R H of Adolescents
R H of Adolescents
R H of Adolescents
6 3,486
1 author:
Dhaneswari Jena
Government Medical College & Hospital
All content following this page was uploaded by Dhaneswari Jena on 31 January 2016.
Original Article
hygiene, etc. Adolescent pregnancies constitute 10-15% A total of 144 students participated in the pre-test
of total pregnancies in India. This is largely attributed to assessment. A pre-tested questionnaire was administered
early marriage, a culture widely prevalent in the whole of which included baseline characteristics of the study
the Indian sub-continent2,13. Among adolescents, girls are population (Section-I) and questions related to knowledge
biologically more susceptible to sexually transmitted on nutrition during adolescence, physical, physiological and
diseases (STDs), including HIV infection. Thus, in order psychological changes during adolescence, menstruation,
to lead a healthy, responsible, fulfilling life and to have menstrual hygiene regarding pregnancy, antenatal care and
protection from reproductive health problems, adolescents contraception (Section-II).
need to have sound information about the physical,
psychological and social changes that take place through Intervention
childhood and adolescence1,11. Feeling this need, a study A comprehensive health education program was
was conducted to assess the effectiveness of a planned organized for this group of students. A session of 45 min
teaching programme (PTP) on reproductive health. Health duration was conducted once wkly for consecutive 3
Education was given to enable adolescent girls to develop months (preferably on every Wednesday). The training
skill, competencies and ability to deal with varied aspects methods included a didactic lecture followed by interactive
of adolescence and to attain a safe motherhood in future. sessions. Audio visual aids such as chalk and blackboard,
charts, posters and video films were also used. Some
examples and stories related to above things were delivered
I. To assess the knowledge regarding reproductive to make the session interesting. Feedback was collected in
health among adolescent girls (pre-test). letter box approached in order to clarify the doubt related
to this topics.
II. To develop, validate and conduct Planned Teaching
Programme (PTP) on reproductive health. The topics included were
III. To evaluate the effectiveness of planned teaching Ø nutrition during adolescence( for prevention of low
programme on reproductive health in terms of gain birth weight baby)
in knowledge in post test.
Ø physical, physiological and psychological changes
Methodology: This interventional study was carried out during adolescence
in the year 2009-2010 among students of standard X of
Sarojini High School, Ankuli, Berhampur to assess the Ø menstruation, menstrual hygiene
effectiveness of planned teaching programme on
Ø pregnancy, antenatal care and various methods of
reproductive health.The study sample consisted of 144
contraception/ Reproductive health & personal
adolescent girls. Baseline data regarding knowledge about
hygiene (for better reproductive health)
reproductive health was collected from students in pretest
period with privacy and confidentiality, intervention was Ø high risk behavior
done by giving health education regarding adolescent
nutrition, reproductive health and personal hygiene, Ø adolescent sexuality (STD / HIV / AIDS &
adolescent sexuality, high risk behaviors and adverse effects Substance abuse)
of premarital sex. Post intervention knowledge assessment
Post-test: The effect of the intervention was evaluated
was done again by using same questionnaire.
immediately following intervention (after 3 months of health
Pre-test: A 24-item structured questionnaire was used education) with a post-test questionnaire. The pre-test and
as a tool for data collection. To ensure confidentiality, post-test scores were expressed in the form of percentages
students were asked not to furnish their names. Willingness and proportions. Data collected before and after planned
to participate in the study was obtained by a verbal consent teaching programme were analyzed using Wilcoxan paired
from the students after explaining the objectives of the study. sign rank test.
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