PNG Pamphlet

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Bharat Gas Resources Limited

(A Govt. of India Enterprise)

City Gas Distribution (CGD) Network

ANGUL Deogarh & Sambalpur-Odisha)
Convenient, Safe Domestic Piped Natural Gas (PNG) now
coming soon in your city...............
Benefits of Piped Natural Gas (PNG)
1. 24X7 उपल है , बुिकंग तथा भंडारण की कोई आव कता नही ं होती है ।
(Available 24X7, No need to book and store.)
2. ं न है । (
सु रि त ईध Safe fuel)
3. यह हवा की तुलना म ह ी है । इसिलए रसाव के दौरान यह पयावरण म ज ही िवलु हो जाती है ।
(Lighter than air, in case of leakage it will dissipate quickly in environment.)
4. पीएनजी को सु िवधाजनक तरीके से पाइपलाइनों ारा घर - घर तक सु रि त िवत रत िकया जाता है ।
(Convenient as PNG is distributed through pipelines.)
5. पीएनजी - एलपीजी की तुलना म स ी है और उपयोग के बाद भु गतान की जाती है ।
(PNG is economical than LPG and pay after use.)
6. पीएनजी पयावरण के अनुकूल है । (PNG is environment friendly.)
Bharat Gas Resources Limited
(A Govt. of India Enterprise)

City Gas Distribution (CGD) Network

ANGUL Deogarh & Sambalpur-Odisha)

PNG Domestic connection Charges & Security Deposit Scheme

1. Processing, Transaction and Document Fees 500

2. Gas Security Deposit (Interest Free-
Scheme 1 Refundable)

Upfront 3. Interest Free Security Deposit (Refundable) 5000

Payment NA
4. Monthly Rental (Non Refundable)
Total 6000

1. Processing, Transaction and Document 600

Fees (Non-Refundable)
2. Gas Security Deposit (Interest Free- 500
Scheme 2 Collected @
3. Interest Free Security Deposit Rs.500/- Bi-Monthly
Security (Refundable) billing cycle over 10
Deposit - EMI billing cycles
4. Monthly Rental (Non Refundable) NA
Total 6100

1. Processing, Transaction and 600

Document Fees (Non-Refundable)
2. Gas Security Deposit (Interest Free- 500
Scheme 3 Refundable)
Rental 3. Interest Free Security Deposit NA
Option Rs. 100/- in bi-Monthly
4. Monthly Rental (Non Refundable) billing cycle till
Connection is active

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