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MC Faculty

Lesson 1 – Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST)

Duration: 3 Hours


A teacher is a person who enables the learners to obtain information, skills, or

values. The role of the teacher is essential in nation-building. By providing quality
teaching, a teacher can develop holistic learners who are equipped with skills which
can contribute to our country’s growth and development.

To ensure that the country has quality teachers, the Philippine Professional
Standards for Teachers was introduced through DepEd Order No. 42, series of 2017.
These standards are the product of over three years of collaboration of thousands of
teachers, the school head, and other stakeholders in the country which is composed
of well-defined domains, strands, and indicators. The PPST complements the reform
initiatives on teachers’ quality such as the K to 12 Reform, Philippine Qualification
Framework, ASEAN Integration and Internalization, and the changing quality of the
21st society in learnings.

 Identify the aims of Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers.
 Enumerate the seven (7) domains that are required for qualified
 Name the career stages of becoming a quality teacher.
 Gain a comprehensive understanding of the indicators for different
career stages.

Lesson Proper:

A. Activity
List down the attributes of a quality teacher.

B. Analysis

The Department of Education released the DepEd Order No. 42, series
of 2017 entitled National Adoption and Implementation of the Philippine
Professional Standards for Teachers. This order recognized the importance of
professional standards for teachers towards quality teaching based on
principles of lifelong learning. Through the collaboration of different
stakeholder, the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) was
created with the aims:
 set out clear expectations of teachers along well-defined career
stages of professional development from beginning to
distinguished practice;

 engage teachers to actively embrace a continuing effort in
attaining proficiency;
 apply a uniform measure to assess teacher performance, identify
needs, and provide support for professional development; and
 provides a basis for building public confidence in and support for
the work of teachers.

The 7 Domains and 37 Strands in the PPST

Domain 1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy

1. Content knowledge and its application within and across curriculum

2. Research-based knowledge and principles of teaching and learning
3. Positive use of ICT
4. Strategies for promoting literacy and numeracy
5. Strategies for developing critical and creative thinking, as well as
other higher-order thinking skills
6. Mother Tongue, Filipino, and English in teaching and learning
7. Classroom communication strategies

Domain 2. Learning Environment

1. Learner safety and security

2. Fair learning environment
3. Management of classroom structure and activities
4. Support for learner participation
5. Promotion of purposive learning
6. Management of learner behavior

Domain 3. Diversity of Learners

1. Learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests, and experiences

2. Learners’ linguistic, cultural, socio-economic, and religious
3. Learners with disabilities, giftedness, and talents
4. Learners in difficult circumstances
5. Learners from indigenous groups

Domain 4. Curriculum Planning

1. Planning and management of teaching and learning process

2. Learning outcomes aligned with learning competencies
3. Relevance and responsiveness of learning programs
4. Professional collaboration to enrich teaching practice
5. Teaching and learning resources including ICT

Domain 5. Assessment and Reporting

1. Design, selection, organization, and utilization of assessment

2. Monitoring and evaluation of learner progress and achievement
3. Feedback to improve learning
4. Communication of learner needs, progress, and achievement to key
5. Use of assessment data to enhance teaching and learning practices
and programs

Domain 6. Community Linkages and Professional Engagement

1. Establishment of learning environments that are responsive to

community contexts
2. Engagement of parents and the wider school community in the
educative process
3. Professional ethics
4. School policies and procedures

Domain 7. Personal Growth and Professional Development

1. Philosophy of teaching
2. Dignity of teaching as a profession
3. Professional links with colleagues
4. Professional reflection and learning to improve practice
5. Professional development goals

Career Stages

Career Stage 1 or Beginning Teachers

 gained the qualifications recognized for entry into the teaching
 a strong understanding of the subjects/areas in which they are trained in
terms of content knowledge and pedagogy
 possess the requisite knowledge, skills, and values that support the
teaching and learning process.
 manage learning programs and have strategies that promote learning
based on the learning needs of their students.
 seek advice from experienced colleagues to consolidate their teaching

Career Stage 2 or Proficient Teachers

 professionally independent in the application of skills vital to the teaching
and learning process.
 display skills in planning, implementing, and managing learning
 actively engage in collaborative learning with the professional
community and other stakeholders for mutual growth and advancement.
 reflective practitioners who continually consolidate the knowledge, skills,
and practices of Career Stage 1 teachers.
Career Stage 3 or Highly Proficient Teachers
 consistently display a high level of performance in their teaching
 manifest an in-depth and sophisticated understanding of the teaching
and learning process.
 have high education-focused situation cognition, are more adept in
problem-solving, and optimize opportunities gained from experience.
 work collaboratively with colleagues and provide them support and
mentoring to enhance their learning and practice.
 continually seek to develop their professional knowledge and practice by
reflecting on their own needs, and those of their colleagues and

Career Stage 4 or Distinguished Teachers

 embody the highest standard for teaching grounded in global best
 exhibit exceptional capacity to improve their own teaching practice and
that of others.
 recognized as leaders in education, contributors to the profession and
initiators of collaborations, and partnerships.
 Create a lifelong impact in the lives of colleagues, students, and others.
 consistently seek professional advancement and relevance in pursuit of
teaching quality and excellence.
 exhibit commitment to inspire the education community and
stakeholders for the improvement of education provision in the

Figure 1. Career Path https://www.slideshare.net/edmond84/03-the-ppst

Domains/ Strands/ Indicators for Different Career Stages

Domain 1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy

Beginning Proficient Highly Proficient

Strands Distinguished Teachers
Teachers Teachers Teachers
Strand 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 Apply 1.1.3 Model 1.1.4 Model exemplary
Content Demonstrate knowledge of effective practice to improve
knowledge content content within applications of the applications of
and knowledge and and across content content knowledge
its application its application curriculum knowledge within within and across
within and within and/or teaching areas. and across curriculum teaching
across across curriculum curriculum areas.
curriculum teaching areas teaching areas.
Strand 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 Use 1.2.3 Collaborate .2.4 Lead colleagues
Research- Demonstrate an research-based with colleagues in in the advancement of
based understanding of knowledge and the conduct and the art and science of
knowledge research-based principles of application of teaching based on
and knowledge and teaching and research to enrich their comprehensive
principles of principles of learning to knowledge of knowledge of research
teaching and teaching and enhance content and and pedagogy.
learning learning. professional pedagogy.

Strand 1.3 1.3.1 Show skills 1.3.2 Ensure 1.3.3 Promote 1.3.4 Mentor
Positive use in the positive the effective colleagues in the
of use of ICT to positive use of strategies in the implementation of policies to
ICT facilitate the ICT to facilitate positive use of ensure the
teaching and the teaching ICT to facilitate positive use of ICT within or
learning process. and the teaching and beyond the
learning learning process. school.
Strand 1.4 1.4.1 Demonstrate 1.4.2 Use a 1.4.3 Evaluate with 1.4.4 Model a comprehensive
Strategies in knowledge of range of colleagues the selection of effective teaching
promoting teaching strategies teaching effectiveness of strategies that promote learner
literacy and that promote literacy strategies that teaching strategies achievement in literacy and
numeracy and numeracy skills. enhance learner that promote learner numeracy.
achievement in achievement in
literacy and literacy and numeracy.
numeracy skills.
Strand 1.5 1.5.1 Apply teaching 1.5.2 Apply a 1.5.3 Develop and 1.5.4 Lead colleagues in
Strategies for strategies that range of apply effective reviewing, modifying and
developing develop critical and teaching teaching strategies to expanding their range of
critical and creative thinking, strategies to promote critical and teaching strategies that
creative and/or other higher- develop critical creative thinking, as promote critical and creative
thinking, as order thinking skills. and creative well as other higher- thinking, as well as other
well as other thinking, as well order thinking skills. higher-order thinking skills.
higher-order as other higher-
thinking skills order thinking
Strand 1.6 1.6.1 Use Mother 1.6.2 Display 1.6.3 Model and 1.6.4 Show exemplary skills in
Mother Tongue, Filipino and proficient use of support colleagues in and advocate the use of
Tongue, English to facilitate Mother Tongue, the proficient use of Mother Tongue, Filipino and
Filipino and teaching and Filipino and Mother Tongue, English in teaching and
English in learning. English to Filipino and English to learning to facilitate the
teaching and facilitate improve teaching and learners' language, cognitive
learning teaching and learning, as well as to and academic development
learning. develop the learners' and to foster pride of their
pride of their language, heritage and
language, heritage culture.
and culture.
Strand 1.7 1.7.1 Demonstrate 1.7.2 Use 1.7.3 Display a wide 1.7.4 Exhibit exemplary
Classroom an understanding of effective verbal range of effective practice in the use of effective
communication the range of verbal and non-verbal verbal and non-verbal verbal and non-verbal
strategies and non-verbal classroom classroom classroom communication
classroom communication communication strategies to support learner
communication strategies to strategies to support understanding, participation,
strategies that support learner learner understanding, engagement and achievement
support learner understanding, participation, in different learning contexts.
understanding, participation, engagement and
participation, engagement and achievement.
engagement and achievement.

Domain 2. Learning Environment

Beginning Proficient Highly Proficient

Strands Distinguished Teachers
Teachers Teachers Teachers
Strand 2.1 2.1.1 Demonstrate 2.1.2 Establish safe 2.1.3 Exhibit 2.1.4 Apply comprehensive
Learner safety knowledge of and secure effective strategies knowledge of and act as a
and security policies, guidelines learning that ensure safe and resource person for, policies,
and procedures environments to secure learning guidelines and procedures that
that provide safe enhance learning environments to relate to the implementation of
and secure learning through the enhance learning safe and secure learning
environments. consistent through the environments for learners.
implementation of consistent
policies, guidelines implementation of
and procedures. policies, guidelines
and procedures.
Strand 2.2 2.2.1 Demonstrate 2.2.2 Maintain 2.2.3 Exhibit 2.2.4 Advocate and facilitate
Fair learning understanding of learning effective practices to the use of effective practices to
environment learning environments that foster learning foster learning environments
environments that promote fairness, environments that that promote fairness, respect
promote fairness, respect and care to promote fairness, and care to encourage
respect and care to encourage respect and care to learning.
encourage learning. encourage learning.
Strand 2.3 2.3.1 Demonstrate 2.3.2 Manage 2.3.3 Work with 2.3.4 Model exemplary
Management of knowledge of classroom colleagues to model practices in the management of
classroom managing structure to engage and share effective classroom structure and
structure and classroom structure learners, techniques in the activities, and lead colleagues
activities that engages individually or in management of at the whole-school level to
learners, groups, in classroom structure review and evaluate their
individually or in meaningful to engage learners, practices.
groups, in exploration, individually or in
meaningful discovery and groups, in
exploration, hands-on activities meaningful
discovery and within a range of exploration,
hands-on activities physical learning discovery and
within the available environments. hands-on activities
physical learning within a range of
environments. physical learning
Strand 2.4 2.4.1 Demonstrate 2.4.2 Maintain 2.4.3 Work with 2.4.4 Facilitate processes to
Support for understanding of supportive learning colleagues to share review the effectiveness of the
learner supportive learning environments that successful school's learning environment
participation environments that nurture and inspire strategies that to nurture and inspire learner
nurture and inspire learners to sustain supportive participation.
learner participate, learning
participation. cooperate and environments that
collaborate in nurture and inspire
continued learning. learners to
cooperate and
collaborate in
continued learning.
Strand 2.5 2.5.1 Demonstrate 2.5.2 Apply a range 2.5.3 Model 2.5.4 Lead and empower
Promotion of knowledge of of successful successful colleagues in promoting
purposive learning strategies that strategies and learning environments that
learning environments that maintain learning support colleagues effectively motivate learners to
motivate learners to environments that in promoting achieve quality outcomes by
work productively motivate learners learning assuming responsibility for
by assuming to work environments that their own learning.
responsibility for productively by effectively motivate
their own learning. assuming learners to work
responsibility for productively by
their own learning. assuming
responsibility for
their own learning.
Strand 2.6 2.6.1 Demonstrate 2.6.2 Manage 2.6.3 Exhibit 2.6.4 Provide leadership in
Management of knowledge of learner behavior effective and applying a wide range of
learner behavior positive and non- constructively by constructive strategies in the
violent discipline in applying positive behavior implementation of positive and
the management of and non-violent management skills non-violent discipline
learner behavior. discipline to ensure by applying positive policies/procedures to ensure
learning-focused and non-violent learning-focused
environments. discipline to ensure environments.

Domain 3. Diversity of Learners

Beginning Proficient Highly Proficient

Strands Distinguished Teachers
Teachers Teachers Teachers
Strand 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 Use 3.1.3 Work with 3.1.4 Lead colleagues to
Demonstrate differentiated, colleagues to share evaluate differentiated
Learners' gender, knowledge and developmentally differentiated, strategies to enrich teaching
needs, strengths, understanding of appropriate learning developmentally practices that address
interests and differentiated experiences to appropriate learners' differences in
experiences teaching to suit address learners' opportunities to gender, needs, strengths,
the learners' gender, needs, address learners' interests and experiences.
gender, needs, strengths, interests differences in
strengths, and experiences. gender, needs,
interests and strengths, interests
experiences. and experiences.
Strand 3.2 3.2.1 Implement 3.2.2 Establish a 3.2.3 Exhibit a 3.2.4 Model exemplary
teaching learner-centered learner-centered teaching practices that
Learners' strategies that are culture by using culture that promotes recognize and affirm diverse
linguistic, responsive to the teaching strategies success by using linguistic, cultural,
cultural, socio- learners' linguistic, that respond to their effective teaching socioeconomic and religious
economic and cultural, socio- linguistic, cultural, strategies that backgrounds to promote
religious economic and socio-economic and respond to their learner success.
backgrounds religious religious linguistic, cultural,
backgrounds. backgrounds. socioeconomic and
Strand 3.3 3.3.1 Use 3.3.2 Design, adapt 3.3.3 Assist 3.3.4 Lead colleagues in
strategies and implement colleagues to design, designing, adapting and
Learners with responsive to teaching strategies adapt and implement implementing teaching
disabilities, learners with that are responsive teaching strategies strategies that are
giftedness and disabilities, to learners with that are responsive responsive to learners with
talents giftedness and disabilities, to learners with disabilities, giftedness and
talents. giftedness and disabilities, talents.
talents. giftedness and
Strand 3.4 3.4.1 3.4.2 Plan and 3.4.3 Evaluate with 3.4.4 Model a range of high
Learners in Demonstrate deliver teaching colleagues teaching level skills responsive to the
difficult understanding of strategies that are strategies that are special educational needs of
circumstances the special responsive to the responsive to the learners in difficult
educational needs special educational special educational circumstances, including:
of learners in needs of learners in needs of learners in geographic isolation; chronic
difficult difficult difficult illness; displacement due to
circumstances, circumstances, circumstances, armed conflict, urban
including: including: including: resettlement or disasters;
geographic geographic isolation; geographic isolation; child abuse and child labor
isolation; chronic chronic illness; chronic illness; practices.
illness; displacement due to displacement due to
displacement due armed conflict, armed conflict, urban
to armed conflict, urban resettlement resettlement or
urban or disasters; child disasters; child
resettlement or abuse and child abuse and child labor
disasters; child labor practices. practices.
abuse and child
labor practices.
Strand 3.5 3.5.1 3.5.2 Adapt and use 3.5.3 Develop and 3.5.4 Show comprehensive
Learners from Demonstrate culturally apply teaching skills in delivering culturally
indigenous knowledge of appropriate teaching strategies to address appropriate teaching
groups teaching strategies to address effectively the needs strategies to address
strategies that are the needs of of learners from effectively the needs of
inclusive of learners from indigenous groups. learners from indigenous
learners from indigenous groups. groups.

Domain 4. Curriculum and Planning

Beginning Proficient Highly Proficient

Strands Distinguished Teachers
Teachers Teachers Teachers
Strand 4.1 4.1.1 Prepare 4.1.2 Plan, manage 4.1.3 Develop and 4.1.4 Model exemplary
developmentally and implement apply effective practice and lead
Planning and sequenced teaching developmentally strategies in the colleagues in enhancing
management of and learning process sequenced teaching planning and current practices in the
teaching and to meet curriculum and learning process management of planning and
learning process requirements. to meet curriculum developmentally management of
requirements and sequenced teaching developmentally
varied teaching and learning process sequenced teaching and
contexts. to meet curriculum learning process.
requirements and
varied teaching
Strand 4.2 4.2.1 Identify 4.2.2 Set achievable 4.2.3 Model to 4.2.4 Exhibit high-level
Learning learning outcomes and appropriate colleagues the skills and lead in setting
outcomes aligned that are aligned with learning outcomes setting of achievable achievable and
with learning learning that are aligned with and challenging challenging learning
competencies competencies. learning learning outcomes outcomes that are aligned
competencies. that are aligned with with learning
learning competencies towards the
competencies to cultivation of a culture of
cultivate a culture of excellence for all.
excellence for all
Strand 4.3 4.3.1 Demonstrate 4.3.2 Adapt and 4.3.3 Work 4.3.4 Provide advice in
Relevance and knowledge in the implement learning collaboratively with the design and
responsiveness of implementation of programs that colleagues to implementation of
learning programs relevant and ensure relevance evaluate the design relevant and responsive
responsive learning and responsiveness of learning programs learning programs that
programs. to the needs of all that develop the develop the knowledge
learners. knowledge and skills and skills of learners at
of learners at different ability levels.
different ability
Strand 4.4 4.4.1 Seek advice 4.4.2 Participate in 4.4.3 Review with 4.4.4 Lead colleagues in
concerning collegial discussions colleagues, teacher professional discussions
Professional strategies that can that use teacher and and learner to plan and implement
collaboration to enrich teaching learner feedback to feedback to plan, strategies that enrich
enrich teaching practice. enrich teaching facilitate, and enrich teaching practice.
practice practice. teaching practice.
Strand 4.5 4.5.1 Show skills in 4.5.2 Select, 4.5.3 Advise and 4.5.4 Model exemplary
the selection, develop, organize guide colleagues in skills and lead colleagues
Teaching and development and and use appropriate the selection, in the development and
learning resources use of a variety of teaching and organization, evaluation of teaching and
including ICT teaching and learning resources, development and learning resources,
learning resources, including ICT, to use of appropriate including ICT, for use
including ICT, to address learning teaching and within and beyond the
address learning goals. learning resources, school.
goals. including ICT, to
address specific
learning goals.

Domain 5. Assessment and Reporting

Beginning Highly Proficient Distinguished

Strands Proficient Teachers
Teachers Teachers Teachers
Strand 5.1 5.1.1 Demonstrate 5.1.2 Design, select, 5.1.3 Work 5.1.4 Lead initiatives
knowledge of the organize and use collaboratively with in the evaluation of
Design, selection, design, selection, diagnostic, formative colleagues to review assessment policies
organization and organization and and summative the design, selection, and guidelines that
utilization of use of diagnostic, assessment strategies organization and use relate to the design,
assessment formative and consistent with of a range of effective selection,
strategies summative curriculum diagnostic, formative organization and use
assessment requirements. and summative of effective
strategies assessment strategies diagnostic, formative
consistent with consistent with and summative
curriculum curriculum assessment
requirements. requirements. strategies consistent
with curriculum

Strand 5.2 5.2.1 Demonstrate 5.2.2 Monitor and 5.2.3 Interpret 5.2.4 Provide advice
knowledge of evaluate learner collaboratively on, and mentor
Monitoring and monitoring and progress and monitoring and colleagues in the
evaluation of evaluation of achievement using evaluation strategies effective analysis and
learner progress learner progress learner attainment of attainment data to use of learner
and achievement and achievement data. support learner attainment data.
using learner progress and
attainment data. achievement.
Strand 5.3 5.3.1 Demonstrate 5.3.2 Use strategies 5.3.3 Use effective 5.3.4 Exhibit
knowledge of for providing timely, strategies for providing exemplary skills and
Feedback to providing timely, accurate and timely, accurate and lead initiatives to
improve learning accurate and constructive feedback constructive feedback support colleagues in
constructive to improve learner to encourage learners applying strategies
feedback to performance. to reflect on and that effectively
improve learner improve their own provide timely,
performance. learning. accurate and
feedback to learners
to improve learning
Strand 5.4 5.4.1 Demonstrate 5.4.2 Communicate 5.4.3 Apply skills in the 5.4.4 Share with
familiarity with a promptly and clearly effective colleagues a wide
Communication of range of strategies the learners' needs, communication of range of strategies
learner needs, for communicating progress and learner needs, that ensure effective
progress and learner needs, achievement to key progress and communication of
achievement to key progress and stakeholders, achievement to key learner needs,
stakeholders achievement. including stakeholders, progress and
parents/guardians. including achievement to key
parents/guardians. stakeholders,
Strand 5.5 5.5.1 Demonstrate 5.5.2 Utilize 5.5.3 Work 5.5.4 Lead
an understanding of assessment data to collaboratively with colleagues to
Use of assessment the role of inform the modification colleagues to analyze explore, design and
data to enhance assessment data as of teaching and and utilize assessment implement effective
teaching and feedback in learning practices and data to modify practices and
learning practices teaching and programs. practices and programs using
and programs learning practices programs to further information derived
and programs. support learner from assessment
progress and data.

Domain 6. Community Linkages and Professional Engagement

Highly Proficient Distinguished

Strands Beginning Teachers Proficient Teachers
Teachers Teachers
Strand 6.1 6.1.1 Demonstrate an 6.1.2 Maintain 6.1.3 Reflect on and 6.1.4 Model
understanding of learning evaluate learning exemplary practice
Establishment of knowledge of learning environments that are environments that are and empower
learning environments that are responsive to responsive to colleagues to
environments that responsive to community contexts. community contexts. establish and
are responsive to community contexts. maintain effective
community learning
contexts environments that are
responsive to
community contexts.
Strand 6.2 6.2.1 Seek advice 6.2.2 Build 6.2.3 Guide 6.2.4 Lead in
concerning strategies relationships with colleagues to consolidating
Engagement of that build parents/guardians strengthen networks that
parents and the relationships with and the wider school relationships with strengthen
wider school parents/guardians community to facilitate parents/guardians relationships with
community in the and the wider involvement in the and the wider school parents/guardians
educative process community. educative process. community to and the wider school
maximize their community to
involvement in the maximize their
educative process. involvement in the
educative process.
Strand 6.3 6.3.1 Demonstrate 6.3.2 Review regularly 6.3.3 Discuss with 6.3.4 Lead colleagues
Professional ethics awareness of existing personal teaching colleagues teaching in the regular review
laws and regulations practice using existing and learning practices of existing codes,
that apply to the laws and regulations that apply existing laws and regulations
teaching profession, that apply to the codes, laws and that apply to the
and become familiar teaching profession regulations that apply teaching profession,
with the and the to the teaching and the
responsibilities responsibilities profession, and the responsibilities as

specified in the Code specified in the Code responsibilities specified in the Code
of Ethics for of Ethics for specified in the Code of Ethics for
Professional Professional of Ethics for Professional
Teachers. Teachers. Professional Teachers.
Strand 6.4 6.4.1 Demonstrate 6.4.2 Comply with and 6.4.3 Exhibit 6.4.4 Evaluate
knowledge and implement school commitment to and existing school
School policies understanding of policies and support teachers in policies and
and procedures school policies and procedures the implementation of procedures to make
procedures to foster consistently to foster school policies and them more responsive
harmonious harmonious procedures to foster to the needs of the
relationship with the relationships with harmonious learners, parents and
wider school learners, parents, and relationships with other stakeholders.
community. other stakeholders. learners, parents and
other stakeholders.

Domain 7. Personal Growth and Professional Development

Beginning Highly Proficient Distinguished

Strands Proficient Teachers
Teachers Teachers Teachers
Strand 7.1 7.1.1 Articulate a 7.1.2 Apply a personal 7.1.3 Manifest a 7.1.4 Model a learner-
personal philosophy philosophy of teaching learner-centered centered teaching
Philosophy of of teaching that is that is learner- teaching philosophy philosophy through
teaching learner-centered. centered. in various aspects of teaching practices that
practice and support stimulate colleagues to
colleagues in engage in further
enhancing their own professional learning.
teaching philosophy.
Strand 7.2 7.2.1 Demonstrate 7.2.2 Adopt practices 7.2.3 Identify and 7.2.4 Act as a role
behaviors that that uphold the dignity utilize personal model and advocate
Dignity of teaching uphold the dignity of of teaching as a professional for upholding the
as a profession teaching as a profession by strengths to uphold dignity of teaching as a
profession by exhibiting qualities the dignity of profession to build a
exhibiting qualities such as caring attitude, teaching as a positive teaching and
such as caring respect and integrity. profession to help learning culture within
attitude, respect and build a positive and beyond the school.
integrity. teaching and
learning culture
within the school.
Strand 7.3 7.3.1 Seek 7.3.2 Participate in 7.3.3 Contribute 7.3.4 Take a
opportunities to professional networks actively to leadership role in
Professional links establish to share knowledge professional supporting colleagues'
with colleagues professional links and to enhance networks within and engagement with
with colleagues. practice. between schools to professional networks
improve knowledge within and across
and to enhance schools to advance
practice. knowledge and
practice in identified
areas of need.
Strand 7.4 7.4.1 Demonstrate 7.4.2 Develop a 7.4.3 Initiate 7.4.4. Demonstrate
an understanding of personal professional professional leadership within and
Professional how professional improvement plan reflections and across school contexts
reflection and reflection and based on reflection of promote learning in critically evaluating
learning to improve one's opportunities with practice and setting
practice colleagues to clearly
improve practice.
Strand 7.5 7.5.1 Demonstrate 7.5.2 Set professional 7.5.3 Reflect on the 7.5.4 Lead reforms in
motivation to realize development goals Philippine enhancing
Professional professional based on the Professional professional
development goals development goals Philippine Professional Standards for development programs
based on the Standards for Teachers to plan based on an in-depth
Philippine Teachers. personal knowledge and
Professional professional understanding of the
Standards for development goals Philippine Professional
Teachers. and assist Standards for
colleagues in Teachers.
planning and
achieving their own

C. Abstraction

 Teachers play an important role in the quality of the teaching and

learning process.
 The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers was implemented
through the virtue of DepEd Order No. 42, series of 2017.
 There 7 Domains included in the PPST:
 Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
 Learning Environment
 Diversity of Learners
 Curriculum and Planning
 Assessment and Reporting
 Community Linkages and Professional Engagement
 Personal Growth and Professional Development
 Each domain provides strand and indicators.
 There fours career stages of the PPST:
 Beginning
 Proficient
 Highly Proficient
 Distinguished

D. Application

Create a poster from the information given on the Philippine Professional

Standards for Teachers (PPST) using your preferred medium. You can also
use computer software.


Write a reflection on the importance of PPST as a guide for pre-service teachers

to become quality teachers in the future.


Matching the following concepts with their correct definitions.

Write the letter of the correct answer on the space before the number.

Column A Column B
_______ 1. It provides standards that define a. Distinguished
teacher quality in the Philippines. teachers

_______ 2. These teachers possess the b. Content

requisite knowledge, skills, and values that Knowledge
support the teaching and learning process. Pedagogy

_______ 3. These teachers exhibit a c. Philippine

commitment to inspire the education community Professional
and stakeholders for the improvement of Standards for
education provision in the Philippines. Teachers

_______ 4. These teachers manifest an in- d. Curriculum and

depth and sophisticated understanding of the Planning
teaching and learning process.

_______ 5. This domain recognizes the e. Beginning teachers

importance of teacher’s mastery of content
knowledge and its interconnectedness within
and across curriculum areas.

_______ 6. This domain emphasizes the f. Aim of PPST

central role of teachers in establishing a
learning environment that is responsive to
learner diversity.

_______ 7. This domain addresses the g. Highly Proficient

teacher’s knowledge of and interaction with the teachers
national and local curriculum requirements.

_______ 8. It values personal and professional h. Proficient

reflection and learning to improve practice. Teachers

________ 9. Provides a basis for building public i. Diversity of learners

confidence in and support for the work of

________ 10. They are professionally j. Personal Growth
independent in the application of skills vital to and Professional
the teaching and learning process. Development

Suggested Readings:




 Career Stages
 Domains
 Indicators
 Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST)
 Strands


Department of Education (DepEd) Order No. 42, series of 2007. National Adoption and
Implementation of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers.

Lesson 2 – Guidelines per Program

Duration: 3 Hours


The Commission of Higher Education (CHED), as the policy-making body for

Higher Education Institutions (HEI), makes guidelines on the different courses to be
offered in various colleges and universities throughout the Philippines. Commonly these
guidelines are published through a memorandum circular or commonly known as CHED
Memorandum Order.
In this lesson, we will discuss the various programs offered in the College of
Education. Specifically, on the identification of goals, expected outcomes, and
performance indicators for each program. Gaining knowledge will lead you to an
understanding of the courses you are taking. It can also instruct you on planning to
become a successful teacher in the future.


At the end of the lesson, you will:

1. Familiarize with the different CHED Memo about programs offered in the
College of Education.
2. Identify the goals, and expected outcomes for each program.
3. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the set of competencies each
teacher must possess.
4. Reflect on the information gained from the different memorandum.

Lesson Proper:

A. Activity

Answer the following questions:

1. Why do you want to become a teacher?
2. What do you think are the role of teachers?
3. What do you think are the expected attributes of a teacher?

B. Analysis

CHED Memorandum Order No. 74, series 2017. Policies, Standards and
Guidelines for Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEEd)

Degree Name: Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEEd)

Nature of Field Study: The BEEd is an undergraduate teacher education
program designed to prepare individuals intending to teach in the elementary

Program Goal: The aims of the program is to develop highly motivated and
competent teachers specializing in the content and pedagogy for elementary
Specific Professions: All successful completion of all academic
requirements of the degree/program graduates of BEEd should be able to
practice the teaching profession in the elementary level.

CHED Memorandum Order No. 75, series 2017. Policies, Standards and
Guidelines for Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd)

Degree Name: The degree program described in the memorandum order

shall be called Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd), major in:
 English
 Filipino
 Mathematics
 Sciences
 Social Studies
 Values Education

Nature of Field Study: The BSEd is an undergraduate teacher education

program designed to equip learners with adequate and relevant competencies to
teach in their chosen area of specialization/major in the secondary level.

Program Goals: The BSEd degree program aims to develop highly

motivated and competent teachers specializing in the content and pedagogy for
secondary education.

Specific Profession: After successful completion of all academic

requirements for the degree/program, graduates of BSED should be able to
practice the teaching profession in the secondary level.

CHED Memorandum Order No. 76, series of 2017. Policies, Standards and
guidelines for the Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (BECEd)

Degree Name: The degree program described in the memorandum order

shall be called Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (BECEd)

Nature of Field Study: The BECEd is a four-year program. Specifically,

this program provides students with fundamental understanding and application of

the principles or early childhood care and education, as well as experience in the
application of these principles.

Program Goals: This program aims to educate individuals to be competent

early childhood practitioners working with children from 0 – 8 years old in various
early childhood settings (home, community, school and workplace). It is aligned
with the National Early Learning Framework (NELF), the National Competency
Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS 2017) and the first key stage with is K to 3.

Specific Professions: The BECEd program is designed to prepare

students for teaching and supporting young children’s development. A broad range
of employment opportunities are available by fulfilling the degree requirement.
Completion of the appropriate program will qualify graduates for employment in
government or private institutions.

CHED Memorandum Order No. 78, series of 2017 – Policies, Standards, and
Guidelines for the Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education

Degree Name: The program discussed herein shall be called Bachelor of

Technology and Livelihood Education (BTLEd) majors in:

 Home Economics
 Industrial Arts
 Information and Communication Technology
 Agri-Fishery Arts

Nature of Field Study: The BTLEd program is an undergraduate teacher

education program that equips learners with adequate and relevant competencies
in the area of Technology and Livelihood Education, particularly for the TLE
exploratory courses form Grades 4-8.

Program Goals: The BTLEd program aims to develop highly competent

and motivated teachers in Technology and Livelihood Education for Grades 4 -8.
The technology livelihood education curriculum shall impart a body of
knowledge, skills, attitude, values and experiences that will provide prospective
Grade 4-8 EPP/TLE Teachers with the necessary competencies essential for
effective teaching and at the same time are accredited TVET Trainers and
The specific body of knowledge, skills, attitudes, values and experiences
shall include the following:
A. A general education component, consistent with the CHED issuance per
CMO No. 20, series of 2013.

B. A professional education component to include courses under four

broad categories: 1) theory and concept courses, 2) pedagogical

content knowledge, 3) experiential learning courses, and 4) special topic

The theory and concept courses provide the broad framework within
which students can understand, rationalize, and reflect on the various
methods, strategies, processes, issues and other matters related to the
teaching profession.

C. The pedagogical content knowledge courses aim to develop students a

wide range of skills to facilitate and evaluate learning among diverse
types of students in a variety of learning environments. ICT-integration
in teaching is an essential part of the methods and strategies courses
to equip the teacher with competencies on the use of technology in
teaching and in training.

D. The pedagogical content knowledge is based on the Philippine TVET

Trainers Qualification Framework (PTTQF). PTTQF ensures consistent
delivery of quality training services across the country. It aims to qualify
and certify prospective EPP/TLE Teachers form Grade 4-8 to ensure
their competence in trade qualifications, and training and assessment

E. The Experiential learning courses are intended to provide students with

practical learning experiences in which they can observe, verify, reflect
on the actual experience different components of the teaching-learning
processes in actual school and industry settings.

The special topic courses give the students an opportunity to explore

special topics and current issues related to their field study.

F. A specialization component that includes industry exposure to equip

the teacher with in-depth knowledge of the content and specific skills in
the major field.

Specific Professions: After completion of all academic requirements of

the program., graduates of the BTLEd should be able to qualify die the Licensure
Examination for Teachers and practice the teaching profession in the field of
Technology Livelihood Education as EPP Teachers for Grades 4-6 and /or TLE
trainers and assessors after they have obtained the appropriate Certification.
Graduates may also proceed to practice careers in various sectors of industry as
entrepreneurs or as employees.

CHED Memorandum Order No. 79, series of 2017. Policies, Standards, and
Guidelines for the Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education

Program Description: The program herein shall be called Bachelor of
Technical-Vocational Teacher Education (BTVTEd) with specialization in:
a. Automotive Technology
b. Electronic Technology
c. Electrical Technology
d. Mechanical Technology
e. Civil and Construction Technology
f. Welding and Fabrication Technology
g. Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Technology
h. Food and Service Management
i. Garments, Fashion and Design
j. Beauty Care and Wellness
k. Animation
l. Computer Hardware Servicing
m. Computer Programming
n. Animal Production
o. Agricultural Crop Production
p. Fish Processing
q. Fish Capture

Nature of Field Study: The BTVTEd program is an undergraduate teacher

education program that equips learners with adequate and relevant competencies
in teaching specific areas in Industrial Arts or Home Economics or ICT or Agri-
Fishery Arts – the four areas of technical and vocational track in the K to 12

Program Goals: The BTVTEd program aims to develop highly competent

and motivated teachers in technical and vocational education in their area of

The technical and vocational teacher education curriculum shall impart a body of
knowledge, skills, attitude, values and experiences that will provide prospective
Grade 9-10 TLE Teachers, Senior High School teachers for the Tech-Voc
Livelihood track, TVET Trainers/Instructors, and faculty members in higher
education institutions with the necessary competencies essential for effective
teaching. Graduates of BTVTEd are considered to have satisfied the TESDA
requirement for Trainer’s Methodology.

The specific body of knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, and experiences shall
include the following:

A. General education component, consistent with CMO No. 20, series of


B. A professional education component to include courses under three
broad categories: 1) theory and concept courses, 2) pedagogical content
knowledge, and 3) experiential learning courses.

The theory and concept courses provide the broad frameworks within which
students can understand, rationalize, and reflect on the various methods,
strategies, processes, issues and other matters related to the teaching profession.

C. The pedagogical content knowledge courses aim to develop in students

a wide range of skills to facilitate and evaluate learning among diverse type of
students in a variety of learning environments. ICT-integration is teaching is an
essential part of the methods and strategies courses to equip the teacher with
competencies on the use of technology in teaching-learning.
D. The specialized knowledge and skills are based on the Philippine TVET
Trainers’ Qualification Framework (PTTQ). PTTQ ensures consistent delivery of
quality training services across the country. It aims to qualify and certify
prospective Grade 9-10 TLE, TVET and Senior High School teachers for the Tech-
Voc Livelihood track to ensure their competence in trade qualifications, and
training and assessment methodologies.

E. Experiential learning courses are intended to provide students with

practical learning experiences in which they can observe, verify, reflect on the
actually experience different components of the teaching-learning processes in
actual school setting.

G. A specialization component includes industry exposure to equip the pre-

service teacher with in-depth knowledge of the content and specified skills in the
major field.

Specific Professions: After completion of all academic requirements of the

program, graduates of BTVTEd should be able to practice the teaching profession
in the field of specialization, serve as TVET trainers and assessors, or proceed to
practice careers in various sectors of industry as entrepreneurs or as employee.

CHED Memorandum Order No. 80, series of 2017. Policies, Standards and
Guidelines for Bachelor of Physical Education (BPEd)

Degree Name: The program shall be called Bachelor of Physical Education


Nature of Field Study: As a teaching profession, PE is a seamless activity

of designing and delivering learning activities, providing quality instruction,
managing the classroom and assessing student learning, modeling as well as
mentoring. This requires a deep, broad, and integrated knowledge of the subject
matter and its learners, which in turn informs the PE teacher’s choices in terms of

meaningful curricular content, the creation of inclusive learning environments and
the employment of effective learning strategies.

As a curricular subject, PE is aimed at physical literacy, which serves as the

foundation for confident, enjoyable, and sustained participation is a wide range of
physical activities. Thus, it consists of developmentally appropriate activities. PE
also aims to optimize health through learning experiences aimed at the formation
of physical activity and healthy eating habits, as well as dispositions. These
learning experiences likewise extend beyond the classroom: hence, student
learning must be reinforced through programs on school and community
recreation, as well as organized, competitive sports. Moreover, the PE teacher
must communicate enthusiasm for their subject matter in a positive, caring
manner. Finally, PE draws from the knowledge base of the allied fields: exercise
and sports sciences, life sciences, social and behavioral sciences: and employs
interdisciplinary instruction as a means to permeate all aspects of the learners’
lives and develop them integrally.

Program Goals: The BPEd is a four-year program aimed at equipping

graduates with the competencies to meet the psychomotor, cognitive and affective
needs of learners. These consist of: 1) a strong and substantial foundation of the
subject matter (disciplinary knowledge) that informs their curricular choices when
planning, designing, implementing, and assessing learning activities (curriculum
and program planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation); 2) an
understanding of the scope and sequence of various movement forms; as well as
elements, strategies and tactics of these various movements in a multitude of
settings (movement competency and proficiency) that enables them to meet the
needs of learners to know how, be able to do and how to learn; 3) expert
knowledge of pedagogy for maximizing student engagement, mentoring students
and modeling respect for difference in gender, ability and culture; 4) reflective
practice that (a) propels them to set high standards for an hold themselves
accountable to the professional standards (professional; accountability and
responsibility); (b) enables them to identify gaps in their current competencies and
pursue professional development opportunities; and (c) assists them in studying
the impact of their teaching on students learning; and 5) building and cultivating
relationships with colleagues, stakeholders, other professionals and learning
communities; advocating for PE, being role models of integrity and professional
excellence, as well as leaders in the service of education.

Specific Professions:
 Physical Education Teacher in Basic Education
 Dance and Sports Club Moderator
 School-based Sports Program and Events Moderators/Coordinator

Program Outcomes

Common to all programs in all types of schools

The graduates have the ability to:

a. Articulate and discuss the latest development in the specific field

of practice. (Philippine Qualification Framework level 6
b. Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English
and Filipino
c. Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-
cultural teams. (PQF level 6 descriptor)
d. Act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibility
e. Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage”
(based on RA 7722)

Common to the discipline (Teacher Education)

a. Articulate the rootedness of education in philosophical, socio-cultural,

historical, psychological, and political contexts.
b. Demonstrate mastery of subject matter/discipline.
c. Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies and
delivery modes appropriate to specific learners and their environments.
d. Develop innovative curricula, instructional plans, teaching approaches,
and resources for diverse learners.
e. Apply skills in the development and utilization of ICT to promote quality,
relevant and sustainable educational practices.
f. Demonstrate a variety of thinking skills in planning, monitoring,
assessing, and reporting learning processes and outcomes.
g. Practice professional and ethical teaching standards sensitive to the
changing local, national and global realities.
h. Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth through
varies experiential and field-based opportunities.

Specific to a sub-discipline and a major

A. Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEEd)

a. Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the diversity of learners in
various learning areas
b. Manifest meaningful and comprehensive pedagogical
content knowledge (PCK) of the different subject areas
c. Utilize appropriate assessment and evaluation tools to measure
learning outcomes
d. Manifest skills in communication, higher order thinking and use of
tools and technology to accelerate learning and teaching

e. Demonstrate positive attributes of a model teacher, both as
an individual and as a professional f. Manifest a desire to
continuously pursue personal and professional development

B. Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd)

a. Major in English
a. Possess broad knowledge of language and literature for effective
b. Use English as a glocal language in a multilingual context as it
applies to the teaching of language and literature
c. Acquire extensive reading background in language, literature, and
allied fields d. Demonstrate proficiency in oral and written
d. Shows competence in employing innovative language and literature
teaching approaches, methodologies, and strategies
e. Use technology in facilitating language learning and teaching
f. Inspire students and colleagues to lead relevant and transformative
changes to improve learning and teaching language and literature
g. Display skills and abilities to be a reflective and research-oriented
language and literature teacher

b. Major in Filipino
a. Nagpapamalas ng mataasnaantas ng kaalamansa pagtuturo ng
wika at panitikang Filipino.
b. Nagpapakita ng malawak at malalimnapag-unawa
at kaalamansaugnayan ng wika, kultura, at lipunan
c. Nakagagamit ng iba'tibangkasanayan at kaalamansa proseso ng
d. Nagtataglay ng kaalamanhinggilsausapin ng kultural
at linggwistikongdibersidad ng bansa.
e. Nakapagdidisenyo ng malikhain, inobatibo, at
integratibong mgaalternatibongdulogsapagtuturo at pagkatuto
f. Nakagagawa ng pananaliksikukolsaikauunlad ng wikang Filipino

c. Major in Mathematics
a. Exhibit competence in mathematical concepts and procedures
b. Exhibit proficiency in relating mathematics to other curricular areas
c. Manifest meaningful and comprehensive pedagogical content
knowledge (PCK) of mathematics
d. Demonstrate competence in designing, constructing and utilizing
different forms of assessment in mathematics
e. Demonstrate proficiency in problem-solving by solving and creating
routine and non-routine problems with different levels of complexity

f. Use effectively appropriate approaches, methods, and techniques in
teaching mathematics including technological tools
g. Appreciate mathematics as an opportunity for creative work,
moments of enlightenment, discovery and gaining insights of the

d. Major in Science
a. Demonstrate deep understanding of scientific concepts and
b. Apply scientific inquiry in teaching and learning
c. Utilize effective science teaching and assessment methods

e. Major in Social Studies

a. Utilize appropriate various sociocultural and historical materials in
explaining current issues
b. Organize communities towards self-reliance and self sufficiency
c. Demonstrate leadership skills that will help in teaching or training
students who will empower their communities
d. Integrate local and global perspectives in teaching the principle of
the common good
e. Employ principles of sustainable development in teaching and
f. Show scholarship in research and further learning
g. Display the qualities of an innovative teacher who has mastery of the
subject matter

f. Major in Value Education

a. Demonstrate understanding of the Values Education Framework of the
K to 12
b. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of various philosophical and
theoretical underpinnings of teaching values education
c. Demonstrate understanding how psychological, moral, spiritual, and
socio-cultural shape human values
d. Exhibit critical mindedness in analyzing local, regional, national, and
global trends and issues relevant to values education
e. Show passion and commitment in becoming advocates of universal
values of openness, peace, tolerance, social justice and respect for
human rights
f. Become an exemplar of Filipino values
g. Show understanding of the theories, principles and application and
application of strategies for effective intra and interpersonal skills
h. Demonstrate commitment to students' development for personal
renewal and social transformation
i. Demonstrate competence in employing various pedagogical
approaches, methods and techniques for teaching values

j. Demonstrate competence in the conduct of research and utilization of
results to improve values education
k. Demonstrate in-depth knowledge in developing and using traditional
and non-traditional strategies for assessing learner's performance in
values education
l. Demonstrate competence in integrating context appropriate technology
to optimize teaching and learning
m. Manifest commitment to community service as a means to promote
social values
n. Show reflective skills in applying strong moral and ethical principles in
their decisions and actions as values education teacher

C. Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (BECEd)

a. Demonstrate high level of content and pedagogical knowledge
b. Demonstrate appreciation for diversity
c. Manifest collaborative skills
d. Demonstrate innovative thinking
e. Possess critical and problem-solving skills
f. Advocate for children's rights, equity, community, nationalism, and
democratic ideas
g. Pursue lifelong learning

D. Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education (BTLEd)

a. Demonstrate the competencies required of the Philippine TVET Trainers
– Assessors Qualifications Framework (PTTQF)
b. Demonstrate broad and coherent, meaningful knowledge and skills in
technology and livelihood education
c. Apply with minimal supervision specialized knowledge and skills in
technology and livelihood education
d. Demonstrate higher level literacy, communication, numeracy, critical
thinking, learning skills needed for higher learning
e. Manifest a deep and principled understanding of the learning
processes and the role of the teacher in facilitating the processes in
their students
f. Show a deep and principled understanding on how educational
processes relate to larger historical, social, cultural, and political
g. Apply a wide range of teaching process skills (including curriculum
development, lesson planning, materials development, educational
assessment, and teaching approaches)
h. Reflect on the relationships among the teaching process skills, the
learning processing in the students, the nature of the content/subject
matter, and other factors affecting educational processes in order to
constantly improve their teaching knowledge, skills and practices.

F. Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education (BTVTEd)
a. Demonstrate the competencies required of the Philippine TVET
Trainers Assessors Qualifications Framework (PTTQF)
b. Demonstrate broad and coherent, meaningful knowledge and skills in
any of the specific fields in technical and vocational education
c. Apply with minimal supervision specialized knowledge and skills in any
of the specific fields in technical and vocational education
d. Demonstrate higher level literacy, communication, numeracy, critical
thinking, learning skills needed for higher learning
e. Manifest a deep and principled understanding of the learning
processes and the role of the teacher in facilitating these processes in
their students
f. Show a deep and principled understanding of how educational
processes relate to larger historical, social, cultural, and political
g. Apply a wide range of teaching process skills (including curriculum
development, lesson planning, materials development, educational
assessment, and teaching approaches)
h. Reflect on the relationships among the teaching process skills, the
learning processing in the students, the nature of the content/subject
matter, and other factors affecting educational processes in order to
constantly improve their teaching knowledge, skills and practices.

G. Bachelor of Physical Education (BPEd)

A. P01-Disciplinal Knowledge: Apply scientific and evidence-
based practices critical to the educational and learning processes.

B. PO2-Movement and Competency and Proficiency:

1. Demonstrate skillful performance in a variety of
physical activities.
2. Adapt performance to variety of physical activity
settings: (e.g. formal classes, recreational, and competitive)

C. PO3-Curriculum and Program Planning,

Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation:
1. Critically examine the curriculum (e.g. content,
pedagogy and assessments) and program, and enhance
(e.g. innovate) them necessarily.
2. Plan and implement safe and effective physical
activity programs to address the needs of individual and groups
in school and/or non-school settings.
3. Monitor and evaluate physical activity programs in
school and/or non-school settings.
4. Use appropriate assessments in, as and for student
or client learning.

5. Use information, media and technology in pedagogy
and for lifelong learning,

D. P04-Professional Accountability and Responsibility:

1. Demonstrate firm work/professional ethics.
2. Cultivate solidarity by working and dealing with/relating
to others harmoniously.
3. Promote the advancement of the profession by
making sense of and getting involved in current discourse that
impact on the profession. Pursue lifelong learning for personal and
professional development

E. P05-Communication:
1. Communicate effectively with PE practitioners,
other professionals and stakeholders.
2. Use oral, written, and technology formats deftly.

Common to a horizontal type as define in CMO 46, 2012.

a. Graduate of professional institutions demonstrate service orientation on

their respective professions
b. Graduates of college are qualified for various types of employment and
participate in development activities and public discourses, particularly
in response to the needs of the communities they serve
c. Graduates of universities contribute to the generation of new knowledge
by participating in various research and development projects.

C. Abstraction

 Commission on Higher Education (CHED) is the policy making body for

Higher Education Institutions in the country.
 CHED released memorandum for different courses offered for the College
of Education which serves as guide for the implementation of the programs.
o CHED Memorandum No 74, series of 2017
o CHED Memorandum No. 75, series of 2017
o CHED Memorandum No. 76, series of 2017
o CHED Memorandum No. 78, series of 2017
o CHED Memorandum No. 79, series of 2017
o CHED Memorandum No. 80, series of 2017

 Each memorandum stated the details about the program particularly the
goals, program outputs and other essential guideline and information.

D. Application

Review the CMO for your respective program.

Analyze it base on your past experiences in studying the program.
Write your answer on the space below.

Identify the following. Write your answer on the space provided for.

_______________________ 1. an undergraduate teacher education program

designed to prepare individuals intending to teach in the elementary level

_______________________ 2. an undergraduate teacher education program

that equips learners with adequate and relevant competencies in the area of
Technology and Livelihood Education, particularly for the TLE exploratory
courses form Grades 4-8

_______________________ 3. aims to develop highly competent and

motivated teachers in technical and vocational education in their area of

_______________________ 4. this program provides students with

fundamental understanding and application of the principles or early childhood
care and education, as well as experience in the application of these principles

_______________________ 5. PE is a seamless activity of designing and

delivering learning activities, providing quality instruction, managing the
classroom and assessing student learning, modeling as well as mentoring

____________________ 6. an undergraduate teacher education program

designed to equip learners with adequate and appropriate teaching skill in their
selected field of specialization, the secondary level


Write how you can contribute in the achievement on the goals of your
particular program.

Suggested Readings and Websites



 Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (BECEd)

 Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEEd)
 Bachelor of Physical Education (BPEd)
 Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd)
 Bachelor of Technical Vocational Teacher Education (BTVTEd)
 Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood education (BTLEd)
 Field Study
 Goals
 Outcome


CHED Memorandum No 74, series of 2017 - Policies, Standards and Guidelines for
Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEEd)

CHED Memorandum Order No. 75, series 2017. Policies, Standards and Guidelines for
Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd)

CHED Memorandum Order No. 76, series of 2017. Policies, Standards and guidelines for
the Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (BECEd)

CHED Memorandum Order No. 78, series of 2017 – Policies, Standards, and Guidelines
for the Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education (BTLEd)

CHED Memorandum Order No. 79, series of 2017. Policies, Standards, and Guidelines
for the Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education (BTVTEd)

CHED Memorandum Order No. 80, series of 2017. Policies, Standards and Guidelines
for Bachelor of Physical Education (BPEd)

Lesson 3 – Deployment of Pre-service Teachers on Experiential Learning

Duration: 3 Hours


Pre-service teachers undergo various training that can help them to become
successful teachers in the future. Aside from the learning experiences that are offered to
them in the classroom, out campus activities can help them experience and understand
the events that are happening inside the real classroom. They are assigned to different
schools in the community through the Field Study and Practice Teaching courses to
observe and experience the lives of cooperating teachers.

In this lesson, you shall gain a basic understating of the underlying principles, legal
bases of pre-service teaching, the importance of internship experiential activity for a pre-
service teacher as stated in DepEd Order No. 3, series of 2007, and the importance of
strong relationship amongst key stakeholders from the Department of Education (DepEd)
and Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs) can contribute to the producing competent
future teachers. The lesson will present the guidelines stipulated in the order of the


 Identify the roles of DepEd and CHED in the deployment of pre-service

 Identify the roles of deans and supervisors.
 Enumerate the selection of cooperating schools and cooperating teachers
 Identify the duties and responsibilities of pre-service teachers

Lesson Proper:

A. Activity

Write in the box below your duties and responsibilities as Field Study Student.

My duties and responsibilities as Field Study Student:


B. Analysis

The Roles of Department of Education (DepEd) and the Commission on

Higher Education (CHED)

Regional Offices:

The Regional Directors shall jointly:

1. Ensure quality assurance of the Experiential Learning courses;

2. Set the parameters of the MOAs between the SDS and TEIs or group of
TEIs; determine and articulate the human resources requirements for
basic education and TEIs of the region;
3. Conduct regular monitoring and evaluation of the Experiential Learning
Course (ELC), utilize and disseminate results;
4. Undertake researches related to the improvement of ELC; and
5. Provide recognition and reward system to performing TEIs as regards
to experiential learning.

School Division Offices

The SDS, in collaboration with the TEI and school principals, shall:

1. Forge a MOA with TEIs on the deployment of pre-service teachers on

experiential learning courses;
2. Review and subsequently approve, requests for cooperating schools;
3. Conduct orientation on field study and practice teaching with the TEIs
and cooperating staff; and
4. Monitor and evaluate the capacity of the cooperating schools.

Cooperating School

A. Field Study

1. The Principal shall accept the Field Study Student (FSS) and see to it that
they are assigned to observe any teacher;
2. The Principal shall coordinate with TEI supervisor concerning field study
assignments and problems;
3. The Principal shall ensure the orientation of the FSSs on the following:
a. Policies, regulations and environment of the school;
b. Assignment of classes and responsibilities
4. The Principal will participate in a debriefing session with the resource
teacher, the FFS and the college practicum supervisor.

Cooperating Teachers

The Cooperating Teachers shall:

1. See to it that the FSSs role is limited to the requirements and activities
of the particular study course;
2. Accommodate FSSs in their actual classroom teaching and are not duty
bound to mentor/coach; and
3. Certified the attendance of the FSSs.

Role of the Teacher Education Institution (TEI)

The TEI Dean shall:

1. Initiate conferences with the Regional Director, Schools Division

Superintendents (SDS)/ Private School Principals in selecting
cooperating schools;
2. Prepare a MOA between the TEI and the Division Office (DO) to be
signed by the College/University President and the SDS;
3. Coordinate with the SDS in the selection of cooperating schools;
4. Prepare a formal communication to the school principal relative to the
deployment of FSS and Student Teachers;
5. Ensure that the College Supervisor deploy pre-service teachers to
schools as arranged with the SDS;
6. Provide flexible incentive system to personnel (cooperating teachers,
school principal, department heads, and supervisors) involved in
students teaching as stipulated in the Memorandum of Agreement
(MOA); and
7. Provide a functional space for Experiential Learning Couses.

The TEI College Supervisor shall:

1. Orient the pre-servicer teachers on the rationale and procedures of the

experiential learning courses;
2. Conduct orientation meetings in order that expectations of both parties
are made clear to all concerned;
3. Determine the readiness and ability of pre-service teachers to undergo
practice teaching;
4. Coordinate with the cooperating school head regarding the activities and
practice teaching needs of the student-teachers;
5. Orient the student teachers for their off-campus work;
6. Conduct regular observation and evaluation of the practice teaching
performance of student teachers;
7. Coordinate regularly with the cooperating school principal/ head
teacher, and cooperating teacher regarding performance of the student

8. Submit written reports to the College Dean, copy furnished the school
principal and the SDS, at least twice a month regarding the:
a. Progress/performance of student teachers
b. Problems/difficulties met by the student teachers
c. Solution/action taken to solve the problem
9. Conduct debriefing sessions, interview/case studies of student teachers.

Selection of Cooperating Schools and Cooperating Teachers for Field Study

1. All basic education schools may be chosen as cooperating schools.

2. Any teachers in a Field Study Cooperating School can be a Resource Teacher.

Duties and Responsibilities of Pre-service Teachers (Field Study)

The Field Study Student shall:

1. Take the field study courses congruent to their professional education

2. Observe proper decorum and behavior when making field visits and
observation in the schools where they are fielded; and
3. Accomplished the requirements of the course as scheduled.

C. Abstraction

 Each department plays specific roles, duties and responsibilities in the

experiential learning course.
 It is essential for each of this department to work together for the success
of the experiences and training given to the Field Study Students.
 Pre-service teachers should always remember their duties and
responsibilities as Field Study Students (FSSs)

D. Application

Write an application letter stating your intention to conduct your Field Study
Course in your chosen school. Write it in an A4 size bond paper. Submit it in a
hard or soft copy format.


Identify who should perform the following duties and responsibilities:

_____________ 1. Submit requirement on the scheduled time. (FSS)

_____________ 2. Coordinate with the cooperating schools regarding the activities of
student-teachers. (College Supervisors)
_____________ 3. Mentor/Coach the Field Study Students. (Cooperating Teacher)

_____________ 4. Prepare the Memorandum of Agreement between the TEI and the
Division Office. (College Dean)
_____________ 5. Write a report regarding the activities of Field Study Students.
(College Supervisor)
_____________ 6. Coordinate with TEI supervisor on tasks and issues concerning field
study assignments and problems. (Cooperating School/Principal)
_____________ 7. Monitor and evaluate the capacity of the cooperating schools. (School
Division Offices)
_____________ 8. Ensure the Experiential Learning courses are controlled and
monitored.. (Regional Office)
_____________ 9 Prepare a detailed communication referring to the FSS deployment to
the school principal. (college Dean)
_____________ 10. Take the field study courses congruent to their professional
education subjects. (FSS)


As pre-service teachers, what do you do to make the Field Study experiences more
meaningful, helpful, and relevant to your training as future teachers? Write your answer
in the box.

Suggested Reading and Websites:





 Cooperating School
 Cooperating Teacher
 Division Office
 Duties
 Field Study
 Regional Office’
 Responsibilities
 Roles
 Teacher
 Teacher Education Institutions (TEI)


Department of Education (DepEd) Order No. 3, series of 2007. Guidelines in the

Deployment of Pres-service Teachers on Experiential Learning: Field Study and Practice

Lesson 4 – Mentoring and Coaching Pre-Service Teachers

Duration: 3 hours


The College of Education aims to develop quality teachers that will teach and
inspire learners in the future. Hence, we provide pre-service teachers with the best and
quality learning experiences for them to become one. Part of the learning experiences
given to pre-service teachers is to go outside of the four corners of the classroom and
conduct observation in a setting where teaching and learning happen.

The pre-service teachers are deployed to partner schools and assigned to a

specific cooperating teacher. They are required to learn from their cooperating teacher by
focusing on curriculum implementation, using various teaching methods and techniques,
and how to assess the success of the learners. The cooperating teachers build foundation
or our future by playing the crucial role of educating the next generation. They need to
show the quality of being a teacher in the classroom so that pre-service teachers can
imitate them. In short, the cooperating teacher will serve as a mentor for the pre-service
teachers during their Field Study courses.

In this lesson, you will learn the definition of coaching and mentoring, stages of
mentoring, forms of mentoring, types of mentoring, and the etiquette of mentoring.
Further, the significant contributions of cooperating teachers to the development of quality
among future teachers through coaching and mentoring, and the roles and responsibilities
of the cooperating teachers.


 Define coaching and mentoring.

 Identify the stages, forms, and types of mentoring.
 Enumerate the etiquette of mentoring
 Identify the roles and responsibilities of Cooperating Teachers and other

Lesson Proper

A. Activity

In your own understanding define the following:

1. Mentoring

2. Coaching

3. Role

4. Responsibilities

5. Etiquette

B. Analysis
Defining Coaching

Coaching can be used in various areas of life. It includes life coaching, financial
coaching, or career coaching. In education, the word coaching is used as an
interactive process that aims to close performance gaps, teach skills, impart
knowledge and inculcate values and desirable work behaviors to Pre-service
teachers by the Cooperating Teachers. They help the pre-service teachers to
discover and maximize their own potentials.

Defining Mentoring

A mentor is a person with competence and knowledge who can help

develop the career of mentee. Most of the time, they provide advice to enhance
the mentee’s professional performance and development. For the education
program, pre-service teachers are paired with cooperating teachers who are more
skilled and experienced. They form a relationship that allows the CTs the
opportunity to share their professional and personal skills and experiences with
and provide support and encouragement to the pre-service teachers.

Needs of Mentee

An individual who wants to go the process of mentoring need the following

(Center of Mentoring, 2006):
 Guidance in a general or specific professional is
 Series of questions or issues

 Broad career development
 Early career development
 Ethical and moral guidance
 Assistance in navigating professional settings, institutions, structures,
and politics
 Professional identity development guidance

The Cooperating Teacher

In Field Study courses, the cooperating teachers serve as coaches and

mentor for pre-service teachers. The PPST sets a standard for someone who will
become a cooperating teacher. A cooperating teacher must meet the following

DepEd Modules for Pre-Service teachers (p.12) the Career Stage 3 or Highly
Proficient Teachers manifest a comprehensive and sophisticated understanding of
the method of teaching and learning. They have understanding of a high-education
environment, are more competent at problem-solving, and maximized resources
gained from experience.

Career Stage 3 Teachers work collaboratively with colleagues and provide them
support and mentoring to enhance their learning and practice. Through focusing
on their own needs and those of their colleagues and students, they actively aim
to improve their professional knowledge and practice.

C. Abstraction
 Coaching and mentoring are a big task but rewarding on the part of the
cooperating teachers.
 The PPST set standards for the qualification of a Cooperating Teacher
who will coach or mentor pre-service teachers.
 Cooperating Teachers should be Highly Proficient based on the
standard of PPST.
 Cooperating Teachers and other personnel in charge of the experiential
learning courses have roles and responsibilities to do.

D. Apply

Interview your cooperating teachers about their previous experience about

coaching/mentoring pre-service teachers. Write the result below.



As a pre-service teacher, write a one-page reflection about coaching and

mentoring in relation to the Field Study course.



Suggested Readings and Websites

 Coaching
 Mentors
 Mentee
 Cooperating Teacher
 Qualification
 Cooperating Principal

Center on Mentoring (206). Introduction to Mentoring: A guide for Mentors and Mentees

Department of Education (2019). Supporting Beginning Teachers: A coaching and

Mentoring Module for DepEd Supervisors of Experiential Learning Students.

Department of Education (DepEd) Order No. 42, series 2017. National Adoption and
Implementation of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers

Principles of Coaching: Coaching Skills. Retrieved on August 23, 2020 from www.free-


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