with
the Leader in Boutique Fitness.
Own an Xponential Studio. Club Pilates | Pure Barre Club Pilates | Pure Barre
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Xponential Fitness (NYSE: XPOF) is the largest global franchisor of boutique
fitness brands. The company operates a diversified platform of ten brands
spanning across verticals including Pilates, barre, cycling, running, rowing,
dancing, stretching, boxing, yoga, and functional training. Semi-Absentee
Executive Model
Xponential’s leadership team has decades of experience in fitness and wellness
franchising. We have the network, resources, platform, and playbook in place
to ensure continued growth and expert support every step of the way. Proven Marketing & Sales
Systems that Harness a
Recurring Revenue Model
Take your career in an exhilarating new direction with Mathnasium, and discover the power of math
in children’s lives. With a modest investment, you’ll be part of a successful franchise brand in a rapidly
growing multibillion-dollar industry. And Mathnasium needs franchisees like you who are ready to meet the
demand for math tutoring.
• No math expertise necessary. Just a desire to succeed • Demand for after-school math is booming.
• Over 1,100 centers. We’re one o f the world’s fastest Global market for tutoring has surpassed $100 billion*
growing franchises • Excellent territories are still available. Give us a call,
• Low-cost entry. Under $150K we’d love to talk
January-February 2023 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / 9
Barbara Corcoran
on the set of
Shark Tank, which is
in its 14th season.
ou can’t take yourself too seriously,” Barbara Corcoran says. Sure, on Shark Tank, she’s a powerful
investor who does not hold back her criticisms. But when she’s off the TV set, she’s often making goofy
TikTok videos and cracking jokes at her own expense. Why? Because it makes her happy. It’s also good
business. “People instinctively know what genuine is,” she says. “And when you’re not genuine, people
see right through it, and you lose credibility. The most important thing in all business is trust.”
To Corcoran, business is entirely about human connection. It requires showing vulnerability, har-
nessing ambition, and using every negative experience as an opportunity to grow. That’s what she
looks for in entrepreneurs on Shark Tank, which is now in its 14th season. And today, as entrepreneurs stare
down the uncertain economy of 2023, Corcoran says that entrepreneurs will need that human touch (and
self-awareness) more than ever. Here, she explains how to open up, give feedback, and persevere.
10 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023
secrets of ancient egypt – new discoveries
Not everyone gets to pitch You meet a lot of entrepre- What did those 20% do that you said, “Everyone’s lives are
on Shark Tank, but everyone neurs. How can you tell if wished the other 80% did too? being disrupted, not just mine.
does have a big moment someone has great potential? They told the truth to the peo- So how can I serve people’s
where a lot is on the line. Everyone on Shark Tank wants ple that they were working new needs?”
What’s your advice to some- to make it big. But what I’m with, even sooner than they Whether you’re in a pandemic
one when it’s “go time”? looking for is someone who has told the truth to themselves. or another upheaval, it’s very
Keep that energy high. to make it big. It’s a big differ- They said, “We have a prob- important to remember—the
Whoever you are normally, ence. And it’s not about desper- lem. I don’t know what we’re minute things go bad, the big
hype it up times 10. Boom, ation. It’s about ambition. gonna do. I don’t know how guys retreat. They talk to their
boom, boom! Practice it. For me, a person who has to I’m gonna handle it. But we are attorneys; they don’t want to
Exaggerate. Because energy make it is usually someone who’s gonna do the best we can, and lose their reputation. That’s
attracts. The minute an entre- been injured. Someone who this is my initial plan.” when an entrepreneur has the
preneur starts pitching, we all probably needs a good shrink For example, Cousins Maine advantage. The big guys think
have the same reaction: Do instead of a business. What Lobster, which is a tremendously of something on a Monday,
our shoulders go down, or do they’re doing is proving an injury successful franchise business. I and it takes ’em six months to
we lean forward and want to out from somewhere way back. remember they called a meeting get it out. A little guy just has
hear what they have to say? Like, for me, it’s my third-grade with everybody and said, “We an idea on Monday and can get
That has less to do with their teacher, Sister Stella Marie, who don’t have the cash flow.” Then it on the street on Tuesday.
words and more to do with
their energy.
Also, don’t worry about hav-
ing all the answers. It’s human DON’T WORRY ABOUT HAVING ALL THE ANSWERS. IT’S HUMAN
to say, “I don’t know, but I’m TO SAY, ‘I DON’T KNOW, BUT I’M EAGER TO FIND OUT AND I THINK
eager to find out and I think I I HAVE A PLAN.’ IT’S THE HUMAN CONNECTION THAT GETS
have a plan.” It’s the human
connection that gets the deal,
not the answers to “What are
your sales?”
told me I’d always be stupid. I they said they were going to Do you think that will hold true
Sharks are known for guess I’ve spent the better years immediately change their whole as we enter a possible reces-
giving brutal feedback, and of my life proving that I’m not. operation to an online app where sion? What should entrepre-
you’ve offered your fair share. someone orders their lobsters neurs be thinking about?
Is that ever difficult? Many entrepreneurs want to and then pulls into a parking lot The entrepreneur that’s going
I think if you can look some- hide their setbacks and fail- to pick them up. to go for it is ambitious, no
body in the eye and tell ’em ings, because they fear it’ll I have another tremen- matter what changes around
honestly how you feel, even make them look incompetent. dous business called Boho them. They’re going to get to
if it’s a tough criticism, peo- But you’re saying those things Camper Vans. They were leas- where they want to go. So they
ple will take it. Because they are assets. ing camping vans for quick can’t really hesitate or wait
recognize it right away as the Yeah. When they don’t share the vacations. When COVID hit, for the economy to catch up.
truth. I don’t even think of it injury, they’re being insecure—or people wanted to get out of They’re already thinking, How
as optional. I just think it’s the they haven’t come to terms with it the cities and into the moun- else can I get it done? It’s that
way you’re supposed to be. themselves. Good entrepreneurs tains—but then they’d come wonderful ability to think on
do well with setbacks. It’s not that back and say, “How do I do their feet.
Right, because it’s easy to be they wish for the next one. But this to my van?” So they built When we look at some peo-
“nice” and just tell people when they do come, they have a a whole new business [con- ple and ask, “Wow, how did
what they want to hear. But way of finding the juice. verting other people’s vans]. they do it?,” you’ll find that,
it’s much kinder to tell them A great example of this came They arranged the financing at the base of everything, it
what they need to hear. through COVID. I mean, when through a local Dodge dealer- was about not being afraid.
The important difference is, I look at my entrepreneurs, I’d ship that lost its sales. Not being afraid of the stress,
with kindness, you’re giving say 20% got stronger, and 80% And boom! Both businesses the uncertainty. It’s about wel-
a piece of yourself. You’re just lost it. The 20% were the exploded. coming change. And mostly,
extending a hand, you’re open- entrepreneurs. The other 80% it’s about needing to succeed.
ing a door, you’re giving honest were wannabe entrepreneurs Those stories have another It’s a need to hit that finish line
advice. It’s like sharing a gift. that really don’t thrive in those common thread: The founders and say, “I’m going to get there
And people respond to gifts. environments. all stepped back and basically no matter what.”
12 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023
I Live a Life of
Following a successful NFL career, I continue to find joy in competing to achieve extraordinary goals
alongside talented individuals.
Today, as Chairman and CEO of Brown Diamond Holdings, I own a portfolio of enterprises ranging
from manufacturing to marketing that relies heavily on strategy, teamwork and discipline to win in
an ever-changing global marketplace.
What led me to join a Vistage CEO peer advisory group was my core belief that iron sharpens iron.
Within our group, I’m surrounded by talented peers who run outstanding companies. There is
mutual respect, genuine concern, and a consistently safe space to have challenging conversations
that support our personal and professional goals. Because of my Vistage experience, my business
revenues have tripled, and I have cultivated healthy disciplines that will last a lifetime.
I’m Roland Williams. I live a life of climb.
Roland Williams
Chairman and CEO, Brown Diamond Holdings
Los Angeles, California
Vistage member since 2021
—LAUREN HAYNES, founder and CEO, Wooden Spoon Herbs
or Hands-Off?
“I expect mistakes, but I know some matter more than others.
So before getting involved, I ask three questions: One, are
there trade-offs involved that would compromise our vision,
values, or brand? Two, does it commit us to an expensive but
How do you balance between giving your
uncertain path that would be hard to reverse? Three, could it
team autonomy and leading them to success? create a strategic mistake that would give the competition
Here, six leaders share what works for them. an upper edge? Otherwise, I let people run with things.”
—ANU SHARMA, cofounder and CEO, Millie
over endless fighting? move on. They cannot agree once skeptical of email news- mission—to make great products
But back then, Flynn was a to disagree, he said. They must letters. He thought they were for their audience. “Knowing
solopreneur running his com- instead disagree and commit. fine for marketing purposes, that the team was there, and
pany Smart Passive Income. “That creates a healthy rela- but nothing else. “I’m the face that they’re also looking out for
Eventually it grew beyond tionship,” Gartland says. of the company, I am closest to the same people I’m looking out
his abilities, so he talked with “It was revolutionary to me,” our audience, and I know that for, allowed me to see it from a
frequent collaborator Matt Flynn says. most of them don’t wake up in different angle,” he says.
Gartland about forming a new The phrase disagree and com- the morning and look forward Then they ultimately agreed
company. Gartland came with a mit has been around since the to reading a newsletter,” Flynn to agree.
16 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023
Proud To Be #1
Three Years In
(857) 228-4669
fter college, I took an knows instinctively that have the best job ever, anymore. Now I can watch
internship at a PR and the last word must be mine and the best boss Megan do all of this—manag-
marketing firm called and respects that. But also, ever. And that is saying a ing staff, billing, HR, insur-
Maloney & Fox. Margie like anyone with great boss lot, because I thought ance, and all that jazz—and
was one of the firm’s instincts, she pushes me to be I was the best boss! appreciate exactly how her-
cofounders and my a more forthright leader. She I am the oldest by mul- culean of a task it is.
boss. I loved her motto: “Let knows that I’m less confron- tiple decades at our office, By working with Megan,
me be the wind beneath your tational than maybe I should and still the least mature. I can work the way I like. I am
wings. Tell me what you want be, and Margie is proactive Somewhere along the line, that a crazy early riser, so I can
to do here, and if it also helps whenever she sees an issue— has become a winning combi- get tons done between 5 a.m.
the company—let’s make it which she openly credits to nation. I take work very seri- and 8 a.m. I also want to travel
happen.” 27 years in therapy. Together, ously—just not myself. What more, and now have the lat-
So I told her. I had a lot of we can cut it off at the pass. I bring to the table is 35-plus itude to do so—but I only go
drive and ambition to create an The best working rela- years of experience and the at a time that works for her.
art department at the agency, tionships go beyond hard knowledge that while most of Sure, the job sometimes inter-
and she met every request with boundaries; they’re about that experience is relevant, rupts these adventures. But I
a yes. We quickly trusted each the small ways you give and some no longer applies. I help can also dial in from wherever
other, and I learned a lot: how take. That’s what we have. I the younger staff understand I am. An occasional Zoom
to avoid micromanaging, how don’t pay her anything close that people of different ages during time off is a very small
to build a culture, how to “just to what she’d get working full and stages in life take in infor- price to pay for this freedom.
pick up the phone,” how to time elsewhere, for example, mation differently (including Finally, growth is still very
sweat the right stuff. and in turn I accommodate that, yes, I still read The New important to me. I grow daily
Three years later, I left to her slightly erratic schedule. York Times in print). by being in the company
start my own firm, Marine And I’m forever grateful for As I neared 60, I started of younger, über-talented,
Lane. Margie eventually sold the value she provides. Her to think about what’s most kind people. But especially
hers, then held big jobs like Rolodex (which is what she important to me now. Money Megan. She is a unicorn of a
U.S. creative director of the insists on calling it!) is stuffed is, fortunately, not on the list: human and I believe in my
consumer PR practice at with contacts, and she’s a I am lucky to have earned heart of hearts that what we
Ogilvy. We stayed in touch. fount of new business leads enough in my prior iteration both get out of this relation-
Eventually she was looking for and myriad talents. Also, I that I no longer need to chase ship is way more than the
a new pace of life, so I asked if look younger than I am—and I huge dollars to support my life- sum of two parts.
she’d come work for me. How know that many times, a cli- style. Health benefits, however, I want to work like this for-
else could I score someone ent has been happy to have are still important (which is one ever. It is beyond enlivening.
as experienced as her? I was someone older and likely of those things you never think I was at a 60th birthday party
thrilled when she said yes, and wiser in the room. about when you’re younger). for a best friend in Arizona
laughed when she picked her As far as I’m concerned, Work is also still important recently, and the group was
own title: consigliere. hiring Margie is the deal of to me, but not quite in the same fascinated by (and a little
People ask us if the tran- a lifetime for me. We both way as before. I no longer want envious of ) my work-life bal-
sition was hard. Honestly, it know that this arrangement the responsibilities and pres- ance. I tried not to gloat, but
wasn’t. Margie never “bossed” will not be for everybody. sures associated with running a I truly encouraged them to
me around, so I know better But for everybody it might be company. I’ve already done all seek out similar gigs. It is
than to “boss” her (or any- good for, I think we’d both that. I also don’t want to work true, though: I was the worst
one else on our team). She say: Go for it with gusto! 40 hours a week in an office pickleball player in the group.
January-February 2023 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / 19
memes and brand the beverage brand Ranch Rita Chips Ahoy!, and even United Not sure if your idea is good
videos. But to be clear, you with that as the premise. Airlines creating posts that ref- enough to publish? Don’t
shouldn’t say “right?!” in a “Like charcuterie boards: It’s erence it. But the winner was worry, the Doing Things Media
video yourself. Instead, you just meat and cheese on a piece arguably Chipotle: Its video guys say. Until you publish,
must make videos that inspire of wood, but everyone thinks starts with a close-up of its food you can never know which
your viewers to say it. it’s the fanciest thing ever,” says options, as an employee asks a ideas will connect. “Just post as
Right?! is what you say when Lee Ayers, creator of a meme customer what they’d like on much as you can that you think
someone says the thing you’re account called Middle Class their burrito bowl. Rice? No, is funny,” says Ayers, “and pray
thinking. When something is a Fancy that Doing Things Media says the customer, who has a that the algorithm will push
little off. When you’re part of a acquired. familiar, tiny voice. Beans? No. you out there.”
communal recognition. Right?! is at the heart of Meat? No. Because business is now
“Like when you order water much of what they do. And if “Corn?” the employee asks. driven by the algorithm. Right?!
20 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023
Mario’s Picks
1 2 3
4 5
Teva ReEmber Terrains [$90; [$74.99; chubbybuttons.io] is sit. But this case does more. [$449; bartesian.com] will that takes just a few minutes
teva.com] are slip-ons that a wearable remote designed Made of scratch-resistant keep you classy. Stock this to set up and runs for up to
give you the cozy factor in an to fix that. It’s held on by a vegan leather, it’s designed semiautomatic bartender 2.5 hours on a charge—long
actual shoe. They’re plenty band that stretches around with built-in magnets and a with your five favorite enough to get through a good
comfortable with a quilted your wrist or arm, and it has series of origamilike folding liquors and get a cocktail meeting or movie. Connect
upper and foam footbed, five tactile buttons, large flaps to snap together into in your cup in less than 30 your device to it through
and have a woollike lining for enough to control through various standing positions. seconds. The Bartesian Chromecast or the HDMI
warmth. A water-resistant heavy gloves, that will ad- Raise it 3.6 inches off a table uses premixed pods of juice, input, and broadcast your
coating and a grippy, 50% vance your playlist, summon to use with a keyboard, or bitters, and extracts—like a ideas in high-definition
recycled rubber sole keep Siri or Google Assistant, or 2.3 inches to stream content; K-Cup coffee maker—and with a built-in Dolby Audio
your feet dry for running out answer a call. You can even one of the angles is perfect lets you choose how strong speaker. Or (via its app)
to warm the car up on snowy take a photo without fum- for those who draw on their you want your drink, from stream your favorite enter-
mornings, while they’re stylish bling for the shutter button. tablet. Wherever you go, a Monday mocktail to full- tainment in your office, home,
enough for dog walks, grab- When the weather warms up, the Moft sets you up to blast Friday. It makes about or hotel—anywhere there’s
bing a coffee, or errands. use it on runs or bike rides. be productive. 50 different cocktails. something to project onto.
22 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023
D E TA I L .
January-February 2023 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / 27
et aside, for a moment, that Blake Lively is very friendship and creativity and the savoring of this moment before us,
famous. which is really all we’re guaranteed.
Let’s tell a story that so many entrepreneurs have So when her friends recommended she sell her cocktail mixers,
lived: she thought, Why not? Why not author a new chapter of my life?
It started with the dinner parties. Lively and Of course, this question was immediately followed by another
her husband, Ryan Reynolds (yes, fine, also very far more troubling one, and it didn’t matter what any mustachioed
famous), hosted them for their friends. Lively over- dead German might say about it.
saw everything: the appetizers, entrées, desserts. How would I possibly do this?
Lively loves to cook and loves the meal’s procession, After all, she didn’t drink. “I felt like I can’t possibly step into this
too, with its beginning, middle, and end. Like a great space,” she says. How could she pair mixers with alcohol if she only
movie, a great dinner party abides by a narrative arc. ever drank the mixers? Compounding matters—and stating the obvi-
In 2018, the couple’s parties took on a new narra- ous—she was an actor, which meant, among other things, “I don’t
tive. Reynolds had purchased an ownership stake in have a business degree.” She didn’t even know what she didn’t
Aviation Gin, so when friends came to dinner, they know. The learning curve would be so steep.
wanted to try some. Lively oversaw that, too. Lively Or would it?
doesn’t drink but wanted to make cocktails—and yet, Wasn’t it true that her friends loved her homemade mixers?
when she bought mixers from grocery stores, she was disgusted by Wasn’t it true she’d concocted those mixers because she’d brought
their taste. She thought she could do better, so she started mixing home the ones from grocery and liquor stores and found them
fruit. Friends raved, but Lively wasn’t satisfied. “It’s easy to make a wanting? Put another way: Wasn’t it true that because the present
delicious drink if you muddle a bunch of blackberries or raspberries mixers tasted like crap—too fruity or syrupy or just way too heavy
and put some mint in there,” she says. “But it’s harder when you on flavor—an opportunity lay in front of her, someone who con-
want it to be more subtle and crisp and clean.” sumed these things on her own? Weren’t her flaws—the naive, sober
It became a project. She and Reynolds experimented on the actor—actually her strengths in a position like this?
nights and weekend afternoons they weren’t hosting—Lively tasting It was her “aha!” moment. “I’m good at this because I’ve experi-
the mix on its own, Reynolds blending it with some Aviation—and enced it,” she says. “Everybody is so much more experienced than
then she brought her best results to their next party. they realize, just by being a consumer.”
The raves changed. Lively’s mixers weren’t just amazing, her This is an important point: The consumer knows. Sara Blakely
friends said. They had become professional grade. started Spanx because she was, she once said, a “frustrated con-
You should sell these, they said. sumer [who] simply wanted to wear white pants to a party and have
Now you see the familiar story. It’s one that’s launched count- nothing show underneath.” Whitney Wolfe Herd launched Bumble
less entrepreneurs: Someone solves their own problem, and creates because she wanted a dating app where women weren’t harassed,
something that others want, too. But Lively thought selling her mix which meant one where women made the first move. These are
was ridiculous. She was a full-time actor and fuller-time mom, who now billion-dollar companies. You see this over and over. Some con-
loved her family and career and nights hosting friends. She mixed sumer asks, Why doesn’t this product exist? Then that consumer asks
cocktails because she loved to. It’d be weird if she had to. the all-important second question: Why don’t I bring it into existence?
And yet, “I like weird moves,” she says. They fulfill what has “The biggest revelation for me,” Lively says, “is that the best
become a driving force in her life. It isn’t simply doing something product developers are consumers. And we all have our 10,000
well. It’s creating the terms of the task at hand. Or, as she says: hours of consuming.”
“Authorship.” So she set out to make a mixer that actually tastes good. She
worked with Reynolds’ partners at Aviation, who immediately saw
NIETZSCHE WROTE, “He who has a why to live for can bear almost Lively’s perfectionism. She wanted to author this product. She
any how.” It asks you, the entrepreneur reading this, to look wanted every detail right. Real fruit, she said. Natural flavors. What
beneath what you do and question its purpose. When you answer followed were literally thousands of taste tests with Lively providing
that why, well, it provides you the jet fuel to power through the notes on everything. Crisper here, more aromatic there.
hardship of any how and reach the upper atmosphere. She had always been detail-oriented, which has its place, but
Blake Lively’s why is “authorship” because, in part, she hasn’t details also meant how something got done, and the hows of this
always had it. Lively spent far too long as a young actor in some product that she was starting to call Betty Buzz were endless and
rom-com or on the set of, say, Gossip Girl, hitting her mark, looking exhausting and invited the voice inside her head—the one that
pretty, and just agreeing to “show up and shoot and not really have had always been there—to speak louder: You’re gonna mess this up.
an opinion,” she says. But she has many opinions. She has a sense You’re an imposter. You’re a failure. Lively wished, at times, that
for how to order her life. As she got older—and she’s 35 now—she she had her mother’s free spirit, the woman who had thrown her
realized her acting improved “if I can be involved in the costumes, own dinner parties, too, but “with no budget,” Lively says. Elaine
if I can be involved in the writing, if I can be involved in the space Lively had turned pots and pans upside down to layer tables and
of creating the character. Then I can disappear into that character.” used Blake and her four siblings’ bedsheets as tablecloths, saying,
She can fully inhabit that character because she’s helped author it. “Make the centerpiece of the table. Just stack it. You can’t mess it
Authorship has landed her a lead role in 2020’s The Rhythm Section, up.” That has been Elaine’s life motto: You can’t mess it up. It’s why
opposite two-time Academy Award nominee Jude Law, and a star- she allowed a young Blake to cut Elaine’s hair with kitchen scis-
ring role in the box office hit A Simple Favor. sors. These dinner parties and haircuts held a lesson for Elaine’s
“Authorship is everything,” she says. It extends to her cooking, focused-but-anxious daughter. Go try things. Improvise. Blake
too. No detail of any dinner party is too small, because each adds to would, but “it didn’t ever totally sink in,” she says. “I’d try things,
the message she wants to relay about the evening—about love and but I was nervous about them.” The perfectionism resurfaced,
28 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023
January-February 2023 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / 29
which meant a certain rigidity did, too. it never caught up to its original mission: It’s not making a differ-
Now, with Betty Buzz in development, she was all too aware of ence in people’s lives.”
her past, and not just the trembling scissors she once held as she The press was almost giddy. “BLAKE LIVELY DIDN’T LIKE
cut her mother’s hair, but the far more recent past, too. PRESERVE EITHER,” ran the headline in The Washington Post.
This was not the first time Blake Lively had tried to be an It was “awful,” she says now. “I poured everything I had into that
entrepreneur. company,” and to leave it behind “felt like a death.”
In 2014, she’d launched a lifestyle website, Preserve. It was In this way, Lively had it worse than you and me, the unknown
meant to be a place where artisans could sell their wares while entrepreneurs. If and when we fail, we do so privately. The shame
Lively and her editorial team told stories about the products. It was is ours alone. She has an entire entertainment-media complex fol-
not received that way. The asymmetrical aprons, the advice for lowing along. To be sure, celebrityhood calluses people. But to fail
what sort of vibrators to use, the $132 “Twombley Crew” T-shirts: publicly, as Lively did with Preserve, and then to be ridiculed for it:
The site was “a minor miracle,” The Washington Post wrote, “some- “It just hurt,” Lively says. She thought, Why did I even try this? She
how more ridiculous and tone-deaf than Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop.” thought, I suppose I should just stick to acting. For many years she
Part of the sniping carried a jealous undertone. The beautiful actress did. Until, of course, this idea of authorship took hold again and she
thinks she can do this, too? But part of it, Lively realized, was valid. convinced herself she could launch a mixer company.
She had big goals for the site: to highlight the artisans “in every So now here she was, in the deepest and most troubling hows of
pocket of the country…creating magic with their bare hands,” she actually launching that new company, and her inner whispers of
wrote in her editor’s letter. She wanted to put these artisans on a fraud and failure had become louder. “It was scary,” she says.
platform that was, she wrote, “part magazine, part e-commerce It always is. Entrepreneurship is a test of self-rule. It isn’t so much
hub, part philanthropic endeavor, and—above all—a place that hon- about creating a product as seeing if you can overcome yourself to
ors the future while having a love affair with the past.” create it. That midnight-of-the-soul feeling is what Lively felt now. It
Her ambition didn’t align with the site’s reality, though: inconsis- helped that she had Reynolds beside her. He was an entrepreneur,
tencies of editorial tone, some “behind-the-scenes stuff that we just too—not just for buying into Aviation, or the cell phone carrier Mint
couldn’t figure out,” she says. A year later, she shuttered it. As she Mobile, but also cofounding a wildly successful marketing agency,
told Vogue in 2015, “We launched the site before we were ready, and Maximum Effort. Reynolds and Lively are close, inseparable even.
30 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023
“Best friends,” she says. So as she confided in him, it helped that hulk holds the bottle and then moves closer, puts her hands on the
“the person whose opinion I trust more than anything in the world bottle, and shows him how to hold it: “Yeah, there you go, uncover
is also the person who’s saying to me, ‘You got this. Go.’ And that’s a but—don’t move, don’t move.”
great feeling.” The ad makes her proud. “It’s an interesting thing to claim as
It also helped that “there were so many lessons I learned from a woman: being detailed and being precise,” she says. “Because
[Preserve],” she says. “So many mistakes that I made.” Perhaps the that can be weaponized against you as being difficult. And if some-
largest was that she launched Preserve before it was ready. Her one makes you feel something often enough, you start to believe
detail-oriented brain wanted six more months before Preserve went it’s true, and you start to squash those things in yourself, and you
live, but she listened to those around her who said they could make start to see them as something that you don’t want to bring to the
up for their mistakes on the fly. She would not make that error with surface. And it’s taken me 35 years to see that, like, that’s actually
Betty Buzz. She would listen to her own voice. She would debut a huge asset: how detailed I am and how precise I am and how
the product when she was prepared to do so. One year of product much I care about quality. And it’s not something that I should
development became two, and then three. Not only did the prod- apologize for.”
uct have to be perfect, but it had to be beautifully packaged. Lively To date, she has sold over 6 million bottles. That means Betty
wanted the Betty Buzz bottles to be used as vases when people fin- Buzz has accounted for 24% of the entire mixer category through
ished drinking them. “And I remember my team saying, ‘What are the fall of 2022. “So for one company to be responsible for a quar-
you talking about? Nobody’s gonna use these bottles as vases,’” ter of the growth of the entire category in the United States is”—and
Lively says. But she was insistent. So the packaging became as crisp here Lively pauses for a couple seconds while a smile spreads across
as the drinks’ bubbly notes of flavor. her face—“pretty cool.”
Both kept improving from there. “Quality gives me confidence,” This vision-without-apology now extends to other parts of her
Lively says. In September of 2021, Lively and the Betty Buzz team career. In 2021, she wrote and directed Taylor Swift’s music video,
had five flavors ready to launch: Tonic Water, Sparkling Grapefruit, “I Bet You Think About Me,” which racked up 47 million views on
Meyer Lemon Club Soda, Sparkling Lemon Lime, and Ginger Beer. YouTube and earned a Country Music Association Music Video
They decided on the simplest of marketing campaigns: Debut it of the Year nomination. The success there led the prestige studio
on Instagram. It was another way in which this company would be Searchlight to tap Lively in late April of last year to direct Seconds,
different than Lively’s last. Preserve had a publicity machine more a feature adaptation of the graphic novel of the same name, which
in line with a film debut, right down to Lively on the cover of Vogue will be Lively’s film directorial debut. “For me, it’s about spend-
promoting it. She’d learned a lot in the intervening six years. Mostly ing my time with people who I value and who value me,” she says.
that her fame only extended so far into business. “I can only sell “People who encourage me to be the best, most detailed, most
one bottle,” she says. “The product has to sell itself after that.” quality-policing version of myself.”
So that day, as she pressed “share” on Instagram, she thought to These days, she wants to extend that sense of authorship to other
herself, and not without a little bit of trepidation, How many bottles women. Lively, being Lively, spent a year and a half researching
will people buy after their first? which nonprofit to direct some of Betty Buzz’s revenue toward,
before settling on one called Grameen America. Lively gets so
A LOT. enamored talking about Grameen that she ignores the publicist who
In the first seven months, Betty Buzz sold 2.5 million bottles and wants her to wrap up our interview and even ignores me, when I
appeared on the shelves of 5,500 nationwide stores. Fans soon say I can look up Grameen later. “I want to get—I want you to get
showed on social media how they’d turned their old Betty Buzz right what they do,” Lively says. “Not that you wouldn’t get it right,
bottles into vases. That thrilled Lively as much as the sales figures. but, you know”—and here her voice breaks into a singsong-style
People recognized quality in all forms, qual- lilt—“I’m micromanaging.”
ity that she’d authored. Lively and the Betty It makes me laugh. She goes to Grameen’s
Buzz team accomplished all this with no adver- “EVERYBODY website and starts scrolling. “Hold on,” she
tising and no marketing outside of, like, five says, “there’s just this one blurb that I think
Instagram Story posts.
IS SO MUCH MORE is great…
When the team finally moved into real EXPERIENCED “Here we go. ‘Grameen America provides
advertising in the spring of 2022, it did so with microloans starting at no more than $2,000,
Lively’s idea of authorship in mind. It wasn’t financial training, and support to members.’”
just that she appeared in the ads. No, in one JUST BY BEING A She reads on, stressing that the target pop-
campaign from the fall, by far the funniest CONSUMER.” ulation is female entrepreneurs below the
spot yet, a shirtless stud drinks Betty Buzz poverty line, that 99.8% of them repay their
while saying that the drink was created by loans, and so on.
Blake Lively, an obsessive perfectionist. “Did this industrious earth Lively loves this. She is helping to provide not just access to capital,
scientist spend three years perfecting the exact bubble size and but paper and pen, so that other women can author their own lives,
quantity for that perfect, lightly explosive pop? One hundred per- too. She wants these women to feel what she now feels every day.
cent.” Then, in a slightly more exhausted tone, the hulk continues. To take your obsessions—whatever they are, and however they
“Did she give extensive and quite lengthy notes on how to balance have been shouted down or dismissed in the past—and to harness
the ratio of real fruit juice in every flavor? She’s such a Virgo.” The them, rely on them, wear them proudly, “in a way that is really
camera pulls back to reveal Lively holding the boom mic above the impactful and concrete,” she says, “To me, that’s everything.”
hulk’s head. The hulk, now barely cloaking his disdain, says that
Lively is “extremely involved” in all things Betty Buzz. In the ad’s Paul Kix writes This Week Paul Likes, a newsletter on creative types
closing frames, Lively moves into the shot itself to critique how the who inspire him, in the hopes they’ll inspire you.
January-February 2023 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / 31
32 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023 Illustration / N I C O L Á S O R T E G A
The last few years have turned our world upside down, and many see dark
clouds on the horizon. It’s tempting to let regret, grief, or fear consume us.
But if we are not in control of what happens, we are also far from helpless.
Here are four ways to conquer crisis when it comes your way.
January-February 2023 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / 33
don’t love crisis. Nobody options for where to work,
does. But I’ve experi- and the other had no other job
enced a lot of it in my prospects. You might think the
life, and have learned first group would have more
to greet it like an old confidence and outperform
friend. That’s because of everyone else; after all, they’re
something I’ve discov- more in demand! Instead, the
ered along the way: We employees with no backup plan
are at our best when performed at a higher level.
we’re out of options. Why? Gino has an interesting
At that point, we are forced theory: “With options comes
to make it work. We must potential regret,” she says. “If
summon all of our strength you have five choices and can
and willpower, because the al- only pick one, you spend lots of
ternative is to lose much more time asking yourself, ‘Was that
than we already have. the right choice?’ But if you had
I’ve experienced this a lot. I no other options, you’re more
grew up in Queens, New York, likely to be grateful for what
in poverty, and dropped out you have.”
of high school at age 16 so I Bad things will happen—to
could support my ailing mom. our businesses, in our lives, and
Ten years later, I became the in the world. It is all too easy
youngest-ever press secretary to be derailed, and lose track
for the New York City mayor’s of our goals. But crises can also
office—the first shred of real provide opportunities for clarity.
security I’d ever had. The day Embrace the moments when you
I started that job, my mom have no choice.
died. A few months after that,
9/11 happened. A few years To do that, I ask myself
after that, I landed an execu- these three questions:
tive gig with the New York Jets, 1/ What’s the worst that can
and then got testicular cancer. happen?
I founded my own investment 2/ What would I do if I were start-
firm, only to hit rock bottom ing from scratch today?
during my divorce. 3/ How can I extract value from
But as I look back now, I this otherwise bad situation?
see all those experiences as
strengthening. I’m now the HERE’S WHAT I often find, as I ask
cofounder and CEO of RSE those questions: The worst-
Ventures, and was a guest case scenario is unlikely, but
shark on Shark Tank. And it’s it is also survivable. Starting
why I give this same advice to from scratch liberates you from
any founder facing a crisis: It the mistakes of the past. And
is much, much harder to make no matter the crisis, you can
big moves when things are extract value. Most importantly,
humming along and there’s no when you start to think this
immediate impetus to change. way, you start thinking this
We can all do bold things, all way even in good times. Then
the time. But usually we don’t, you don’t need a crisis to start
because the world of options thinking big. Because after all,
feels too large. nobody likes a crisis—even if it’s
That’s why now—in your a useful one.
LIKE own moment of crisis!—is the
time to think big. Excerpted from BURN THE
A CRISIS I’m reminded of fascinating
research by Harvard Business
BOATS: Toss Plan B Overboard
and Unleash Your Full Potential
No one likes a catastrophe, but when we’re School professor Francesca by Matt Higgins. To be published
in survival mode, the path forward Gino, who studied people on February 14 by William Mor-
becomes clearer. That’s a useful mindset to working in a call center in row. Copyright © 2023 by Matt
cultivate, for good times and bad. India. She looked at two dis- Higgins. Reprinted courtesy of
by MATT HIGGINS tinct groups—one had other HarperCollins Publishers.
January-February 2023 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / 35
ave you ever messed failed because there were mas-
up, and then sive forces outside of anybody’s
obsessed over how control and ability to predict.”
you could have done So what should we do
better? I should have instead of obsessing over “what
said this. I should if?” Psychologists have a few
have done that. ideas, if no simple solutions.
Psychologists have “This is going to sound
a name for that. It’s a little funny,” says John V.
called “counterfactual think- Petrocelli, Ph.D., a profes-
ing”—in essence, thinking sor of psychology at Wake
about things that could have Forest University. “But the
been. Entrepreneurs are espe- trick is: Consider other
cially susceptible to it. counterfactuals.”
“There does seem to be When we repeat a counter-
a sense of control, and feel- factual to ourselves, Petrocelli
ing like you’re in charge of says, it starts to feel true. That’s
your own destiny, that relates because of a phenomenon
to counterfactual thinking,” called repetition-induced mem-
says Amy Summerville, Ph.D., ory—basically, the more some-
a social psychologist who thing is repeated, the easier it
OVER researches regret. “If you have
that worldview, which I think
is to remember, and the truer
it feels. That’s why misinfor-
‘WHAT IF?’ is almost necessary to be an
entrepreneur, it would lead you
mation spreads so easily. To
counter this, he says, we should
It’s natural. It’s unproductive. to say, ‘Oh, I should have con- consider many other alterna-
And with a little work, trolled this thing or acted dif- tives. How could our bad situa-
you can take back ferently to change this.’” tion have actually gotten worse?
control of your thoughts. Scientists debate why we How could different decisions
by JASON FEIFER do this, but many believe it’s have led to different outcomes?
a byproduct of learning. Our Summerville says it’s also
brains seek lessons from bad helpful to shift your perspec-
experiences and then get stuck tive. Studies of Olympic ath-
in a loop—wishing we could letes offer a useful insight.
apply what we learned to When people look at Olympic
what already happened. But medalists on the podium, and
Summerville says that even if are asked to rate how happy or
we think we know what went upset those Olympians look,
wrong, we might not be right. the results are consistent:
“People tend to focus on Bronze medalists look much
things that happen early or late happier than silver medalists.
in a string of events,” she says. Why? Because silver medal-
Basketball is a classic exam- ists are thinking about how
ple: If a player misses a shot close they came to gold, while
at the buzzer and their team bronze medalists are thinking
loses, people often feel like that about how close they came to
player lost the game. But that’s not winning at all.
not true; the game was lost So yes, maybe you bombed
because many people, at many that pitch—but isn’t it better to
times, missed many shots. have been in the meeting at all?
If we fixate on one part of a At least you’ve had an experi-
larger problem, we may miss the ence like that, so you can adjust
point, or beat ourselves up over for next time. “Take the long
an unsolvable problem. When a view,” Summerville says. “Five
business goes under, for exam- years from now, what do you
ple, the founder might obsess think you should have learned
over what could have saved it. In from this moment, or is this
reality, the answer was...nothing. even a thing you’ll care about?”
“A lot of ventures fail not When you think like
because people made bad that, you’re countering the
choices,” she says. “Things counterfactual.
who was so positive. Like, star- have nothing left to give. All that
tlingly so. And initially I was like, microjoys demand of us is pres-
Oh, for fuck’s sake, this cannot be ence. But we have to train our-
real. But the longer I knew her, selves to receive these moments.
the more I thought, This is real.
She was genuine, people loved And these moments of being
We get back what we put out, we’re told. her, and she got her job done present brought you back to life.
But if loss sends us spiraling, really well. So I started emulat- I realized the only way that I
and we have nothing left to give, ing some of her behaviors. She was going to recognize a part of
how do we survive? Cyndie Spiegel would smile all the time, and I myself again was to reach for the
knows something about that. remember actually practicing small moments of joy and hope
by FRANCES DODDS to smile. that were right in front of me.
January-February 2023 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / 37
I Saw the Sign
by Brooke Schnittman, founder, Coaching With Brooke
used to follow other people’s advice. I’m so glad I stopped. later, I quit the new job, sold my townhouse, and moved from New
It began with my mom. “Be a teacher,” she had said, York to Florida. My loved ones thought I was crazy. I had no plans,
because she was a teacher herself. So I did it. Six years later, but I brought the sign with me. The only thing I knew for sure was
I leveled up into a quasi-administrative role and started crav- this: I needed more adventure.
ing more growth. But I was working at a top school district, After a year of dabbling in different jobs, I decided to create my
where advancement was slow. I thought about leaving for own. I trained as a coach for people with ADHD, opened my own
a lesser district, where I could move up faster. That’s when company, and scored my first client within the first week. Then, by
everyone I trusted told me: Don’t leave. Just wait. sheer coincidence, my former boss at that first school district called
I almost listened. But as I contemplated what to do, I stared at a me up: The job I once wanted—the one my family and friends told
sign that hung in my office. The mother of one of my students had me to wait for—was now available! Did I still want it?
given it to me as a gift years earlier. It said: “We must take adventures “No, thank you,” I said.
in order to know where we truly belong.” I agreed with that. So for I have moved to many new offices since then. I have served more
the first time in my life, I ignored my family’s advice. I took the leap. than 1,000 clients. But wherever I work, that sign hangs within eye-
I had no idea just how much truth that sign really contained. shot to remind me that adventure always awaits—and that, because I
Once I took one leap, I felt emboldened to take more. Two years was willing to take its path, I could find where I truly belong.
38 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023
Straw Hat Pizza ........................................................................ 152 Techy ................................................................................................... 212 USA Insulation .......................................................................... 168 Woodhouse Day Spa ........................................................ 188
StretchLab .................................................................................... 159 Temporary Wall Systems ............................................ 212 USA Ninja Challenge .......................................................... 136 Woof Gang Bakery ............................................................... 198
StretchMed .................................................................................. 159 Ten Spot, The .............................................................................. 196 U.S. Lawns ..................................................................................... 180 Woofie’s ........................................................................................... 198
Stretch Zone ............................................................................... 159 Teriyaki Madness .................................................................. 143 Woops! .............................................................................................. 145
Strickland Brothers 10 Minute Oil TGA Premier Sports ............................................................ 136 V Workout Anytime 24/7 ................................................... 162
Change .......................................................................................... 124 30 Minute Hit ............................................................................... 161 Valenta .............................................................................................. 126 World of Smoke & Vape ................................................. 204
Stride Fitness ............................................................................ 164 Three Dog Bakery ................................................................. 198 Valvoline Instant Oil Change .................................... 124 Wow 1 Day Painting ............................................................. 170
Striking Beauties ..................................................................... 161 3% Realty ....................................................................................... 210 Vanity Fur ....................................................................................... 198 Wow Wow Hawaiian Lemonades ...................... 156
Stroll ..................................................................................................... 126 360 Painting ................................................................................. 170 Venture X ........................................................................................ 126 Wyndham ........................................................................................ 174
Studio Pilates ............................................................................... 161 360clean .......................................................................................... 177 Verlo Mattress ........................................................................ 204 Wyndham Garden ................................................................. 175
Studio 6 ............................................................................................... 174 Tide Cleaners ............................................................................ 204 Veronica’s Insurance ........................................................ 140 Wyndham Grand ..................................................................... 175
Studio 30, The Kettlebell Fit Club ........................ 164 Tierra Encantada .................................................................. 133 VetCor ................................................................................................ 185
Stumpy’s Hatchet House ........................................... 202 Tile Liquidators ......................................................................... 166 Vicky Bakery ............................................................................... 145 X
St. Veg ................................................................................................. 158 Tim Hortons ................................................................................. 146 VIO Med Spa ................................................................................ 190 X-Golf ................................................................................................... 201
Style Encore .............................................................................. 203 Tina Maids ...................................................................................... 184 Vitality Bowls ............................................................................. 143 XP League ...................................................................................... 134
Sub Zero Nitrogen Ice Cream ................................... 149 Tint World ....................................................................................... 125 Vital Restoration .................................................................... 185
Succentrix Business Advisors ............................... 140 Tippi Toes ........................................................................................ 136 Vitamin Shoppe, The ......................................................... 165 Y
Success on the Spectrum ......................................... 212 Tire Pros ........................................................................................... 125 Vogue Bubble Tea & Coffee Bar ............................ 148 YESCO Sign & Lighting Service ............................. 132
Success Space ....................................................................... 128 Toastique ........................................................................................ 158 Voodoo Brewing Co. ............................................................ 142 YogaSix .............................................................................................. 161
Sugaring NYC ............................................................................. 194 Tommy’s Express Car Wash ..................................... 124 VooDoo Wing Company ................................................ 146 Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park
Sugar Sugar ................................................................................. 194 Toro Taxes ...................................................................................... 140 V’s Barbershop ......................................................................... 187 Camp-Resorts ..................................................................... 172
Supercuts ....................................................................................... 187 Total Home Interiors ........................................................... 172 Young Chefs Academy ................................................... 134
Super 8 by Wyndham ......................................................... 174 Totally Nutz .................................................................................. 159 W Young Rembrandts ............................................................. 134
Superior Fence & Rail ........................................................ 172 Touching Hearts At Home ........................................... 194 WaBa Grill ....................................................................................... 143 Your CBD Store ......................................................................... 159
Superior Mosquito Defense ..................................... 180 Town Money Saver ............................................................. 126 Wag N’ Wash ............................................................................... 198 You’ve Got Maids ................................................................... 184
Super Soccer Stars ............................................................. 136 Trademark Collection by Wyndham ................. 174 Walk-On’s Sports Bistreaux ........................................ 141
Supporting Strategies ..................................................... 140 Training Mate ............................................................................. 164 WaveMax Laundry ............................................................. 204 Z
Surface Experts ..................................................................... 168 Transblue ........................................................................................ 212 Waxing The City ...................................................................... 194 Zaxby’s .............................................................................................. 145
Surface Specialists ............................................................. 169 Transworld Business Advisors ............................. 126 Wayback Burgers .................................................................. 151 Zebra Robotics ........................................................................ 134
Sweat440 ..................................................................................... 164 Travelodge by Wyndham .............................................. 174 We Dat’s ........................................................................................... 146 Zen Massage ............................................................................. 190
Sweet & Sassy ......................................................................... 188 Tropical Smoothie Cafe ................................................. 156 Weed Man ....................................................................................... 178 Zerorez ............................................................................................... 175
Sweet Charlie’s ......................................................................... 149 TruBlue Total House Care ............................................. 178 Weichert .......................................................................................... 210 Ziebart ............................................................................................... 124
Ziggi’s Coffee ............................................................................. 148
Sweet Paris Creperie & Cafe .................................... 158 Tru by Hilton .................................................................................. 174 Weighless MD ............................................................................ 166
Zinger Technologies .......................................................... 130
Sweet Red Peach .................................................................. 145 True North Restoration .................................................. 184 We Insure ....................................................................................... 140
Zips Cleaners ............................................................................ 204
Swensen’s Ice Cream ....................................................... 149 True REST Spa ........................................................................... 196 Wendy’s ........................................................................................... 150
Zoom Drain ................................................................................... 182
Sylvan Learning ...................................................................... 139 TRYP by Wyndham ............................................................... 175 We Sell Restaurants .......................................................... 126
Zoomin Groomin ..................................................................... 198
Synergy HomeCare ............................................................. 192 TSS Photography ................................................................. 208 Wetzel’s Pretzels ................................................................... 144
Zoom Room .................................................................................. 196
Tuffy Tire and Auto Service ....................................... 125 Which Wich .................................................................................. 154
Zoup! Eatery ............................................................................... 158
T Turbo Tint ........................................................................................ 125 Wicked Lick .................................................................................. 149
Z Plumberz .................................................................................... 182
Taco Bell ............................................................................................. 151 Turning Point Breakfast, Brunch & Lunch .. 141 Wienerschnitzel ...................................................................... 151
Zunzi’s/Zunzibar .................................................................... 158
Taco Casa ....................................................................................... 152 Tutor Doctor ................................................................................ 139 Wild Birds Unlimited ............................................................ 198
Taco John’s ..................................................................................... 151 Tutu School .................................................................................. 136 Winans Chocolates + Coffees .............................. 158
Taco Works ................................................................................... 152 Twin Peaks Restaurant ................................................... 142 Window Gang ............................................................................ 185
Taffer’s Tavern ........................................................................... 142 Twinkle Star Dance Academy ................................ 136 Window Genie ........................................................................... 185
Taiga Tree ....................................................................................... 180 Two Maids & A Mop ............................................................. 182 Window Hero ............................................................................. 185
Tailored Living ............................................................................. 169 Two Men and a Truck ......................................................... 207 Window World ........................................................................... 172
Take 5 Oil Change ................................................................... 124 WineStyles Tasting Station ...................................... 159
TaKorean Korean Taco Grill ......................................... 143 U Wingate by Wyndham ...................................................... 174
Talem Home Care & Placement Services . 194 Uberrito Fresh Mex ............................................................. 152 Wingers Restaurant & Alehouse ......................... 142
Talkin’ Tacos ................................................................................. 152 Uncle Sharkii Poke Bar .................................................... 153 Wing Ferno ................................................................................... 146
Talk to the Camera ............................................................... 134 Uni K Wax ........................................................................................ 194 Wing It On! ...................................................................................... 146
Tan Republic ................................................................................ 194 Unishippers .................................................................................. 128 Wings and Rings ...................................................................... 142
Tapestry Collection by Hilton .................................... 174 United Country Real Estate ...................................... 210 Wings Etc. ....................................................................................... 142
Tapioca Express ...................................................................... 157 United Real Estate ............................................................... 210 Wing Snob ..................................................................................... 146
Tapville Social ............................................................................. 142 United Water Restoration Group ........................ 185 Wingstop ........................................................................................ 145
Tarantino’s Vegan .................................................................. 158 Units Moving and Portable Storage ................ 207 Wing Zone ...................................................................................... 146
Taste Buds Kitchen ............................................................. 134 UPS Store, The ......................................................................... 209 WIN Home Inspection ..................................................... 206
Taxi Mom .......................................................................................... 212 Uptown Cheapskate ........................................................ 202 Wireless Zone .......................................................................... 204
Taziki’s Mediterranean Cafe ..................................... 158 Urban Air Adventure Park ........................................... 198 Wise Coatings ........................................................................... 166
TeamLogic IT ............................................................................... 212 Urban Wok ..................................................................................... 143 Wize Computing Academy ........................................ 134
Krystal ................................................................................................ 150 Marble Slab Creamery .................................................... 148 Motto Mortgage ....................................................................... 141 Old Chicago Pizza + Taproom .................................... 141
Kumon ................................................................................................ 138 Marco’s Pizza ............................................................................. 152 Mountain Mike’s Pizza ..................................................... 152 Once Upon A Child ................................................................ 136
Kung Fu Tea ................................................................................... 156 Martinizing ................................................................................... 204 Mr. Appliance ............................................................................... 178 1-800-Got-Junk? .................................................................... 207
Kwik Kopy Printing ............................................................... 128 Massage Envy .......................................................................... 188 Mr. Electric ...................................................................................... 177 1-800-Packouts ..................................................................... 184
Massage Heights .................................................................. 190 Mr. Handyman ............................................................................ 178 1-800-Plumber +Air ............................................................ 182
L MassageLuXe ........................................................................... 188 Mr Jeff ................................................................................................ 204 1-800-Textiles ........................................................................... 184
Labor Finders ............................................................................. 130 Matco Tools ................................................................................ 203 Mr. Rooter ....................................................................................... 182 1-800 Water Damage ....................................................... 184
Lakefront Living Realty ................................................... 210 Mathnasium ................................................................................ 138 Mr. Sandless ................................................................................. 172 One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning .............. 178
L&L Hawaiian Barbecue ................................................. 143 Mayweather Boxing + Fitness ............................... 161 Multivista ....................................................................................... 209 100% Chiropractic .............................................................. 160
Lapels Cleaners ..................................................................... 204 McAlister’s Deli ........................................................................ 154 Museum of Illusions ........................................................... 202 101 Mobility ................................................................................... 165
La Quinta by Wyndham .................................................... 174 McDonald’s ................................................................................... 150 Music Go Round ..................................................................... 204 On Point Acupuncture and Wellness
LaRosa’s Pizzeria .................................................................... 153 Meals of Hope ........................................................................... 159 MVP Modern Barbers ....................................................... 188 Center ........................................................................................... 196
LashBar ............................................................................................ 188 MedXwaste ................................................................................. 212 My Backyard Sports .......................................................... 212 On the Border ............................................................................... 141
Lash Lounge, The .................................................................. 188 Meineke Car Care Centers ......................................... 125 My Eyelab ....................................................................................... 160 OpenWorks ................................................................................... 177
Launch Entertainment .................................................. 200 Melania Cotton Candy .................................................... 158 My Salon Suite .......................................................................... 190 Options For Senior America ...................................... 194
LaundroLab ................................................................................. 204 Meld Fitness + Wellness ............................................... 162 Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt ........................................ 149
LaVida Massage ..................................................................... 188 Meltwich Food Co. ................................................................ 154 N Orangetheory Fitness ...................................................... 161
Lawn Creations ....................................................................... 180 Men In Kilts .................................................................................... 185 Nani Massage ........................................................................... 190 Ori’Zaba’s Scratch Mexican Grill ........................... 151
Lawn Doctor ................................................................................ 178 Merlin Complete Auto Care ....................................... 125 National Property Inspections ............................. 206 OTA World ...................................................................................... 203
Layne’s Chicken Fingers ................................................ 146 Merry Maids ................................................................................. 182 NaturaLawn of America ................................................ 180 Our Town America ................................................................ 126
Leadership Management International ..... 130 Metal Supermarkets ........................................................ 204 Natural Life ................................................................................... 160 Outdoor Life Co. ....................................................................... 186
LeafSpring Schools ............................................................ 133 Miami Global Lines ................................................................ 130 Natural Rejuvenation MedSpa .............................. 190 Outdoor Lighting Perspectives ............................ 169
Lean Kitchen Company ................................................... 159 Mici Italian ...................................................................................... 153 Natura Sugaring Melt & Wax Spa ....................... 194 Over the Top Pita .................................................................... 158
Learning Experience Academy of Early Microtel by Wyndham ...................................................... 175 Nautical Bowls ......................................................................... 143 Overtime Athletics .............................................................. 136
Education, The ...................................................................... 132 Midas ................................................................................................... 124 Navis Pack & Ship ................................................................ 209 Owl Be There ............................................................................... 194
Learning Express Toys & Gifts ................................ 136 Midtown Chimney Sweeps ....................................... 186 Neighborhood Barre ........................................................... 161 Oxi Fresh Carpet Cleaning ........................................... 175
LearningRx .................................................................................... 134 Mighty Auto Parts ................................................................ 125 Nekter Juice Bar ..................................................................... 156 Oxxo Care Cleaners ........................................................... 204
Le Creme .......................................................................................... 157 Mighty Dog Roofing ............................................................. 170 NerdsToGo ..................................................................................... 212 Oxygen Yoga & Fitness ................................................... 161
Ledgers ............................................................................................. 139 Mighty Kicks ................................................................................ 136 NEST Protection Plan ....................................................... 212
Ledo Pizza ....................................................................................... 152 Milex Complete Auto Care/ Network In Action ................................................................. 128 P
Lee’s Famous Recipe Chicken ................................ 146 Mr. Transmission ................................................................ 125 Network Lead Exchange .............................................. 128 Paciugo Gelato Caffe ........................................................ 149
Legends Boxing ......................................................................... 161 Miller’s Famous Sandwiches ................................... 154 New Again Houses .............................................................. 210 Padgett Business Services ...................................... 139
Legends Tavern and Grille ............................................ 142 Mint Condition ........................................................................... 176 New York Butcher Shoppe, The ............................ 159 Painter1 .............................................................................................. 170
Lemon Tree Hair Salons ................................................. 188 Minuteman Press .................................................................. 128 Nextaff .............................................................................................. 130 Painting with a Twist ........................................................ 200
Lennys Grill & Subs .............................................................. 154 Miracle Leaf Health Centers .................................... 166 Next Day Access ................................................................... 165 Pak Mail ............................................................................................ 209
Level Up Automation .......................................................... 172 Miracle Method Surface Refinishing ............. 168 NextHome ..................................................................................... 210 Palm Beach Tan ....................................................................... 194
Lightbridge Academy ........................................................ 132 Mister Sparky ............................................................................. 177 N-Hance Wood Refinishing ........................................ 172 Pampered Peach, The ..................................................... 194
Lil’ Angels Photography ................................................ 208 Mobility City ................................................................................. 164 911 Restoration ....................................................................... 184 Pancheros ...................................................................................... 151
LIME Painting ............................................................................... 170 Mobility Plus ................................................................................ 164 9Round Fitness ........................................................................ 161 Papa Johns ................................................................................... 152
Lip N Pour ....................................................................................... 204 Modern Purair ............................................................................. 178 Ninja Nation ................................................................................. 136 Papa Murphy’s Take ‘N’ Bake Pizza ................... 153
Little Gym, The ........................................................................... 136 Modern Vegan, The ............................................................. 158 No-H2O ............................................................................................. 124 Parcel Plus .................................................................................... 209
Little Kickers ................................................................................ 136 Moe’s Southwest Grill ....................................................... 151 nomoo ................................................................................................. 151 Paris Baguette ......................................................................... 143
Little Kitchen Academy ................................................. 134 Moge Tee .......................................................................................... 157 Noodles & Company .......................................................... 158 Parker-Anderson Enrichment ................................ 134
Little Medical School ......................................................... 133 Molly Maid ...................................................................................... 182 NorthStar Moving Company .................................. 208 PastaMasta ................................................................................. 158
Little Yogis Academy ......................................................... 136 Moms on the Run ................................................................... 162 Nothing Bundt Cakes ....................................................... 159 Patch Boys, The ....................................................................... 177
Los Pollos Bros .......................................................................... 146 Money Pages ............................................................................. 125 Now Massage, The .............................................................. 190 PatchMaster ............................................................................... 177
Monkee’s ........................................................................................ 202 Nurse Next Door Home Care Services ......... 194 Patio Patrol ................................................................................... 180
M Monster Grass ........................................................................... 172 NuSpine Chiropractic ....................................................... 160 Patrice & Associates ........................................................ 130
Maaco ................................................................................................. 124 Monster Tree Service ........................................................ 178 NutritionHQ. ................................................................................. 165 Patriot Broadband ............................................................... 212
Mac Tools ....................................................................................... 204 Mooyah Burgers, Fries, & Shakes ...................... 150 Nutty Scientists ..................................................................... 133 Paul Davis Restoration ................................................... 184
MADabolic ...................................................................................... 162 Morrison Plus Property Inspections .............. 206 N Zone Sports ........................................................................... 136 PayMore .......................................................................................... 212
Made in the Shade Blinds and More ................. 170 Mosquito Authority ............................................................ 180 Payroll Vault ................................................................................. 140
Magnolia Soap and Bath Co. .................................... 204 Mosquito Hunters ................................................................ 180 O Peace, Love and Little Donuts ............................... 144
Maid Brigade ................................................................................ 182 Mosquito Joe .............................................................................. 180 Oasis Senior Advisors ...................................................... 194 Pearle Vision ............................................................................... 160
MaidPro .............................................................................................. 182 Mosquito Mary’s .................................................................... 180 Oath Pizza ...................................................................................... 153 Penn Station East Coast Subs .............................. 154
Maid Right ...................................................................................... 184 Mosquito Mike .......................................................................... 180 Office Evolution ....................................................................... 126 Perkins Restaurant & Bakery .................................. 142
Maids, The ....................................................................................... 182 Mosquito Shield ...................................................................... 180 Office Pride Commercial Cleaning Perspire Sauna Studio .................................................... 190
Main Squeeze Juice Co. ................................................... 156 Mosquito Squad ..................................................................... 180 Services ....................................................................................... 176 Pestmaster .................................................................................. 180
Mama’s Meatball ..................................................................... 142 Motel 6 ................................................................................................ 174 ohDeer ............................................................................................... 180 Peterbrooke Chocolatier ............................................. 158
ManageMowed ....................................................................... 180 Motto by Hilton ......................................................................... 175 Oh My Tea! ...................................................................................... 157 Pet Evolution .............................................................................. 198
Chefs For Seniors .................................................................. 192 Conserva Irrigation ............................................................. 185 Doc Popcorn ............................................................................... 159 Enviro-Master Services ................................................ 186
Chem-Dry Carpet & Upholstery Cookie Cutters Haircuts for Kids ......................... 187 DocuLock ........................................................................................ 211 Envyscapes ................................................................................. 172
Cleaning ....................................................................................... 175 Coolgreens .................................................................................... 157 Dogdrop ........................................................................................... 196 Epcon Communities ........................................................... 211
Chester’s ......................................................................................... 145 Corcoran ......................................................................................... 210 Dog Haus .......................................................................................... 151 Epic Wings ..................................................................................... 146
Chicken Salad Chick ........................................................... 145 Cornwell Quality Tools .................................................... 203 Dog Stop, The ............................................................................. 196 ERA Real Estate ...................................................................... 210
Chick-In Waffle ......................................................................... 146 Corporate Cleaning Group .......................................... 176 Dogtopia .......................................................................................... 196 Escapology ................................................................................. 202
Children’s Art Classes ...................................................... 134 Corvus Janitorial Systems .......................................... 176 Dog Training Elite ................................................................... 196 Estrella Insurance ................................................................ 140
Children’s Lighthouse ....................................................... 132 Costa Oil ........................................................................................... 124 Dolly Llama, The ....................................................................... 148 European Wax Center ..................................................... 194
Child’s Play Challenge Courses ............................. 136 Cost Cutters Family Hair Care ................................ 187 Donatos ............................................................................................ 152 Even Hotels ................................................................................... 174
Chino-Mex ...................................................................................... 143 Cottage Inn Pizza .................................................................. 152 D1 Training ..................................................................................... 162 EverLine Coatings and Services .......................... 175
Chop’d .................................................................................................. 157 Cousins Maine Lobster ................................................... 156 Donut Distillery ........................................................................ 144 Executive Image Building Services ................... 176
Chop Stop ....................................................................................... 153 Cousins Subs ............................................................................. 154 DonutNV .......................................................................................... 144 Exercise Coach, The ........................................................... 161
Christian Brothers Automotive ............................. 124 Coverall .............................................................................................. 176 DoodyCalls .................................................................................... 182 Expedia Cruises ...................................................................... 201
Christmas Decor ..................................................................... 169 CPR Cell Phone Repair ..................................................... 212 Dope CFO ........................................................................................ 139 Expense Reduction Analysts (ERA) ................ 139
Chronic Tacos ............................................................................. 151 Craft Axe Throwing ............................................................ 201 DoubleDave’s Pizzaworks ............................................ 141 Express Employment Professionals .............. 130
Church’s Chicken ................................................................... 146 Crave Hot Dogs and BBQ ............................................... 151 DoubleTree by Hilton ........................................................... 174 Eye Level Learning Centers ...................................... 139
Churrito Loco .............................................................................. 157 Creamberry ................................................................................. 148 Doughnuttery ........................................................................... 144
Cinnabon .......................................................................................... 143 Creatif ............................................................................................... 200 D.P. Dough ........................................................................................ 157 F
Cinnaholic ....................................................................................... 143 Creative Colors International ................................. 180 DPF Alternatives .................................................................... 125 Face Foundrie ........................................................................... 196
Circle K .............................................................................................. 203 Crestcom ........................................................................................ 132 Drama Kids .................................................................................... 134 Facial Mania Med Spa ...................................................... 190
City Brew Tours ....................................................................... 201 Criterium Engineers .......................................................... 206 Dr. Auto & Casa .......................................................................... 178 Fajita Kings .................................................................................... 151
City Publications .................................................................... 126 CROM Rehabilitation ......................................................... 165 Dream Day Dressing Rooms ..................................... 211 Family Financial Centers ................................................ 141
City Wide Facility Solutions ....................................... 176 Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts ............................ 174 DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen ................................... 168 Famous Toastery .................................................................... 141
Class 101 ........................................................................................... 211 Crown Trophy ........................................................................... 204 Dream Vacations ................................................................. 200 Fancy Art, N.F.P. ....................................................................... 204
Clean Eatz ....................................................................................... 157 Cruise Planners ....................................................................... 201 Dr. House Painter .................................................................... 170 Fantastic Sams Cut & Color ...................................... 188
Cleanest Restaurant Group ....................................... 177 Crunch ................................................................................................ 161 DripBar, The .................................................................................. 166 Farm Stores ................................................................................. 159
Cleaning Authority, The .................................................. 182 Crushr .................................................................................................. 211 Driverseat ....................................................................................... 211 Fastest Labs ............................................................................... 207
Clean Juice ..................................................................................... 156 Ctrl V ..................................................................................................... 201 Driveway Company, The ................................................ 177 Fast-Fix Jewelry & Watch Repairs ..................... 211
Clean Your Dirty Face ....................................................... 196 Culver’s ............................................................................................. 150 Drybar .................................................................................................. 187 FastSigns ....................................................................................... 130
Closet & Storage Concepts/ Curio Collection by Hilton .............................................. 174 Dryer Vent Squad .................................................................. 186 Fatburger ....................................................................................... 150
More Space Place ............................................................. 169 Curry Up Now .............................................................................. 157 Dryer Vent Wizard ................................................................ 186 Fatima’s Grill ................................................................................. 151
Closet Factory ........................................................................... 169 Cyberbacker ............................................................................... 132 DryerVentz ................................................................................... 186 Fazoli’s ................................................................................................ 157
Closet Trading Company, The ................................ 202 CycleBar .......................................................................................... 162 Duck Donuts ............................................................................... 144 F45 Training .................................................................................. 161
Closets By Design .................................................................. 169 Ducklings Early Learning Center ......................... 132 Fibrenew ......................................................................................... 180
Clothes Bin ..................................................................................... 211 D Duct Doctor USA ..................................................................... 178 Fiesta Auto Insurance and Tax ............................. 140
Clothes Mentor ....................................................................... 202 Daily Veg ........................................................................................... 157 Ductz .................................................................................................... 178 Figaro’s Pizza ............................................................................. 152
Clozetivity ....................................................................................... 170 Dairy Queen ................................................................................. 148 Duff’s Cakemix ......................................................................... 159 Filta Environmental Kitchen Solutions ......... 177
Club Pilates ..................................................................................... 161 Dale Carnegie ............................................................................ 132 Dumpster Dudez ................................................................... 206 Fire Safety Division ............................................................. 132
Club SciKidz ................................................................................. 133 Damn Good Beer Bus ........................................................ 201 DumpStor ...................................................................................... 206 First Choice Business Brokers .............................. 126
Club Z! In-Home Tutoring Services ................... 139 D’Angelo Grilled Sandwiches .................................. 154 Dunkin’ ............................................................................................... 146 First Choice Haircutters ............................................... 188
CMIT Solutions ......................................................................... 212 Dart Wars ....................................................................................... 201 1st Class Real Estate ........................................................ 210
Cocoa Forte .................................................................................. 145 Dave’s Hot Chicken ............................................................. 146 E 1st Inspection Services ................................................ 206
Code Ninjas .................................................................................. 133 Days Inn by Wyndham ..................................................... 174 EagleOne ......................................................................................... 132 FirstLight Home Care ........................................................ 192
Coder School, the ................................................................. 133 D-BAT .................................................................................................. 134 Eagle Transmission ............................................................. 125 Fish Window Cleaning ..................................................... 185
Code Wiz ......................................................................................... 133 Decorating Den Interiors .............................................. 172 EarthWise Pet ........................................................................... 198 Fitness Machine Technicians (FMT) .............. 211
Coffee News ............................................................................... 126 Deer Solution ............................................................................. 180 East Coast Wings + Grill .................................................. 142 Fitness Premier 24/7 Clubs ....................................... 162
Coffee Peddlers, The ......................................................... 148 Deka Lash ...................................................................................... 188 Eat The Frog Fitness ......................................................... 162 Five Star Bath Solutions ............................................... 168
Cold Stone Creamery ........................................................ 148 Del’s Popcorn Shop ............................................................. 159 ecomaids ........................................................................................ 182 Five Star Painting ................................................................... 170
Coldwell Banker Real Estate ..................................... 210 Del Taco ............................................................................................. 151 Edible ................................................................................................... 159 Fix Auto USA ................................................................................ 125
College Hunks Hauling Junk & Moving .......... 207 Denny’s .............................................................................................. 142 EggBred ............................................................................................ 154 Flagler Floral Co. ..................................................................... 204
Color Glo ........................................................................................... 180 Designery, The .......................................................................... 168 Eggs Up Grill ................................................................................... 141 Fleet Clean USA ...................................................................... 124
Colors On Parade .................................................................... 124 Design Pro Remodeling ................................................... 172 810 Billiards & Bowling ..................................................... 201 Floor Coverings International ................................ 166
Color World Painting ........................................................... 170 Destination Athlete ........................................................... 200 Elements Massage ............................................................. 188 Florida Anesthesiology & Pain Clinic .............. 166
Combo Kitchen ........................................................................ 150 DetailXPerts ................................................................................ 124 Elevation Burger .................................................................... 150 Flying Biscuit Cafe, The .................................................... 141
ComForCare ................................................................................ 192 Detroit Wing Company ................................................... 146 Elite Home Fitness ............................................................... 162 Flying Locksmiths, The ................................................... 207
Compassionate Helpers ................................................ 192 Diesel Barbershop ............................................................... 188 Ellianos Coffee ......................................................................... 148 Foam Garage, The ............................................................... 202
Complete Weddings & Events .............................. 208 Dippin’ Dots .................................................................................. 148 Ellie Mental Health ............................................................... 166 FocalPoint Business Coaching ............................. 126
CompuChild ................................................................................. 133 Discover Strength ............................................................... 162 El Pollo Loco ................................................................................. 146 Foliage Design Systems ............................................... 186
Computer Troubleshooters ...................................... 212 Discovery Map ......................................................................... 126 Embassy Suites by Hilton ............................................. 174 Footprints Floors .................................................................... 172
Concrete Craft .......................................................................... 166 DivaDance ..................................................................................... 201 Entrepreneur’s Source, The ..................................... 126 Ford’s Garage ............................................................................. 142
Iris Environmental Laboratories 2012/2018 MW,NE, NO 3/4 6/4 6/4 $31.3K-$62.5K/$15K 5-7% YES YES YES
Mold and asbestos inspections S,W
Union, N.J.
My Backyard Sports 2017/2020 MW,NE, NO 0/1 1/1 2/1 $104.4K-$180.7K/ 6.5% YES YES NO
Residential and commercial custom sport S,W $54.9K
facility design and installation
Closter, N.J.
NEST Protection Plan 2010/2022 ALL C,I 0/1 0/1 1/1 $73.2K-$93.7K/$50K 8% YES YES NO
Lifetime mold-free home warranty service plans
Dayton, Ohio
Patriot Broadband 2016/2019 MW,NE, NO 3/0 1/0 1/0 $219.8K-$379.8K/$50K 6% YES YES NO
High-speed internet service for rural areas S,W
Royal Restrooms 2004/2008 ALL C,I 5/1 6/1 8/11 $106.9K-$199.2K/ 6% YES YES NO
Restroom and shower trailer rentals $20K-$30K
Savannah, Ga.
Siotoh Global Mobility 2020/2020 ALL C,I 0/1 0/1 0/1 $32.5K-$47.4K/$19.9K 8% YES NO NO
School placement services, investment
services, and medical tourism
Tampa, Fla.
Smash My Trash 2016/2018 ALL C 20/2 105/2 149/2 $339.9K-$400.5K/ 8% YES YES NO
Mobile commercial-waste compaction services $49.5K
Carmel, Ind.
Success on the Spectrum 2015/2018 MW,NE, NO 2/2 7/2 14/2 $265.1K-$719.8K/$35K 5% YES NO NO
Autism treatment services for children S,W
and young adults
Tech Businesses
2004/2007 ALL C 544/0 515/0 471/0 $50.4K-$217.9K/ 5.8% YES NO YES
Asurion Tech Repair & Solutions 2009/2013 ALL C 526/59 451/243 431/406 $118.4K-$369.6K/$40K 7% YES NO NO
477 Electronics repairs
Orlando, Fla.
NerdsToGo 2003/2006 ALL NO 29/1 28/1 31/1 $145.7K-$193.2K/ 8% YES NO NO
Technology sales, repair, and services $49.8K
Carrollton, Texas
Quick Mobile Repair 2012/2019 ALL C,I** 0/5 2/5 7/5 $151.4K-$174.8K/ 5% YES NO YES
Electronics repairs and sales $29.9K
Techy 2012/2014 ALL C,I** 29/5 47/3 53/8 $142.9K-$276.8K/$15K 7% YES NO YES
Electronics repairs and sales, accessories,
home installation
Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.
TeamLogic IT 2004/2005 ALL C,I** 204/0 235/0 252/0 $110.9K-$142.7K/$45K 7% YES NO NO
230 IT managed services for businesses
Mission Viejo, Calif.
CMIT Solutions 1994/1998 MW,NE, NO 239/0 246/0 254/0 $102.6K-$168.2K/ 6% YES YES NO
285 Outsourced IT services
Austin, Texas
S,W $49.95K-$54.95K
Computer Troubleshooters 1997/1997 ALL C,I** 241/0 215/1 208/1 $29.5K-$45K/$20K $300-$750/ NO YES NO
Technology consulting and services MO.
for small businesses
Independence, Ohio
GoJoe Patrol 1997/2021 ALL NO 0/1 0/1 0/2 $70.6K-$133.3K/ 5% YES YES NO
Private security guards, armed guards, $40K-$45K
and mobile patrols
Spokane Valley, Wash.
Card My Yard 2014/2017 ALL NO 237/2 449/2 501/2 $9.8K-$18K/$8K 25% NO YES NO
270 Special-occasion yard sign rentals
Austin, Texas
Fitness Machine Technicians (FMT) 2002/2012 MW,NE, C 38/1 44/1 45/1 $81.5K-$128.5K/ 6% YES YES NO
404 Exercise equipment maintenance and repairs
Hickory, N.C.
S,W $40K-$45K
Generator Supercenter 2005/2017 ALL NO 16/4 23/4 37/4 $434.95K-$858.3K/ 4-6% YES NO NO
Standby generator sales, installation, $50K
436 and service
Tomball, Texas
Advantage College Planning 2009/2020 MW,NE, NO 0/1 0/1 2/2 $72.2K-$102.2K/ 7% YES NO NO
College admission and financial aid consulting S,W $40K-$50K
Raleigh, N.C.
AR Homes by Arthur Rutenberg 1990/1991 MW,NE, NO 47/0 42/0 46/0 $410K-$1.6M/$50K 2-4.25% YES NO NO
Luxury home buildling S,W
St. Petersburg, Fla.
As You Wish 2010/2022 ALL C,I 0/1 0/1 0/1 $55K-$71.3K/$45K 7% YES YES NO
On-demand personal assistant services
Glendale, Colo.
Auto Appraisal Network 1989/2007 ALL NO 18/11 19/11 20/10 $16.7K-$44.3K/ $110/ YES YES NO
Auto appraisals $12K-$20K APPRAISAL
Laguna Niguel, Calif.
Class 101 1998/2007 ALL NO 43/1 47/1 49/1 $68.9K-$97.9K/$39.9K 8% YES YES NO
College planning services
Bedford, Texas
Clothes Bin 2014/2015 MW,NE, NO 35/5 33/5 34/5 $129.3K-$186.3K/ $6/BIN/WK. YES YES NO
Clothing, shoe, and textile recycling bins S,W $49.5K
Davie, Fla.
Dream Day Dressing Rooms 2016/2022 MW,NE, NO 0/1 0/1 0/1 $56K-$107.6K/$15K 3% YES YES NO
Pop-up bridal and groom suites S,W
Andover, Minn.
Driverseat 2012/2012 ALL C 31/1 37/1 64/1 $42.3K-$69.5K/ $329-$429/ YES YES NO
Consumer and commercial $20K-$30K MO.
transportation services
Kitchener, Ontario
Fast-Fix Jewelry & Watch Repairs 1984/1987 ALL C,I** 147/6 138/9 130/8 $178.1K-$357.9K/$20K 6% YES NO YES
Jewelry and watch repairs
Boca Raton, Fla.
Green Energy Testing 2015/2021 S NO 0/1 0/1 0/1 $46.4K-$70.2K/$25K 6% YES YES NO
Residential energy efficiency testing
Tampa, Fla.
Infinite Events 2009/2021 MW,NE, NO 0/3 0/3 0/3 $43.2K-$69.2K/$30K 20-15% YES YES NO
Wedding and event planning S,W
Newport, R.I.
HomeVestors of America 1996/1996 ALL NO 1,122/0 1,154/0 1,155/0 $80K-$456.3K/ VARIES YES YES NO
65 Home buying, repair, and selling
Realty One Group 2005/2012 MW,NE, C,I 195/14 272/12 332/12 $43.3K-$224.5K/ 0 NO NO NO
68 Real estate
Las Vegas
S,W $15K-$22K
RE/MAX 1973/1975 ALL C,I 8,405/0 8,775/0 9,120/0 $43K-$236.5K/ VARIES YES NO NO
101 Real estate
Coldwell Banker Real Estate 1906/1982 ALL C,I** 2,564/ 2,527/ 2,214/ $31.2K-$491.9K/ VARIES YES NO NO
114 Real estate
Madison, N.J.
634 605 588 TO $25K
Century 21 Real Estate 1971/1972 ALL C,I** 11,435/ 13,222/ 13,987/ $24.7K-$459.3K/ 6% YES NO NO
125 Real estate
Madison, N.J.
0 0 0 TO $25K
1st Class Real Estate 2012/2018 ALL NO 15/2 55/3 81/1 $32.7K-$208.8K/$25K 0 YES YES YES
231 Real estate
Virginia Beach, Va.
ERA Real Estate 1971/1972 ALL C,I** 2,287/0 2,318/0 2,355/0 $27.4K-$435.1K/ 6% YES NO NO
237 Real estate
Madison, N.J.
TO $25K
Corcoran 1973/2019 ALL C,I 22/28 76/28 123/28 $52.9K-$540.8K/ 6-4% YES NO NO
239 Real estate
Madison, N.J.
KeyGlee 2016/2020 MW,NE, NO 2/6 65/10 123/9 $124.8K-$274.1K/$100K 15% YES YES NO
310 Wholesale real estate
Tempe, Ariz.
Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate 2008/2008 ALL C,I 393/0 389/0 413/0 $32.4K-$447.5K/ 5% YES NO NO
443 Real estate
Madison, N.J.
TO $25K
Assist-2-Sell 1987/1993 ALL C,I 137/1 131/1 126/1 $12.5K-$33.99K/$2.99K 5% NO NO NO
Discount real estate
Reno, Nev.
Iron Valley Real Estate 2013/2018 ALL NO 11/8 17/8 27/8 $53.5K-$138.5K/$15K $150/TRANS- NO NO NO
Real estate ACTION SIDE
Hershey, Pa.
Joe Homebuyer 2019/2019 ALL NO 16/0 30/0 48/0 $106K-$412K/$50K 9-4% YES YES NO
Real estate
South Jordan, Utah
JPAR Real Estate 2011/2018 ALL NO 24/24 37/27 42/28 $36.7K-$237.9K/ $125-$175/ YES NO NO
Real estate $25K-$30K TRANSACTION
Plano, Texas
Lakefront Living Realty 2009/2015 ALL NO 3/2 4/2 5/2 $33.1K-$40.5K/$25K 6% NO YES NO
Lakefront real estate
Mansfield, Mass.
New Again Houses 2009/2018 ALL NO 8/1 24/1 33/1 $94K-$180K/$35K 2.75% YES YES NO
Home purchasing, remodeling, and selling
Bristol, Tenn.
3% Realty 2008/2012 ALL C,I 33/3 41/3 55/3 $47.2K-$79.3K/$42K 3% YES YES NO
Real estate
Dover, Del.
United Country Real Estate 1925/1997 ALL C,I 401/1 407/1 429/1 $10.5K-$51.1K/ 6-12% NO YES NO
Real estate $8K-$20K
Kansas City, Mo.
United Real Estate 2010/2013 MW,NE, NO 76/6 73/12 72/15 $144.5K-$385.5K/$35K VARIES NO NO NO
Real estate S,W
Signal 2003/2008 ALL C,I** 520/0 722/0 970/0 $93.2K-$241.2K/$85K- 4% YES YES NO
83 Private security guard and patrol services
Omaha, Neb.
Security 101 2003/2007 MW, NO 47/0 46/0 39/10 $130.1K-$235K/$59.5K 6-4% YES NO NO
379 Commercial security systems
West Palm Beach, Fla.
Multivista 2003/2007 MW,NE, C,I 77/3 78/3 73/3 $221.5K-$651.5K/ 18% YES NO NO
Visual documentation services for the S,W $20K-$157.5K
construction industry
North Vancouver, British Columbia
Spoiled Rotten Photography 2003/2012 MW,NE, NO 11/2 13/2 15/2 $33.5K-$48.3K/$30K 8% YES YES NO
On-site preschool photography S,W
Huntsville, Ala.
The UPS Store 1980/1980 ALL C 5,268/0 5,359/0 5,463/1 $122.2K-$508.5K/ 5% YES NO YES
Postal Annex+ 1985/1986 ALL C,I 295/0 303/0 308/0 $196K-$275.95K/ 5% YES NO YES
Packing, shipping, postal, $29.95K
161 and business services
San Diego
Pak Mail 1983/1984 ALL C,I 351/1 337/1 328/0 $196K-$275.95K/ 5% YES NO YES
Packing, shipping, crating, freight, mailboxes, $29.95K
312 business services
San Diego
AIM Mail Centers 1985/1989 ALL C,I 45/0 44/0 44/0 $196K-$275.95K/ 5% YES NO YES
Packing, shipping, postal, and $29.95K
business services
San Diego
Handle With Care Packaging Store 1980/1984 ALL C,I 22/0 21/0 21/0 $101.2K-$275.95K/ 5-6% YES NO YES
Packing, crating, and shipping of fragile, large, $29.95K
awkward, and valuable items
San Diego
Navis Pack & Ship 2000/2000 ALL C,I 44/0 47/0 46/0 $101.2K-$178.8K/ 6% YES NO NO
Packing, crating, and shipping of fragile, large, $29.95K
awkward, and valuable items
San Diego
Parcel Plus 1986/1988 ALL C,I 21/0 21/0 21/0 $196K-$275.95K/ 5% YES NO YES
Packing, shipping, postal, and $29.95K
business services
San Diego
Postal Connections & iSold It 1985/1995 ALL NO 40/0 41/0 39/0 $62.2K-$235.8K/$33.9K 4% NO YES NO
Postal, business, and internet services
Frisco, Texas
Junk Chuckers 2019/2020 MW,NE, C 0/1 8/0 29/0 $49.4K-$72.8K/ 6% YES YES NO
Junk removal S,W $35K-$45K
St. Petersburg, Fla.
Junk Junk Baby! 2011/2021 ALL NO 0/1 0/1 0/1 $84.8K-$131.5K/$45K 8% YES YES NO
Junk removal
Rowley, Mass.
NorthStar Moving Company 1994/2015 ALL NO 1/2 1/2 1/3 $116K-$233K/$50K 7.5% YES NO NO
Moving services
Northridge, Calif.
Pink Zebra Moving 2020/2022 MW,NE, NO 0/0 0/1 0/2 $130.7K-$190.6K/$30K 7-5% YES NO NO
Local moving services S,W*
Birmingham, Ala.
Rubbish Works 2009/2020 MW,NE, C 0/0 1/0 10/0 $106.4K-$144K/$65K 6% YES YES NO
Eco-friendly junk removal and dumpster rental S,W
Charlottesville, Va.
Square Cow Moovers 2008/2022 MW,NE, NO 0/6 0/6 0/7 $127.8K-$399.8K/$45K 7% YES NO NO
Moving services S,W
Cedar Park, Texas
TSS Photography 1983/1984 ALL* NO 177/0 176/0 173/0 $20.4K-$74.7K/$8.5K 0 YES YES NO
280 Youth sports, school, and event photography
Oklahoma City
A Million Monarchs Boudoir 2016/2021 ALL C,I 0/1 0/1 0/2 $48.7K-$105.5K/$32K $1.25K- NO NO NO
Boudoir photography studios $1.75K/MO.
Massena, N.Y.
Blue Nose Aerial Imaging 2019/2020 MW,NE, NO 0/1 26/1 26/1 $9.1K-$14.3K/$8.95K 4% YES YES NO
Drone services S,W
Complete Weddings & Events 1974/1983 MW,NE, C 188/2 191/2 107/2 $56.8K-$81.1K/$40K 8% YES YES NO
Event photography, DJ, video, photo-booth, S,W
and coordination services
Omaha, Neb.
Lil’ Angels Photography 1996/1998 ALL NO 46/2 46/2 40/2 $41.3K-$45.8K/$29.5K VARIES YES YES NO
Preschool, childcare, and family photography
Cleveland, Tenn.
ARCpoint Labs 1998/2005 ALL NO 97/2 112/2 112/5 $103.9K-$308.8K/ 7% YES NO NO
Medical testing $54.5K
Greenville, S.C.
The Flying Locksmiths 1984/2015 ALL NO 96/1 97/1 97/1 $162.7K-$407.9K/ 8% YES NO NO
Locksmith and security services and products $75K-$300K
Braintree, Mass.
The Junkluggers 2006/2012 ALL NO 31/1 76/1 104/1 $121.2K-$372.7K/$50K 7% YES YES NO
282 Environmentally friendly junk removal
Seymour, Conn.
College Hunks Hauling Junk & Moving 2003/2007 MW,NE, C 126/3 153/3 178/3 $158.7K-$283.5K/ 7% YES NO NO
290 Junk removal, moving, and labor services
Tampa, Fla.
S,W $45K-$65K
Units Moving and Portable Storage 2004/2005 MW,NE, C,I** 28/3 43/3 59/2 $686.7K-$1.3M/ 8% YES NO NO
322 Mobile self-storage containers
Charleston, S.C.
S,W $55.5K-$222K
1-800-Got-Junk? 1989/1998 MW,NE, C,I 152/1 155/5 160/5 $162.8K-$245.3K/ 8% YES YES NO
382 Junk removal
Vancouver, British Columbia
S,W $65K-$97.5K
Accelerated Waste Solutions 2008/2019 MW,NE, NO 0/5 2/5 7/5 $82.2K-$283.2K/ 7% YES YES NO
Junk removal and apartment/condo doorstep S,W $54.9K-$74.9K
trash pickup
Tampa, Fla.
Gone for Good 2008/2018 ALL NO 2/1 2/3 2/2 $80.4K-$102K/$40K 5% YES NO NO
Residential and commercial junk removal;
thrift stores
A franchise opportunity
for home and life
Each office is independently owned and operated.
See our listing on page 206 See our listing on page 128
redbox+ Dumpsters 2007/2014 MW,NE, NO 157/0 215/0 281/0 $646.2K-$748.3K/ $19.50/BOX/ YES YES NO
Bin There Dump That 2001/2003 ALL C,I 186/0 214/0 227/0 $86.2K-$170.4K/ $500-$1K/ YES YES NO
165 Residential-friendly dumpster rentals
Oakville, Ontario
$29K-$45K VEHICLE/
Dumpster Dudez 2015/2019 MW,NE, NO 1/1 2/1 7/1 $88.7K-$128.5K/$40K 7% YES YES NO
Residential and commercial dumpster rentals S,W
Reading, Pa.
Big Frog Custom T-Shirts & More 2007/2008 MW,NE, C 86/0 81/0 75/0 $123.3K-$267.9K/ 6% YES NO YES
Custom apparel decorating shops S,W $13.5K-$39.5K
Dunedin, Fla.
Caring Transitions 2006/2006 MW,NE, NO 212/0 240/0 265/0 $58.9K-$82.7K/$44.9K 5% YES YES NO
Senior transition and relocation, online S,W
421 auctions, and estate liquidation management
Blue Moon Estate Sales 2009/2013 MW,NE, NO 21/0 60/0 63/0 $40.6K-$85.5K/ 5%/7.5% YES YES NO
Estate sales S,W $19.5K-$52K
Troy, Mich.
Grasons Co Estate Sales 2011/2014 ALL NO 25/0 29/0 31/0 $48.9K-$79.1K/$40K 6.5% YES YES NO
& Business Liquidation Services
Estate sales, business liquidations,
online auctions
Huntington Beach, Calif.
WIN Home Inspection 1993/1994 ALL NO 188/0 239/0 270/0 $35.9K-$41.9K/$22.9K 7% YES YES NO
224 Home inspections
HouseMaster Home Inspections 1971/1979 ALL C 305/6 311/6 311/0 $61.1K-$107.7K/$42.5K 5-7.5% YES YES NO
225 Home inspections and related services
Waco, Texas
Pillar To Post Home Inspectors 1994/1994 ALL C 559/0 555/0 558/0 $44.3K-$54.4K/$28.5K 7% YES YES NO
234 Home inspections
Tampa, Fla.
HomeTeam Inspection Service 1992/1992 ALL C 190/0 202/0 206/0 $50.1K-$76.8K/ 4-6% YES YES NO
Home and commercial property inspections $35K-$55K
250 and related services
Milford, Ohio
National Property Inspections 1987/1987 ALL C 222/0 228/0 223/0 $40.6K-$49.4K/$34.9K 8% YES YES NO
336 Home and commercial property inspections
Omaha, Neb.
Criterium Engineers 1957/1989 ALL C 29/2 35/1 34/1 $68.98K-$133.2K/ 6-4% YES NO NO
Consulting engineering firms $49.5K-$79.5K
Freeport, Maine
1st Inspection Services 2003/2005 MW,NE, NO 8/0 8/0 10/0 $31.4K-$115K/$25K 8% YES YES NO
Commercial and residential inspections S,W
Mason, Ohio
The Inspection Boys 2015/2017 MW,NE, C,I** 5/2 5/2 8/2 $51.1K-$61.8K/$40K 7% YES YES NO
Home inspections S,W
Virginia Beach, Va.
Morrison Plus Property Inspections 2007/2017 MW,NE, NO 8/1 10/1 11/1 $44.3K-$83.3K/ 7% YES YES YES
Property inspections S,W $35K-$55K
Glendora, Calif.
Any Lab Test Now 1992/2007 MW,NE, NO 178/8 187/8 207/8 $133.9K-$227.9K/$40K 8% YES NO NO
Health and wellness, drug and alcohol, S,W
409 and DNA lab testing services
* Incentive varies by store. Format/size are based on Discovery recommended products and quantities. Incentive given as a credit, not as cash or a loan.
For J.D. Power 2022 award information, visit jdpower.com/award
Year Began/ Available Seeking 2020 2021 2022 Startup Costs/ Royalty Financing Home- Kiosk/
FRANCHISE 500 Franchising
Int’l? Number of
Number of
Number of Franchise Fee
Fee Available? Based/
Company- Company- Company- Opportunity Available?
Owned Owned Owned
Mac Tools 1938/2011 ALL C,I 1,122/1 1,107/1 1,131/0 $120.5K-$340.5K/$8K 0 YES YES NO
72 Automotive tools and equipment
Dublin, Ohio
Wireless Zone 1988/1989 ALL NO 410/0 433/0 450/0 $160K-$414.5K/ 9-22% OF YES NO NO
149 Wireless devices, services, and accessories
Fishers, Ind.
$1K-$25K GROSS
Metal Supermarkets 1985/1987 ALL C,I** 86/10 96/9 105/10 $269.5K-$501.5K/ 6-3% YES NO NO
326 Metal stores
Batteries Plus 1988/1992 ALL C,I** 619/86 614/99 618/107 $221.7K-$431.1K/ 5% YES NO NO
Batteries, light bulbs, and related products; $44.5K
351 repair services
Hartland, Wis.
Crown Trophy 1978/1987 ALL NO 137/0 137/0 136/0 $168.2K-$227.7K/$35K 5% YES NO NO
Award and recognition items
Hawthorne, N.Y.
Fancy Art, N.F.P. 1992/2008 MW,NE, NO 0/2 0/2 0/2 $104.7K-$206.1K/ 7% YES NO NO
Art and custom framing S,W $24.5K
Barrington, Ill.
Lip N Pour 2019/2022 ALL C,I 0/1 0/1 0/1 $76.5K-$137.3K/$20K 5-6% YES NO NO
Create-your-own lipstick and lip gloss studios
Charlotte, N.C.
Magnolia Soap and Bath Co. 2018/2021 ALL NO 0/4 6/5 7/121 $165.1K-$261.8K/ 6% YES NO NO
Bath and home products $49.5K
New Albany, Miss.
World of Smoke & Vape 2017/2022 ALL C,I 0/9 0/13 0/19 $184.1K-$345.4K/$30K 5% YES NO NO
Smoke and vape shops
Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.
Tide Cleaners 2008/2009 MW,NE, NO 171/14 214/14 212/14 $703.5K-$1.5M/$50K 6.5% YES NO NO
254 Dry cleaning
Lapels Cleaners 2000/2001 MW,NE, C,I** 92/0 91/0 80/0 $40.1K-$730.1K/ 6% YES YES NO
Dry cleaning and laundry services S,W $25K-$50K
Naples, Fla.
Martinizing 1949/1949 ALL C,I** 348/1 315/0 312/0 $40.1K-$1.3M/ 6% YES YES NO
Dry cleaning and laundry services $25K-$62.5K
Naples, Fla.
Oxxo Care Cleaners 2001/2002 MW,NE, C,I** 56/5 49/4 49/4 $169.5K-$672K/$36K 6% YES NO YES
Dry cleaning and laundry services S,W
Hollywood, Fla.
WaveMax Laundry 2012/2016 ALL C,I** 15/1 25/1 44/1 $254.5K-$1.2M/$49.95K 6% YES NO NO
Jacksonville, Fla.
7-Eleven 1927/1964 MW,NE, C,I** 68,646/ 71,401/ 75,992/ $125.3K-$1.3M/TO $1M VARIES YES NO NO
18 Convenience stores
S,W 2,452 5,945 5,895
Circle K 1951/1995 ALL C,I** 2,954/ 2,651/ 2,467/ $268.5K-$2.1M/$25K 2.5-5.5% YES NO NO
88 Convenience stores
Tempe, Ariz.
9,189 9,444 8,660
Buddy’s Home Furnishings 1961/2009 ALL NO 199/92 262/45 293/37 $349.6K-$839.7K/ 6% YES NO NO
Rent-to-own home furnishings, electronics, $39.9K
242 and appliances
Orlando, Fla.
OTA World 2018/2019 ALL C,I** 10/1 18/1 27/0 $59K-$156K/$0 0 YES NO YES
Massage chair and accessories stores
Carrollton, Texas
Snap-on Tools 1920/1991 ALL C,I 4,531/ 4,577/ 4,555/ $175.1K-$411.9K/ $135/MO. YES YES NO
20 Professional tools and equipment
Kenosha, Wis.
196 192 216 $8K-$16K
Matco Tools 1979/1993 ALL C 1,808/1 1,894/1 1,915/4 $76.8K-$309.1K/$8K 0 YES YES NO
31 Mechanics’ tools and equipment
Stow, Ohio
Cornwell Quality Tools 1919/1997 MW,NE, NO 705/0 756/0 789/0 $59.5K-$277.8K/$0 0 YES YES NO
71 Automotive tools and equipment
Wadsworth, Ohio
Escapology 2014/2016 ALL C,I 51/4 50/5 52/7 $186.9K-$698.2K/ 6-10% YES NO NO
Escape rooms $37.5K
Orlando, Fla.
The Foam Garage 2013/2020 ALL C,I 0/2 0/2 0/2 $75K-$500K/$49.5K 7% YES YES NO
Foam party venues and equipment rentals
Marietta, Ohio
Get Up And Go Kayaking 2016/2018 ALL C,I 8/2 12/2 17/2 $53.6K-$87.1K/$30K 9% YES YES YES
Guided clear kayak tours
Ocoee, Fla.
Museum of Illusions 2015/2016 ALL C,I 21/0 33/0 37/0 $450K-$3.7M/$100K 15% NO NO NO
Interactive illusions museums
Iselin, N.J.
Stumpy’s Hatchet House 2015/2017 ALL C,I** 20/1 28/2 30/2 $313.96K-$451.4K/ 6% YES NO NO
Ax throwing venues $50K
Piscataway, N.J.
Uptown Cheapskate 2008/2008 ALL C,I** 80/5 85/6 88/10 $346.3K-$544.3K/$25K 5% YES NO NO
200 Young-adult-clothing resale stores
North Salt Lake, Utah
Pro Image Sports 1985/1986 ALL C,I 103/0 114/0 150/0 $108.9K-$580K/$30K 5% YES NO YES
216 Licensed sports apparel and accessories
Centerville, Utah
The Closet Trading Company 2003/2019 MW,NE, NO 0/4 1/4 2/3 $142.4K-$360.3K/$40K 5% YES NO NO
Apparel and accessories resale stores S,W
Santa Barbara, Calif.
Cruise Planners 1994/1999 ALL NO 3,150/1 2,658/1 2,584/1 $2.3K-$23.5K/ 1.5-3% YES YES YES
128 Travel agencies
Coral Springs, Fla.
American Poolplayers Association 1981/1982 ALL C,I 326/5 329/7 332/6 $22.9K-$29.4K/ $2.50+/ YES YES NO
215 Recreational billiard leagues
Lake St. Louis, Mo.
$10K-$12K TEAM/WK.
Freedom Boat Club 1989/2000 ALL C,I 210/23 247/45 251/96 $222.5K-$500.5K/$50K 6% YES NO NO
218 Membership boat clubs
Venice, Fla.
Buzz Worthy Pub Trivia 2013/2022 ALL C,I 0/1 0/1 0/1 $25.95K-$38.3K/ TO 7% YES YES NO
Hosted trivia and game events for bars, $22.5K
fundraisers, and private parties
Glenshaw, Pa.
City Brew Tours 2008/2018 MW,NE, C 2/9 4/10 6/11 $68.2K-$91.5K/$30K 8.5-5.5% YES YES NO
Educational craft brewery tours S,W
Chestnut Hill, Mass.
Craft Axe Throwing 2017/2020 MW,NE, NO 0/8 0/11 0/12 $116.97K-$528.5K/ 6% YES NO NO
Ax throwing venues S,W $29.5K
Fountain Inn, S.C.
Damn Good Beer Bus 2016/2019 ALL NO 0/1 0/1 0/2 $52.2K-$136.4K/$25K 7% YES YES NO
Guided brewery tours and charter services
Wellington, Fla.
Dart Wars 2019/2022 MW,NE, NO 0/1 0/1 0/1 $228.1K-$553K/$50K $2.5K/MO. YES NO NO
Indoor Nerf battle arenas S,W*
Colorado Springs, Colo.
DivaDance 2015/2017 ALL C,I 17/2 19/2 23/4 $42.3K-$65.6K/$28K 10% YES YES NO
Dance classes and parties for adults
Austin, Texas
810 Billiards & Bowling 2015/2018 ALL NO 0/3 0/5 0/6 $1.1M-$2.2M/$50K 5% YES NO NO
Bowling, billiards, restaurant and bar
Myrtle Beach, S.C.
Hear directly from
our Franchise Owners
who are thriving in
this exciting industry.
FunBox 2017/2022 MW,NE, C,I** 0/2 0/4 2/4 $434.9K-$682.4K/ 8% YES NO NO
Outdoor bounce parks and indoor inflatable S,W $25K-$50K
amusement parks
Calabasas, Calif.
Launch Entertainment 2012/2013 ALL C,I** 31/3 23/4 18/5 $1.9M-$4.5M/$75K 6% YES NO NO
Family entertainment centers
Warwick, R.I.
Board & Brush Creative Studio 2015/2017 ALL C 245/5 242/3 252/3 $64.6K-$93.5K/$25K 6% YES NO NO
457 DIY wood-sign workshops
Hartland, Wis.
AR Workshop 2016/2017 MW,NE, NO 132/2 138/2 137/1 $89.7K-$164.2K/$30K 6% YES NO NO
DIY home decor workshops, parties, and kits; S,W
gift boutiques
Pineville, N.C.
Hawaii Fluid Art 2020/2021 ALL NO 0/1 0/2 0/3 $113.3K-$194.8K/ 8% YES YES YES
DIY art studios $49.5K-$150K
Painting with a Twist 2007/2009 MW,NE, NO 272/3 241/3 224/1 $121.5K-$261K/$25K 6% YES NO NO
Paint-and-sip studios S,W
Mandeville, La.
Pinspiration 2015/2018 MW,NE, C,I** 14/1 28/1 32/1 $108.9K-$228K/$33K 8% YES YES NO
DIY studios S,W
Boca Raton, Fla.
Play It Again Sports 1983/1988 ALL C 280/0 274/0 284/0 $292.5K-$401.3K/$25K 5% YES NO NO
432 New and used sporting goods/equipment
Dream Vacations 1991/1992 ALL NO 1,553/0 1,489/0 1,618/0 $1.8K-$21K/ 1.5-3% YES YES YES
67 Travel agencies
Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.
Happy Cat Hotels & Spas 2014/2020 NO NO 0/2 0/2 1/2 $303.5K-$428K/$45K 6% YES NO NO
Luxury cat boarding, grooming, and retail
East Granby, Conn.
K9 Resorts Luxury Pet Hotel 2005/2011 ALL NO 9/2 10/3 14/5 $1.1M-$2M/$49.5K 7% YES NO NO
Luxury dog daycare and boarding
Fanwood, N.J.
Woofie’s 2004/2018 MW,NE, NO 3/1 3/1 3/1 $125.3K-$209.8K/ 8-6.5% YES YES NO
Pet sitting, dog walking, mobile pet grooming S,W $48.5K
Columbia, Md.
Pet Supplies Plus 1987/1990 MW,NE, NO 286/ 343/ 400/ $454.9K-$1.5M/$49.9K 2-3% YES NO NO
Pet food and supplies, pets, bathing/ S,W 218 240 232
22 grooming services
Livonia, Mich.
Petland 1967/1971 MW,NE, C,I** 216/19 217/22 222/27 $300.5K-$1.1M/$40K 4.5% YES NO NO
158 Pets, pet supplies, boarding, daycare, grooming
Chillicothe, Ohio
Wild Birds Unlimited 1981/1983 MW,NE, C 347/0 350/0 357/0 $197.9K-$325.8K/$40K 4% YES NO NO
160 Bird-feeding supplies and nature gift items
Carmel, Ind.
Woof Gang Bakery 2007/2008 ALL NO 118/0 132/0 155/0 $155.3K-$280.4K/ 7% YES NO NO
407 Pet stores
Orlando, Fla.
Pet Evolution 2012/2021 ALL NO 0/2 0/2 1/2 $498.5K-$676.6K/$59K 5-7% YES NO NO
Healthy pet food, pet products, grooming,
self-wash stations
University Park, Fla.
Pet Wants 2010/2015 MW,NE, NO 106/0 125/0 146/0 $70.3K-$202K/$42.5K 7% YES YES NO
Natural pet-food stores/delivery S,W
Three Dog Bakery 1990/2007 MW,NE, NO 40/2 42/2 44/2 $285.9K-$404.96K/ 5.5% YES NO NO
Baked goods for dogs, dog food and treats, S,W $40K
Kansas City, Mo.
Wag N’ Wash 1999/2006 MW,NE, NO 13/5 11/5 14/0 $296.7K-$960.2K/ 3-4% YES NO NO
Self-service pet bathing, grooming, pet supplies S,W $49.9K
Livonia, Mich.
Aussie Pet Mobile 1996/1996 ALL NO 79/0 82/0 78/0 $203.9K-$487.5K/ 4-7% YES YES NO
437 Mobile pet grooming
Irvine, Calif.
Vanity Fur 2010/2021 MW,NE, NO 0/1 0/1 0/1 $73.7K-$92.4K/$45K 5% YES YES NO
Mobile pet grooming services and products S,W
Eastvale, Calif.
Zoomin Groomin 2003/2006 ALL NO 4/0 4/0 12/0 $52.9K-$147.9K/$35K 8% YES YES NO
Mobile pet grooming
Virginia Beach, Va.
Urban Air Adventure Park 2011/2013 ALL C,I** 134/2 149/4 155/4 $3.4M-$7.2M/$100K 7% YES NO NO
98 Adventure parks
Bedford, Texas
Altitude Trampoline Park 2013/2016 ALL C,I 72/2 71/2 81/2 $1.5M-$3.8M/$40K 6% YES NO NO
355 Family entertainment centers
Year Began/ Available Seeking 2020 2021 2022 Startup Costs/ Royalty Financing Home- Kiosk/
FRANCHISE 500 Franchising
Int’l? Number of
Number of
Number of Franchise Fee
Fee Available? Based/
Company- Company- Company- Opportunity Available?
Owned Owned Owned
True REST Spa 2009/2014 ALL C,I 31/5 33/3 43/3 $368.4K-$857.1K/ 6% YES NO NO
472 Floatation therapy
Coronado, Calif.
Bellacures 2006/2010 ALL C,I 2/5 2/5 4/4 $320.1K-$649.9K/$45K 6% YES NO NO
Nail salons
West Hollywood, Calif.
Clean Your Dirty Face 2015/2015 ALL* NO 7/0 6/3 11/2 $123.5K-$297K/$50K 5% YES NO NO
Facials, skin-care products
Frenchies Modern Nail Care 2014/2015 MW,NE, NO 29/1 25/1 22/1 $262.4K-$447K/$49.5K 5.5% YES NO NO
Manicure and pedicure studios S,W
Littleton, Colo.
iCryo 2015/2017 ALL C,I** 9/2 12/2 20/3 $427.5K-$1.1M/$49.5K 6.5-5% YES NO YES
Cryotherapy, body sculpting, IV infusions and
vitamin shots, light therapy, pain management
and recovery services
On Point Acupuncture 2017/2022 ALL C,I 0/1 0/1 0/1 $101.3K-$173.9K/$35K 6% YES NO NO
and Wellness Center
Acupuncture, massage, and yoga
wellness centers
San Diego
The Salt Suite 2011/2015 MW,NE, NO 6/1 5/1 7/1 $218.2K-$467.6K/$42K 8% YES NO NO
Salt therapy S,W
Winston Salem, N.C.
The Ten Spot 2006/2011 ALL* C,I 34/0 40/0 43/0 $303K-$453K/$50K 6% YES NO NO
Nail care, waxing, facials, laser hair removal
Dog Training Elite 1995/2015 MW,NE, NO 11/10 49/10 194/10 $101.4K-$122.3K/$59K 8% YES YES NO
226 Dog training
Sandy, Utah
Sit Means Sit Dog Training 2006/2009 ALL C 139/0 149/0 157/0 $29.3K-$128.9K/$17.5K $600-$900/ NO YES NO
447 Dog training
Las Vegas
Bark Busters Home Dog Training 1989/1994 ALL NO 123/0 120/0 124/0 $65.7K-$99.5K/$37.5K 10% YES YES NO
In-home dog training
Danville, Calif.
Hounds Town USA 2001/2008 MW,NE, NO 11/2 16/2 31/1 $358.9K-$770K/$49K 6% YES NO NO
348 Dog daycare, pet boarding, pet grooming
Ronkonkoma, N.Y.
Camp Bow Wow 2000/2003 ALL C,I** 171/11 190/7 195/7 $928K-$1.7M/$50K 7% YES NO NO
448 Dog daycare, boarding, training, grooming
Westminster, Colo.
The Ark Pet Spa & Hotel 2006/2018 MW,NE, NO 0/6 0/6 0/5 $353.6K-$870.8K/ 7% YES NO NO
Pet boarding, daycare, grooming, and bakery S,W $37.1K-$49.5K
Chattanooga, Tenn.
The Dog Stop 2009/2013 ALL NO 14/5 17/4 18/4 $289.5K-$813.4K/ 6% YES NO NO
Dog care services and products $49.5K
Nurse Next Door Home Care Services 2001/2007 ALL C,I 84/1 116/1 145/1 $105.1K-$201.6K/$58K 5% YES YES NO
Medical/nonmedical home care
Vancouver, British Columbia
Oasis Senior Advisors 2013/2014 ALL NO 76/1 97/1 107/1 $64.9K-$99.6K/ 10% YES YES NO
Senior-living placement $40K-$70K
Bonita Springs, Fla.
Options For Senior America 1990/2005 MW,NE, C,I 9/6 10/6 12/6 $85.8K-$110.4K/$47.5K 4.75% YES NO NO
Senior care S,W
Gaithersburg, Md.
Owl Be There 2013/2020 MW,NE, NO 0/1 0/1 2/1 $85.9K-$98.1K/$54.4K 6-8% YES YES NO
Senior living placement services S,W
Springfield, Va.
2nd Family 2012/2017 MW,NE, NO 1/1 4/1 6/1 $100.3K-$166.3K/ 5% YES YES NO
Senior home care S,W $52.5K
Eldersburg, Md.
Senior Care Authority 2009/2014 MW,NE, C,I** 66/2 67/2 76/2 $70.6K-$90.5K/$52.5K 8% YES YES NO
Senior-care consulting and placement S,W
Petaluma, Calif.
Seniors Helping Seniors 1998/2006 ALL C,I** 100/2 110/2 115/2 $92.5K-$142.9K/$50K 5-6% YES YES NO
Nonmedical home care
Wyomissing Hills, Pa.
Talem Home Care & Placement Services 2012/2015 MW,NE, NO 5/2 8/2 9/2 $65.8K-$165.5K/ 5-8% YES NO NO
Senior care and placement services S,W $33.5K-$71.5K
Broomfield, Colo.
Touching Hearts At Home 1996/2007 MW,NE, NO 72/0 72/0 69/0 $63.9K-$93.1K/$49.5K 1-6% YES NO NO
Home care S,W
Palm Beach Tan 1990/2001 ALL NO 319/223 317/220 329/217 $629.9K-$931.9K/$30K 4-6% YES NO NO
76 Tanning
Irving, Texas
Tan Republic 2005/2008 ALL NO 63/1 63/1 62/1 $97.3K-$439K/ 5.75% YES NO NO
Tanning and spray tanning $5K-$25K
Salem, Ore.
European Wax Center 2004/2006 ALL NO 770/5 803/5 888/5 $349.6K-$553.95K/ 6% YES NO NO
32 Body waxing services, skin and beauty products
Plano, Texas
Radiant Waxing 2010/2013 ALL C,I 45/2 50/2 64/0 $362.7K-$537.8K/$50K 6% YES NO NO
493 Body waxing
Waxing The City 2003/2010 ALL NO 111/8 108/7 118/7 $223.96K-$493.4K/ 6% YES NO NO
496 Facial and body waxing
Woodbury, Minn.
Natura Sugaring Melt & Wax Spa 2010/2017 S NO 5/1 6/1 6/3 $172K-$293K/$35K 6% YES NO NO
Hair removal, facials, spray tanning
Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.
The Pampered Peach 2019/2022 MW,NE, NO 0/1 0/3 2/3 $100K-$214.3K/$30K 6% YES NO NO
Waxing S,W
Tampa, Fla.
Sugaring NYC 2015/2017 ALL C,I 12/10 18/10 24/11 $118.7K-$200.6K/ 5% YES NO NO
Sugaring hair removal $29.9K
West Palm Beach, Fla.
Home Instead 1994/1995 ALL C,I 1,091/3 1,141/3 1,182/5 $103K-$130K/$59K 5% YES NO NO
155 Nonmedical senior care
Omaha, Neb.
Senior Helpers 2001/2005 MW,NE, C,I 313/4 327/4 335/13 $125.8K-$169.8K/$55K 5% YES NO NO
Personal, companion, Parkinson’s, S,W
172 and Alzheimer’s home care
Towson, Md.
Assisting Hands Home Care 2006/2006 ALL C,I 130/4 155/4 171/5 $87.7K-$159.7K/$55K 5-4% YES NO NO
229 Home health care, respite care
Nampa, Idaho
Right at Home 1995/2000 ALL C,I** 611/3 643/20 665/24 $87.4K-$156.2K/$49.5K 5% YES NO NO
260 Home care, medical staffing
Omaha, Neb.
Griswold Home Care 1982/1984 MW,NE, NO 167/14 166/14 167/15 $95.9K-$174.1K/ 4% YES NO NO
267 Nonmedical home care
Blue Bell, Pa.
S,W $49.5K-$54.5K
FirstLight Home Care 2009/2010 MW,NE, C** 190/0 200/0 189/0 $113.3K-$198.3K/ 5% YES YES NO
327 Nonmedical home care
S,W $49.9K
HomeWell Care Services 2002/2003 MW,NE, NO 78/0 97/0 106/0 $96.9K-$225.8K/ 5% YES NO NO
347 Home care
Burkburnett, Texas
S,W $49.5K
Amada Senior Care 2007/2012 ALL C,I 119/1 131/1 143/1 $95.4K-$251.6K/$55K 5% YES NO NO
393 Home care and assisted-living placement
San Clemente, Calif.
Home Helpers Home Care 1997/1997 MW,NE, C** 324/0 315/0 304/0 $96.4K-$139.3K/ 3-6% YES YES NO
Nonmedical/skilled home care; monitoring S,W $48.9K
396 products and services
Blue Ash, Ohio
Chefs For Seniors 2013/2017 ALL NO 43/1 59/1 77/1 $12.6K-$29.4K/ 8% YES YES NO
452 In-home meal preparation service for seniors
Madison, Wis.
Acti-Kare 2007/2007 ALL C,I 134/0 137/0 145/0 $32.5K-$57.6K/ 3-5% YES YES NO
Nonmedical home care $19.8K-$39.8K
Tampa, Fla.
Always Best Care Senior Services 1996/2006 ALL C 208/0 217/0 228/0 $74.7K-$125.4K/$49.9K 6% YES NO NO
Nonmedical home care, assisted-living
placement, home health care
Roseville, Calif.
A Place At Home 2012/2017 MW,NE, NO 13/0 17/0 20/0 $84.2K-$148.5K/ 5.5-4.5% YES NO NO
Nonmedical home care, care coordination, S,W $49.5K
senior living placement, staffing solutions
Omaha, Neb.
At Home Eldercare 2018/2018 MW,NE, NO 2/0 2/0 4/0 $66.9K-$110.7K/$45K 6% YES YES NO
In-home nonmedical senior care S,W
Raleigh, N.C.
Boost Home Healthcare 2021/2021 MW,NE, NO 0/0 0/0 4/0 $149.6K-$261.6K/$55K 5% YES YES NO
Home healthcare S,W
Troy, Mich.
CarePatrol 1993/2009 MW,NE, NO 137/0 134/0 141/0 $43.6K-$103.6K/ 6-10%/12.5% YES YES NO
Senior living placement, referral, and consulting S,W $15K-$52K
Troy, Mich.
Care with Love 2014/2022 MW,NE, NO 0/1 0/1 1/1 $135K-$211.3K/$49K 5% YES NO NO
In-home senior care S,W
Fairfax, Va.
Caring Senior Service 1991/2002 ALL NO 46/4 47/5 50/3 $110.9K-$170.1K/$45K 5% YES NO NO
Nonmedical home care
San Antonio
Compassionate Helpers 2009/2019 ALL* C,I** 1/2 5/2 6/2 $157.95K-$259.4K/$55K 6% YES YES NO
Home health care
Livonia, Mich.
Home Care for the 21st Century 1994/2019 MW,NE, NO 2/0 6/0 12/0 $209.9K-$273.5K/ 5.4-6.9% YES NO NO
Home care, hospice care, medical staffing, S,W $49.5K-$69.5K
non-emergency medical transporation
Bradenton, Fla.
Massage Heights 2004/2005 ALL C** 121/4 119/4 115/3 $452.4K-$532.2K/ 6% YES NO NO
Therapeutic massage and facial services $49.5K
San Antonio
Nani Massage 2014/2022 ALL C,I 0/1 0/1 0/1 $206.3K-$360.3K/ 5% YES NO NO
Massage services $32.5K
Mason, Ohio
The Now Massage 2015/2019 MW,NE, NO 0/4 9/4 26/4 $414.9K-$767.6K/$60K 6% YES NO NO
Massage services S,W
Beverly Hills, Calif.
Spavia Day Spa 2005/2007 ALL NO 48/0 52/0 52/0 $295.5K-$595.9K/ 6% YES NO NO
Massage, facials, waxing, skin care $49.5K
Centennial, Colo.
Beverly Hills Rejuvenation 2005/2017 ALL NO 6/5 10/5 13/51 $698.6K-$1.2M/$50K 6% YES NO NO
Bodenvy 2019/2022 ALL C,I 0/1 0/2 0/2 $713.8K-$1.9M/$50K 7% YES NO NO
Body sculpting services; weight management
and nutrition supplements and products
Winter Park, Fla.
Facial Mania Med Spa 2017/2019 MW,NE, C,I** 2/2 4/2 5/2 $260.3K-$698.5K/$49K 6% YES NO NO
Spa, esthetic, and med spa services S,W*
Delray Beach, Fla.
Natural Rejuvenation MedSpa 2009/2018 NE,S,W I** 0/1 0/1 0/1 $555K-$868.2K/$200K 8% YES NO NO
Skincare and body contouring
Bellevue, Wash.
Skinovatio Medical Spa 2015/2018 MW,NE, C 2/2 4/2 5/1 $124.9K-$196.97K/$30K 6% YES NO NO
Medical spas S,W
VIO Med Spa 2017/2018 ALL NO 4/1 8/1 12/1 $938K-$1.2M/$50K 6% YES NO NO
Skincare, cosmetic health, and wellness
products and services
Strongsville, Ohio
Phenix Salon Suites 2007/2010 MW,NE, C,I 275/5 302/6 335/6 $632.3K-$1.2M/$52.5K $0.33/SQ. YES NO NO
58 Salon suites
Encinitas, Calif.
My Salon Suite 2010/2012 MW,NE, C,I** 143/29 177/30 213/30 $686.2K-$1.8M/$50K 5.5% YES NO NO
66 Salon suites
Carrollton, Texas
Sola Salons 2004/2005 ALL C,I 497/27 546/30 568/60 $808.1K-$2.1M/$55K 5.5% YES NO NO
113 Salon studios
Lakewood, Colo.
Image Studios 2010/2015 MW,NE, NO 22/0 19/0 26/1 $839.5K-$1.99M/ 5.5% YES NO YES
Salon suites S,W $54.8K
Salt Lake City
Perspire Sauna Studio 2010/2017 ALL C,I** 10/0 16/0 25/0 $444.1K-$590.7K/$45K 6% YES NO NO
400 Infrared and red-light-therapy sauna studios
Costa Mesa, Calif.
beem Light Sauna 2021/2022 MW,NE, NO 0/0 0/0 0/2 $187.4K-$442.8K/ 7% YES NO NO
Infrared sauna suites, red light therapy rooms, S,W $49.9K
related services/products
Huntersville, N.C.
Interim HealthCare 1966/1966 ALL C,I** 597/0 621/2 627/4 $125.5K-$199.5K/$50K 3.5-5.5% YES NO NO
Medical and nonmedical home care,
55 medical staffing
Sunrise, Fla.
BrightStar Care 2002/2005 ALL NO 320/5 339/3 362/3 $111K-$191.1K/$50K 5.25% YES NO NO
Medical/nonmedical home care,
141 medical staffing
Gurnee, Ill.
Diesel Barbershop 2011/2017 MW,NE, NO 16/6 21/5 25/4 $322K-$432.9K/$50K 7.5% YES NO NO
Haircare and grooming services S,W
San Antonio
Fantastic Sams Cut & Color 1974/1976 MW,NE, C 903/2 761/1 657/1 $150.5K-$332K/$30K 6% YES NO NO
Hair salons S,W*
Woburn, Mass.
First Choice Haircutters 1980/1980 NO C 336/ 338/0 327/0 $178.3K-$303.7K/ 5-7% YES NO NO
Family hair salons 26 $39.5K
Grooming Store 2015/2022 ALL C,I 0/1 0/1 0/1 $234.7K-$435.8K/$35K 6-6.5% YES NO NO
Men’s grooming products and services
Arlington, Va.
Hammer & Nails 2013/2015 ALL NO 11/0 13/0 18/0 $383.95K-$547.2K/ 6% YES NO NO
Men’s barbering and grooming services $49.95K
Folsom, Calif.
Lemon Tree Hair Salons 1974/1976 MW, NO 35/8 33/9 33/9 $172.5K-$240.7K/$45K 6% NO NO NO
Hair salons NE,S
East Hanover, N.J.
MVP Modern Barbers 2004/2010 NO C** 5/0 4/0 6/0 $152.6K-$227.7K/ $400/WK. YES NO NO
Barbershops $32.5K
Vernon, British Columbia
Pigtails & Crewcuts 2002/2004 MW,NE, NO 65/1 59/1 67/2 $99.5K-$256K/$30K 5% YES NO NO
Children’s hair salons S,W
Roosters Men’s Grooming Centers 1999/2002 ALL C 87/3 88/3 92/0 $208.2K-$342.8K/ 6% YES NO NO
Men’s grooming services and products $39.5K
Scissors & Scotch 2015/2017 ALL NO 8/2 12/2 17/4 $514.3K-$749.3K/$50K 4-6.5% NO NO NO
Men’s grooming services, lounge and bar
Mission, Kan.
Snip-its Haircuts for Kids 1995/2003 MW,NE, NO 48/3 47/2 43/1 $168.1K-$281.7K/$35K 6% NO NO NO
Children’s hair salons, party services S,W
Burnsville, Minn.
Sweet & Sassy 2004/2005 MW,NE, C,I** 14/1 13/1 13/1 $274.1K-$475.8K/$45K 6% YES NO NO
Children’s salon, spa, and party services S,W
Colleyville, Texas
Amazing Lash Studio 2010/2013 ALL C,I 249/0 258/0 267/0 $304.1K-$635.97K/ 6% YES NO NO
414 Eyelash-extension studios
Idolize Brows and Beauty 2009/2017 ALL NO 4/5 4/5 4/6 $282.4K-$402.99K/ 6% YES NO NO
Eyebrow and facial threading, lash and brow $45K
services, waxing, facials
Charlotte, N.C.
The Lash Lounge 2006/2010 ALL NO 105/3 109/4 113/3 $260.1K-$609.5K/ 6% YES NO NO
Eyelash lifts and extensions, lash and brow $49.5K
tinting, brow lamination, threading
Ann Arbor, Mich.
Woodhouse Day Spa 2001/2003 ALL NO 62/2 71/2 74/2 $1.4M-$2.1M/$55K 6% YES NO NO
257 Spa treatments
Lakewood, Colo.
Elements Massage 2000/2006 ALL C,I 245/2 247/2 242/2 $332.8K-$559.9K/ 6% YES NO NO
Therapeutic massage services $40K
Renew Crew 1993/2001 MW,NE, C 27/0 17/0 7/0 $108.2K-$148.6K/$65K 6% YES YES NO
Environmentally-friendly exterior S,W
surface cleaning
Charlottesville, Va.
Sir Grout 2004/2007 ALL NO 43/2 44/2 44/0 $121.8K-$146.7K/$60K 6% YES YES NO
Residential hard surface restoration
and maintenance
Personal-Care Businesses
Sport Clips Haircuts 1993/1995 ALL* C** 1,809/ 1,818/ 1,821/ $266.3K-$439.5K/ 6% YES NO NO
30 Men’s sports-themed hair salons
Georgetown, Texas
70 71 74 $30K-$69.5K
Cookie Cutters Haircuts for Kids 1994/1996 ALL C,I 108/2 110/2 111/2 $142K-$356.5K/$40K 5% YES NO NO
241 Children’s hair salons
Salt Lake City
Sharkey’s Cuts For Kids 2001/2004 MW,NE, C,I** 74/1 87/1 116/1 $172.4K-$257.5K/ $1K-$1.5K/ YES NO NO
373 Children’s hair salons
Westport, Conn.
S,W $144.99K MO.
Cost Cutters Family Hair Care 1982/1982 ALL* NO 547/ 640/6 602/0 $150.5K-$308.6K/ 6% YES NO NO
450 Family hair salons
129 $39.5K
Blo Blow Dry Bar 2007/2009 ALL C,I** 98/0 91/0 95/0 $257.4K-$372.96K/ 6% YES NO NO
Hair styling and makeup services $40K
Great Clips, Inc. • 4400 West 78th Street, Suite 700 • Minneapolis, MN 55435 • 800-999-5959 or 952-893-9088 • State of MN Reg. #F-928. This advertisement is not an offering. An offering can
only be made by a prospectus filed first with the Department of Law and the State of New York. Such filing does not constitute approval by the Department of Law of the State of New York.
Enviro-Master Services 2009/2011 ALL C** 86/0 91/0 96/0 $254.6K-$351.9K/$90K 6% YES NO NO
263 Health and safety products for businesses
Charlotte, N.C.
The Brothers that just do Gutters 1999/2014 ALL NO 13/1 25/1 60/1 $124.3K-$171.5K/$49.5K 6% NO NO NO
424 Gutter service and installation
Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
AeroWest 1943/1978 MW,NE, NO 32/20 26/20 24/18 $35.2K-$81.3K/$25K 6.5% YES YES NO
Odor control, hygiene, and scent marketing S,W
Baton Rouge, La.
Dryer Vent Wizard 2004/2006 ALL C 84/0 93/0 118/0 $75.8K-$154.5K/$45K 10% YES YES NO
Dryer vent cleaning, replacement, installation,
and maintenance
Waco, Texas
Foliage Design Systems 1971/1980 ALL NO 25/3 22/3 20/3 $44.4K-$64.4K/$20K 6% YES YES NO
Interior plant sales, leasing, and maintenance;
green walls; commercial holiday decor
Orlando, Fla.
Green Home Solutions 2010/2010 ALL NO 201/2 212/0 208/0 $84.1K-$163.6K/$35K 7-10% YES YES NO
Indoor air quality and remediation services
Spring Mills, Pa.
The Grout Doctor 1992/2001 ALL I 79/0 83/0 82/2 $23.6K-$37.7K/ 9-6% NO YES NO
Grout, tile, and stone cleaning, restoration, $15K-$20K
and maintenance
Salt Lake City
The Grout Medic 2001/2001 ALL NO 59/0 67/0 65/0 $92K-$125K/$65K 6% YES YES NO
Grout and tile cleaning and restoration
Charlottesville, Va.
Midtown Chimney Sweeps 1979/2014 MW,NE, C 39/0 36/0 36/0 $72.8K-$145.3K/$49K 7% YES YES NO
Chimney sweeping, inspections, S,W
and installations
Littleton, Colo.
Outdoor Life Co. 2010/2018 MW,NE, C,I 0/3 3/3 3/3 $38.6K-$88.1K/$30K 6% YES YES NO
Outdoor home services S,W
Fayetteville, Ark.
United Water Restoration Group 2008/2015 MW,NE, C 16/11 22/11 22/12 $122.2K-$508.3K/ 6% YES YES NO
Water, fire, and mold restoration S,W $49K-$210K
Ormond Beach, Fla.
Vital Restoration 2004/2011 MW,NE, NO 3/0 3/0 3/0 $143.8K-$310.6K/$40K 6% YES YES NO
Disaster restoration S,W
South San Francisco, Calif.
Fish Window Cleaning 1978/1998 ALL NO 279/1 276/1 270/1 $102.8K-$167.5K/ 8-6% YES NO NO
Low-rise commercial and residential $49.9K-$74.9K
278 window cleaning
Manchester, Mo.
Shine Window Cleaning 1998/2012 MW,NE, NO 37/0 47/0 51/0 $107.5K-$206.8K/ 7% YES NO NO
and Holiday Lighting S,W $49.9K
364 Window cleaning, pressure washing,
holiday lighting installation
Kalamazoo, Mich.
Window Genie 1994/1998 ALL NO 130/0 125/0 125/0 $109.8K-$186K/ 7% YES YES NO
Residential window cleaning, window tinting, $40K-$72.5K
426 pressure washing
Waco, Texas
Shack Shine 2013/2015 MW,NE, C 42/0 53/0 66/0 $71.7K-$149.9K/ 8% YES YES NO
Interior and exterior window washing, S,W $20K-$40K
478 gutter cleaning, house washing, and Christmas
light installation
Vancouver, British Columbia
Men In Kilts 2002/2010 ALL C 19/0 23/0 35/0 $157.3K-$191.95K/$38K 5-8% YES YES NO
Window and exterior cleaning
Squeegee Squad 1999/2005 ALL C,I 52/2 53/2 51/2 $70K-$164.1K/ 7-4% YES YES NO
Residential and high-rise window cleaning, $50K-$66.6K
pressure washing, gutter cleaning,
building maintenance
Maple Grove, Minn.
See our listing on page 132 See our listing on page 187
Casey’s Cleaning 1986/2019 ALL C,I 0/2 0/2 10/2 $43.7K-$60.4K/$25K 5% YES YES NO
Residential and commercial cleaning
Forked River, N.J.
Home Clean Heroes 2017/2018 MW,NE, NO 2/2 5/2 9/2 $76.9K-$100.9K/$35K 8% YES YES NO
Residential cleaning S,W*
Virginia Beach, Va.
Maid Right 2013/2013 MW,NE, C 21/0 23/0 34/0 $103.6K-$147.5K/$65K 6% YES YES NO
Residential cleaning S,W
Charlottesville, Va.
Tina Maids 2018/2019 NE,S NO 5/1 5/1 10/1 $27.7K-$34.9K/$19.9K 5.5% YES YES NO
Residential cleaning
You’ve Got Maids 2005/2010 MW,NE, NO 95/0 84/0 70/0 $36.4K-$107.5K/ 5.9-2.99% YES NO NO
Environmentally friendly residential cleaning S,W $6.99K
Mount Pleasant, S.C.
PuroClean 1990/1991 ALL C 309/0 328/0 377/0 $88.8K-$231.7K/$55K 3-10% YES YES NO
84 Property damage restoration and remediation
Tamarac, Fla.
ServiceMaster Restore 1947/1952 ALL I** 4,115/8 4,172/0 2,300/0 $252.7K-$358.8K/ $250+/MO. YES YES NO
94 Commercial/residential disaster restoration
Paul Davis Restoration 1966/1970 ALL C,I 251/0 265/0 277/0 $191.7K-$517K/ 4% YES NO NO
109 Insurance restoration
Jacksonville, Fla.
Rainbow Restoration 1981/1981 ALL C,I 410/0 374/0 380/0 $156.7K-$260.9K/$40K 3-8% YES NO NO
132 Indoor cleaning and restoration
Waco, Texas
1-800 Water Damage 1988/2002 ALL NO 102/2 151/0 172/0 $50.8K-$294.98K/ 3-10% YES NO NO
153 Property restoration
Ann Arbor, Mich.
All Dry Services 2014/2020 ALL NO 0/1 17/1 115/1 $86.9K-$212K/$49.5K 7% YES YES NO
333 Water and mold remediation and restoration
Tequesta, Fla.
Rytech Restoration 1995/1996 ALL NO 61/6 68/6 87/3 $135.3K-$170.8K/ 8% YES YES NO
Water, mold, fire, and smoke restoration; $39.9K
366 Covid-19 sanitation
Kennesaw, Ga.
AdvantaClean 1994/2006 ALL NO 207/0 182/1 165/1 $166.9K-$258.5K/ 2-9% YES YES NO
Residential and commercial $19.95K
444 restoration services
Irvine, Calif.
Affordable Remediation 2016/2022 MW,NE, NO 0/1 0/1 0/1 $183K-$235.7K/$60K 8% YES YES NO
Mold remediation, water evacuation, S,W
trauma- and crime-scene cleanup
Matawan, N.J.
Blue Kangaroo Packoutz 2019/2019 ALL NO 3/1 10/1 16/1 $177.9K-$381.4K/ 7% YES NO NO
Contents restoration $44.9K-$59.9K
Ann Arbor, Mich.
911 Restoration 2003/2007 ALL C 206/3 235/3 258/6 $83.6K-$227.4K/ 3-10% YES YES NO
Residential and commercial $29K-$49K
property restoration
Van Nuys, Calif.
Service Team of Professionals (STOP) 1971/1996 MW,NE, NO 31/0 27/1 28/6 $103.2K-$184K/$48K 7-5% YES YES NO
Water/fire restoration, mold remediation S,W
Bloomington, Ind.
Steamatic 1948/1967 ALL NO 132/1 131/1 131/1 $220.1K-$414.8K/ 1-8% YES YES NO
Insurance/disaster restoration, cleaning, mold $50K-$80K
remediation, air quality control
True North Restoration 1984/2021 MW,NE, NO 0/4 6/2 7/2 $83.5K-$190K/$40K 7% YES YES NO
Restoration services S,W
Arvada, Colo.
DoodyCalls 2000/2004 MW,NE, NO 37/2 39/2 68/2 $73K-$91.99K/$60K 7.5% YES YES NO
486 Pet waste management
Columbia, Md.
The Poo Crew 2008/2020 ALL NO 0/1 0/1 0/1 $80.1K-$150K/$15K 8% NO YES NO
Dog waste removal and waste-bag
Castle Rock, Colo.
Scoop Soldiers 2010/2019 MW,NE, NO 5/12 7/12 21/13 $61.3K-$111.3K/$37.5K 16% YES YES NO
Pet waste removal S,W
Frisco, Texas
RooterMan 1970/1981 MW,NE, NO 732/25 743/25 749/0 $45.1K-$82.5K/$4.98K VARIES YES YES NO
121 Plumbing and drain cleaning
Charlottesville, Va.
Mr. Rooter 1968/1972 ALL C 290/0 238/0 242/3 $80.6K-$191.1K/$40K 5-7% YES NO NO
129 Plumbing, drain, and sewer cleaning
Waco, Texas
Benjamin Franklin Plumbing 2000/2001 MW,NE, NO 258/10 256/10 266/10 $91.1K-$201.2K/$43K 6%+ YES NO NO
Residential and light commercial S,W
plumbing services
Columbia, Md.
bluefrog Plumbing + Drain 2013/2014 ALL NO 14/0 19/0 36/0 $137.8K-$323.6K/ 4-6% YES YES NO
Plumbing and drain services $59.9K
Pinch A Penny Pool Patio Spa 1974/1976 S NO 254/3 257/3 262/3 $334.4K-$480.2K/$50K 6% YES NO NO
Swimming pool and spa retail; pool and
221 backyard maintenance and repair services
Clearwater, Fla.
Pool Scouts 2016/2016 MW,NE, NO 25/4 45/2 67/2 $70.95K-$88.4K/$30K 8% YES YES NO
490 Pool cleaning and maintenance
Virginia Beach, Va.
Poolwerx 1992/1992 MW,NE, I 336/1 343/4 345/1 $135.3K-$458.1K/$49K TO 7% YES YES NO
Pool and spa maintenance, service, S,W
remodeling, and supplies
Farmers Branch, Texas
Merry Maids 1979/1980 ALL I** 1,705/3 1,684/3 996/0 $94.5K-$144.4K/ 5-7% YES NO NO
119 Residential cleaning
Molly Maid 1979/1979 ALL NO 492/0 496/0 488/0 $127.2K-$184.5K/$14.9K 3-6.5% YES NO NO
142 Residential cleaning
Waco, Texas
The Cleaning Authority 1977/1996 MW,NE, NO 218/3 218/3 224/3 $76.3K-$169.3K/ 4-6% YES NO NO
159 Residential and commercial cleaning
Columbia, Md.
S,W $15K-$20K
MaidPro 1991/1997 ALL C 275/0 260/0 265/0 $94.6K-$119.8K/$35K 4-7% YES YES NO
176 Residential cleaning
Maid Brigade 1979/1980 ALL C,I 406/18 397/24 396/20 $97.7K-$114.5K/$40.7K 6.9-3.5% YES YES NO
179 Residential cleaning
Two Maids & A Mop 2003/2013 ALL NO 77/2 88/2 106/1 $83.1K-$123.9K/ 4-7% YES NO NO
302 Residential cleaning
Irvine, Calif.
Recession Resistant
Home-Based Business
The Grounds Guys 2010/2010 ALL C 188/0 211/0 251/0 $82.8K-$202.5K/$35K 5-6% YES NO NO
303 Lawn and landscape maintenance
Waco, Texas
Augusta Lawn Care Services 2014/2019 ALL C 17/2 41/3 88/4 $12.99K-$82.5K/ $699-$1.2K/ YES YES NO
460 Lawn care and landscaping
Blaine, Wash.
$6.99K-$25K MO.
GrassRoots Turf 2002/2019 NO NO 7/1 14/1 19/1 $100.8K-$151.6K/ 6% YES NO NO
Lawn, tree, and shrub care; mosquito control $39.5K
Acworth, Ga.
Lawn Creations 1979/2018 ALL C,I 0/10 3/10 13/10 $50K-$65.1K/$24.9K 7% YES NO NO
Commercial and residential lawn care
and landscaping
Sylvania, Ohio
ManageMowed 1999/2019 MW,NE, NO 0/3 12/2 20/2 $80.7K-$118K/$49.5K 6-8% YES YES NO
Landscape management S,W
Edmonds, Wash.
NaturaLawn of America 1987/1989 ALL C 81/10 82/10 84/11 $57.5K-$122.7K/ 7-9% YES NO NO
Organic-based lawn care $9.5K-$29.5K
Frederick, Md.
Taiga Tree 2010/2021 ALL NO 0/1 0/1 0/1 $140.4K-$199.6K/$35K 6% YES YES NO
Tree removal, tree pruning, stump grinding,
land clearing
Colorado Springs, Colo.
U.S. Lawns 1986/1987 ALL NO 240/0 224/0 210/0 $59.5K-$183.6K/$34K 4-6% YES NO NO
Commercial grounds care
Orlando, Fla.
Color Glo 1975/1983 ALL C,I** 137/0 138/0 127/0 $56.3K-$61.4K/$33K 4%+ YES YES NO
Leather, vinyl, fabric, carpet, and surface
342 repair and restoration
Creative Colors International 1980/1991 MW,NE, NO 74/3 73/3 71/3 $86.98K-$102.4K/ 7.5% YES YES NO
Upholstery repair and replacement S,W $49.5K
Mokena, Ill.
Mosquito Shield 2001/2013 ALL* NO 53/1 165/2 317/0 $92.9K-$128.3K/$49.5K 7% YES YES NO
144 Outdoor pest control
North Attleboro, Mass.
Mosquito Joe 2010/2012 ALL NO 319/3 345/2 426/2 $109.7K-$148.7K/ 10% YES YES NO
167 Outdoor pest control
Virginia Beach, Va.
Mosquito Authority 2002/2008 ALL C 485/0 507/0 527/1 $54K-$127.7K/ 10% YES YES YES
294 Mosquito control
Hickory, N.C.
Pestmaster 1979/1991 ALL NO 32/6 40/6 59/6 $81.6K-$185.8K/$42.5K 5-8% YES YES NO
Pest and rodent control, wildlife exclusion,
446 vegetation management
Reno, Nev.
Mosquito Hunters 2013/2015 MW,NE, NO 91/6 113/6 127/6 $99.2K-$116.2K/$40K 10% YES YES NO
497 Mosquito, tick, and flea control
Northbrook, Ill.
Deer Solution 1981/2022 MW,NE, NO 0/1 0/1 2/1 $97.3K-$133.4K/$40K 8% YES YES NO
Deer repellant services S,W
Bridgewater, N.J.
Mosquito Mary’s 2018/2020 ALL NO 0/1 4/1 11/1 $92.95K-$116.9K/ 8% YES YES NO
Outdoor pest control $39.5K
Foxboro, Mass.
Mosquito Mike 2017/2021 MW,NE, NO 0/1 0/1 3/1 $104.3K-$127.3K/$49K 10% YES YES NO
Mosquito and tick control S,W
Fall River, Mass.
Mosquito Squad 2004/2005 MW,NE, I 235/0 245/1 229/6 $153.4K-$201K/$45K 8-10% YES YES NO
Outdoor pest control S,W
Columbia, Md.
Patio Patrol 2017/2018 MW,NE, NO 6/0 7/0 7/0 $74.5K-$169.5K/ 6-9% YES YES NO
Residential outdoor pest control S,W $20K-$35K
Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control 1989/2013 MW,NE, C** 7/22 8/22 9/22 $89.1K-$232.6K/$49.5K 6.5% YES YES NO
Humane wildlife removal, pest control, holiday S,W*
lighting installation, attic restoration
Ancaster, Ontario
Superior Mosquito Defense 1996/2013 ALL NO 16/4 15/4 13/4 $17.4K-$47.2K/ 5% NO YES NO
Outdoor pest control $10K-$20K
Decatur, Ala.
Recession Resistant
Home-Based Business
Glass Doctor 1962/1977 ALL C 173/0 180/0 189/0 $158.2K-$300.4K/ 4-7% YES NO NO
The Glass Guru 2004/2007 ALL NO 75/1 82/1 80/1 $95.8K-$193K/ 5% YES NO NO
Window and glass restoration, repair, $19.5K-$45K
and replacement
Plano, Texas
Mr. Appliance 1996/1996 ALL C 296/0 303/0 352/0 $80.9K-$158.6K/ 5-7% YES NO NO
Residential and commercial appliance $53.1K
135 installation and repairs
Waco, Texas
TruBlue Total House Care 2011/2011 ALL C 48/0 58/0 85/0 $65.1K-$91.4K/$44.9K 6% YES YES NO
Senior home modification, maintenance, and
491 repair services
Dr. Auto & Casa 2009/2010 ALL C,I 55/1 59/1 63/1 $44.2K-$75.4K/$35K $300/MO. YES YES YES
Home, auto, and commercial handyman services
Alexandria, Va.
Furniture Medic 1992/1992 ALL I** 309/0 296/0 195/0 $79.99K-$94.7K/$33K 7% YES YES NO
Wood restoration, repair, and maintenance
House Doctors 1994/1997 MW,NE, NO 39/0 49/0 58/0 $96.4K-$140K/$65K 6% YES YES NO
Handyman services and home repairs S,W
Charlottesville, Va.
One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning 1999/2003 MW,NE, NO 350/33 349/33 342/33 $91.1K-$201.2K/$43K 6% YES NO NO
Heating and cooling repairs, replacements, S,W
455 and maintenance; indoor air quality services
Columbia, Md.
Duct Doctor USA 1985/2000 MW,NE, C,I 26/0 27/0 27/0 $44.1K-$206.5K/$25K 5-8% YES YES NO
Residential and commercial air-duct cleaning S,W
Norcross, Ga.
Ductz 2002/2003 ALL C 71/5 72/5 74/5 $143.8K-$263.4K/ 10% YES YES NO
Air-duct cleaning, HVAC restoration, $49.9K
dryer-vent cleaning
Ann Arbor, Mich.
Fuse HVAC & Appliance Repair 2017/2021 MW,NE, NO 0/0 0/0 0/0 $75.7K-$265.8K/ 3%+ NO YES NO
HVAC and appliance repair S,W $8K-$67K
Santa Clara, Calif.
Heating + Air Paramedics 2011/2021 ALL NO 0/1 0/1 4/1 $105.3K-$205.8K/$40K 5% YES NO NO
Residential heating, air conditioning,
and air quality services
Noblesville, Ind.
Monster Tree Service 2006/2012 MW,NE, NO 148/4 214/4 248/5 $422.2K-$568.4K/ 3.5-6.5% YES YES NO
Residential and commercial tree and plant S,W $49.5K
64 care services
Columbia, Md.
Lawn Doctor 1967/1967 MW,NE, NO 592/0 606/0 625/0 $116.5K-$141.8K/$40K 10% YES YES NO
Lawn, tree, and shrub care; mosquito S,W
79 and tick control
Holmdel, N.J.
Weed Man 1970/1976 ALL C,I 308/41 317/45 282/45 $69.5K-$86.6K/ $6.8K- YES YES NO
185 Lawn care
Orono, Ontario
$20K-$33.8K $13.6K/
IntegriServ Cleaning Systems 2013/2013 MW,S NO 74/0 82/0 108/0 $3.1K-$50K/$2.5K-$44K 10% YES YES NO
Commercial cleaning
Holland, Ohio
OpenWorks 1983/1988 ALL NO 642/0 694/0 644/0 $4.3K-$134.5K/ 15% YES YES NO
Commercial cleaning and facility $2.5K-$72K
management services
360clean 2005/2008 MW,NE, NO 86/0 81/0 67/0 $20.8K-$29K/$15K 14% YES YES NO
Commercial cleaning S,W
Charleston, S.C.
Filta Environmental Kitchen Solutions 1996/1996 ALL C,I** 316/0 321/0 326/0 $123.6K-$139.3K/ $595/UNIT/ YES YES NO
317 Commercial kitchen maintenance services
Orlando, Fla.
$39.95K MO.
Cleanest Restaurant Group 2017/2022 MW,NE, NO 0/2 0/2 0/2 $102.9K-$208.6K/ 8% YES YES NO
Restaurant cleaning services S,W $60K-$120K
New York
The Driveway Company 2016/2019 ALL NO 18/3 30/0 40/0 $88.8K-$168.98K/ 7% YES YES NO
Concrete restoration, repair, and maintenance $59.9K
Waco, Texas
Precision Concrete Cutting 1991/2002 MW,NE, C,I 64/5 65/5 65/5 $155K-$181.5K/$135K 9% NO YES NO
Uneven-sidewalk repairs S,W
Provo, Utah
Bio-One 2008/2011 ALL NO 103/0 115/0 125/0 $105.4K-$153.4K/$50K 7% YES YES NO
Crime-scene and trauma-scene cleaning
Littleton, Colo.
PureOne Services 2019/2021 ALL NO 0/4 0/4 1/41 $86.8K-$140.6K/ 4.5-7% YES NO NO
Crime-scene, biohazard, and hoarding $38K-$48K
cleanup; property restoration
Cumming, Ga.
The Patch Boys 2006/2015 ALL NO 92/0 134/0 272/0 $54.9K-$81.4K/$29.5K 8% YES YES NO
376 Drywall repair
Ann Arbor, Mich.
PatchMaster 2016/2017 ALL C 46/15 77/14 93/13 $82K-$105.5K/$49.5K 9-5% YES YES NO
Drywall repair and installation
Mendham, N.J.
Access Garage Doors 2005/2019 MW,NE, NO 1/1 10/1 5/1 $49.99K-$99.6K/$15K 4-5% YES YES NO
Garage door sales, installation, and repairs S,W
Hixson, Tenn.
ProLift Garage Doors 2015/2016 MW,NE, C 19/0 27/0 49/0 $106.1K-$145K/$65K 6% YES YES NO
Garage door installation and repairs S,W
Charlottesville, Va.
January-February 2023 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / 17 7
Year Began/ Available Seeking 2020 2021 2022 Startup Costs/ Royalty Financing Home- Kiosk/
FRANCHISE 500 Franchising
Int’l? Number of
Number of
Number of Franchise Fee
Fee Available? Based/
Company- Company- Company- Opportunity Available?
Owned Owned Owned
Jan-Pro Cleaning and Disinfecting 1991/1992 ALL C,I 10,118/ 10,476/ 10,418/ $4.8K-$58.1K/ 10% YES YES NO
34 Commercial cleaning
Alpharetta, Ga.
0 0 0 $2.5K-$44K
Stratus Building Solutions 2004/2006 ALL C 2,030/0 2,418/0 2,736/0 $4.5K-$79.8K/$3.6K- 5% YES YES NO
Environmentally friendly commercial cleaning $69K
35 and disinfecting
North Hollywood, Calif.
Anago Cleaning Systems 1989/1991 ALL C 1,711/0 1,719/0 1,791/0 $11.3K-$68.3K/$5K-$31K 10% YES YES NO
36 Commercial cleaning
Pompano Beach, Fla.
City Wide Facility Solutions 1961/2001 ALL C,I 65/1 68/1 78/1 $248.7K-$416.6K/$70K 5% YES NO NO
136 Commercial cleaning and facility maintenance
Lenexa, Kan.
Corvus Janitorial Systems 2004/2004 MW, NO 1,262/0 1,164/0 1,475/0 $9.6K-$34.5K/ 10% YES YES NO
190 Commercial cleaning
Westlake, Ohio
S,W $8.5K-$18.5K
ServiceMaster Clean 1959/1959 ALL C 720/11 712/0 712/0 $86.3K-$121.9K/$32.5K $250+/MO. YES NO NO
204 Commercial cleaning
Jantize America 1988/1988 MW,NE, NO 125/0 140/0 155/0 $8.2K-$49K/ 9% YES YES NO
245 Facility services and commercial cleaning
Concord, N.C.
S,W $5.9K-$29.6K
Buildingstars 1994/2000 MW,NE, NO 899/7 955/9 956/12 $2.2K-$53.2K/ 10% YES YES NO
266 Commercial cleaning
Maryland Heights, Mo.
S,W $995-$46.99K
Office Pride Commercial 1992/1996 ALL NO 141/0 147/0 151/2 $70.9K-$117.7K/$35K 9% YES YES NO
Cleaning Services
337 Commercial cleaning
Palm Harbor, Fla.
Coverall 1985/1985 MW,NE, C,I 8,278/0 8,526/ 8,107/0 $18.6K-$51.4K/ 5% YES YES NO
419 Commercial cleaning
Deerfield Beach, Fla.
S,W 0 $15.6K-$40.3K
Mint Condition 1996/1996 MW,NE, NO 409/0 410/0 409/0 $4.6K-$32.4K/$3K-$22K 9% YES YES NO
479 Commercial cleaning, building maintenance
Fort Mill, S.C.
Corporate Cleaning Group 1995/2007 MW,NE, NO 9/2 10/2 10/2 $71.2K-$110.2K/$49K 5.5%+ NO YES NO
Commercial cleaning S,W
Livonia, Mich.
Executive Image Building Services 2012/2012 MW,NE, C 42/1 48/1 51/1 $39.1K-$83K/$35K 10% YES YES NO
Commercial cleaning and building maintenance S,W
Greenwood, Ind.
Green Tech Cleaning 2020/2022 ALL C,I 0/1 0/1 0/1 $73.4K-$113.5K/$25K 6-7% YES NO NO
Commercial and residential cleaning and
carpet cleaning
Crestview, Fla.
Image One USA 2010/2011 MW,NE, NO 10/0 18/0 20/0 $43.6K-$61.2K/$29.8K 10% YES YES NO
Commercial cleaning S,W
Rolling Meadows, Ill.
WWW.JAN-PRO.COM/ENT | 678-336-1786
Proudly representing independently owned and operated JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting franchisees.
See our listing on page 176 See our listing on page 176
Hotel Indigo 2004/2004 ALL C,I 121/0 128/0 134/0 $19.4M-$41.6M/$75K 5% YES NO NO
Howard Johnson by Wyndham 1925/1954 ALL C,I 322/0 310/0 299/0 $280.6K-$10.2M/$35K 4.5% YES NO NO
Parsippany, N.J.
InterContinental Hotels & Resorts 1946/1946 ALL C,I 203/7 201/5 205/0 $81.2M-$118.3M/$100K 6% YES NO NO
Microtel by Wyndham 1987/1988 ALL C,I 346/0 347/0 347/0 $6.3M-$7.7M/$40K 6% YES NO NO
Parsippany, N.J.
Motto by Hilton 2018/2018 ALL C,I 1/0 2/0 3/0 $15.3M-$85.2M/$75K 5% YES NO NO
Upscale micro-unit hotels
McLean, Va.
Red Carpet Inn/Scottish Inns/ 1971/1977 ALL NO 222/0 216/0 209/0 $133.9K-$2.6M/ $40/ROOM/ NO NO NO
Master Hosts Inns/Passport Inn/ $7.5K-$15K MO.
Downtowner Inns
Tucker, Ga.
Staybridge Suites 1997/1997 ALL C,I 311/0 312/0 314/0 $16M-$24.6M/$75K 5.5% YES NO NO
Suite hotels
Wyndham Garden 1996/1996 ALL C,I 127/0 123/0 139/0 $406.3K-$15.9M/$35K 5% YES NO NO
Parsippany, N.J.
Wyndham Grand 1996/1996 ALL C,I 47/2 58/2 63/2 $1M-$81.7M/$50K 5% YES NO NO
Parsippany, N.J.
Jet-Black/Yellow Dawg Striping 1988/1993 MW,NE, C 113/8 117/8 118/8 $62.6K-$122.3K/$25K 1-8% YES YES NO
345 Asphalt maintenance
Savage, Minn.
EverLine Coatings and Services 2012/2017 ALL C 16/1 18/1 27/1 $127.8K-$237.1K/ 6% YES YES NO
Parking lot striping and pavement maintenance $49.5K
G-Force Parking Lot Striping 2017/2018 MW,NE, NO 15/0 29/0 36/0 $29.8K-$107K/ 4-7% YES YES NO
Pavement marking services S,W $5K-$25K
Bedford, N.H.
Stanley Steemer 1947/1972 ALL NO 214/55 214/55 216/56 $118.2K-$692.5K/ 7% YES YES NO
Carpet, upholstery, HVAC, and air-duct $20K-$100K
111 cleaning; water damage restoration
Dublin, Ohio
Chem-Dry Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning 1977/1978 ALL C,I** 3,577/0 2,616/0 2,597/0 $69.1K-$204.7K/$23.5K $431/MO. YES YES NO
Carpet, upholstery, and floor cleaning, tile and
126 stone care, granite countertop renewal
Nashville, Tenn.
Zerorez 2001/2003 ALL C,I 58/4 68/6 68/6 $57.6K-$201.7K/ 6% YES YES NO
441 Carpet and surface cleaning
Pleasant Grove, Utah
Heaven’s Best Carpet 1983/1983 ALL C,I 448/0 426/0 414/0 $59.9K-$110.1K/$39.9K $300/MO. YES YES NO
& Upholstery Cleaning
Carpet, upholstery, tile, and wood floor cleaning
Rexburg, Idaho
Oxi Fresh Carpet Cleaning 2006/2006 ALL C 417/6 430/13 456/12 $47.5K-$77.6K/$41.9K $395/MO. YES YES NO
Carpet, upholstery, hardwood floor, tile, and
grout cleaning; odor control; home
Lakewood, Colo.
Smart Carpet Cleaning 2005/2021 MW,NE, NO 0/1 0/1 0/1 $123.6K-$177.2K/$34K 6% YES YES NO
Carpet cleaning S,W
Windsor, Colo.
DoubleTree by Hilton 1969/1989 ALL C,I 473/0 490/0 500/0 $27.6M-$97.4M/$75K 5% YES NO NO
25 Upscale hotels and resorts
McLean, Va.
Home2 Suites by Hilton 2008/2009 ALL C,I 411/0 494/0 551/0 $13.8M-$20.6M/$75K 5% YES NO NO
27 Upper midscale extended-stay hotels
McLean, Va.
Hilton Garden Inn 1990/1990 ALL C,I 861/0 923/0 953/0 $20.2M-$31.1M/$75K 5.5% YES NO NO
33 Upscale hotels
McLean, Va.
Hilton Hotels and Resorts 1919/1965 ALL C,I 451/61 474/56 490/50 $38.7M-$162.3M/$75K 5% YES NO NO
46 Upper upscale hotels and resorts
McLean, Va.
Homewood Suites by Hilton 1988/1988 ALL C,I 507/0 521/0 534/0 $20.3M-$30.1M/$75K 3.5-5.5% YES NO NO
50 Upscale extended-stay hotels
McLean, Va.
Tru by Hilton 2015/2016 ALL C,I 134/0 204/0 222/0 $11.6M-$17M/$75K 5% YES NO NO
54 Midscale hotels
McLean, Va.
Embassy Suites by Hilton 1983/1984 ALL C,I 238/0 240/0 242/0 $45.4M-$71.98M/$75K 3.5-5.5% YES NO NO
57 Upper upscale extended-stay hotels
McLean, Va.
Tapestry Collection by Hilton 2016/2016 ALL C,I 36/0 65/0 87/0 $3.1M-$118M/$75K 5% YES NO NO
73 Upscale hotels
McLean, Va.
La Quinta by Wyndham 1968/2000 ALL C,I 657/ 728/ 785/137 $3.96M-$14.1M/$55K 4.5-5% YES NO NO
75 Hotels
Parsippany, N.J.
271 209
Canopy by Hilton 2014/2014 ALL C,I 19/0 31/0 37/0 $56.98M-$141.6M/ 5% YES NO NO
95 Upper upscale hotels
McLean, Va.
Curio Collection by Hilton 2014/2014 ALL C,I 91/0 104/0 128/0 $3.7M-$140.2M/$75K 5% YES NO NO
123 Upper upscale hotels
McLean, Va.
Holiday Inn and Holiday Inn Express 1952/1954 ALL C,I 4,134/3 4,238/2 4,248/2 $10.1M-$22.3M/ 5-6% YES NO NO
156 Hotels
Travelodge by Wyndham 1939/1966 ALL C 450/0 455/0 453/0 $174.95K-$9.3M/$35K 4.5% YES NO NO
178 Hotels
Parsippany, N.J.
Super 8 by Wyndham 1974/1976 ALL C,I 2,925/0 2,723/0 2,693/0 $221K-$5.5M/$25K 5.5% YES NO NO
186 Hotels
Parsippany, N.J.
Trademark Collection by Wyndham 2017/2017 ALL C,I 101/0 113/0 145/0 $227.8K-$14.7M/$35K 4% YES NO NO
297 Hotels
Parsippany, N.J.
Wingate by Wyndham 1995/1995 ALL C,I 181/0 174/0 179/0 $335.9K-$12.5M/$36K 4.5% YES NO NO
300 Hotels
Parsippany, N.J.
Days Inn by Wyndham 1970/1972 ALL C,I 1,691/0 1,600/0 1,559/0 $190.2K-$6.4M/$35K 5.5% YES NO NO
325 Hotels
Parsippany, N.J.
Ramada by Wyndham 1954/1990 ALL C,I 855/0 833/0 850/0 $197.6K-$9.9M/$35K 4.5% YES NO NO
408 Hotels
Parsippany, N.J.
Candlewood Suites 1995/1996 ALL C,I 415/0 360/0 363/0 $10.8M-$16.5M/$50K 5.5% YES NO NO
Suite hotels
Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts 1983/1983 ALL C,I 413/0 407/0 402/0 $36.6M-$70.2M/$75K 5% YES NO NO
Even Hotels 2012/2014 ALL C,I 12/3 17/3 22/0 $16.3M-$25.5M/$75K 5% YES NO NO
Hawthorn Suites by Wyndham 1986/1986 ALL I 109/0 89/0 77/0 $265.7K-$12.4M/$40K 5.5% YES NO NO
Parsippany, N.J.
Premier Pools & Spas 1988/2014 ALL NO 66/0 86/0 117/2 $53K-$112.5K/$45K 3.5-4% NO YES NO
330 Residential pool construction
Roseville, Calif.
Superior Fence & Rail 2002/2017 ALL NO 13/2 28/2 48/21 $133K-$209.3K/$59.5K 6-4% YES YES NO
346 Fence sales and installation
Glen Allen, Va.
Archadeck Outdoor Living 1980/1984 MW,NE, C 58/3 71/3 80/0 $61.1K-$108.6K/ 6.5-3.5% YES YES NO
372 Outdoor living space design and construction
Glen Allen, Va.
S,W $49.5K
Window World 1995/2011 ALL C,I 204/0 206/0 212/0 $123.8K-$330.1K/ VARIES YES NO NO
Residential windows, doors, siding, roofing, $25K
439 and other exterior remodeling products
North Wilkesboro, N.C.
Footprints Floors 2008/2013 ALL NO 33/1 71/1 78/1 $78.5K-$113K/$68K 6% YES YES NO
449 Flooring installation and restoration
Greenwood Village, Colo.
Decorating Den Interiors 1969/1970 MW,NE, C 254/0 254/0 250/0 $43.8K-$70.4K/ 7-9% YES YES NO
Interior design and decorating services S,W $29.9K-$39.9K
485 and products
Easton, Md.
America’s Color Consultants 2007/2014 MW,NE, NO 2/3 3/3 3/3 $14.6K-$44.6K/$10K 6% YES YES NO
Paint color consulting S,W
Warrenton, Va.
Design Pro Remodeling 2008/2022 ALL C,I 0/4 0/4 0/4 $50.9K-$89K/$30K 7-5% YES NO NO
Remodeling and handyman services
Fairfax, Va.
Envyscapes 2014/2022 ALL C,I 0/1 0/1 0/1 $67.8K-$109K/$30K $0.55/SQ. FT. YES YES NO
Custom synthetic turf and grass installation
Layton, Utah
Ideal Siding 2019/2019 MW,NE, C 4/0 9/0 24/0 $70.5K-$127.7K/ 8% NO YES YES
Home siding renovation S,W $38K-$50K
Vancouver, British Columbia
Level Up Automation 2016/2021 ALL C,I 0/1 0/1 6/1 $41.3K-$57.7K/$25K 5%+ YES YES NO
Design and installation of commercial
and residential technology modifications
and integrations
Northborough, Mass.
Monster Grass 2012/2020 ALL* C,I 0/1 4/1 8/2 $46.1K-$66.9K/$24.9K 3% YES YES NO
Synthetic grass/artificial turf
Mr. Sandless 2004/2005 ALL C,I 194/9 174/9 183/9 $33.8K-$83.1K/ 6%+ YES YES NO
Interior and exterior sandless wood refinishing $15K-$30K
Aston, Pa.
N-Hance Wood Refinishing 2001/2003 ALL C,I** 546/0 489/0 435/0 $58.5K-$197.6K/ $209-$786/ YES YES NO
Wood cabinet and floor refinishing $13.3K-$64.6K MO.
Nashville, Tenn.
Preserve Services 1995/2018 ALL NO 2/1 3/1 6/1 $83.5K-$116.4K/ 5% YES YES NO
Multi-service construction management $34.8K-$49.5K
Salem, Mass.
Renovation Sells 2018/2020 MW,NE, NO 0/1 0/1 41/2 $77.8K-$95.8K/$50K 7% YES YES NO
Residential presale renovations S,W
Total Home Interiors 2009/2022 ALL C,I 0/1 0/1 0/1 $51.5K-$71K/$30K 5-6% YES YES NO
Acoustics, soundproofing, window
treatments, flooring, audio visual services,
home theaters
Roseland, N.J.
Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park 1969/1969 ALL C,I 78/0 75/0 82/0 $108K-$11.3M/$15K 4-6% YES NO NO
274 Family camping resorts
Loveland, Ohio
Kampgrounds of America (KOA) 1962/1963 ALL C 486/33 481/40 457/47 $441.95K-$12.7M/$10K- 8% YES NO NO
Campgrounds and RV Parks $30K
Billings, Mont.
Kitchen Wise 2016/2017 MW,NE, C 3/0 13/0 11/0 $108.1K-$147K/$65K 6% YES YES NO
Kitchen pantry and bathroom organization S,W
Charlottesville, Va.
CertaPro Painters 1992/1992 ALL C 373/0 377/0 371/1 $155.7K-$232.4K/ 5% YES YES NO
150 Residential and commercial painting
Audubon, Pa.
Five Star Painting 2002/2007 ALL C 203/0 224/0 246/0 $76.2K-$184.3K/$45K 6% YES YES NO
261 Residential and commercial painting
Waco, Texas
LIME Painting 2014/2018 ALL* NO 3/2 16/2 33/2 $124.7K-$162.4K/$60K 7% YES YES NO
Residential and commercial painting,
371 coatings, and surface restoration
Greenwood Village, Colo.
Color World Painting 1997/2016 MW,NE, NO 85/1 61/1 56/1 $106.5K-$166.8K/ 6% YES YES NO
Residential/commercial painting, S,W $49.5K
394 carpentry, gutter installation, power washing,
holiday lighting
Columbia, Md.
Dr. House Painter 2018/2022 ALL C,I 0/1 0/1 0/1 $54.4K-$78.5K/$30K 5-6% YES YES NO
Interior and exterior residential and
commercial painting
North Miami Beach, Fla.
Fresh Coat Painters 2005/2005 MW,NE, C 158/0 153/0 167/0 $53.9K-$76.8K/$44.9K 6-4% YES YES NO
Residential and commercial painting S,W
Richard’s Painting 1999/2019 ALL NO 1/2 3/2 6/2 $50.2K-$96.3K/$30K 5% YES YES NO
Salisbury, N.C.
Spray-Net 2010/2014 MW,NE, C,I 47/2 57/2 80/2 $132K-$184.5K/$49.5K 7% YES YES NO
Exterior and interior home renovation S,W
Boucherville, Quebec
360 Painting 2005/2006 MW,NE, C 119/0 129/0 140/0 $101.4K-$145K/$65K 6% YES YES NO
Interior and exterior painting S,W
Charlottesville, Va.
Wow 1 Day Painting 2010/2010 ALL C 53/0 60/0 64/0 $63.5K-$134.2K/ 6% YES YES NO
Residential and commercial painting $40K-$60K
Vancouver, British Columbia
Mighty Dog Roofing 2018/2019 MW,NE, NO 8/3 49/0 195/0 $215.7K-$383.4K/ 8.5% YES NO NO
Residential and commercial roofing services, S,W $59.5K
203 siding, windows, and gutters
Omaha, Neb.
Honest Abe Roofing 2007/2017 MW,NE, NO 7/1 22/1 16/4 $132.5K-$363.2K/ 5% YES NO NO
Roofing consultations, installations, S,W $35K-$70K
and repairs
Terre Haute, Ind.
Storm Guard Roofing & Construction 2003/2011 MW,NE, NO 35/1 36/1 36/1 $185.4K-$221.6K/$65K 6.25% YES NO NO
Roofing, exterior restoration, construction, S,W
and contracting
Fort Worth, Texas
Budget Blinds 1992/1994 ALL C,I 1,273/0 1,320/0 1,378/0 $140.5K-$211.8K/ $300-$2K/ YES YES NO
Window coverings, window film, rugs, $19.95K MO.
19 accessories
Irvine, Calif.
Made in the Shade Blinds and More 2004/2013 ALL C 112/1 118/1 134/1 $65.9K-$74.5K/$59K 0 YES YES NO
331 Window coverings
San Antonio
Gotcha Covered 1991/2001 MW,NE, C 102/0 116/0 128/0 $87.6K-$116.1K/$64.9K $350-2K+/ YES YES NO
359 Window treatments
Bloomin’ Blinds 2001/2014 MW,NE, NO 57/0 63/9 84/9 $87.1K-$164.5K/ 5.5% YES YES NO
Window covering sales, installation, and repairs S,W $49.5K
Plano, Texas
Kitchen Solvers 1982/1984 MW,NE, C 45/0 52/0 53/0 $99.5K-$132.6K/$60K 2.5-6% YES YES NO
Kitchen and bath remodeling, design, S,W
and installation
La Crosse, Wis.
Surface Specialists 1981/1982 MW,NE, C 47/0 49/0 46/0 $43.2K-$56K/$36K 5% YES YES NO
Bathtub repair and refinishing, tub liners, S,W
bath remodeling
Matthews, N.C.
Outdoor Lighting Perspectives 1995/1998 ALL C 76/3 103/0 111/0 $85K-$154.1K/$49.5K 7% YES YES NO
Blingle! 2015/2021 MW,NE, NO 0/1 0/1 24/0 $369.5K-$422.5K/ 8.5% YES NO NO
Holiday, landscape, and event lighting S,W $59.5K
Omaha, Neb.
Closets By Design 1982/1998 ALL C 58/6 65/6 70/6 $152K-$503K/$20K 6.75% YES NO NO
Custom closet and home/
262 office organization systems
Garden Grove, Calif.
Tailored Living 2006/2006 ALL C 185/0 181/0 191/0 $185.2K-$298.7K/ $300-$2K/ YES NO NO
Home organization, storage, and garage $19.95K MO.
339 flooring solutions
Irvine, Calif.
Closet Factory 1983/1985 ALL C,I 66/6 65/6 69/6 $273.5K-$466K/$58.5K 6.75% YES NO NO
383 Custom closet and storage systems
Los Angeles
Garage Living 2005/2014 ALL C,I 23/1 36/1 39/1 $221.8K-$305K/$60K 6.5% YES NO NO
433 Garage renovation products and services
Vaughan, Ontario
Closet & Storage Concepts/ 1987/2000 ALL C 37/3 37/3 36/3 $101.9K-$499.9K/ 5% YES NO NO
More Space Place $39.5K-$44.5K
Residential/commercial closet and storage
systems; Murphy beds
West Berlin, N.J.
Koala Insulation 2018/2020 ALL NO 3/0 213/0 313/0 $147.8K-$190.1K/ 6.5% YES YES NO
235 Insulation
Melbourne, Fla.
Miracle Method Surface Refinishing 1977/1980 MW,NE, C,I 159/1 157/1 166/1 $96.4K-$195.8K/ 5.5% YES NO NO
143 Kitchen and bathroom surface refinishing
Colorado Springs, Colo.
S,W $45K-$58K
Surface Experts 2008/2018 MW,NE, C** 21/0 37/0 59/0 $133.1K-$213.5K/ 8% YES YES NO
401 Interior hard surface repairs
Spokane, Wash.
S,W $75K-$110K
Five Star Bath Solutions 1996/2008 ALL C 45/1 65/0 73/0 $112.4K-$244.9K/ 6-5% YES YES NO
427 Bathroom remodeling
Springville, Utah
DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen 1971/1972 MW,NE, NO 36/0 43/0 43/0 $209.8K-$396.7K/ 7-3% YES NO NO
440 Kitchen, bath, and interior remodeling
Waco, Texas
S,W $40K-$54K
Bath Tune-Up 2020/2020 ALL C 0/0 19/0 37/0 $104.9K-$158.9K/ 4-7% YES YES NO
Bathroom remodeling $19.95K
Irvine, Calif.
Get A Grip Resurfacing 1999/2007 ALL NO 23/1 23/1 23/1 $43.6K-$92.7K/ 0 YES YES YES
Countertop, cabinet, tub, tile, and shower $35K-$65K
resurfacing; fiberglass repair
Albuquerque, N.M.
Granite and Trend Transformations 1995/1997 ALL I 71/3 76/5 65/71 $176.3K-$305.7K/ 2% NO NO NO
Home remodeling $39.9K
Kitchen Refresh 2015/2019 MW,NE, C** 0/0 9/0 18/0 $13.3K-$160.9K/ 0 YES NO NO
Kitchen and bathroom cabinet remodeling S,W $6K-$28.5K
and countertop installation
Mandan, N.D.
Relax The Back 1984/1989 MW,NE, NO 83/2 81/1 79/2 $186.6K-$381.5K/ TO 5% YES NO NO
Wellness and back-related equipment, S,W $29.5K
furniture, and products
Long Beach, Calif.
American Family Care 1982/2008 MW,NE, NO 168/57 171/75 205/79 $1.1M-$1.5M/$60K 6% YES NO NO
81 Urgent care/primary care centers
Birmingham, Ala.
BeBalanced Hormone 2006/2013 MW,NE, NO 23/1 24/1 24/1 $155.7K-$208.5K/$45K 6% YES NO NO
Weight Loss Centers S,W
Weight-loss and wellness services
Lancaster, Pa.
The DripBar 2016/2019 ALL C,I 0/1 6/1 28/1 $136.5K-$338.3K/$55K 7% YES NO YES
IV vitamin therapy
Wrentham, Mass.
Ellie Mental Health 2015/2021 ALL NO 0/6 0/12 9/18 $138.8K-$404.96K/ TO 7.5% YES NO NO
Outpatient mental health services $20K-$60K
Minnesota, Minn.
Florida Anesthesiology & Pain Clinic 1996/2022 ALL C,I 0/5 0/7 0/7 $186K-$321.2K/$50K 8% YES NO NO
Pain management
North Palm Beach, Fla.
GameDay Men’s Health 2017/2022 ALL C,I 0/1 0/1 0/3 $185.3K-$556.7K/$45K 6% YES NO NO
Men’s hormone replacement, erectile-
dysfunction therapy, and aesthetic services
Carlsbad, Calif.
Health Atlast 1987/2012 ALL C,I 4/1 4/1 10/1 $121.8K-$304K/$50K 8% YES NO NO
Medical care, chiropractic care, physical
therapy, acupuncture, massage therapy,
vitamin injections
Los Angeles
Miracle Leaf Health Centers 2017/2018 ALL NO 29/3 36/4 38/3 $140.4K-$201.4K/ 10% YES NO NO
Health centers providing medical $49.9K
marijuana cards
Profile Plan Nutrition + Wellness 2012/2014 ALL NO 133/ 72/47 31/36 $399K-$656K/$49.5K 5% NO NO YES
Weight-loss and wellness services 34
Sioux Falls, S.D.
Weighless MD 2014/2022 ALL C,I 0/2 0/2 0/2 $114.3K-$196.5K/$35K 5-5.5% YES NO NO
Weight-loss and wellness centers
Brookfield, Wis.
Home Improvement
Concrete Craft 2006/2008 ALL C 62/0 76/0 88/0 $156.3K-$233.5K/ 4-7% YES YES NO
365 Decorative concrete coatings
Irvine, Calif.
The Garage Floor Company 2011/2020 MW,NE, NO 0/2 0/2 0/21 $118.9K-$268.2K/ 5% YES YES NO
Garage floor coatings S,W $35K-$45K
Omaha, Neb.
Granite Garage Floors 2011/2013 ALL NO 10/1 13/1 15/1 $123K-$231.7K/$60K 6.5% YES YES NO
Garage floor coatings
Alpharetta, Ga.
Wise Coatings 2020/2021 MW,NE, NO 0/0 1/1 6/1 $117.4K-$160K/$50K 5% YES YES YES
Floor coatings S,W
Troutdale, Ore.
Floor Coverings International 1988/1989 ALL C 170/0 178/0 220/0 $165.4K-$235.1K/$65K 5% YES NO NO
122 Flooring
Norcross, Ga.
Tile Liquidators 2016/2019 MW,NE, NO 2/1 5/0 11/0 $62.2K-$108.3K/$35K $1.8K/MO. YES NO NO
Discount flooring stores S,W
Sacramento, Calif.
Next Day Access 2012/2012 MW,NE, C 15/4 19/4 22/2 $144.2K-$261.5K/$48K 8-5% YES YES NO
Sales and rentals of accessibility S,W
and mobility products
Bartlett, Tenn.
101 Mobility 2008/2010 ALL C 175/8 177/15 181/15 $120.8K-$218.6K/ 5-7% YES NO NO
Mobility and accessibility equipment sales $35K-$60K
and services
Wilmington, N.C.
Fyzical Therapy & Balance Centers 2012/2013 ALL NO 385/ 381/50 416/57 $180.8K-$473K/$49K 6% YES NO NO
ApexNetwork Physical Therapy 1999/2008 MW,NE, NO 28/55 26/60 29/61 $149.2K-$347.2K/$35K 8% YES NO NO
Physical therapy S,W
Ballwin, Mo.
Back Solutions Clinic 2015/2020 ALL C,I 0/1 1/0 1/0 $60.9K-$109.1K/ 7% YES NO NO
Physical therapy and exercise to relieve $25K-$45K
back and neck pain
Greenwood Village, Colo.
CROM Rehabilitation 2012/2021 ALL C,I 0/2 0/2 0/2 $327.1K-$608.9K/$35K 5.5-6% YES NO NO
Physical therapy and related services
Physical Therapy Now 2011/2015 MW,NE, NO 28/6 37/6 39/6 $183.9K-$308.4K/$47K 6% YES NO NO
Physical therapy S,W
The Vitamin Shoppe 1977/2021 MW,NE, C,I** 20/696 26/684 30/675 $492.9K-$944.9K/ 5% YES NO NO
Vitamins, minerals, supplements, sport S,W $39.9K
418 nutrition products
Secaucus, N.J.
The Good Feet Store 1995/2003 ALL* C,I** 138/11 149/14 184/23 $137.2K-$396.3K/$25K 0.5% YES NO NO
287 Arch supports, related products
Carlsbad, Calif.
See our listing on page 133 See our listing on page 165
Retro Fitness 2002/2006 ALL C,I** 137/0 104/0 89/0 $1.3M-$2.1M/$29K 5% YES NO NO
Health clubs
West Palm Beach, Fla.
Send Me a Trainer 2007/2019 ALL C,I 1/0 18/0 57/0 $49.1K-$84.8K/ 6% YES YES NO
In-home personal training $34.99K
Middletown, Del.
Snap Fitness 2003/2004 ALL C,I 1,248/ 1,121/ 1,022/ $354.7K-$1.2M/$29.5K 6% YES NO NO
24-hour fitness centers 19 28 29
Chanhassen, Minn.
Special Strong 2016/2020 ALL NO 0/1 2/1 6/1 $51K-$60.7K/$30K 7-8% YES YES NO
Adaptive fitness for individuals with physical,
mental, and cognitive challenges
McKinney, Texas
Stride Fitness 2017/2019 ALL C,I** 3/1 6/0 16/0 $372.4K-$533.5K/$60K 7% YES NO NO
Treadmill-based interval training
Irvine, Calif.
Studio 30, The Kettlebell Fit Club 2009/2021 MW,NE, C,I** 0/1 0/1 0/1 $44.3K-$84.5K/$15K $500+/MO. YES NO NO
Fitness studios S,W
Rancho Cucamonga, Calif.
Training Mate 2013/2022 ALL C,I 0/3 0/3 0/3 $181K-$346.7K/$40K 6-7% YES NO NO
Amramp Accessibility 1970/2002 ALL C 51/2 53/2 53/2 $130.8K-$211.3K/ 3-12% YES YES NO
Wheelchair ramp rentals and sales; other $49.3K-$98.5K
accessibility solutions
Randolph, Mass.
Burn Boot Camp 2012/2015 ALL NO 257/4 285/4 310/9 $200.3K-$486.3K/$50K 6% YES NO NO
247 Gyms
Cornelius, N.C.
Gold’s Gym 1965/1980 ALL C,I** 581/61 542/61 529/67 $1.5M-$3.6M/$40K 5% YES NO NO
276 Health and fitness centers
Workout Anytime 24/7 1999/2005 ALL C,I** 169/1 171/0 181/0 $967.4K-$2.1M/$35K 6% YES NO NO
387 24-hour health clubs
Alpharetta, Ga.
Row House 2014/2017 ALL C,I** 66/7 71/19 86/7 $247.1K-$483.3K/$60K 7% YES NO NO
476 Indoor rowing classes
Irvine, Calif.
AKT 2014/2018 ALL C,I** 11/3 20/3 31/1 $320.6K-$495.5K/$60K 7% YES NO NO
Dance cardio and strength fitness studios
Irvine, Calif.
Body Fit Training 2017/2017 ALL C,I 52/1 117/0 195/0 $362.7K-$548.6K/$60K 7% YES NO NO
Functional fitness training
Irvine, Calif.
The Camp Transformation Center 2010/2016 MW,NE, NO 99/5 99/3 107/3 $238K-$336K/$40K 6% YES NO NO
Fitness/weight-loss services S,W
Chino Hills, Calif.
Eat The Frog Fitness 2015/2016 ALL C 16/1 23/1 27/1 $384K-$631K/$49K 7% YES NO NO
Fitness studios
Flower Mound, Texas
Elite Home Fitness 2019/2022 ALL NO 0/1 0/1 0/1 $69K-$135.1K/$30K 7% YES YES NO
In-home personal training; small group
training; corporate wellness
Fitness Premier 24/7 Clubs 2004/2017 ALL NO 8/3 12/2 15/2 $279.8K-$575.5K/ 6% YES NO NO
Fitness and wellness facilities $39.99K
Manhattan, Ill.
The Gravity Vault 2005/2012 MW,NE, C,I** 7/3 7/4 8/4 $1.2M-$3.3M/$74.5K 6.5% YES NO NO
Indoor rock-climbing gyms S,W
Upper Saddle River, N.J.
GYMGUYZ 2008/2013 ALL C,I** 181/4 167/4 146/4 $66.6K-$131.5K/$40K 6% YES YES NO
Mobile personal training
Melville, N.Y.
Iron BodyFit 2015/2017 MW,NE, C,I 52/0 79/0 115/1 $251.3K-$440K/$50K $3K/MO. YES NO NO
Fitness studios using electrical S,W
muscle stimulation
ISI Elite Training 2011/2019 MW,NE, NO 2/6 9/4 19/5 $295.6K-$495.3K/$60K 7% YES NO NO
Athletic-based conditioning fitness programs S,W
Charlotte, N.C.
Meld Fitness + Wellness 2014/2021 MW,NE, NO 0/1 0/1 0/1 $119.9K-$272.3K/$40K 6% YES NO NO
Personal training S,W
Canton, Mass.
Moms on the Run 2008/2012 MW,NE, NO 45/6 40/10 37/12 $8.1K-$15.7K/$6.5K $195+/MO. NO YES NO
Fitness programs for women S,W
Columbus, Minn.
P-Fit the Platinum Standard of Fitness 2016/2020 MW,NE, NO 0/3 2/4 6/3 $155.5K-$370K/$40K 7% YES NO NO
Fitness, health and weight-control services S,W
Ft. Myers, Fla.
Pulse Performance 2021/2021 ALL* C,I** 0/0 0/0 0/1 $227.3K-$491.5K/$45K 7.5% YES NO NO
Personal training using electrical
muscle stimulation
Lakeway, Texas
The Barre Code 2010/2013 ALL NO 41/4 34/4 25/3 $268.2K-$420.7K/ 6% YES NO NO
Barre-based fitness and workout studios $39.5K
Ann Arbor, Mich.
RockBox Fitness 2017/2017 MW,NE, NO 14/3 31/2 40/0 $252.3K-$588.2K/ 7% YES NO NO
30 Minute Hit 2004/2006 ALL C,I 70/0 73/0 76/0 $123.2K-$325.5K/$45K $500-$900/ YES NO NO
Boxing/kickboxing circuit-training programs MO.
482 for women
North Vancouver, British Columbia
Mayweather Boxing + Fitness 2018/2018 ALL C,I** 12/1 34/3 48/3 $389.7K-$814.5K/ 7% YES NO NO
484 Boxing group fitness
Plano, Texas
iLoveKickboxing 2009/2012 ALL C,I 105/0 94/0 91/0 $218.9K-$499.5K/ 6% YES NO NO
Kickboxing fitness classes $49.99K
Lakeland, Fla.
9Round Fitness 2008/2009 ALL C,I 741/7 665/6 596/6 $113.3K-$266.4K/ $600/MO. YES NO NO
Kickboxing fitness circuit-training studios $39.9K
Simpsonville, S.C.
Rumble Boxing 2017/2021 ALL C,I** 0/11 0/11 23/0 $393.7K-$4M/$60K 7% YES NO NO
Boxing fitness studios
Irvine, Calif.
Club Pilates 2007/2012 ALL C,I** 594/3 646/3 750/0 $185.8K-$388.2K/ 7% YES NO NO
211 Reformer Pilates classes
Irvine, Calif.
Bodybar Pilates 2011/2015 MW,NE, NO 4/0 6/0 11/0 $310.4K-$588.3K/ 7% YES NO NO
Reformer Pilates studios S,W $49.5K
Fort Worth, Texas
YogaSix 2012/2018 ALL C,I** 53/5 100/5 154/1 $294.8K-$499.2K/ 7% YES NO NO
494 Yoga studios
irvine, Calif.
Oxygen Yoga & Fitness 2011/2011 NO C,I 62/0 61/0 64/0 $300K-$450K/$46.5K 7.5% YES NO NO
Yoga and fitness classes
Vancouver, British Columbia
F45 Training 2011/2013 ALL C,I 1,298/3 1,552/3 1,749/0 $350.2K-$565.1K/ 7%+ YES NO NO
29 Fitness studios
Austin, Texas
Orangetheory Fitness 2010/2010 ALL C,I 1,340/ 1,437/ 1,489/ $589.1K-$1.6M/ 8% YES NO NO
Heart-rate-based group interval 20 22 21 $59.95K
85 workout classes
Boca Raton, Fla.
Anytime Fitness 2001/2002 ALL C,I** 4,739/ 4,886/ 5,056/ $381.6K-$783.9K/ $699/MO. YES NO YES
91 Fitness centers
Woodbury, Minn.
14 18 16 $42.5K
The Exercise Coach 2000/2010 MW,NE, I** 119/2 155/2 199/0 $148.4K-$381.8K/ 6% YES NO NO
137 Personal training
Lake Zurich, Ill.
S,W $49.5K
Franny’s Farmacy 2018/2019 MW,NE, NO 4/3 5/3 6/3 $136K-$263.9K/$27.5K 3% YES NO NO
CBD products and accessories S,W
Asheville, N.C.
The Joint Chiropractic 1999/2003 ALL NO 483/63 561/78 665/ $215.3K-$476.99K/ 7% YES NO NO
52 Chiropractic services
Scottsdale, Ariz.
108 $39.9K
100% Chiropractic 2004/2015 ALL NO 36/2 49/2 82/4 $331.1K-$694.9K/ 6.5% YES NO NO
Chiropractic services, massage therapy, $50K-$300K
296 nutritional supplements
Rancho Santa Fe, Calif.
BodyWorkz 2013/2021 ALL C,I 0/1 0/1 0/1 $127K-$197K/$25K 6% YES NO NO
Chiropractic, acupuncture, and
massage services
Mesa, Ariz.
HealthSource America’s Chiropractor 1998/2006 ALL C,I** 150/0 144/0 149/0 $61.1K-$344.9K/$29K 7% YES NO NO
Chiropractic, rehabilitation, spinal
decompression, laser therapy, and wellness
services and products
Avon, Ohio
Pearle Vision 1961/1980 ALL C 444/ 457/ 460/111 $70.2K-$848.4K/$30K 7% YES NO NO
38 Eye care and eyewear
Mason, Ohio
108 105
Pure Barre 2001/2009 ALL C,I** 562/1 590/9 619/2 $214.3K-$457.3K/$60K 7% YES NO NO
181 Barre fitness classes and apparel
Irvine, Calif.
The Bar Method 2001/2008 ALL C,I 102/1 84/1 82/1 $237.6K-$499.9K/ 6% YES NO NO
Barre fitness studios $42.5K
Woodbury, Minn.
800+ Locations
• Recurring revenue model
• No medical experience needed to franchise
• Ranked #1 in 2022: America’s Best Small Companies
See our listing on page 160 See our listing on page 161
Nothing Bundt Cakes 1997/2006 ALL* C 343/12 383/16 429/16 $483.6K-$699.7K/$35K 6% YES NO NO
53 Bundt cakes and gifts
Addison, Texas
The Honey Baked Ham Co. 1957/1998 MW,NE, NO 210/ 209/ 205/ $396.1K-$673.2K/$30K 6% YES NO NO
152 Retail specialty foods, catering, cafes
Alpharetta, Ga.
S,W 202 200 199
Totally Nutz 1990/2014 ALL NO 49/16 53/16 55/17 $65.4K-$216K/$27.5K 6% YES YES YES
Cinnamon-glazed almonds, pecans, and
406 cashews
St. George, Utah
The Spice & Tea Exchange 2008/2008 ALL NO 72/1 79/1 81/1 $194.7K-$395.3K/ 7% YES NO NO
Spices, teas, olive oils, honeys, kitchen $38.8K
442 accessories, related products
Palm Harbor, Fla.
Beef Jerky Experience 1995/2010 MW,NE, NO 85/6 89/6 88/6 $194.8K-$401.9K/ 6% YES NO NO
Jerky, sausages, specialty foods S,W $49.9K
and beverages
Kodak, Tenn.
Doc Popcorn 2003/2009 ALL C,I** 95/0 93/0 96/0 $55.2K-$394.5K/$15K 6% YES YES YES
Kettle-cooked popcorn
Paducah, Ky.
Duff’s Cakemix 2012/2022 ALL* C,I** 0/5 0/2 0/2 $271.8K-$414.9K/$45K 6% YES NO NO
DIY cake and cupcake decorating studios
El Segundo, Calif.
Graze Craze 2020/2021 ALL C,I** 0/2 0/5 8/4 $139.9K-$253.9K/ 6% YES NO NO
Charcuterie boards and picnic boxes $39.5K-$49.5K
West Palm Beach, Fla.
Happy & Healthy Products 1991/1993 MW,NE, NO 29/0 31/1 28/1 $74.99K-$114.2K/$25K 0 YES YES NO
Wholesale distribution of frozen fruit bars S,W
and snacks
Boca Raton, Fla.
Lean Kitchen Company 2016/2018 ALL* NO 12/4 23/4 29/2 $151.5K-$440.8K/$40K 6% YES NO NO
Healthy prepared meals, beverages,
nutritional supplements
St. Joseph, Mo.
Meals of Hope 2007/2021 NO NO 0/1 0/1 0/1 $61.1K-$71.9K/$40K 0 YES YES YES
Meal packing events
Naples, Fla.
The New York Butcher Shoppe 1999/2003 ALL NO 7/6 8/7 14/7 $414K-$772K/ TO 4% YES NO NO
Meats, prepared meals, specialty $35K-$40K
groceries, wines
Greenville, S.C.
Southern Steer Butcher 2013/2020 ALL NO 0/2 1/1 3/0 $358.8K-$742.3K/ 5-3% YES NO NO
Butcher shops and groceries $49.5K
Palm Harbor, Fla.
StretchMed 2019/2019 MW,NE, NO 2/1 6/1 11/4 $25.2K-$172.3K/ 6% YES NO NO
Assisted stretching S,W $15K-$39K
San Juan, PR
Your CBD Store 2018/2020 MW,NE, I** 58/0 233/0 275/01 $69.8K-$90.3K/$5K 2% YES NO NO
286 CBD stores
Palmetto, Fla.
Jars by Fabio Viviani 2022/2022 ALL* C,I** 0/0 0/0 0/0 $209K-$645.5K/$35K 6% YES NO NO
Desserts in a jar, coffee
Melania Cotton Candy 2019/2022 ALL C,I 0/2 0/2 0/2 $25.2K-$93.2K/ 7% YES YES YES
Cotton candy $10K-$19.9K
Homestead, Fla.
The Modern Vegan 2017/2022 ALL C,I 0/1 0/1 0/1 $204.8K-$354.5K/$60K 5.5% YES NO NO
Vegan food
Las Vegas
Over the Top Pita 2013/2021 ALL C,I 0/1 0/1 0/1 $136.7K-$294.7K/ 5.5% YES NO NO
Mediterranean food $37K
Clermont, Fla.
Press Waffle Co. 2016/2019 ALL C,I** 1/2 3/3 4/3 $188.4K-$429.7K/$35K 2-6% YES NO YES
Belgian waffles, coffee, ice cream
Plano, Texas
Sauce on the Side 2012/2017 MW,NE, NO 5/3 6/3 6/3 $414K-$704.5K/$35K 5% YES NO NO
Calzones, salads, desserts S,W
St. Louis
Sticks Kebob Shop 2001/2021 ALL NO 0/3 0/3 0/3 $247.6K-$573.3K/ 3-6% NO NO NO
Mediterranean food $49.5K
Charlottesville, Va.
St. Veg 2017/2022 ALL C,I 0/1 0/1 0/1 $171.8K-$342.1K/ 6% YES NO NO
Vegan food $29.9K
Silver Spring, Md.
Sweet Paris Creperie & Cafe 2012/2017 ALL* I** 5/4 7/4 7/4 $819.3K-$1.2M/$45K 5% YES NO NO
Crepes, waffles, salads, panini,
milkshakes, coffee, alcohol
Tarantino’s Vegan 2019/2022 ALL C,I 0/1 0/1 0/1 $179.7K-$263.8K/$30K 5% YES NO YES
Vegan Italian food
Las Vegas
Taziki’s Mediterranean Cafe 1998/2013 MW,NE, NO 75/17 74/17 74/17 $473K-$934K/$35K 4% YES NO NO
Mediterranean and Greek food S,W*
Birmingham, Ala.
River Street Sweets Savannah’s 1973/2015 MW,NE, NO 6/13 8/11 8/1 $474.1K-$920.5K/$40K 5% YES NO NO
Candy Kitchen S,W
Candy and confections
Savannah, Ga.
Rocket Fizz Soda Pop and Candy Shop 2009/2010 ALL C,I 80/2 81/2 85/1 $126.4K-$307.5K/$54K 5% YES NO NO
Candy, soda, and gift stores
Reno, Nev.
Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory 1981/1982 ALL C,I** 223/2 163/2 160/2 $202.3K-$527.4K/$35K 5% YES NO YES
Chocolates, confections
Durango, Colo.
Bambu 2009/2014 ALL C,I** 63/1 60/1 66/1 $144K-$297.5K/$39K $750-$800/ YES NO YES
Vietnamese dessert drinks and coffee drinks, MO.
boba tea, fruit tea, smoothies
Boba & More 2021/2022 ALL C,I 0/0 0/1 0/1 $113.2K-$262.6K/$20K 5-6% YES NO NO
Milk tea, fruit tea, slushes, food
Livermore, Calif.
Le Creme 2006/2022 ALL C,I 0/1 0/1 0/1 $171.6K-$353.5K/$40K 5-6% YES NO NO
Teas, smoothies, Asian-fusion food, pastries
San Jose, Calif.
Moge Tee 2012/2018 ALL C,I 17/7 34/11 50/3 $158.7K-$269.3K/$40K 3% YES NO NO
Bubble tea, fruit tea, cheese foam tea
Flushing, N.Y.
Tapioca Express 1999/2000 ALL C,I 30/2 28/2 25/2 $126.5K-$534.5K/$15K 2.5% YES NO YES
Tapioca and milk tea beverages
South El Monte, Calif.
Clean Eatz
417 Healthy food
Wilmington, N.C.
Curry Up Now 2009/2017 MW,NE, C,I** 5/6 7/7 8/8 $372K-$1.9M/$35K 6% YES NO NO
430 Indian-inspired food
San Francisco
Brooklyn Dumpling Shop 2021/2021 ALL* C,I** 0/0 0/1 1/1 $293K-$649.5K/$40K 6% YES NO NO
Cresskill, N.J.
Churrito Loco 2017/2021 ALL C,I 0/2 0/2 0/2 $166.7K-$253.6K/$35K 5.5% YES NO NO
Churros and desserts
Moreno Valley, Calif.
Garbanzo Mediterranean Fresh 2008/2009 MW,NE, C,I 20/4 16/5 18/10 $386.3K-$786.2K/$30K 6% YES NO NO
Mediterranean food S,W
St. Petersburg, Fla.
Golden Krust Caribbean Restaurant 1989/1996 MW, NO 106/3 105/3 108/3 $212.6K-$675.9K/$40K 5% YES NO NO
Jamaican food NE,S
White Plains, N.Y.
The Great Greek Mediterranean Grill 2011/2018 ALL C,I** 7/4 11/7 17/6 $476.1K-$798.3K/ 6% YES NO NO
Greek and Mediterranean food $35.6K-$39.5K
West Palm Beach, Fla.
The Green Plate 2014/2022 ALL C,I 0/1 0/1 0/1 $156.5K-$282.5K/ 5-6% YES NO NO
Healthy food $29.9K
Whitinsville, Mass.
Gyromania Grill 2011/2022 ALL C,I 0/3 0/3 0/3 $261K-$835K/$35K 6% YES NO NO
Greek-Mediterranean food
Hollywood, Fla.
The Halal Guys 1990/2014 MW,NE, C,I** 84/6 93/6 98/6 $478K-$1.4M/$60K 6% YES NO NO
Halal food S,W*
Woodside, N.Y.
Captain D’s 1969/1969 ALL NO 243/ 246/ 223/ $868.6K-$1.3M/$35K 4.5% YES NO NO
434 Seafood
Nashville, Tenn.
286 287 309
Bobby Chez Crabcakes 1996/2020 ALL NO 0/4 0/4 0/4 $249K-$498K/$40K 5% YES NO NO
Cousins Maine Lobster 2011/2014 MW,NE, C,I 33/4 33/4 39/7 $195.1K-$892.7K/ 6-8% YES YES YES
Lobster food trucks and restaurants S,W $38.5K
South Portland, Maine
Savannah Seafood Shack 2016/2022 ALL* C,I** 0/1 0/1 0/1 $283.4K-$804.6K/$35K 6% YES NO NO
Seafood boils and fried seafood
Savannah, Ga.
Smoothie King 1973/1988 ALL NO 1,155/ 1,289/ 1,321/ $263.6K-$1.2M/ 6% YES NO YES
17 Smoothies, healthful snacks, health products
39 60 52 $15K-$30K
Jamba 1991/1993 ALL C,I** 797/4 859/4 772/44 $170.1K-$843K/ 6-7% YES YES YES
292 Smoothies, juices, and bowls
Nekter Juice Bar 2010/2012 ALL* NO 132/42 131/33 155/31 $216K-$622.1K/$35K 6% YES NO YES
Juices, smoothies, acai bowls,
335 non-dairy ice cream
Costa Mesa, Calif.
Beyond Juicery + Eatery 2005/2017 MW,S NO 8/5 28/3 36/3 $469.3K-$649.2K/$30K 6% NO NO NO
Smoothies, juices, smoothie bowls,
wraps, salads, soups
Madison Heights, Mich.
Good Life Organic Kitchen 2018/2020 MW,NE, C,I** 0/1 2/1 5/1 $149K-$598.5K/ 6% YES NO NO
Smoothies and juices S,W* $49.5K
Reading, Pa.
Juice It Up! 1995/1998 S,W NO 80/1 80/1 82/1 $226.7K-$536.7K/ 6% YES NO YES
Smoothies, raw juices, acai bowls $15K-$25K
Newport Beach, Calif.
Main Squeeze Juice Co. 2016/2017 MW,NE, C,I 13/2 19/3 23/3 $382.5K-$574K/$42.5K 6% YES NO NO
Smoothies, cold-pressed juices, acai bowls, S,W
coffee drinks, food
New Orleans
Robeks Fresh Juices & Smoothies 1996/2001 ALL NO 83/0 84/1 87/1 $286.7K-$395.1K/$30K 7% YES NO YES
Juices, smoothies, bowls
Los Angeles
Smoothie Factory + Kitchen 1996/1997 ALL C,I 62/0 70/0 58/0 $177.5K-$429.7K/ 5% YES NO YES
Smoothies, juices, nutritional supplements $15K-$30K
Wow Wow Hawaiian Lemonades 2016/2017 MW, C,I** 6/1 9/1 18/1 $258K-$544K/$35K 6% YES NO NO
Lemonade, smoothies, acai bowls, S,W
plant-based food
Gong Cha 2006/2009 ALL* C,I** 906/ 1,081/ 1,168/ $162.4K-$314.2K/ 5.5% NO NO YES
268 Bubble tea
426 445 587 $41.5K
Kung Fu Tea 2010/2011 ALL C,I** 226/3 269/3 314/3 $169K-$378K/ 4% NO NO YES
323 Bubble tea
New York
Charleys Cheesesteaks & Wings 1986/1991 ALL NO 569/57 588/55 655/55 $251.6K-$1M/$24.5K 6% YES NO YES
89 Philly cheesesteaks, fries, wings, lemonade
Columbus, Ohio
Penn Station East Coast Subs 1985/1987 MW, NO 303/1 312/1 316/1 $365.4K-$696K/$25K TO 8% NO NO NO
374 Grilled subs
Milford, Ohio
Port of Subs 1972/1985 W NO 114/19 113/16 114/16 $239.9K-$443K/$18.5K 5.5% YES NO YES
Subs, wraps, salads, desserts,
275 breakfast, catering
Reno, Nev.
Cheba Hut Toasted Subs 1998/2002 ALL* NO 19/13 42/0 49/1 $584.9K-$1M/$40K 5% YES NO NO
356 Toasted sandwiches, salads, sides, alcohol
Fort Collins, Colo.
Capriotti’s Sandwich Shop 1976/1991 ALL C,I** 89/15 111/13 128/13 $417.1K-$748.5K/$40K 6-7% YES NO YES
391 Sandwiches
Las Vegas
Cousins Subs 1972/1985 MW,NE, NO 71/27 61/34 50/44 $292.2K-$797.5K/$25K 6% YES NO YES
Hot/cold subs, salads, soups, desserts S,W*
Menomonee Falls, Wis.
D’Angelo Grilled Sandwiches 1967/1973 NE* NO 33/51 30/55 25/60 $411.3K-$686.5K/$30K 6% YES NO NO
Grilled sandwiches
Deham, Mass.
Jon Smith Subs 1988/2007 ALL C,I** 19/0 17/0 18/0 $299.5K-$644.3K/ 6% NO NO NO
Subs, grilled sandwiches, salads $39.5K
West Palm Beach, Fla.
Lennys Grill & Subs 1998/2001 MW,NE, NO 71/2 67/2 60/5 $302.4K-$444.4K/ 6% YES NO NO
Subs, Philly cheesesteaks, bread, catering S,W $20K-$25K
Memphis, Tenn.
McAlister’s Deli 1989/1994 ALL C,I** 438/31 456/35 472/44 $393.5K-$2.2M/ 5% YES NO YES
48 Sandwiches, salads, baked potatoes
Jimmy John’s Gourmet Sandwiches 1983/1993 ALL C,I 2,682/ 2,695/ 2,616/ $355.9K-$671.4K/$35K 6% YES NO NO
82 Sandwiches
Champaign, Ill.
42 41 41
Meltwich Food Co. 2015/2015 ALL C,I** 35/0 52/0 41/0 $227K-$527.4K/$30K 6% YES NO YES
Grilled cheese sandwiches
Mississauga, Ontario
Miller’s Famous Sandwiches 1972/2018 MW,NE, NO 0/2 0/2 0/2 $240K-$794.5K/$30K 3-5% YES YES NO
Sandwiches, sides S,W
East Providence, R.I.
Pop’s Italian Beef and Sausage 1980/2009 MW, NO 14/1 14/1 15/1 $577.2K-$1.2M/$25K 3% YES NO NO
Italian beef and sausage sandwiches, gyros, NE,S
burgers, hot dogs, chicken
Palos Heights, Ill.
Potbelly Sandwich Shop 1977/2009 ALL* NO 43/416 45/400 46/397 $594.95K-$955.2K/ 6% YES NO NO
Toasted sandwiches $40K
Which Wich 2003/2004 ALL C,I** 337/1 299/1 258/1 $253.5K-$742.3K/$30K 6% YES NO YES
Happy Joe’s Pizza & Ice Cream 1972/1973 ALL* C,I** 32/9 33/9 36/8 $498.3K-$1.2M/$25K 6% YES NO NO
Pizza, pasta, sandwiches, salads, ice cream
Bettendorf, Iowa
Oath Pizza 2014/2018 MW,NE, NO 44/9 23/7 17/8 $380K-$550K/$30K 5.5% YES NO YES
Pizza S,W
Claymont, Del.
Papa Murphy’s Take ‘N’ Bake Pizza 1981/1982 MW, C,I** 1,260/ 1,228/ 1,192/ $308.5K-$557.9K/$25K 5% YES NO NO
Take-and-bake pizza S,W 58 59 25
Vancouver, Wash.
Pizza Schmizza 1993/2002 MW,W C,I** 22/1 22/1 17/1 $203.5K-$591.5K/$39K 6% YES NO NO
Salem, Ore.
Romeo’s Pizza 2001/2001 ALL C,I** 36/7 44/8 55/7 $190.8K-$640.5K/$30K 5% YES NO NO
Pizza, subs, wings, salads, appetizers
Medina, Ohio
Singas Famous Pizza 1967/2004 ALL C,I 15/1 16/1 17/1 $473.96K-$1.1M/$30K 5% YES NO NO
Pizza, sandwiches, pasta, salads
Colonia, N.J.
Slice House by Tony Gemignani 2010/2022 ALL C,I** 0/1 0/1 0/11 $256.3K-$897.6K/$30K 5% YES NO NO
Henderson, Nev.
Smokin’ Oak Wood-Fired Pizza 2015/2016 MW,NE, NO 2/0 4/0 5/0 $476K-$981.5K/ 6% YES NO NO
& Taproom S,W $15K-$49.5K
Pizza and self-pour beer
St. Petersburg, Fla.
Aloha Poke Co. 2016/2019 MW,NE, NO 0/14 0/12 2/122 $140.9K-$388.3K/$35K 5% YES NO YES
Poke bowls S,W
Island Fin Poke Company 2017/2018 MW,NE, C,I** 6/2 17/1 23/1 $214.6K-$429.5K/ 6% YES NO NO
Poke bowls S,W $49.5K
Orlando, Fla.
Poke Mahi 2019/2020 NE, NO 0/0 3/0 9/0 $142.8K-$295K/$35K 5.5% YES NO NO
Poke S,W
Uncle Sharkii Poke Bar 2019/2019 ALL C,I** 1/1 2/1 4/2 $90K-$299.5K/$30K 5.5% YES NO YES
Poke bowls, boba milk teas,
soft serve desserts
Concord, Calif.
Chop Stop 2010/2015 MW,NE, NO 14/5 19/5 21/4 $375K-$699K/$35K 5% YES NO NO
354 Chopped salads, rice and bean bowls, wraps
La Crescenta, Calif.
Bread Zeppelin 2013/2019 MW, NO 0/6 1/6 1/6 $403.6K-$667.5K/ 5% NO NO NO
Salads served in a baguette or bowl S,W* $40K
Saladworks 1986/1992 MW,NE, C,I 85/8 89/17 90/3 $233.8K-$652.6K/$35K 6% YES NO YES
Salads, sandwiches, wraps, soups S,W
St. Petersburg, Fla.
Qdoba Mexican Eats 1995/1997 ALL* C,I** 390/346 401/ 354/ $476.8K-$1.1M/$30K 5% YES NO NO
Mexican food 333 289
San Diego
Quesada Burritos & Tacos 2003/2010 NO C** 137/3 151/2 170/2 $243.5K-$415.5K/$30K 6% YES NO YES
Mexican food
Taco Works 1992/2014 ALL C,I 2/5 2/5 2/5 $134.8K-$290.8K/ 5% YES NO NO
Mexican food $29.9K
Doral, Fla.
Talkin’ Tacos 2021/2022 ALL C,I 0/0 0/2 0/2 $256K-$560K/$30K 5.5% YES NO NO
Mexican food
Miramar, Fla.
Uberrito Fresh Mex 1996/2016 ALL C,I 1/5 0/3 2/3 $151.1K-$985K/ 5% YES YES NO
Mexican food $20K-$40K
Papa Johns 1985/1986 ALL C,I** 4,749/ 4,812/ 5,239/ $200.1K-$788.9K/$25K 5% YES NO NO
37 Pizza
Louisville, KY
598 588 520
Pizza Hut 1958/1959 ALL C,I** 17,130/ 16,535/ 17,336/ $367K-$2.1M/$25K 6% YES NO NO
40 Pizza, pasta, wings
Plano, Texas
97 53 22
Marco’s Pizza 1978/1979 MW,NE, I** 932/41 991/47 1,058/ $242.1K-$633.1K/$25K 5.5% YES NO NO
Pizza, pizza bowls, subs, wings, salads, S,W 45
51 cheese bread
Toledo, Ohio
Mountain Mike’s Pizza 1978/1981 ALL NO 220/0 242/0 257/0 $336.3K-$611.6K/$30K 5% YES NO NO
92 Pizza, wings, salad bar, appetizers
Newport Beach, Calif.
Hungry Howie’s Pizza & Subs 1973/1982 MW,NE, NO 499/32 501/33 494/33 $319.1K-$520.3K/$25K 5.5% YES NO NO
166 Pizza, subs, bread, wings, salads, desserts
Madison Heights, Mich.
Round Table Pizza 1959/1962 ALL C,I** 358/62 408/5 410/2 $504K-$1.1M/$25K 4% NO NO NO
288 Pizza, wings, salads
Beverly Hills, Calif.
Blaze Pizza 2012/2012 ALL C,I** 330/12 327/13 329/7 $624.4K-$1.1M/$30K 5% YES NO NO
318 Build-your-own pizza
Pasadena, Calif.
Pizza Factory 1979/1985 S,W NO 97/1 100/1 103/1 $274K-$542K/ 5% YES NO YES
423 Pizza, pasta, wings, sandwiches, salads
Oakhurst, Calif.
Straw Hat Pizza 1959/1969 W NO 23/0 27/0 29/0 $145K-$1.1M/$20K 4% YES NO YES
451 Pizza
Dublin, Calif.
Antioch Pizza Shop 1977/2016 MW,S NO 3/2 4/2 5/2 $167K-$535.5K/$35K 5% YES NO NO
Pizza and sandwiches
Antioch, Ill.
B.C. Pizza 1988/1995 MW,S NO 32/0 34/0 34/0 $121K-$437K/$20K 9% YES NO YES
Pizza, pasta, subs, calzones, appetizers
Boyne City, Mich.
Figaro’s Pizza 1981/1986 MW,NE, C,I** 31/0 29/0 28/0 $86.5K-$549K/$39K 6% YES NO NO
Pizza, take-and-bake pizza S,W
Salem, Ore.
Roy Rogers Restaurants 1968/1980 MW, NO 26/23 18/23 17/25 $755.3K-$1.6M/$30K 5% YES NO NO
Burgers, roast beef sandwiches, fried chicken NE,S
Frederick, Md.
Wayback Burgers 1991/2006 ALL C,I** 143/5 146/3 156/2 $209K-$638K/$35K 5% YES NO NO
Burgers, chicken, fries, onion rings, shakes
Cheshire, Conn.
Wienerschnitzel 1961/1965 MW, C,I** 330/0 330/0 321/0 $304.6K-$1.4M/ 5% YES NO YES
117 Hot dogs, ice cream
Irvine, Calif.
S,W $10K-$32K
Crave Hot Dogs and BBQ 2018/2018 ALL C,I** 5/0 12/0 17/0 $161.3K-$792.5K/ 7% YES YES YES
Hot dogs, barbecue, beer, ax throwing $25K-$40K
East Setauket, N.Y.
Hot Dog on a Stick 1946/1997 ALL C,I** 21/38 18/33 17/33 $349.2K-$525.5K/ 6% NO YES NO
Corn dogs, lemonade, fries, funnel cakes $15K-$25K
Beverly Hills, Calif.
Taco Bell 1962/1964 ALL C,I** 6,927/ 7,090/ 7,435/ $575.6K-$3.4M/ 5.5% YES NO YES
1 Mexican-inspired food
Irvine, Calif.
473 477 465 $25K-$45K
Moe’s Southwest Grill 2000/2001 ALL C,I** 694/3 677/1 641/1 $566.3K-$1.6M/$30.5K 5% YES NO NO
293 Mexican food
Fuzzy’s Taco Shop 2003/2009 ALL NO 134/6 134/4 134/3 $370.5K-$1.2M/ 5% YES NO NO
487 Baja-style Mexican food
Irving, Texas
Barberitos 2002/2002 MW,NE, NO 47/3 42/3 42/3 $159.2K-$584.6K/$35K 6% YES NO NO
Southwestern food S,W
St. Petersburg, Fla.
Chronic Tacos 2002/2006 ALL C,I** 46/4 46/4 43/6 $294K-$886K/$40K 6% YES NO NO
Mexican food
Aliso Viejo, Calif.
Fajita Kings 2018/2021 ALL C,I 0/1 0/1 0/1 $318.8K-$546K/$25K 3.5-5% YES NO NO
Latin-American and American food
Temple, Texas
Fatima’s Grill 2016/2021 ALL C,I 0/1 0/1 2/1 $175.6K-$297.8K/$35K 6% YES NO NO
Lebanese-Mexican fusion food
Downey, Calif.
Jose Chiquito 2016/2021 ALL C,I 0/1 0/1 0/1 $113.2K-$164.6K/$35K 5% YES NO NO
Mexican and American food
Los Angeles
Ori’Zaba’s Scratch Mexican Grill 2001/2018 MW,NE, NO 0/4 0/4 5/1 $379.6K-$793.1K/$30K 5% YES NO NO
Mexican food S,W
Englewood, Colo.
Combo Kitchen 2020/2020 ALL C,I 0/0 54/1 105/1 $3.3K-$357.5K/ 10% YES NO NO
410 Ghost kitchens/food halls
Ghost Kitchens Brands 2015/2021 ALL C 0/7 0/19 0/21 $135.4K-$477.5K/$30K 6% YES NO YES
Ghost kitchens/food halls
Mississauga, Ontario
Culver’s 1984/1988 ALL NO 759/6 802/6 865/6 $2.3M-$5.8M/$55K 4% YES NO NO
8 Frozen custard, specialty burgers
Prairie du Sac, Wis.
Burger King 1954/1961 ALL C,I 18,786/ 18,573/ 19,196/ $1.8M-$4.2M/$50K 4.5% NO NO NO
23 Burgers, fries, breakfast
52 52 51
Freddy’s Frozen Custard 2002/2004 ALL* C,I** 356/30 372/34 414/29 $794.3K-$2.3M/$30K 4.5% NO NO NO
& Steakburgers
70 Frozen custard, steakburgers, hot dogs
Wichita, Kan.
Carl’s Jr. 1945/1984 NE, C,I** 1,594/ 1,603/ 1,622/ $1.3M-$2.3M/$25K 4% YES NO NO
74 Burgers
Franklin, Tenn.
S,W 59 56 54
The Habit Burger Grill 1969/2013 ALL* C,I** 28/253 41/257 67/277 $1.4M-$1.8M/$35K 5.5% NO NO NO
173 Burgers, sandwiches, salads
Irvine, Calif.
Checkers and Rally’s 1986/1989 MW,NE, NO 605/ 576/ 568/ $790.8K-$2.4M/$30K 4% YES NO NO
188 Burgers, fries
Tampa, Fla.
S,W 254 264 266
A&W Restaurants 1919/1925 ALL C,I** 932/4 917/3 891/2 $276K-$1.5M/ 5% YES NO NO
Root beer, burgers, hot dogs, chicken, $15K-$30K
210 sides, ice cream
Lexington, Ky.
Jack in the Box 1951/1982 ALL* I** 2,097/ 2,056/ 2,036/ $1.7M-$2.7M/$50K 5% YES NO NO
Burgers, chicken sandwiches, tacos, 144 165 172
306 salads, bowls, sides
San Diego
Beef-a-Roo 1967/2022 MW,NE, NO 0/7 0/8 1/7 $362.2K-$1.4M/$35K 6% YES NO NO
Burgers, roast beef sandwiches, S,W*
milkshakes, fries, salads
Bobby’s Burgers 2021/2022 ALL* C,I** 0/0 0/0 0/01 $547.95K-$2.9M/$30K 6% YES NO NO
Burgers, veggie burgers, chicken sandwiches,
milkshakes, breakfast
Charlotte, N.C.
BurgerFi 2011/2011 MW,NE, I** 96/21 104/21 95/24 $629.9K-$1M/$45K 5.5% YES NO NO
Burgers, chicken tenders and sandwiches, S,W
hot dogs, fries, onion rings, frozen custard
Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.
Elevation Burger 2005/2008 ALL C,I 43/0 40/0 35/0 $504.6K-$1.5M/$50K 6% YES NO NO
Organic burgers, fries, shakes
Beverly Hills, Calif.
Fatburger 1952/1990 ALL C,I** 161/0 183/0 193/0 $504.6K-$1.5M/$50K 6% YES NO YES
Burgers, fries, chicken wings
Beverly Hills, Calif.
Krystal 1932/1990 MW,S C,I 114/ 105/ 106/182 $1.4M-$1.7M/$32.5K 5% YES NO YES
Burgers, hot dogs, chicken sandwiches, 189 181
breakfast, ice cream
Dunwoody, Ga.
Mooyah Burgers, Fries, & Shakes 2007/2007 ALL* C,I 82/1 88/1 89/1 $477.9K-$989.8K/$40K 6% YES NO NO
Burgers, fries, shakes
Plano, Texas
House of Random 2019/2022 ALL C,I 0/1 0/1 0/1 $107.4K-$349.1K/$25K 6% YES NO NO
Ice cream made with liquid nitrogen
Turlock, Calif.
Sub Zero Nitrogen Ice Cream 2004/2005 ALL I** 40/2 33/2 33/2 $103.1K-$267K/ 6% YES YES YES
Ice cream, Italian ice, frozen yogurt, custard $20K-$35K
Provo, Utah
Sweet Charlie’s 2015/2016 ALL C,I** 16/1 18/1 16/1 $150.8K-$396.6K/$30K 6% YES NO YES
Rolled ice cream and specialty desserts
Swensen’s Ice Cream 1948/1963 NO C,I 393/0 363/0 365/0 $222.99K-$993.1K/ 6% YES NO YES
Ice cream parlors and restaurants $25K-$35K
Markham, Ontario
Kona Ice 2007/2008 MW,NE, C,I 1,286/ 1,369/ 1,454/ $149.99K-$189.3K/$15K $3K-$4K/YR. YES YES NO
47 Shaved-ice trucks
Florence, Ky.
S,W 19 26 26
Jeremiah’s Italian Ice 1996/2019 S,W NO 5/22 28/20 66/19 $324.6K-$659.5K/$30K 6% YES NO YES
212 Italian ice, gelato, ice cream
Orlando, Fla.
Rita’s Italian Ice 1984/1989 ALL C,I** 570/0 543/0 542/0 $278.2K-$502K/$35K 6.5% YES NO YES
473 Italian ice and frozen custard
Trevose, Pa.
Bahama Buck’s 1989/1993 MW,NE, NO 104/4 101/3 106/3 $444.6K-$1.2M/$34.5K 6% YES NO YES
Shaved ice, fruit smoothies S,W
Lubbock, Texas
Frios Gourmet Pops 2014/2018 ALL NO 37/0 43/0 47/0 $66.3K-$172.8K/$17K $400/MO. YES YES YES
Frozen pops
Mobile, Ala.
I Scream Gelato 2020/2022 ALL NO 0/1 0/2 0/4 $223.9K-$451.8K/$30K 6% YES NO YES
Gelato, desserts
Breckenridge, Colo.
Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt 2008/2009 ALL I 121/0 80/0 80/2 $235.7K-$577.8K/ 4% YES NO YES
Frozen yogurt $15K-$30K
Paciugo Gelato Caffe 2000/2004 ALL C,I** 26/0 28/0 25/0 $232.7K-$522.3K/$20K 6% YES NO YES
Gelato, pastries, beverages
Red Mango Cafe & Juice Bar 2006/2007 ALL C,I** 77/0 75/0 65/0 $230.2K-$537.9K/ 6% YES NO YES
Frozen yogurt, smoothies, juices, wraps $15K-$30K
Biggby Coffee 1994/1999 MW,NE, NO 246/0 262/0 304/0 $276K-$517.5K/$20K 6% YES NO YES
272 Specialty coffee, tea, smoothies, baked goods
East Lansing, Mich.
Beans & Brews 1993/2004 S,W NO 34/24 40/25 45/25 $400K-$647K/$30K 5% YES NO NO
385 Coffee, tea, specialty drinks, food
Sandy, Utah
Aroma Joe’s 2000/2013 MW, NO 68/2 75/2 88/0 $296K-$1M/$25K 8% YES NO YES
Coffee, espresso, tea, energy drinks, NE,S
baked goods
South Portland, Maine
The Coffee Peddlers 2019/2019 ALL NO 0/2 3/2 5/3 $17.3K-$68.5K/$1K-$5K 7-6% YES YES YES
Mobile coffee bikes/carts
Prescott, Ariz.
Front Porch Cafe 1999/2022 ALL C,I 0/3 0/3 0/3 $189.1K-$347.7K/$25K 6% YES NO NO
Kill Devil Hills, N.C.
The Rush Coffee 2017/2021 ALL NO 0/3 1/2 2/2 $47.1K-$202.3K/$20K $500-$750+/ YES YES NO
Mobile coffee, tea, smoothies, Italian sodas, MO.
baked goods
San Marcos, Calif.
Vogue Bubble Tea & Coffee Bar 2020/2022 ALL C,I** 0/1 0/1 1/0 $180.9K-$330.3K/$30K 6% YES NO NO
Coffee and bubble tea
Cypress, Texas
Baskin-Robbins 1945/1948 ALL C,I 7,981/0 7,752/0 7,735/0 $293.8K-$636.4K/$25K 5.9% YES NO NO
44 Ice cream, frozen yogurt, frozen beverages
Canton, Mass.
Carvel 1934/1947 ALL C,I** 352/0 374/0 358/0 $111.3K-$518.4K/ $2.64/ YES YES YES
148 Ice cream, ice cream cakes
$5.5K-$30.5K GALLON
Ben & Jerry’s 1978/1981 MW,NE, C,I 544/18 556/17 572/11 $152.2K-$565.3K/ 3% NO NO YES
Ice cream, frozen yogurt, non-dairy frozen S,W $16K-$37K
164 desserts, sorbet
South Burlington, Vt.
Dippin’ Dots 1988/1999 ALL C,I** 223/0 226/0 235/0 $112.2K-$366.95K/$15K VARIES YES NO YES
195 Specialty ice cream, frozen yogurt, ices, sorbet
Paducah, Ky.
Cold Stone Creamery 1988/1994 ALL C,I** 1,249/3 1,223/5 1,253/5 $310.4K-$580.7K/$27K 6% YES NO YES
233 Ice cream, sorbet, ice cream cakes, shakes
Scottsdale, Ariz.
Handel’s Homemade Ice Cream 1945/1989 MW,NE, NO 50/10 63/9 80/5 $263.5K-$865K/$50K 6% YES NO NO
295 Ice cream
Canfield, Ohio
Marble Slab Creamery 1983/1984 ALL C,I** 333/0 367/0 367/0 $333.3K-$414.9K/ 6% NO NO NO
420 Ice cream
Los Angeles
Bruster’s Real Ice Cream 1989/1993 MW,NE, NO 192/1 189/1 200/1 $318K-$2.2M/$35K 5% YES NO NO
Ice cream, frozen yogurt, ices, sherbets S,W
Bridgewater, Pa.
Buzzed Bull Creamery 2017/2019 MW,NE, C,I** 4/1 6/1 11/2 $204.3K-$566.4K/$30K 6% YES NO NO
Alcohol-infused ice cream S,W
Creamberry 2017/2022 ALL C,I 0/1 0/1 0/1 $146.6K-$289.2K/$25K 5-6% YES NO NO
Ice cream, desserts, drinks
Las Vegas
The Dolly Llama 2017/2020 MW, NO 0/3 0/3 1/3 $141.4K-$435K/$30K 6% YES YES YES
Waffles and ice cream S,W
Los Angeles
Fosters Freeze 1946/1946 MW,NE, C,I** 68/0 65/0 64/0 $178K-$1M/$45K 4%/8% NO NO YES
Soft-serve ice cream, burgers, sandwiches, S,W
hot dogs, fries
Chino Hills, Calif.
Chick-In Waffle 2019/2021 ALL C,I 0/1 1/1 1/1 $198.2K-$320.8K/$25K 5% YES NO NO
Chicken and waffles
Kansas City, Mo.
Church’s Chicken 1952/1969 ALL* C,I** 1,402/ 1,294/ 1,346/ $681.5K-$1.5M/$15K 5% YES NO NO
Chicken 162 160 158
Dave’s Hot Chicken 2018/2019 ALL* C,I** 1/3 12/6 66/4 $626.3K-$1.4M/$40K 5% NO NO NO
Nashville hot chicken
Pasadena, Calif.
Detroit Wing Company 2015/2021 MW,S NO 0/1 5/1 15/11 $506.4K-$662.3K/$30K 6% YES NO NO
Chicken wings
Royal Oak, Mich.
Helen’s Hot Chicken 2016/2017 ALL C,I 1/6 1/6 5/3 $170.6K-$313.4K/$30K 5% YES NO NO
Hot chicken sandwiches
Nashville, Tenn.
Hurricane Grill & Wings 1995/2006 ALL C,I 49/0 46/0 41/0 $459.2K-$1.98M/$50K 6% YES NO YES
Chicken wings, tenders, sandwiches, salads
Beverly Hills, Calif.
Layne’s Chicken Fingers 1994/2018 MW,NE, NO 3/3 3/3 4/4 $656K-$1.3M/$35K 5% YES NO NO
Chicken tenders S,W*
Frisco, Texas
Lee’s Famous Recipe Chicken 1966/1967 MW,NE, C 130/0 130/0 119/12 $352.4K-$1.9M/ 4% NO NO NO
Chicken, biscuits, sides S,W $15K-$20K
Shalimar, Fla.
Los Pollos Bros 2010/2022 ALL C,I 0/2 0/3 0/3 $244.8K-$532K/$30K 6% YES NO NO
Roasted chicken
Victorville, Calif.
Pollo Campero 1971/2001 S,W* I** 78/267 78/267 74/279 $1.3M-$2.5M/$40K 5% YES NO YES
Rise Southern Biscuits 2012/2014 MW,NE, C,I** 13/3 13/3 13/4 $370.5K-$543.5K/ 6% YES NO NO
& Righteous Chicken S,W* $35K
Biscuits and chicken
Durham, N.C.
VooDoo Wing Company 2014/2021 ALL NO 0/4 0/4 0/5 $205.5K-$471.95K/ 5% YES NO NO
Wings, salads, sandwiches, sides, desserts $25K
Mobile, Ala.
We Dat’s 2013/2022 ALL C,I 0/8 0/9 0/9 $181.2K-$282K/$30K 5.5% YES NO NO
Cajun wings, catfish, fries
New Orleans
Wing Ferno 2018/2022 ALL C,I 0/1 0/1 0/1 $351.5K-$504.9K/$25K 5% YES NO NO
Wings, salads, beer
Paramount, Calif.
Wing It On! 2011/2014 ALL C,I** 5/2 7/2 9/1 $220K-$449.5K/$39.5K 5% YES NO NO
Chicken wings, sandwiches, and tenders
Apex, N.C.
Wing Snob 2017/2018 ALL C,I** 9/1 16/0 30/0 $195.2K-$352.5K/$25K 6% YES NO NO
Chicken wings and tenders, sides
Warren, Mich.
Wing Zone 1991/1998 ALL* C,I** 77/1 64/1 59/1 $420.8K-$751K/ 6-7% YES NO NO
Chicken wings, tenders, and sandwiches $30K-$40K
Las Vegas
Dunkin’ 1950/1955 ALL C,I 13,125/ 12,800/ 12,957/ $437.5K-$1.8M/ 5.9% YES NO NO
5 Coffee, doughnuts, baked goods
Canton, Mass.
0 0 0 $40K-$90K
Scooter’s Coffee 1998/2001 MW, NO 255/24 321/20 442/25 $794K-$1.3M/$40K 6% YES NO YES
Coffee, espresso, smoothies, pastries, S,W
59 breakfast items
Omaha, Neb.
The Human Bean 1998/2002 ALL NO 92/13 108/13 128/13 $386.4K-$937.97K/ 0 YES NO NO
87 Specialty coffee
Medford, Ore.
Tim Hortons 1964/1965 ALL* C,I** 4,935/ 5,073/4 5,287/4 $246.5K-$2.2M/$50K 6% YES NO YES
145 Coffee, baked goods, soups, sandwiches
PJ’s Coffee of New Orleans 1978/1989 MW,NE, C,I** 120/0 122/0 142/0 $406K-$1M/$35K 5% YES NO YES
175 Coffee, tea, pastries, sandwiches
Mandeville, La.
Baked Pie Company 2016/2021 ALL C,I 0/2 0/2 0/2 $258.95K-$322.5K/ 6% YES NO NO
Pies $30K
Arden, N.C.
Barry Bagels 1972/2013 MW, NO 9/6 9/6 9/6 $96K-$505K/$25K 6% YES NO YES
Bagels, sandwiches, soups, salads NE,S
Toledo, Ohio
Between Rounds Add-On Kiosk 1992/2017 NE NO 0/0 0/0 0/0 $45.5K-$61K/$5K 7% YES NO YES
Bagels, sandwiches, baked goods, coffee,
hot and frozen drinks
South Windsor, Conn.
Between Rounds Bakery 1990/1992 NE NO 1/3 1/3 1/3 $165.5K-$525K/ VARIES YES NO YES
Sandwich Cafe $22.5K-$25K
Bagels, baked goods, deli items, sandwiches
South Windsor, Conn.
Cocoa Forte 2011/2022 MW,NE, NO 0/2 0/2 0/2 $59.9K-$158.2K/$15K 10% YES YES NO
Chocolate-dipped cheesecake-on-a-stick S,W
food trucks
Raleigh, N.C.
Great American Cookies 1977/1977 ALL C,I 377/0 378/0 365/0 $277.4K-$403.2K/$25K 6% NO NO YES
Cookies, cookie cakes, brownies
Beverly Hills, Calif.
Sweet Red Peach 2011/2022 ALL C,I 0/1 0/1 0/1 $149K-$345.5K/$27.5K 5% YES NO NO
Dessert bakeries
Inglewood, Calif.
Woops! 2012/2015 MW,NE, NO 32/7 28/1 26/0 $59.9K-$390.7K/$35K 4% YES YES YES
Macarons and confections S,W
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen 1972/1976 ALL C,I** 3,336/ 3,534/ 3,810/ $383.5K-$3.5M/$50K 5% YES NO NO
2 Fried chicken, seafood, biscuits
41 41 41
KFC 1930/1952 ALL* C,I** 24,067/ 25,390/ 26,277/ $1.4M-$3.2M/$45K 4-5% YES NO NO
13 Chicken
Louisville, Ky.
327 290 221
Slim Chickens 2003/2011 ALL* C,I** 71/22 110/10 152/10 $1.3M-$4.1M/$15K 5% YES NO NO
Chicken tenders, chicken wings, salads,
115 sandwiches, wraps
Fayetteville, Ark.
Golden Chick 1967/1972 ALL C,I 177/7 199/6 198/11 $982.5K-$1.7M/$30K 4% YES NO NO
116 Chicken
Richardson, Texas
Bojangles 1977/1978 ALL* C,I** 437/ 498/ 496/ $577K-$3M/$20K-$35K 4% YES NO YES
151 Chicken and biscuits
Charlotte, N.C.
312 277 277
Champs Chicken 1998/2013 MW,NE, NO 406/0 416/0 424/0 $9K-$349K/$0 0 YES NO YES
353 Fried chicken, seafood, sides
Holts Summit, Mo.
Chester’s 1952/2004 MW,NE, C,I** 1,347/0 1,272/0 1,098/0 $15.95K-$288.1K/$0 0 YES NO YES
381 Chicken
Birmingham, Ala.
Bonchon Korean Fried Chicken 2002/2006 ALL C,I** 344/3 372/4 385/5 $483.2K-$1.2M/$40K 5% YES NO NO
428 Korean fried chicken
Chicken Salad Chick 2008/2012 ALL NO 117/44 140/51 157/63 $742.3K-$980.3K/$50K 5% YES NO NO
498 Chicken salads, soups, sides
Big Chicken 2018/2021 ALL* C,I** 0/2 1/2 4/2 $673K-$1.6M/$40K 5% YES NO NO
Chicken sandwiches and tenders,
salads, sides, desserts
Las Vegas
Big Shake’s Nashville Hot Chicken 2014/2019 ALL C,I** 0/2 1/1 2/1 $321.9K-$535.1K/$35K 6% YES YES YES
Nashville hot chicken, fried chicken, sides
Franklin, Tenn.
Randy’s Donuts 1952/2019 ALL* C,I** 4/4 7/6 13/7 $526K-$1.2M/$35K 5% YES NO YES
328 Doughnuts, breakfast items, coffee
Inglewood, Calif.
Donut Distillery 2017/2021 ALL C,I** 0/1 0/1 1/2 $198.2K-$329.9K/ 5% YES NO NO
Mini doughnuts, coffee, craft beer, wine, spirits $29.9K
Nashville, Tenn.
DonutNV 2014/2018 MW,NE, NO 2/1 4/1 11/1 $185.1K-$253.5K/ $125-$146/ YES YES YES
Mini doughnuts, juices, coffee drinks S,W $59.5K WK.
Orlando, Fla.
Doughnuttery 2012/2018 ALL C,I** 2/4 3/4 1/4 $175.4K-$321.7K/ 6% YES NO YES
Mini doughnuts $30K
New York
Duck Donuts 2006/2013 ALL C,I** 94/2 104/1 112/1 $376.6K-$562.5K/ 5% YES NO YES
Doughnuts and coffee $40K
Mechanicsburg, Pa.
Hurts Donut Company 2013/2015 MW,NE, NO 20/2 21/2 18/2 $502K-$819K/$35K 7% YES NO NO
Doughnuts and coffee S,W
Springfield, Mo.
Peace, Love and Little Donuts 2009/2016 ALL NO 24/4 27/3 24/31 $121.2K-$235.1K/$40K 6% YES NO NO
Doughnuts and coffee
Sewickley, Pa.
Pretzelmaker 1991/1992 ALL C,I** 249/0 228/0 219/0 $200.2K-$322K/ 7% NO NO YES
Pretzels, lemonade $15K-$25K
Beverly Hills, Calif.
Wetzel’s Pretzels 1994/1996 ALL C,I** 310/21 309/32 322/37 $162.6K-$585.4K/ 7% YES YES YES
Soft pretzels, lemonade, hot dogs $40K
Pasadena, Calif.
Kolache Factory 1982/2000 MW,NE, NO 30/27 28/29 31/28 $431.9K-$709.4K/ 6% YES NO NO
459 Kolaches, pastries, coffee
Katy, Texas
S,W $44.9K
See our listing on page 145 See our listing on page 144
14 4 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023
K Thousands ($), M Millions ($), $ U.S. dollars,
* Selling multiple units/master licenses only, Year Began/ Available Seeking 2020 2021 2022 Startup Costs/ Royalty Financing Home- Kiosk/
** Selling int’l. master licenses only Franchising U.S. Int’l? Number of Number of Number of Franchise Fee Fee Available? Based/ Express
Since Regions Franchises/ Franchises/ Franchises/ Mobile Unit
REGIONS Company- Company- Company- Opportunity Available?
MW Midwest, NE Northeast, S South, W West, Owned Owned Owned
C Canada, I Other International
Acai Express Superfood Bowls 2013/2014 NE, NO 15/6 28/7 44/8 $145.9K-$429K/$25K 6% YES YES YES
378 Acai bowls, smoothies, juices, toast
San Juan, PR
Frutta Bowls 2016/2017 MW,NE, C,I 34/0 34/0 37/1 $162.7K-$384.9K/$30K 6% YES NO YES
Acai, pitaya, and kale bowls, smoothies, S,W
toast, coffee
St. Petersburg, Fla.
Nautical Bowls 2018/2020 ALL C** 0/2 2/0 17/0 $243.8K-$423.3K/ 6% YES NO NO
Acai bowls $39.5K
Minnetonka, Minn.
South Block 2017/2022 ALL C,I 0/10 0/11 0/11 $263K-$483.5K/$30K 5-6% YES NO NO
Acai bowls, juices, toasts, health food
Arlington, Va.
L&L Hawaiian Barbecue 1976/1991 ALL C** 205/0 208/0 213/0 $151.7K-$613K/$30K 3-4% YES NO NO
189 Asian-American/Hawaiian food
Teriyaki Madness 2003/2005 MW,NE, C,I** 77/1 101/1 116/1 $346.4K-$768.8K/$45K 6% YES NO NO
277 Asian food
Jinya Ramen Bar 2010/2012 ALL* C,I** 33/1 39/1 44/1 $1.4M-$3.1M/$40K 5% YES NO NO
422 Ramen, rice bowls, appetizers, craft beer
Burbank, Calif.
Bubble Hut 2014/2022 ALL C,I 0/1 0/1 0/1 $131.5K-$249.5K/$25K 6% YES NO NO
Sushi and bubble tea
Bellmore, N.Y.
Chino-Mex 2019/2021 ALL C,I 0/1 0/1 0/1 $170.7K-$410.5K/$25K 4.5% YES NO NO
Chinese and Mexican food
TaKorean Korean Taco Grill 2010/2022 MW,NE, C,I** 0/2 0/2 0/2 $337K-$781.5K/$40K 4% YES NO YES
Korean-inspired tacos and bowls S,W
Washington, D.C.
Great Harvest 1976/1978 ALL C,I** 181/1 178/1 172/1 $176.7K-$725.4K/$35K 5% YES NO NO
Bakery cafes
Dillon, Mont.
Arooga's Grille House & Sports Bar 2007/2010 ALL* C,I** 9/9 8/9 10/9 $1.3M-$3.6M/$49.5K 5% YES NO NO
Sports-themed restaurants and bars
Harrisburg, Pa.
Barrel House 2011/2021 MW,NE, C,I 0/5 0/4 0/6 $540K-$1.2M/$40K 5% YES NO NO
Full-service restaurants S,W
Davenport, Iowa
Big Lost Meadery/Rancy & Roost 2014/2022 ALL C,I 0/1 0/1 0/1 $435.96K-$721.1K/ 4-5% YES NO NO
Brewery/meadery and restaurants $40K
Gillette, Wyo.
Legends Tavern and Grille 2010/2022 ALL C,I 0/4 0/5 0/5 $666.6K-$1.6M/$35K 5% YES NO NO
Sports bars and gastropubs
Coral Springs, Fla.
Tapville Social 2016/2019 MW,NE, C,I 0/3 2/3 7/2 $134.8K-$1.1M/ 6% YES YES YES
Self-service beer taprooms/kiosks/restaurants S,W $19.5K-$44.5K
Naperville, Ill.
Twin Peaks Restaurant 2005/2007 ALL* C,I** 54/26 56/26 62/28 $1.7M-$5.4M/$50K 5% YES NO NO
Restaurants and sports bars
Voodoo Brewing Co. 2005/2019 ALL NO 2/5 4/5 11/5 $331.8K-$762.5K/$75K 6% YES NO NO
Craft brew pubs
Homestead, Pa.
Wings and Rings 1984/1988 ALL C,I** 76/5 78/6 76/8 $1.4M-$1.98M/TO $40K TO 5% YES NO NO
Sports restaurants and bars
Loveland, Ohio
Denny’s 1953/1963 ALL C,I** 1,613/ 1,580/ 1,566/ $1M-$2.3M/$30K 4.5-7% YES NO YES
124 Family restaurants
Spartanburg, S.C.
66 65 65
Gyu-Kaku Japanese BBQ Restaurant 1996/1997 MW,NE, C,I 775/26 789/31 795/33 $1.2M-$2.6M/$50K 4-5% NO NO NO
209 Japanese barbecue restaurants
Torrance, Calif.
Golden Corral 1973/1987 ALL C,I 412/8 355/4 364/4 $2.7M-$7.8M/$50K 4% YES NO NO
411 Family steakhouses, buffets, and bakeries
Raleigh, N.C.
Black Bear Diner 1995/2002 ALL NO 83/57 84/59 85/61 $1.2M-$2.2M/$55K 4.5% NO NO NO
470 Family restaurants
Redding, Calif.
Angry Crab Shack 2013/2016 ALL C,I 5/6 9/6 13/5 $411.8K-$1.2M/ 5% YES NO NO
Seafood boil restaurants $40K-$50K
Mesa, Ariz.
Bridge Road Bistro 2004/2021 ALL C,I 0/1 0/1 0/1 $274.5K-$508.1K/ 5.5% YES NO NO
Casual dining restaurants $37.5K
Charleston, W.Va.
Buffalo’s Cafe 1985/1990 ALL C,I** 18/0 13/0 14/0 $564.6K-$1.98M/$50K 6% YES NO YES
Chicken wings and tenders, steaks,
burgers, salads
Beverly Hills, Calif.
East Coast Wings + Grill 1995/2004 MW, NO 33/3 32/2 30/2 $427.96K-$981.3K/ 5% YES NO NO
Wings, burgers, craft beer NE,S $40K
Winston-Salem, N.C.
Huddle House 1964/1966 MW, NO 286/50 256/51 242/53 $576.3K-$1.4M/$35K 4.75% YES NO NO
Family restaurants NE,S
Sandy Springs, Ga.
Johnny Rockets 1986/1987 ALL C,I** 318/11 295/8 289/8 $508.6K-$1.6M/$50K 6% YES NO NO
Burgers, shakes, fries
Beverly Hills, Calif.
Mama’s Meatball 2006/2022 ALL C,I 0/1 0/1 0/1 $253.3K-$415.4K/$35K 5% YES NO NO
Italian restaurants
San Luis Obispo, Calif.
Perkins Restaurant & Bakery 1958/1958 ALL C 226/90 203/85 196/81 $1.5M-$2.5M/$40K 4.75% YES NO NO
Family-style restaurants
Shuckin’ Shack Oyster Bar 2007/2014 MW,NE, NO 14/2 14/2 15/2 $453K-$1.1M/$45K 3.5-5.5% YES NO NO
Oyster bar/seafood restaurants S,W
Wilmington, N.C.
Taffer’s Tavern 2019/2019 ALL* C,I** 1/0 1/0 2/0 $1.4M-$2.7M/$50K 6% YES NO NO
Casual dining restaurants
Las Vegas
Wingers Restaurant & Alehouse 1993/1997 MW, C,I** 14/10 13/9 13/8 $389K-$1.1M/$35K 4% YES NO NO
Casual-themed restaurants and bars S,W
Salt Lake City
ATAX 1986/2007 ALL NO 58/0 62/1 80/3 $62.7K-$79K/$35K 14% YES NO YES
Motto Mortgage 2016/2016 ALL NO 130/0 168/0 205/0 $62.8K-$86.8K/$35K TO $4.65K/ YES YES NO
403 Mortgage brokerages
ACFN 1996/2003 ALL NO 235/0 229/0 231/0 $39.2K-$63.8K/$25K 0 YES YES NO
Automated teller machines
San Jose, Calif.
Family Financial Centers 2004/2004 MW, NO 49/0 50/0 53/0 $153.7K-$308.8K/ VARIES YES NO NO
Financial services NE,S $40.5K
Doylestown, Pa.
Another Broken Egg Cafe 1996/2005 ALL NO 40/31 43/32 45/37 $847.1K-$1.2M/$40K 5% YES NO NO
Breakfast, brunch, and lunch cafes
Orlando, Fla.
The Flying Biscuit Cafe 1993/2006 ALL NO 16/4 18/4 20/4 $645.3K-$944.4K/$45K 5% YES NO NO
Southern food and breakfast restaurants
Turning Point Breakfast, 1998/2021 MW,NE, NO 0/20 0/21 1/21 $695K-$1.2M/$45K 5% YES NO NO
Brunch & Lunch S,W
Breakfast, brunch, and lunch restaurants
Eatontown, N.J.
Cantina Laredo 1984/2003 ALL C,I 13/15 11/9 10/9 $1.9M-$2.6M/$50K 5% NO NO NO
Mexican restaurants
Boston’s Restaurant & Sports Bar 1963/1968 ALL* C,I** 429/2 421/2 426/2 $1M-$2.8M/$50K 5% YES NO NO
214 Restaurants and sports bars
Addison, Texas
California Pizza Kitchen 1985/1996 ALL* C,I** 32/182 35/154 40/153 $3.4M-$4.5M/$50K 5% NO NO NO
367 Pizza, pasta, salads, desserts, beverages
Costa Mesa, Calif.
DoubleDave’s Pizzaworks 1984/1995 MW,NE, C,I** 39/0 40/0 42/0 $239K-$515K/ 5-6% YES NO NO
Pizza, sandwiches, wings, salads, craft beer S,W $15K-$25K
Austin, Texas
Old Chicago Pizza + Taproom 1976/2000 ALL* NO 35/47 34/48 33/48 $1.4M-$2.9M/$40K 4% YES NO NO
Pizza, pasta, burgers, salads, craft beer
Russo’s New York Pizzeria 1994/1998 ALL C,I** 36/6 37/8 37/9 $439.4K-$1.5M/$35K 5% YES NO YES
& Italian Kitchen
Pizza, pasta, soups, salads,
sandwiches, desserts
Buffalo Wild Wings 1982/1991 ALL C,I 589/ 589/65 596/ $2.5M-$4.6M/$25K 5% YES NO YES
227 Wings, bar food, alcohol
682 662
Payroll Vault 2007/2012 ALL NO 49/4 58/4 61/4 $48.9K-$63.4K/$40K 6% YES YES NO
Payroll and workforce management services
Littleton, Colo.
Succentrix Business Advisors 2014/2015 MW,NE, NO 31/1 33/1 35/1 $43.6K-$54.7K/$29.9K 7% YES YES NO
Accounting, payroll, tax, and advisory services S,W
Athens, Ga.
Supporting Strategies 2004/2013 ALL NO 103/0 101/0 106/0 $76.6K-$103.2K/$60K 10% YES YES NO
Bookkeeping, accounting, and controller
Beverly, Mass.
Goosehead Insurance 2003/2011 MW,NE, NO 748/0 1,072/0 1,344/0 $40K-$118.5K/ 20-50% YES NO NO
77 Property and casualty insurance
Westlake, Texas
S,W $25K-$60K
Brightway Insurance 2003/2008 MW,NE, NO 207/1 288/1 306/2 $23.1K-$173.5K/ TO 50% YES NO NO
206 Property and casualty insurance
Jacksonville, Fla.
S,W $10K-$60K
Estrella Insurance 1980/2008 MW,NE, NO 161/2 173/2 180/0 $12.3K-$84K/$10K-$25K 10-14% OF YES YES YES
219 Auto, home, and business insurance
Fiesta Auto Insurance and Tax 1998/2006 MW, NO 226/0 246/0 244/0 $72.1K-$156.7K/$15K 15-25% YES NO NO
413 Insurance and tax-preparation services
Las Vegas
Red Zone Insurance 2009/2021 ALL C,I 0/1 0/1 0/1 $36.4K-$88.8K/ VARIES YES NO NO
Insurance $24K-$49K
West Palm Beach, Fla.
Veronica’s Insurance 2007/2020 ALL NO 2/36 9/38 19/38 $28.7K-$111.6K/ 15%/25% YES YES YES
Auto, life, home, and commercial insurance $15K-$25K
Ontario, Calif.
H&R Block 1955/1956 ALL C,I 3,581/ 3,447/ 3,270/ $31.6K-$157.9K/$2.5K 30% YES NO YES
217 Tax preparation, electronic filing
Kansas City, Mo.
6,590 6,601 6,665
Jackson Hewitt Tax Service 1985/1986 ALL NO 3,833/ 3,671/ 3,413/ $49.2K-$81.8K/$7.5K 5-15% YES NO YES
253 Tax preparation
Jersey City, N.J.
1,948 1,936 2,070
Toro Taxes 1990/2015 MW,NE, NO 94/32 144/30 165/30 $17.8K-$74.2K/ 10% YES NO YES
454 Tax and accounting services
Las Vegas
S,W $5K-$35K
This is not an offer to sell a franchise. This franchise is offered only by our delivery of a franchise disclosure document to you in compliance with the Federal Trade
Commission’s rule on franchising and various state franchise sales laws. *Data are based on each company’s Franchise Disclosure Documents (FDD) for all franchise
centers open in 2021 except for Kumon, which are for centers open at least three years; and Sylvan, which are for centers open at least 24 months. Kumon reports in
its 2021 FDD that its average franchised center open at least 36 months had 150 subject-students. We estimate a subject-student’s monthly fee from our web search
of the phrase ‘How much does a parent pay Kumon’. We used the average of the high estimates, $145 per month per single subject. We estimated the registration fee
of $50 and materials fee of $30 from this web search; and we estimate that half of a center’s enrollees pay these fees.
See our listing on page 138 See our listing on page 133
Sylvan Learning 1979/1980 ALL NO 564/7 563/6 556/6 $85.5K-$186.9K/ 16% YES NO NO
Tutor Doctor 2000/2003 ALL C,I 686/0 727/0 734/0 $94.3K-$138.99K/ 8% YES YES NO
291 Tutoring
Eye Level Learning Centers 1976/1976 ALL C,I 839/ 745/ 567/744 $52.3K-$121.7K/$5K $32-$36/ YES NO NO
500 Supplemental education
Ridgefield Park, N.J.
799 750 SUBJECT/
Best Brains Learning Centers 2011/2013 ALL C 137/4 133/4 131/3 $16.5K-$80.7K/TO $10K 14-18% YES NO NO
Learning centers
Arlington Heights, Ill.
Club Z! In-Home Tutoring Services 1995/1998 ALL C,I 382/0 373/0 371/0 $33.5K-$57.4K/ 6-8% YES YES NO
In-home tutoring $19.8K-$39.8K
Tampa, Fla.
JEI Learning Center 1977/1992 ALL C,I** 252/ 217/ 180/247 $59K-$109.5K/$22.5K $23-$33/ NO NO NO
Individualized supplemental education 265 255 SUBJECT/
Los Angeles MO.
Financial Services
Expense Reduction Analysts (ERA) 1984/1993 ALL C,I 678/0 705/0 710/0 $66K-$85.9K/$59.9K 15% YES YES NO
256 Business financial consulting
Addison, Texas
P3 Cost Analysts 1991/2018 ALL NO 10/1 30/1 38/1 $68.7K-$79K/$59.5K 0 YES YES NO
305 Cost reduction consulting
Springdale, Ark.
BooXkeeping 2011/2020 ALL NO 0/1 1/1 2/1 $40.2K-$65.2K/ 10% YES YES NO
Bookkeeping for small and medium businesses $14.99K-$29.99K
Las Vegas
Dope CFO 2018/2022 MW,NE, NO 0/0 0/0 0/0 $57.2K-$229.3K/ 8-9% YES YES NO
Financial services for cannabis/ S,W $45K-$49K
CBD/hemp businesses
Las Vegas
Padgett Business Services 1965/1975 ALL C 321/0 292/0 265/0 $20.2K-$99.98K/ 9% NO YES NO
Tax, accounting, compliance, payroll, $15K-$56K
and advisory services
Athens, Ga.
Rhea Lana’s 1997/2008 ALL NO 97/2 103/2 103/2 $20.6K-$39.95K/ 3-1% YES NO NO
Children’s consignment events $13.5K-$16.5K
Conway, Ark.
Fundraising University 2009/2020 MW,NE, NO 12/12 21/7 63/9 $77.9K-$84.1K/$59.5K 1.5K+/MO. YES YES NO
488 Fundraising
Overland Park, Kan.
Apex Leadership Co. 2011/2012 ALL NO 98/12 103/8 96/8 $80K-$114.2K/$49.5K 8% YES YES NO
Elementary-school fundraising
and fitness programs
Scottsdale, Ariz.
Goldfish Swim School 2006/2008 ALL C 107/1 119/1 132/1 $1.4M-$3.3M/$50K 6% YES NO NO
69 Infant and child swimming lessons
Troy, Mich.
Aqua-Tots Swim Schools 1991/2007 MW,NE, C,I 110/1 119/1 125/1 $520.1K-$1.2M/$50K 6% YES NO NO
139 Swimming lessons
Mesa, Ariz.
British Swim School 1981/2011 MW,NE, C 104/0 113/0 137/0 $93.7K-$125.1K/$39.5K 10% YES YES NO
352 Swimming lessons for ages 3 months and older
Virginia Beach, Va.
Big Blue Swim School 2009/2018 ALL NO 0/6 1/9 5/10 $2.5M-$3.97M/$80K 6% YES NO NO
Swimming lessons for ages newborn to 10
Hudson Valley Swim 2011/2022 ALL C,I 0/1 0/1 0/1 $60.4K-$76.9K/$35K 6% YES NO NO
Swimming and water safety lessons
for all ages
Hopewell Junction, N.Y.
Kumon 1954/1958 ALL C,I 26,338/ 26,321/ 26,486/ $67.4K-$145.6K/$2K $36-$40.50/ NO NO NO
6 Supplemental education
Rutherford, N.J.
27 44 41 STUDENT/
Mathnasium 2002/2003 MW,NE, C,I** 1,068/6 1,075/7 1,105/3 $112.9K-$149.2K/$49K 10%+ YES NO NO
80 Math tutoring
Los Angeles
Huntington Learning Center 1977/1985 MW,NE, NO 286/16 277/14 277/12 $148K-$263.1K/$36K 9.5% YES YES NO
104 Tutoring and test prep
Oradell, N.J.
The Little Gym 1976/1992 MW,NE, C,I** 369/0 358/0 345/0 $320.1K-$508.5K/ 8% YES NO NO
489 Child-development/fitness programs
Bedford, Texas
S,W $59.5K
Amazing Athletes 2002/2006 ALL C,I** 121/13 123/21 124/22 $32.8K-$65.6K/ 8% YES YES NO
Educational sports programs $30K-$40K
New York
Bundles of Tumbles 2012/2022 MW,NE, NO 0/1 0/1 0/1 $46.1K-$59.7K/$39K 8% YES YES NO
Mobile preschool gymnastics and dance classes S,W
Wayne, N.J.
Child’s Play Challenge Courses 2015/2022 MW,NE, NO 0/1 0/1 0/1 $140.5K-$186K/$35K 8% YES YES NO
Portable obstacle courses S,W
Scotch Plains, N.J.
Hi-Five Sports 1990/2015 MW, C,I** 14/2 15/2 16/2 $25.5K-$554.2K/ 8.5% YES YES NO
Youth sports programs and facilities S,W $12.9K-$27K
Boca Raton, Fla.
Kinderdance 1979/1985 ALL C,I 173/4 197/4 228/3 $18.2K-$47.9K/ 6-12% YES YES NO
Children’s dance, gymnastics, movement, $15K-$30K
fitness, and yoga programs
Roanoke, Va.
Little Kickers 2002/2004 NO C,I 343/2 344/2 339/2 $25.2K-$37.1K/$16K 10% YES YES NO
Preschool soccer programs
Little Yogis Academy 2019/2022 NO C,I 0/1 0/1 2/1 $29.7K-$42.9K/$25K 7% YES YES NO
Yoga-based programs for children and teens
Mighty Kicks 2008/2010 ALL NO 34/3 31/3 27/2 $20.5K-$30.3K/$17.5K $260-$440/ YES YES NO
Mobile soccer programs for ages 2 to 8 MO.
Ft. Collins, Colo.
N Zone Sports 2010/2011 ALL* C,I 49/0 41/0 53/0 $41.1K-$58.5K/ 8% YES YES NO
Sports leagues and preschool programs $28.8K-$39.8K
for ages 3 to 16
Tampa, Fla.
Overtime Athletics 2003/2016 ALL C,I 22/3 23/3 33/0 $37.8K-$65.5K/$25K 5% YES YES NO
Youth sports programs
Reston, Va.
Soccer Shots 1997/2005 ALL C 242/0 248/0 257/12 $43K-$55.3K/$36.5K 7% YES YES NO
Soccer programs for ages 2 to 8
Middletown, Pa.
Super Soccer Stars 2000/2022 ALL C,I 0/13 0/13 0/13 $68.1K-$89.1K/$49.5K 8% YES YES NO
Soccer programs
Budd Lake, N.J.
TGA Premier Sports 2002/2006 ALL C,I 103/2 82/2 76/7 $33.8K-$125.6K/ 8% YES YES NO
Youth sports programs $30K-$60K
New York
Tippi Toes 2002/2009 ALL C,I** 32/0 32/0 33/0 $51.1K-$69.1K/$35K 10% NO YES NO
Children’s dance classes
Tulsa, Okla.
Tutu School 2008/2012 ALL C,I 34/3 40/3 54/3 $88.6K-$150.1K/$42K 5% YES NO NO
Children’s ballet schools
Twinkle Star Dance Academy 2000/2021 ALL NO 0/6 1/6 3/4 $104.4K-$167.1K/ 5% YES NO NO
Dance studios for ages 2 to teens $20K-$30K
Livermore, Calif.
USA Ninja Challenge 2015/2015 MW,NE, NO 15/0 16/0 19/0 $276.8K-$376.4K/$25K 7.5% YES NO NO
Youth fitness programs S,W
Concord, N.H.
Once Upon A Child 1984/1992 ALL C 392/0 397/0 404/0 $276.2K-$417.4K/$25K 5% YES NO NO
New and used children’s clothing, equipment,
213 furniture, toys
Kid to Kid 1992/1994 ALL C,I** 102/10 96/12 98/12 $347.2K-$542.1K/$25K 5% YES NO NO
New and used children’s and maternity
313 clothing and products
North Salt Lake, Utah
Bricks & Minifigs 2010/2011 ALL C,I 35/3 33/5 42/5 $99.1K-$225.1K/$25K 6% YES NO NO
Lego stores
Orem, Utah
Just Between Friends 1997/2004 ALL C 154/12 155/11 153/5 $42.6K-$56.5K/$17.9K 3% YES YES NO
Children’s and maternity consignment
sale events
Tulsa, Okla.
Learning Express Toys & Gifts 1987/1990 ALL NO 91/0 86/0 87/0 $138.4K-$319.5K/$35K 5% YES NO NO
Specialty toy and gift stores
Pepperell, Mass.
Wize Computing Academy 2015/2018 MW,NE, C 9/1 9/2 13/2 $38K-$67K/$32.5K 8-6% YES YES YES
Coding, robotics, and design classes, camps, S,W
and competition prep
Coppell, Texas
Drama Kids 1979/1989 MW,NE, C,I 221/0 209/0 206/0 $33.8K-$73.5K/$27.5K 8% YES YES NO
469 After-school drama classes and summer camps
Fort Myers, Fla.
Abrakadoodle 2002/2004 MW,NE, I** 490/2 484/2 483/2 $38.1K-$81.9K/ 8% YES YES NO
Art-education programs for children S,W $25.4K-$56.9K
Sterling, Va.
Art Paper Scissors 2019/2022 ALL C,I 0/1 0/1 0/1 $86.5K-$144.2K/$25K 6.5-7.5% YES NO NO
Art classes, programs, and parties
Parkland, Fla.
Baby Power Forever Kids 1973/1998 MW,NE, C,I** 41/0 41/0 41/0 $111K-$158.3K/$25K $300-$400/ YES NO NO
Play and enrichment programs S,W MO.
Pittstown, N.J.
Chef It Up!/Chef It Up 2 Go! 2003/2005 MW,NE, NO 15/2 15/2 17/1 $28.6K-$71.4K/ 6% YES YES NO
Allergy-friendly cooking parties, S,W $22.5K-$25K
classes, and events
Blairstown, N.J.
Children’s Art Classes 2009/2020 ALL NO 0/3 4/3 6/3 $94.4K-$193.96K/ 8.25% YES NO NO
Children’s art education studios $49.95K
Jacksonville, Fla.
Kidcreate Studio 2007/2016 ALL NO 13/2 17/2 19/2 $64.5K-$295.1K/$45K 8% YES YES NO
Children’s art enrichment
Eden Prairie, Minn.
The Knight School 2007/2015 MW,NE, NO 19/2 17/2 18/2 $450-$25.2K/$450 TO 15% YES YES NO
Chess enrichment activities S,W
Birmingham, Ala.
Little Kitchen Academy 2016/2019 ALL* C,I** 0/1 2/2 7/2 $367.95K-$627.6K/ 6% NO NO NO
Children’s cooking classes $49.5K
Vancouver, British Columbia
Parker-Anderson Enrichment 1986/2014 ALL NO 19/1 19/1 17/1 $50.98K-$116.1K/$35K 8% YES YES NO
Enrichment programs
Van Nuys, Calif.
Talk to the Camera 2015/2018 ALL NO 1/4 1/5 1/4 $48.3K-$65.3K/$39.5K 8% YES YES NO
STEAM-based filmmaking and video creation
enrichment programs
Golden, Colo.
Taste Buds Kitchen 2007/2013 ALL C,I 12/1 9/2 9/2 $330.97K-$418.9K/ 9% YES NO NO
Cooking classes, camps, and parties for $45K
children and adults
Chester, Md.
XP League 2020/2020 ALL C** 0/0 30/2 29/0 $58.2K-$224.2K/$35K 8% YES YES YES
Youth esports leagues
Bedford, Texas
Young Chefs Academy 2004/2005 MW,NE, C,I** 25/1 21/2 26/1 $140.4K-$196K/$45K 5% NO NO NO
Cooking schools for children and adults S,W
Waco, Texas
Young Rembrandts 1988/1997 ALL C,I** 89/0 65/0 55/0 $45.3K-$52.3K/$39.5K 10% YES YES NO
Drawing classes for ages 3 to 12
Elgin, Ill.
Skyhawks Sports & Supertots 1979/2007 MW,NE, C,I** 125/46 147/56 157/74 $30.3K-$89.8K/ 9-6% YES YES NO
Sports Academy S,W $15K-$42.5K
147 Children’s fitness programs
Spokane, Wash.
KidsPark 1988/2003 MW,NE, C,I 18/2 21/2 20/1 $261.3K-$449.5K/$28K 5% YES NO YES
Hourly drop-in childcare, preschool, S,W
party/play space
San Jose, Calif.
School of Rock 1998/2005 ALL C,I 220/49 247/46 263/44 $395.8K-$537.4K/ 8% YES NO NO
183 Music education
Canton, Mass.
Snapology 2010/2015 ALL C,I 130/2 130/2 160/31 $73.7K-$497.2K/ 7% YES YES YES
321 STEAM education programs
Bedford, Texas
Challenge Island 2003/2012 ALL C,I** 122/7 156/7 179/7 $50.2K-$68.9K/ 7% YES YES NO
324 Educational enrichment programs
Marietta, Ga.
Brooklyn Robot Foundry 2011/2022 MW,NE, NO 0/4 0/1 0/1 $74.5K-$100.8K/$30K 5% NO NO NO
Robotics and engineering enrichment programs S,W
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Club SciKidz 1997/2007 MW,NE, NO 5/1 6/1 6/0 $58K-$63.4K/$45K 6.5% YES YES NO
STEM enrichment programs S,W
Woodstock, Ga.
the Coder School 2014/2015 MW,NE, NO 44/3 48/3 53/3 $77.7K-$163.95K/ 5% YES NO NO
Coding education for ages 7 to 18 S,W $29.95K
Palo Alto, Calif.
CompuChild 1994/2001 MW,NE, C,I 12/0 11/0 9/7 $19.9K-$34.9K/ $149-$199/ YES YES NO
Entrepreneurship and STEAM S,W $12.5K-$17.5K MO.
enrichment classes
Dublin, Calif.
iCode School 2015/2016 MW,NE, C,I** 11/3 16/4 19/3 $198K-$360K/$35K 8% YES NO NO
Computer science education for children S,W
in grades K-12
Frisco, Texas
Little Medical School 2010/2014 ALL NO 55/3 36/3 38/1 $38.2K-$221.9K/ 8% YES YES NO
Healthcare-themed after-school and $15K-$40K
summer-camp programs
St. Louis
Nutty Scientists 1996/1997 ALL* C,I** 309/3 289/3 254/3 $35.5K-$149.8K/$28K 6% YES YES YES
Science enrichment and
entertainment programs
Doral, Fla.
Six Pixels Studios 2010/2019 MW,NE, C,I** 2/1 2/1 3/1 $33.7K-$75.8K/ 6.5% YES YES NO
STEAM classes, camps, special events, S,W $23K-$39K
and parties
Winter Garden, Fla.
Skill Samurai 2015/2018 MW,NE, C,I** 9/0 13/0 8/0 $104.1K-$307.95K/$49K 7% YES YES YES
STEM and coding academies S,W
STEM For Kids 2011/2014 MW,NE, C,I 117/5 119/5 130/5 $49.5K-$83.7K/$39.5K 7%+ YES YES NO
Biomed, coding, and engineering programs S,W
for ages 4 to 14
Raleigh, N.C.
Dale Carnegie 1912/2000 ALL C,I 230/1 217/1 219/1 $93.4K-$245.8K/ 4.5-12% NO NO NO
350 Workplace training and development
Melville, N.Y.
Crestcom 1987/1991 ALL C,I 172/0 155/0 156/0 $86.5K-$99.8K/$69.5K 19.75%+ YES YES NO
Leadership development
Greenwood Village, Colo.
Sandler Training 1967/1983 ALL C,I** 252/0 233/0 284/0 $101.8K-$147.1K/$49K 8-3% NO YES NO
Sales and sales-management training
Owings Mills, Md.
Sculpture Hospitality 1987/1990 ALL C,I 320/12 303/12 275/11 $42.5K-$76.2K/ 8% YES YES NO
384 Bar and restaurant management solutions
Cyberbacker 2018/2021 ALL C,I 0/1 13/1 42/1 $78.1K-$94K/$30K 0 YES YES NO
Outsourced personal assistants
Ogden, Utah
EagleOne 2014/2021 ALL NO 0/1 0/1 2/1 $62.4K-$70.8K/$45K $300+/MO. YES YES NO
Customer experience, lead generation,
and digital marketing solutions
Fire Safety Division 2011/2020 ALL C,I 0/1 0/1 0/1 $57.8K-$82.7K/ 10% YES NO NO
Fire extinguisher, exit light, and restaurant $39.9K-$49.9K
fire suppression system inspections;
emergency testing
Dagsboro, Del.
Hite Digital 2018/2020 ALL NO 0/1 8/1 21/1 $56.7K-$120.4K/ 8% YES YES NO
Digital marketing services $49.95K-$99.9K
Rehoboth Beach, Del.
Children’s Businesses
The Learning Experience Academy 1979/2003 MW,NE, I** 217/26 254/29 281/35 $589.4K-$5.2M/$60K 7% YES NO NO
of Early Education S,W
43 Preschool/educational childcare
Deerfield Beach, Fla.
The Goddard School 1986/1988 ALL NO 538/0 575/0 595/0 $818.3K-$7.4M/$135K 7% YES NO NO
60 Preschool/educational childcare
King of Prussia, Pa.
Adventure Kids Playcare 2004/2006 MW,NE, NO 16/0 16/0 17/0 $482.5K-$874K/$29.5K 5% YES NO NO
Hourly childcare centers S,W
Lewisville, Texas
A Place to Grow 2005/2021 ALL NO 0/1 0/1 1/1 $122.3K-$306K/$35K 6% YES YES NO
Brentwood, N.H.
Building Kidz School 2002/2015 MW,NE, I 29/3 30/4 33/4 $214K-$856K/$50K 7% YES NO NO
Preschool/educational childcare S,W
Foster City, Calif.
Ducklings Early Learning Center 1994/2016 MW,NE, NO 2/4 3/4 6/4 $656.4K-$1.7M/$75K 6% YES NO NO
Early education and childcare S,W
West Chester, Pa.
Ivy Kids Systems 2002/2016 MW,NE, NO 9/5 12/5 13/5 $1.1M-$5.4M/$110.5K 7% YES NO NO
Childcare and early learning S,W
Katy, Texas
InXpress 1999/2000 ALL C,I 371/0 435/0 430/1 $85.6K-$166.99K/$50K 30% OF YES YES NO
Shipping services GROSS
South Jordan, Utah MARGIN
Miami Global Lines 2010/2017 ALL C,I 3/1 3/1 3/1 $46.5K-$74.8K/$25K VARIES NO YES NO
International freight forwarding services
Piscataway, N.J.
FastSigns 1985/1986 ALL C,I** 741/0 756/0 763/0 $234.3K-$322.5K/ 3-6% YES NO NO
62 Signs, graphics
Carrollton, Texas
Signarama 1986/1987 ALL C,I** 727/0 706/0 689/0 $120.2K-$316.2K/ 2-6% YES NO NO
130 Sign products and services
West Palm Beach, Fla.
Image360 1986/1987 ALL C,I 302/2 299/2 291/2 $208.3K-$428.3K/$40K 6-1.5% YES NO NO
Signs, graphics, displays, digital imaging,
220 visual communications
Middle River, Md.
SpeedPro 2004/2005 MW,NE, C,I 177/0 170/0 167/0 $250.7K-$327.3K/ 6%/4% YES NO NO
Large-format printing and graphics S,W $49.5K
Centennial, Colo.
Spherion Staffing & Recruiting 1946/1956 ALL NO 197/0 198/0 215/0 $143.1K-$352.5K/ VARIES YES NO NO
Flexible staffing, recruiting, $30K-$40K
63 workforce management solutions
Sanford Rose Associates 1959/1970 ALL C,I 137/0 161/0 163/0 $108.3K-$143.6K/$88K 7-6% YES YES NO
184 Executive search and recruiting
Plano, Texas
Labor Finders 1975/1975 ALL NO 194/0 187/0 185/0 $128.5K-$221.5K/$20K 3.5% YES NO NO
243 Industrial staffing
Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.
Patrice & Associates 1989/2008 ALL C 173/0 209/0 205/0 $86.1K-$88.8K/$58K 10% YES YES NO
Hospitality, executive search, retail,
289 and sales recruiting
Dunkirk, Md.
All Med Search 2010/2019 ALL NO 3/1 8/1 11/1 $67.1K-$83.2K/$50K 10-15% YES YES NO
Health care industry recruiting
and placement services
San Diego
American Recruiters 1982/1999 MW,NE, NO 6/0 9/0 9/0 $85.99K-$189.4K/ 8-5% YES YES NO
Recruiting/staffing S,W $49.5K
Coral Springs, Fla.
ATC Healthcare Services 1983/1996 ALL NO 44/0 43/0 55/0 $132.9K-$214.2K/$50K VARIES YES YES NO
Medical staffing
Lake Success, N.Y.
AtWork Group 1986/1992 MW,NE, NO 73/1 78/2 91/3 $161K-$223K/$40K 7%/9% YES NO NO
Temporary, temp-to-hire, and S,W
direct-hire staffing
Knoxville, Tenn.
Fortune Personnel Consultants (FPC) 1959/1973 MW,NE, C,I 62/1 62/1 61/1 $74.7K-$133.9K/$40K 8% YES NO NO
Executive recruiting S,W
New York
i4 Search Group 2019/2021 ALL* NO 0/1 4/1 20/0 $51.8K-$109.8K/ 14% YES YES NO
Healthcare recruiting $35K-$80K
West Chester, Ohio
Jomsom Staffing Services 2008/2012 ALL C,I** 2/1 2/1 4/1 $86.8K-$147.5K/$40K 5-10% YES YES NO
Temporary staffing, direct hire, and
payroll services
Monmouth Junction, N.J.
Leadership Management International 1966/1966 MW,NE, C,I 462/0 477/0 483/0 $20K-$27.5K/$15K 6% YES YES NO
Leadership and organizational training and S,W
191 development
Waco, Texas
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Year Began/ Available Seeking 2020 2021 2022 Startup Costs/ Royalty Financing Home- Kiosk/
FRANCHISE 500 Franchising
Int’l? Number of
Number of
Number of Franchise Fee
Fee Available? Based/
Company- Company- Company- Opportunity Available?
Owned Owned Owned
Khospace 2017/2021 ALL C,I 0/3 0/3 1/2 $144.5K-$234.5K/$55K 7% YES NO NO
Coworking office spaces for therapy and
wellness providers
Aventura, Fla.
Rise Commercial District 2010/2022 ALL NO 0/4 0/8 0/13 $10.4M-$15M/$125K 5% YES NO NO
Industrial warehouse and office spaces
Network In Action 2015/2016 ALL C,I 35/3 40/3 77/3 $25.7K-$32.7K/$25K 15% YES YES NO
499 Professional networking and referral groups
Network Lead Exchange 2018/2018 ALL C,I** 17/0 26/0 38/0 $12.5K-$25.2K/$9.5K 15% YES YES NO
Business referral networks
West Palm Beach, Fla.
Allegra Marketing-Print-Mail 1976/1977 ALL C,I 277/2 253/2 244/2 $128.2K-$410.7K/$45K 1.5-6% YES NO NO
Printing, marketing, direct mail, signs,
392 promotional products
Plymouth, Mich.
AlphaGraphics 1970/1980 ALL I** 281/0 264/0 263/0 $281.5K-$389.5K/ 7-3% YES NO NO
Printing, marketing communications, signs $48.95K
435 and graphics
Lakewood, Colo.
Kwik Kopy Printing 2001/2001 ALL* NO 35/1 33/2 31/2 $195.8K-$226K/$25K 7% YES NO NO
Printing, copying, marketing solutions
West Jordan, Utah
PIP Marketing, Signs, Print 1965/1968 ALL NO 62/0 60/0 58/0 $252.98K-$277.98K/ 0.25-6.5% YES NO NO
Printing, signs, marketing services $55K
Mission Viejo, Calif.
Sir Speedy Print Signs Marketing 1968/1968 ALL C,I** 211/0 147/0 136/0 $257.98K-$302.98K/ 4-6% YES NO NO
Printing, signs, marketing services $55K
Mission Viejo, Calif.
Property Management Inc. 2008/2008 ALL I** 256/1 341/2 378/2 $58.2K-$225.1K/ VARIES YES YES NO
Commercial, residential, association, and $50K-$55K
146 short-term rental property management
Lehi, Utah
Real Property Management 1986/2004 ALL C 337/0 346/0 399/0 $99.4K-$146.5K/ 7% YES NO NO
187 Property management
Waco, Texas
All County Property Management 1990/2008 MW,NE, NO 56/2 64/4 69/4 $72.5K-$119.4K/ 7% YES YES NO
Property management and real estate S,W $45K-$60K
St. Petersburg, Fla.
AvenueWest 1999/2009 ALL C** 11/4 11/4 11/4 $60.8K-$100K/$45K 1%+ YES YES NO
Residential property management and real
estate sales
Lakewood, Colo.
Grand Welcome 2009/2019 ALL NO 0/11 5/7 20/5 $33.4K-$161.3K/ 7% YES YES NO
Vacation rental property management $15K-$105K
Torrance, Calif.
iTrip Vacations 2008/2015 ALL NO 83/1 81/1 90/1 $101.4K-$140.6K/ 4-6.1% YES YES NO
Short-term rental property management $10K-$30K
Brentwood, Tenn.
Keyrenter Property Management 2007/2014 ALL C,I 38/2 40/2 40/2 $101.1K-$178.3K/$40K 7% YES NO NO
Residential property management
Midvale, Utah
Second Home Care 1994/2021 ALL NO 0/1 0/1 1/1 $38.5K-$66.3K/$25K 7% NO YES NO
Vacation home services
Truckee, Calif.
Unishippers 1987/1987 MW,NE, NO 160/92 192/92 209/69 $44.6K-$233.3K/$30K 15-18.5% YES YES NO
341 Parcel and freight shipping services
City Publications 2002/2004 ALL* C,I** 43/0 44/0 46/0 $43.7K-$267.9K/ 6% YES YES NO
Publications for affluent homeowners $40K-$250K
Coffee News 1988/1994 ALL C,I 593/3 566/3 533/3 $11.2K-$12.3K/$9.9K $25-$80/WK. NO YES NO
Weekly publication distributed
at restaurants and waiting areas
Bangor, Maine
Discovery Map 1974/1993 ALL C,I 129/1 119/0 120/0 $35.95K-$45.95K/ 10% YES YES NO
Visitor-information maps and digital guides $25K
Waitsfield, Vt.
Fun 4 US Kids 2013/2017 MW,NE, NO 8/7 11/8 13/7 $8.3K-$46.3K/ 0 YES YES NO
Family calendar/directory websites S,W $3K-$25K
for local communities
Gainesville, Fla.
Our Town America 1972/2004 MW,NE, NO 63/0 50/0 53/0 $64.2K-$86.5K/$47.5K 5% NO YES NO
Direct-mail marketing to new movers S,W
Clearwater, Fla.
RSVP Advertising 1985/1998 ALL NO 57/0 56/1 57/2 $67.6K-$324.9K/$15K 7% YES YES NO
Plymouth, Mich.
Runningboards Marketing 2018/2019 MW,NE, NO 2/1 8/1 14/1 $87.4K-$288.5K/$40K 6% YES YES NO
Advertising S,W
Watertown, N.Y.
The Scout Guide 2011/2013 ALL NO 60/1 64/1 72/1 $64K-$71K/$50K 10% NO YES NO
Print publications
Charlottesville, Va.
Stroll 2004/2016 ALL NO 731/12 595/32 315/40 $1.5K-$10.4K/TO $570 15% NO YES NO
Monthly publications for upscale neighborhoods
Claymont, Del.
Town Money Saver 1992/2005 MW,NE, NO 44/0 39/1 38/1 $15.7K-$27K/$10K 0 YES YES NO
Direct-mail and digital advertising S,W
Lucas, Ohio
Transworld Business Advisors 1979/2010 ALL C,I** 321/1 318/1 359/1 $76.1K-$99.2K/$49.5K 8% YES YES NO
86 Business brokerages; franchise consulting
West Palm Beach, Fla.
First Choice Business Brokers 1994/2005 ALL NO 41/0 44/0 52/6 $67.9K-$95.9K/$40K 10-8% YES YES NO
360 Business brokerages
Las Vegas
We Sell Restaurants 2004/2011 MW,NE, NO 16/3 16/3 31/3 $70.6K-$105.4K/ 15% YES YES NO
Restaurant and business brokerages, S,W $49.8K
business services
Palm Coast, Fla.
The Alternative Board (TAB) 1990/1996 ALL C,I** 316/19 349/18 345/18 $55.9K-$96.7K/ 20% YES YES NO
Business owner advisory boards, $19.5K-$44K
coaching, strategic planning
Westminster, Colo.
FocalPoint Business Coaching 1999/2005 ALL C,I 200/0 210/0 259/3 $78K-$132.1K/$45K $1.95K/MO. YES YES NO
Business coaching and consulting
Henderson, Nev.
FranNet 1987/2006 ALL C 54/0 52/0 51/0 $23.8K-$42.8K/ 10% YES YES NO
Franchise consulting $5K-$10K
Louisville, Ky.
The Growth Coach 2002/2003 MW,NE, C,I** 63/0 52/0 53/0 $42K-$63.9K/$27.9K 15% YES YES NO
Business and sales coaching for SMBs S,W
Venture X 2012/2016 ALL C,I** 35/0 45/0 49/0 $388.1K-$3.6M/$60K 6% YES NO NO
361 Coworking spaces
West Palm Beach, Fla.
Office Evolution 2003/2012 ALL C,I** 62/10 65/10 70/9 $389.7K-$1.3M/ 7.5% YES NO NO
Virtual office services, coworking spaces, $39.5K-$49.5K
380 executive-suite and conference-room rentals
West Palm Beach, Fla.
Tuffy Tire and Auto Service 1970/1971 MW,NE, NO 147/21 144/21 117/46 $224K-$718.5K/$30K 2.5-5% YES NO NO
309 Auto repair
Toledo, Ohio
Advanced Maintenance 2000/2006 MW,NE, C,I** 23/2 21/2 18/2 $132.4K-$185.1K/$35K 6% YES NO NO
Commercial-fleet maintenance, repair, S,W
and management services
Wilmington, N.C.
Auto-Lab Complete Car Care Centers 1987/1989 MW,NE, NO 17/0 17/0 19/0 $154.3K-$399.5K/ 6% YES NO NO
Auto repair and maintenance S,W $27.5K
Bloomfield Hills, Mich.
Fix Auto USA 1997/1998 MW,W NO 155/0 162/0 170/9 $167.7K-$3.1M/$10K 3% YES NO NO
Collision repair
Charlotte, N.C.
Honest1 Auto Care 2003/2003 MW,NE, NO 67/2 63/2 62/2 $223.2K-$1M/$45K 6% YES NO NO
Auto repair and maintenance S,W
St. Petersburg, Fla.
Meineke Car Care Centers 1972/1972 ALL C 807/0 806/0 727/0 $206.8K-$561.7K/$45K 3-7% YES NO NO
Auto repair and maintenance
Charlotte, N.C.
Merlin Complete Auto Care 1975/1975 ALL NO 27/1 26/0 24/0 $262.3K-$531K/$30K 6.9% YES NO NO
Auto repair and maintenance services, tires
Charlotte, N.C.
Milex Complete Auto Care/ 1956/1976 MW,NE, I** 125/2 121/2 118/2 $208.6K-$301.8K/ 7% YES NO NO
Mr. Transmission S,W $40K-$50K
Auto repair and maintenance
Orland Park, Ill.
Big O Tires 1962/1982 MW, NO 422/41 425/40 434/32 $333.5K-$1.4M/$35K 2-5% YES NO NO
157 Tires, tire services, auto products
Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.
RNR Tire Express 1999/2003 MW,NE, NO 119/16 133/21 146/24 $593.3K-$1.3M/$45K 5% YES NO NO
170 Tire and custom wheel sales and rentals
Tampa, Fla.
Tire Pros 1988/1988 ALL NO 602/0 615/0 610/0 $27.5K-$456K/$7K $695/MO. YES NO NO
Tires and wheels; automotive services
Huntersville, N.C.
Black Optix Tint 2014/2022 ALL C,I 0/3 0/3 9/3 $122.9K-$269.5K/$40K 6% YES NO NO
Window tinting and auto restyling
Myrtle Beach, S.C.
Turbo Tint 1986/1993 MW,NE, I** 12/0 12/0 13/0 $234K-$314.9K/$45K 7% YES NO NO
Auto and architectural window film, S,W
paint protection film
Orland Park, Ill.
Byrider 1979/1989 MW,NE, NO 118/30 118/32 116/32 $814.8K-$1.4M/$60K $395/ YES NO NO
Used-auto sales and financing S,W VEHICLE
Carmel, Ind.
Mighty Auto Parts 1963/1970 ALL C,I 97/2 97/2 96/2 $228K-$485.1K/ 5% YES NO NO
Wholesale distribution of auto parts, $25K-$60K
chemicals, lubricants, shop supplies, and PPE
Peachtree Corners, Ga.
Business Services
Social Indoor 2002/2002 ALL NO 24/3 40/2 46/3 $76.3K-$239K/ 6% YES YES NO
390 Indoor print and digital advertising services
Minnetonka, Minn.
Money Pages 2001/2012 ALL NO 13/15 16/15 15/16 $107.5K-$148.5K/$50K $3K/MO. YES YES NO
412 Multimedia marketing
Jacksonville, Fla.
Ziebart 1959/1962 MW,NE, C,I** 375/12 385/12 388/12 $416.8K-$566.1K/$36K 5%/8% YES NO NO
Colors On Parade 1989/1991 ALL C,I** 216/7 218/6 216/4 $21.5K-$97.5K/ 7-30% YES YES NO
362 Mobile automotive paint and dent repair
Conway, S.C.
Maaco 1972/1972 ALL NO 455/0 425/0 425/0 $281K-$495.5K/$45K 9% YES NO NO
Auto painting and collision repair
Charlotte, N.C.
Tommy’s Express Car Wash 1969/2016 ALL C,I 39/4 69/3 110/6 $5.3M-$7.2M/$50K 4% YES NO NO
90 Car washes
Holland, Mich.
DetailXPerts 2002/2008 MW,NE, I** 80/24 92/36 92/40 $103.5K-$240.1K/$35K 6% YES YES YES
Eco-friendly mobile vehicle wash and S,W
detailing; commercial cleaning
Chattanooga, Tenn.
Fleet Clean USA 2009/2013 ALL NO 30/3 36/9 44/9 $163.8K-$720.4K/ 8.5% YES YES NO
Mobile commercial-fleet washing $30K-$150K
and facility cleaning
Henderson, Nev.
No-H2O 2007/2012 ALL C,I 7/1 7/1 16/1 $134.6K-$162.5K/$25K 8% YES YES NO
On-demand waterless car wash
Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.
Valvoline Instant Oil Change 1986/1988 ALL NO 778/ 770/ 817/756 $178K-$3.3M/$30K 4-6% YES NO NO
21 Oil changes and preventive maintenance
Lexington, Ky.
549 663
Jiffy Lube 1979/1979 ALL C 2,093/ 2,112/ 2,007/ $232K-$422.7K/ 3-4% YES NO NO
99 Oil changes and preventive maintenance
11 45 183 $17.5K-$35K
Take 5 Oil Change 1984/2016 ALL C,I 76/475 128/ 204/ $734.5K-$1.3M/$35K 7% NO NO NO
106 Oil changes
Charlotte, N.C.
508 558
Grease Monkey 1978/1979 ALL I** 249/120 257/ 256/ $187.3K-$688.5K/ 6% YES NO NO
Oil changes, preventive maintenance, 207 246 $39.9K
182 brakes, light repairs
Greenwood Village, Colo.
SpeeDee Oil Change & Auto Service 1980/1982 ALL I** 97/1 97/1 121/11 $209.3K-$798.6K/ 6% YES NO NO
Oil changes, tune-ups, brakes, $39.9K
415 and repair services
Greenwood Village, Colo.
Costa Oil 2014/2020 MW,NE, NO 0/13 0/14 3/15 $131.8K-$212.9K/ 6.5% YES NO NO
Oil-change services S,W $54.9K
Hanover, Pa.
Go Oil 2018/2018 ALL C,I 11/2 20/2 31/3 $23.1K-$56.3K/$9.9K 10% YES YES NO
Mobile oil-change services
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Midas 1954/1956 ALL C,I 2,017/0 2,010/0 1,941/0 $199.2K-$739.9K/$35K 2-10% YES NO NO
103 Auto repair and maintenance
Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.
AAMCO Transmissions 1963/1963 ALL C 556/13 555/13 555/13 $223.6K-$330.5K/ 7.5% YES NO NO
and Total Car Care $39.5K
196 Transmission and general auto repairs,
diagnostic services
Horsham, Pa.
Christian Brothers Automotive 1982/1996 MW,NE, NO 215/2 238/4 253/0 $520.3K-$640.4K/ VARIES YES NO NO
223 Auto repair
S,W $135K
©2022 Tommy’s Express, LLC. This advertisement does not constitute an offer to sell a franchise. The offer of a franchise can be made only through the delivery of an
FDD. Certain states require that we register the FDD in those states. The communications in this advertisement are not directed by us to the residents of any of those
states. Moreover, we will not offer or sell franchises in those states until we have registered the franchise (or obtained an applicable exemption from registration)
and delivered the FDD to the prospective franchisee in compliance with the applicable law. www.tommys-express.com 334C 02/22
166 196
Concrete Coatings ................................................................................................................................. 166 Dog Training .................................................................................................................................................. 196
Flooring .............................................................................................................................................................. 166 Pet Care ............................................................................................................................................................ 196
Insulation .......................................................................................................................................................... 168 Pet Stores ....................................................................................................................................................... 198
Kitchen & Bath Remodeling ........................................................................................................... 168 Miscellaneous Pet Businesses ................................................................................................. 198
Lighting Services ...................................................................................................................................... 169
Organization/Storage Systems ................................................................................................ 169 198
Painting .............................................................................................................................................................. 170 RECREATION
Roofing ................................................................................................................................................................ 170 Adventure Parks/Entertainment Centers ..................................................................... 198
Window Coverings .................................................................................................................................. 170 DIY/Paint-&-Sip Studios .................................................................................................................. 200
Miscellaneous Home-Improvement Businesses ..................................................... 172 Sports Equipment & Apparel ...................................................................................................... 200
Travel Agencies ....................................................................................................................................... 200
172 Miscellaneous Recreation Businesses ............................................................................. 201
Campgrounds .............................................................................................................................................. 172 202
Hotels & Motels .......................................................................................................................................... 172 RETAIL
Apparel & Accessories ..................................................................................................................... 202
175 Convenience Stores ........................................................................................................................... 203
MAINTENANCE Furniture & Appliances ..................................................................................................................... 203
Asphalt Maintenance .......................................................................................................................... 175 Tools Distribution ................................................................................................................................... 203
Carpet & Upholstery Services .................................................................................................... 175 Miscellaneous Retail Businesses .......................................................................................... 204
Commercial Cleaning ........................................................................................................................... 176
Commercial Kitchen Maintenance .......................................................................................... 177 204
Concrete Maintenance ....................................................................................................................... 177 SERVICES
Crime-Scene Cleaning ......................................................................................................................... 177 Dry Cleaning & Laundry Services ........................................................................................... 204
Drywall Repair .............................................................................................................................................. 177 Dumpster Rentals .................................................................................................................................. 206
Electrical Services ................................................................................................................................... 177 Embroidery & Screen Printing ................................................................................................... 206
Garage-Door Repair/Installation ............................................................................................... 177 Estate Sales ................................................................................................................................................ 206
Glass Repair ................................................................................................................................................... 178 Home Inspections .................................................................................................................................. 206
Home Repairs/Handyman Services ...................................................................................... 178 Laboratory Services ........................................................................................................................... 206
HVAC/Duct-Cleaning Services ................................................................................................... 178 Locksmith Services .............................................................................................................................. 207
Lawn & Tree Care ...................................................................................................................................... 178 Moving/Junk-Removal Services .............................................................................................. 207
Leather & Vinyl Repair ......................................................................................................................... 180 Photography & Video Services ................................................................................................ 208
Pest Control ................................................................................................................................................... 180 Postal & Business Centers ........................................................................................................... 209
Pet Waste Removal ................................................................................................................................ 182 Real Estate ..................................................................................................................................................... 210
Plumbing ............................................................................................................................................................ 182 Security Services ................................................................................................................................... 210
Pool Maintenance .................................................................................................................................... 182 Yard Sign Rentals ..................................................................................................................................... 211
Residential Cleaning ............................................................................................................................. 182 Miscellaneous Services .................................................................................................................... 211
Restoration Services ........................................................................................................................... 184
Window Cleaning ...................................................................................................................................... 185 212
Miscellaneous Maintenance Businesses ........................................................................ 185 TECH
Electronics Repairs/Sales ............................................................................................................. 212
187 IT Services ...................................................................................................................................................... 212
Hair Care ............................................................................................................................................................ 187
Lash & Brow Services .......................................................................................................................... 188
Massage & Spa Services .................................................................................................................. 188
Med Spas .......................................................................................................................................................... 190
Salon Suites ................................................................................................................................................... 190
Saunas ................................................................................................................................................................ 190
Senior Care ..................................................................................................................................................... 190
Tanning ............................................................................................................................................................... 194
Waxing ................................................................................................................................................................ 194
Miscellaneous Personal-Care Businesses .................................................................... 194
*On the Franchise 500 for the 2nd year in a row by Entrepreneur magazine.
**$1,009,803 System Wide Average Net Revenues. Based on our fiscal year ending 12/26/2021 and includes 768 Restaurants that were open for at least 12 months as of 12/26/2021. Excludes non-traditional locations and Restaurants
that were not open for at least 357 days in 2021. This information appears in Item 19 of our Franchise Disclosure Document. Your results may differ. There is no assurance that you will do as well.
This information is not intended as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy a franchise. It is for information purposes only. The offering is by prospectus only. Currently, the following states regulate the offer and sale of franchises:
California, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota (File No. F-9894), New York, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin. If you are a resident of or want to locate a franchise
in one of these states, we will not offer you a franchise unless and until we have complied with applicable pre-sale registration and disclosure requirements in your state. New York State Disclaimer: This advertisement is not an offering.
An offering can only be made by prospectus filed first with the Department of Law of the State of New York. Such filing does not constitute approval by the Department of Law. CALIFORNIA DISCLAIMER: THESE FRANCHISES HAVE BEEN
© 2023 Tropical Smoothie Cafe, LLC, 1117 Perimeter Center West, Suite W200, Atlanta, GA 30338.
Breakfast/Brunch Restaurants ................................................................................................ 141
Mexican Restaurants .......................................................................................................................... 141
Pizza Restaurants ................................................................................................................................... 141
Sports Bars/Pubs .................................................................................................................................... 141
Miscellaneous Full-Service Restaurants ........................................................................ 142
Acai Bowls ...................................................................................................................................................... 143
Asian Food ...................................................................................................................................................... 143
124 Baked Goods: Bakery Cafes ......................................................................................................... 143
AUTOMOTIVE Baked Goods: Cinnamon Rolls .................................................................................................... 143
Appearance Services .......................................................................................................................... 124 Baked Goods: Doughnuts ................................................................................................................ 144
Car-Wash Services ................................................................................................................................ 124 Baked Goods: Pretzels ....................................................................................................................... 144
Oil-Change Services ............................................................................................................................. 124 Baked Goods: Miscellaneous ...................................................................................................... 144
Repair & Maintenance Services ................................................................................................ 124 Chicken .............................................................................................................................................................. 145
Wheels & Tires ............................................................................................................................................ 125 Coffee ................................................................................................................................................................. 146
Window Tinting .......................................................................................................................................... 125 Frozen Desserts: Ice Cream ......................................................................................................... 148
Miscellaneous Automotive Products & Services .................................................... 125 Frozen Desserts: Miscellaneous ............................................................................................. 149
Ghost Kitchens .......................................................................................................................................... 150
125 Hamburgers .................................................................................................................................................. 150
BUSINESS SERVICES Hot Dogs ............................................................................................................................................................ 151
Advertising Services ............................................................................................................................ 125 Mexican Food ............................................................................................................................................... 151
Business Brokerages ........................................................................................................................... 126 Pizza ..................................................................................................................................................................... 152
Business Coaching & Consulting ............................................................................................. 126 Poke ...................................................................................................................................................................... 153
Coworking Spaces .................................................................................................................................. 126 Salads ................................................................................................................................................................. 153
Networking Groups ................................................................................................................................ 128 Sandwiches: Philly Cheesesteak ............................................................................................ 154
Printing/Marketing Services ........................................................................................................ 128 Sandwiches: Submarine .................................................................................................................. 154
Property Management ....................................................................................................................... 128 Sandwiches: Miscellaneous ........................................................................................................ 154
Shipping Services .................................................................................................................................... 128 Seafood ............................................................................................................................................................ 156
Signs ..................................................................................................................................................................... 130 Smoothies/Juices ................................................................................................................................... 156
Staffing/Recruiting ................................................................................................................................ 130 Teas ....................................................................................................................................................................... 156
Training Programs ................................................................................................................................... 130 Miscellaneous Quick-Service Restaurants ................................................................... 157
Miscellaneous Business Services .......................................................................................... 132
CHILDREN’S BUSINESSES Candy .................................................................................................................................................................. 158
Childcare ........................................................................................................................................................... 132 Miscellaneous Food/Beverage Businesses ................................................................ 159
Children’s Enrichment Programs: Music ........................................................................... 133
Children’s Enrichment Programs: STEM ............................................................................ 133 159
Children’s Enrichment Programs: Miscellaneous .................................................... 134 HEALTH & WELLNESS
Children’s Fitness Programs ......................................................................................................... 134 Assisted Stretching ............................................................................................................................. 159
Children’s Retail ......................................................................................................................................... 136 CBD ........................................................................................................................................................................ 159
Fundraising Programs ......................................................................................................................... 138 Chiropractic Services ........................................................................................................................ 160
Swimming Lessons ................................................................................................................................ 138 Eye Care ............................................................................................................................................................ 160
Tutoring .............................................................................................................................................................. 138 Fitness: Barre .............................................................................................................................................. 160
Fitness: Boxing/Kickboxing ........................................................................................................... 161
139 Fitness: Pilates ........................................................................................................................................... 161
FINANCIAL SERVICES Fitness: Yoga ................................................................................................................................................ 161
Business Financial Services ......................................................................................................... 139 Fitness (General) ..................................................................................................................................... 161
Insurance ......................................................................................................................................................... 140 Mobility Solutions ................................................................................................................................... 164
Tax Services .................................................................................................................................................. 140 Physical Therapy ..................................................................................................................................... 165
Miscellaneous Financial Services ............................................................................................ 141 Vitamin Stores ........................................................................................................................................... 165
Miscellaneous Health Products ............................................................................................... 165
Miscellaneous Health Services ................................................................................................ 166
Number of franchises/Company-owned
See a franchise company’s size and how quickly it’s
growing. Here we list the numbers of franchises and
company-owned units open and operating world-
wide as of July 31 in the years 2020, 2021, and 2022.
Average annual revenue of a Spherion
Royalty fee
Many franchisors require franchisees to pay an
ongoing royalty fee. Specific fees are listed in this
column, typically expressed as a percentage of
gross sales.
franchise open at least one year*
Financing available?
Almost 90% of the franchisors in our listing offer
in-house financing or have relationships with
third-party financing sources to which they refer
qualified franchisees.
Home-based/Mobile opportunity
Identifies franchises that can be run from home
or from a mobile unit, with no retail store, outside
office, or warehouse space required.
*This data is based on 56 franchisees that were open and operating for at least one full year as
of 12/31/21. 14 of the 56 franchisees (25%) surpassed the average annual sales stated above. 24 of Kiosk/Express unit available?
ǕƲ٪ׄ׃٪nj ƇǾƤǕǛƲƲ٪خڤ׀ׂح٪ ƇƲƫ٪ǕƲ٪ƇɥƲ ƇǍƲ٪ƇǾǾƇdz٪Ǎ ȉ٪ ȉ˚٪٪ãȉ ٪ǛǾƫǛɥǛƫƇdz٪ Ʋdz٪ǼƇɬ٪
Some franchises offer kiosk opportunities or
ƫǛnjnjƲ ٪½ǕƲ Ʋ٪Ǜ٪Ǿȉ٪Ƈ ƇǾƤƲ٪ǕƇ٪ȉǕƲ ٪nj ƇǾƤǕǛƲƲ٪ɦǛdzdz٪ƲƇ Ǿ٪Ƈ٪ǼƤǕ٪¤dzƲƇƲ٪ ƲɥǛƲɦ٪UƲǼ٪ֿ٪ȉnj٪ȉ ٪
F%%٪njȉ ٪Ǽȉ Ʋ٪ǛǾnjȉ ǼƇǛȉǾ smaller express units that typically cost less than
full-size units.
The only hotel franchise
ranked #1 for 14 years running.
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Hampton by HiltonTM is the industry’s leading upper-midscale hotel brand, Ready to join the
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delivering the stay guests deserve, all around the world.
With more 5-star reviews than any other hospitality brand in the Americas and a 38-
year legacy of delivering both a premium experience and performance, Hampton is
consistently the brand that countless owners trust with their business.
©2023 Hilton. All trademarks are owned by Hilton or its subsidiaries. This is not an offer to sell or solicitation to buy a franchise. Offers will only be made in compliance with applicable law, including the provision
of a Franchise Disclosure Document. Hilton Franchise Holding LLC, 7930 Jones Branch Drive, McLean, VA 22102. MN registration numbers F-7605, F-7599 and F-7829.
elcome to the 44th annual Franchise 500. THE FIRST STEP in our ranking but still passed our vetting
W With this year’s record-breaking number process is gathering the data. process. These companies are
Starting in June 2022, we listed in alphabetical order
of applicants, the list offers a comprehen-
asked franchisors to fill out under “Not Ranked” in their
sive overview of the state of the franchise
our extensive online form and respective categories.
world, as it emerges from the most submit a copy of their current Check the index on page 213
challenging days of the pandemic into uncertain economic condi- Franchise Disclosure Document to find a specific company, or go to
tions—and keeps going strong. There’s something here for every (FDD) or Canadian Disclosure entrepreneur.com/franchise500
prospective franchisee, whether you’re interested in finding an Document. A whopping 1,321 to view the entire ranking in
opportunity within a brand that has been around for decades or companies supplied all the numerical order.
in getting in on the ground floor of the next emerging trend. required information. Each Note: The Franchise 500 is not
submission was vetted by our intended to endorse, advertise,
So how do we evaluate all these opportunities—new and old,
editorial team before being or recommend any particular
large and small—to bring you the world’s first, best, and most entered for data analysis. franchise. It is solely a tool to
comprehensive franchise ranking? Read on: To be eligible to rank, a fran- compare franchise operations.
chisor must be seeking new fran- You should always conduct your
chisees in the U.S. or Canada and own careful research before
must have had a minimum of investing in a franchise. Read the
→ Am I comfortable reporting
on my results and being
transparent about my
ate about the elements that The truth about wealthy set is an asset to their business, emotional qualities affect your
build their business.” franchisees as much as a great location or operations, you will run your
My take is that what franchi- hen you speak to a superior staff. The way they business a lot more effectively.
sees love about their business
is less important than that
W enough superstar fran-
chisees, as I have, you start
think makes the difference.
Some franchisees don’t
My point? You can do this!
You can adjust your thinking
they love something. Whether to see what they have in com- believe this. They think top and your behavior. You can
it’s the product, the process, mon. If all the wealthy fran- franchisees have a great atti- have a better experience run-
or the people, some element chisees I’ve met had MBAs, I’d tude because they lucked ning your business. You can
of their business should jump- point that out. If they all spent into a successful business. make money, save time, and
start their heart. I had no great twice as much as their peers They don’t understand that a improve your life. Wealthy fran-
love for fruit or gift baskets, on marketing, I’d write a book high-performance mindset is chisees are just ordinary people
but I did love the way Edible on franchise marketing. If they not the result of franchise suc- getting extraordinary results by
Arrangements made people all operated in dense urban cess. It’s the cause. working and living the concepts
feel. I really enjoyed talking settings, I’d obsess over com- Mindset drives operational I’ve outlined. Nothing is guaran-
to customers about their spe- mercial real estate. These are performance. Marketing isn’t teed. There’s a lot you can’t con-
cial occasions and helping factors, but they aren’t the just about promotion; it’s about trol. But if others are succeeding
them find ways to celebrate. reasons. patience. Management isn’t just in your system, chances are you
Running a franchise is tough. What’s important are the about directing employees; it’s can, too.
It’s important to balance the internal traits they share, and about engaging them. Customer
challenges you face with some- how those impact external service isn’t just about finan- This article was excerpted from
thing personally meaning- results. They don’t just have cial transactions; it’s about The Wealthy Franchisee by
ful to make the difficult times winning businesses—they have human connections. With a bet- Scott Greenberg. Find the book
worthwhile. winning outlooks. Their mind- ter understanding of how these at entrepreneur.com/bookstore
As a growing $29 billion industry, signage and As the leading computer service franchise, Salon suite franchise opportunities are perfect for
graphics will be in demand as long as businesses NerdsToGo offers an owner-operator model entrepreneurially- minded individuals who want to
need to be seen. FASTSIGNS® will be there to and executive model with low employee count grow their business ventures or explore franchising.
create captivating, high performing visuals for and a mobile business. A MY SALON Suite franchise owner is the landlord
businesses around the world. • Over 400 markets available nationwide and stylists rent salon space from you.
• Over 750 locations in 9 countries • Diverse & recurring revenue stream • Over 210 locations nationwide
• Business-to-Business hours • Limited nights & weekends • Semi-absentee
• Low staffing requirement • Low staffing requirement • Few to no employees
• Professional business clientele • Award-winning franchise support • Multi-unit opportunities available
Outsmart the Model. Running a franchise is the per- bought the business and made formers had a passion for their
Most wealthy franchisees fect way to acquire it. it profitable. food and the experience they
stick to the system. When I try Many franchising legends provide. I heard similar senti-
to convey this concept onstage, MYTH 4/ never went to college. Peter ments from Erin Walter, vice
it can make me sound like a cor- They’re educated. Cancro was only 17 when he president of brand marketing
porate shill, but it’s true. I don’t ’m grateful for the higher bought Mike’s Subs, eventually at Freddy’s Frozen Custard
meet franchisees who’ve got-
ten wealthy by defying brand
I education I was privileged
to get. It made me a better,
turning it into Jersey Mike’s.
Wendy’s founder Dave Thomas
& Steakburgers. Their best
franchisees also love delight-
practices. smarter, more informed per- dropped out of high school ing customers with their
But I do meet a lot of great son. But it didn’t make me a and got his GED at age 61. brands’ comfort foods and
franchisees who don’t have better franchisee. Books and To be a wealthy franchisee, treats. When I asked Tropical
extensive business experience. lectures can tell you a lot about you don’t have to be a college Smoothie Cafe’s CEO Charles
They come in fresh and open swimming, but they can’t make graduate as much as an ongo- Watson what his top franchi-
and curious. They trust the ops you a swimmer. If there was ing student. What you know sees have in common, the first
manual, bring the right mind- ever a discipline that needed is less important than what thing he said was “passion for
set, and execute better than any- to be learned in the field, it’s you’re willing to learn. the brand.”
one else. running a franchise. I watched But Rhoda Olsen, vice chair
So yes, experience is advan- one of my neighboring Edible MYTH 5/ of Great Clips’ board of direc-
tageous—provided it doesn’t Arrangements franchisees drive They love the business. tors, disagreed. “‘Do what you
conflict with proven systems or his business into the ground. ’ve heard different opinions love’ is BS,” she said. “This is
close your mind to new ways of
doing things. And if you don’t
He had a master’s in engineer-
ing. A less educated franchi-
I on this. Fuzzy’s Taco Shop
CEO Paul Damico told me that,
work! We don’t believe people
need to be passionate about
have experience, don’t worry. see with more relevant skills without question, his top per- hair. They need to be passion-
Just ask Burke Jones, who MYTH 2/ tions has no more hours in the ness. You have no boss; you must
twice bought struggling loca- They’re workaholics. day than someone with just one. self-motivate like never before.
tions of The UPS Store. One ealthy franchisees work With the right people, training, And business ownership is
was in an average neighbor-
hood without any demographic
W hard and put in the hours.
So do many typical and struggling
and systems, their work yields
more results. They’re no busier
different from franchise owner-
ship. Independent business own-
advantages. The other was four franchisees, of course. Hard work than other franchisees; they’re ers can do whatever they want.
doors away from a FedEx Office isn’t the secret to success. It’s the just more productive. Forging a partnership with a
store. But with his stellar cus- prerequisite. Lots of franchisees franchisor, hewing to company
tomer service, he built each are sacrificing and sweating, but MYTH 3/ standards, having others out
location (on separate occa- not all of them are getting results. They have previous there representing the brand—it’s
sions) into the number-one unit The high performers I meet experience. miles apart. Some folks struggle
in the entire network of almost aren’t always putting in more es, business experience can with that distinction.
5,000 stores.
Wealthy franchisees look
hours; they’re putting in better
hours. They know the difference
Y give you a head start. The
next time I open a business, I’d
Franchisors complain to me
that many new franchisees with
for great locations but don’t between activity and productiv- like to think my experience with a lot of outside experience have
rely on them. For them, “good ity. They work on their business, Edible Arrangements will give me a difficult time embracing their
enough” is all it takes. not just in their business. They an enormous advantage. systems. They come with knowl-
Give the top franchisees develop leaders rather than man- But “business” is a broad edge and biases that make it hard
in your system more credit. age employees and put the nec- word. You can develop skills in to trust the company methods.
Their excellent operations essary infrastructure in place to one endeavor that don’t translate They have a hard time unlearn-
make locations look better and ensure they don’t have to do it all into another. Past success in one ing old ways of doing things
may be easier to replicate than themselves. career is in no way a guarantee of and believe they know better
their ZIP codes. A franchisee who owns 20 loca- success running your own busi- than the franchisor. They try to
extraordinary people. In fact, what they believe their high-per- our address, which was close analyze your territory—at least
they’re really no smarter or more forming counterparts have going to Beverly Hills. In his mind, on paper—and assist with site
talented than their lower-perform- for them. Often there’s a huge rich people were lining up with selection. Sometimes a great
ing colleagues. They just manage disconnect. stacks of Benjamins to buy location can compensate for
their thoughts as well as they man- I also talk with the franchi- enormous fruit baskets. But that lackluster operations. It can
age their business, making them sors. They have a wider perspec- wasn’t our customer base. Our also make some franchisees feel
operationally superior. Their tive, as they see the results over a prestigious territory came with a little more confident about
mind flow leads to cash flow. wide field of franchisees running little parking, constant traf- their business acumen than
Fortunately, their mental habits the same operations. They also fic (making deliveries tough), they should.
can be replicated, and so can their tell me about the misperceptions and high rent. I wouldn’t sign But a great location may be
success. many franchisees have about their that lease today. Our high sales hard to identify. It may be too
top performers. Let’s explore the weren’t because of where we expensive or not available.
Wealthy franchisee myths most common ones. were. They were because of That’s OK. Ultimately, the fran-
t’s hard to reproduce someone what we did. chisee makes or breaks the
I else’s success if we don’t know
how they achieved it. There are a
They have winning
Location matters in franchis-
ing, especially for restaurants
business. Franchisors all have
stories of amazing operators
lot of misconceptions out there, locations. and retail. Demographics, pop- tearing it up in locations where
and a lot of guessing. fellow franchisee once ulation density, foot traffic— others failed. Their loyal cus-
I meet a lot of franchisees. I ask
the best ones why they’re success-
A told me how lucky I was
to have my store location. I was
they make a difference. You’ve
got to fish where the fish are.
tomers travel longer distances
to repeat a great experience.
ful. I see who they are and what a little insulted. He knew noth- Your franchisor can help with Their dedicated, well-treated
they do. Then I talk to the strug- ing about our operation or our this. They know their customer employees work harder to cre-
gling franchisees and ask them customer service. He only knew profile and should be able to ate those experiences.
me that the profit of all his loca- compliant: They’re reliable, but for “wealthy” I described above. ing the wealthy franchisees. I
tions put together was less than they’re not as driven to succeed as Struggling franchisees rank low- sometimes facilitate workshops
what many good single-unit oper- the elite players. The final 10% are est within their systems. Many for top performers. When I
ators generate. He had much resistant—they’re just coasting, in this group have succumbed describe the three groups, most
more responsibility and little to not interested in trying to succeed to anger. They’re also resistant. of them identify with the typical
show for it. Some years, he actu- as long as they can skate by with They’ve given up but haven’t yet franchisees, despite their high
ally lost money. little effort. Meyer and his coach- gotten out. They’re just biding rankings. It turns out that humil-
I recommend multi-unit opera- ing staff worked with the elite their time. ity and ambition are also part of
tion. It’s the best way to make big players, but most of their time was But the majority of franchi- the wealthy franchisee profile.
money. But it starts by perform- spent trying to elevate the compli- sees are “typical.” They’re the I talk with franchisees at all
ing well at the unit level, and that ant players into elite players. That 80%. They’re paying the bills and three levels before every presen-
requires high-level thinking. was the team’s biggest opportu- maybe even making a decent tation. I want to know their per-
nity for improvement. He esti- living, but they often feel stuck spectives so I can speak directly
Three levels of mates that by the end of their 2014 somewhere between hopeful and to their experience. Not only
franchisees championship season, 30% of discouraged. They really want to have I learned what wealthy fran-
n his book Above the Line their team qualified as elite. grow. They want to get wealthy. chisees have in common, but I
I (Penguin, 2017), Ohio State’s
former championship-winning
Most franchisees also fall into
three categories, which I call
They want to be among the elite.
They just can’t seem to figure
also see what typical and strug-
gling franchisees have in com-
football coach Urban Meyer dis- “wealthy,” “typical,” and “strug- out how. mon. Getting to know them
cusses his “10-80-10” principle. gling.” The franchisees I highlight It’s always fascinating to ask has helped me further distin-
Ten percent of football players are in this book are all among the top franchisees which of these three guish their high-performing
elite—skilled, self-disciplined, and sales performers within their sys- groups they think they’re in. counterparts.
committed. Eighty percent are tems. They also meet the criteria Most feel they’re typical—includ- Wealthy franchisees aren’t
the answers might change. of our chocolate-covered straw- my son’s basketball coach asks I’ve asked a lot of franchisors
Wealthy franchisees live well berries. And the more experience him to run five more “suicides,” to tell me about their “top fran-
and their business helps them I gained by owning and work- he’s working, but he’s not suffer- chisees,” and it’s always inter-
do it. They may really enjoy the ing in this franchise, the more ing. Running suicides is a pain he esting to hear their criteria for
work itself, or perhaps they love material I had for my speaking appreciates because it’s part of “top.” Some mention the franchi-
the things the business allows business. The professions comple- the training process, and he feels see with the highest-volume unit.
them to do. mented each other. great when he’s done. But a recep- Others choose the operator with
Honestly, I wasn’t passion- I had bad days and plenty of tionist who is verbally abused by the most locations.
ate about fruit, but I really liked problems as a franchisee. If you her boss, feels her work is mean- Multi-unit operators have
being in the special-occasion had caught me on the right day ingless, and goes home each night sophisticated operations and
business. People just lit up when- in the wrong mood, I would have in tears—she’s suffering. generate a lot of revenue for
ever they saw our fruit arrange- handed you the keys for free. Remember, you’re not just the franchisor. That gets them
ments. At parties, they would (I’d say the same thing about my investing in a business. You’re a lot of attention, but it doesn’t
gather around a basket and kids.) Invariably, though, those buying a lifestyle. Owning a fran- necessarily qualify them as
moan with pleasure as they bit moments passed. Most days were chise should make your life bet- wealthy franchisees.
into a juicy chunk of pineap- good. Generally speaking, having ter. Wealthy franchisees are happy I met one multi-unit franchi-
ple. I felt deep pride on a busy the business made my life better. people living full, rich lives, and see who had one of the biggest
day watching all the activity in (Also true of my kids.) their business makes it possible. enterprises in the company. His
my stores. Employees were buy- I reject the notion that work To be wealthy is to balance combined stores generated $6
ing clothing for their kids with is something to be endured. money, time, and quality of life in million in sales annually. His
money they made by working in Sure, we must all pay our dues. a way that works for you. If you franchisor loved him for that,
my business. Customers would But there’s a difference between can remember this, you’ll sustain touting him as an exemplary
hide engagement rings in boxes hard work and suffering. When your success a lot longer. franchisee. But he confided to
support teams
This is not an offer to sell a franchise. This franchise is offered only by our delivery of a franchise disclosure document to you in compliance with the Federal Trade Commission’s rule on franchising and various state franchise sales laws.
*Data are based on each company’s Franchise Disclosure Documents (FDD) for all franchise centers open in 2021 except for Kumon, which are for centers open at least three years; and Sylvan, which are for centers open at least 24 months.
Kumon reports in its 2021 FDD that its average franchised center open at least 36 months had 150 subject-students. We estimate a subject-student’s monthly fee from our web search of the phrase ‘How much does a parent pay Kumon’.
We used the average of the high estimates, $145 per month per single subject. We estimated the registration fee of $50 and materials fee of $30 from this web search; and we estimate that half of a center’s enrollees pay these fees.
At the same time, the entire I opened my first Edible It worked well for us. Even determine how you should
concept of franchising is to cre- Arrangements franchise with though I wasn’t always there, spend your time. Only you know
ate replicable systems that aren’t the intention of not needing we still became one of the high- what makes you happy.
dependent on any one person. to constantly be in my store. I est-volume locations in the state. The important thing is
It’s all about scaling. As they say could have saved on labor and We earned stellar reviews for that wealthy franchisees have
in the industry, if you only buy maybe increased my revenues customer service and became a options. They’re in control of
one location and run it yourself, by running the franchise myself training store for other franchi- their time. They can work 80
you haven’t bought a business. every day. But my objective was sees. We opened a second loca- hours a week on their busi-
You’ve bought yourself a job. to run it part time while main- tion and built that up as well. A ness if they want, but they don’t
The best franchisees make taining a slightly reduced speak- smart time investment doesn’t have to. They’re happy with the
themselves as unnecessary as ing schedule. The net result necessarily mean full time. It money they make given the time
possible for day-to-day oper- was a significant increase in my means full commitment. they invest.
ations. That’s not neglect; it’s annual income from multiple There is nothing more valu-
the ultimate form of leadership. revenue streams, one of which able than time. We can always Quality of life
Great leaders breed more lead- was a tangible asset that would make more money, but time is inally, we need to look at
ers. They create an infrastruc-
ture that frees them to focus on
increase in value.
To accomplish this, I had to
something we’ll only have less
of. It’s precious. It’s like a bank
F what your life is like with
this business in it. Are you hav-
more important things. They work smart, create systems, account from which we only ing fun, or are you stressed out?
invest a lot of time upfront so develop my team members, use make withdrawals. None of us Do you feel proud of what you
they have more free time later. technology, and focus on what knows our remaining balance. do? Does the business contrib-
Smart financial investments yield mattered most. All we can do with time is choose ute to your life or take away
more money. Smart time invest- My work had to make money how we spend it. from it? These are important
ments give you more time. and save time. Like financial wealth, I can’t questions to ask. And over time,
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ranges, historical performance, percentile within your system, The best franchisees make
costs, and other relevant infor-
mation to give prospects an idea
such as being in the top 10% of
all franchisees in sales. You may → themselves as unnecessary
of their potential ROI. But item also wish to include an annual as possible for day-to-day
19 is optional. Many franchisors rate of growth. Look to your fran-
are reluctant to share this data. chise system and your industry
operations. That’s not neglect; it’s
This may be because the num- to determine the average growth the ultimate leadership.
bers are low (sometimes skewed rate. Most important, set goals
down by the worst-performing for profit. What matters most is
franchisees). what you take home. be happy making $1 million from Making $70,000 by working part
For most franchises trading in Of course, in evaluating your your business over the course time may be a smarter model than
U.S. greenbacks, top operators revenue, you also need to con- of 25 years?” Most hands went making $100,000 working full
are pulling in around six figures sider how long it takes you to down. They were working way time. This is especially true when
of profit per unit on the high generate it. too hard to make only $40,000 a the time you save is invested in
end. Many franchisees make mil- year for the next 25 years. I asked a second business, whether it’s
lions of dollars by running multi- Control of your time another question: “How many of an additional location or another
ple locations. Some of them are once asked an audience of you would be happy making $1 business altogether.
large corporate entities running
hundreds of units, sometimes
I franchisees to raise their
hands if they’d be happy making
million in a year if it would cost
you your family, your friends,
Some franchise systems require
franchisees to be full-time oper-
from multiple brands. $1 million from their business. and reduce your life span?” A few ators. I understand this policy.
It’s up to you to set your own Most raised their hands. “Let hands went up, but not many. They don’t want passive investors
financial goals. To keep it real- me finish my question,” I cau- There’s an important relation- who aren’t committed to building
istic, you may wish to aim for a tioned. “How many of you would ship between time and money. the business.
Mostly, I don’t want to worry you’ll have plenty of time to do life), you’ll have enjoyable wealth. those earning above that amount
about money. everything else you want. How much is “a lot of ” yielded little or no increases in hap-
When you buy a franchise, For our purposes here, the money? That’s subjective. I can’t piness. Those who achieved higher
you’re getting more than a busi- term “wealthy” refers not to a name a number to define finan- degrees of emotional well-being got
ness. You’re acquiring a lifestyle. dollar amount but to a lifestyle. cial wealth for you. it from other sources.
You’ll have more responsibility, Wealthy franchisees are those Some might say they just Maybe you don’t believe it. That’s
more liability, and more surprises people who build businesses that want enough money to be OK. Try it for yourself.
than any job you’ve ever had. And 1) make money, 2) free up time, happy. So how much is that? There’s a good chance you can
unlike a job, you can’t just quit. and 3) maximize quality of life. There’s actually an answer to make more than $75,000 from your
You’re on the hook. that question: $75,000. franchise, although you may have to
With a commitment like that, Making money Princeton University’s adjust the number for inflation. (The
you’d better like what you’ll be ithout a doubt, there is a renowned psychologist Angus Princeton report was published in
doing. You’d better be excited
about how you’re going to spend
W financial aspect to being
wealthy. I’m not saying that being
Deaton and Nobel laureate psy-
chologist Daniel Kahneman
2010. Now, the number is probably
closer to $108,000.) Do the work,
your time, because you’re about rich is more important than being analyzed more than 450,000 and then you’ll know.
to spend a lot of it. loved. I’m not suggesting that responses to the Gallup- Prior to selling someone a fran-
But that’s the reward! You making money is more import- Healthways Well-Being Index. chise, franchisors are required to
actually get to spend time doing ant than making a difference. You They discovered that $75,000 disclose everything about their
something you enjoy. You get to shape your own values. annual household income is the company in their franchise disclo-
make money working for your- But making money does allow threshold for increases in emo- sure document (FDD). Item 19 of
self. If you like what you do, then you to have more choices. And if tional well-being, even among the standard FDD provides details
the time you spend on it won’t be you balance this component with those who live in more expensive on the financial performance of a
a sacrifice. And if you’re smart, the other two (time and quality of cities. The comforts afforded to franchise. It may provide earnings
An investment
primed for national
growth and
significant ROI.
Among the
Fees in the
*This information can be found in Item 19 of the 2022 Franchise Disclosure Document issued by WNW Franchising, LLC. The data reflects the calendar year beginning January 1, 2021, and ending March 31, 2023,
and shows information for reporting stores which were open and operating for at least 12 months as of December 31, 2021. There is no assurance will do as well. If you rely upon our figures, you must accept the risk
of not doing as well. This is not an offer to sell you a franchise. The offer of a franchise can only be made through the delivery of a Franchise Disclosure Document. Certain states require that we register the Franchise
Disclosure Document in those states. This communication is not specifically directed by us to the residents of any of those states. Moreover, we will not offer or sell franchises in those states until we have registered the
franchise (or obtained an applicable exemption from registration) and delivered the Franchise Disclosure Document to the prospective franchisee in compliance with applicable law.
terms. You’re the boss. You no well-off if you have your own cow. Being a wealthy franchisee
longer have to worry about how
you’re treated. As a wealthy
It all depends on your desires,
your expectations, and where → is a question of personality.
franchisee, you live your life by you live. Anyone can take it on.
your own design. But even if you meet your finan-
Wealthy franchisees get to do cial expectations, you must also
Anyone can embrace these high-
what they want, as much or as lit- consider the cost of building your performance habits.
tle as they want. And they make wealth. The most basic report in
plenty of money. That doesn’t business accounting is the profit
mean trillions of dollars, but rel- and loss statement (P&L). The top was invested. It doesn’t tell us opening of the newest Marvel
ative to what they’ve invested, portion of the P&L lists all reve- how much stress was endured. movie. And if getting rich means
they’re getting a great return. nues. The total amount of rev- It doesn’t tell us about the strain missing my kids’ games and recit-
Wealthy franchisees live well. enues is meaningless until you the business put on your health als, count me out.
subtract the bottom portion of and your relationships. On the other hand, basketball
The 3 elements of the P&L, your expenses. The If you’re working seven days shoes and ballet slippers cost
being wealthy expenses tell us how much it cost a week and sacrificing all quality money. So do car payments,
ealthy” is a subjective and to achieve the revenues. The dif- of life to stockpile cash, I don’t gym memberships, and dog
W relative term. Many people
say having $1 million in the bank
ference between the two is your
profit or loss.
care how much money you have.
You’re not a wealthy franchi-
food. I want to be able to pay my
kids’ college tuition, buy more
makes them wealthy, but some But that bottom portion, the see. You can always make more cool stuff, go out to dinner with
only need $100,000 and some expenses, only tells us about the money, but you’ll never get more my wife, and see the world. I
need $100 million. In some parts financial costs of the revenues. It time. I don’t want an ulcer or a want to give a lot more to char-
of the world, you’re considered doesn’t tell us about the time that divorce. I don’t want to miss the ity and secure my retirement.
You pay a few bills and then rushes out to help with a flurry about the auction. She suggests these kids while you can. For a
do your walk-around. There are of customers who just walked in. donating three items and requir- moment, your mind drifts back
always adjustments to be made Realizing you’re probably in the ing the winners to come into the to those stressful corporate days
and work to be corrected, but way at this point, you remove store to claim them. You like her reporting to that miserable vice
you also acknowledge every- yesterday’s cash from the safe thinking. president. The money was good,
thing your team is doing right. and exit through the back door. You’re greeted in the gymna- but it was costing you your soul.
You hand your car keys to one of You make a quick drop at the sium by the school athletic direc- Did you really spend 15 years
your employees and ask him to bank and then head to a weekly tor, who knows you well. So do all there?
unload the supplies. Then you meeting with your networking the parents. Every game, they see On the drive home, you pass
make your way to the front to group. You’re eager to speak with your sponsorship banner hang- a busy strip mall and notice a
greet a few customers. one of your colleagues who’s had ing on the wall beneath the score- “For Lease” sign on an end cap.
Later you sit down with your a lot of success with new digital board. Many come to chat with The location would be perfect for
manager. There are a few repairs marketing initiatives. She actu- you after the game. Your daughter another store.
she needs you to approve. She ally seeks you out first to see if grows impatient. “C’mon—I have The life of a wealthy franchi-
updates you on employee per- you’d like to donate a prize and homework!” see isn’t without stress. You’re
formance. She herself would like say a few words at a charity auc- You smile at the other parents. going to have some rough days.
to take a few days off to attend tion she’s chairing. Four hundred “Her majesty beckons!” Sales will slump. Stuff will break.
a friend’s wedding. You discuss people will be there. Yeah, you’ll No one feels like cooking Employees will quit. Things
how sales have been this week help her out. tonight, so the family stops for happen.
and brainstorm ideas to raise You now have just enough Italian. You all debate about Still, it’s a pretty good gig.
ticket averages. Finally, you tell time to get to your daughter’s whether you should hit another And it’s probably a lot better
her how grateful you are for her volleyball game. On the way, national park this summer or than your jobs in the past. You
hard work. She thanks you and you call your manager to tell her go back to Maui. Better enjoy get to do things on your own
ogizes that she can’t explain why You run a “how heard” report to see
the register closed out with an if your recent marketing initiatives
extra $20, which she’s clipped to are bringing in customers. There’s
the note (unaware you asked your also lots of email to deal with, mostly
manager to slip the extra money invoices and shipping notices from
in the till yesterday to see what vendors. Your corporate office has
she’d do). You’re proud of her and sent their weekly update. You read
look forward to announcing her about upcoming franchises they’re
promotion to assistant manager. opening and a new promotion roll-
Your manager was right about her. ing out next month. There’s a notice
She’s a keeper. from Yelp; someone left you a five-
You run some reports. This star review and mentioned one
week’s sales are slightly down, of your employees by name. You
but month-to-date you’re up 14%. remind yourself to get her a gift card.
Join the #1 Ranked Acai Bowl Franchise!
of your Lexus. (You really do use
slope. He doesn’t need to take calls on vacation—he just likes being available. I as-
it for business.) When you get to
sure him we can talk later. Certainly, we can wait until he’s reached the bottom.
your store, you decide to leave
David is one of the top franchisees in a brand of early childhood development
the supplies in the car for the
centers. He has money, but equally important, he has time. He doesn’t always have
moment. Today you want to enter
to be at work, and his wife never has to be there. She practices law. Together, they bring in
through the front door, as a cus-
plenty of money to raise their family in a great neighborhood, travel, and ski. David runs his
tomer would.
business. It doesn’t run him. He is a good example of the many wealthy franchisees I’ve met
The place feels pleasant and
over the years—the people with the highest profits and the best lifestyles. clean. You notice a balled-up gum
Being a wealthy franchisee is a question of personality. Anyone can take on this personality. wrapper on the floor and grab it.
Anyone can embrace these high-performance habits and get the same results. Wealth is nothing You straighten a few display items.
but a byproduct of choices. You don’t need talent, education, or brilliance. You don’t even A team member is helping custom-
need an idea—you’ve already paid your franchisor for one. You just need to execute. ers. He gives you a warm nod as
That concept is simple to understand, but often hard in practice. Most people don’t execute you head back.
as well as they should. They think they’ve bought a recipe for success. In a way, they have. Your manager greets you as you
Their franchisor tells them what ingredients to get and what to do with them. But the franchi- make your way to the office. She’s
sor can’t control how well they measure, slice, stir, or bake. busy but in good spirits. She men-
Your franchisor can’t control how warmly you greet customers. They can’t force you to in- tions over her shoulder that she’d
spire your employees. They can’t shift your focus from the minutiae to the big picture. So many like to go over a few things when
elements of the business are on you. You are the biggest variable, and your impact on your you have a moment.
operation can’t be overstated. You enter the office and sit at
But that’s great news. It means you’re betting on yourself. You’re in control. When you work the desk. Next to the keyboard is a
for someone else, you’re betting on them. note from an employee asking for a
There’s a perception of stability when you have a job. Don’t believe it. In that situation, you day off to take her mom to a medi-
can do everything right and still get burned. cal appointment. You leave that for
Most businesses in your industry are underperforming. That works to your advantage. You’re your manager to handle. There’s
competing against mediocrity. Lead with excellence, and you win. Excellence comes naturally also an envelope with your name
for some franchisees. Others need to be more conscientious. But everyone has the potential to on the outside. It’s a note from
build franchise wealth. last night’s shift leader. She apol-
How To Be A Wealthy
Some franchisees are slaves to their businesses. Others make great money and still
have time to enjoy their lives. What’s the difference? Mindset and execution.
86 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023
such as Nation’s Restaurant into which your statistics fall you an idea of how that franchi- they’ve made a bad decision.
News publish periodic guides to (e.g., full-service restaurants, see is doing. So be wary!
operating statistics that allow fast-casual restaurants, etc.) Most importantly, you need The bottom line in all of
you to estimate an “average” may be too broad to be mean- to ask other franchisees. They this: Do not buy a franchise
unit’s financial performance. ingful in deriving certain ele- can be your best resources for until you’ve looked under
Studies by the Risk Management ments of your financial model. questions such as these and every rock and investigated
Association, Dun & Bradstreet, For example, McDonald’s and are absolutely essential to your every possible problem.
and others can provide insight Subway might both be lumped research process. Before you make your final
into a number of industries. into the fast-food category, but One last word of warning: decision, you should be able
And of course, the internet con- their unit economics have very Almost everyone you talk to say you have done every-
tains reams of information— little in common. to has a hidden agenda, so thing you could possibly do
some of which may or may not everything they say should be to investigate your choice.
be accurate—to help you with Just ask! treated with caution. A fran- Because there is really no
this research. he last way to estimate rev- chise salesperson wants you way to know how much you’ll
The danger in using industry
averages to estimate your per-
T enue numbers is more
direct—just ask. Even if the fran-
to buy a franchise. A landlord
wants to impress you with
earn—until you’re out there
formance is that you may not chisor cannot answer your ques- how high the volume in their
achieve it—either because your tions, others might. Try talking property is. Even other fran- This article is excerpted from
franchise does not perform as to the landlord for one of the chisees have a hidden agenda: the book The Franchisee
well as the industry as a whole system’s franchisees. If you When you join the system, you Handbook, by iFranchise Group
or because you underper- approach them about renting increase their advertising and CEO Mark Siebert, published by
formed. Likewise, in doing this a space to house a marginally buying power. And most peo- Entrepreneur Books. Buy it from
research, often the categories related business, they might give ple don’t want to admit it if entrepreneur.com/bookstore.
ers, you should be able to get a unit on several especially good tions. Factors like the weather ily skewed toward summer
good feel for the sales volume of or bad days, your estimate may impact your observations. usage or particular holidays.
retail stores and restaurants if could be off significantly. Thus, Watching a business in inclement While estimation by obser-
you have the patience. this method works best when weather may result in an estimate vation can provide you with a
This method is simple but you observe multiple units over that is too low, while watching good deal of insight, it should
time-consuming. Just go to a an extended period of time. only during good weather could be used to supplement and ver-
unit and watch people spend Several cautions are in order result in estimates that will be ify your other estimation tech-
money. Even from outside the if you choose this method: somewhat high. niques, as the small number
unit, you can count the cus- If the unit is location-sensitive Be careful about when you of units you can observe (and
tomers going in and make an or is affected by other variables observe the unit. If you only go the various aberrations that
estimate, based on the average you have not identified, your to a restaurant during the lunch will almost certainly creep into
prices, as to how much each revenue estimate could be off. hour, you may see a unit that is your analysis) will limit the reli-
one will spend. Multiply average Try to observe units that are sim- constantly busy, but only because ability of your data.
daily expenditure estimates by ilar in most respects to the one you are observing during the
the number of days the estab- you plan to open: similar loca- rush. If you only watch it on the Estimating by the book
lishment is open, and voilà! You tions, area demographics, size, weekends, you may get a similar nother (perhaps less
have your estimate.
The downside to this
etc. If it is a restaurant, the pres-
ence or absence of a drive-thru
Watch out for seasonal-
A accurate) alternative is
to use industry averages to
method, aside from the time window could have a significant ity! Some businesses, partic- give you an approximation of
required, is the statistical aber- impact on revenues. ularly those in malls, may do these numbers. For example,
rations that can occur when If a franchisee is running a more than 40% of their annual some industry associations
doing a limited sample. If, just promotion or advertising heav- sales volume in November and like the National Restaurant
by chance, you observe the ily, it may impact your projec- December. Others may be heav- Association or publications
their franchisees to achieve min- how it has responded to that. take place if a franchisee were to $400,000), to get the franchi-
imum performance criteria to Have they terminated franchi- underreport revenues or to off- sor’s idea of a required mini-
retain their franchise rights. If sees on this issue alone? Have set the franchisor’s costs during mum level of sales.
such requirements exist, they they allowed underperforming the startup phase of a franchise. The danger in this method
must be detailed in Item 12. For franchisees to remain in the sys- The franchisor’s reasoning usu- is that the franchisor may have
example, the franchisee may be tem but reduced the size of the ally goes something like this: grossly underestimated or over-
required to achieve minimum protected territory? Well, at a bare-bones minimum, estimated the level of sales you
revenues of $150,000 in their Some franchisors, instead of every franchisee should be able to should achieve, either because it
first year, $200,000 in their sec- using a sales-based performance generate a minimum of $400,000 is too aggressive, too conserva-
ond year, and so on. Franchisors requirement, may require a min- a year. At a 6% royalty, that would tive, or simply doesn’t know any
incorporate these requirements imum royalty, as opposed to a be $24,000 per year. So I’ll charge better. Thus, this methodology
to assure themselves that an percentage royalty—for exam- a $2,000-a-month minimum should be used more to confirm
underperforming franchisee will ple, the contract might spec- royalty. sales levels than to predict them.
not tie up a territory that should ify a monthly royalty of 6% or Thus, if you want to derive
be generating much higher rev- $2,000, whichever is greater. that minimum sales number Estimating based on
enues (and royalties). If the fran- While this is not a performance the franchisor had in mind observation
chise you’re investigating has requirement per se, it does pro- when it set the minimum roy- nother means of determin-
such requirements, you may
want to compare them to the
vide guidance as to minimum
revenue expectations.
alty, first annualize the min-
imum royalty payment by
A ing your estimated sales
is through direct observation.
competition. You can also ask When a franchisor sets a min- multiplying the monthly min- While this may not work well for
the franchisor how many fran- imum royalty requirement, it is imum by 12. Then divide the service-based franchises, where
chisees have failed to meet the generally an attempt to minimize result by the royalty, as we did you can’t stand in the location
minimum requirements, and the royalty erosion that could previously ($24,000 / 0.06 = and observe lines of custom-
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for a while, is changes to the the temporary help industry, competitors and see if they dis- Using performance
royalty structure. If the franchi- you can use the same formula close the same type of infor- requirements
sor has increased its royalties, to determine gross margin. But mation. For example, most here may be other infor-
some older franchisees may still
be paying the lower rate. Using
if the franchisor charges a flat
fee, you won’t be able to get
restaurant franchisors typi-
cally disclose revenues, cost of
T mation in the FDD that
can give you clues as to what
the current royalty for all fran- any useful information, and goods, and labor. If you’re con- the franchisor expects you to
chisees would understate your if it derives its revenue from sidering a concept where the earn, often in the form of min-
anticipated revenues. product sales, this method cost of goods is 32% and their imum performance require-
will not work. (You also need direct competitors are all at ments. If these exist, they
5/ If franchisees are not pay- to watch out for franchisors 26% or less, that should raise would be disclosed in Items 6
ing royalties (you can usu- charging a royalty or a flat fee, a red flag. You should at least and 12 of the FDD.
ally determine this by looking whichever is higher. When flat ask the franchisor why their For example, the fran-
through the litigation section, fees are paid in lieu of percent- cost of goods is so much higher chisor might have a perfor-
if it has gone that far), reve- age royalties, estimated reve- than everyone else in the cate- mance requirement calling
nues might be understated. Of nues will be overstated.) gory. While there may be rea- for a certain level of sales.
course, you may have a larger sonable explanations for these Usually, franchisors with such
problem to worry about. Comparing Item 19 variations (e.g., a franchisor a requirement use a relatively
data from competitive may have a higher cost of goods low estimate in the hopes that
6/ Finally, be careful you are franchise systems because it uses better ingredi- most franchisees would be
not dealing with one of the f the franchise concept ents or intentionally charges able to meet it.
franchisors whose royalties are
based on gross margins. If you
I you’re considering has an
Item 19 disclosure, you can
lower prices), evaluating com-
petitive FDDs will give you
Many consumer service fran-
chises (e.g., carpet cleaning,
are, as is sometimes found in obtain FDDs for their primary another point of comparison. home inspections, etc.) require
907,346 AUV FOR TOP 25%* Simple
*907,346 in the average gross sales of the top 25% of all traditional franchised units in operation for
the entire calendar year ended December 27, 2021. Of the 220 units included in the average gross
sales for the top 25%, 88 units met or exceeded the average gross sales. There is no assurance,
however, that you will do as well. See item 19 of the Smoothie King® Franchise Disclosure Document
for more information.
ment you made in opening as many franchisees (and for- I can assure you no one ever
your franchise?
And that’s just the start.
mer franchisees) as possible.
Their combined input will → bought a franchise believing
These questions are intention- be the most valuable source they would be on the lower
ally arranged to begin with of data in your due diligence
broad, seemingly harmless gen- process. Be sure to supple-
half of the performance curve. Yet, by
eralities before moving to more ment your questions with oth- definition, half of all franchisees are.
specific questions at the end. ers based on information in the
This allows you to build trust FDD, what you have learned
with the franchisees before you through your own research, pany, there may be a revenue a full year’s performance). If
start asking for details. And and anything else that might be line in the statement reflecting you can determine how many
even if you do not get these lat- relevant to the franchise oppor- revenue from corporate oper- opened during the year, you
ter questions answered, hope- tunity you are considering. ations. If you can find it, sim- can cut that number in half and
fully you will still have gotten What about new franchisors ply divide that number by the add it to the number of units
some valuable information. who have not yet sold a fran- number of units owned by the open for a full year to give you a
Remember, franchisees chise? If you are considering company to get average reve- rough estimate. Note: Generally
in general want you to join becoming a franchisor’s first nue per unit. This number will, speaking, the more “young”
the system. When you enter franchisee, you need to satisfy of course, be influenced by any units a system contains, the
the system, they gain adver- yourself that the concept or the units that opened or closed more revenues will be under-
tising power and purchasing people behind it are ready for during the period, but it will at stated, as these units will typ-
strength, as well as broader prime time—preferably both. least give you a rough estimate. ically be at the early stages of
exposure of their brand name. And you need to exercise par- Unfortunately for this method, their revenue growth curve.
But not all franchisees will be ticular diligence when trying most franchisors create a sepa-
motivated to get you to join. to estimate potential returns. If rate entity (or more than one) 2/ Conversely, if franchisees
For example, if you are speak- there are no franchisees you can for corporate locations. This ceased operation during the
ing to a franchisee who wants call, you need to factor that into data is often not shown in the course of the year, chances are
to expand into the territory your risk calculation—and be franchisor’s income statement. the number of franchisees would
you’re interested in, they may certain the returns offered more If there are no company be accurately reflected in the dis-
not want to be helpful at all. than make up for that degree of operations, some income state- closure document while the rev-
Moreover, franchisees want risk. That’s not to say that being ments have a separate line item enues might be inflated thanks
to reinforce the decision they among the first franchisees in detailing franchise royalties. to some income from these
themselves made. Once people a system is a bad thing. Many Dividing that number by the now-defunct franchisees. In
decide to do something, they franchisees have benefited from number of franchises will yield this case, your estimate of your
want to find reasons to sup- joining an emerging franchise the average royalty paid per revenues could be overstated,
port that decision. In psychol- system early in its development. franchise. Divide the average since it would assume each exist-
ogy, it’s called rationalization. It just requires an additional royalty by the royalty rate, and ing franchise brought in more
If we spend tens or perhaps level of due diligence and a will- you have an estimate of aver- money than it actually did.
hundreds of thousands of dol- ingness to assume a higher level age revenue per franchise. (For
lars, we don’t want to feel of risk in exchange for a greater example, if the average royalties 3/ Read the notes to the finan-
like we made a mistake. We anticipated return. paid per store were $40,000 cial statements extremely care-
may overlook minor flaws in and the franchisor charged a fully. Some accountants may
our purchase and rationalize Using the franchisor’s 4% royalty, you would divide lump franchise fees, royalties,
them with overstatements of income statement $40,000 by 0.04 to find an esti- and other fees together under
its good qualities. So too with second method of esti- mated average unit volume of “franchise fees.” This will inval-
franchisees. Be careful of their
responses. In general, how-
A mating revenues involves
the use of the franchisor’s
$1 million.) There are a couple
of dangers in these methods.
idate your analysis. Caution:
Using numbers derived this way
ever, you’ll find most franchi- income statement, found in Watch out for the following: will overstate your anticipated
sees are willing to share their the FDD. While the franchisor revenues! Use these numbers
honest experiences with you. will not disclose unit revenues 1/ If company-owned units or only if you can back out all non-
And as you speak with more in these statements, there are franchises opened during the royalty revenue.
and more franchisees, you’ll ways to make a guesstimate. course of the year, both of these
begin to see commonalities If the franchisor runs methods could understate 4/ Another thing you have to
in their responses, which is company-owned operations anticipated revenues (since watch for, especially with fran-
another reason to speak with through the franchise com- some units achieved less than chisors who have been around
80 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023
*This information reflects the Average Gross Sales and Average Free Cash Flow for the Top 25% of Buddy’s Home Furnishings company-owned retail businesses which
were in operation for the entirety of the 2021 fiscal year. Of the 37 retail businesses that were in operation for all of 2021, 9 were included in the Top 25% sample set and 3
attained or surpassed the Average Gross Sales and 4 attained or surpassed the Average Free Cash Flow as described above. We refer you to Item 19 of our 2022 Franchise
Disclosure Document for additional information. A NEW FRANCHISEE’S RESULTS MAY DIFFER FROM THE REPRESENTED PERFORMANCE. This advertisement is not intended
as an offer to sell, or the solicitation of an offer to buy, a franchise. Offerings made by prospectus only and in compliance with the applicable pre-sale registration and
disclosure requirements in your state. **Per 2021 APRO Annual Industry Health Survey ©2022 Buddy’s Home Furnishings®. All rights reserved.
by the franchise, as many busi- or other ongoing fees charged or who have been terminated, many punches to the head.
nesses (especially in the service by the franchisor), debt ser- for example). Speak to franchi- When you do talk to these
sector) are not very profitable vice, and other operating costs. sees who are operating in a sim- franchisees, ask specific ques-
(if at all) in their first year or Now let’s talk about how to ilar type of location (strip mall, tions. Ask them about their
two of operations. Of course, build those estimates. There street front, etc.). And as much revenues—not just today, but
you will have to estimate first- are several different meth- as you can, target franchisees when they started up. Ask
year cash flows separately ods you can employ, and you with a similar background (for them how long it took them to
when calculating your required should try all of them. example, if you have no indus- break even. Ask them about
investment to be sure you have Each method will result in a try-specific experience). The every cost element on the
adequate working capital. different figure. When mak- franchisor may be willing to income statement. And, of
Once you have these num- ing your final estimate, you provide you with enough back- course, ask them specific ques-
bers, you will have a good should lean toward the meth- ground information to identify tions about the support pro-
idea of what you can expect to ods that gave you the lower some of these people. From a vided by the franchisor. In
earn from your franchise. So numbers, for the sake of being statistical point of view, you will particular, how helpful was the
let’s start crunching numbers. conservative. get the most reliable informa- franchisor in the early stages of
(Really. It’s not that bad.) Let’s look at some of these tion if you keep your sample their business?
methods. random and your sample size Stay away from generali-
Deriving numbers when is larger—but do work in these ties. Ask an easy question, get
there is no FPR. Ask someone who subsets. a meaningless answer. Try to
f a franchisor does not pro- owns one. If you are speaking to a fran- avoid yes-or-no questions.
I vide you with an FPR, you
will need to get creative to T his is perhaps the most
important step in the
chisee who failed, you will
certainly want to know why, Here are some sample
accurately estimate the reve- entire process of making your and they are equally certain questions to start out:
nue your business can earn. decision. If the franchisor to give a bad reference when → How long have you been a
But first, a word of caution: In has existing franchisees, you asked about the franchise. You franchisee in this system?
virtually every business plan I should speak to as many of will have to decide whether
have ever read, there is a ten- them as you reasonably can. their opinions have merit and → What was your background
dency to overestimate sales Every FDD must provide a whether you can envision before you joined as a franchi-
and underestimate expenses. list of current franchisees in yourself on their side of the see? What factors led you to
This can be disastrous! When the system, along with their fence someday. You will defi- decide to become a franchisee
franchise prospects make pro- names, addresses, and phone nitely need to take some of of the brand?
jections, they often gravitate numbers. You’ll find this infor- what they say with a grain of
toward the numbers achieved mation in Item 20 of the FDD. salt. I have never found a failed → Can you tell me about the
by the top performers in the It must also disclose contact franchisee who attributed that support the franchisor pro-
system on the assumption that information for franchisees failure to his lack of intelli- vided prior to your opening?
they are smarter, will work who have been “terminated, gence or hard work, although Site location, design assistance,
harder, and will work longer canceled, not renewed, or oth- clearly some do fail through construction assistance, and
than the average franchisee. erwise voluntarily or involun- their own fault alone. training? What did they do well,
And while that might be true, tarily ceased to do business Of course, no business can and where did they fall short?
I can assure you no one ever under the franchise agreement ever guarantee success, even if
bought a franchise believing during the most recently com- a franchisee is a good fit. But a → Do you feel the franchisor’s
they would be on the lower pleted fiscal year.” Call them! large number of failed franchi- consumer marketing efforts are
half of the performance curve. Be sure you contact a large sees may have implications for productive? Why or why not?
Yet, by definition, half of all enough sample to give you a the franchisor’s support sys-
franchisees are. good cross-section of results. tem, business model, or selec- → How long did it take for you
Estimate low on revenues For example, speak to newer tion process. If that last one is to become cash-flow positive in
and high on expenses, and franchisees as well as those who systemic, it points to problems your business? Looking back,
any surprises you receive will are better established. Talk to with quality control (too many would you say the franchise
be happy ones. Expenses you franchisees who are located dummies spoil the broth!) and was a good business invest-
should build estimates for fairly close or in your target geo- future failures within the fran- ment for you? (If no, ask them
include cost of goods sold, graphic market. Talk to happy chise system—maybe even your why not.)
labor, rent, benefits and taxes, franchisees (current ones, pre- own. So be careful if every
utilities, “plug” numbers (roy- sumably) and unhappy franchi- franchisee you speak with → How many years did it take
alties, advertising assessments, sees (those involved in litigation sounds as if they took one too you to fully recover the invest-
78 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023
Franchise Opportunity
that means the company thinks the first two years looked like. In virtually every business
it has something to brag about
from a financial perspective.
If labor costs are reported,
check whether those calcula- → plan I have ever read, there is
Moreover, it is making your job tions include management as a tendency to overestimate
easier by telling you up front well as staff. Do some digging.
what kind of financial results And if you are not good with
sales and underestimate expenses.
some of the units in their sys- numbers, now is the time to This can be disastrous!
tem are achieving. get your accountant involved.
If a franchisor supplies an (Either way, you will want
FPR, you should definitely use them to look at your projec- Fitness clubs may be broken EBITDA (earnings before inter-
it as a starting point. Most FPRs tions. More on that later.) out by number of members. est, taxes, depreciation, and
will provide you with great Also remember that no gov- Automotive franchises may amortization).
information, and you (and your ernment agency has done any focus on the number of vehi- Let’s break down the ele-
accountant) should read them real due diligence on the doc- cles serviced per day. ments of EBITDA and why they
very carefully to be sure you ument you are reading. It is up Restaurants may show food are excluded. Depreciation
understand how to use them in to you to be sure you are get- and labor costs but not occu- and amortization are non-cash
your business planning. ting reliable information. pancy (as this is often best entries that (other than reduc-
However, as you go through As you are reviewing the determined on a market- ing your taxes) will not impact
this process, it’s worth keep- information in the FPR, note by-market basis). Hotels often your cash flow. We omit taxes
ing this old saying top of mind: the format the franchisor uses include occupancy rates in from our analysis because most
“There are three kinds of lies: to present the information. their FPRs to enable you to of your alternative investments
lies, damned lies, and sta- Franchisors in the same indus- project revenue based on the are subject to tax in any event—
tistics.” For example, there try may present very similar size of your facility. so this allows us to better com-
was one well-known franchi- information in slightly differ- If a franchisor does use a pare apples to apples. And we
sor that for years provided an ent formats—so carefully note historical FPR, you can ask to do not want to look at inter-
FPR based exclusively on the those differences. As you may see “written substantiation for est or debt service, as those
performance of a handful of have noticed, there are hun- the financial performance rep- numbers are a result of your
corporate locations. Those dreds of different ways in resentation” and the franchi- deciding how to finance your
locations had far greater rev- which earnings information sor must provide it. So if you business, not a function of
enues and profits than the can be presented. are not clear how the numbers which franchise you purchase.
vast majority of franchisees Some franchisors include were derived, ask. This being said, your
in the system. But unless you historical income statements— accountant may point out
read the footnotes closely, you perhaps modified to incorpo- Don’t do anything ways in which you can use a
might never know they were rate line items for advertising until you’ve crunched business to shelter otherwise
not a representative sample. fees, royalties, and other fees the numbers. taxable income. (Business
While this kind of statistical you may incur as a franchisee. egardless of whether the necessities like the corpo-
juggling is no longer allowed
under the new FPR rules, there
These may be the best types of
FPRs, as they allow you to com-
R franchisor supplies an
FPR, you must develop a pro
rate Mercedes might fall into
this category.) Finding these
are other methods (grouping pare the numbers you think forma statement of cash flows legal loopholes is worth the
by age, type of location, etc.) you can earn with those that (which basically predicts how cost of hiring an accountant
that could be used to give you were historically achieved by much revenue will come in and in the long run. Unless you
unrealistic expectations (inten- the franchisor—but don’t rely the expenses incurred during have a background in finance
tional or not). on them too heavily in your a given period, so you can and accounting, you should
Your first job, then, is to planning, as your market con- understand your cash require- get your accountant involved
read the FPR thoroughly. ditions may be different. ments and your profitability early. And even if you do, you
Generally, it will have a load Other franchisors are some- over time) for the franchise will want to have an accoun-
of disclaimers and footnotes. what less forthcoming with opportunity you are consider- tant review your work before
These are often as important their numbers. Some may ing. In doing this, you should you finalize your decision.
as the financials themselves, choose to only disclose sales exclude some items you would As a first step, you should
so pay close attention. If, for numbers. Some may limit it to normally find on an income derive cash flow estimates for a
example, the financials are average selling prices, average statement, like depreciation, “mature” franchise—one that is
based only on locations open sales per square foot, average amortization, interest, and at least two to three years old.
longer than three years, you sales per salesperson, or any taxes, leaving you with a bot- This will allow you to measure
may want to ask yourself what of a variety of other indicators. tom line typically referred to as the long-term returns offered
76 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023
o you’ve decided to buy a franchise. You’ve done your research, and have
4/ The franchisor (especially
narrowed it down to a short list of companies that excite you personally, newer franchisors that have
are profitable, and have management teams you are willing to bank on. conducted most transactions
Still, you haven’t answered the most important question: What can I earn? at the unit level in cash) may
Obviously, the main reason most people buy franchises is to earn mon- historically have been under-
stating its sales to the IRS to
ey, but no good franchisor would ever answer that question directly. They would have
reduce its taxes, and now it
far too much liability if they did. A franchisor should instead provide you with some cannot substantiate its actual
guidance to help you make that estimate for yourself. The key to making that calcula- levels of sales based on its own
tion starts with something called the “financial performance representation,” or FPR. historical numbers.
Where would you find the FPR? In many Franchise Disclosure Documents (FDDs),
which a franchise will provide when you’re considering becoming a franchisee, you 5/ A new franchisor may not
have an adequate operating
will find the FPR in Item 19. Almost always, the FPR focuses on historical results that
history on which to base an
have been achieved by the franchisor, its affiliates, its franchisees, or some combina-
FPR. For example, its loca-
tion of the three. The FPR may come in the form of an income statement, but more of- tions may have been open less
ten, it will focus on some of the key variables that will dictate income (and will enable than a full year.
you to develop a pro forma income statement based on those variables). The format
and utility of these FPRs vary from franchisor to franchisor. 6/ The franchisor may have
Be aware that franchisors are not required to provide their franchisees with an FPR. recently opened a new proto-
type that will be the basis for the
In the early days of franchising, the use of an FPR (then called an earnings claim) was
franchise program, but it does
more the exception than the rule. In fact, in the late 1980s and early 1990s, less than not want to provide that infor-
20% of franchisors provided one. Many were reluctant to share this data out of fear mation for fear of liability.
that it would result in litigation and were often warned against it by their lawyers. But
over the past few decades, there has been a strong reversal of opinion on FPRs; by most 7/ The franchisor may fear
estimates, the majority of franchisors provide at least some information in Item 19. In that its historical financial per-
formance does not compare
a 2018 study that looked at 1,497 FDDs, Rob Bond, president of the World Franchising
favorably with its competitors.
Network, found that 61% included some kind of FPR.
74 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023
Illustration / M A R I A E L E N A C A P U T I January-February 2023 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / 73
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1 An interactive, immersive museum! the U.S. (Which is to say, it’s a place that serves
In 2015, as the travel industry in Croatia began to expand, species-appropriate ice cream to pets.) It opened in Rehoboth Beach,
Roko Živković and Tomislav Pamuković wanted to create a tour- Delaware, in 2018. “People’s pets are family, and now they have a
ism experience that was unique and unconventional. So they place to bring the whole family,” she says. The place quickly became
opened what they called Museum of Illusions—where visitors can a sensation, and the first franchise opened in 2021. Now, she has nine
experience art, rather than just witness it, with everything from locations across five states, with nine more coming soon.
3D holograms to “brain puzzling” exhibits. Thousands of visitors
flooded the grand opening, and franchising interest soon fol- 5 A place to smash and break stuff!
lowed. “The unforgettable memories and experiences [we] offer In 2017, Steven Shortino’s friend showed him a crazy
fuels continued growth and innovation,” the founders say. Now, video: It was of a business where people pay to destroy objects
they have 38 locations across 25 countries, and are opening their with baseball bats and crowbars. “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve
largest museum yet (15,274 square feet!) in Las Vegas in 2023. ever seen!” he thought. But then he couldn’t stop thinking about
it. So he fine-tuned the idea and created iSmash in his hometown
2 An insanely massive inflatable funhouse! of Rochester, New York. It contains “rage rooms” (where people
What happens when a big-thinking dad wants to create can destroy household items), splatter paint activities (like using
something totally unique for kids? Antonio Nieves and a cofounder glow-in-the-dark paint to create art in a room with black light),
came up with FunBox, a bounce park that’s multiples larger and and ax-throwing (a familiar favorite). He opened a second loca-
more inventive than anything kids (or adults!) have seen before. tion in 2021 in Syracuse, New York, and a third location is coming
“When we say, ‘We created the world’s biggest bounce park,’ no to Tampa, Florida, in early 2023.
one gets it right away,” Nieves says. “They immediately think of
bouncy houses and castles that you see at birthday parties. No one 6
Boozy, buzzy, frothy ice cream!
gets it until they see the drone video flying over the 25,000-square- Everyone loves ice cream, but seemingly everyone also
foot rainbow wonderland.” The franchise has locations in California serves ice cream. So, how can a business be different? Colten
and Arizona, with several more opening in early 2023. Mounce and his extended family came up with Buzzed Bull
Creamery—a shop whose alcohol-infused options create one-
3 Awesome cake-decorating parties! of-a-kind treats for customers. “I was eating vanilla ice cream
In 2010, Food Network star Duff Goldman opened a and drinking bourbon and wondering if someone out there was
pop-up cake-decorating studio. The response was sweet. “When making this product better than what I was doing at my house,”
I saw the crowds it drew, and the sense of fun, community, and Mounce says. The brand began in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 2017, and
creativity it inspired in everyone who came out, I knew I was began franchising a few years later. Now it has 15 locations across
onto something big,” Goldman says. So in 2012, he launched the 12 states, with 10 more opening soon.
first true location of Duff’s Cakemix in Southern California—a
place where, paint-by-numbers-style, people could follow 7 A new way to pour and paint!
instructions to decorate the kind of elaborate cakes he’s become Maya Ratcliff was bored and looking for a hobby. Then she
famous for on TV. The franchise only has two locations for now, literally dreamed one up in her sleep: She had imagined mixing and
but has already garnered attention from celebrities like the pouring paints onto a canvas to make paintings that looked beautiful
Kardashians and Britney Spears. and watery. She woke up, tried it herself, then eventually shared
her creations on Facebook. They sold. She started offering classes
4 An ice cream shop for dogs! to teach this technique, and they filled up. From there, a business
Like many pet parents, Suzanne Tretowicz wished there called Hawaii Fluid Art was born. Its first corporate location opened
were more places she could hang out with her dog. Restaurants? in Waikoloa Beach, Hawaii, in 2021, and the first franchise was sold
Most city health departments say no. That’s why she set out to cre- in 2022. Hawaii Fluid Art now has three corporate locations, three
ate Salty Paws, believed to be the first-ever dog ice cream shop in franchise locations, and 60 more are opening in 2023.
70 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023
Great Clips, Inc. • 4400 West 78th Street, Suite 700 • Minneapolis, MN 55435 • 800-999-5959 or 952-893-9088 • State of MN Reg. #F-928. This advertisement is not an offering. An offering can
only be made by a prospectus filed first with the Department of Law and the State of New York. Such filing does not constitute approval by the Department of Law of the State of New York.
I was a NASCAR pit guy for 20 years, but that’s a young man’s
game. So I started looking around for a business, and I found
Urban Air. When I opened my first one in 2017, the founder of
Unleashed Brands flew out to personally check out my new
location—and helped me paint on opening day! I have two parks
now, and added a Snapology last year. When Unleashed bought
XP League, I talked about it with my younger employees. Should I
open one? They were all very excited. That’s why I was at
Discovery Day; it was my third event in total, but my first time
trying online gaming like that. I had no idea what I was doing! But
it was a lot of fun. My wife and I say we have 160,000 kids,
because that’s how many come to our Urban Air parks each year.
I want to be able to provide the little kids and the teens with
entertainment. It’s crazy how Unleashed Brands has grown over
the years, and I plan on continuing to grow with them.
L run the numbers. You and the franchisor make sure you’re a
good fit. And then, if you’re still interested, it often all comes
down to what’s called “Discovery Day.” That’s where you meet the
League, and the college-prep company Class 101.
Unleashed hosts Discovery Days every month; they’re typically at
its headquarters in Bedford, Texas, near Dallas. And at its November
executives, get hands-on experience with the brand, and finally gathering, roughly 50 prospective franchisees arrived to test-drive
decide whether you’re ready to make the leap, and put pen to paper. their futures. They included novice franchisees as well as experi-
So, what’s it like? We sent a photographer to capture one of enced ones who are already in the system but now plan to expand.
the franchising world’s most colorful Discovery Days—because it’s Depending on the brand they’re buying into, they went off to drive
hosted by Unleashed Brands, which owns a fun collection of com- go-karts, play video games, hear from executives, and then plan
panies for kids. Its portfolio features the attractions park Urban Air their future.
Adventure Park, the enrichment and physical development space On the following pages, four franchisees share their journeys—
The Little Gym, the hands-on learning program Snapology, the mar- leading up to Discovery Day, and what happened next.
Want to be a franchisee?
The last big step is often called
“Discovery Day,” where
you decide to sign...or not!
We followed four people
on their big moment
at Unleashed Brands.
60 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023
advertising to that because at lunchtime from an office.” A franchise operation can sell
that’s where the eyes are.”
Jason Stowe, vice president
of franchise development at
Cyberbacker, says he’s seeing
“ for a little more than a mom-
and-pop business. If you buy
Is the franchise compati- a lot of real estate agents and Jim’s Burgers and Jim is no longer
ble with a day job? business coaches show inter-
here was a wave of new est in his brand for similar rea- there, people wonder, Where’s Jim?”
T franchisees during the
pandemic. Now comes the sec-
sons. Cyberbacker provides
virtual assistants at an afford-
ond wave—it’s those new fran- able price point. While a real some random office where an get a hand-cut New York steak
chisees’ friends, who watched estate agent might have to pay agent pays for that office, and or a cheeseburger and feel like
what happened and were about $45,000 for a full-time nobody ever comes into that you had a really great experi-
inspired to follow along. But administrative assistant, he office,” he says. “You’re seeing ence on both ends.”
these people are not always says, Cyberbacker can provide those kinds of major brands
ready to swap their day job the same level of assistance for move to flexible spaces. It sim- So, what next?
for a franchise. Instead, brand $1,300 to $1,800 a month—a ply makes more sense.” Nothing is guaranteed, of
leaders say, they’re often hear- sales pitch that one real estate course. Even the most reces-
ing from prospective franchi- agent can give to others during QUESTION 5/ sion-proof business mod-
sees who want to do both. downtime. Can consumers still els can still stumble. That’s
For that reason, more fran- “They can continue doing afford you? why any franchise expert
chise brands are now promot- what they do,” Stowe says, “but f there really is a major eco- will advise you to do a ton of
ing the idea that people can buy
in without giving up an existing
now they have an opportunity
to create wealth in a different
I nomic crash, consumers will
change their spending habits.
research, including speak-
ing with a lawyer and existing
career. Handyman Connection, form, utilizing the network They’ll buy less and become franchisees, to make an edu-
for instance, started offering a they already have.” more price-sensitive. Potential cated decision about which
manager-led business model in Of course, there are also franchisees should be antici- brand to buy into, particularly
the past year. franchises whose entire busi- pating this, which is why they with big, looming questions
“Before, we wanted some- ness model is premised on flex- need to be asking: What do about the economy.
body who was going to come in ible work. That includes Office these products or services These five questions are
and work the business 40 hours Evolution, which provides flex- cost, and will people continue only the start—but they’re a
a week,” Schulte says. “You ible workspaces and is increas- to be able to pay for them? good start, because they inves-
were the general manager who ingly serving people who can At Floyd’s 99 Barbershop, tigate a brand from multiple
did all the hiring and customer work from home, but still really that question is baked into the angles. You want to know what
management. Now, we have a want to get out of the house. brand’s sales pitch. “Not many the brand is doing to serve
model for our franchisees that “We’ve seen a surge in clients will trade down and go consumers during hard times,
hires a manager to do the heavy coworking demand,” says to the value-type hair cutters, but also what’s on the minds of
lifting, and you manage the Anderson, Office Evolution’s but we will see them trade those consumers. Because ulti-
manager. You need more capi- president. “We’re seeing cor- down from a high-end salon mately, in an economic down-
tal to do that, but you get time porations move their people to Floyd’s,” Zemla says. “And turn, success will rest upon
back. Maybe you put 20 hours a out of traditional office space once they give us a shot, a high this one question: How valu-
week into the business instead and into flexible office space. percentage stay with us. That’s able is this brand in people’s
of 40 hours a week. That way, We have law firms that will what we saw in 2008 and lives now?
you don’t necessarily have to rent our conference rooms 2009 too. It helps our brand “Stability is important,
quit your job.” for a week to handle deposi- flourish.” but the world has changed
What’s driving the shift? tions. We have international Similarly, Hummel says the in terms of how people have
Leaders trace it back to another language teachers who come average per-person check at a shopped and how people con-
shift in work: As hybrid and in to work in the middle of the Twin Peaks restaurant is $21, sume,” Malmuth says. “There
remote work seem here to stay, night because of the time zone an amount that most people is still trepidation in certain
workers are thinking more cre- differences.” can still muster when times get areas. Making sure you’re get-
atively. “Time off and time on Even sectors like insurance, tough—especially if they feel ting into an essential industry
has gotten fuzzier,” he says. which have always had a down- like they’re getting good value is incredibly important.”
“You can take a call from your town presence, are now turning for that money.
manager pretty much anytime, to this model, he says. “If you “People don’t feel like they’re Kim Kavin is a regular contributor
instead of having to sneak out drive down Main Street, there’s dining down,” he says. “You can to Entrepreneur.
58 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023
having it in the stock market. ucts or services customers will Franchisees want to ensure
“There’s a lot of franchise
opportunities that you can get
into with a couple hundred thou-
stick with, no matter what.
That type of thinking is driv-
ing interest at many different
“ as much stability as possible,
because they like to think
sand dollars from your 401(k),” brands, including Floyd’s 99 of franchise ownership as a job you
says Jason Anderson, president Barbershop. “Most people can’t
of the flexible-workspace fran- cut their own hair,” says Joe can’t get fired from.”
chise Office Evolution. “People Zemla, the company’s senior
are now looking to do something director of franchising. “People
else with that 401(k), and they have to get their hair cut.” restaurants also function as our guests, for the consumer.
see an opportunity to make a When potential franchi- sports bars, he says, they can But I tested it, and the guests
higher return.” sees ask how the company did feel like an essential part of seemed to want to partici-
Older franchisees are also during past economic down- consumers’ lives—even if those pate in it, so we rolled it out.
thinking about resale value. They turns, Zemla and his team are consumers start cutting back We have it in about 75% of our
want to know if, when they retire happy to share the numbers. on dining out overall. franchise locations now.”
and sell their franchise, they’ll be The Great Recession drove “Sports are never going Fazoli’s has also found ways
able to get good value for it. “We some of Floyd’s strongest away,” he says. “We own the to lower franchisees’ startup
want to help them maximize years, and the brand’s fran- sports market. When you look costs—in part by helping them
their return on investment,” chise shops had their highest at our brand being married build out locations in existing,
Anderson says, “even if it means number of new shop open- with sports, people see us as a repurposed restaurants. “We
selling their location.” ings in 2021. “It was a 20% safe harbor.” have been converting Steak ’n
Anderson believes that growth rate in 2021,” he says. Shakes, Pizza Huts—something
franchisees will be in a good “And also, several of our exist- QUESTION 3/ that already has a drive-thru on
spot to do that. “A franchise ing franchise partners signed Is the brand adapting to a it,” he says. “Everybody wants
operation can sell for a little new development agreements changing economy? a brand-new building, but in
more than a mom-and-pop during COVID. That shows us eople have had to get cre- today’s world, a second-gen
business,” he says. “If you
buy Jim’s Burgers and Jim is
that they have confidence in us
as a brand, especially at such a
P ative these past few years.
They’re changing careers,
build cuts off almost two-thirds
of your cost.”
no longer there, people won- challenging time.” rethinking their lives, and Hummel has found similar sav-
der, Where’s Jim? Customers What else is “essential” adjusting their spending hab- ings when helping franchisees
may not want to be there any- these days? It’s varied. Luke its. Now they’re asking if brands select locations for Twin Peaks.
more if they don’t like the new Schulte, executive director can do the same. “You get probably a 30%
guy. With a franchise, that’s of franchise development at Doug Bostick, president of reduction in build-out costs with
not always an issue because Handyman Connection, says quick-service Italian restau- a second-generation rebuild,” he
there’s a system in place. The his business model is essen- rant brand Fazoli’s, has ready says. “We’ve converted so many
brand has a value that’s inde- tial because handymen work answers. Among them, he says, types of buildings. Our brand—
pendent of the owner.” on small-but-important reno- the brand has gotten creative our ambience—lends itself to a lot
vations that homeowners and about solving its labor short- of different structures. We need
QUESTION 2/ business owners continue to ages. One solution: Fazoli’s street presence and parking. We
Is this business need during down times. started prompting consumers can make the rest of it work.”
essential? “Those small-to-medium- to add a tip to their bill, despite Malmuth, of Batteries Plus,
he term essential busi- sized projects will always be tipping not historically being says that new franchisees also
T ness took on a whole
new meaning during the
there, regardless of what’s
happening with the price of
the norm in fast-casual spaces.
“That helps inflate the aver-
like seeing brands adapt to new
ways of marketing. They want
pandemic, as it became the supplies and bigger projects,” age hourly wage,” Bostick says, brands that can reach consum-
dividing line between which he says. which in turn builds employee ers wherever they are.
businesses could operate Brands will also point to loyalty and drives down turn- “The one thing the pan-
during lockdowns and which certain elements of their ser- over. The average worker can demic did was change where
couldn’t. Today, potential vices as a way of identifying see almost an extra $1 per hour you market and how you mar-
franchisees are using the what will keep customers com- because of the change. “It was ket,” he says. “We’ve seen an
phrase in a different way: ing back in hard times. That’s one of those things where, uptick in advertising when you
They want to know which what Joe Hummel does as the two or three years ago, I just log into something like Netflix
brands are essential to peo- CEO of lodge-themed restau- didn’t want to do it,” Bostick and Hulu, and they play an ad
ple’s lives—and which prod- rant Twin Peaks. Because his says. “To me, it’s a negative for right at the top. We’ve shifted
56 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023
54 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023
Illustration / P E T E R YA N January-February 2023 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / 53
52 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023
Founder and CEO Lee Braun explains/ Tina Burnett, chief development officer at parent
In the last 12 months, we shifted our focus on our company G6 Hospitality, explains/
new studio opening process. We added two dedicat- The pandemic drove an increased demand for
“ ed team members to help our new franchisees open
their studios faster and to create excitement in their
extended stay lodging—we first saw traveling nurses,
truck drivers, and other essential workers in need of
new market. This had led to a 2.5-times increase in founding extended stays, and now we’re seeing more travelers
membership reservations. Now our previous six-month member- blending work and leisure.
ships goals are being met in two months. As the segment grows, we’ve seen a demand for different kinds
This has had a great secondary effect: Our seasoned franchi- of stays—our traditional extended stays, and customers looking for
sees are seeing how impactful our new openings are, and that’s a low-cost, three-to-seven-day stay. To cater to that second group
resulting in the purchase of additional territories—either before of customers, in 2021, the company launched Studio 6 Suites as
or soon after they open. In fact, 40% of the total franchises a brand extension of Studio 6. We know that, for franchisees,
we awarded in the last 12 months came from existing Perspire converting a hotel for extended stays can sometimes become costly:
franchisees and their referrals to friends and family. It can require new ventilation, plumbing, utilities, and electrical.
Franchisees are sharing their successes with their communi- But with the Suites model, owners do not have to build out a full
ty and expanded networks and are looking to help recruit for kitchenette. For instance, instead of installing a stove that requires
the good of the brand due to their positive experiences. We take ventilation, plug-in burners are available to guests at the front desk.
a great deal of pride in this organic growth. Our goal has been The first location opened in October 2021 in Mississippi. While
to have a closer franchisee-franchisor relationship than we saw the brand extension is in its infancy stages, nine locations have
previously in the marketplace.” opened with an additional 15 locations in the pipeline.”
50 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023
open and operating locations, we found that new
franchisees were stuck between two massive proj-
“ of communication. Then we provided new tools and
resources, like a menu of sport programming options
ects: The challenges of completing construction for them to use depending on their local COVID ordinances. We also
on time, and their ability to enroll as many students as they’d
built a program to collaborate with local competitors.
hoped prior to opening. So as we entered 2022, we saw a huge
For customers, we reassured them via regular updates, gave
opportunity to fix that.
parents at-home drills and games, and created incentives such as
We created a New Center Opening team, then gave it some
credits for future seasons to bring them back when it was safe. And
aggressive and robust enrollment mandates for all new fran-
instead of cutting our marketing spend, we maintained an emphasis
chise locations in 2022. This required franchisees—and the
on franchise development throughout—appealing to many Ameri-
home office!—to split their time between overseeing contrac-
cans who were ready for a career reset. Once we hit Q1 of 2021, we
tors and driving early awareness of Code Ninjas in any new
quickly invested in staff expansion and increased our annual payroll
franchise’s local market. That meant more time at Chamber of
expense by 54% versus 2020, to add support in high impact areas
Commerce events, PTA meetings, STEM nights, and more.
It paid off: We’re now seeing a 30% improvement in revenue like operations leadership and franchise business coaching, and IT.
at locations that opened in 2022. That results in a faster return These actions positioned us to grow strongly ever since. Looking
on investment (ROI) for our franchisees, allowing them the back over the past two years, one of the most gratifying things to
opportunity to enjoy profit at their locations.” me is that we only had one franchise closure!”
48 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023
answer to this: Companies move up or down on our list Kristen Hartman, specialty brands president for
based on many factors, including growth rate, franchisor parent company Focus Brands, explains/
infrastructure, and audited financial statements. (See the First and foremost, we’ve met our customers where
list itself for a more thorough explanation.) But of course, they are, bringing Auntie Anne’s ‘streetside’ and offer-
numbers only tell part of a story. That’s why we got in
touch with some of this year’s biggest movers, to ask exactly
“ ing delivery. As part of this effort, we’ve introduced
dual-branded locations that combine Auntie Anne’s
what they have done recently to drive significant growth. with other specialty brands like Jamba and Cinnabon.
Their answers tell you a lot about good business Our investment in digital has also reaped impressive results, lead-
ing to an increase in items per transaction, digital sales, and deliv-
fundamentals, as well as what it takes to succeed in
ery orders. We’ve utilized our Pretzel Perks app, which has over 1.9
franchising. We heard about brands identifying and fixing
million members, to make exclusive offers designed to drive loyalty,
weak spots in their businesses, such as complications
guest frequency, and higher average tickets. And by focusing our
that franchisees had faced in opening brick-and-mortar
marketing on our most popular product offerings—for example,
locations, as well as others who invested wisely or spent
pretzel nuggets are now a bigger seller than traditional pretzels—
years laying the groundwork for explosive growth.
we’ve also seen an increase in transactions and check averages.
On the following pages, you’ll hear from the leaders of 11 Finally, we know that guests are often crunched for time.
brands—six that made the list last year and five that didn’t— Keeping this top of mind, we’ve doubled down on improvements in
listed in alphabetical order. Read closely, because their everything from smallwares, ease of ordering, and the number of
insights might help inspire next year’s biggest movers! steps involved in making our fresh dough.”
46 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023
Illustration / M A R I A E L E N A C A P U T I January-February 2023 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / 45
compiled by
4 4 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023
10 Wingstop
He expects that growth to contin-
ue in 2023.
And finally, there’s location:
Although only 11% of the brand’s
current units are outside the
U.S., Wingstop sees big opportu-
ingstop continues 10.) But that’s just the start of as few as four team members, nities for international growth.
to spread its wings the brand’s eagle-sized ambi- which both keeps costs low and The brand just opened the first
with an aggres- tions. “Our long-term strategy is helps franchisees avoid the labor of more than 100 planned restau-
sive expansion of its marketing to build a top global restaurant challenges that many compet- rants in Canada and announced
and its marketplace. The result brand,” says president and CEO itors face. Wingstop has been plans to double its presence
is nearly 20 consecutive years Michael Skipworth. investing in digital tools to make in Indonesia. It also recently
of same-store sales growth, Getting there will require com- those teams more efficient: It signed an agreement in South
along with the brand’s 22nd plex thinking, while maintaining first launched delivery services Korea, where, Skipworth says,
appearance in the Franchise what Skipworth calls “a simple in 2019, just in time for the “We believe there’s a potential
500. (This year also marks its operating model.” Its restaurants pandemic, and has since more to operate between 200 to 250
second appearance in the Top are designed to operate with than doubled digital sales and restaurants.” —Jeff Cheatham
40 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023 T O TA L U N I T S N U M B E R S A N D C O S T T O O P E N A M O U N T S A S O F J U LY 3 1 , 2 0 2 2 .
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9 Hampton
COST TO OPEN/ $12.3M-$22.8M
icy for the estimated 23 million
households who welcomed a
new pet during the pandemic.
The rebounding hotel mar-
ket has also fueled Hampton’s
G some of Hampton by
Hilton’s big changes
of 2022—but that’s the point.
program to improve the speed
of linen changes and launder-
ing efficiency. Guests experience
ance in our Top 10 (along with its
22nd consecutive appearance on
our Franchise 500 list). It tops
Hampton operates in 36
countries, and in 2022 it signed
on its 700th property in China.
“We continually balance the the same level of service, but the Hotels & Motels category for It now has more than 60 open
profitability for our owners franchisees can now appreciate the 14th consecutive year. hotels and a pipeline of nearly
with the comfort and happi- reduced costs. What else might guests not two dozen properties in the
ness of our guests,” says Shruti These kinds of detail-oriented notice? That depends on how Caribbean and Latin America,
Gandhi Buckley, Hampton by upgrades, along with continued closely they’re looking. Following and opened its first-ever loca-
Hilton’s senior vice president expansion that included opening a revamp of the breakfast menu, tions in Uzbekistan, Latvia, and
and brand leader. For example, its 2,800th location, helped the guests might not notice the “high Ireland. —Jeff Cheatham
38 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023 T O TA L U N I T S N U M B E R S A N D C O S T T O O P E N A M O U N T S A S O F J U LY 3 1 , 2 0 2 2 .
8 Culver’s
even higher level of collabora-
tion, transparency, and trust
with our suppliers,” Silva says.
That included carefully adding
suppliers, along with adding
facilities from existing suppli-
y one measure, sures between 2019 and 2022. has always been on opening ers, to ensure less disruption.
P H O T O G R A P H C O U R T E S Y O F C U LV E R ’ S
Culver’s had a That’s especially impressive one successful restaurant at As Culver’s looks ahead
low-key year: The given the challenging head- a time rather than striving to to 2023, it’s focused on mak-
Wisconsin-based burger joint winds that fast-casual restau- reach an arbitrary number ing customers and franchi-
opened only approximately rants faced during those of openings,” says Rick Silva, sees even happier—including
55 locations in 2022, and it’s years—the pandemic, labor president and CEO, who took options for customers to order
the smallest brand in the Top shortages, supply chain issues, over in 2021. That strategy on the go, such as drive-thrus
10 in terms of total units. But inflation. For comparison, the has helped it land in our Top with two places to order,
by a uniquely telling mea- average number of closures 10 for five consecutive years. plus tablets and an enhanced
sure, Culver’s excelled: It in 2021 for our list’s QSR cat- To optimize for success, online ordering experience.
had zero terminations or clo- egory was eight. “Our focus Culver’s focuses heavily on —Blaire Briody
36 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023 T O TA L U N I T S N U M B E R S A N D C O S T T O O P E N A M O U N T S A S O F J U LY 3 1 , 2 0 2 2 .
7 Ace Hardware
while other companies might
be pulling back, Ace has been
steadily increasing its budget
for digital marketing, increas-
ing inventory, and hiring more
34 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023 T O TA L U N I T S N U M B E R S A N D C O S T T O O P E N A M O U N T S A S O F J U LY 3 1 , 2 0 2 2 .
6 Kumon
increased enrollment and get
the company back to its pre-
pandemic levels. In 2022, it was
on track to open 162 new cen-
ters and is continuing to expand
its reach in North America after
umon’s enrollment for the third consecutive year. for the company as it worked to opening six centers in Panama in
K numbers shrank at The company has ranked in the rebrand and stand out among 2020. Guatemala and Costa Rica
the heart of the pan- Franchise 500 for 26 consec- its competitors. The number of are next on the list.
demic, but bounced back big. utive years and has been No. 1 franchise agreement signings “There is a huge need and
For the first time in three years, in the tutoring category for 22 was very good. Advertisements desire to help the children in
Kumon North America had years running. targeted people of different people’s communities, know-
400,000 enrollments in 2022. In 2022, Kumon decided to backgrounds, and the website ing that a lot of these children
And in October, it recorded try something different: It hired was updated with the goal of are struggling right now,” says
the highest new enrollment in a marketing agency that special- helping visitors reach the right Collins. “And Kumon contin-
40 years. This resurgence has izes specifically in franchises. point person. (The franchise ues to grow and grow.”
landed Kumon in the Top 10 That ended up being effective department used to get calls —Blaire Briody
32 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023 T O TA L U N I T S N U M B E R S A N D C O S T T O O P E N A M O U N T S A S O F J U LY 3 1 , 2 0 2 2 .
5 Dunkin’
crew. With her 148 million fol-
lowers on TikTok and 49 mil-
lion on Instagram, D’Amelio has
been a huge asset to Dunkin’.
“We’re one of the most-followed
restaurant brands on TikTok
unkin’ executives restaurants in 2022, all styled streak: It is one of only three and it’s in part because of her,”
were nervous when in the brand’s new “Next franchises that has ranked in says Murphy.
the pandemic halted Gen” image. The remodeled every single Franchise 500 in Now, the company—which
the morning commute, but restaurants focus on mobile the list’s 44-year existence. has been mostly East Coast-
the company’s drive-thru ordering, which has already Food and social media are based—is eyeing an expansion
capabilities saved the day. generated $1 billion in sales. now Dunkin’s top priority. westward. Armed with parent
Now, almost three years on, After falling to No. 11 last year, Doughnuts have been relo- company Inspire Brands’
Dunkin’ is setting records. these innovations propelled cated to the front of the Next $1 billion-plus ad fund, Murphy
U.S. sales topped $10 bil- Dunkin’ back into the Top 10— Gen stores and iced coffee is on says Dunkin’ will soon popu-
lion in 2021 and Dunkin’ was for the 15th time in 20 years. But tap at the counter to enhance late the entire country.
on track to open 300 new that’s not its most impressive efficiency and quality control. —Britta Lokting
30 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023 T O TA L U N I T S N U M B E R S A N D C O S T T O O P E N A M O U N T S A S O F J U LY 3 1 , 2 0 2 2 .
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28 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023 T O TA L U N I T S N U M B E R S A N D C O S T T O O P E N A M O U N T S A S O F J U LY 3 1 , 2 0 2 2 .
3 Jersey Mike’s
Danny DeVito to do commer-
cials last year, the first time the
company has used a celebrity
endorsement. DeVito grew up
in Asbury Park, New Jersey, not
P H O T O G R A P H B Y A N D R E W G I O U L I S /J E R S E Y M I K E ’ S S U B S
26 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023 T O TA L U N I T S N U M B E R S A N D C O S T T O O P E N A M O U N T S A S O F J U LY 3 1 , 2 0 2 2 .
2 Popeyes
able to show off what makes
them stand out. In turn, this
has helped its customers see
Popeyes in a new light. “I’ve
seen our guests really get to
L Louisiana Kitchen’s
50th anniversary, but
it was more than just a mile-
in 2022. Although it often
touts its Louisiana roots, it is
very much a national brand,
So, how did it maximize its
big 5-0? Popeyes hosted its
franchisees at a convention in
Even though the anniver-
sary year has now ended,
Popeyes says it’ll remain in
stone. It was also an oppor- and continues to grow in New Orleans, where attend- party mode—touting its Cajun
tunity to amplify its message numerous markets across the ees addressed strategic plans and Creole hospitality and
and continue its momentum. U.S. This is Popeyes’ third for future growth. Part of that 12-hour marination technique.
In 2021, for example, Popeyes consecutive year ranking in growth has included expand- “We see a lot of celebration
opened more than 200 the Franchise 500 and third ing the menu to include items of our food,” says Daleo, “and
restaurants in the U.S. and consecutive year in the Top such as its Buffalo Ranch we take that to heart.”
Canada, and it remained on 10, moving up one spot each Chicken Sandwich (follow- —Britta Lokting
24 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023 T O TA L U N I T S N U M B E R S A N D C O S T T O O P E N A M O U N T S A S O F J U LY 3 1 , 2 0 2 2 .
1,500+ 24 700+
Orangetheory® and other Orangetheory® marks are registered trademarks of OTF IP Holder, LLC. © Copyright 2023 OTF IP Holder, LLC and its affiliates.
rate than it had when it was on the where you think you need to
menu originally. And this time, go is the right place to go,”
Taco Bell was ready. “We had a says McCulloch. “You have to
much better forecast, we were admit you do not have all the
more prepared,” says King. “It’s a answers.” She explains: “Early
very, very solid part of our busi- on in the process, I make sure
ness now.” that the questions I’m asking
are not questions that are trying
Cool is listening. to tamp the ideas down. Let
here was a lesson in the the process work. Let’s see
that nobody else does,” says not too far ahead. Or, at least,
T “Mexican Pizza movement,”
and it was related to an idea
what happens.”
But the Mexican Pizza move-
Julie Masino, president of Taco when it overheats, it knows that King has espoused since he ment showed the power of lis-
Bell International. No matter how to recalibrate to cool. arrived at Taco Bell in the sum- tening to the consumer in a
where they are in the world, And at the core of Taco Bell’s mer of 2019: Ideas should come way that Taco Bell never had
Masino says, Gen Zers respond cool, there are those main- from anywhere. before—of not only knowing
well to originality. (Masino stays: its tacos, quesadillas, There are many reasons to exactly who to listen to, but
points to the enormous young burritos, and Crunchwraps. adopt this philosophy, King says. truly believing in the rumblings
population in India and the “That represents—I’m just To start, when an employee is of their cravings.
punk-rock heritage of the U.K., making this up—90% of a closer to the day-to-day busi- From there, Taco Bell has
both of which in 2022 joined day’s sales,” says King. ness, they tend to have more begun asking their cultural
Spain in having 100 units.) And So what makes up the other idealism and wilder ideas—and rebels more directly what
here, Taco Bell has a built-in (hypothetical) 10% in sales? that’s a good counterbalance to they want the future to hold.
advantage: Unlike the crowded Freedom. “You could launch executives, who may become too In late September through
burger business, the taco mar- just about anything you want, conservative as they imagine the early October, Taco Bell held
ket is much thinner—meaning and if it wasn’t successful, it’s many ways a new concept can a vote, asking which of two
there are wide-open spaces for really not going to hurt your fail. Idealists are also more will- former items it should revive:
franchisees to claim. business,” King explains. “And ing to be irreverent, and King val- the Double-Decker Taco or the
That’s part of why Taco Bell if you happen to hit a home ues irreverence. He doesn’t want Enchirito (an enchilada-bur-
emphasizes the taco, no matter run, then you’ve got…” Taco Bell to hew to nonsense rito hybrid). In 10 days, the
where its franchisees open shop. Well, you’ve got a Mexican rules, whether they are imposed company received more than
“We have really an inter- Pizza. by the greater corporation or the 760,000 votes. The Enchirito,
national focus on making the When Taco Bell brought the culture at large. which had been off the menu
taco famous,” says Masino. Mexican Pizza back this past Instead, King sees the higher- since many members of Gen Z
“Different markets love the que- May, it was so cool that the com- ups’ role as figuring out how were in middle school, won.
sadilla more than the burritos. pany ended up having to table to execute wild ideas—to play Once again, Taco Bell had
But our core is our core, and its full return. It needed time within that 10% space of “launch experienced a telling, illumi-
that’s what people are really to sort out supply-chain issues, just about anything you want”— nating surprise. “Everybody
coming to the brand for.” but Taco Bell made a promise: while, of course, explaining the thought it was going to be the
When it comes back again, it’ll rationale behind the wild ideas Double-Decker,” Tresvant says.
Cool is building stay for good. And in September to any nervous franchisees, and Even a cool company doesn’t
beyond tradition. of 2022, the brand delivered. incorporating their concerns. always know what’s coolest.
ool changes, but it also The pizza’s second revival This requires a humility not
C stays the same. It is in
motion, but it’s grounded and
wasn’t as big a deal as its first
one, but it still sold at a higher
always associated with cool.
“You can’t always assume that
Nate Hopper is a regular contrib-
utor to Entrepreneur.
22 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023
© 2023 Kumon North America Inc. All rights reserved. This information is not intended as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy a franchise. We offer franchises solely by means of our Franchise Disclosure
Document. The United States Federal Trade Commission and certain states have laws governing the offer and sale of franchises. We will not offer you a franchise unless and until we have complied with all applicable
legal requirements in your jurisdiction.
Cool is your people. So how do you show your to do, and it’s going to make you within Taco Bell, the executives
ots of brands try to be staff they’re your number more money,” says McCulloch, believe it marked a significant
L cool. But they get it wrong:
This isn’t just about outwardly
one? Taco Bell explored many
ways. There are, of course, pay
in part because it will make
employees want to stay (and
change: The company created
something to share not with the
projecting cool. Nor is it just increases. And paid hours on turnover is an unending prob- consumer, but solely with each
about appealing to the people Election Day to go vote. And a lem for any franchisee). other. “Everybody [who got a
you think are cool. new app that allows corporate But there is also the simple T-shirt] felt special because it was
Real cool also requires look- to share information directly fact that if you offer something for them,” says Tresvant.
ing inward. It’s about being with team members. And an cool—something nobody else
aware of the people you have, internal incubator, which trains can get—to your community, Cool is universal and
and how they feel, and how you a small group of Taco Bell its members will feel closer to unique, at once.
can make them feel even cooler. employees in how to solve busi- you and to each other. That was aco Bell is a global fran-
After years of chasing a
sought-after consumer, this
ness challenges. Last year, some
of them competed to answer
the idea behind a collaboration
with the raucous streetwear
T chise, and operates in
markets that have many differ-
was something of a recent the question: How do we make brand Born X Raised, to cre- ent ideas of what cool is. One
realization for Taco Bell. The working at Taco Bell the best job ate a line of exclusive T-shirts country’s “cultural rebel” may
company decided that “the in quick-service restaurants? that only Taco Bell staff would not look like another’s. And that
[Taco Bell] team member is The winning idea, which is still receive. They ultimately pro- complexity will only grow, as
one of the biggest, if not the being kept secret, will be imple- duced about 250,000 individu- Taco Bell’s international unit
biggest, stakeholder,” says Kelly mented this year. ally packaged shirts, each with growth was expected to outpace
McCulloch, the company’s There are also conversations a note from Mark King celebrat- its U.S. domestic growth for
chief people officer. Restaurant with franchisees to explain why ing the brand’s 60-year legacy. 2022. So, how do you unify all
staff are the face of the fran- it’s important to let staff express To an outsider, a new uniform of these people?
chise, after all. their values. “It is the right thing may seem like a small gesture. But “We’re built on doing things
20 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023
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9%; it had also added 200-plus So instead, Taco Bell aimed not
restaurants over the course for a demographic, but a psy-
of the year, worldwide. “We chographic: a mentality that
thought we were going to have a embodies shared values, that
good year, but not like this,” says has something specific to say
King. Now Taco Bell is No. 1 on and therefore can be spoken
Entrepreneur’s list for the third to. The company called this
year in a row, which is a rare consumer “the cultural rebel.”
accomplishment. In more than There was an energy to the
40 years of the Franchise 500 archetype: It spoke to the gen-
list, this has only happened two eration’s diversity, and what the
other times—with Subway and company saw as its progressive
Hampton by Hilton. values—a desire to rebel not just
So what’s feeding the frenzy? against something, but to rage
We track down the key ingredi- for what it believed in. “That
ents that make up everyone’s Taco single act unlocked us to do
Bell cravings: The brand’s cool. some incredible work through-
over 170,000. In the spring of teased a certain beloved prod- out the year,” Tresvant says.
2021, the alluringly raunchy uct’s comeback. And in May of Cool is a mindset. It made the selection of Doja
rapper-singer Doja Cat tweeted 2022, at long last, the Mexican n December of 2021, Sean Cat—a Gen Z icon—for the Super
to her millions of followers,
“I will do everything in my
Pizza returned.
But Taco Bell couldn’t pre-
I Tresvant joined Taco Bell
as its new chief brand officer,
Bowl ad a no-brainer and, King
felt, gave the spot more power.
power to bring back the mexi- dict just how epic the Mexican having spent years marketing “If you look at a lot of ads, I’m
can pizza from taco bell.” (And Pizza’s comeback would be, Jordan Brand—a Nike sneaker not sure who they’re speaking
then, months later, somewhat because they hadn’t realized subsector—which is built on its to—other than being clever,”
more spicily: “I want my fuckin how beloved, how desired, own particular kind of cool: he says. But Taco Bell’s, they
mexican pizza back @taco- how cool the Mexican Pizza had products that balance the believed, knew exactly which
bell why u quiet.”) Meanwhile, become in its absence. They classic with the cutting-edge viewers it wanted to feel seen.
King’s inbox was filling up. It’s sold more than seven times as and are sought after by both This insight made the sub-
normally peppered with com- many Mexican Pizzas as before; a diverse collection of die- sequent campaign for the
plaints about bad experiences overall same-store sales growth hards and more casual but still Mexican Pizza’s return particu-
at restaurants, but now he was shot up 8%. They ran out of thoughtful self-stylists. When larly powerful. It gave momen-
getting twice as many mes- the special tortilla. The com- he arrived at Taco Bell, he tum to events like Taco Bell’s
sages, all hitting a single note: pany tried to find other suppli- knew the company sold to just first-ever Drag Brunch tour—a
Bring back the Mexican Pizza. ers, but their recipes weren’t about everyone. But he felt the five-city, 10-show tour timed to
“It wasn’t really even a prod- quite right. Some stores sold brand needed to speak to a spe- June’s Pride celebrations, which
uct,” says King. “It was a move- out within a week. Taco Bell cific someone. It needed, as he featured a drag show and a lot
ment. It was the Mexican Pizza had a problem, albeit perhaps puts it, “a muse.” of food in what The New York
movement.” the best kind of problem: Taco The age group that made the Times called “arguably the most
So in 2021, plans started per- Bell was not just cool—it was most sense to target was Gen Z. mainstream marriage of drag
colating: Taco Bell would bring too cool. But picking a generation only and dining yet.”
back the Mexican Pizza. It Taco Bell has been on quite tells you so much about how In naming its customer “the
signed Doja Cat up for its Super the streak. In the third quarter to sell to them. After all, Gen Z, cultural rebel,” Taco Bell didn’t
Bowl commercial, during of 2022, it saw same-store sales like any generation, has lots of just identify a community. It
which the company vaguely grow 6% and system sales grow ideas and plenty of identities. formed a clique.
18 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023
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T O TA L U N I T S N U M B E R S A N D C O S T T O O P E N A M O U N T S A S O F J U LY 3 1 , 2 0 2 2 .
1 Taco Bell
he Mexican Pizza was a time menu item that was a bit of revenue,” says Taco Bell CEO
It’s #1 for the third year
in a row. What keeps the goner. Or so Taco Bell of an outlier. It used several Mark King. The decision was
cravings so strong? The thought. ingredients that no other prod- painful but clear: Goodbye,
brand has mastered the It was 2020, and the pan- uct did. It took three or four Mexican Pizza.
risky art of being demic had upended the food minutes to make, while other Little did they know.
cool—by paying close business. Like most restau- items took just 30 seconds. “As soon as we took it off
attention to both rants, Taco Bell was busily sim- Restaurants sold relatively few [the menu], we had all this
outsiders and insiders. plifying the menu for the sake each day—at least, in compar- noise,” King recalls. One peti-
of a smaller restaurant staff. ison to thousands of tacos. tion to save the Mexican Pizza
by Nate Hopper
That’s when executives zeroed “It was a cult product, but it quickly amassed 50,000 sign-
in on the Mexican Pizza, a long- wasn’t a big product in terms ees—and eventually accrued
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Our 2023 list can tell you a lot about what it takes to succeed.
hat separates the are also larger and growing cess—because there are no the top 10—and 29 of the Top
W brands in the
Franchise 500
from all the rest?
faster than the average fran-
chise. If you look at all appli-
cants, the average franchise
guarantees in business. In
fact, the franchise industry
as a whole slowed down a
100—are QSR brands.) While
older, larger brands are ranked
highly, many newer brands are
The numbers tell an inter- brand had 489.4 units open little between 2021 and 2022, experiencing strong growth and
esting story. and grew by 13.2 units in the with total unit growth just moving up in the ranking as
Here’s the thing: Although previous year. But if you look 2.8%, compared to 3.1% two well, particularly in the subcat-
this issue is mostly devoted only at brands who made the years prior. But that won’t egories of coffee, sandwiches,
to the brands that make our ranking, they had an average (and shouldn’t!) stop new smoothies/juices, and teas.
ranking, there are a lot of fran- of 1,181.9 units open and grew brands from innovating and The health and wellness
chise brands that don’t. A total by 32.3 units. The top 500 franchising. Of the total appli- category is also thriving, espe-
of 1,321 brands applied this are also more global—42.5% cants this year, 7.1% of them cially in the subcategories
year—that’s 144 more than last of their franchise units are started franchising in the year of assisted stretching, chiro-
year!—and we then painstak- located outside the U.S., com- 2022! And 27.8% have been practic services, CBD, and eye
ingly reviewed, confirmed, and pared to just 40.5% if you fac- franchising for just five years care. The same is true of the
crunched all their data, to iden- tor in all applicants. or less. That’s a lot of fresh maintenance category—which
tify the 500 strongest. Here’s In short, here’s what we ideas—and, in time, future contains hot subcategories
what we found as a result: make of this: In franchising, Franchise 500 rankings like drywall repair, electrical
The 1,321 brands that momentum carries. When holders. services, and pest control—
applied represent a world- a brand finds its stride and The franchise industry is where 78 franchises ranked
wide total of 646,484 units its franchisees succeed, that also constantly shifting in this year, versus 72 last year.
open and operating as of July brand seems more likely to response to changes in our cul- Pets also did very well, with
31, 2022 (which is the marker grow faster, stronger, and ture, economy, and consumer 12 franchises ranked this year
of when we measure data). wider than its smaller com- needs. Those shifts create win- versus eight last year, with the
But if you only look at compa- petitors. In fact, nearly 37% of ners and losers, and you can greatest growth showing up
nies that made the Franchise the brands on our Franchise see that play out in our rank- in our dog training and pet
500 ranking, you’ll see that 500 have been franchising ings this year. stores subcategories.
they represented 590,971 of for more than 31 years—and For example, after a bruis- So, what comes next? Only
those units. In other words, only 5% of brands in the rank- ing few years through the time will tell. But we know this:
although only 38% of all appli- ing have been franchising five pandemic, quick-service restau- Longstanding franchises have
cants made our ranking, the years or less. That’s the advan- rants continue to recover. a great head start, but innova-
ones that made it represent tage of experience. There are 101 ranked in this tive startups have nimbleness
91% of all global units. But of course, longevity year’s Top 500, versus 97 last on their side. The results will
The brands in our Top 500 alone doesn’t guarantee suc- year. (Not to mention, six of speak for themselves.
10 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023
Illustration / M A R I A E L E N A C A P U T I January-February 2023 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / 7
Food: Quick-Service
Restaurants 101
Maintenance 78
Services (Other) 45
Businesses 43
Home Improvement 31
Businesses 30
Business Services 27
Lodging 25
Automotive 17
Retail 17
Financial Services 12
Pets 12
Food: Full-Service
Restaurants 10
Recreation 10
Tech Businesses 4
6 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / January-February 2023
116 124 P H O T O G R A P H S C O U R T E S Y O F C U LV E R ’ S ; K U M O N ; W I N G S T O P
6 44 60 72
Welcome to How 11 Brands It All Comes Let’s Talk Dollars
the 2023 Jumped 100+ Places Down to This! How much will you make by
Franchise 500® Some of them rose Follow four future franchi- owning a franchise?
Resiliency. Innovation. from last year’s ranking. sees through one very Here’s how to figure it out.
Wild, crazy ideas! Some didn’t even important event.
Franchising is being make the list last year.
challenged in Here’s how they thrived. 86
all the right ways. 70 What It Takes to Be a
7 Fun New Concepts Wealthy Franchisee
52 It’s not just about money.
15 Buying a Business
These brands didn’t make
the ranking this year—but It’s about mindset.
Who’s in Our Top 10 in a Shaky Economy will their fresh ideas grow?
These 10 brands had
What you should
a very big year. Their leaders
know as you explore 112
explain what went right. Are You a Systempreneur?
franchising in 2023.
It’s the biggest question future
franchisees can ask themselves.