Electric Vehicles
Electric Vehicles
Electric Vehicles
NIM : 19/439760/TK/48490
Prodi : Mechanical Engineering
Electric Vehicles
As we know, internal combustion engine has begun to be abandoned by several manufactures and
governments. They have purpose to reach SDGs 2030 purposes, one of them is about renewable energy
and minimize the gas emission from transportation. In addition, the availability of petroleum which is
getting thinner, supports the removal of “internal combustion engine”.
Based on that, many countries have stopped production & daily uses for internal combustion
engine because of its bad emissions. Then, appeared solution for this problem, that is electric vehicle.
Electric vehicles have 2 types, plug-in hybrid (PHEV) and full-electric vehicle (AV). The different can
you see on the motors system, if plug-in hybrid run with 2 motors combinations, battery and internal
combustion engine, then AV vehicles move with full electric with battery. The battery usually has
structure consist of many lithium-ions which become a single unit For this time, all types of electric
vehicles began to come to Indonesia, but the very problem is we don’t have many charging station. Full-
electric vehicles can reach range 80-100 miles and for few models can reach 250 miles. But, I still can’t
imagine if in the middle way, an electric vehicle (AV type) doesn’t have “stamina” again, we can’t do
nothing. For plug-in hybrid, the driver and passenger feel more comfort and no worry because plug-in
hybrid system has internal combustion engine for alternative energy if the battery is empty. Indeed, plug-
in hybrid only run around 6 until 40 miles with electric mode, then the computer will automatically
switch to internal combustion engine for energy source when the battery is empty. Plug-in hybrid also can
reduce fuel consumption and definitely more efficient than internal combustion engine, but not
economical than full-electric vehicle. These two types of electric vehicles actually don’t only rely on
energy with charging, but also from regenerative braking which some of energy are lost when braking.
Now, we talk about how long the battery charging from empty to full, for the fast charging “still”
relatively long around 30 minutes and if we choose low level, its can reach until 1 days. This can become
the weakness of electric vehicles, especially full-electric vehicle because if we compare with internal
combustion engine, for normal car with 40 litre tank only take around 3 minutes and it’s very fast than
charging. Surely, for some people, this is a big problem because if we want to rash and the battery is
empty, it’s over for “full-electric vehicles”, but with plug-in hybrid has more advantage again in this
problem because of their combination with internal combustion engine. About emissions, electric vehicles
are definitely more clean than internal combustion engine. Example, when we have traffic jam so long,
conventional car has idle rpm to hold all electrical are on, it’s releasing many pollution on one place with
many cars and long time. While, electric vehicles don’t have combustion process, especially full-electric
vehicle, so that electrical vehicles are not releasing emissions although the car is stopped because traffic
jam and all electricals is still on. If we talk about speed, there are many different on graphics power and
torque between electric vehicles and conventional vehicles. Electric vehicles have a maximum torque
from zero rpm, so the acceleration of electric vehicles are more fast than conventional vehicles. Definitely
for petrolhead, electric vehicles feel boring because electric vehicles don’t have sound from engine and
exhaust, only like a whistle in all rpm. Whereas, conventional vehicles have not stable graphics for torque
and power, there are many power surge at a certain rpm and power loss in certain condition. There are
also cause internal combustion engine is not efficient and create many wheel spin, except cars which are
use all wheel drive. Even more, if conventional vehicles are given with octane number fuel that don’t
match with specification, the engine will “knock” because of bad combustion where the burst of
combustion occurs first before the piston works optimally. This process can cause engine stall and
broken. This is not applicable for electric vehicles and maintenance cost of electric vehicles are more
economical because just battery and suspensions are need maintenance.