Tutorial Letter 101/3/2018: Introduction To Development Studies
Tutorial Letter 101/3/2018: Introduction To Development Studies
Tutorial Letter 101/3/2018: Introduction To Development Studies
Semesters 1 and 2
This tutorial letter contains important information
about your module.
1 INTRODUCTION AND WELCOME .............................................................................................. 3
1.1 Tutorial matter............................................................................................................................... 3
2 PURPOSE AND OUTCOMES ...................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 3
2.2 Outcomes ..................................................................................................................................... 3
3 LECTURERS AND CONTACT DETAILS ..................................................................................... 4
3.1 Lecturers....................................................................................................................................... 4
3.2 University ...................................................................................................................................... 4
4 MODULE RESOURCES ............................................................................................................... 4
4.1 Prescribed books .......................................................................................................................... 4
4.2 Recommended books ................................................................................................................... 5
4.3 Electronic reserves (e-reserves) ................................................................................................... 5
4.4 Library services and resources information ................................................................................... 5
5 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES ................................................................................................ 6
5.1 myLife student e-mail account ...................................................................................................... 6
5.2 myUnisa ........................................................................................................................................ 6
5.3 Free computer and internet access ............................................................................................... 6
5.4 E-tutors ......................................................................................................................................... 6
6 STUDY PLAN ............................................................................................................................... 6
7 PRACTICAL WORK AND WORK-INTEGRATED LEARNING..................................................... 7
8 ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................................................. 7
8.1 Assessment criteria ...................................................................................................................... 7
8.2 Assessment plan .......................................................................................................................... 8
8.3 General assignment numbers ....................................................................................................... 8
8.3.1 Unique assignment numbers ........................................................................................................ 8
8.3.2 Due dates of assignments............................................................................................................. 9
8.4 Submission of assignments .......................................................................................................... 9
8.5 Assignments ............................................................................................................................... 10
9 OTHER ASSESSMENT METHODS ........................................................................................... 32
10 EXAMINATION ........................................................................................................................... 32
11 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ........................................................................................ 33
12 SOURCES CONSULTED ........................................................................................................... 34
13 CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................ 34
14 ADDENDUM A ........................................................................................................................... 35
15 ADDENDUM B ........................................................................................................................... 37
Dear Student
Welcome to Development Studies. We trust that you will enjoy studying with us and that your
relationship with this department will be a lasting one.
The study material you should receive (from Unisa) for module, DVA1501 consists of the
Study Guide
Some of this tutorial matter may not be available when you register. Tutorial matter that
is unavailable when you register will be posted to you as soon as possible; however, it is
also available on myUnisa.
2.1 Purpose
The purpose of this module is to equip you with insight into basic concepts in the study of
2.2 Outcomes
3.1 Lecturers
Should you wish to contact the lecturers who teach this module, contact the departmental
administrators who will connect you with the relevant lecturers. Your lecturers’ contact details
are also available on the Welcome page on myUnisa.
Departmental administrators
3.2 University
If you need to contact the University about matters not related to the content of this module,
please consult the brochure, Study @ Unisa, which you should have received with your study
material. This brochure contains information on how to contact the University. You can also
send your enquiries directly to the following addresses:
Always have your student number at hand when you contact the University.
Health Poverty 2014 Honest accounts? The true story of Africa’s billion dollar Health Poverty Action:1–36
Action losses
Mazibuko, S 2013 Understanding underdevelopment through the sustainable Community Development, 44:173–
livelihoods approach 187.
Naz, F 2016 Understanding human well-being: how could Sen’s Forum for Social Economics:1–16.
capability approach contribute?
Reddy, K 2011 Developing Africa: trade barriers, liberalization and African Journal of Business
inequality in the World Trade Organisation. Management, 5:8686–8696
Robeyns. I 2005 The capability approach: a theoretical survey Journal of Human Development,
It is of the utmost importance that you claim your myLife student e-mail account, since you will
receive important communication about the module on the site. To do this log onto
5.2 myUnisa
Once you have claimed your myLife student e-mail account, you will be able to log onto
Unisa has entered into partnerships with establishments (referred to as telecentres) in various
locations across South Africa to give Unisa students free access to computers and the internet.
This access enables you to conduct academic-related activities, such as registration, online
submission of assignments, and engaging in e-tutoring activities and signature courses. Please
note that any other activities are for your own cost (e.g. printing and photocopying). For more
information on the telecentre nearest to you, please visit www.unisa.ac.za/telecentres.
5.4 E-tutors
This module has e-tutors. Log on to myUnisa to identify your tutor and tutor group. For
information on the other student support systems and services available at Unisa (e.g. student
counselling, tutorial classes and language support), please consult Study @ Unisa.
Consult Study @ Unisa for general time management and planning skills.
Specific outcome Assessment criteria
Explain the basic linkage between Reflects and reports on problems related to education,
development, education, culture, health culture, health care, empowerment and global agendas
care, empowerment and global agendas. in an integrated manner and against arguments in
prescribed tutorial material.
Identifies and presents integrated views of the
interconnectedness of problems related to education,
culture, health care, empowerment and global
Citations are formatted accurately and no evidence of
plagiarism is noted.
Propose basic solutions to development Proposes basic solutions to development problems in
problems facing the Global South. the context of the Global South, Africa and South Africa
against arguments in prescribed tutorial material.
Explains basic solutions and challenges to
development problems from various vantage points.
Explains proposed solutions to development problems
by demonstrating the ability to advance basic
arguments and to write in one’s own voice.
Citations are formatted accurately and no evidence of
plagiarism is noted.
Please note: Multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and essays are used in both assignments and
Each assignment has a due (closing) date. Check the dates carefully and ensure that
assignments are submitted on time.
You must submit assignments electronically via myUnisa. You may NOT submit assignments by
fax or e-mail. For detailed information on and requirements for assignments, consult Study @
FIRST compulsory assignment (Assignment 01): multiple-choice questions (MCQs). This
assignment is compulsory as it gives you entry into the examination. You will NOT be
allowed to write your examination if you did not submit Assignment 01. This assignment
contributes 50% towards your year mark.
8.5 Assignments
You can submit assignments electronically via myUnisa by following these instructions:
• Go to myUnisa.
• Log in with your student number and password.
• Select the module from the orange bar.
• Click on “Assignments” in the menu on the left.
• Click on the assignment number you want to submit.
• Follow the instructions.
The answers to the MCQs must be entered on a mark-reading sheet onscreen via
myUnisa. Acquaint yourself with the guidelines on how to fill in a mark-reading sheet available
in Study @ Unisa. Please fill in the unique number for the appropriate semester and the
appropriate assignment number on your mark-reading sheet. An incorrect number will result in
your assignment being misplaced.
To complete the MCQs you need to understand the Study Guide for DVA1501 and Tutorial
Letter DVAALLD/301.
Please note the following important information about essay writing at university:
A prospective future employer regards a graduate as someone who can deliver professionally
written reports, articles and essays that conform to industry standards and international
techniques. Tutorial Letter DVAALLD/301, which you will find on the module site for your
course, will give you a full account of how to write such an essay. Here, we reiterate some
important points to help you understand what we expect from you with assignment writing.
A title page with the module code and particulars, the number of the assignment, the title
of the assignment and your student number.
A Table of contents – This is a summary of the structure of your essay, indicating
headings, subheadings and on which page each item appears.
An Introduction, which is the part of the essay where you briefly outline your answer and
what a reader may expect from the rest of the essay. A good introduction sets the tone
and creates a good first impression.
Next follows the body of your essay. This is where you discuss your assignment with
appropriate headings and subheadings. The body of a Development Studies essay
usually consists of approximately five pages (if you submit a typed essay, please allow
for 1.5-line spacing and preferably use Arial or Times New Roman font size 12).
You must end your essay with an appropriate Conclusion. This is where you give a brief
summary of what you said in the body of your essay. The conclusion is not the place to
give new definitions or information, but it is the last opportunity you have to make a good
Lastly, you must include a List of references. The list contains all the sources you have
used in your essay. It is important that you include every source you consulted.
Each time you use information, ideas, figures and other information that someone else has
written, you need to provide a reference for that source. Not acknowledging a source of your
information is a form of plagiarism – an act that is tantamount to stealing. Therefore, you always
need to follow responsible academic practice by referencing clearly and correctly.
There are several ways in which sources are cited in your essay:
In-text referencing – this is when you name the author as part of the sentence.
o Example: Smith (2016:19) states that…
o Explanation: Initial [or first name] Surname (Date: page number).
Normal referencing – this is when you base a statement (e.g. to prove an idea) on
the work of another author. This is different from a direct quotation as you are using
your own words.
o Example: Monsoon rainfall has been linked to outbreaks of cholera (Bates
o Explanation: Information in your own words (Surname date: page number[s]).
Direct quotations – this is when you use the exact words of another author. Always
use quotation marks and do not quote excessively.
o Example: “The rain in Spain falls mainly in the lowlands” (Pickering 2016:9).
o Explanation: Quotation marks, (either double or single, but keep it consistent) the
author’s exact words, close quotation (Surname date: page number[s]).
You must include a list of references at the end of your essay where you acknowledge each
source in full. The University prefers the Harvard style of referencing – of which a style guide
is freely available online and on your myUnisa site.
Du Plessis, GE & Zulu, NZ. 2018. Only Study Guide for DVA1501 – Introduction to
Development Studies. Pretoria: University of South Africa
Surname, Initials & Surname, Initials. Date of publication. Name of publication. Where it was
published: Publisher.
Please note: There are additional rules for internet or non-text-based sources. Please see
Tutorial Letter DVAALLD/301 for more information.
Imagine that you find the following sentence on page 90 of the study guide: “Inequality and
poverty may sound the same but they are not. Inequality may lead to poverty and poverty may
lead to inequality: at the same time, while inequality can be tolerated, poverty is intolerable
You believe that this is a great sentence and that nothing can prove your argument better.
Therefore, you copy it word-for-word into your essay without quotation marks, a reference or
any other appropriate form of acknowledgement. This is plagiarism – you are actually
pretending that you have thought of this idea on your own. Plagiarism is a serious offense at
university. If we detect plagiarism, we will deduct the following percentages from your
assignment or examination mark:
As you are enrolled in a semester system and probably would not have the time to improve your
essay mark when you receive feedback, a low year mark can hurt your chances of passing. You
can avoid this in part by using proper referencing. Please take note that although students may
work together when preparing assignments, we expect each student to write and submit his or
her own individual assignment. In other words, you must submit your own ideas in your own
words. Not doing this amounts to plagiarism – you may be penalised or subjected to disciplinary
proceedings by the University.
Finally, please submit each essay-type assignment in a separate assignment cover with
the correct unique number. On the cover of your assignment, please remember to write the
exact same assignment number as the one given in this tutorial letter. If you use the wrong
assignment number, your assignment will be returned to you unmarked.
In Addendum A of this tutorial letter, you will find a checklist. You need to complete one
checklist for each essay-type assignment you submit. Please read the checklist carefully. If
there is anything on the checklist that you have NOT done – you have to do it first before you
can check it off in the column.
Please reread your assignment for spelling and grammar mistakes before you send it. Glaring
mistakes and bad sentence construction make for a bad impression. Remember, as this is a
distance learning institution, your work may well be the only contact you have with the lecturers
– your writing represents you. Remember: the first draft of everything is bad. Plan your time
properly to allow enough breathing room to write at least a second draft.
To complete the MCQs you need to understand the study guide for module DVA1501 and
Tutorial Letter DVAALLD/301.
1. Which one of the following sentences would be the best first sentence to the
paragraph above?
2. In the body of your essay, the correct way to refer to a book by P McMichael
entitled, Development and social change: a global perspective, published in 2012,
is …
1. true, because as a concept, the meaning of what poverty is, is shaped by the values
of the people who construct it and use it as a concept.
2. true, because poverty is subjective and its meaning therefore depends on the values,
interests and views of those who construct it and use it as a concept.
3. untrue, because even unstable definitions like those of poverty can have some
articulation with which most people would agree.
4. true, because the idea of poverty is prone to contestations.
1. a&d
2. c&d
3. b&c
4. a&c
6. Which of the following options is the correct way of writing the bibliographical
details of a source when using the Harvard system?
1. Seekings, Jeremy, and Nicoli Nattrass. Class, race, and inequality in South Africa.
New Haven: Yale University Press, 2008.
2. Seekings, J & Nattrass, N. 2008. Class, race, and inequality in South Africa. New
Haven: Yale University Press.
3. Seekings, J and Nicoli, N. Class, race, and inequality in South Africa. Yale University
Press, 2008. New Haven
4. Class, race, and inequality in South Africa. 2008. Seekings, Jeremy, and Nicoli
Nattrass. Yale University Press: New Haven
7. Which one of the following statements about inequality and poverty is FALSE?
8. After reading the section under sub-heading 1.8 of the Study Guide, we can say
that an advantage of democracy is that it …
9. According to the Study Guide, John Toye argued that the Third World was held
together politically by …
10. Which of these are dimensions that form pillars of sustainable development?
a) social
b) economic
c) development
d) environmental
1. a, b & c
2. b, c & d
3. a, b & d
4. All of the above.
11. According to the Study Guide, the underlying cause of a shortage of food or the
resources to get food is …
1. dieting.
2. fasting.
3. starvation.
4. food insecurity.
12. Which paradigm rejects the theory that human rights must be based on Western
values and must be accepted by everyone?
13. One of the reasons why the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) discourages
stereotyping is that it harms …
1. Basic needs can be defined as those things that a person cannot do without.
2. Basic needs can be viewed objectively in terms of minimum specified quantities.
3. Basic needs are optional day-to-day requirements.
4. Basic needs include shelter, food, clothes, the air that we breathe and water.
15. Which one of the following statements is NOT suited to describe the relationship
between the environment and the people?
16. According to the Study Guide, democracy is the process we use to integrate …
a) nuclear energy
b) wind energy
c) oil and coal
d) biomass and timber
1. a&b
2. a&c
3. b&d
4. c&d
a) finance
b) gender inequalities
c) lack of infrastructure
d) non-renewable resources
1. a, b & c
2. a, c & d
3. b, d & a
4. d, c & b
19. Choose the correct statement. According to the Study Guide, urgent needs
enhance people’s …
20. Which one of the following statements about the “Third World” is FALSE?
1. They are a group of countries that want to belong to neither the First (capitalist) nor
the Second (socialist) World.
2. With the collapse of the so-called socialist bloc or “Second” world, the term ‘Third
World” became irrelevant.
3. They are the Asian, African and Latin American countries that became independent
from their former colonial rulers during the previous century.
4. They have a collective fear of neo-colonialism.
21. According to the Study Guide, the main problems affecting sustainable
development are …
22. Which of the following goals were NOT adopted as Millennium Development Goals
in 2000?
a) ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
b) achieving universal primary education
c) developing a global partnership for development
d) ending hunger, achieving food security and improved nutrition and promoting
sustainable agriculture
e) improving maternal health
f) promoting gender equality and empowering women
1. a, b, c & f
2. a&d
3. a, d & e
4. a, c & f
1. Early ideas about “development” was dominated by the idea that development is
primarily about “economic development”.
2. Development is a subjective concept, the meaning of which depends on the values,
interests and points of view of those who use the term.
3. Development is about expanding people’s freedom to develop their own capabilities
and is a multi-dimensional concept.
4. During the “age of development”, the benefits of economic growth and
industrialisation led to a successful “trickle down” of wealth to the poor.
1. Only a
2. a&d
3. b&c
4. b, c & d
25. Which topics of development does the module of DVA1501 focus on?
1. a, b, c, d, e & f
2. a, b & e
3. a, b, d & f
4. c&e
Please note: It is compulsory to submit at least one essay-type assignment
Follow the instructions for each assignment very carefully. Reference sources in all your
answers and include a list of references on the last page. Consult Tutorial Letter DVAALLD/301
for more information on assignment writing, referencing and compiling a list of references.
QUESTION 2 (please write this number on your assignment cover)
Assignments Semester Due date Unique assignment
Assignment 02 Semester 1 09 March 2018 835748
You decided to start your own blog in which you discuss how difficult it is to define the concept
“development”. Plan your blog in this assignment by doing the following:
QUESTION 3 (please write this number on your assignment cover)
Assignments Semester Due date Unique assignment
Assignment 03 Semester 1 09 March 2018 826620
A non-governmental organisation has just employed you as an advisor. They want you to plan a
campaign to increase public awareness of environmental concerns. Write a background paper
for your employer in which you do the following:
QUESTION 4 (please write this number on your assignment cover)
You observe the following issues in a particular rural community. There has been sustained
food shortages for the last eight months due to droughts. The people migrate to urban areas to
try to find work, flee to family members living elsewhere to get help and scour the bush for wild
food. Many people sell their meagre assets by walking to local markets. In addition to the
sustained food insecurity, the community also suffers poor health outcomes due to inadequate
housing, poor sanitation and no fresh water supplies for household use. Children drop out of
school to look after the houses and immovable assets left behind as their parents and other
adult family members flee the area to flock to urban centres to look for paid employment.
1. Identify basic needs described in this scenario. (two paragraphs) (10 marks)
2. Are there any basic needs not described in this scenario? (one paragraph) (5 marks)
3. Differentiate between basic needs, urgent needs and wants.
Do this in the following table format:
Definition Example
Basic needs
Urgent needs
(15 marks)
4. How does the inability to satisfy the basic needs, described in this scenario,
affect the community? Give reasons for your arguments. (less than one page) (20 marks)
QUESTION 5 (please write this number on your assignment) cover)
Assignments Semester Due date Unique assignment
Assignment 05 Semester 1 09 March 2018 680131
1. What are the core components of the universalist approach to human rights? (10 marks)
2. What are the criticisms levelled at cultural imperialism? (10 marks)
3. What are the tenets of cultural relativism? (10 marks)
4. What is the materialist approach to human rights? (10 marks)
5. Where does the idea of human rights came from? Also, explain what
universal human rights, indivisible human rights, inalienable human rights
and the theory of natural rights mean. (10 marks)
QUESTION 6 (please write this number on your assignment cover)
Poverty and inequality may be difficult to define, but are probably much easier to identify or see.
National Geographic has commissioned you to take a series of photographs depicting the way
in which poverty and inequality link to each another in a particular area. We do not want you to
take photographs, but instead plan your photograph series and substantiate your choices after
reading the prescribed sections in your Study Guide.
Assignments Semester Due date Unique assignment
Assignment 01: Compulsory Semester 2 31 August 2018 697118
To complete the MCQs you need to understand the Study Guide for module DVA1501 and
Tutorial Letter DVAALLD/301.
The following paragraph was taken from a book dealing with poverty in the developing
world. Read the passage and then answer the questions that follow.
1. Which one of the following sentences would be the best first sentence to the
paragraph above?
2. In the body of your essay, the correct way to refer to a book by P McMichael
entitled, Development and social change: a global perspective, published in 2012,
is …
1. true, because as a concept, the meaning of what poverty is, is shaped by the values
of the people who construct it and use it as a concept.
2. true, because poverty is subjective and its meaning therefore depends on the values,
interests and views of those who construct it and use it as a concept.
3. untrue, because even unstable definitions like those of poverty can have some
articulation with which most people would agree.
4. true, because the idea of poverty is prone to contestations.
1. a&d
2. c&d
3. b&c
4. a&c
6. Which of the following options is the correct way of writing the bibliographical
details of a book when using the Harvard system?
1. Seekings, Jeremy, and Nicoli Nattrass. Class, race, and inequality in South Africa.
New Haven: Yale University Press, 2008.
2. Seekings, J & Nattrass, N. 2008. Class, race, and inequality in South Africa. New
Haven: Yale University Press.
3. Seekings, J and Nicoli, N. Class, race, and inequality in South Africa. Yale University
Press, 2008. New Haven
4. Class, race, and inequality in South Africa. 2008. Seekings, Jeremy, and Nicoli
Nattrass. Yale University Press: New Haven
1. high-income country.
2. low-income country.
3. upper middle-income country.
4. poverty-stricken country.
1. cultural relativism
2. the theory of natural rights
3. the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
4. the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights
10. Basic minimum family requirements are summed up by the International Labour
Organisation (ILO 1976) as …
11. The theory of natural rights is a precursor to the universalist theory of human
rights. This theory is sometimes called the Athens-to-Washington-narrative of
human rights because it …
12. Which definition of about basic needs is FALSE?
1. Basic needs can be defined as those things that a person cannot do without.
2. Basic needs can be viewed objectively in terms of minimum specified quantities.
3. Basic needs are optional day-to-day requirements.
4. Basic needs include shelter, food, clothes, the air that we breathe and water.
1. the Netherlands
2. the United Kingdom
3. the United States of America
4. Australia
14. The death rate of children under the age of five years, is referred to as …
15. Which two African countries extensively use coal as a source of energy?
16. Which of the following goals were NOT adopted as a millennium development goal
in 2000?
a) ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
b) achieving universal primary education
c) developing a global partnership for development
d) ending hunger, achieving food security and improved nutrition and promoting
sustainable agriculture
e) improving maternal health
f) promoting gender equality and empowering women
1. a, b, c & f
2. a&d
3. a, d & e
4. a, c & f
17. According to the Study Guide, most basic needs now have to be paid for because
19. Which topics of development does the DVA1501 module focus on?
1. a, b, c, d, e & f
2. a, b & e
3. a, b, d & f
4. c&e
21. When was the term “sustainable development” first used officially internationally?
3. in a report called “Our Common Future” published by the World Economic Forum in
4. at the Stockholm United Nations Conference in 1972
a) Gaianist
b) interventionist
c) managerial
d) holistic
e) manipulative
f) reductionist
g) cooperative
h) competitive
1. a, d & g
2. b, d & g
3. b, c, e, f & h
4. b, c, e, f, g & h
23. Which statement does not relate to an accurate understanding of the “downward
spiral” of natural resource management?
1. There is a strong relationship between the environment and the people. This
relationship is called “ecology”.
2. Poor people are forced to exploit the natural resources in their environment to
survive, and this degradation leads to a worsening of their livelihood conditions.
3. Poor people destroy their environment because they are naturally self-destructive
and lack education on how to take care of their environment.
4. The idea of “downward spirals” of poverty was influenced by the writings of the
author Chambers who helped us understand the poor’s “deprivation traps”.
24. According to your Study Guide, which of the following statements are true about
climate change?
1. a & b
2. only b
3. b & d
4. All of the above.
25. According to the Study Guide, the main problems affecting sustainable
development are …
Please note: It is compulsory to submit at least one essay-type question.
Follow the instructions for each assignment very carefully. Reference sources in all your
answers and include a list of references on the last page. Consult Tutorial Letter DVAALLD/301
for more information on assignment writing, referencing and compiling a list of references.
QUESTION 2 (please write this number on your assignment cover)
Assignments Semester Due date Unique assignment
Assignment 02 Semester 2 10 September 2018 706632
To show you how we expect you to answer this essay-type question, we provide an example by
answering the first question. You are an eminent professor in Development Studies and are
invited as guest speaker to the mid-morning show on eNCA. It is a live broadcast and Jeremy
Maggs interviews you.
Jeremy: “Professor, welcome to eNCA’s live mid-morning show. Today we are talking about the
very important topic of development. When most people talk about development, they think
about the economy. Is this correct?”
Yes Jeremy, it is usually assumed by the public that when we talk about development we are
referring to the economy. This idea originated after the Second World War when countries like
Europe and the USA achieved considerable economic growth through state and industry-driven
capitalism. They thought that the newly independent “poor” countries of the world could achieve
the same success it they followed the same path. The whole debate on development during this
time was dominated by economists (Ndlovu et al 2017:21–22).
The idea was that these poor countries should follow a Keynesian demand management model
with elaborate five-year plans, boosted by loans, credit assistance and investment and that this
would lead to successful development. The IMF and the World Bank also adopted these ideas,
so they had a lot of power. Today we see that the meaning of development is a lot more
complex than economics alone (Ndlovu et al 2017:22–23).
Now it is your turn. Answer the following five questions. Good luck. Remember, although you
are pretending to be part of a live debate, you present a written text for us in your answer here
so do not forget to reference.
QUESTION 3 (please write this number on your assignment cover)
As a student of Development Studies, you wish to reflect on the question “What kind of an
environmentalist am I?”
QUESTION 4 (please write this number on your assignment cover)
You have a job interview for a community development job. You must represent the view that
understanding and addressing basic needs are the best options for development in your
country. Prepare your arguments. Structure your arguments according to the diagrams in study
unit 3 in your explanation. (50 marks)
QUESTION 5 (please write this number on your assignment cover)
Answer the following questions:
1. Under what circumstances did the international community establish the United
Nations in 1945? (10 marks)
2. What events influenced the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights (UDHR) in 1948? (10 marks)
3. Why was the establishment of the International Criminal Court (ICC) a
milestone in the protection of human rights? (10 marks)
4. Compare and contrast the European Convention on Human Rights and
the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR). (10 marks)
5. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the ACHPR. (10 marks)
QUESTION 6 (please write this number on your assignment cover)
Read the article entitled: “Developing Africa: Trade barriers, liberalization and inequality in the
World Trade Organisation”, by K Reddy (2011). Identify specific parts (e.g. subsidies, trade
barriers and loan interests) of the structural adjustment programmes (SAPs) that could be said
to cause or contribute to inequality and poverty in the developing world. Describe how each of
these works. (50 marks)
Reading: Study Guide, study unit 5; the article by K Reddy (2011) in the e-reserves of your
myUnisa site.
In the examination for this module, there are two sections. Section A consists of 25 multiple-
choice questions (MCQs) each worth two marks, which counts 50% of the examination mark. In
Section B, you have an option of three essays of which you must choose one. This essay also
counts 50% of the examination mark. Unisa calls this a partial MCQ examination.
Both sections of the examination paper require you to know the Study Guide.
Consult Study @ Unisa for general examination guidelines and examination preparation
You must submit the MCQ assignment by the due date to gain admission to the
The MCQ assignment and the essay-type assignment both contribute towards your year
The Study @ Unisa brochure contains an A–Z guide of the most relevant study information.
Q. What if I do not submit at least one essay-type assignment by the due date?
A. This would affect your year mark.
Q. What happens if I do not acknowledge the sources in my essay, but I include them
in the bibliography?
A. You would lose marks and you may fail your assignment. Your lecturers would regard
this as plagiarism. Refer to Tutorial Letter DVAALLD/301 for details.
Q. Other departments send the scope of the examination to students. Will I receive
one from Development Studies?
A. The scope of the examination is explained in section 10. You will receive a tutorial letter
before the examination that explains the scope of the examination; this will include the
same content as section 10 of this tutorial letter. No other scope will be sent.
We wish you all the best in your studies, and we hope to hear from you during the course of the
On the next pages, you will find two assignment checklists. Please attach one checklist to each
of the completed essay-type assignments when you submit it for marking. If you want to submit
more than two essay-type assignments and need more checklists, please make extra copies to
Please complete this checklist and attach it to your essay-type assignment(s) when you
submit it. Answer all the questions by putting a cross in the appropriate column.
1 Have I included a table of contents?
2 Does my assignment consist of
an introduction
a main section (or body) with appropriate sub-headings
a conclusion
3 Have I included a bibliography or list of sources in which
I list all the sources to which I referred
I provide full details according to the guidelines given in
Tutorial Letter DVAALLD/301
I list the sources alphabetically
4 Have I used references to acknowledge all the sources from which
I have borrowed ideas?
5 Did I write in my own words and avoid plagiarism?
6 Have I checked to see whether all my sentences follow logically
on one another and that my lecturer will be able to follow my
7 Did I limit my assignment to the number of words or pages as
stipulated in the assignment question?
8 Have I written my full particulars on the assignment cover sheet?
9 Have I written the correct assignment number on the cover sheet?
10 Have I left enough time for my assignment to reach the
University before the closing date?
DATE: _______________
For us to improve the quality of module DVA1501, we need to know what we are doing wrong
and what we are doing right. Please complete the following form about what you liked and what
you did not like about this module, and send it to us. You do not have to provide your name, but
your opinion is very important to us.