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GRADE 1 to 12 School OQUENDO NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Grade Level Grade 8


Teaching Dates and Time Grade 8 Quarter 3.Week 2
FEB. 5-9,2024
WATT/OHM – 9:45-10:45


January 29,2024 January 30,2024 January 31,2024 February 1,2024 February 2,2024
A. Content Standard
B. Performance Standard MELC 1: Examine biases (for or against) made by the author
Learning Competency MELC 1: Examine biases (for MELC 1: Examine biases (for or MELC 1: Examine biases (for MELC 1: Examine biases
(MELCs) or against) made by the against) made by the author or against) made by the (for or against) made by the HOLIDAY
author author author
C. OBJECTIVES a. determine the concept of a. evaluate biases found in text a.examine and evaluate biases WEEKLY TEST
bias; by determining the author’s use made by the author about the
b. identify the author’s of diction and evidences; issue on social media by Asses and measure
learners’ knowledge gained
biases in given statements; b. recognize if the message of the completing the paragraph;
from the whole week
c. appreciate the concept of author is for or against a certain b. summarize the concepts if lesson.
bias through recognizing if issue; examining bias through filling
the message of the author is c. relate the concept of bias in the missing key ideas to
for or against a certain issue. through creating a message that complete the paragraph;
promotes fair and unbiased c. appreciate the concept of
Fair Judgement writing. bias through understanding
the paragraphs.
Promote Fairness and
I. Content Topic: Examining Bias Topic: Evaluating Bias


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials English – Grade 8 English – Grade 8 Alternative
from Learning Alternative Delivery Mode Delivery Mode Quarter 3 –
Resource (LR)portal Quarter 3 – Module 1: Module 1: Examining Biases First
Examining Biases First Edition, 2020
Edition, 2020
B. Other Learning Resource Slide deck presentation Slide deck presentation

A. Reviewing previous lesson Before proceeding to the Review the previous lessons Review the previous lessons
or presenting the new different activities in this through asking the following through asking the following
lesson topic, check what you questions: questions:
already know about positive
and negative message 1. What is bias? 1. What is bias?
conveyed in a text, the 2. When does an author 2. When does an author
teacher will give an activity becomes bias? becomes bias?
for the review. 3. How do you determine How do you determine the
Directions: Read the the author’s biases? author’s biases?
sentences carefully. Put a
check mark (√) if the
sentence connotes a
positive message and a
cross-mark (x) if it is
negative. Write your
answers on a separate sheet
of paper.
B. Establishing a purpose for Set the mode of the Set the mode of the students on Set the mode of the students
the lesson students on the goal of the the goal of the day through an on the goal of the day through
day through doing the activity. an activity.
following activity: Study the following sentences.
Activity 2: Am I Positive or Write the word(s) which make
Activity: Pick Your Favorite Negative Directions: Read the the sentences look biased.
Directions: Pick your favorite paragraph below. Identify the
between the given options sentences that signify positive or 1.Men are superior to women
below. Then, give your negative bias. Copy the graphic in any given field of work.
reason for choosing such. organizer and write your answers They cannot be equal no
Write your answers on a on a separate sheet of paper. matterwhat the women do.2.

separate sheet of paper.
1. Basketball or Volleyball 2.Among all other professions,
2. English or Math teaching is the most valued
3. Mobile Legends (ML) or one because teachers moldall
Defense of the Ancients professionals.3.
4. Kpop (Korean Pop) or 3.All TV stations produce
OPM (Original Pinoy Music) variety of programs which
5. Facebook or Instagram cater their viewers, but GMA
7 produces the best programs
of them all.4.

4.Filipinos are the most

hospitable Asians compared
to other neighboring
countieslike Thailand.5.

5.Private schools offer quality

education compared to public
education institutions.

C. Presenting Let the students share their Let the students share their own Let the students share their
examples/Instances of the own insights about the insights about the activity own insights about the activity
new lesson activity through the through the following questions: through the following
following questions: questions:
Comprehension Check:
Comprehension Check: Comprehension Check:
 Have you identified the
 What made you choose sentences that convey a positive  Have you identified the
your answers in the activity? and negative meaning? biased statements?
 Were your reasons based  How do these sentences lead  What are the words that
on facts or personal to an author’s bias? help you determine the biased
preferences? statements?
 What factors come into 
play when you choose based
on your personal
preferences? (experience,
upbringing, trend,
environment, culture, etc.)
D. Discussing new concepts Present and discuss the Present and discuss the different Present and discuss the
and practicing new skills # concept of bias and ways to types of multimodal texts different types of multimodal
1 determine the author’s texts
E. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills #
F. Developing mastery Instructions: After you have Directions: Based on the given Get access to the video on
(Leads to Formative examined the biases of the paragraphs, identify the idea YouTube using this
Assessment 3) writer in the previous which the author favors. Write link:https://www.youtube.co
activity, let’s practice further the word FOR under the topic if m/watch?
what you have learned from the author is biased towards it. If v=hZRn9estGjE.Watch the
the discussion by doing the not, write AGAINST. Write your interview of Pinky Webb in
following activities. First, answers on a separate sheet of her CNN Program The Source
you need to exhibit your paper. on Presidential
understanding of the Spokesperson Harry Roque on
concept of bias through Comprehension Check the Issue of the Department
semantic webbing and  Do the paragraphs above show of Defense’s ending de
differentiating biased from bias? al to bar
unbiased statements. Next,  Did you find the words or state forces in UP campuses.
you will look into diction to expressions that make the author Afterwards, identify the
examine bias. Lastly, you will biased? speakers’ biases on the issues
be evaluating the author’s  Are you in favor with how the raised.
bias author presented the topic/s? Write you answers in your
answer sheet
ACTIVITY 1: Semantic Web
Directions: Fill in the
semantic web with words or
phrases that relate to the
word “Bias”. Write your
answers on a separate sheet
of paper.

Self – Check:
 Are the words/phrases
related to bias?
 Do the words/phrases
convince you about the
definition of bias?
G. Finding practical
application of concepts
and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations Ask students to compare Ask students to compare and
and abstractions about the and contrast the contrast the presentation of the
lesson presentation of the same same topic in different
topic in different multimodal multimodal texts
I. Evaluating learning ASSESSMENT 1: Biased or Assessment 2: Pick Me! Read each paragraph; then, After getting a lot of Give directions and
Not Biased Directions: Put a Directions: Pick out the words or choose the best answer to the activities in examining bias, instructions to the students.
check mark (√) if the expressions that make the question that follows to find let us measure your Asses the students (Test
sentence is biased or a sentence biased. Write your out ifyou can identify bias. Do understanding of the Proper
cross-mark (x) if it is not. answers on a separate sheet of this in your answer sheet. lesson.
Write your answers on a paper. Directions: Analyze the
separate sheet of paper. 1. Women are very sensitive questions carefully. Choose
1. Brand Z Bath Soap is compared to men. the letter of the correct
endorsed by dermatologists 2. We will never gain any benefit answer. Write your answers
in the Philippines. from playing mobile games. on a sheet of paper. (1-15)
2. Brand Z, the bath soap I 3. Filipinos are the best English
used, is the leading brand in speakers all throughout Asia. 4.
the Philippines. By giving aid to his people, the
3. Basketball is the best governor is a hero to his
sports in the world. constituents.
4. Basketball is one of the 5. Divorce of parents always tears
most widely played sports in children's self-esteem.
the world.
5. Carrot growers believe 6. Love is the most powerful
that carrots should be part force that spins the earth.
of our daily diet. 7. Men are better drivers than
6. Carrots are a good source women.
of Vitamin A which is good 8. Elderly people are no longer
for the eyesight. productive at work.
7. Mothers nurture best the 9. Chubby kids are prone to get
emotional intelligence of sick.
their children. 10. Marrying at an early age is a
8. Study says that children’s disgrace.
intelligence is inherited from
9. Generally, most of the
students find Mathematics
10. Boys are more inclined
to learning Mathematics.
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation

A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other

Prepared by: Checked: Approved:


SST II MT-IIL FILIPINO Secondary School Principal I

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