B.ed Syllabus
B.ed Syllabus
B.ed Syllabus
Curriculum for 2-year B.Ed.
Curriculum for 2-year B.Ed. Programme
First Year
The Practicum component of Pedagogy -II will be dealt with in the 2nd year of the programme.
EPC Courses
The first year will also provide 3 EPC (Enhancement of Professional Capacity) courses carrying
50 marks each. These will be taught in a workshop mode and evaluation will be entirely internal.
These EPCs are:
EPC 2: Art, Craft and Aesthetics (with special reference to any one of the four arts or a
A tutorial carrying 50 marks will be held throughout the first year. It will focus on developing the
student’s understanding of his or her own aims in relation to the various courses through interactive
sessions. Reflective reviews of books and other readings selected by the tutor will form the basis
of evaluation, apart from the student’s participation in the discussions.
Second Year
Suggested titles for expansion of the list of electives in future: Innovations in Education; Integral
Education; Nai Talim; Media and Education; Childhood and Education in Literature. More titles
may be added.
EPC Courses
There will be two EPC courses. The titles are as follows:
A 16-week internship-mode School Experience Programme (SEP) for the practice of teaching and
related school experiences will be offered in the first half of the second year (i.e. from August to
December). Under internship, students will teach 4 days per week in schools, and the remaining
day(s) will be used for course work and consultation with subject specialists. The detailed
guidelines for this programme will be prepared later on the basis of the new NCTE
course framework. It is expected that under SEP, students will participate in all aspects of school
life while focusing on the teaching a subject in different classes assigned to them. An attempt will
be made to create opportunities to engage with the specific challenges that teaching children with
special needs involves. Students will be evaluated for SEP out of 300 marks. These marks can be
distributed across different domains of school internship work to be spelt out later. Each student
will regularly maintain a reflective journal consisting of observations and reflections on his/her
own teaching, and observations on teaching by peers. The following pattern is recommended for
100 marks: to be given by the subject specialist on the basis of planning, use of resources,
preparation of teaching aids, etc. These marks will be given in three instalments: 25 after 4 weeks,
25 after 8 weeks, the remaining 50 at the end of the internship programme.
100 marks: to be given by the regular supervisor on the basis of classroom teaching in the same
kind of instalments as are mentioned above;
50 marks: to be given by the regular supervisor on the basis of the reflective journal maintained
by the student.
Size of Sections
It is recommended that the average number of students in a section should not exceed 25 as
indicated by NCTE in the context of different subjects. This will enable the aims of the new B.Ed.
programme to be pursued with due regard for the expected quality of teaching and interaction as
envisaged by NCFTE-2009 on which the NCTE’s guidelines are based.
The Courses carrying 100 marks are envisaged to be taught for approximately four hours a week,
i.e. once in a two-hour period and twice in one-hour periods. The Courses carrying 50 marks will
be taught for two hours per week. The numbers of hours will need to be adjusted during the weeks
when students go out for field observation one day (or more, if required) per week. The same will
apply to the workshops for EPCs. This average allocation implies a total of 26 hours for teaching
and the remaining 14 hours in a working week for other institutional activities and self-study in
the first year. The second year programme will follow a one-day time-table during internship when
students go to schools for four days every working week for 16 weeks (i.e. 80 days). Hence, during
internship, the teaching of courses and EPCs, and consultation with subject specialists, will be
adjusted within the time available at the institute. Following the completion of internship, the
normal amount of periods can be allotted to the three courses and EPCs.
Scheme of Examination
The B.Ed. programme, as outlined above, will carry 1400 marks. The first year will carry 800
marks and the second year will carry 600 marks. Internal assessment will constitute 30 marks in
courses carrying 100 marks and 15 marks in courses carrying 50 marks. All EPCs will be evaluated
B. Ed. Two Year Course Outline
I. Foundation Courses : All courses are compulsory
Paper Title Paper Code Marks
1 Childhood and Growing Up C.1 100
2 Education in Contemporary India C.2 100
III. Elective Course : (any one of the options available)
V. Tutorial: 50 marks
VI. Field Observations: 50 marks
VII. School Experience Programme under Internship: 300 marks
Two Year B.Ed. Programme (year-wise outline)
First Year
Foundation Courses 3 Courses 3 x 100 = 300 marks
2 Courses 3x 50 = 150 marks
Pedagogy Courses
Field Observation 50
and Tutorial +50
e. Tutorial: 50 marks
Field Observation : 50 marks
School Experience Programme under Internship: 300 marks.
Please refer to B.Ed. Two Year course outline and year-wise outline for further clarity.