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Topic Of Microproject :-

Explain with neat diagram OSI

reference Model in Brief,
Outcomes Of OSI Model
• Introduction Of OSI OSI reference Model in Brief
• Components Of The OSI Model
• Physical Layer In OSI Model
• Data Link Layer In OSI Model
• Network Layer In OSI Model
• Transport Layer In OSI Model
• Session Layer In OSI Model
• Application Layer In OSI Model
• Advantages Of OSI Model
Components Of The OSI Model
• Provide an overview of the seven layers
of the OSI model Physical, Data Link,
Network, Transport, Session,
Presentation, and Application Briefly
describe the function of each layer
Diagram Creation Create a neat and
visually appealing diagram illustrating
the seven layers of the OSI model . Use
colors, shapes, and labels to clearly
differentiate each layer and its function
Optionally, include examples of common
protocols or devices associated with
each layer Explanation.
OSI MODEL Physical

• Physical Layer Application Data Link

Layer Layer

• Data Link Layer

• Network Layer
• Transport Layer
MODEL Network
• Session Layer Layer Layer

• Presentation Layer
• Application Layer
Session Transport
Layer Layer
Physical Layer In OSI Model
The physical Layer is the bottom-most layer in
the (OSI) Model which is a physical and electrical
representation of the system. It consists of various
network components such as power plugs,
connectors, receivers, cable types, etc. The physical
layer sends data bits from one device(s) (like a
computer) to another device(s). The physical Layer
defines the types of encoding (that is how the 0’s
and 1’s are encoded in a signal). The physical Layer
is responsible for the communication of the
unstructured raw data streams over a physical
Data Link Layer In OSI Model
Provides error detection and correction within the
physical layer Organizes raw bits into frames
Examples include Ethernet switches and wireless
access points.
The packet received from the Network Layer is known
as a frame in the Data link layer. At the sender’s side,
DLL receives packets from the Network layer and
divides them into small frames, then,
sends each frame bit-by-bit to the physical LayerIt
also attaches some special bits (for error control and
addressing) at the header and end of the frame. At the
receiver’s end, DLL takes bits from the Physical layer
organizes them into the frame, and sends them to the
Network layer
Network Layer in OSI Model
OSI stands for Open Systems Interconnection. It was
developed by the ISO – International Organization for
Standardization in the year 1984. It is a 7-layer
architecture with each layer having specific functionality
to perform. All these 7 layers work collaboratively to
transmit the data from one person to another across the
The Network Layer is the 5th Layer from the top and the
3rd layer from the Bottom of the OSI Model. It is one of
the most important layers which plays a key role in data
transmission. The main job of this layer is to maintain the
quality of the data and pass and transmit it from its
source to its destination. It also handles Routing which
means that it chooses the best path to transmit the data
from the source to its destination, not just transmitting
the packet. There are several important protocols that
work in this layer.
Transport Layer in OSI Model
The transport layer or layer 4 of the OSI model,
controls network traffic between hosts and end
systems to guarantee full data flows. Data volume,
destination and rate are all controlled by transport-
layer protocols including TCP UDP DCCP and SCTP.
The transport layer is positioned between the network
and session layers in the OSI paradigm. The data
packets must be taken and sent to the appropriate
machine by the network layer. After that, the transport
layer receives the packets, sorts them and looks for
faults. Now the properly structured packets are used
by the session layer to hold the data for the
Session Layer in OSI model
The Session Layer is the 5th layer in the Open System
Interconnection (OSI) model. This layer allows users on
different machines to establish active communications
sessions between them. It is responsible for
establishing, maintaining, synchronizing, terminating
sessions between end-user applications. In Session
Layer, streams of data are received and further marked,
which is then resynchronized properly, so that the ends
of the messages are not cut initially and further data
loss is avoided. This layer basically establishes a
connection between the session entities. This layer
handles and manipulates data which it receives from
the Session Layer as well as from the Presentation
Presentation Layer in OSI model
Presentation Layer is the 6th layer in the Open System
Interconnection (OSI) model. This layer is also known as
Translation layer, as this layer serves as a data translator
for the network. The data which this layer receives from
the Application Layer is extracted and manipulated here
as per the required format to transmit over the network.
The main responsibility of this layer is to provide or define
the data format and encryption. The presentation layer is
also called as Syntax layer since it is responsible for
maintaining the proper syntax of the data which it either
receives or transmits to other layer(s).
Application Layer in OSI Model
The Application Layer is topmost layer in the Open System
Interconnection (OSI) model. This layer provides several ways for
manipulating the data (information) which actually enables any
type of user to access network with ease. This layer also makes a
request to its bottom layer, which is presentation layer for
receiving various types of information from it. The Application
Layer interface directly interacts with application and provides
common web application services. This layer is basically highest
level of open system, which provides services directly for
application process

The Application Layer, as discussed above, being topmost layer in

OSI model, performs several kinds of functions which are
requirement in any kind of application or communication process.
Following are list of functions which are performed by Application
Layer of OSI Model –
Advantages of OSI Model
OSI Model defines the communication of a computing system into 7
different layers. Advantages of OSI Model include:

divides network communication into 7 layers which makes it easier to
understand and troubleshoot.

standardizes network communications, as each layer has fixed
functions and protocols.

•Diagnosing network problems is easier with the OSI model.

•It is easier to improve with advancements as each layer can get updates
In conclusion, the OSI model offers a standardized framework for
designing, implementing, and troubleshooting network
communication systems. By dividing the communication process into
distinct layers, it enables interoperability, scalability, and
modularization of network protocols and services. Each layer
performs specific functions, abstracting the complexities of lower
layers and providing a well-defined interface for higher layers to
interact with. While the OSI model may not perfectly reflect modern
networking technologies and practices, it remains a valuable
reference model for understanding and discussing network
architectures and protocols.

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