Lesson Plan in Tle 10 Lesson 1

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Schools of Urdaneta
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Academy
S.Y.: 2022 – 2023

A Detailed Lesson Plan in T.L.E

I. Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
a. Describe the structure of the nail, nail diseases and disorders;
b. Identify the different types of spa;
c. Familiarize with the hand spa machine, tools supplies and equipment and its proper usage;
d. Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the benefits of spa treatment to our health;
e. Give the importance of post-hand activity; and
f. Perform appropriately hand spa treatment.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic/Lesson: Perform hand spa
 https://www.deped.gov.ph/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Beauty-Nail-Care-NC-II-
 http://dlrciligan.weebly.com/uploads/5/0/8/0/50800379/nail_care_learning_module.pdf?
pp. 96-99
 https://znnhs.zdnorte.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/TLE9_Q1_W3_-BC.pdf
 https://znnhs.zdnorte.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/TLE9_Q1_W4_BC.pdf
 https://znnhs.zdnorte.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/TLE9_Q1_W5_Beauty-Care.pdf?
TESDA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTViHqh0KiQ
 Basic Hand Spa Treatment | Mary Grace O. Fernandez https://www.youtube.com/watch?
 BASIC HAND SPA TREATMENT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwuKdvze49E
Instructional Materials: PowerPoint presentation, Laptop, Mentimeter and YouTube videos.
Values Integrated/Integration: Self-awareness, Respect, Appreciation of aesthetics and cleanliness
and Responsible

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Preparatory Activities
1. Greetings
Good morning, class! Good morning, ma’am!

2. Opening Prayer
Before we start, can someone lead us on our
opening prayer?
(Student name) please lead the prayer. (Student lead the prayer)
Lord, first of all I would like to thank for this
wonderful day that you give for use. For
another life, food that we eat every day, and
also for the good health. I hope this day we
learn new things from every discussion we
had. In Jesus name. Amen.

Thank you, for that wonderful prayer.

3. Checking of Attendance
May I request everyone to open their cameras.
I will take screenshot, and this will serve as
your attendance.
(Teacher take screenshot) (Students open their cameras)

How are you class? How do you feel right

now? Happy? Sad? Tired?
I feel happy, ma’am.
I feel tired, ma’am.

Okay, most of you are happy and some are

tired. Class, whatever feelings you are feeling
right now remember that you are not alone.
Your feelings and thoughts are valid, and I
just want to say that keep going and fighting
because after this semester you will be third
year college, right? Claim it now, class! Just
believe in yourself and God will do the rest. I
believe in myself also, that is why I am here
in front you today.

Please, allow me to present my presentation.

Please be reminded of our class rules.

1. Be prepared. Make sure that you have

already charged your gadgets before our
class. Have your notebooks with you so
that you can take down notes the important
details in our lesson.
2. Mute your mic when you are not talking
and please open your cameras as much as
possible. You will allowed to unmute
yourself if you want to share something or
participate in our discussion.
3. Be focus, attentive and an active
participant. Click the raise hand button if
you want to speak or answer my questions.
You can also use the chat box here in the
Google Meet. Those students that will be
participating will get points for their
recitation. Please be reminded also that
when I call your name and you are not
responding I will mark you as absent. So
please, focus and be attentive.

4. Review
Okay class, before we start our lesson, let us
have a recall of the previous topic. What is
the past lesson all about? Anyone who still
remember the previous topic?
(calls a student) Ma’am, our previous topic is all about nail
care services. I learned about the different nail
care tools and equipment and their functions.

Very good! Another? Ma’am, we also tackled about cleaning agent

(calls a student) of nail care tools and equipment and
procedure in shaping our nails.

Very good! Our previous topic is all about

nail care services, where ma’am Jiselle
tackles about nail care tools and equipment,
cleaning agents of this tools and equipment,
PPE, hazards and risk in beauty salon and
procedure in shaping our nails.

I’m glad to know that you still remember the

previous lesson.

5. Motivation
Before we proceed to our main discussion, go
to menti.com and enter the code or you may
click the link that I sent on the chat box here
on our meet. As you enter the code you will
see the instruction there and you will give
three things based on what is being asked. Is
that clear, class? Yes, ma’am.

(Students will access the menti.com and


Alright! Your answer will flash on your

screen. From your answers, we will notice
that there are a lot of things that our hands can
(Teacher will read the answers of the

Therefore, hands can do many things that are

useful in our daily living, that’s why, they
deserve to be taken care of. As we go along
with our discussion, you will learn how to
take care of your hands.

Developmental Activities
1. Activity
Now class, how do you take good care of
your hands? Ma’am, I take good care of my hands by
(calls a student) keeping it clean and applying products like
lotion, that can moisturize my hands.

Very good! Now, let us watch this video.

Based on the video, what can you say class? The lady is giving the client a hand massage.
(calls a student)

Yes, you are correct!

2. Analysis
From the activity a while back, you discover
that our hands can do a lot of things and we Ma’am, I think our lesson for today is all
also watched a video clip. Can you guess about how to take care of our hands and hand
what will be our lesson for today? massage.
(calls a student)

Ma’am, I think our lesson for today is all

about Perform hand massage.
Great! Almost there class, another class?
(calls a student)

Great! Let us see.

Our lesson for today is all about, Perform

hand and foot spa under Beauty Nail Care.

Let us start with Nail structure and condition. Yes, ma’am.

Do you still remember the nail structure that
was discussed by Ma’am Jiselle?

Great! Can you name one of the structures of Cuticle, ma’am. The overlapping skin around
the nail, class and describe it to me? the nail.
(calls a student)
Lunula, Ma’am. It is the crescent shaped area
Very good! Another? of the fingernail or toenail.
(calls a student)

Very Good! All your answers are correct.

Let us have them again, and I will reiterate it

and add some information about it.

Class, our Nails are made from a protein

called keratin. This is the same protein that
makes up skin and hair. Nails grow from cells
that multiply within the base of the nail, then
layer on top of each other and harden. This is
called keratinisation.

The strength, thickness and growth rate of

nails class, are characteristics that we inherit
from our parents. The structures of the nail
1. Free Edge – Extends past the skin.
2. Nail Body – Visible nail area.
3. Nail Wall – Skin on both sides of nail.
4. Lunula – Whitened half-moon
5. Eponychium – Lies at the base of the
nail, live skin.
6. Mantle – Holds root and matrix.
7. Nail Matrix – Generates cells that
make the nail.
8. Nail Root – Attached to matrix
9. Cuticle – Overlapping skin around the
10. Nail Bed – Skin that nail sits on
11. Nail Grooves – Tracks that nail slides
12. Perionychium – Skin around nail
13. Hyponychium – Underneath the free

Class, can somebody share what is the

purpose of our nails? To protect the terminal portions of our toes
(calls a student) and fingers, ma’am.

Very good!
Class, the purpose of the Nails is to protect
the sensitive tips of fingers and toes. We don't
need our nails to survive, but they do support
the tips of our fingers and toes, protect them
from injury, and help us pick up small
objects. Without them, we'd have a hard time
scratching an itch or untying a knot.

Our nails can be an indicator of a person's

general health, and illness often affects their
growth. That is why we will discuss about
nail disease and disorders.
First, we have, Nail disorder.

Nail disorder is a condition caused by injury,

heredity, or previous disease of the nail unit.

Blue nails - Bluish in color; these may be

attributed to poor blood circulation or heart

Brittle nails - Vertical splitting or separation

of the nail plate layers at the distal (free) edge
of the nail plate. Over exposure to detergent
soap and other chemical solvents may be the

Bruised nails - Shows dark purplish (almost

black or brown) spots, usually due to injury
and bleeding of the nail bed. As the nail
grows, dried blood in the nail bed will also go

Eggshell nails - In this disorder, the nail plate

separates from the nail-bed and curves at the
free edge. It may be caused by chronic illness
of the systemic or nervous origin.
Furrows - These are long ridges that run
either lengthwise or across the nail. Some
lengthwise ridges are normal in adults. These
ridges increase with age and can also be
caused by psoriasis, poor circulation and

Hangnails - These are marked by a condition

in which the cuticle splits around the nail.
Carelessness in removing the cuticle, dryness,
cutting off too much may result in hangnails.
It may cause infection if not treated.

Leukonychia or white spot - White spot

appears frequently in the nails. They may be
caused by injury to the base of the nail. As the
nail continues to grow, these white spots
eventually disappear.

Pterygium - It is an overgrowth of cuticle

which sticks to the surfaces of nail plate.
Carefully remove the adhering growth by
means of a cuticle nipper.

Onychatrophia - It is described as wasting

away of the nail. The nail loses its luster,
shrinks, and falls. This
can be caused by
injury to the nail matrix
or by internal disease.
Onychauxis or hypertrophy - It is an
overgrowth of the nail usually in thickness
rather than length. It is caused by an internal
imbalance, such as local infection or heredity.

Onychophagy or bitten nail - It is a

deformity of the nail plate caused by biting
the nails.

Onychorrhexis or split or brittle nails -

These are caused by an injury to the finger,
careless filing of the nails, excessive use of
cuticle solvents and nail polish removers.

Ridges - It is caused by uneven growth of the

nails, usually resulting from illness.

Treating Cuts - It is caused by an accident

during manicure.

Next, we have, Nail disease.

Nail diseases are conditions of both the nail
and the surrounding skins which result from
bacterial, fungal and viral infections.
Onychomycosis - The appearance of the nail
is frayed (worn out), brittle with furrowed
surface, opaque, grayish, or yellowish in color
and is lifted-up by an accumulation of
epidermis underneath.

Onychia - It is chronic inflammation of the

nail fold and nail bed (matrix). It results from
the introduction of microscopic pathogen
through small wounds.

Onychocryptosis - This refers to ingrown

nails which affect the fingers and toenails. It
is marked by nail growth into surrounding
tissues and may cause infection.

Onychoptosis - This condition maybe a

symptom of a more alarm disease such as
syphilis or can result from fever, trauma
systematic upset or adverse reaction to drug.

Onycholysis - It refers to the detachment of

the nail from the nail bed, starting at its distal
and/or lateral attachment.

Onychogryphosis or claw nails - These

pertains to extreme thickening curvature of
the nails, usually caused by varying degree of
hyperkeratosis (skin disease in which the skin
gets thicker) on the distal portion of the nail
bed that detaches and lifts the plate off the

That is all about Nail disorder and diseases.

Class, who among here have experienced

spa/spa treatment?

For those students who raised their hands,

how was your experience?
(calls a student)

(Students, raised their hands)

Definitely class, I also experience a spa and it
is really relaxing and will lessen your stress.

Class, can someone share to the class his/her It is relaxing, ma’am and it will destress you.
idea about spa? What is spa?
(calls a student)

Very good! Another?

(calls a student)

Ma’am, for me spa is a treatment that is given

to the people who goes to salon.

Great! All your answers are correct! Ma’am, spa is a place that provides services
The term spa stands for “Sanum per Aqua” for the purpose of beauty and health.
which is a latin phrase used by the Roamans
to say “health through water bathing”.

Spa is a place or commercial establishment

offering health and beauty treatment.

Treatment is care or services given to


How about pamper class? Pamper is usually

used term in social media, what is pamper?
(calls a student)

Exactly! For me ma’am, Pamper means to treat

Pamper means to treat much care and yourself and have a “me time”.
attention. This is why we usually use the word
pamper when we treat ourselves on salon, eat
our favorite food etc.

For those who haven’t experience spa

treatment here the benefits of spa treatment,
and maybe through our discussion it will
encourage each and everyone of us to have
some spa treatment.

Here are the Benefits of Spa treatment.

 De-stress - a therapeutic massage will

relax and soothe you.
 Get healthy – You will learn how to
relax your muscle and the therapist will
give tips on how to relax, eat nutritious
food and suggestions for a healthy
 Mental Benefits – It can stimulate you
mentally and physically.
 Lose Weight – Health spas have
different approach when it comes to
losing weight.
 Detoxification – A detox can help
eliminate bloating and water retention
which will definitely make you feels
 Feel and Look young – A therapeutic
massage can help you relax and relaxed
body translates to less stress.
 Manage Blood pressure – Spa treatment
such as hydrotheraphy massage, heat
therapy and other body treatment can
improve blood circulation and regulate
blood pressure.
 Improve Flexibility and Breathing –
There are spas that offer Pilates and
Yoga which can strengthen your
respiratory system and improve you
body’s flexibility.
 Manage Sleeping pattern – A body and
mind that are free from tension and stress
will be able to cope well with any
sleeping disorder.
 Management of Body Aches and Pain
– Massages hydrotheraphy and heat
therapy can help lessen pain.

Let us now proceed to the types of spa.

Can you give types of spa that you know,

(calls a student)

Hand Spa, ma’am.

Very good! Let us discuss them. Foot Spa, ma’am.
Body Spa, ma’am.
Hand spa is hand care treatment to pamper
our tired hands and to keep the nails look
healthy and strong.

Foot spa is a relaxing service offered in the

salon that pampers our tired feet.

Next, Hair Spa. It is consist of oil massaging,

shampoo, hair mask and conditioning.

Facial spa – is a skin care treatment for the

face including steam, exfoliation, creams,
lotion, facial masks, peels and massage.

It is
exfoliate your entire body just to make it look
smoother and better looking.
Lastly, Nail spa. It is a beauty care treatment
for the fingernails and toenails at home or in a
nail salon.

After knowing the beneficial effects of hand

spa, it is very essential for a manicurist to be
aware of the different tools, supplies and
equipment to be used in giving hand spa
treatment which can be an added service in
manicure or a separate treatment given at
home or in the salon.

Now, let us proceed to the tools, supplies and

equipment used in hand spa.



The following tools referred to as

implements are durable, permanent and are

What is this implement, class?

(calls a student)

Mixing bowl, ma’am.

Very good! What do you think its usage?

(calls a student)

Very good!
Mixing bowl is a small open-top, rounded I think ma’am, this is where we put and mix
cup-like container used for mixing the the liquids that used in hand spa treatment.
aromatic oils and other fluids for the hand or
foot spa.

Next, how about this one? What tool is this?

(calls a student)

Pumice stone, ma’am.

Very good! Where do we use it, class?

(calls a student)

I think it is used to remove calluses, ma’am.

Pumice Stone is a type of volcanic rock,
which is actually frothy lava solidified to
form a porous rock to remove dry and
annoying skin as well as calluses.

The following supplies/materials are the

cosmetics that are consumed and replaced
from time to time. They are also called

This is very familiar to us, class. What is this?

(calls a student)

Alcohol, ma’am.

Correct! What do you think is the use of

alcohol in hand spa, class?
(calls a student)

Very good! It is used to sanitize our hands and the hands

Alcohol is an organic compound used as of our clients, ma’am.

Next, what is this

(calls a student)
Antiseptic solution, ma’am.
Correct! Where do we use it?
(calls a student)
It is used to prevent bacterial growth ma’am.
Very good!
Antiseptic Solution is an agent that reduces or
prevents the multiplication of

How about this class, what do we call this

(calls a student) Body scrub, ma’am.

Correct! Where do we use it, class?

(calls a student) It is to scrub our skin and to remove dead skin
cells during hand spa treatment, ma’am.

Very good!
Body Scrub is a mixture of natural ingredients
to keep feet soft, smooth and moisturized and
to remove dead skin cells.

Next, we have…
What do we call this material/supplies, class?
(calls a student) Cling wrap, ma’am.

Correct! What is the usage of cling wrap

(calls a student) I think ma’am, it is used to wrap our hands
during hand spa treatment.
Cling Wrap is a thin plastic film used for
sealing the paraffin during a hand spa.
Next, what is this class?
(calls a student) First-aid kit ma’am.

Very good! Why do you think we need first

aid kit in giving hand spa treatment?
(calls a student) To give first aid kit to the client’s ma’am if
there are hazards that might encounter on the
Very well said!
First Aid Kit is a collection of supplies for use
in giving first aid.

Next, what is this class?

(calls a student) Lotion, ma’am.

Correct! What is the use of lotion, class in

giving hand spa treatment?
(calls a student) Lotion is used to moisturize our hands,
Lotion is used to soften and moisturize the

Next, what is this class?

(calls a student) I think, hand mittens ma’am.

Correct, where do we use it when giving hand

spa treatment?
(calls a student) It is used to rest our hands when they are
already having the paraffin wax, ma’am.

Very good!
Mittens are slips over plastic liners to increase
heat retention when used with paraffin.

Next, what do we call this?

(calls a student) Paraffin wax, ma’am.

Very good!
Paraffin wax is a mineral wax derived from
petroleum. It is a soft wax that melts at a
temperature cool enough to safely immerse
your skin. Paraffin wax is used as a treatment
in spas and salons to lock in moisture.

Lastly, we have soap. What do you think is

the usage of soap in hand spa treatment?
(calls a student)
Soap is used when washing our hands to
remove the germs, ma’am.

Very good!
Soap is used for cleansing.

The following equipment are the items which

are more or less durable and permanent
needed for a particular activity or purpose.

What equipment is this, class?

(calls a student)

Hand spa machine, ma’am.

Hand Spa Machine is an electronic gadget
used to soothe pain of arthritis, muscle spas.

Next, how about this

(calls a student)
Paraffin wax machine, ma’am.
Correct! What do you its usage?
(calls a student)

This machine will melt the paraffin wax,

Exactly! ma’am.
Paraffin wax machine contains a heat source
and tank that holds paraffin wax. The
machine melts the wax and maintains it in a
liquid state.

Next, what equipment is this class?

(calls a student)
Basin, ma’am.

Plastic Basin is used for soaking hands and
holding soapy water

Lastly, what equipment is this class?

(calls a student)
Trolley, ma’am.

Correct! What is its usage?

(calls a student)
This is where we put the things, we used in
giving hand spa treatment, ma’am.
Very good!
Trolley is a movable cart that contains
supplies and materials.

Again class, can you give, or name hand spa

tools or implements?
(calls a student) Mixing bowl and pumice stone, ma’am.

Very good! Mixing bowl used for mixing the

aromatic oils and other fluids for the hand or
foot spa while pumice stone is used to remove
dry and annoying skin as well as calluses.

How about the supplies/materials, what are

(calls a student)

Alcohol ma’am.
Anti-septic solution, ma’am.
Body scrub, ma’am.
Mittens, ma’am.
Very good class! We also have paraffin was, Lotion, ma’am.
first aid kit, cling wrap and soap and these are
consumable, class.

How about the equipment, class?

(calls a student)
Hand spa, ma’am,
Paraffin wax machine, ma’am.
Very good! We also have the plastic basin
and trolley which are also categorized as an
equipment in hand spa.

Next, let us have how to take care of hand spa

tools, supplies and equipment.


The following are the steps which can be
followed in disinfecting and sterilizing.

Step by step instructions for disinfecting hand

spa equipment:
1. Drain the water from the foot spa
basin or bowl and remove any visible
2. Clean the surfaces of the foot spa with
soap or detergent, rinse with clean
water, and drain.
3. Disinfect the surfaces according to the
manufacturer's directions on the label.
Surfaces must remain wet with the
disinfectant for 10 minutes or the time
stated on the label, which may be
4. Drain and rinse with clean water

Preparation of Metals Implements for

1. Soak the tools/ implements in hot,
soapy water solution to remove any
debris and oil residue. Rinse them
2. Place the tools/implements in a 70%
to 90% alcohol solution for 20
3. Remove the tools/implements from
solution, wipe them dry, and place
them into a dry sterilizer until ready
for use.

Class, why there is a need to take care of the

tools, supplies and equipment of hand/ foot
(calls a student)

Ma’am, we need to maintain and take care of

them so that we can use them for a long
Very good! Because we can prolong their period of time.
shelf life if we take care of them. Another?
(calls a student)

So that we can prevent cross-contamination

and any illnesses specially now, ma’am, it is
pandemic where we need to keep everything
Exactly! Class remember, it is very important
to take good care of the things to be used in
giving hand spa. By following the suggested
steps in disinfecting and sterilizing, tools and
equipment are always ready and available for
the next activity and can help to prevent the
spread of contagious diseases which can be
acquired by using unclean implements and

Again, Hand spa helps remove dead cells and

callous. Hand spa is a treatment performed by
professionally trained staff. This treatment is
done to replenish, restore and rejuvenate
naturally tired hands.

Here are the steps in giving pre hand spa

Steps in giving hand spa treatment
Pre-hand Spa Treatment
Below are the steps involved in hand spa
1. Seat client.
2. Wash your hands.
3. Check and analyze condition of
client’s hand.
4. Remove any jewelry from the body
part to be treated.

Remember class that our clients also need to

wear their protective clothing to avoid
contamination of stain and of course, PPE to
us, staff as well.

Here are the steps in hand spa treatment.

Hand Spa Treatment

1. Prepare and use necessary tools and
2. Wash client's hand with lukewarm water
and soap, and towel-dry before and after
3. Apply appropriate lotion. (By applying
lotion, the removal of the hardened
paraffin becomes easier)
4. Determine and test appropriate
temperature for heat tolerance of client.
(Touch the edge of your palm to the
melted paraffin to test that the temperature
is comfortable for you)
5. Soak hands for 4 seconds for 3 consecutive
times in wax and wrap with plastic gloves
and mittens.
6. Allow the paraffin to remain in place for
10 to 15 minutes.
7. Remove wax from hands according to
manufacturer's instructions.
8. Apply hand softening product and massage
according to prescribed procedure.

Class, A paraffin treatment creates a sort of

barrier on your skin that helps retain the oils
that your body naturally produces. It is done to
replenish, restore, pamper tired hands, keep
the nails looking healthy and strong and
rejuvenate tired hands. This treatment is
accompanied by massage and has many
beneficial effects like reduced hand pain, less
anxiety, better mood, improved sleep, greater
grip strength, and an increase in blood

Class, let us watch this video about hand spa


(Teacher presents a video)

Class the video that I presented are the basic

only okay because you will also perform hand
spa treatment that is why I presented a video
that will help you innovate the available
materials at your home. Is that clear, class?

Salon professional must always ensure safety

and sanitation in the salon to prevent and Yes, ma’am.
control infections and contagious diseases
although it is very impossible to keep the
salon free from all contamination.

Post-hand spa Activity

Storing and Sanitation Techniques.
There is still a solution to prevent and control
infections or contagious diseases in the salon
and that is through decontamination.

- Decontamination is removing pathogens

and other substances from tools or
surfaces. There are three levels of
decontamination, and these are
sterilization, sanitation and disinfection.
 Sterilization is the process of
making an object germ-free by the
destruction of all kinds of bacteria
and it is also the highest level of
 Sanitation means significantly
reducing the number of pathogens
found on a surface and is also
considered as the lowest level of
 Disinfection is the use of
disinfectant and antiseptic.
- Disinfectant is any substance
or chemicals used to destroy
bacteria but is not safe to use
on skin while antiseptic is an
agent that prevents the
multiplication of bacteria.

Any of these levels of decontamination must

always be a part of every nail care services
and should be done before and after giving
nail services to your client.

Now, after performing the hand spa treatment

to your client, it is time for you to do the
following steps:

Service Maintenance Program

1. Dispose waste products including used
wax according to occupational health
and safety rules and regulations.
2. Sanitize and store tools, supplies and
3. Clean and sanitize work station for the
next treatment activity.

Good Housekeeping System (5’s)

Proper Waste Disposal refers to the process
in keeping waste materials or products in the
proper place to avoid contamination.

Below are the steps in handling waste

materials or products.

The 5’s Program

1. Seiri (Sort) Remove unnecessary
items from each area.

In here, taking out and disposing of

unnecessary items. Items that are not
needed are thrown away or disposed

2. Seiton (Systematize) Organize and

identify storage for efficient use.

The tools, equipment, and materials

must be systematically arranged for
the easiest and most efficient access.
Arrange / Organize necessary items in
good condition and assign a place for
everything for easy access and
returning of the equipment, tools and
even documents.

3. Seiso (Sweep) Clean and inspect each

area regularly.

Here, cleaning even if things are not

dirty. Regular cleaning prevents things
from getting too dirty that it would be
difficult to make it clean Indicates the
need to keep the work place clean

4. Seiketsu (Standardize) Incorporate

5S into standard operating procedures.

We have to maintain the workplace in

high standard housekeeping, Allows
for control and consistency. Basic
housekeeping standard apply
everywhere in the facility.
Housekeeping duties are part of
regular work routines.
Prepare Housekeeping Standard
Checklist. Checklist should be very
Thoroughness is a requirement of

5. Shitsuke (Self-discipline) Assign

responsibility, track progress, and
continue the cycle.
Sustaining Discipline
Class, it is a good discipline to leave
the workplace cleaner than when it is

Class, the goal of the 5S program is to make

the workplace better by standardizing
processes and improving efficiency, employee
satisfaction and productivity in an
organization. The program helps to create a
culture of discipline to identify problems and
create opportunities for improvement.

3. Abstraction
If you don’t have any questions, I will be the
one who will ask questions. Again, what is
our lesson for today?
(calls a student)

Great! What is the purpose of our nails class?

(calls a student)

Very good! What is the importance of Our lesson for today, ma’am, is all about
knowing the nail disorder and diseases, class? perform hand and foot spa, beauty nail care.
(calls a student)

To protect the terminal portions of our toes

and fingers, ma’am.
Exactly! What are the types of spa?
(calls a student)

This will give us awareness ma’am to each

and every one that we should take care of our
hands and nails.

Very good, class!

What are the three categories of the things we Hand spa, ma’am.
used in hand spa? Foot spa, ma’am.
(calls a student) Hair spa, ma’am.
Body and nail spa, ma’am.
Facial spa, ma’am.

What is the importance of performing post

hand activity in nail care service, class?
(calls a student)
Tools/implements, ma’am.
Supplies and materials, ma’am.
Equipment, ma’am.

Very good! To maintain cleanliness and prevent the

Class, working in a salon environment also spread of contagious diseases in a salon,
means that you are exposed to many different ma’am.
clients and performing treatments everywhere
from their hair and scalp to their fingernails To ensure the safety, sanitation in the salon
and toenails, to their most intimate areas. it is and quality service to our clients, ma’am.
imperative that excellent service and good
housekeeping within your business is at the
forefront of your mind, not only for your staff
but also for your visitors and clients to ensure
that your business continues to run
effectively, and nobody’s health is put at risk.

Based on what you've learned in this lesson,

how can you apply the knowledge from this
lesson to your daily life?
(calls a student)

Ma’am, I will apply these learnings on my

Very well said! Learning this knowledge and daily life to take care of my hands and
skills will be useful for each and everyone of perform hands spa at home.
us. Specially now class that we are still in the
middle on the pandemic and spa or salon are Ma’am, I love pampering myself and I want
not still safe to go so through our lesson you also for my family for them to try and through
are now capable of applying hand spa our lesson I can now apply hand spa treatment
treatment to yourself and as well as for your to them.
family. Moreover, if you want to have a salon
or spa in the future, this will serve as your
training ground or an experience for you to
practice the skill.

That’s it for our lesson for today. I hope that

you learned and understand our discussion.

4. Application

For you activity, I have a situational question

here and you will just answer and elucidate
your stand about it.

Allow me to read….
What will you do if one of your clients has an
open wound but insists on having the spa
treatment and offer you that she will pay
double if you will grant her desire?
What would you advice/recommend to her?

I will give you 10 minutes and afterwards, I

will call randomly to share their answers.
Is that clear?

Very good class! You may write you answer

on a paper or word file or notes on your
phone, any means you have will do. Then,
send it to our group chat.

Closing Activities Yes, ma’am.

For your quiz, I will be sending the link in the (Students will share their answers)
chat box here in Google Meet.

You have until 4:00 pm to take your quiz.

Is that clear?

For your assignment, you will perform
appropriately hand spa treatment.

It will be a video presentation maximum of

five minutes, you can edit it class, but I am
just looking for the steps that you will do in Yes, ma’am.
applying hand spa treatment.

I will send the link of the videos on our group


You can pass you assignment until Friday

11:59pm on the google drive that I will be
providing on your group chat.

Do you have any questions?

If you don’t have any questions, that’s all for

today. Thank you for listening and actively
participating in our class. Don’t forget about
your quiz. Have a good day class!

None, ma’am.

Rubrics for Hand spa treatment

Dimension Highly Skilled Moderately Unskilled Attempt 1
Skilled 48 points Skilled 40 points 35 points
50 points 45 points
Use of tools, Appropriate Appropriate Appropriate Never No attempt to
equipment, selection of selection of selection of selects, use the tools
and tools and use tools and use tools, prepares and and equipment
materials of materials of materials preparation use
and and and use of Appropriate
equipment all equipment materials and selection of
the time most of the equipment tools and
Time some of the equipment
Application Systematic Systematic Systematic Never No effort to
of Procedure presentation presentation presentation follows apply
of procedures of procedure of procedures systematic procedures to
all the time s most of the some of the presentation project/activity
without time with time with of procedures
supervision minimum constant and highly
supervision supervision development
Safety / Highly self- Self=driven Self- driven Needs to be No drive and
Work Habits driven and and observes and observes driven and totally
observes all most safety sometimes does not disregards
safety precautions some safety observe precaution
precautions at most of the precautions safety
all times time precaution
Speed / Time Work done Work done Work done Work done No idea of
ahead of time meets close to way beyond time
deadline deadline deadline

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by: Approved by:

Subject Teacher Elementary Coordinator School Registrar School Principal

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