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Proceedings of the Second Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Surakarta, Indonesia, September 14-16, 2021

Optimization of Artificial Intelligence in Telecommunication

Nurhayati Sembiring, Maghfira Ashila Nasution, Andri Gunawan and Bayu Febrilliandika
Department of Industrial Engineering
Universitas Sumatera Utara
Medan, Indonesia,,

Muhammad Fadly Tanjung

Faculty of Computer Science
Universitas Indonesia
Depok, Indonesia

One of the keys for companies to be able to compete is the fulfillment of customer satisfaction. Telecommunications
is one of the industrial sectors that is currently growing very rapidly. Competition between companies is also getting
fiercer. Therefore, each company strives to innovate to create technology that is more efficient, inexpensive, and easy
to use. One of the newest technologies used massively in the telecommunications sector is artificial intelligence.
Several characteristics of problems in the telecommunications sector can be overcome by implementing AI. Problems
that require immediate handling, problems that require precise analysis of large amounts of data, and customer service
problems that require 24 hours are characteristic of problems that are generally solved by implementing AI in the
telecommunications sector.

Artificial intelligence, Optimization, and Telecommunication.

1. Introduction
The telecommunications industry is currently growing very rapidly so that it provides a very significant economic
contribution to every country. The use of information technology is increasing, thereby increasing competition
between telecommunication companies. The business environment in the telecommunications industry is getting more
competitive from day to day (Nekmahmud and Rahman 2018). One of the key factors in winning the competition in
the market is increasing customer satisfaction. Companies that are not able to meet consumer desires will lose market
share because consumers will switch to companies that offer higher quality products (Adekia 2016).
Telecommunications companies must provide services and products that are oriented to customer desires. Various
items of customer desire for the products and services of the telecommunications industry must be identified by the
company. Several items considered in selecting the telecommunications operator by customer consist of service
innovation, customer service, competitiveness, and service consistency (Rahman 2014). Technological updates must
be carried out by the telecommunications industry in order to improve the quality of service to consumers. Technology
can increase the productivity of a business. One of the technologies that are highly developed in the industrial world
is artificial intelligence. AI systems are used to meet consumer demands for technology that is faster, cheaper, and
easier to use. Implementing AI also requires a fairly high investment of human resources and finances. The
implementation of AI also cannot be done on all problems in the telecommunications industry. Therefore, analysis is
needed to see the implementation of AI in the telecommunications industry to date. In addition, it is necessary to
analyze the characteristics of the problems that are solved by implementing AI so that it can be a reference for problems

© IEOM Society International 2696

Proceedings of the Second Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Surakarta, Indonesia, September 14-16, 2021

that are likely to occur in the future in the telecommunications industry so that the implementation of AI is done
appropriately (Khrais 2020).

1.1 Objectives
This study is conducted to analyze the implementation of artificial intelligent in telecommunication industry. The
analyze is conducted for two side. The first side is the country where the researches of AI in telecommunication mostly
come from. The second side is the kind of problem that commonly fixed by the implementation of AI in
telecommunication. Hence, it can be categorized what is the characteristic of problem regarding the costumer demand
in the future that AI has the probability to be implemented.

2. Literature Review

2.1 Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence uses are usually consist of two classifies, Machine Learning (ML) and Expert Systems (ES). ES
make use of a science build frequently reflecting realities and if-then regulations but deficiency the capability to study
self-sufficiently of outer data (Qi, Wu, Li, & Shu 2007). New facts concluded by a conclusion engine then prevails
the regulation to the leaded facts. Unique uses enter methods, ES normally promote human decision-making in matters
with lowly difference. Creating analysis of them as a category more hard than a highly great amount of ES uses as
well as decision trees leading client care talks with client (Macleish 1988). Several professionals debate, yet, that ES
are not right AI as they deficiency the capability to study self-sufficiently of outer data (Russell & Norvig 2009).

2.3. Telecommunication Industry

The telecommunications sector has undergone significant reforms since the 1980s. Developed countries began to
develop information technology to overcome various problems faced by humans. Developing countries are also
starting to realize the importance of improving information technology for a country's economic growth. In this
modern era, the need for information technology is also growing. Currently, technology is needed that is efficient,
inexpensive, and easy to use. Various technologies are still being developed to improve the quality of information
technology so that it can continue to meet human needs. The list of studies from various countries resulting from
previous studies that has been analyzed can be seen on table 1.

Table 1. Results of the research for the artificial intelligence in telecommunications

Paper By Method Result
The research was conducted by AI gives over before risking human prestiges. It takes
analyzing previous research in huge potency of itself to fix the exists of plentiful Netherland
about designing of AI. also to make sure human rights to all.
A review of the application Likely to recognize the AI uses, have the largest
Elsevier artificial intelligence for impact today, and those that are carried out in the Switzerland
telecommunications future.
Acquainted that promotes the supplementary make use
Elsevier Big data of artificial intelligence of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data with a main Australia
focus on municipal ability to prop and feasibility.
Using inclusion to identify Practiced model is provided to clarify its forecasting
artificial intelligence in and explain ability which is combine direct into the China
communication services fabric of the design.
Because AI technologies upgrade think
The collaboration of human-
communicative characters once allied with humans,
Sage machine communication and
both the nature of such interplays and their greater USA
Publishing artificial intelligence based on
purposes for community will need more capitulated
the previous research
treaty from communication savants.

© IEOM Society International 2697

Proceedings of the Second Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Surakarta, Indonesia, September 14-16, 2021

Table 1. Results of the research for the artificial intelligence in telecommunications (continued)

Paper By Method Result
Yet, before source-thick designs as well as inside neural
ICT The convergence of machine
networks able be prevailed on a great balance in Germany
Discoveries learning and communications
telecommunication uses.
The method use is a wireless A lot of labor is compulsory to be live and intelligent
communication convolved networks, inside learning, and conceptual algorithms are Denmark
with artificial intelligence one of the many sectors to be proceeded on.
Using Bayesian method for
basic online studying The simulation outcomes have checked the efficacy of the
collaborate with cognitive BOL design in forecasting PU channel circumstances China
radio system of spectrum existence.
ownership forecasting
With machine learning in Only the video tip connected to lower the overhead and
smart home environment as a computational complication, the secrecy denomination
Springer China
basic of video-selection can be encrypted, and machine learning technology
encryption safety system selectively encrypted the video.
The method use is a potency Yet, both the suggested Q-learning algorithms make it
oversee algorithm for D2D better the disordered strength oversee th algorithm in
Springer China
telecommunication names of the tract throughput and gratification
underlaying cellular networks comparison.
Review of new technology
ICT Telecommunication operators will make larger
practices in China
Discoveries application of the conventional benefits.
telecommunication operators
The research was about
The proposed scheme can safely sent one more data in one
Springer maritime telecommunication China
transmittal process.
The research is a simple subscription to the science of
Scientific great effort works like telecommunications and how there United
Cloud computing to artificial
Research is a potent by not only technological but also management Emirates
Publishing renewals as well as the merger of cloud computing to Arab
artificial intelligence.
Numeral outcomes indicate lest the suggested schemas
Catching in D2D enabled can not only fix the cache beat rate importantly but also
Springer China
telecommunication cut the pleonastic demand comparison and the usual
general postpone of UEs.
The suggested oncoming fixes the average functioning
SA multi-classifier oncoming
errors and their standard deviations by 21% and 26%
Springer for fuzzy KNN, WIFI indoor China
respectively contrasted to the conventional KNN
localization basics
Making use AI for telecommunication between humans
Survey on artificial
and with robots thru the internet, heads to a recent time
Springer intelligence for appearing New York
called IoRT, a pledging technology that creates smart
robotic telecommunication
objects conveys another robot and a human.
An efficient line requirement
The outcomes have notified that with the lines
technique for fix QoS for
Springer requirement technique, the Pcd and Pcb has been largely New York
mobile telecommunication

© IEOM Society International 2698

Proceedings of the Second Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Surakarta, Indonesia, September 14-16, 2021

Table 1. Results of the research for the artificial intelligence in telecommunications (continued)

Paper By Method Result
Yet, before source-thick designs as well as inside neural
ICT The convergence of machine
networks able be prevailed on a great balance in Germany
Discoveries learning and communications
telecommunication uses.
The method use is a wireless A lot of labor is compulsory to be live and intelligent
communication convolved networks, inside learning, and conceptual algorithms are Denmark
with artificial intelligence one of the many sectors to be proceeded on.
Using Bayesian method for
basic online studying The simulation outcomes have checked the efficacy of the
collaborate with cognitive BOL design in forecasting PU channel circumstances China
radio system of spectrum existence.
ownership forecasting
With machine learning in Only the video tip connected to lower the overhead and
smart home environment as a computational complication, the secrecy denomination
Springer China
basic of video-selection can be encrypted, and machine learning technology
encryption safety system selectively encrypted the video.
The method use is a potency Yet, both the suggested Q-learning algorithms make it
oversee algorithm for D2D better the disordered strength oversee th algorithm in
Springer China
telecommunication names of the tract throughput and gratification
underlaying cellular networks comparison.
Review of new technology
ICT Telecommunication operators will make larger
practices in China
Discoveries application of the conventional benefits.
telecommunication operators
The research was about
The proposed scheme can safely sent one more data in one
Springer maritime telecommunication China
transmittal process.
The research is a simple subscription to the science of
Scientific great effort works like telecommunications and how there United
Cloud computing to artificial
Research is a potent by not only technological but also management Emirates
Publishing renewals as well as the merger of cloud computing to Arab
artificial intelligence.
Numeral outcomes indicate lest the suggested schemas
Catching in D2D enabled can not only fix the cache beat rate importantly but also
Springer China
telecommunication cut the pleonastic demand comparison and the usual
general postpone of UEs.
The suggested oncoming fixes the average functioning
SA multi-classifier oncoming
errors and their standard deviations by 21% and 26%
Springer for fuzzy KNN, WIFI indoor China
respectively contrasted to the conventional KNN
localization basics
Making use AI for telecommunication between humans
Survey on artificial
and with robots thru the internet, heads to a recent time
Springer intelligence for appearing New York
called IoRT, a pledging technology that creates smart
robotic telecommunication
objects conveys another robot and a human.
An efficient line requirement
The outcomes have notified that with the lines
technique for fix QoS for
Springer requirement technique, the Pcd and Pcb has been largely New York
mobile telecommunication

© IEOM Society International 2699

Proceedings of the Second Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Surakarta, Indonesia, September 14-16, 2021

Table 1. Results of the research for the artificial intelligence in telecommunications (continued)

Paper By Method Result
This study has also presided that conventional schemas
Analysis of are no more streamlined management schemas in
telecommunication consequence of continuous growing in the complication France
management technologies on technological and one hand progresses in system and
treatment on other side.

3. Methods
The research was conducted by analyzing various previous research results. Research related to the topic of blind
intelligence in telecommunications was collected and analyzed. Several stages are carried out to draw conclusions
based on the research objectives. The phases of working on this study are as follows:
● Stage 1
The first stage in this research is to determine the research topic. The topic is determined by analyzing the problem
to be investigated. After the problem is identified, the purpose of the research is determined. The first stage of this
research determines the topic to be studied.
● Stage 2
The next stage is to collect literature related to the research topic. This is done to collect various facts related to
the research objectives. Articles submitted must be published within the last four years to ensure that the facts
collected are up to date
● Stage 3
The next stage is the selection of the literature that has been collected. The selection is related to the quality of the
journal and the suitability of the journal content to the research topic. The selected journals are the journals with
the best quality and the most appropriate topics for this research
● Stage 4
The next step is to analysis of each article. The analysis was carried out related to the background, research
objectives, research methods, and the results obtained. The problems in the research were analyzed so that it can
be seen the types of problems that are generally solved by implementing AI.
● Stage 5
The last phase of this study method is to evaluate and debrief the outcomes of the analysis implemented in the
fourth stage. Evaluation is implemented to specify the benefits and losses of the artificial intelligence in
telecommunication activities. Evaluation and debriefing is held to get an purpose view of the selected articles that
have been analyzed

4. Results and Discussion

Since past by means a almost hard article selection phase, it was set up that eighteen articles from various publishers
and various countries were published in the last four years. The diagram describing articles got from various countries
in the world is shown by Figure 1.

© IEOM Society International 2700

Proceedings of the Second Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Surakarta, Indonesia, September 14-16, 2021

Previous Articles Research Location

5% Netherland
11% 5% Switzerland
6% 5%
6% France
44% Denmark
6% United Emirates Arab
New York

Figure 1. Previous article locations

According to the data above, it can be viewed that study on artificial intelligence in telecommunication activities is
still controlled by Asian countries. China was the largest articles contributor in this study with a percentage of 44% of
the eighteen articles that were selected. Eight papers obtained from China discuss artificial intelligence in
telecommunication activities to get the best pattern based on factors that affect artificial intelligence activities that
being used in telecommunication area such as the function of neural network, robotics, and WIFI. These factors
include characteristic the problem, network layer, complexity of the model, and software-intensive systems.

The background of the use of AI in the telecommunications industry is very diverse. The first problem is a problem
that must be solved quickly. If the problem is not resolved quickly, service to consumers will be disrupted. An example
is automated self-repair technology. AI is used to directly fix errors that occur on the network. The repair algorithm
forms a loop so that AI is used as a supervisor in case of damage and is also able to repair the damage. Conventional
repairs are carried out using human power so that it takes longer and requires more energy. Therefore, many sectors
related to service to consumers are carried out automatically to reduce repair time if an error occurs.

In telecommunications products, AI is also used to handle complex analytical tasks with big data. For example, AI is
also used to protect computer systems. AI has very fast big data analysis capabilities. Unnatural data spikes can be
detected by AI through the analysis of the Big data. If this happens, AI can carry out the security process because it is
indicated as a cyber attack or virus. The ability to analyze big data quickly and precisely is very useful because human
abilities are still very slow in analyzing data compared to AI. Another example in terms of big data is China. China
Telecom currently has 816,000 mobile base stations and 425 data centers across China. The number of subscribers
reached 212 million and broadband subscribers reached 142 million.

AI is also used in sectors that require continuous presence. One of them is customer service. AI is used to answer
various consumer questions whenever consumers contact them. An example is the TOBi technology built by
Vodafone. This technology is in the form of a chat box that is used to serve consumers in real time so as to increase
customer satisfaction.

5. Conclusion
Based on the research that has been done, it can be concluded that AI has been used very widely in the
telecommunications sector. One of the drivers of the use of AI is the creation of communication technology that is in
accordance with the wishes of consumers. Problems that are generally overcome by implementing AI in
telecommunications are problems that require immediate response, problems related to big data analysis, and customer
service problems that must remain available 24 hours a day. AI technologies increased presume communicative
characters once companioned to humans, secondary the nature of considerable interplays and greater purposes for

© IEOM Society International 2701

Proceedings of the Second Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Surakarta, Indonesia, September 14-16, 2021

community and social life shall need more capitulated agreement from communication scholars, picturing on a
different collection of drafts and theories to clarify an any sides of phenomenon.

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© IEOM Society International 2702

Proceedings of the Second Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Surakarta, Indonesia, September 14-16, 2021

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Ir. Nurhayati, MT completed her studies at the undergraduate program in industrial engineering at the University of
Sumatera Utara in 1994. Her passion for science prompted her to continue her studies in a master's program at the
Bandung Institute of Technology. He completed his master's program in 1999. Several publications have been
produced mainly in the field of systems modeling. He currently teaches at the Department of Industrial Engineering,
Universitas Sumatera Utara. In addition, he was also assigned as the head of the manufacturing process laboratory.

Maghfira Ashila Nasution is a final year student at the Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
University of Sumatera Utara. Currently she is an active assistant in the laboratory of manufacturing process at the
Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sumatera Utara.

Andri Gunawan entered the Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Sumatera Utara in 2017 as an
undergraduate student. He is currently running his final year. He was also assigned as one of the assistants in the
manufacturing process laboratory at the Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas
Sumatera Utara.

Muhammad Fadly Tanjung is a magister student at Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia. He has
graduated from University of Sumatera Utara. He is also active in following some organization focusing in youth

© IEOM Society International 2703

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