Chapter 4 - Genetic Algorithms

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Machine Learning

Genetic Algorithm

Lecturer: Duc Dung Nguyen, PhD.


Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering

Hochiminh city University of Technology

A genetic algorithm is a search heuristic that is

1. Introduction
inspired by Charles Darwin's theory of natural
evolution. This algorithm reflects the process of
2. Genetic Algorithm natural selection where the fittest individuals
are selected for reproduction in order to produce
offspring of the next generation.

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• Evolution is known to be a successful, robust method of nature

• How do we search the space of hypotheses containing complex interacting parts, where
the impact of each part on overall hypothesis is hard to model.
• Computer programs are evolved to certain fitness criteria.
• Evolutionary computation = Genetic algorithms + genetic programming

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Genetic Algorithm

• Learning as searching
• Analogy to biological evolution
• The best hypothesis is searched through several generations of hypotheses.
• Next generation hypotheses are produced by mutating and recombining parts of the best
current generation hypotheses
• It is not recommended to search from general-to-specific or from simple-to-complex

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Five phases are considered
in a genetic algorithm.

Genetic Algorithm 1.Initial population

2.Fitness function
GA Overview

Step 1: initial

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A Prototypical GA

• Initialize population: P = randomly generated p hypotheses.

• Evaluate fitness: compute F itness(h), for each h ∈ P Step 2: Fitness function
• While maxh∈P F itness(h) < F itnessthreshold do:
• Create new generation
• Evaluate fitness

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New Generation Creation

• Selection
• Crossover
• Mutation

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New Generation Creation


• Selection:

Probabilistically select (1 − r)p hypotheses of P to add to the new generation.

The selection probability of a hypothesis

F itness(hi )
P r(hi ) = P
h∈P F itness(h)

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New Generation Creation

• Crossover:
• Probabilistically select (r/2)p pairs of hypotheses from P according to P r(h)
• For each pair (h1 , h2 ), produce two offsprings by applying a Crossover operator.
• Add all offspring to the new generation.

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New Generation Creation

• Mutation:
• Choose m percent of the added hypotheses with uniform distribution.
• For each, invert one randomly selected bit in its representation.

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Hypotheses Representation

• A classification rule as a bit string:

If expr(A1 ) ∧ ... ∧ expr(Ai ∧ ... ∧ expr(An ) Then C = c

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Hypothesis Representation

• Example:

If W ind = Strong Then P layT ennis = Y es

1 1 1 1 0 1 0

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Hypothesis Representation

• A set of rules as concatenated bit strings:

1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1

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Crossover Operator

• Single-point
• Two-point
• Uniform

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Crossover Operator

• Single-point

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Crossover Operator

• Two-point

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Crossover Operator

• Uniform

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Crossover Operator

• Variable-length bit strings

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Fitness Function

• Example:

F itness(h) = (correct(h))2
correct(h) = percent of all training examples correctly classified by hypothesis h

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Inductive bias?

• What is inductive bias?

• Where is inductive bias in GA?

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