Semj 20448
Semj 20448
Semj 20448
Received 2015 November 23; Revised 2016 January 16; Accepted 2016 February 13.
Background: Young people age 10 - 25 are an important population to evaluate the female youth educational program essential to
the prevention of issues related to reproductive health.
Objectives: This study evaluated the effectiveness of the education program for improving university student’s reproductive health.
Patients and Methods: This quantitative study was conducted in Iran from July 2014 to March 2015. The questionnaire addressed
socio-demographic features, knowledge of reproductive problems, and attitudes. Program effectiveness was examined using a
quasi-experimental research design with pre-intervention and post-intervention. Data from questionnaires was collected pre-
intervention and post-intervention from 150 female students.
Results: In this study, results showed that an intervention and education program had a significant effect on several issues related
to reproductive health. Most participants stressed the need to provide reproductive health services for young girls.
Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that the reproductive health education program improved the students’ knowledge
and attitudes about sexuality and decision-making after the program and that these educational programs are important for youths.
Copyright © 2016, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0
International License ( which permits copy and redistribute the material just in noncommercial usages, provided the
original work is properly cited.
Yari F et al.
3.3.5. Reproductive Health Materials Table 1. Characteristics of the Demographic Data by Participating in the Study
The program was enhanced using a picture drama and
reproductive materials. Reproductive materials included Group No. (%)
audio-visual aids, such as a blackboard, posters, charts, Age
videos, and pamphlets. The picture material included
18 - 25 118 (79)
14 pieces of drama material measuring 30 cm by 42 cm.
26 - 33 20 (13)
The picture drama used two different trees with youths at
the top of the trees indicating the two different decision- 34 - 41 9 (6)
making paths for young adolescents who engaged in sex- > 42 3 (2)
ual activities and their negative consequences. It also ex- Marriage status
plained positive ways to stay healthy and explained the cir-
Single 137 (91.3)
cumstance in which having sex early can spoil their future
Married 13 (8.7)
plans and shorten their lives (11).
During the nine months, about three education carni- Literate 138 (92.3)
vals on reproductive health issues were held at the univer- Illiterate 12 (7.7)
3.3.8. Education Camps was noted following the intervention (P < 0.05). It was ob-
During the nine months, about four education camps served that knowledge and attitudes improved to a great
were held inside and outside for advice on issues related to extent after the intervention for various issues of reproduc-
reproductive health. tive health.
Results showed that there was a significant difference
between religious information before and after the inter-
4. Results vention, as seen in Table 2. The mean and standard devi-
ation of a student’s religious information before the inter-
4.1. Demographic Data vention was 2.61, and after the intervention was 3.056, with
In this study, 150 questionnaires were distributed to a significance level of P < 0.000. The intervention had a
students. Participants’ ages ranged from 18 to 52, with a significant improvement on the content of students’ reli-
mean age of 24.13 (SD = 6.912). The majority (79%) of par- gious information.
ticipants were in the age group of 18 - 25 years. The major- As seen in Table 2, the mean and standard deviation
ity (91.3%) of students were never married, and 74% lived in of attitudes toward marriage age and pregnancy before
the dormitories. Of the students, 85.3% had a bachelor’s de- the intervention was 2.7467 and after the intervention was
gree, 10% a master’s degree, and 4.7% a doctorate degree. 3.0124, with a significance level of P > 0.05. The interven-
A total of 21 (14%) were majoring in geology, 28 (18.8%) in tion had no significant differences in the attitude toward
chemistry, 19 (12.7%) in statistics, 17 (11.3%) in mathematics, marriage age and pregnancy.
24 (18%) in biology, 13 (8.7%) in computers, and 25 (16.6%) in Also, the study results showed the mean and standard
physics. The majority (92.3%) of their parents was literate deviation of knowledge of reproductive health issues be-
(Table 1). fore the intervention was 1 and after the intervention was
Table 2 shows the awareness and attitudes of students 1.58, with a significance level of P < 0.000. The interven-
regarding the availability of information on reproductive tion showed a significant increase in students’ knowledge
issues. It was observed that their knowledge and attitudes of reproductive health issues (Table 2).
were poor during pre-test, and remarkable improvement According to Table 2, the mean and standard deviation
Table 2. Comparison of Knowledge and Attitudes of Students Toward Reproductive Health Issues Pre-Intervention and Post-Intervention
1 0.000
Religious information
2 0.214
3 0.000
4 0.000
5 0.000
6 0.000
7 0.624
8 0.000
of attitudes toward reproductive health issues before the and after the intervention was 1.7, with a significance level
intervention was 1.588 and after the intervention was 2.44, of P < 0.000. The intervention had significant differences
with a significance level of P < 0.000. The intervention in the knowledge of HIV and STDs and increased students’
had significant differences in the attitude of reproductive knowledge of HIV and STDs (Table 2).
health issues and improved students’ attitudes toward re-
According to Table 2, the mean and standard deviation
productive health issues.
of attitudes toward HIV and STDs before the intervention
Results showed the mean and standard deviation of was 1.68 and after the intervention was 2.37, with a signifi-
knowledge of HIV and STDs before the intervention was 1.17 cance level of P < 0.000. The intervention had significant
differences in the attitudes toward HIV and STDs and in- on 25 female students, showed that nearly all of the par-
creased students’ attitudes toward HIV and STDs. ticipants wanted sexual health education to be offered for-
According to Table 2, the mean and standard devia- mally in their curriculum and were interested in taking a
tion of attitudes toward pre-marriage intercourse before course on reproductive health in the university (18).
the intervention was 2.0187 and after the intervention was Also this study revealed that more girls had not com-
2.0667, with a significance level of P > 0.05. The interven- municated about sex and HIV/AIDS with their parents. Var-
tion had no significant differences in the attitude toward ious studies have shown that adolescent girls who com-
pre-marriage intercourse. municate more with their parents had significantly higher
Results showed the mean and standard deviation of knowledge and attitudes about reproductive health than
knowledge of the use of the mass media before the inter- those who did not communicate. Another report found
vention was 1.01 and after the intervention was 1.88, with that parents considered sexual communication difficult
a significance level of P < 0.000 and a confidence interval and embarrassing (19), while Yari et al. illustrated that the
of 99%. The intervention had a significant increase in stu- majority of students believed that family is a very impor-
dents’ knowledge of the use of the mass media (Table 2). tant factor in the development of sexual behavior (18).
Also, results showed more girls had not communicated Our results showed the intervention had no signifi-
about sex and HIV/AIDS with their parents. cant differences in the attitudes toward marriage age and
In this study, outcomes revealed that, among the pro- pregnancy and pre-marriage intercourse. The P value was
grams that were implemented, peer education (73%) and 0.214 and 0.624, respectively. The results of the qualita-
mass media (81%) have the greatest effect on the promotion tive study about problems of reproductive health in Ira-
of reproductive health issues with the students. nian female students showed that some of the participants
only thought of reproduction as pregnancy. This theme in-
5. Discussion cluded the following: lack of awareness and accurate infor-
mation on reproductive health; lack of coverage of sexual
This study examined the effectiveness of the education and reproductive health problems by the media; and lack
program for improving university students’ reproductive of nonmedical reproductive health-related books. Another
health issues. The greatest changes were observed regard- qualitative study in Iran illustrated that, considering the
ing knowledge and attitudes. Research results indicated Iranian cultural and religious background, families and re-
that students of the Lorestan University have large sexual ligious beliefs play an important role in reducing high-risk
and reproductive health needs. According to the results, sexual behaviors among Iranian adolescents (20).
students’ awareness of reproductive issues, such as sex- In this study, results showed that, among the programs
ually transmitted disease, pregnancy, contraception, and that were implemented, peer education (73%) and mass
sexual health, is inadequate. The lack of knowledge about media (81%) have the greatest effect on the promotion of
sex and reproductive health among youth is also a factor reproductive health issues with the students. A study by
reported by studies carried out in many developing coun- Kalembo et al. revealed that the media plays an important
tries (11-13). role in enhancing their reproductive health of adolescents
The findings indicated an increase in knowledge and in sub-Saharan Africa (7). A study by Peykari et al. showed
attitudes that showed a statistically significant difference that peer education was an acceptable program for univer-
between pre-test and post-test in students. The study by sity students (21).
Frida and Shigeko in 2011 showed a reproductive health In conclusion, it is necessary to enhance the knowl-
program for both girls and boys improved students’ edge of the youth and increase the participation of experts
knowledge and behavior about sexual decision-making and specialist teachers in developing educational materi-
(14). als that comply with the cultural and religious values of
In addition, a study by Gallant and Maticka-Tyndale the society.
found that knowledge and attitudes are easy to change,
while changing behavior is challenging (15). Similar re-
sults appeared in a systematic review by Paul- Ebhohimhen
et al. which reviewed 23 articles and reported that knowl-
edge and attitudes were most likely to change, while be-
havior changes were less likely to occur (16). Various stud- This study was funded and supported by Tehran Uni-
ies have shown the effectiveness of interventions in in- versity of Medical Sciences. The authors wish to express
creasing knowledge of reproductive health in developing their sincere gratitude to the study participants, without
countries (17). Yari et al. (2015), in their qualitative study whom this study could not have been conducted.