25 3 66-Estt.A-03031966

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commas, OF IOU

NhW DaRT-11, the Sr/Match-1 1966

12th; ha.1gunai687


5.0. In exercise of the powers conferred

by the proviso to article 309 and clause (5) of article 148 of
the Constitution, and in consultation with the Comptroller and
Auditor General of India in relation'to parse** serving in the
Indian Audit and .cccunts Dcpartment, the PrOSIdent hereby makes
the following rules further to amend the Cettrel Civil Services
(Conduct) Rules, 1964, namely:-

1. These rules may be called the Central Civil Services

(Conduct) Amendment Rules, 1966.

2. In the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964,

to rule 11 the following /explanation shall be added, namely:-
"Explanation: Quotation by a Government servant
(in his representations to the Head of Office or
Head of Department or President) of or from any
letter, circular or office memorandum, or from
the notes on any file, to which he is not
authorised to have access, or which he is not
authorised to keep in his personal custody or
for persimal purposes, shall amount to unauthorised
communication of information within the meaning .
of this rule."

Under Secretary to the Govt. of India.

No. 25/5/664ests(4), Dated the 3rd March, 1966

12th Flialt1M1a, 1887
Copy forwarded for information to:-

frt 1-r‘''' 1 . All Ministries/Departments of the Govt. of India etc.

(with usual number of spare copiett.

L 1- n.-. 1 it iptlitptt?" Comptroller and Auditor General of India, New Delhi,

with usual number of spare copieet

3. Union Public eJervice Commission, Delhi, with

10 spare copies.

4. Central Vigilance Cowiesion, New Delhi, with 5 spare


5. Commission.:r for Linguistic Minorities, Allahabad.

6. All Union Territories.

7. All State Governments.

-; 2 r. .

8. 411 ;tonal Councils.

9. Department of Administrative Refdttai, New Delhi.

W. All Attached and Subordinate Off $e of the

Kinistry of Home Affairs.

Under Secretary to the Govt. of India.

COY to all officers and Sections.


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