Memory Level of Teaching
Memory Level of Teaching
Memory Level of Teaching
Submitted by: FOUSIA F
Level of Teaching
◦ Teaching is a purposive activity; the purpose is to bring about desirable
changes in the learner through learning.
◦ The profession of teaching and imparting knowledge to a learner on any
particular subject or skill seems easy but it’s quite a tough job.
◦ Teachers play a very important role in the life of student’s life and thus it is not
wrong to say that the teaching job is one of the challenging professions in the
world because of the multiple qualities it requires.
◦ A teaching job needs passion, dedication, responsible behaviour of shaping the
students and the generations to come.
Fousia F
Three Levels of Learning
Fousia F
Fousia F
Memory Level of Teaching
◦ The objective of teaching at this level is just to impart information to students. The learner is
required to memorize the subject matter and get the information stored in long-term memory.
◦ The learner has to learn the material, retain the meaningful material, and reproduce that when
asked for.
Fousia F
Elements of memory Level of Teaching
1. Objective:
The objective of the memory level of teaching is just to impart information or
knowledge to the learner.
This knowledge or information is factual information in nature, which is acquired through a
mechanical process(ie. Memorization or rote learning)
2. Aims:
To get factual information
To train memory faculty
To retrain the learning material in memory storage.
To reproduce and recognize the learned information when required.
Fousia F
◦ Memory level covers only the knowledge based objective of Bloom’s Taxonomy where the
students learn to identify, recall, or remember the objects, events, ideas and concepts and retain
them in memory.
Fousia F
3. Nature of Subject Matter:
◦ Subject matter should be structured and well organized and of simple nature
that can be acquired through rote learning and can be retained and recalled.
Fousia F
4. Methods Used:
◦ Teacher- dominated methods are used like drill, review, and revision, and asking questions.
◦ Drill means repletion or practice for the purpose of attaining proficiency in memorizing the
◦ Review and revision is revising the elements to related them with new experience and to form a
new experience and to form a new association for the development of new skills or learning to
solve new problems.
◦ Asking the question is to examine whether or not the knowledge level objectives of teaching have
been achieved.
Fousia F
5. Role of Teacher:
◦ He is the authority to instruct, deliver, direct, controls, and evaluate the performances
◦ Takes initiatives, present the subject matter, directs the learner to do the activity in the desired manner, plan
◦ Right from the selection of the subject matter to its evaluation, the key process of teaching- learning
remains with the teacher.
Fousia F
6. Role of Learner
◦ Instructional material delivered by the teacher and the learner has to memorize it in a mechanical
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7. Teaching Equipment used by the teacher
◦ Teaching aids like visual, and audio visual aids, e.g.. Models, charts, maps, picture,
TV, Radio, computers, film strips, etc. should be used to develop curiosity among
the students.
Fousia F
8. Nature of motivation
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9. Evaluation System:
◦ Oral and written tests are used to test the memory of the students
◦ In evaluation, written test, short type test, recall type, recognition type,
multiple choice, alternative type, and matching type the test is
Fousia F
Advantages of memory Level of teaching
1. Useful for young children
2. Useful for the acquisition of facts, information of models and
3. Help children learn a new concept
4. Useful for slow learners
5. The basis for understanding and reflective level teaching
Fousia F
Disadvantages of Memory Level of Teaching
1. Not suitable for higher classes.
2. Use of rote memory
3. Dominance of teacher
4. Little interaction in the classroom
5. No room for initiation and self-learning for the students
6. Not intrinsic motivation
7. The problem of classroom management
8. Loss of retention and recall
Fousia F
Herbart’s Model of Memory Level Teaching
1. Focus
2. Syntax
3. Social System
4. Support System
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1. Focus
◦ Mental aspects of learning
◦ Providing knowledge of facts
◦ Remember learning facts
◦ To recall facts learned and resubmit them.
Fousia F
1. Preparation and Introduction
2. Presentation
3. Comparison, Association, and Abstraction
4. Generalization
5. Application
6. Recapitulation
Fousia F
1. Preparation and Introduction
It pertains to preparing and motivating the children to learn the new topic.
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2. Presentation
Actual teaching place. The students acquire new knowledge and ideas.
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3. Comparison, Association, and Abstraction
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4. Generalization
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5. Application
To apply the rules, formulae or generalisations that they have learnt in order
to solve problems.
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6. Recapitulation
Helps the student to review and reorganise the subject matter and
consolidate ideas.
Fousia F
3. Social System
◦ Teacher plays an active role and always dominating the classes
◦ Among the students, teacher controls the whole classroom activities
while he is presenting the content.
◦ Students are the followers of teachers passively.
◦ Students have accessory positions.
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4. Support System
◦ Assessment in both written and unwritten
◦ Stressed on cramming ability in test
◦ In objective examination, recall is very important
Fousia F
Suggestion for Memory Level teaching
Fousia F
Fousia F