The Royal Guard
The Royal Guard
The Royal Guard
Designer: My Designer
Story Design: My Story Designer
Editors: My Editors
Playtesters: My Playtesters
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Table of Contents............................3
Session Zero: the united kingdoms..2
Character creation.........................2
Chapter 1: The Journey begins........3
1.1 Introduction..........................3
Chapter 2: The Whispering Woods. .6
Chapter 3: Through the mountain we go 8
Chapter 4: The Sacred Owlin Sisters of the Great bird of the Sky 9
Chapter 5: Clean? Clean!...............10
Chapter 6: the cave.......................12
Chapter 7: Jail. Hooray..................13
Information for the leader of the revolution 14
Appendix A: Monsters...................15
Appendix B: Maps.........................16
Chapter Title.................................25
Scene Heading..............................25
Welcome to The United Kingdoms. 200 years religious sect which makes her a cleric? Is the
ago, all kingdoms were at war with each other. current king, king because they slayed a
Until the central kingdom, The Kingdom of fearsome beast, explaining the fighter subclass?
Rojas, United the warring kingdoms. Since then,
they lived in relative harmony. The kingdoms How did this PC get their background? Is the
formed a council, with the monarch of The prince an outcast because of some heinous
Kingdom of Rojas as general leader. crime they did, resulting in this being the
opportunity to regain their honor, explaining
Everything was fine until the Crown prince of the hermit background? Maybe the PC lives in a
the Kingdom of Rojas, Damir, was kidnapped. seaside kingdom, with as main export fish?
King Sylas, monarch of the Kingdom of Rojas, Which could result in the sailor background?
demanded someone from each royal household
to come forward and form The Royal Guard to There is no restriction on Race. The more Races,
save the crown prince. the greater diversity in the kingdom of Rojas.
Character creation
For this campaign, the players have to create a
playable character. The playable character has
to be part of the royal household of a kingdom
they get to create.
Jeffrey, the raven
Tiny beast, unaligned
At the beginning of the campaign the PCs are Armor Class 12
called into the throne room of King Sylas. Each Hit Points 1 (1d4 -1)
PC gets to be introduced on their own. When Speed 10 ft., fly 50 ft.
they all bow before King Sylas, King Sylas tells
them what has happened.
When the royal chambermaid went up to his
2 (-4) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 2 (-4) 12 (+1) 6 (-2)
royal bedchambers, she found a trashed room.
Bed linens were thrown all over the room, Skills Perception +3
pillows were slashed, the ornate mirror next to Senses passive Perception 13
the dresser was smashed. Languages -
They searched the castle, but the Prince was Challenge 0 (10 XP)
nowhere to be found. This is why they are
gathered here this day. To find the crown prince Mimicry. The raven can mimic simple sounds it has heard,
and bring him back. In exchange for this, they such as a person whispering, a baby crying, or an animal
will be royally rewarded. chittering. A creature that hears the sounds can tell they are
Both King and Queen act very uninterested. As imitations with a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check.
This woman will tell them in all hysterics that There are five tents, four small ones and one big
she is so thankful the royals finally decide to one. Aside from that they see two canopies,
come help them. She thanks them profoundly one sheltering nourishment and one sheltering
and cannot be calmed down because of her loot. Next to that they see two cages. Inside one
hysteria. of the cages lies a young lady. In the other they
When the party manages to calm down the will find two goats.
woman. They might finally find out what is Each small tent features two bandits, who are
happening. sleeping.
The last two years bandits have terrorized this
little village. The bandits come into town, steal
money of the working people, steal food of the Bandit
families. Sometimes they even stole some Medium humanoid (any race), any non-lawful alignment
daughter to be never seen again. All this time
the villagers sent messages to the king asking to Armor Class 12 (leather armor)
send soldiers to their aid. And thank the Deities, Hit Points 11 (2d8+2)
they finally did. The PC’s will help them, will Speed 30 ft.
11 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
1. The village
Senses passive Perception 10
The village exist of six houses. This village has Languages -
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
been raised by a few people from the city who
were tired of the loud city life. The people living
here live from the land. Actions
The villagers have no fighting skills. They don’t Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 4 (1d6+1) slashing damage.
even have decent weapons. If one might find a
weapon it will be rusty and do less damage then Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 80
a regular weapon. They might even break ft./320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8+1) piercing damage.
during a fight. Aside from that there is nothing
valuable to find.
In the most northeastern house, they cand find
a piece of fabric, from one of the bandits that
raided the place. In the middle house on the In the big tent the party will find a Bandit
right, they might find some villagers hiding in a Captain.
hidden basement. If they are to be found, they
will give the PC’s a doll of one of the daughters When the party defeats all the bandits they can
that was kidnapped by the bandits. Both those rescue the daughter locked in a cage and the
items can be used to track down the bandits. two goats. They also can choose what to do
with the loot and the nourishments. One
2. Bandit Camp problem. The daughter might be able to tell the
villagers what happened. So, choose wisely how
If they have something to track the bandits, it to proceed.
will take two hours to get to the bandit camp. If
not then it will take half a day or more. 3. Return to the village!
Depending on the party.
After finishing at the bandit camp, they can
When they get to the clearing where the
return to the village. When they return at the
bandits reside they see a camp has been set up.
village they will be rewarded for their heroics
depending on how they chose to handle thing
at the bandit camp. It can end with a
celebration or a funeral. The celebration will
leave them with a place to spend the night and
free food. The funeral will leave them with guilt.
The villagers will ask the heroes if they help
their village get back on their feet by doing
some simple tasks before leaving. Completing a
task will leave them with extra XP. They don’t
have to.
1. One of the villagers is worried that the
goats that they returned or that will
hopefully return won’t have a good
enough pen to live in. so they ask if the
heroes can help reinforce the pen that
already exists. (150 XP)
2. There is an old lady who is really ill. If
they can find some mandrake root in
the forest they can cure her. (50 XP)
3. The villagers know the bandits have a
stack of loot. If the heroes bring it back,
they will ask to distribute it back to
everyone. If not they will ask the heroes
to help repair a cart so they can bring it
back. (75 XP)
4. The villagers don’t want this to ever
happen again. So, they ask if the heroes
can bring them weapons. (75 XP)
After this they can follow Jeffrey to continue
looking for Prince Damir.
will find Two emeralds, one topaz and
CHAPTER 2: THE the Alley Cat Fangs.
WHISPERING WOODS 9. If they go here they will find nothing.
10. This is the only place that will allow
The party follows Jeffrey to try and find the them to escape this part of the forest.
Crown Prince. After leaving the village they find When they manage to escape this part of
themselves being led to a forest. the forest, they will find themselves in a
The forest is home to dense trees. The trees clearing of some sort.
form a canopy so dense they cannot see the
sky. Yet they can still see light. The party also The Gate of The Devourer
hears a constant breeze rustling through the The heroes find themselves in a clearing. They
foliage and for some reason it sounds like see a gate laying on the floor. It looks like it
whispering. might be an easy fix and easy to put upright. On
the top part of the gate, they see the following
The further they go into the forest the more it
writing: “Gate of wonders, enter and be
seems like the whispers are getting louder.
The party starts on the first island. Here they If they choose to rebuild the gate, they will see
can find a log over the water which will lead that a portal forms when they are finished. And
them to 2. they get assaulted. Four Crawling Claws cling to
1. Here we start. You find nothing here
them. They must roll a D20. If the result is lower
except a log that will carry you over to
than 11, the Claw will attach itself to a leg. If it’s
2. Here The players will see a dead tree, 11 or higher, then it will attach itself to an arm
which seems to be hollow. Inside is a If they throw higher than a 20, it attaches itself
vine blight (PHB 32) sleeping. If they to their face.
wake it up they have to roll initiative
Each time they manage to defeat a Crawling
3. This place has no connection to the next
Claw another one crawls out of the gate. If they
place. So the players will have to find a
way to get from 3 to 4/5. Without manage to defeat 10, a giant hand comes out of
waking a sleeping vine blight. the gate and grabs it by one of the poles. This
4. If the heroes land on this spot they will happens again at 20. If they defeat 30 Claws,
find that two of the trees are Dryads. The Great Devour comes out to devour them
5. Here they can find a Vine blight and a all.
small log they can cross to get to 6
6. Here they find nothing. The smart thing here is to destroy the gate. If
7. Here they will find a log that will allow they do that, all current Claws disintegrate and
them to go to 10. the portal dispatches.
8. Here they will find a chest, hidden in a
tree. If they find it and they want to The traveling Merchant
open it they get attacked by a faerie If they push forward, they will come to a cave
dragon (133). If they manage to defeat entrance. In front of this cave entrance, they
the faerie dragon they can open the will find a traveling merchant. A Human with a
chest. Inside they will find some Triceratops. Meet Percival and Topsy. Topsy
gemstones and a magical weapon. They
carries all of Percival his wares and how sweet
Topsy might look. Don’t even think about
robbing them. Topsy is a magnificent fighter.
If they manage to get up to the top layer of the
CHAPTER 3: THROUGH THE left rock formation they will find an armor of
MOUNTAIN WE GO vulnerability.
When they are done with Percival, they will. be If the group walks up the second stairs leading
encouraged by Jeffrey to go into the cave. to the altar they will get attacked by an Ochre
Jeffrey will also just fly in. without any care. Just Jelly.
straight up inside the cave, leaving the party
If they go to the left they find an alcove where
behind. The cave has 5 more entrances, besides
they might find some gold pieces. If they go to
the one they are standing in front of. It does not
the right they will find an alcove and might find
matter which one they take. They all are at the
some ritual objects.
same side of the mountain. The cave is also
filled with fireflies, resulting in dim lighting. Behind the Altar they find a giant mirror. On the
altar they see something Written in Sylvan.
Inside the cave at some random places there
“only those blind and deaf to vanity may enter”.
will be Piercers and/or Dark mantles who are
This is a puzzle. If they touch the mirror it feels
clinging to the ceiling. If they pass beneath it
like something is pushing back. As if their
while making noise or using fire the creatures
reflection is pushing them back. IF they destroy
will drop.
the mirror a reflection of them comes bursting
The goal is to find the stairs to the temple. If through and attacks them (Doppelganger).
they do that they can ascend them and go to
If they manage to figure out the mirror they will
the temple.
be able to walk through it and then they will be
When they enter the temple they see many in a mirror version of the cave they just went
things. The first thing they notice is that there through. Only with less monsters.
are more fireflies then everywhere else inside
If they get out of the cave they will be greeted
the mountain. The other thing they notice is
by Percival. Who for some reason got faster to
that bellow them is a lake. Surrounding the
the other side then them. Jeffrey is sitting on
temple structure. On their left side they see
one of the tusks of Topsy.
that there is also a big rock formation,
consisting of three layers. If they really try to Reunited again they can continue on their
look at the rock formation they will see that search for Damir. The heroes see a building in
there is something shiny on the top layer. If the distance. And Jeffrey is showing them the
they look at the water they will see that inside way in that direction.
the water some piece of fabric is moving.
they would have to go to that cave and acquire
The Cave of the Giant Squid
When they approach the building they notice
The cave is half a day walking away. When they
that it’s a church. On the door they see the
enter the cave they see that there are four soft
symbol of the Great Bird of the Sky. If they try glows. If they go closer to a glow they see that
to get in there during the day then they will find it’s a pile of bioluminescence rocks on a
it empty. If they wait out till night, they will see pedestal. The little islands also have some small
Owlins flying to the church. All black and bioluminescence rocks on them. They will enter
speckled with white. on the right part of the stream.
When they want to speak with an Owlin they On the right side there are three islands. All
are told to speak with Sister Beatrix, since they three are connected by bridges. The islands in
all are too busy to help them. When they the middle of the cage used to be connected to
manage to find Sister Beatrix she will tell them a different island but the bridge is broken. On
that she can’t speak much since she has to this middle island they also find the cadaver of a
make sure that the doors and windows are wolf.
properly barricaded. The covenant has been
under attack for a while. A group of Hellhounds On the left side they will find two islands. If they
has been terrorizing the Sisters. The hellhounds manage to search very well they will find some
have killed a few Sisters already. Only 5 remain. treasure.
If the players wonder why the Sisters did not
The giant squid obviously lives inside the water.
dare to fight back, it is because they have swore
The water is 10 feet deep. They will have to
an oath of pacifism.
capture it, but the squid is not alone in the
If the party decides to help barricade before water. There are three merrows hiding in the
they help the sisters out, they will gain each 50 water who will attack anyone who gets into the
XP. water.
If they manage to catch the squid and extract
If they want to help the Sisters, they have to go some ink, they can return to the owlin sisters
outside and face the 3 hellhounds. If they for their tattoo.
manage to defeat the hellhounds, there is the
possibility to ask the Sisters for a reward. If they
do so they may get the option to get a Tattoo.
It’s not much, but it’s the only thing the Sisters
can offer.
9. The top side of the grand stairs. There
CHAPTER 5: CLEAN? CLEAN! are four doors. 2 left. One right in front
The party arrives at Ohara Mansion. The first them and one on their right.
thing they see is a nice mansion. Which looks a 10. The master bedroom. A monodrone is
bit overgrown. busy making sure the pillows are the
right density.
1. In front of them is a double sided oak 11. The bathroom. A monodrone is
door. If they try to open it they will find polishing the bathtub.
it unlocked. When the party steps inside 12. This is the study of the master
they find that the door is closed right bedroom. Here thy might find some
behind them by a monodrone who documents that will tell them more
starts cleaning right behind their feet. about the current queen of the
Complaining that they are bringing dirt kingdom of Rojas.
inside the mansion and that it must stay 13. The balcony of the master bedroom.
very clean. 14. A bedroom fitting for two people. Both
2. They find themselves in a hallway with with a king size bed.
a grand staircase in the middle of it. 15. Another servants room. A monodrone is
They see 2 doors on their left and 2 cleaning the room.
doors on their right. There is 1 door 16. The library with another study desk. On
behind the stairs. They also feel very the study desk they see someone sitting
weird. Only when they investigate they there. They find a skeleton with a
notice that its very clean in there. glowing metal cube in its hand. A
3. This is a very tidy storage room. Any monodrone in the library ask them to
food they might find is polished. Even if please not disturb the master.
its clear that the food is not eatable 17. The basement. A monodrone is busy
anymore. There is another monodrone rearranging the crates with food.
polishing some wooden crates. 18. A wine storage.
4. This is the servants quarter. Servants
used to eat there. They can find some The monodrones keep on cleaning all the
utensils. A monodrone is polishing the time. They especially clean behind the
silverware. guests, sometimes even try to clean them
5. The players find them in the music or shoo them to a different room so that
room. A monodrone is cleaning the they are not their problem anymore. They
piano keys. are all tasked by cleaning by their master,
6. This is the kitchen. They might find a so that’s the only thing they focus on.
razor sharp knife here. Some
Their master is dead, but still holds the
monodrone is dusting the stairs.
tinkering cube. This cube allows the person
7. Sleeping quarters of the servants. A
attuned to it, summon a monodrone to
monodrone is fluffing some pillows.
make it do tasks. But cannot order it to go
8. The eating room. With a toilet adjacent.
into combat. If provoked the creatures will
A monodrone is cleaning the
fight to defend themselves against anyone.
candelabra on the table.
If the party destroys one of the
monodrones in the mansion, they crumple
to dust and a new monodrone comes forth
and starts to clean.
to make sure their magic works inside the
2. Rallying people
This will be more a skill based quest. There will
The players wake up in prison. Each in their own be plenty of groups of people the party will be
cell. In the cell, they find a bed made of boards able to persuade.
and a piss pot. There are other civilians in
nearby cells. After a while, they hear whispers. 1. There is a group of merchants, tired
of the taxes of the King. With the
1. The leader of the revolution right persuasion they might be
The players meet a new player, the leader of persuaded.
the revolution. This player can lead them out of 2. There is a group of “disgraced”
the prison they are currently in. they also have soldiers. These are soldiers who got
the choice of trying to find their equipment. hurt in battle. They need medicine
Since they are stripped of it. and other stuff. The party can try to
get some from nature, but some
If they manage to find the storage room where need expensive men made
the weapons and armor are stocked they notice medicine. They have to infiltrate a
that magical items are not there. building to steal it.
3. Some farmers outside of the city
They also don’t find Snuffle and Ollie.
might be persuaded to fight for the
If they get to the hideout and the leader of the good cause. Maybe they can return
revolution tells everything. Which will result in a to the village they once helped.
few quests. 4. Maybe they might know another
group to convince.
1. The quest to find people. People need to be
persuaded. Maybe with some proof of the 3. Getting the Medicine
king’s mad quest against magic, they might
Some part of the medicine they might be able
be able to persuade people. It would be
to find in nature. The special stuff they need to
useful to gather some more soldiers, maybe
get from someplace.
some fighters.
2. The quest to find material. If they can find Maybe they might be able to find them in the
metal or ore in one of the abandoned mines abandoned asylum just outside the city? Plot
outside of the city, then Sulfite might be twist: they will.
able to make armor and weapons for the
revolution. They will need to find their way inside the
3. The quest to get some money. There will be asylum to find 57 doses of medicine. These will
other material that they need, material be scattered across the map.
they can only buy. They might even be able Inside the building they will be challenged by a
to hire some mercenaries to fight for them. few monsters that grew to live there because of
4. A quest against the anti-magic measures decay. Monsters like: Ghast, ghoul, Gibbering
that are in place in the castle. They need to Mouther.
find out what it is, how to stop it and how
4. Material, girl
Information for the leader of Stuff you are free to choose
the revolution You are free to choose your race and class. You
will start as level 4. One level higher then the
The king is focusing on his wife and making sure
other players at this point. You can choose your
the castle is magic proof. For doing that he had
background completely: Why are you living in
to raise taxes, a lot. People are displeased
the city? Why are you leading the revolution?
ofcourse. Which led to the start of the
Are you afraid for any family you still have? Do
you still have family? If you are a wizard, how
Someone, you, started gathering people with a did you became a wizard? If you are a rogue,
small influence in the city. tell us why?
Brunhilde, a dwarven barkeeper, You can also choose your relationship with the
Voluptuous body and a natural ginger. The others. Why do you know Brunhilde? How do
basement of her bar is where you hold you know Nero? Did you meet Lance and was
meetings. Its your hideout. he the reason you lead the revolution? Maybe
Nero, a half human cleric, head of the holy Lance is your husband and seeing what the
church of the Great Provider. Mad that the results are of the mad ambitions of the king
king is making the people suffer with his made you start the revolution? Have fun with it.
great taxes.
You will also get a magical item. You have a
Sulfite, a human smith, trying his best to
cloak of Elvenkind. Wondrous Item, uncommon
help the revolution where he can. Since
(requires attunement). While you wear this
many businesses are struggling.
cloak with its hood up, Wisdom (Perception)
Lance, a human soldier, was part of the
checks made to see you have disadvantage, and
army. But got crippled in an insane mission
you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth)
where the king forced some of his men to
checks made to hide, as the cloak's color shifts
find ways to fight against magic.
to camouflage you. Pulling the hood up or down
The revolution is in need of a few things. requires an action. This magical items helps you
to sneak around.
People, You can’t overthrow a monarchy
with only a few people.
Probably money, to but stuff.
Metal to make weapons for the revolution.
A way to bring back magic in the castle. To
make sure magic is possible inside the
Cleansing one form a curse
If one can find someone who can perform the
ritual to remove a curse the following stuff will
My Creature
size and type, alignment
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 5 (2d4)
Speed 30 ft.
Skills Stealth +6
Damage Immunities fire damage
Condition Immunities sleep
Senses darkvision 60 ft.
Languages Common
Challenge 0
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 1 piercing damage.
Map 2: Village
Map 3: Bandit Camp