Entitlement Portal Training
Entitlement Portal Training
Entitlement Portal Training
Entitlement Portal is a platform designed to provide a
consistent view of Entitlements across Cisco products,
streamline Customer/Partner entitlement interactions,
enable the sale and delivery of new monetization
models (e.g., consistent service delivery, subscription
support,), and enable new buying, selling, and pricing
models (e.g. Cisco Enterprise Agreement,
consumption based, renewals).
1. Entitlement Portal: Login
2. Entitlement Portal: Licenses
3. Entitlements: Smart License
4. Entitlements: Classic License
5. Entitlement Portal: Navigate to Suite
6. Entitlement Portal: Generate Licenses
7. Entitlement Portal: Transfer Licenses
8. Entitlement Portal: Alerts
9. Entitlement Portal: Subscriptions
10. Entitlement Portal: Viewing Service Contracts Tab
11. Appendix
Entitlement Portal: Login
You can access the Entitlement Portal
through the direct link:
that takes you to the Entitlement Portal
home page.
Entitlement Portal: Licenses
If you are the Smart Account Admin for a
selected Smart Account and have selected all
the Virtual Accounts in the Virtual Account
selector, you will be redirected to the License
Summary Page.
Entitlement Portal: Smart License – Product Instances
1 The second tab is for Product Instances.
It gives information regarding product
families and number of licenses used.
Entitlement Portal: Smart License – ELA Suites
1 The third tab shows the ELA suite names
associated with that feature.
2 The fourth tab is for Alerts related to that
particular license feature.
These alerts come from the Smart
Software Manager (SSM). They are further
divided into major and minor.
Entitlement Portal: Classic License – Overview
If you want to view the license details, click
the license and a dashboard opens up.
Entitlement Portal: Classic License – Devices
1 The second tab gives device information.
Entitlement Portal: Navigate to Suite
1 Select the Feature name with an
ELA tag to view the license
Entitlement Portal: Navigate to Suite (Continued)
2 Click the ELA Suites tab.
Entitlement Portal: Navigate to Suite (Continued)
3 The suite name is displayed on the screen. Click the Navigate to Suite link.
Entitlement Portal: Navigate to Suite (Continued)
4 The ELA Workspace opens in a
new tab. The ELA suite is
displayed at the top level and the
features listed under the suite.
Entitlement Portal: Generate Licenses (Continued)
2 Click the Available PAKs tab.
Entitlement Portal: Generate Licenses (Continued)
3 Click the Generate License link.
Entitlement Portal: Generate Licenses (Continued)
4 The Product License
Registration page in the LRP tool 4
opens in a new tab and the Get
New Licenses from a Single
PAK/Token pop-up window is
Entitlement Portal: Transfer Licenses (Continued)
2 The Transfer Licenses button is
displayed on all tabs.
Entitlement Portal: Transfer Licenses (Continued)
3 The Transfer Licenses pop-up
window is displayed in SSM.
Entitlement Portal: Alerts
1 You can select Minor licenses to view
alerts related and take actions such as,
Entitlement Portal: Subscriptions
1 The Subscriptions page has been
added to the navigation bar on the
Entitlement Portal home page. 1
Click the Subscriptions tab to view
the list of all the subscriptions that
have been assigned to a Smart
Account. Features, such as
Subscription ID, Product description,
SKU for that particular product, the
Quantity of that SKU, and the Start
Date and End Date of the subscription
are displayed in the list.
2 The first line of the subscription can be
expanded to show the individual
features within the subscription.
Entitlement Portal: Licenses Within a Subscription
4 The License Types associated with
the subscription are displayed.
Entitlement Portal: Viewing Contract Summary Tab
You can view Service Contracts in 1
the Entitlement Portal.
• The Contract Summary tab will
only display Active, Signed, and
Overdue contracts. It does not
include any Expired contracts.
Entitlement Portal: Viewing Contract Summary Tab
2 Users will see a warning when
contracts are within 30 days of their
end date. Bill To Details will
appear when users click on the line
level under the Bill To column.
Entitlement Portal: Viewing Contract Summary Tab
3 If there are multiple Install at GUs
and Service Levels for a contract,
the user will see Multiple with a
drop-down arrow, as shown in the
Entitlement Portal:
Viewing Covered Product Lines Tab
3 The grid under the Covered
Product Lines tab displays the
product lines for the selected 3
contract number across all the
related Virtual Accounts that the
user has access to.
Smart Account Roles Overview Partners Smart Account Roles in the different Cisco tools: Cisco
Software Central, Smart Software Manager, License
Registration Portal, Entitlement Portal.
Smart Account Enabled SBP Offers Partners Subscription Billing Platform (SBP) offers currently
supporting Smart Accounts.
Entitlement Portal FAQ Partners Frequently Asked Questions about the Entitlement Portal.
Entitlement Portal QRG Partners This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) will provide you with
an instructional overview of how to navigate to suite and
generate and transfer licenses.
Entitlement Portal VOD Partners Entitlement Portal Video
• On the PUT homepage, a new field “Subscription ID” is added for you enter the subscription ID and proceed with the upgrade process.
• “Subscription ID” field will auto populate the subscription IDs (eligible & entitled only) associated with your cisco.com profile.
1. On the PUT homepage, Enter the “Subscription ID” or Select from the list of subscription IDs auto-populated (use keyword “s”)
2. Select the ordering method “Guided” or “Advanced” and Click Continue
Transact On-Premise Subscription Upgrade in
Product Upgrade Tool (PUT)
Guided Ordering Method
3. For step by step process to upgrade a product, Enter Subscription ID, Select “Guided” as ordering
method and Click Continue
Transact On-Premise Subscription Upgrade in
Product Upgrade Tool (PUT)
Guided Ordering Method
7. Make appropriate selection and Enter the product quantity eligible for upgrade and Click Continue
8. Add Shipping Address, Shipping Contact, eDelivery Email and Click Continue
Transact On-Premise Subscription Upgrade in
Product Upgrade Tool (PUT)
Guided Ordering Method
10. Review the details of the upgrade and Click Submit Order
Transact On-Premise Subscription Upgrade in
Product Upgrade Tool (PUT)
Guided Ordering Method
1. To upgrade a specific product, Enter Subscription ID, Select “Advanced” as ordering method and Click
Transact On-Premise Subscription Upgrade in
Product Upgrade Tool (PUT)
Advanced Ordering Method
2. Select the product/s for upgrade by entering the quantity and Click Continue
3. Follow Steps 8 to 10 of Guided Ordering Method to proceed with submitting an Upgrade Order
Version History (October 2017)
Slide # Details Release
Device Updates to the Licenses UI: in the Classic License Device's tab, only the data fields that are relevant
11 October 2017
for a specific license (Host Id, Product Description, etc. ) will be visible.
Adds product line details view associated with service contracts under the ‘Service Contracts’ tab (only those
33-40 tagged to Smart Account (SA)/ Virtual Account (VA) will be visible) of Entitlement Portal to enable Sept 2017
comprehensive entitlement view.