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The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers

DOMAIN 1: 1. Content knowledge and its application within and across curricu
2. Research-based knowledge and principles of teaching & learning.
Content 3.Positive use of ICT
Knowledge 4. Strategies for developing
promoting critical
literacy and numeracy
strands 5. Strategies for and creative thinking
and 6. Mother Tongue, Filipino and English in teaching and learning
7. Classroom communication strategies

1. Learner safety and security

2. Fair learning environment

Learning 3. Management of classroom structure and activitiesSupport for learner

Environment 5 strands participation
4. Promotion
5. Management of
of learner behavior purposive learning

1. Learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests and experiences

2. Learners’ linguistic, cultural, socio-economic and religious background
Diversity of 3. Learners with disabilities, giftedness and talents
Learners 5 strands 4. Learners in difficult circumstances
5. Learners from indigenous groups.

DOMAIN 4: 1. Planning and management of teaching snf learning process

2. Learning outcomes aligned with learning competencies
3. Relevance and responsiveness of learning programs
4. Professional collaboration to enrich teaching practice
Curriculum 5. Teaching snf learning resources including ICT
and Planning 5 strands

1.Design, selection. Organization and utilization of assessment

DOMAIN 5: 2. Monitoring and evaluation of learner progress & achievement
3. Feedback to improve learning
4. Communication of learner needs, progress and achievement
Assessment 5. Use of assessment data to enhance teaching and learning practices and
and 5 strands

1. Establishment of learning environments that are responsive to

DOMAIN 6: community context

Community 2. Engagements of parents and the wider school community in the

educative process
Linkages and 4 strands 3. Professional ethics
4. School policies and procedures

2. Dignity of of
teaching as a teaching
DOMAIN 7: 3. Professional link with colleagues
4. Professional reflection and learning to improve practice
5. Professional development goals
Growth and 5 strands
Teaching is a big responsibility in our society, it is honing the character and values of the
students. Teacher as being professional is the process of complex learning towards the progress
of both teachers and learners. Being teacher should have enough and equipped knowledge not
only about teaching the lessons but also teaching the moral and values to harness the
personality of every students. As a professional teacher, you should know the right conduct
because in teaching not just the content of books are in focus yet there has more emphasized
the value. Teacher as being professional is a profession to teach students to go beyond along
their path, to guide students in continuing reaching their profession too and to open the way of
hope that no matter how hard it is, the matter is how you do steps to pursue. I am as a future
teacher I am obliged to teach my students to dream with values, I must step up for them, I
should lead them towards profession they track. The aim of a profession is to get satisfied not to
yourself but to the students/people because satisfaction is in the willingness of reaching
profession. Satisfaction must be in both teachers and learners because these two enlarge the
construction of character and strengthen the foundation of pursuing profession.

Teacher is not just a profession of teaching but also this actively illustrates the
companionship and camaraderie between learners. Teacher is a profession of flourishing
capacity. Honing students capability might be the way to prepare them to take in their
profession whereas must be guided by the chronological steps in order to develop themselves.
Profession is huge as ship, wide as ocean and continuous as waves but most importantly the
bearing fruit of hardship which are the satisfaction and learnings throughout raking profession.
Furthermore, teaching is a key to learn and learning is a door of profession. Teacher as being
professional teaches us to grow with values, to hone with moral and to pursue with
determination. Through this we gain such relevant encounters that we can use to be as
professional as we are. We should claim it.
Findings on Mental Health of Filipino teachers
Based on the results of the study, the following findings were made:
1. In terms of the mental health status, teachers have trouble sleeping less than once a week;
almost every day, teachers’ well-being is often experienced and at the same time not at all
bothered; teachers also have a positive outlook for mental health and in terms of bouncing back
they are neutral.

2. In the context of stress level, teachers sometimes experience it.

3. For the learning resource development of teachers, they strongly agree that they were
significantly anchored, helped and assisted.
4. There is a low direct relationship between mental health status and the learning resource
development of teachers. On the other hand, stress levels did not exhibit enough to attain a
significant relationship.
5. To confirm the relationship, regression analysis further showed that the mental health status
of teachers significantly impacts the learning resource development of teachers.


Section 1. A teacher is a facilitator of learning and of the development of the youth: he shall,
therefore, render the best service by providing an environment conducive to such learning and

Section 2. Every teacher shall provide leadership and initiative to actively participate in
community movements for moral, social, educational, economic and civic betterment.

Section 3. Every teacher shall merit reasonable social recognition for which purpose he shall
behave with honor and dignity at all times and refrain for such activities as gambling, smoking,
drunkenness, and other excesses, much less illicit relations.

Section 4. Every teacher shall live for and with the community and shall, therefore, study and
understand local customs and traditions in order to have sympathetic attitude, therefore, refrain
from disparaging the community.

Section 5. Every teacher shall help the school keep the people in the community informed about
the school’s work and accomplishments as well as its needs and problems.

Section 6. Every teacher is intellectual leader in the community, especially in the barangay. and
shall welcome the opportunity to provide such leadership when needed, to extend counseling
services, as appropriate, and to actively be involved in matters affecting the welfare of the

Section 7. Every teacher shall maintain harmonious and pleasant personal and official relations
with other professionals, with government officials, and with the people, individually or

Section 8. A teacher posses freedom to attend church and worships as appropriate, but shall not
use his positions and influence to proselyte others.

Article III (3) defines what teachers should do and be. There stated that all teachers must be
versatile in a good way. They must treat their students in a good way. They must be an
exemplary teacher in order to grow students polite and erudite. Teachers shall not engage in
bad things or even doing in a selfish way. Students will grow by what they learn and see.
Students will flourish by what teachers taught, therefore teachers should be responsible,
attentive and should have good fellowship with their students. People said, teachers are the
second parents because they teach children lot of things such as politeness and creativeness.
Their responsibilities is to thrive children on learnings needed and not on rudeness. Teachers
must adhere the approach of higher education because they are required and it must be. They
should be having a good camaraderie in the community because they are obviously part of
services and authorities. Teachers are professional, professional in doing their job and
responsibilities, they are already full-fledged for their profession. So, they must act
appropriately and teach according to the role as a good teacher.

What is Helicopter Parents?

A helicopter parent is a parent who pays extremely close attention to a child's or children's
experiences and problems, particularly at educational institutions. Helicopter parents are so
named because, like helicopters, they "hover overhead", overseeing every aspect of their child's
life constantly. Helicopter parenting increases a child's depression and anxiety levels. They are
always in look out for guidance, and when left alone, they become too nervous to take a

How should I relate them? In their over caring or thinking of what their child/chidren doin, I
should relate myself with them by following their wants as long as it's good. By having less
outdoor activities I may relate them. Having helicopter parents is quite ardous or exhausting
because they limit their child/children in doing activities /experiences. They seem choke until it
gets anxious. Therefore, I should be aligned in their wants and rules as much as I can.

Alvin Lustado
Techer III
3 years

1. Developing, considering the length of service the novice years of teaching is still sometimes
experienced but somehow, techniques and skill in teaching or classroom management is already
learned yet still on the process of improving, and thus developing.

2. C. Local knowledge and culture since these are precursor in contextualizing the teaching
concepts. 21st century skills, and international developments in order to enhance the up to date
knowledge and therefore will result in globally competent learners.

3. Learners- they are stimuli in order to enhance and strive more to learn.

4. Glocal- although you have the local knowledge used in contextualized teaching, global
concepts, skills and breakthroughs are simultaneously used in teaching-learning process.

Master Teacher I
10 years in Service

1. I consider myself a glocal teacher who is someone thinks and acts both locally and globally
with worldwide perspectives but is teaching in the localities.A teacher who is using glocal
approach means presenting global knowledge within a local context that respects human rights.
It encapsulates the concept 'think globally, act locally'.

2. In my 10years in service as Teacher I give more consideration in Local knowledge, values,

culture,21st Century Skills and international developments.Teacher teaching with a strong
personality and values formation and morals will always beat the one having a weak character.
For every teacher, personality development generates a sense of happiness in their mind. This
makes a teacher look good, feel confident and teach students with gratitude and
patience.Teaching first hand with values and pride will leads to the development of other
aspects in teaching profession such as motivating students to be competitive internationally
with 21st century skills.In other words, teaching upholding local knowledge with values
everything comes next.

3. The simple answer is that Teaching abroad is a chance to do something wonderful and
adventurous that will change your life forever. Teaching abroad captures what international
exchange is all about. Teaching the learners and It’s people from very different cultures coming
together, learning from one another, and making positive connections. It’s a way to travel
different learning environment, gain work experience, and do good all at the same time. It's an
amazing chance to change lives for the better. Helping young learners and students learn English
opens doors to new opportunities for them. And helping adult learners enables them to
communicate with English-speaking relatives and become more competitive in the global
economy. In terms of pay wages a teacher abroad, perfectly reasonable and attainable to earn a
decent wage higher compare to the Philippines..

Submitted by:
Jordan Hipanao.

Submitted to:
Mrs. Lorna Mirabel

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