Calories DLP

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School Cabangan High School Grade Level 9

Teacher Learning Area Physical


DAILY LESSON PLAN Teaching Dates and Time 4:55 – 5:45 PM Quarter 3rd


Demonstrates understanding of lifestyle and weight management to promote community fitness

A. Content Standards

B. Performance Standards Practice healthy eating habits that support an active lifestyle.

Undertakes physical activity and physical fitness assessments. (PE9PF-IIIa-h-23)

C. Learning Competencies. Write the LC
code for each

Specific objectives:

a. Discuss how calories energize our body;

Objectives b. Value the importance of knowing how to compute one’s total energy
c. Create your own personal festival dancing program.

Maintaining, Losing and Gaining Weight.


A. References

1. Learner’s Material pages Physical Education and Health Grade 9 Learner’s Material (Pp.137-140)

2. Textbook

PE & Health Grade 9 Book

3. Additional Materials from Learning

resource (LR) portal

IV. PROCEDURES Teacher's Activity Student's Activity

A. Reviewing previous lesson or Preliminaries

presenting the new lesson

Good afternoon class! Good afternoon, SIR!!

Class monitor, kindly check the attendance of The Class monitor will check if there is an
the class and give me the names of those who absent.
are absent today.

Thank you!

Before we start our formal discussion let us

have first our warm-up activity to elevate your
mood throughout the discussion.


We will be doing some exercises that may

(The students will be doing the following warm-up
require your energy and strength to perform
the exercise starting from low to high intensity.
This activity will also give you a brief
background to our topic today.

So, are you ready? Let’s do the following

exercises we will be doing it with 16 counts

 Walking

 Jog in place

 Butt kick

 Jumping Jack

 High knees

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson At the end of the lesson, the students should
be able to:

A. Discuss how calories energize our

B. Value the importance of knowing
how to compute one’s total energy
C. Create your own personal festival
dancing program.

D. Presenting examples/instances of the Teacher:

new lesson

“Before we begin our discussion proper, I want

to ask you some questions regarding with your
motivation activity. After answering motivation
activity what comes into your mind? In
connected with the activity what do you think
is our topic for today?
Instruction: (Students will raise their hand and answer the
The teacher will call few students in the class
to share their insights about the activity.

E. Discussing new concepts and Discussion proper

practicing new skills #1

And now please settle down and let us move

forward to our main topic today. Let me
present to you the presentation for our topic in
today’s discussion. The teacher will discuss
(Someone will raise a hand to answer the
first what is calories and the food that contains
calories, and how it energize our body.

In discussing how to maintain, loss, and gain

weight the teacher will ask first the students on
their idea with it, and will add some ideas and
examples for them to understand it furtherly.
Calories helps us in fueling our body, we use
and consume energy when we are starting to (Students are listening)
work or perform our daily life activities. That is
why the teacher will also teach the student
how to compute one’s total energy
requirement and how to come up with their
own desirable body weight (DBW). For them
to be able to know how much calories they
need to energize their body and to know also
how to come up with their DBW to make them
fit and healthy.

Teacher will ask question to students.

(questions may vary on the flow of discussion)

After the discussion the teacher will give a

take home assignment.

Compute your own Energy Requirement by

selecting what type of Physical Activity you
wanted to perform. Use the formula that have
mentioned earlier.

F. Discussing new concepts and

practicing new skills #2
After the discussion, the teacher will call few
students who can share their insights to this

 How important to know your energy

requirement before performing
different types of activity specially
those heavy one or the high intensity
(Some students will raise a hand to answer the
 How this contribute in achieving your
desirable body weight?
 What ways you will do to achieve
your desirable body weight?

The teacher will facilitate them by adding

some information and ideas to their answers.

(Students will listen)

G. Developing mastery (Collaborative/Differentiated Learning)

(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) Group Activity (5 minutes)

The teacher will divide the class into 4 groups,

each group must create their own personal
festival dancing program based on the
provided template by the teacher.

(Students will go to their designated group and

Sample Template start performing the group activity.

Name:__________ Yr./Sec:________
My personal Dancing Program
Frequency(Identify Intensity Time TYPE
days in a week for (Light, (Choose the (AEROBIC)
your activity) moderate, best time for
heavy/vigo the activity)
Present Foods to minimize eating ( ):
BMI:______Classification:_____ (If reducing weight)
DBW in 4 Weeks:__________

Foods to add Intake with ( ):

(If increasing weight)
Your output will be rated according to the
following rubrics.

H. Finding practical applications of The teacher will ask the question and discuss
concepts and skills in daily living its answer.

How important to create your own personal

dancing or fitness program?

How important to choose what to minimize

and maximize kinds of food when we wanted
to achieve our desirable body weight?

How can this be beneficial with your own (Students will answer the question)
health and fitness?

5. Making generalizations and The students will generalize the lesson by

abstractions about the lesson answering this through oral recitation.

In this lesson, I have learned that knowing the

number of calories that we take and the energy
requirement of our body is very important
specially before we do certain activities or any
types of exercise will help us to know how much
range we can perform and how we can control
over fatigue.

6. Evaluating learning The teacher will give an activity to evaluate

the knowledge and understanding of the
students about the topic. In a ¼ sheet of paper
they will write 1-3 sentences about how they
will value the importance of knowing how to
compute one’s total energy requirement and (Students will get ¼ sheet of paper and will start
also knowing your DBW or Desirable Body answering the activity).
Weight especially those who are dedicated to
lose weight and be physically fit.

7. Additional activities for application or



Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your student's progress
this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help
your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them
relevant questions.

A. No. of learners who earned 80% on

the formative assessment

B. No of learners who require additional

activities for remediation

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of

learners who caught up with the lesson

D. No. of learners who continue to require


E. Which of my teaching strategies

worked well? Why did this work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which

my principal or supervisor can help me

G. What innovation or localized materials

did I use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

Prepared by:
Student teacher

Cooperating Teacher

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