DLP Sulit
DLP Sulit
DLP Sulit
A. General Objective:
To help students understand the principles and practices of employee discipline through
B. Specific Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Define discipline;
2. Discuss the importance of discipline & disciplinary process;
3. Demonstrate the disciplinary action procedure, the twin notice rule;
4. Appreciate the importance of discipline for employees.
B. Reference/s:
D. Values Integrated:
• Discipline,
• Mutual Respect,
• Diligence,
• Rationality
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Daily Routine
1. Prayer
"Good morning, class. Before we begin our
meeting, let’s have an opening prayer. Close your
eyes now, bow your heads, and put yourselves in
the presence of our Lord God.
2. Greetings
“Welcome back class! How are you today?” “We’re great Ma’am! / We’re still
“Can you give me some reactions of what you are blessed.”
feeling right now?”
The students give emoji reactions.
I'm glad to see that most of you are fine and doing
well. I understand that some of you are busy with
activities from different subjects, but I'm very
thankful to have you here participating in our class
discussion. Always remember, tell yourselves, “All
is Well”, think positively, and everything will be
3. Attendance
“Let’s have the attendance, May I call on the class
representative for this class, Mr/Ms. _____. “Do we Student: “I will be glad to report that
have any absentees today?” everyone is present and joining this
meeting today/ sadly ma’am we have
“Thank you, Mr/Ms.______ “I’m glad that we have some absentees for today.”
no absentees for today / I believe they have the
valid reasons for their absence. We hope to see
them in our next meeting”.
4. Classroom Rules
The student teacher provided the classroom rules
based on the picture presented in PowerPoint
5. Review
The student teacher will provide a short review
about the last lesson discussed.
“So, what is the importance of benefits to The students give heart reactions.
“Employee benefits is important because
“Let’s hear from Mr./Ms.___________ they contribute to the overall well-being
and satisfaction of employees, as well as
“Great thoughts! thank you for your sharing, give
Mr./Ms.______ a heart reaction.” the success of the organization.”
“How about the topic of safety and health? What The students give heart reactions.
are the common causes of accidents in the
workplace? Could you give me 3 examples? “The common causes of accidents in the
workplace are;
“That’s right, very good class.”
Wet or slippery floors.
Improper lifting techniques.
“What do you think is the right way to reduce or Falling tools or equipment.”
prevent accidents?
“So, based on the video class, “The cause of his tardiness is consistently
1. What violation did the employee commit? attending parties and going to bed late.”
2. What is the cause of his being late and
sleeping during working hours? “The employer gave the employee a
3. What did the employer do to encourage the written warning and reminded the
employee to change his work habits? employee about the policies of the
4. How did the employee plan to change his company on attendance.”
work habits?
"The employee changed his work habits
“Yes, Mr./Ms._________go ahead.” by sleeping early, working out, and
consistently being punctual for work."
“Excellent, thank you for sharing your ideas and
thoughts regarding the video. I’m glad that all of
you are listening and actively participating in our
1. Define discipline;
2. Discuss the importance of discipline &
disciplinary process;
3. Demonstrate the disciplinary action
procedure, the twin notice rule;
4. Appreciate the importance of discipline for
“Can you give me some reactions if you are still The students give different emoji
alive.” reactions.
“I’m glad that you are still listening to my The students give heart emoji reactions.
discussion. Give yourself heart reactions.”
“As you can see class in the left side of the graph,
to modify the performance of employee, the
employee should receive first:
So, what are those class? anyone from the class?
Yes Mr./Ms.___________” “Clear Expectations, Training, Coaching,
& Constructive Feedback Counselling”
“Alright, Thank You!”
“Next, is the employee should receive a training. “Well-trained employees are likely to be
So, what do you think class, that the employees more productive. They can work more
should receive training? efficiently, make fewer errors, and
May I hear from Mr./Ms._____________” contribute positively to the overall
productivity of the organization.”
“Very Good! Mr./Ms.______________”
“Did you understand the class? Can you give me a “Yes, Ma’am!”
thumbs up reaction if you have no question in our The students give thumbs up reactions.
“So, what is the twin notice rule? Anyone who The students read the slides.
wants to read the slides? Yes Mr./Ms.
________Thank You!”
Twin Notice Rule must be followed by the “Ma’am I think they would be liable
employers when terminating an employee. according to law or the company can face
Otherwise, what would happen class if there were legal action.
illegal dismissal? Yes Mr./Ms._______
“What do you think class would happen, if the “If the employee does not submit his/her
employee did not submit his/her reply within the reply within the days, the company will
period? Anyone? Yes, Mr./Ms._________” decide the disciplinary actions that should
be taken to them.”
“Great, Thank You!”
“The company will decide what disciplinary actions
will give to the employee from the policy he/she
“Very Good class! Give yourself a wow reaction.” The students give wow reactions.
“Did you understand class? Can you please go to The students give a thumbs up reaction.
the chat box and type “1” if you fully understand the The students go to the chat box and type
topic for today. Type “2” if you have 1, they understand the topic/ type 2 if
questions/clarifications based on the topic. they want to clarify the topic.
1. What policy did the employee violate? “Yes, the HR ensures a fair and unbiased.
2. Did the company follow the Twin Notice Rule In fact, the HR conducting initial
procedure? Please enumerate the steps. investigation before she writes the Notice
3. How did HR ensure a fair and unbiased to Explain and conducting Admin Hearing
process when addressing violations? to explain the employee about their side.”
4. How did employee discipline contribute to
the overall effectiveness of the company?”
"Through the practice of discipline,
employees actively contribute to their own
“Very good class, I’m glad that you really growth and work towards changing any
understood the topic of the Twin Notice Rule.” misbehavior. In this process, employees
enhance their skills and behaviors,
ultimately becoming valuable assets to
the company. As employees improve, the
overall success of the company is also
positively influenced."
E. Generalization
The student teacher will ask/provide questions to The students will answer the
students regarding the topic being discussed. Generalization based on what they have
learned about the topic.
1. What is Employee Discipline?
2. As a BIT student, why is it important to learn
and study employee discipline?
3. How will you apply what you've learned in
today's discussion in real life?
“Give yourself a heart reaction if you learn a lot for The students give Heart Reactions.
today’s discussion.”
“That’s all for today’s class. Thank you BIT 4C, see
you in the next meeting and have a great Day!” “Thank You, Ma’am!”
“Have a great Day!”
Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect, write your answer
in the space provided.
________1. Providing clear expectations and guidelines can help prevent the need for disciplinary
________2. Employee discipline plays no role in employee morale and job satisfaction.
________3. Twin Policy Procedure is due process which mandates the two written notices; Notice
to Explain & Notice to Decision.
________4. Disciplinary actions should be documented to ensure transparency and fairness.
________5. Employee discipline is not relevant in fostering a positive work culture.
Answer Key:
6. Incident Report
7. Initial Investigation
8. Issuance of Notice to Explain (NTE)
9. Conducting Formal Investigation or Admin Hearing.
10. Notice of Decision (NTD)
Directions: Group yourself into 5 members and then organize a role-playing activity.
Choose disciplinary policies that you want to give disciplinary actions and then create a
5-minute video demonstrating the Twin Notice Rule procedure. Deadline will be next
week. If you have questions/clarifications feel free to ask.
Step 1: Incident Report
Step 2: Initial Investigation
Step 3: Issuance of Notice to Explain (NTE)
Step 4: Conducting Formal Investigation or Admin Hearing.
Step 5: Notice to Decision (NTD)
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