FS1 Unit 1
FS1 Unit 1
FS1 Unit 1
Duration: 3 Hours
To ensure that the country has quality teachers, the Philippine Professional
Standards for Teachers was introduced through DepEd Order No. 42, series of 2017.
These standards are the product of over three years of collaboration of thousands of
teachers, the school head, and other stakeholders in the country which is composed
of well-defined domains, strands, and indicators. The PPST complements the reform
initiatives on teachers’ quality such as the K to 12 Reform, Philippine Qualification
Framework, ASEAN Integration and Internalization, and the changing quality of the
21st society in learnings.
Identify the aims of Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers.
Enumerate the seven (7) domains that are required for qualified
Name the career stages of becoming a quality teacher.
Gain a comprehensive understanding of the indicators for different
career stages.
Lesson Proper:
A. Activity
List down the attributes of a quality teacher.
B. Analysis
The Department of Education released the DepEd Order No. 42, series
of 2017 entitled National Adoption and Implementation of the Philippine
Professional Standards for Teachers. This order recognized the importance of
professional standards for teachers towards quality teaching based on
principles of lifelong learning. Through the collaboration of different
stakeholder, the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) was
created with the aims:
set out clear expectations of teachers along well-defined career
stages of professional development from beginning to
distinguished practice;
engage teachers to actively embrace a continuing effort in
attaining proficiency;
apply a uniform measure to assess teacher performance, identify
needs, and provide support for professional development; and
provides a basis for building public confidence in and support for
the work of teachers.
Domain 5. Assessment and Reporting
1. Philosophy of teaching
2. Dignity of teaching as a profession
3. Professional links with colleagues
4. Professional reflection and learning to improve practice
5. Professional development goals
Career Stages
Domains/ Strands/ Indicators for Different Career Stages
Strand 1.3 1.3.1 Show skills 1.3.2 Ensure 1.3.3 Promote 1.3.4 Mentor
Positive use in the positive the effective colleagues in the
of use of ICT to positive use of strategies in the implementation of policies to
ICT facilitate the ICT to facilitate positive use of ensure the
teaching and the teaching ICT to facilitate positive use of ICT within or
learning process. and the teaching and beyond the
learning learning process. school.
Strand 1.4 1.4.1 Demonstrate 1.4.2 Use a 1.4.3 Evaluate with 1.4.4 Model a comprehensive
Strategies in knowledge of range of colleagues the selection of effective teaching
promoting teaching strategies teaching effectiveness of strategies that promote learner
literacy and that promote literacy strategies that teaching strategies achievement in literacy and
numeracy and numeracy skills. enhance learner that promote learner numeracy.
achievement in achievement in
literacy and literacy and numeracy.
numeracy skills.
Strand 1.5 1.5.1 Apply teaching 1.5.2 Apply a 1.5.3 Develop and 1.5.4 Lead colleagues in
Strategies for strategies that range of apply effective reviewing, modifying and
developing develop critical and teaching teaching strategies to expanding their range of
critical and creative thinking, strategies to promote critical and teaching strategies that
creative and/or other higher- develop critical creative thinking, as promote critical and creative
thinking, as order thinking skills. and creative well as other higher- thinking, as well as other
well as other thinking, as well order thinking skills. higher-order thinking skills.
higher-order as other higher-
thinking skills order thinking
Strand 1.6 1.6.1 Use Mother 1.6.2 Display 1.6.3 Model and 1.6.4 Show exemplary skills in
Mother Tongue, Filipino and proficient use of support colleagues in and advocate the use of
Tongue, English to facilitate Mother Tongue, the proficient use of Mother Tongue, Filipino and
Filipino and teaching and Filipino and Mother Tongue, English in teaching and
English in learning. English to Filipino and English to learning to facilitate the
teaching and facilitate improve teaching and learners' language, cognitive
learning teaching and learning, as well as to and academic development
learning. develop the learners' and to foster pride of their
pride of their language, heritage and
language, heritage culture.
and culture.
Strand 1.7 1.7.1 Demonstrate 1.7.2 Use 1.7.3 Display a wide 1.7.4 Exhibit exemplary
Classroom an understanding of effective verbal range of effective practice in the use of effective
communication the range of verbal and non-verbal verbal and non-verbal verbal and non-verbal
strategies and non-verbal classroom classroom classroom communication
classroom communication communication strategies to support learner
communication strategies to strategies to support understanding, participation,
strategies that support learner learner understanding, engagement and achievement
support learner understanding, participation, in different learning contexts.
understanding, participation, engagement and
participation, engagement and achievement.
engagement and achievement.
Domain 2. Learning Environment
Domain 3. Diversity of Learners
Domain 4. Curriculum and Planning
Strand 5.2 5.2.1 Demonstrate 5.2.2 Monitor and 5.2.3 Interpret 5.2.4 Provide advice
knowledge of evaluate learner collaboratively on, and mentor
Monitoring and monitoring and progress and monitoring and colleagues in the
evaluation of evaluation of achievement using evaluation strategies effective analysis and
learner progress learner progress learner attainment of attainment data to use of learner
and achievement and achievement data. support learner attainment data.
using learner progress and
attainment data. achievement.
Strand 5.3 5.3.1 Demonstrate 5.3.2 Use strategies 5.3.3 Use effective 5.3.4 Exhibit
knowledge of for providing timely, strategies for providing exemplary skills and
Feedback to providing timely, accurate and timely, accurate and lead initiatives to
improve learning accurate and constructive feedback constructive feedback support colleagues in
constructive to improve learner to encourage learners applying strategies
feedback to performance. to reflect on and that effectively
improve learner improve their own provide timely,
performance. learning. accurate and
feedback to learners
to improve learning
Strand 5.4 5.4.1 Demonstrate 5.4.2 Communicate 5.4.3 Apply skills in the 5.4.4 Share with
familiarity with a promptly and clearly effective colleagues a wide
Communication of range of strategies the learners' needs, communication of range of strategies
learner needs, for communicating progress and learner needs, that ensure effective
progress and learner needs, achievement to key progress and communication of
achievement to key progress and stakeholders, achievement to key learner needs,
stakeholders achievement. including stakeholders, progress and
parents/guardians. including achievement to key
parents/guardians. stakeholders,
Strand 5.5 5.5.1 Demonstrate 5.5.2 Utilize 5.5.3 Work 5.5.4 Lead
an understanding of assessment data to collaboratively with colleagues to
Use of assessment the role of inform the modification colleagues to analyze explore, design and
data to enhance assessment data as of teaching and and utilize assessment implement effective
teaching and feedback in learning practices and data to modify practices and
learning practices teaching and programs. practices and programs using
and programs learning practices programs to further information derived
and programs. support learner from assessment
progress and data.
specified in the Code specified in the Code responsibilities specified in the Code
of Ethics for of Ethics for specified in the Code of Ethics for
Professional Professional of Ethics for Professional
Teachers. Teachers. Professional Teachers.
Strand 6.4 6.4.1 Demonstrate 6.4.2 Comply with and 6.4.3 Exhibit 6.4.4 Evaluate
knowledge and implement school commitment to and existing school
School policies understanding of policies and support teachers in policies and
and procedures school policies and procedures the implementation of procedures to make
procedures to foster consistently to foster school policies and them more responsive
harmonious harmonious procedures to foster to the needs of the
relationship with the relationships with harmonious learners, parents and
wider school learners, parents, and relationships with other stakeholders.
community. other stakeholders. learners, parents and
other stakeholders.
C. Abstraction
D. Application
Column A Column B
_______ 1. It provides standards that define a. Distinguished
teacher quality in the Philippines. teachers
________ 10. They are professionally j. Personal Growth
independent in the application of skills vital to and Professional
the teaching and learning process. Development
Suggested Readings:
Career Stages
Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST)
Department of Education (DepEd) Order No. 42, series of 2007. National Adoption and
Implementation of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers.
Lesson 2 – Guidelines per Program
Duration: 3 Hours
1. Familiarize with the different CHED Memo about programs offered in the
College of Education.
2. Identify the goals, and expected outcomes for each program.
3. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the set of competencies each
teacher must possess.
4. Reflect on the information gained from the different memorandum.
Lesson Proper:
A. Activity
B. Analysis
CHED Memorandum Order No. 74, series 2017. Policies, Standards and
Guidelines for Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEEd)
Nature of Field Study: The BEEd is an undergraduate teacher education
program designed to prepare individuals intending to teach in the elementary
Program Goal: The aims of the program is to develop highly motivated and
competent teachers specializing in the content and pedagogy for elementary
Specific Professions: All successful completion of all academic
requirements of the degree/program graduates of BEEd should be able to
practice the teaching profession in the elementary level.
CHED Memorandum Order No. 75, series 2017. Policies, Standards and
Guidelines for Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd)
CHED Memorandum Order No. 76, series of 2017. Policies, Standards and
guidelines for the Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (BECEd)
the principles or early childhood care and education, as well as experience in the
application of these principles.
CHED Memorandum Order No. 78, series of 2017 – Policies, Standards, and
Guidelines for the Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education
Home Economics
Industrial Arts
Information and Communication Technology
Agri-Fishery Arts
content knowledge, 3) experiential learning courses, and 4) special topic
The theory and concept courses provide the broad framework within
which students can understand, rationalize, and reflect on the various
methods, strategies, processes, issues and other matters related to the
teaching profession.
CHED Memorandum Order No. 79, series of 2017. Policies, Standards, and
Guidelines for the Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education
Program Description: The program herein shall be called Bachelor of
Technical-Vocational Teacher Education (BTVTEd) with specialization in:
a. Automotive Technology
b. Electronic Technology
c. Electrical Technology
d. Mechanical Technology
e. Civil and Construction Technology
f. Welding and Fabrication Technology
g. Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Technology
h. Food and Service Management
i. Garments, Fashion and Design
j. Beauty Care and Wellness
k. Animation
l. Computer Hardware Servicing
m. Computer Programming
n. Animal Production
o. Agricultural Crop Production
p. Fish Processing
q. Fish Capture
The technical and vocational teacher education curriculum shall impart a body of
knowledge, skills, attitude, values and experiences that will provide prospective
Grade 9-10 TLE Teachers, Senior High School teachers for the Tech-Voc
Livelihood track, TVET Trainers/Instructors, and faculty members in higher
education institutions with the necessary competencies essential for effective
teaching. Graduates of BTVTEd are considered to have satisfied the TESDA
requirement for Trainer’s Methodology.
The specific body of knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, and experiences shall
include the following:
B. A professional education component to include courses under three
broad categories: 1) theory and concept courses, 2) pedagogical content
knowledge, and 3) experiential learning courses.
The theory and concept courses provide the broad frameworks within which
students can understand, rationalize, and reflect on the various methods,
strategies, processes, issues and other matters related to the teaching profession.
CHED Memorandum Order No. 80, series of 2017. Policies, Standards and
Guidelines for Bachelor of Physical Education (BPEd)
meaningful curricular content, the creation of inclusive learning environments and
the employment of effective learning strategies.
Specific Professions:
Physical Education Teacher in Basic Education
Dance and Sports Club Moderator
School-based Sports Program and Events Moderators/Coordinator
Program Outcomes
e. Demonstrate positive attributes of a model teacher, both as
an individual and as a professional f. Manifest a desire to
continuously pursue personal and professional development
a. Major in English
a. Possess broad knowledge of language and literature for effective
b. Use English as a glocal language in a multilingual context as it
applies to the teaching of language and literature
c. Acquire extensive reading background in language, literature, and
allied fields d. Demonstrate proficiency in oral and written
d. Shows competence in employing innovative language and literature
teaching approaches, methodologies, and strategies
e. Use technology in facilitating language learning and teaching
f. Inspire students and colleagues to lead relevant and transformative
changes to improve learning and teaching language and literature
g. Display skills and abilities to be a reflective and research-oriented
language and literature teacher
b. Major in Filipino
a. Nagpapamalas ng mataasnaantas ng kaalamansa pagtuturo ng
wika at panitikang Filipino.
b. Nagpapakita ng malawak at malalimnapag-unawa
at kaalamansaugnayan ng wika, kultura, at lipunan
c. Nakagagamit ng iba'tibangkasanayan at kaalamansa proseso ng
d. Nagtataglay ng kaalamanhinggilsausapin ng kultural
at linggwistikongdibersidad ng bansa.
e. Nakapagdidisenyo ng malikhain, inobatibo, at
integratibong mgaalternatibongdulogsapagtuturo at pagkatuto
f. Nakagagawa ng pananaliksikukolsaikauunlad ng wikang Filipino
c. Major in Mathematics
a. Exhibit competence in mathematical concepts and procedures
b. Exhibit proficiency in relating mathematics to other curricular areas
c. Manifest meaningful and comprehensive pedagogical content
knowledge (PCK) of mathematics
d. Demonstrate competence in designing, constructing and utilizing
different forms of assessment in mathematics
e. Demonstrate proficiency in problem-solving by solving and creating
routine and non-routine problems with different levels of complexity
f. Use effectively appropriate approaches, methods, and techniques in
teaching mathematics including technological tools
g. Appreciate mathematics as an opportunity for creative work,
moments of enlightenment, discovery and gaining insights of the
d. Major in Science
a. Demonstrate deep understanding of scientific concepts and
b. Apply scientific inquiry in teaching and learning
c. Utilize effective science teaching and assessment methods
j. Demonstrate competence in the conduct of research and utilization of
results to improve values education
k. Demonstrate in-depth knowledge in developing and using traditional
and non-traditional strategies for assessing learner's performance in
values education
l. Demonstrate competence in integrating context appropriate technology
to optimize teaching and learning
m. Manifest commitment to community service as a means to promote
social values
n. Show reflective skills in applying strong moral and ethical principles in
their decisions and actions as values education teacher
F. Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education (BTVTEd)
a. Demonstrate the competencies required of the Philippine TVET
Trainers Assessors Qualifications Framework (PTTQF)
b. Demonstrate broad and coherent, meaningful knowledge and skills in
any of the specific fields in technical and vocational education
c. Apply with minimal supervision specialized knowledge and skills in any
of the specific fields in technical and vocational education
d. Demonstrate higher level literacy, communication, numeracy, critical
thinking, learning skills needed for higher learning
e. Manifest a deep and principled understanding of the learning
processes and the role of the teacher in facilitating these processes in
their students
f. Show a deep and principled understanding of how educational
processes relate to larger historical, social, cultural, and political
g. Apply a wide range of teaching process skills (including curriculum
development, lesson planning, materials development, educational
assessment, and teaching approaches)
h. Reflect on the relationships among the teaching process skills, the
learning processing in the students, the nature of the content/subject
matter, and other factors affecting educational processes in order to
constantly improve their teaching knowledge, skills and practices.
5. Use information, media and technology in pedagogy
and for lifelong learning,
E. P05-Communication:
1. Communicate effectively with PE practitioners,
other professionals and stakeholders.
2. Use oral, written, and technology formats deftly.
C. Abstraction
Each memorandum stated the details about the program particularly the
goals, program outputs and other essential guideline and information.
D. Application
Identify the following. Write your answer on the space provided for.
Write how you can contribute in the achievement on the goals of your
particular program.
CHED Memorandum No 74, series of 2017 - Policies, Standards and Guidelines for
Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEEd)
CHED Memorandum Order No. 75, series 2017. Policies, Standards and Guidelines for
Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd)
CHED Memorandum Order No. 76, series of 2017. Policies, Standards and guidelines for
the Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (BECEd)
CHED Memorandum Order No. 78, series of 2017 – Policies, Standards, and Guidelines
for the Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education (BTLEd)
CHED Memorandum Order No. 79, series of 2017. Policies, Standards, and Guidelines
for the Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education (BTVTEd)
CHED Memorandum Order No. 80, series of 2017. Policies, Standards and Guidelines
for Bachelor of Physical Education (BPEd)
Lesson 3 – Deployment of Pre-service Teachers on Experiential Learning
Duration: 3 Hours
Pre-service teachers undergo various training that can help them to become
successful teachers in the future. Aside from the learning experiences that are offered to
them in the classroom, out campus activities can help them experience and understand
the events that are happening inside the real classroom. They are assigned to different
schools in the community through the Field Study and Practice Teaching courses to
observe and experience the lives of cooperating teachers.
In this lesson, you shall gain a basic understating of the underlying principles, legal
bases of pre-service teaching, the importance of internship experiential activity for a pre-
service teacher as stated in DepEd Order No. 3, series of 2007, and the importance of
strong relationship amongst key stakeholders from the Department of Education (DepEd)
and Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs) can contribute to the producing competent
future teachers. The lesson will present the guidelines stipulated in the order of the
Lesson Proper:
A. Activity
Write in the box below your duties and responsibilities as Field Study Student.
B. Analysis
Regional Offices:
The SDS, in collaboration with the TEI and school principals, shall:
Cooperating School
A. Field Study
1. The Principal shall accept the Field Study Student (FSS) and see to it that
they are assigned to observe any teacher;
2. The Principal shall coordinate with TEI supervisor concerning field study
assignments and problems;
3. The Principal shall ensure the orientation of the FSSs on the following:
a. Policies, regulations and environment of the school;
b. Assignment of classes and responsibilities
4. The Principal will participate in a debriefing session with the resource
teacher, the FFS and the college practicum supervisor.
Cooperating Teachers
8. Submit written reports to the College Dean, copy furnished the school
principal and the SDS, at least twice a month regarding the:
a. Progress/performance of student teachers
b. Problems/difficulties met by the student teachers
c. Solution/action taken to solve the problem
9. Conduct debriefing sessions, interview/case studies of student teachers.
C. Abstraction
D. Application
Write an application letter stating your intention to conduct your Field Study
Course in your chosen school. Write it in an A4 size bond paper. Submit it in a
hard or soft copy format.
_____________ 4. Prepare the Memorandum of Agreement between the TEI and the
Division Office. (College Dean)
_____________ 5. Write a report regarding the activities of Field Study Students.
(College Supervisor)
_____________ 6. Coordinate with TEI supervisor on tasks and issues concerning field
study assignments and problems. (Cooperating School/Principal)
_____________ 7. Monitor and evaluate the capacity of the cooperating schools. (School
Division Offices)
_____________ 8. Ensure the Experiential Learning courses are controlled and
monitored.. (Regional Office)
_____________ 9 Prepare a detailed communication referring to the FSS deployment to
the school principal. (college Dean)
_____________ 10. Take the field study courses congruent to their professional
education subjects. (FSS)
As pre-service teachers, what do you do to make the Field Study experiences more
meaningful, helpful, and relevant to your training as future teachers? Write your answer
in the box.
Suggested Reading and Websites:
Cooperating School
Cooperating Teacher
Division Office
Field Study
Regional Office’
Teacher Education Institutions (TEI)
Lesson 4 – Mentoring and Coaching Pre-Service Teachers
Duration: 3 hours
The College of Education aims to develop quality teachers that will teach and
inspire learners in the future. Hence, we provide pre-service teachers with the best and
quality learning experiences for them to become one. Part of the learning experiences
given to pre-service teachers is to go outside of the four corners of the classroom and
conduct observation in a setting where teaching and learning happen.
In this lesson, you will learn the definition of coaching and mentoring, stages of
mentoring, forms of mentoring, types of mentoring, and the etiquette of mentoring.
Further, the significant contributions of cooperating teachers to the development of quality
among future teachers through coaching and mentoring, and the roles and responsibilities
of the cooperating teachers.
Lesson Proper
A. Activity
1. Mentoring
2. Coaching
3. Role
4. Responsibilities
5. Etiquette
B. Analysis
Defining Coaching
Coaching can be used in various areas of life. It includes life coaching, financial
coaching, or career coaching. In education, the word coaching is used as an
interactive process that aims to close performance gaps, teach skills, impart
knowledge and inculcate values and desirable work behaviors to Pre-service
teachers by the Cooperating Teachers. They help the pre-service teachers to
discover and maximize their own potentials.
Defining Mentoring
Needs of Mentee
Broad career development
Early career development
Ethical and moral guidance
Assistance in navigating professional settings, institutions, structures,
and politics
Professional identity development guidance
DepEd Modules for Pre-Service teachers (p.12) the Career Stage 3 or Highly
Proficient Teachers manifest a comprehensive and sophisticated understanding of
the method of teaching and learning. They have understanding of a high-education
environment, are more competent at problem-solving, and maximized resources
gained from experience.
Career Stage 3 Teachers work collaboratively with colleagues and provide them
support and mentoring to enhance their learning and practice. Through focusing
on their own needs and those of their colleagues and students, they actively aim
to improve their professional knowledge and practice.
C. Abstraction
Coaching and mentoring are a big task but rewarding on the part of the
cooperating teachers.
The PPST set standards for the qualification of a Cooperating Teacher
who will coach or mentor pre-service teachers.
Cooperating Teachers should be Highly Proficient based on the
standard of PPST.
Cooperating Teachers and other personnel in charge of the experiential
learning courses have roles and responsibilities to do.
D. Apply
Center on Mentoring (206). Introduction to Mentoring: A guide for Mentors and Mentees
Department of Education (DepEd) Order No. 42, series 2017. National Adoption and
Implementation of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers
Principles of Coaching: Coaching Skills. Retrieved on August 23, 2020 from www.free-